Saturday, February 26, 2011

Listen to the Silence

This is what I was going to sport on Friday night for a gala event celebrating my
school's 20th anniversary as a French immersion institution.

While some of my colleagues chose plumes

dentelle et rubans

et talons féeriques

in order to celebrate a golden moment in our history

I permitted the trailing remnants of winter's slide down towards reflection

to beckon me to STOP


to the SILENCE.

What did I hear?

I heard that 

"The best answers are NOT given
They are found." 

Merci Bianca, ma chère collègue et amie.

Vă mulţumesc colegului meu drag şi prieten.

Yes, there will be rare occasions to give me another reason to rummage through my glimmering wardrobe

but a missed moment of quiet inspiration

is all too frequent and leaves me in an empty state of mind.

Where do you unearth what YOUR'E looking for?

Find yourself a happy spot

or a serene and sparse retreat


Photo Credits:

Aqua sled (Thank you, Erin) - Erin's Art and Gardens
Birds on a wire (Thank you, Karen) - Scrapbook of Inspiration
Feathered clutch - Via Greige
Turquoise office space - La Belle Vie


  1. Dearest..just popt in to visit your beautiful blog..and to listen to the silence..funny..I can hear YOU....

    Miss you..A Bientot..

  2. I have learned to just breathe while I scroll through your post...they always touch a very deep part in my soul. Thank you for sharing your gift.

  3. Beautiful words, gorgreous pictures! Thank you!
    Bisous from Versailles,

  4. Ecouter le silence ?
    Oui ... en me glissant dans ton blog pour y feuilleter les pages de la Vie ... d'un peu de ta Vie, racontée avec grâce et délicatesse ...
    Bisous belle Anita.
    Passe un beau dimanche.

  5. I am listening Anita. Sometimes we just need to stop and listen...your words of wisdom are appreciated.
    Hope you are having a happy weekend!
    Sending hugs from Paris,

  6. Beauty just oozes here....
    ahhhh I could just sit and stare and listen and dream.
    You always give us so much to ponder on.
    Your header is d r e a m y,
    as always my dear friend.
    Happy weekend Anita!!!

    All my heart,
    Deborah xoxo

  7. A deep post, and so forgive my sheer shallowness as I dwell on the photo of that fabulous SHOE!!!!

    What gorgeous photos! Beautiful music! A breath of beauty to my soul here this morning...


  8. Bonjour ma belle!!

    What a lovely post! Thank you for your comments on my birthday post for Chris. We cooked dinner for her and I decorated the table with a French theme, she loved it. I think I've brought her over to the land of France!! LOL

    Have a sweet weekend playing in your new haven!!

    Much love and big hugs, Sherry

  9. I just love your posts....they make me smile while giving a heavy sigh. Thank you for putting that smile there....


  10. There is always something glamorous, charming and enchanting here. Such lovely lovely words and images!

  11. Just to listen and take it all in, what a joy!
    Beautiful post dear friend. What a way to start my day.

  12. I love the photo of the retreat in a beautiful. Of course all of the photos take my imagination to a beautiful place. Have a great weekend!

  13. Merci, Anita, for letting me begin the day with your heavenly images and lovely thoughts. C'est tres apropos, aujour d'hui, for the snowy morning! Come visit me, if you have a moment, to see the birds in the snowstorm.

  14. Yes yes my friend...I embrace this post today!
    Once again your images are stunning...I have a jar filled with all my cupcake linners that looks just like time I bake sweetcakes I will take a photo of it.

    Sending you ooodles of love today...I am felling so much better! Hope you are too.

    Many things I want to do off I go.

  15. Hi Anita!
    I love this Mother Teresa quote right here on your "Leave a Comment" page...
    very apropos*

    What beautiful images...telling a wonderful story... I hope your celebration is grand! What an amazing school it must be ~ what a blessing to be part of it {either as teacher or student!}

    I love the cupcake jar idea... I see Koralee has this too ~ such a playful idea - one can only smile when looking at it! {A jar of joy}
    I'll keep my eyes open for the same!
    Have a lovely weekend, Anita!

  16. Bonjour Anita,

    Thanks for bringing some color and brightness today as it is very dull and grey over here at this moment...but I only have to turn my computer on and visit friends like you and the sun starts shining (in my head of course).
    Have a lovely weekend, lieve vriendin, mille bisous, LiLi

  17. Good morning my Sweet Anita.....

    Whew..... that's something I'm REALLY not good at.... I am always distracted and multi-tasking.... not to mention having ADD.... :-)

    Congratulations on your school's anniversary. I had never even heard of a French Immersion School before...... With your love of all things French there just couldn't be a more perfect place for you to be, could there? I think you should wear the beautiful party dress you have on in the photos with your harp. You look like an angel!

