Saturday, July 13, 2013

It's All

a balancing act.



the pursuit of 



private leisure-time


reflecting on our unique

and creative capacity 

as a service to the world


or simply defining

our style




something important 

gets lost.


could be thought of

in the reverse:


or to miss the birds


  the flowers


or most of all

 the people  

who need us.


But when we find



and filling-in empty shoes

with action


the balance 


sparkling like a princess



glowing like a woman

who puts her mind

and feet

to the task


 makes me ask 


original Mary Oliver quote via




  1. You are wildly inspiring !! My goodness dear lady!!!
    You are a burst of happiness that swoops down and lifts me up!!
    Thank you!!!!

  2. I LOVE your blog!

    This post made me cry sweet, tender and heartfelt tears.



  3. Hello Anita!
    As always ... Beautiful and inspiring.
    Yes... Our purpose is so important and yet so simple.
    I think of the two great commandments.
    Love God with all our heart, mind, and soul...
    And to love our neighbor as ourselves.

    All else falls into place ❤

    Wishing you sweet fulfilling days.
    God bess you always,

  4. Lovely Anita, the music the words the images!! I am still asking that question and only know that God put us here to do as much as we can for our fellow mankind, especially family and friends!

    2013 Artists Series

  5. Dear Anita,
    Your beautiful words touch my heart.
    Thank you for your endless inspiration.
    Bless you dear friend

  6. You must already know,but it never hurts repeating or encouraging You. You have many gifts and talents God has given You,that You use delightfully.This post reminds Me of one pretty big gift-Mentoring young Woman. Hugs to You Dear One-Denise

  7. I just love this--start to finish. That is all. xo

  8. Beautiful post, soulfully inspiring.

    Thank you for visiting and sharing your thoughts.


  9. You extraordinary woman you!
    A sparkling and glowing example for us it should be done!!!
    Brilliant and wise are your poetic words....generous and loving are your poetic heart and soul...
    I am dedicating today's "witty" post to you, dear sister.
    (What a sweet birdie on that tennis ball....he's making me giggle) ;)

  10. Oh Anita, my sweet friend, your sparkling and magical post goes right into my heart!!! You say that, what I often feel and you are giving the are doing this with so much charme and love and you bring so much colour in our life!!!! Thank you sooooooo much and have a wonderful (wild ;) sunday!!!

    Hugs Jade

  11. so beautiful Anita, thank you for putting it all together,sharing,and inspiring in this lovely way.
    Colette X

  12. Dearest Anita - this post rflect my thoughts - balance yes, so precious and yet not easy to attain ... Am currently trying to work my way into painting again and it needs time and energy, plus many other things of course are there ...And we also need some time to just dream sometmes ... Hope you got back home safely and have a wonderful sunday to enjoy today! It's nice and sunny here, will make btreakfast now ... Bisou!

  13. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw there was a post by you. You are taking a break. And, as usual, it is such a lovely post with beautiful music and wonderful pictures.

    I am asking myself that exact question lately. What am I going to do? And tonight, instead of any creations, I chose to simply read a book. And tomorrow, I can do anything I want with my life. And the next day too!

    Thank you.

  14. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw there was a post by you. You are taking a break. And, as usual, it is such a lovely post with beautiful music and wonderful pictures.

    I am asking myself that exact question lately. What am I going to do? And tonight, instead of any creations, I chose to simply read a book. And tomorrow, I can do anything I want with my life. And the next day too!

    Thank you.

  15. Beautiful as always Anita. Life is indeed one big balancing act. Hope you get some of the big easy in today. Have a serene Sunday.
    Best wishes Molly

  16. I'm HOME...and how wonderful to find this amazing post as a welcome...XOXO..

    A Bientot..

  17. What a post sweetie....!!!...right into my heart........from you Ria...x !

  18. It may sound selfish but I have only this one and precious life so I plan to please myself. I believe we all owe that to ourselves. We are given a life, precious to each individual, don't waste it on trying to please others, be the best you can, be true to yourself and those around you who truly care will be happy to be in your presence. There is so much negativity which surrounds us all, that takes so much effort. It is so much easier to be positive and see the pleasing aspects of life. I'm am creating a happy bubble about myself in the here and now and I'm staying inside it. Outside influences will try their hardest to pop it but I will deal with that when it comes.