    Huggies and Lovies!

  18. Anita,

    This is exactly what I needed to hear this morning! Thank you so much for touching my heart with your inspirational words! God has a way of communicating with us through our friends-thanks for being one of mine:).



  19. Well, I am sitting here in SILENT admiration, contemplating what it would be like to wear a dress like that! AND those shoes! The armoire workspace looks just like something you would love to create in, very stylish, yet peaceful.
    I have been watching a dvd set this week, and thought of you. You have probably seen it already but I've been watching it over and over again."Gardens of the World" hosted by Audrey Hepburn. It is wonderful

  20. Ahhh...visiting your blog is such a lovely retreat!

    And I can't even imagine having a wardrobe like the one pictured. Amazing!

    Have a blessed and wonderful weekend, Anita!

  21. Ah, Anita, I am doing just that right now! The silence is a welcome gift after a busy evening with both grandchildren! Your post and pics are enchanting as always! Wishing you a lovely day!

  22. Just what i need now....after a day work in our shop.....come home.....enjoy the sillence...from our home......and reading your post !! what will kave a woman more????...heb een stil en rustig weekend lieverd........ik hou van je....liefs

  23. I spend alot of time listening and in the quiet. I purpously seek to. I have always been a contemplative person. I know not everyone is like this, actually only a few, but it is who I am and took me many years to actually rest in it. I still find that I can get busy with so many other things and then find myself in the place of having to 'return' recently. He always returns me. It is in that hidden abiding that I find the most peace, happiness, and LOVE. I hope you enjoyed every detail of dressing up for such a special event. 20 years!!! It has been such a long time since I've dressed up for anything and I've had a red dress in my thoughts to buy and go out in. The red dress I see is something like the black dress Audrey is wearing in your above photo...fitted around the waist and puffed out at the thighs. It's lovely to be a girl. ox

  24. Anita, your beautiful words of wisdom and gorgeous images leave me with such peace and contentment. Yes, I often listen to the silence. For me, it's as golden as that lovely golden cake. ~ Sarah

  25. Thank you for responding.Chocolate Hazelnut ! I will try it.I've been wondering for awhile,Are you french?I love all things English and Irish but I'm mostly German and Italian with just a pinch of Irish.

  26. Hope you had
    a lovely evening
    "in," Anita! I'm
    certain that you
    were missed, though,
    especially at such
    a milestone event!
    The snow coming down
    makes ME want to
    hunker down, as well,
    but alas, I will need
    to fly the coop for
    a few hours to get
    some things done : )
    Enjoy your weekend!
    xx Suzanne

  27. Anita dearest, it happens when I visit your blog that I find the inspiration I am looking for. Answers are not given, the are found, is what I needed to hear as I am now searching for answers to a much needed change in my life. I hope you know how your words have lifted me up and, once again, they have brought a smile on my face and a sense of relief to my soul. Enjoy your weekend, my dear friend.

  28. Dearest Anita, you stayed in - and seeing your post, this was the right thing to do! Yes, some peace and quiet are the best remedy sometimes, to let yourself shine and be in touch with yourself! Lovely pictures! This big bed so appeals to me today. I stayed home too, because i didn't feel well. My stomach was totally upset about something and here i am, just resting! Love your new header too with the joyful colors! Enjoy your me-time to the fullest!

  29. Gorgeous post as always!

    My friend is having an early 60s "Rat Pack" party.
    By a hair, Breakfast at Tiffany's makes it in to the 60s. Trying to figure out how to do my hair like Audrey!

    I "unearthed" a dress in my Grandmothers closet. :)

  30. Hi sweet Anita,
    I always find my answers in the stillness! I go inside and ponder my blessings and gifts and then I always find my dreams there. Everything I could ever want is already here inside me.
    I so appreciate the way you help me realize my blessings Anita. Truly you are a gift to my heart!
    love to you...

  31. What a quiet moment of refreshment I found today in visiting your post. It's not always easy to stop for the silent moments of reflection, but your encouragement has given me pause. Such loveliness!!