    Anita, thank you for making me think about this. You are one of those valuable positives I want about me. Never negative, always inspiring and encouraging. Thank you my distant friend. Your love permeates my space!
    Much Love

  19. Perfectly said Anita! Have a wonderful Sunday and happy Bastille Day!

  20. GREAT POST!!!WOWOWOWOWOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. Hi,dear Anita.....:)*

    HOW absolutely I am agree with all these wise woords of you!!!

    Just Delight and SOooooooo beautiful post,
    I do enjoy all those little things in my life:)*

    Thank you so much for share these wonderful thoughts here....

    Sending to you my summer flowering hugs:)*


  22. Ah, the plans of life. I thought I had plans, but God had a different one for me. Now I just get up every day and give the day to the Lord. He is always filled with surprises.


  23. Oh Anita, so thought provoking! I have thought about this so much in 2013. I think I am slowly realizing I just have to do. Do what comes natural. Do what feels right. Do what I can afford. Do what my family can tolerate. Do what makes me happy. I don't want to turn 80 and have regrets. That is my greatest fear! Instead, I want to do it all....much like you do! Once you figure it out, please let me know how to successfully accomplish is a daily struggle!

  24. "wild and precious" it! what shall we do?

  25. So beautiful..the pictures so powerful along with your words of wisdom. A gentle and beautiful remind of how precious life is and you really do need to seize the day, I preach this all the time to my kids an am starting to practice what I preach :)

    I realize that every day is a gift, every day of health and family and friendship....priceless. I have a long list of things to do and am slowly starting to check them off!

  26. Oh Anita,

    Bravissimo! I love that extract which I first saw on Amanda Soule's blog (Soulemama)! You always achieve the perfect balance between sophistication, reflection, blissful beauty, and JOY!

    Thank you for craftin this beautiful post for us all.


  27. Very well said and the images are so beautiful. I love visiting here to find balance and direction. Merci

  28. Beautiful images and so inspiring! Perfect start to the week.

  29. ...and what are you planning
    for that wild wonderous
    life of dear?

    fabulously presented..
    as always your lovely
    spiritual poetry.

  30. Your post really came at the right time! Such a beautiful way of expressing what so many of us are going through, so thank you for inspiring me to take a good look at where I am in my life right now!

  31. Anita, Beautifully said. I especially love the reversing of the adage "missing the forest for the trees". As I have grown older my goal is to grasp the moment instead of filling the hour. Have a wonderful Sunday! Bonnie

  32. Good Morning Anita!!

    Well.. this is lovely:) and wonderful thoughts to ponder. We need to remember to think about balance EVERY day, in all that we do. Life is so precious and regardless of what we have or have not, daily reassessment is necessary for personal growth and to enhance our lives.

    Hope you are enjoying your weekend Anita! xxleslie

  33. I know one thing you do for certain is inspire hundreds of us with your amazing creative posts. This one is filled with gorgeous images and thought provoking words. Merci!
    Hope you are enjoying a special French treat on this Bastille Day ~ Sarah

  34. Bonjour Anita !
    Comme toujours tes billets sont merveilleusement illustrés c'est un plaisir de s'y noyer :)
    Orgueil et préjugé est un livre que j'ai beaucoup aimé lire il est en bonne place dans ma bibliothèque ....le film est également très bien ainsi que la musique qui l'accompagne
    C'est toujours un délicieux plaisir de passer sur ton blog
    Bonne soirée Anita et te souhaite de très belles vacances

  35. Your posts always make me think Anita, but they bring so much happiness. It's a joy to look at the beautiful photographs and listen to the music. Hope you are enjoying summer? It's warm and sunny in Holland :-)

    Happy week!

    Madelief x

  36. You have such a wonderful gift that you share so generously with us. Thank you. For being such a positive bright light to follow. Blessings Dear...

  37. Just beautiful Anita!!! I hope that you have been enjoying your summer and been busy creating your wonderful masterpieces!
    xo, Happy Bastille Day!

  38. Beautiful and always inspiring.
    Each photo tells a story.

    All my heart,
    Deborah xoxoxoxo

  39. Dear Anita,

    You have shared a beautiful post and thought provoking of what we are doing with our precious life.
    There is a balancing act to keep ourselves, our family and friends happy.
    Hope that you are back home safely after a wonderful trip away.
    enjoy the week dear friend

  40. beautiful as always! I will have to think on this question again...and if I come up with the same answer, then I am on the right path, if a different one, then I got a good muse to make me question! hugs!

  41. Chère Anita, j'ai toujours beaucoup de plaisirs a me promener sur votre blog !

    Amicalement !

  42. Hello my dear,
    I have been away from my computer all weekend, and I was surprised to see you posted again! It is all a balancing act, isn't it, to try to fit everything into our lives? And sometimes it's hard to do it all. This is what Nel is trying to figure out right now, and she finds it harder and harder each day. So, I tell her that she can't make everyone happy, and just do the best she can. We must be good to ourselves. I love the little birdie balancing on the ball hehehe. And the "WILD AND PRECIOUS LIFE" quote is a great one. I'm so glad that you had a nice visit with your family, and I do wish that I could have seen you too. Maybe one day our kindred spirits will meet. But until then, keep delighting us in these heartwarming posts.


  43. What a lovely post my dear.

    You have a beautiful talent for bringing deep thoughts to ponder!!!

    What an amazing opportunity we have, this L I F E we get to live!

    ~ Violet

  44. Mais où vas-tu chercher tout ça !
    Je suis époustouflée par ton imagination qui mêle beauté et romantisme, baroque et raffinement ...
    Tes élèves ont bien de la chance !
    Gros bisous très chère Anita et joyeuse semaine.

  45. I think I never had a wild life ...
    maybe in a next one ?
    I am a Home-person .
    That's the place I feel safe I think
    I think I am a high-sensitive person and have always been trying trying to adjust .
    I now found out this is how I am .
    I do not have to be like others
    I do not have to do like others
    PRECIOUS that's a wonderful word .
    What is it I plan to do with my precious life ?
    Well I finally made an appointment
    with the neurologist and that's a big step to me .
    Are you having a good summer ?
    Sunshine finally arrived overhere !
    Hugs and hugs !

  46. Dear Anita, The colours on your new blog header are gorgeous, and I love the bouncing budgie – how funny! However, your words are what really touched me. Thank you dear friend you have just reminded me of the important things in life. xxx

  47. Lovely, just lovely!
    I think I will strive to surround myself with more beautiful and inspiring friends like you!
    Love ya bunches!

  48. Dear Anita...
    Your words so very true...A balancing act indeed...The little birdie made me smile, so very cute! I am basking in these long summer days and balmy evenings....Anita as always I am loving your beautiful friendship on here...Thank you for this charming post....With kindest thoughts, Maria x

  49. I could feel the fresh salty air blowing in that wonderful photo of curtains, Anita! Thank you for the always delightful words and images!

  50. This is such a beautifully inspiring post! And I love the Pride and Prejudice soundtrack so I had to play while reading this! :)

    Marie Angelique

  51. Oh ANITA~ All eloquently put or said or placed.

    Thank you for these beautiful photos all placed beautifully and creatively in a path before me.

    THANK YOU FOR PINNING that photo. It was my fav from this post/photo shoot. I love the [if I may?] the youthful pose. hahahahaha Is that vain of me? Those pants make the entire pull together of the other items.

    (hug) to your dear friend!!!!

  52. This is such an inspirational post! I love it! And I have a soft spot for birds - so that budgie on the ball just made my day!!! xo

  53. One questions, Did you know the person behind the photo of Keikolynn? She is a new fashion blogger I am following. Are her facial features gorgeous. Some people have all the beauty the rest of us yearn for [speaking of me only].

  54. Gorgeous and inspiring Anita!...I always love the images in your post as well as your wonderful words,
    Happy New Week,
    Susan x

  55. Greetings, Anita!
    Just came in from gardening in 90+ degree temps! It is hot, hot, hot!!! We've been away in Maine, and just returned. The weather was incredible and so yummy there. Now it's back to hot and humid DC. Thanks for this lovely and inspiring post, my friend. I thought of you while hiking through the woods of Acadia National Park. The trees, birds, flowers, mossy rocks, etc.
    x Loi

  56. A beautiful post, we have learnt over the past few months to grab life by both hands and concentrate on the good things that give us most joy.
    Sarah x

  57. A beautiful post, we have learnt over the past few months to grab life by both hands and concentrate on the good things that give us most joy.
    Sarah x

  58. always always faith rather than worry..I want to be like that sweet little bird riding on a ball!