  32. Shhhh, I'm listening, sorry Anita the TV on! and the tapping of the key board, so right at this minute its not working. But yes I know what you mean, It doesn't happen when we are all out together like today, mom and dad yakking on(not sure if that's how you spell it!)
    But when me and mom go out, we sit for a while and don't say a thing, sometimes I think she might have dozed off and I have to jump on her! it can happen two or three times on a walk, if we fined a bench to sit on ;)
    Have a lovely week, and look out for the mail man ;)
    Anita can you tell Balzac if he doesn't like them pass them on to the dog next door :)
    Have a great Week, and thanks for all your comments Love George xxxx

  33. OH so so pretty. LOVE the jar of tin foils.
    I had to breath yesterday OMG. Sasha had to be rushed to the vet, she has full blown diabetes. Two shots a day. My finger was slammed in the door as Pepper was running out the door, it's all black and blue, and yesterday was was papa's 31 yr. Anniversary of leaving us in this world. So emotional all day long.
    Here I am wondering what dress you wore to your reunion. Is it still quiet for you? I reflect an awful lot. Looking at all my pictures every day and sometimes wish i could back "in them", but then other things happen, and more memories are the ones we will make this summer. OUI?
    Love you much

  34. Your Highness,
    once more your incredibly beautiful images and delightful prose has filled me with wonder and taken away my breath.
    You are where you should be, doing what you should do...and I know there will be many people who would agree with me. Thanks again for enhancing our lives with your charming talent ♥

  35. Dear Aitia,
    I have been away for so long and have missed so much. It is wonderful to vist your beautiful blog. As always your posts touch the soul.You are a true talent! Life has been very difficult but I am back now and promise myself to visit you often. I hope your holdiays were as wonderful as your blog!
    As alwasy you are an inspiration.

  36. I so desperately need to STOP regularly and simply listen. Ignore the passing of time. Hear sounds not human. Breathe freely. Think of anything I want, or nothing at all. Feel everything. Regret nothing. No demands, at least for a moment. Living. Quiet. Quiet.

    Thank you for helping me to arrest a moment. Here. Now.


  37. oh dearest anita can i take it that you did not go o friday...sometimes we are given such loud and clear messages about such things and i find it always best to stop and listen...look at me now, haven't i been stopped in my tracks...enjoy the weekend and take it easy...much love to you, dzintra

  38. My quiet place, my happy?? place, a place to reflect.....we are lucky that we have a little pond on our property, and I love to walk there and sit amongst the trees and stare into the pond. It is soooo quiet there. No one around. I can smile, scream, cry....whatever I feel I need to at any given time. It is MY place to BE.

    I hope you found something wonderful to wear and show yourself off as you are very beautiful.

    Now begins my dilema of WHAT to wear and bring for our summer get together???? I want to look like ME...but more stylish (tee,hee)

  39. So beautiful, Anita...silence truly is golden, isn't it? Love all the stunning photos...and that is one "happy place" I would love to spend some creative time in!

    Wishing you a lovely weekend...


  40. Dear Anita,

    What a beautiful post dear friend and yes, we often have to stop and listen to the silence.
    Sorry that you were not able to attend the gala event and hope that you will be able to wear the little Audrey number another time soon.

    Hope that you are having a lovely weekend

  41. Hi Anita *hugs*
    A lovely, serene many wonderful words and pictures..and silence, to ponder about too. Your post made me smile and made me stop....and think....
    have a wonderful weekend...

  42. That is such a Little Prince thing to say! How we have lost the healing power of reflection in the din of the modern world.

    For all that is inconvenient about our winter of snow this year... those early hours when it blankets our world in white silence and softens all the edges of civilization are a miracle ... one can gaze out and reflect and hear one's inner voice.

    "Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux"

    I think we must create white pure days for ourselves sometimes to fill our hearts and reflect. There are answers to be found there... if we have eyes to see and ears to hear.

  43. Nice post...
    And I'm with you, sometimes silence is saying something to us, we just have to listen with all our hearts ♥

    And guess what? we both used that lovely home office in a closet this week on our know what they say, great minds think alike, not that I'm as smart as you are:)

    Have a happy week ahead...

  44. Wow.. beautiful photos and now I am thinking I better hole up in a quiet room to sort out all of the junk floating in by head... I need some answers to some big things! xo

  45. Why is it so hard for most of us to live "in the moment"....I know it is for me. My mind is usually buried somewhere in the past or speeding away at what may or may not be. You always give me something to think about with each post! Hope you are enjoying your new addition!~Hugs, Patti

  46. Bonjour lieve vriendin, wat een prachtige foto's wederom. Your header is gorgeous! I soooooo have to copy that jar full of liners idea.
    We are in Brugge, Belgium, for the weekend. they call it Venice of the North, it is beautiful overhere.
    Have a loveliest of weekends, Anita xxxxx

  47. Oh my, yes... silence can be one of the greatest gifts! It gives our mind room to breath and feel and dream and then to act upon those dreams!!
    Hope you had a lovely evening... I wonder...what did you wear? And Ruben? Whatever, I'm sure you made a very handsome couple!
    I love the photo of the kind of reminds me of my Barbie Doll's closet of so so long ago... she always had the most inspiring wardrobe!
    Many blessings to you and Ruben (must get over to his fabulous site!)for a lovely Sunday!
    PS Been meaning to ask... Are there any St. Nicholas Churches in your area that I might feature on my "St. Nicholas Churches Around the World" Section?

  48. Oh my dear....your words and photographs are breathtaking!! So happy I found this blog! xo

  49. Hi Anita, so good to hear you enjoy your home and have time to fill up your energy! I'm feeling better today, but still very tired - so i just simply sleep a lot and rest. Love that bonboniere there on top of your page - so pretty! And all the soft and soothing colors here! Have a fine evening and be extra kind to your eyes! xx

  50. What a beautiful retreat you create for the senses, I savor the pictures, the music and my Happy spot. xxx susan

  51. Hello sweet Anita......In answer to your question "where do you find what you are looking for?? my answer personally is inside myself. As you have so beautifully portrayed in the still, quiet, silence inside.

    Have a beautiful week.


  52. Dear Anita, how all so ethereal and have set my mind a-dreaming for my happy spot...thank you.

  53. I have come to this conclusion. That you have the most beautiful images on the net.
    wish I could find that picture frame,and where did you find that shoe? My sound on the computer is broken so I had real silence. That's really a beautiful thought.


  54. INHALE.... ssssifffffff! ...EXHALE..... AAAAHHHHH!
    yes SILENCE...I hear.....

    love linnie

  55. Hello Dearest! Thank you for this beautiful and peaceful post. I am feeling a bit overwhelmed this past month and I am having a hard time finding that place to just listen. I am trying and creating places but life just seems to have it's own plan for the moment. I hope you had a beautiful weekend and had a wonderful time with your friends and colleagues. What did you wear may I ask? :) I know that you looked beautiful!
    I have a sick little so I am off to go snuggle with him, which may give me a little quiet time to just sit and enjoy his company.
    Blessing to you my sweet and dear friend.

  56. Dear Anita!! I absolutely will listen to the silence! A wise thing to do! Your images today are so elegant, beautiful, lovely and glamorous..I don't have words enough! Hope you are enjoying a wonderful weekend in Minneapolis :)

    Kristin xo

  57. thank you dearest...still sitting still here...enjoy your week and remember to grab some moments when thy arise...dzintra

  58. Dear Anita,

    Many thanks for visiting me dear friend.
    You asked about if I had family in Christchurch, my DH's brother and his family live there. He and his wife are both Doctors and have 3 daughters, they are fine.
    Thoughts and prayers go out to all those that have lost loved ones and their homes and livelihood.

    Have a wonderful week and know you will enjoy wearing the LBD when the time is right.

  59. SILENCE Just what I need after this exhausting weekend to rest and to find the energy to begin a new week.
    I hope that yours will be very happy
    too Anita
    Muchos besos,

  60. Dearest One

    as always you take my breath away with your words and wonderful images. The dining room is looking fantastique you must be so excited doing it Ive read back till the 9th when i went away and will now dream with all those heavenly thoughts and ethereal images floating by me you are SOOOOOOOO clever lots of love to you Fay xxx

  61. Anita,
    Your beautiful words put to photo's inspire a beauty one could dream of.

    Listening to your thoughts quitely written, listening.

    lots of love your way!

  62. Silence says so much to me, dear Anita!!! I simply love silence and my mind works so much better when noises are quiet!!! When I can listen to the stars singing to the moon! When the roses whisper their secrets to the birds!
    Love you, dear Anita!
    Love your post!
    Have a silent and pleasant week!