  59. Dear Anita,

    So glad you are enjoying your summer dear friend and you had a lovely holiday away with your family.
    Flying standby can be a little unnerving.
    Wishing you all the best for your job interview.

    Happy week

  60. Everytime I try to plan it has a good chance of being
    How are you miss Anita? I have been very busy and had a dog show this past weekend. I just updated my blog finally :)

    Have a nice week!


  61. The parrot is adorable...
    Inspiring message, as always. :)
    Much love... xo

  62. I love the question ...
    I am trying to remember that though it's very nice being home, there are adventures around the corner and time to carve out with those I hold dear ... my sweet nephew, my sister and dear friends ... art class with my mom, helping my parents plan their European vacation.
    It's all precious.
    Thanks for reminding us.
    Blessings and light to you.

  63. I plan to be happy, Anita...think happy be is precious and sometimes're always so wonderfully thought provoking...every time I stop by to leave a comment I read the words of Mother Teresa reminding me that being kind is the most important thing.
    With love

  64. Oh, I feel every photo on this blog is just for me. I used to own that White Chinese mirror,just every thing is beautiful, including you Gorgeous

    It is HOT as Heck here in Maine.
    Can't go outside and do my Garden.
    Stay COOL.
    Love yvonne

  65. Oh dear glad I popped over for a visit today! Such an important message you share...finding inspiration in your images and words. Thank you.
    Well the sun is shinning here and it is going to be a wonderful day...excited to see what blessings God has for me today. I know they are out there....keeping my eyes and ears WIDE OPEN today. xoxox

  66. Anita you do the most beautiful work and it makes me stop and think so thank-you! So glad you liked my pictures and of course you can use them on pinterest! That would be wonderful! I have lots more posts for you as we journey through our holiday!
    wish you were here as I know you would love it!


  67. Dearest Anita, thank you for your sweet comment! Yes, balance is worth striving for and reaching for it keeps us flexible and young ;) Did i tell you how much i adore that birdie on the ball? It knocks me out - too cute! Have a fun day and evening of summer!

  68. Anita I've been meaning to come back here and leave a comment since I read this on my IPhone. What a thought-provoking post and it's why I come here. To think and ask myself many of the questions that you pose. Right now I'm on the verge of a new life and striking a balance is very much on my mind. Even when it comes to blogging and living and writing.
    By the way, I'm so glad you're still writing posts. I hope your project is going well too.
    Leslie aka Gwen Moss

  69. Good Day, Anita!!!

    I'm not sure if I will wear the coral lipstick in my post poses because it is so faint yet I do love it with turquoise, too.

    Thank you for your sweet comment.

  70. Anita! You are a philosopher! You question, you seek answers, you distill truths so complex we can't comprehend...but always you send us on our day in a better way. Thank you, thank you!

  71. Thank you for visiting Harold again. He said he will spend his days hunting in his new home.

  72. Oh my, Anita! This is just what I needed. The last few weeks have been so hectic, I cannot even tell you the half of it. You're so right, finding that perfect balance is the key and the MOST CHALLENGING THING EVER, I am completely convinced.

    After 3 weeks absent, I've finally compiled a blog post, and have linked to your blog and Etsy shop in it. :)

    Lots of love to you. I hope your summer is going well!


  73. Hello Anita,
    I was excited to see a new post! This is so beautiful. Love it! Oh the birdies and flowers...some of my favorite things. Your words always go perfectly with the images you choose.

    I am so behind in visiting blogs. So sorry to hear about your Aunt that has cancer. I have been praying.

    Things are good here. I am on the home stretch. And yes, I do get migraines that start out with flashes. I don't get them like I used to but being pregnant they seem to happen more frequently but not as severe. The acupuncture really helped last week!

    I hope you are enjoying your summer and writing.