  63. Oh Dearest, you can find diamonds in ordinary beach sand... I completely LOVE this simply extraordinary collection of query and contemplation...BRILLIANT!
    I So enjoy searching for the beauty in "la vie ordinnary"...and you have served it up on a shiny silver platter.
    Ah, what a perfectly WONDERfilled weekend, spent doing nothing but, enjoying the warmth found in the laughter of those I adore. My dearest has departed and now I have a few days, to once again, get my life "reasonably" in order. The date has been moved to Thursday more day to ponder, "Do I have everything Done"?...giggle
    Soooo, tell me all about the weekends array of decorating shenanigans. Did "Ruben the Great" light up the your dining room? Is that room all a glow with sparkle and glimmer? Have you washed your brushes and put away the rollers?
    ...I'm sure everything is "shipshape" and you are ready to put everything in it's place. Do share all the happenings at Rabbit Hill.
    Well, time to do a wee clean up and get my house back in order, ready for this bright new week ahead...hugs, dear one...xoxo..Rosie

  64. dearest anita,

    how timely your post is to me, as i have indeed been searching this past week for that "happy spot". as an artist, i must spend time alone, in the studio and garden...i had to step away from the computer and t.v....for pure contemplation and painting time....some folk may not understand this self imposed hiatus from the outside world, but for me, my art is totally focused and can be intense and emotional...i can only go there alone.

    i have come out the other side and have three finished paintings and am filled with inspiration and excitement...and some fatigue.

    i come to your blog tonite, so excited to see that you have posted and even more excited to see you have included my sled!! thank you dearest, for including a little piece of me in your beautiful and thought provoking post.....filled with the most yummy images!

    it is always a pure pleasure to visit here.

    have a wonderful week and may you find your own happy place,


  65. I love how you speak and after such a long day of lists today... you are a solace. Thanks, friend. Blessings.

  66. Dearest Anita
    ahhhhhhhh... I so enjoyed the silence and your beautiful post. You are so sweet to visit Bebe again..
    Bonne nuit my friend

  67. Dearest Anita, you make my day when I view these luscious images!

    Come and enter my Artful Offering and read a great Interview!

    Art by Karena

  68. What a magnificent post. From your gorgeous header to each word, illustrated with the most divine images. How do you do it? Each post is a work of art. I wish I had that closet getaway for a bit of quiet.

    A place to retreat and listen in silence is my salvation. Salvation, oh of course I invite the Lord to sit with me in silence. So that I can glean His wisdom and comfort.

    You are always an inspiration Anita. Thank you for including my photograph of the birds. Please feel free to use anything that you would like anytime.


  69. Morning sweet friend...just came by to wish you a Happy MONDAY! Love and hugs. xoxoo

  70. I vote for that soft blue happy spot. If I were to dig deep I think I would find my dogs pink sunglasses and my sparkle earrings. I was just talking about fashion today on my little and my jean jacket. Do you suppose they would let me in the school door?
    Perhaps they would whisper...that wacky jackie has arrived!

    Oh, me oh my, my, my...I am late now. We have that in common too Anita! I can't keep up with comments right now and visiting everyone. Know that I read and pray and listen to all your comments and I hear your heart. I'm with you girlfriend. Keep the chin up...charge!

  71. What a beautiful post!
    So glad I found your blog today!

  72. What a beautiful post!
    So glad I found your blog today!

  73. Hi dear, hope your eyes feel a little better today! Am still tired ... age? Maybe. Am not so much younger than you are - 47;) And also, times are strenuous, i think for both of us, and it's winter and we miss the sun! Let's just practice the "inner smile" as much as we can! Am smiling when you come visiting, anyway! See you soon! xx

  74. Hi Anita!

    How masterfully done! but then, I've certainly come to expect nothing less from you!

    that 'happy spot' so inspirational...
    and yes, that is what I do to find the answers and regain my center of balance when things get out of whack...

    into my own creative space and I just loose myself and get busy with something fun and creative...something I can get lost in for a few hours..and emerge with all the world set right again!

    it's really are you my dear friend and fellow blogger!

    have a great Monday..what's left of it!

    ciao bella

    Creative Carmelina

  75. Oh my goodness!

    I just laid my eyes on your tutu cute lampshade!

    I love it!

    I said that wrong...without enough umph!....

    'I L O V E I T'

    there, that's better!

    if that isn't romantic and adorable, I don't know what is!!!!! well done!

    ciao again!

    Creative MOI

  76. Queen Anita,
    thankyou for your lovely comments on my blog post. As can be seen from the shot of me, I am still struggling with growing my hair long once more. I really do not know what to do with it. Every new day I have diffent thoughts about it...chop it/grow it. Funny, I never used to give it a second thought when it was all long. I annoys me, that I spend so much 'thought time' thinking about hair. Arrrghhhh!
    Anyway, what I really wanted to say, that I forgot to say in my email, is that all of those 1000+ fonts were free. Didn't cost a cent. Just google 'free fonts' for locations to aquire them.
    Hope this new day is less hectic for you, and you get your emails thingy sorted.

    Love to you ♥

    PS...just had to come back here to see those shoes again!

  77. Hello dearest! How are you? I hope your week has begun beautifully.

    As for me.. I stop, listen and breathe. Whatever I am searching for comes when I look around me.

    The shoe boxes in the wardrobe photo are fabulous! I NEED them!

    Wishing you a most lovely week!
    xoxo, B

  78. o...I've missed you so, even though it's been a week, it seems like so long. Your post was delightful!!!!!!
    I'm always happy after being here.
    Love you friend!

  79. Anita
    Oh no my dear friend.
    If you still have my phone number, call me when you can.. I cannot find yours..
    Love to you

  80. So darling ! You inspire beauty !
    I would love if you link a French inspired post to the French Obsession tomorrow if you wish. i invite you also to enter the Giveaway !
    Hope you are having a lovely week.
    Gros bisous !

  81. Happy March, to you dear friend and thanks for the kind visit and words you left me.


  82. Came by to give you a big hug...and tell you not to worry to much...You've been under a lot of stress lately and us (older;)woman MUST take care of ourselfs...Take all the rest you can dearest..Mail you when the mail works again.

    xoxo Miss Moussie

  83. Sending bunches of sweet {early-}Spring Sprinkles your way, mijn lieve zuster. It's March, woo hooooo! Soon the sun will warm our faces and the pretty flowers will pop. A Big Energy boost is on it's way, woo hooooo again. Much love xxxxxx

  84. SWEET SAUSAGE How very frustrating for you re the email perhaps we could skype if we do it computor to computor it costs nothing ? I read your thoughtful words daily they are always comforting and gazing upon such delicious images ! they are always food for my soul Why is the world constantly full of troubles ,another friend in trouble now oh dear . Today Im going to see The Kings Speech I wish your winter would quickly go , thank goodness you have Lovely Ruben to cuddle and keep warm let me know if you want to try skype !! on a day when you are less hurried ? Big hugs and lots of love to you my very dear friend XXXXXXfay

  85. sweetpie I hope that your boys are all angels today ! and you have time for a croissant !!and hot chocolate definitely GOOD 4 the soul
    Skype is Easy just put in in your google bar and it takes seconds to download !My skype name is viviennemedici and its free for computor to computor easy peasy just need a time thats good for you a presto Fay xxx

  86. So glad you left a comment this morning so I would know to come here to 'talk' to you! Frustrating for you I'm sure, the email problem! And the other... was your doctor a dermatologist? Write when your email is working again.... or if you open a new email account...
    I was worried when I did not hear from you, at least we can stay in touch this way!

    Bless you dearest,


  87. Anita! I am always the last to chime in on your posts I think!! I am sorry, your name does appear on my sidebar and I often look right past the little dots that represent you. I apologize!

    As for this post, silence in golden. Silence is necessary. I once was told, you are secure, you are centered and you are one step closer to hearing the truth when the sound of silence doesn't bother you. It's a beautiful thing and so are you!



  88. Merveilles des merveilles. Ce post est un bonheur. Mais, chut, dans ce silence, tout au fond, j'entend les battements de ton coeur.

  89. Hi Anita,
    I just wanted to stop by and tell you I love when you visit :-)

    I love to come by Castles&Crowns
    (and visit nowhere too) So lovely!
    You have a Sweet Brilliant Spirit!
    Blessings and HUGS, Linnie

  90. .....behind my bathroom door with candle lit and the play of a soft Kenny G, you'll find me in my jacuzzi tub with a few drops of lavender oil. After a long hard day of anywhere from behind the wheel of a stuck semi to the back end of a wild eyed cow, a girl needs a real retreat. Just sayin'.....

    I always enjoy the beauty and calmness of your posts.

    God bless and have a beautiful day sweetie!!! place! :o)

  91. Dear Miss Chic

    Im hoping you are now playing your harp I imagine I can hear you

    Moi Slence and frustration with the itaian ADSL doing my post only part od=f itt has taken forever and must continue demain its 2am !!! mmm NED to dream May pink clouds surround you Love \fay xxx

  92. Goodness what a lovely place to land. I only just now stumbled across your blog and am so happy that I did.

    I am on a 'blog break' right now and have handed over my corner of the cyber to a bunch of dear and trusted friends, but please do hop across and say 'hi' to them. Or drop by later in March when I am back. I look forward to getting to know you.

    xx Charlotta

    Space For Inspiration

  93. wow!
    just LOVE that shoe!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    gorgeous photos!
    happy day!

  94. Dearest Anita, thank you for coming! I so felt with you after your last comment - being on antibiotics for a long time can be tough and you need to take good care of yourself. Maybe it was all a bit much in the last months and weeks ... but knowing you, you'll come around as soon as spring really starts! Let's look forward to pampering ourselves really well over the next weekend. I hope today will be lovely and uplifting! Big hugs!

  95. Beautiful is so many ways!!! it's a treat to come over here. I will listen to the silence but I love your beautiful music!!

  96. Morning sweet friend...may your day be bright and merry. I am finally feeling nose is still running but oh how happy I am I seem to have more energy today! Lots of assessing going on this week as report card are just around the off I go.

    Sending you some of my energy today...hope it doesn't all leave me by lunch time.


  97. Good morning dearest!
    You came to meet ELLE! I am so happy you enjoyed her.. Thank you so much for you sweet words.

  98. Oh Anita you never disappoint! What gorgeous images!!! I hope you had a most wonderful night and I am sure what ever you wore you looked beautiful!
    Thank you for your lovely and sweet comments on my blog! Your are such sunshine!
    ps, I live in Iowa so we are not too far apart! I did stop at Ikea too, I love that place!
    Have a wondeful day Bloggie Friend!
    gi gi

  99. Be Blessed my dear friend.
    How God loves you!!!!

    me too.


  100. ah yes anita i am learning much whilst sitting and pondering...unreal...and yes that crumble is a real hit...pity son lives 5 hours away...have a beautiful is absolutely magnificent here on the coast today...dzintra

  101. Dear Anita ,
    Congratulations on your school's anniversary !

    Yes, Listen to the SILENCE with an open heart I may add ..

    Thank you for the reminder !

  102. Evening my friend...thank you so much for your kind and caring words. I made it through today..oh what a day...remember when I said this morning I had lots of energy...big mistake...God was testing me.

    Our power went out in the morning and we had to call all the parents to come pick up their that is no easy many parents can not be found...the students are are trying to locate is just plain crazy.

    Anyways by 12:00 noon all where called or arrangements had been made.
    I will be in bed early tonight! But first off to my daughter's ballet class.

    Hope you are enjoying a relaxing cup of tea sweet one...feet are up and the tub is waiting for you. Sleep well. xoxoox

  103. I am smitten with the SHOE! And with your ideas and thoughts about silence. Why is that such a hard thing to achieve in this day and age? I think, like with most things, I have to choose do have those quiet moments, as they don't seem to come without my intent.

    Love everything you have pictured... it's a sweet escape to visit your page! :)


  104. Thank you and happy, happy day to you dear,

  105. Hello my friend,

    Somtimes whe need some space for ourselves and we have to enjoy that moment! I call that " Me time" lol. As a woman we all are under stress, because we wont to do so much on a day. Men are so different... Women from Venus, men from Mars lol.
    Your pictures are so wonderful.

    My healing process is verry good, I hoop that I can start working again after 14 days. I miss my students.

    A big hug for you my friend,

  106. Always a quiet moment when I visit you....some of the photos today made me smile....the shoes....the cake.
    Above all, the music while I looked!

  107. Hello my dear!

    We have been sick here. I'm not doing much blogging right now. I am listening to the silence. I love this post!

    Th music playing is some of my very favorite you've played here. I love you and my brother a ton.


  108. Hi Anita, how was your day? I drank tons of Chamomille tea, since my stomach felt bad again - but, it helped! I so hope this weekend will be a healing one for both of us. Can you believe another week flew by? Am sending lots of loving vbies your way!

  109. Hello my sweet Anita,
    thank you so much for this wonderful gift of silence - your posts always touch my soul and make the heart sing!!! I enjoyed it sooooooo much!!!! Have a wonderful weekend, my dear friend,

    Hugs Jade & Sheila

  110. Dearest sweet Anita, how oh how are you doing, ma chère? I do hope things are going better, sending tons and tons of good vibes your way and beaucoup de huge hugs too xoxoxoxoxoxo

  111. thanks for the visit!
    happy night!

  112. I love sitting in our garden and listening to the quiet sounds of nature, esp. the birds.
    Great post!

  113. thanks so much anita...i think i need to have a pink cheers right now but i can' from me with the sling...dzintra

  114. You are amazing Nita!!!! So love to come and ((sit)0 by you!!!*grin*

    O.K.A.Y ... one more thing.... LOVE , L.O.V.E the shoes!!!!!*grin*

  115. My dear Anita, I read your post again tonight. I really was saved twice this week by your reminder regarding being in silence. I also wanted to thank you for writing in Romanian on your blog when you mentioned me--that was so thoughtful that you looked up the words. You are a true inspiration and I look forward to seeing you again at school, tomorrow. Hugs!

  116. Since my life is busy and noisy and full of action I crave silence more then anything! To go on a quiet walk or just sit and listen to my steam of consciousness is wonderful to bring back my center!
    What lovely pictures you always present! Thank you my friend!

  117. Dearest darling Anita .... I am sighing as I write this! I hope the celebration for your school was magical but not as magical I imagine as what you have shared with us here! I love silence sometimes as there are very rare moments when we have that peace to look at our inner core and to hear nature and not man-made noise. So beautiful and the images .... exquisite! I hope you and Ruben are well and have a beautiful week-end together. Did Ruben find Picnic at Hangin Rock? If not I could get you a copy.....
    with hugs and best wishes always
    your friend
    M.A. the 2nd

  118. Good Morning and Happy FRIDAY! The day we all LOVE!

    My weekend is full but that is ok as I am feeling so much better!

    Do you have any fun plans my friend?

    I am counting down...only 2 more weeks and Spring Break is here....when do you get yours?

    Wish I was flying off to some place warm...but I am not. Will visit my parents for a few days...that is always FUN! Mom still spoils me!

    love and hugs....make it a great day. xooxooxx

  119. Hello Anita,
    I think you could wear anything that Hepburn wore, and look just as stunning. Lovely post as always,
    XXOO Marie Antionette

  120. Anita I am always impressed by the beauty I find here.
    Your words are so lovely and the images you always share are SO incredible.
    You are a beautiful soul.
    I know it takes a good amount of time to put these posts together- you are amazing.
    Thank you for the inspiration you share.

  121. Bonjour my dear friend!
    Oh how I love this post!!
    Weekend coming up, time to create..
    Enjoy your evening Anita.

  122. Hi Dear Anita
    More beauty from you to cheer a very dark and rainy saturday here downunder.. seem the weather powers that be know it is now autumn...

    Love all these glorious images... just the dose of pretty I need... You know I have been rummaging through my garage and sorting and throwing.. and I found my high school award/certificate for the Alliance Francais examinations.. yes i studied French at school.. but the only time i remembered any was when I was in Paris.... strange recall assisted by a few glasses of wine!! hahahaha...

    You know my next job to tackle in the garage is a suitcase of old clothes and I suspect there might be some sparkly dresses to be found.. Let's hope they are still in one piece???

    Have a lovely weekend. and thanks for visiting me whilst I was off in never never land..

    Ciao xxxx Julie

  123. Congratulations my sweet friend...what fun to celebrate all those years of LOVE!!! Enjoy yourself this evening....I hope a lovely romantic dinner is happening.


  124. yes that's right we are both in april...i have weak black tea but i must have milk in my coffee...that is so good your meds are working...maybe a drop of milk daily won't hurt...enjoy the weekend...dzintra

  125. Oh, you must be a VISION!! I'm bringing out my trench coats this week. I have ivory, leopard and red but have yet to acquire black. I'm searching though! Wishing you the most lovely early March week!
    xoxo, B

  126. Anita, Adore this post - and that office in the closet that is aqua, I thought for sure that fabulous pic was of your office. What a super fab idea...but then I seen in your photo credits that it is not your office. It makes me wish I had a closet with French Doors so I could replicate it. :) Totally divine! I may have to think about taking my huge visitors suite and adding French doors to where the closet door is currently. That closet is sooooo huge that I could easily have this look, but the closet would be even longer width wise for storage of my supplies, as well as on the inside of the doors. YOU've INSPIRED me with this post today Mon Ami! :) Hugs...


"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echos are truly endless." -Mother Teresa