    Love to you,

  74. Morning sweet are you doing in your heatwave? Morning rain shower here beautiful to tea with some dear friends..wish one of them was YOU! Hugs ...make it a great day. xoxo

  75. Dearest Anita, you fill me with so much inspiration. Thanks for always making us think and push ourselves
    harder to be our best self, question, and grow to our full potential.

  76. I feel truly blessed to have "met" you. You're an inspiration and your posts always resonates with my hearts of hearts. I love this post and balance is something I struggle with all the time. However, I am always there for the ones that need me. I have to remind myself that I am not a super being and it is ok to not be perfect. Beautiful post!

    P.s. I am truly thrilled that you repinned my pic. I will have to get my pinteresting game on:-) xx

  77. I love that "Faith" photo and how you added that we have to fill-in the empty shoes with action. So TRUE!

    It was so good to hear from you. We are having some warm weather, but nothing too humid. It's been in the 80's mostly. I am so thankful for a/c though! Our townhouse is unbearable without it, especially with the bedrooms being upstairs.

    Thanks for stopping by. I'm happy that your class is going well and you are learning so much. Yay!!!

    Love to you!

  78. Oh Anita I am's lovely to be back here! What a beautiful post....oh that tree with the chair in it...pure magick! I'm off to slumberland now and I think I will be dreaming of it....can't wait.....Enjoy your day with to you both, Dzintra xo

  79. Beautiful and inspirational post! Hope all is well with you:).


    Kim P

  80. So inspirational and so beautiful! Thank you for your talent that has just brightened my day:)


  81. Good evening dear friend,
    Thank you so much for coming over to view my painting and leaving such a kind comment. My posts are not showing up on your blog roll? Oops!
    I sent you an email..

  82. You are such a dear and kind friend Anita. It's not often that one comes across such an authentic and POSITIVE person:) I feel so blessed that you take the time to always visit me! So glad you are allowing yourself to just BE and a little self pampering is part of balancing all that we have on our plates.

    Enjoy the rest of the week!


  83. I posted this on my blog but not sure you'd see it.
    Hi Anita! I'm so glad I stopped by your blog! I always am; it's such a breath of fresh air and a nice escape!
    I suppose you're right about people blogging a little more in this heat:)

    I'm almost done with her...wire is on, varnish is done:)!


  84. Je plonge avec bonheur dans ton univers enchanté accompagnée par les douces notes de Jean Yves Thibaudet (Cocorico, un français ! ou si tu préfères Cock-a-doodle-doo!!!)
    Est ce que tu m'autorises à parler de ton blog sur le mien et mettre ta photo ?
    Bises et à bientôt

  85. A touch of wonder as I scroll and dream! Jennifer

  86. Anita, hi!

    I have been intending on telling you that I love that photo in this post of the open window and curtains being blown by the wind, the table full of books. The best portion of it is the brown and green chairs and the color of turquoise of the ocean waters out the windows.

    Pictures is a 1000 words? Nah, that one is more like a million!!!

    (hug) and a :D

  87. I needed to hear this today-all days really, but because of certain situations-today the most. So,so beautiful and so touching-so good to know that there are still gentle, loving and beautiful people in the world like you!

  88. Anita dear,
    Ever so inspiring. It IS all about finding the balance, the equilibrium and the rhythm to life, as you say. Each aspect that you so beautifully illustrate is essential in creating the entire picture-the art of our lives. Your images and words are so beautiful you gave me chills.
    xx, Heather @ Stylemindchic
    PS-Thank you for the lovely bday wishes Anita! xx

  89. Dear Anita,
    I am happy to see your new post! It is absolutely exquisite, powerful and insightful - the music, the visuals, and, off course, your thoughts...! I love your thoughtful mind and kind heart! I still ask myself this Mary Oliver’s question every day to ensure that I am on the right path and I am making the most of my life. And then again, I find the answer in her words:
    “Instructions for living a life.
    Pay attention.
    Be astonished.
    Tell about it.”
    I thank you for the endless inspiration you give me every time I enter your world!

  90. Dear Anita, Your beautiful posts always make me think in the positive and can change my thinking for the day. Thank-you for that.

  91. Another lush and gorgeously inspiring post... thank you.

  92. SUCH an inspiring post.
    I find that particular balance hard work...and fear that my 'live for the day' policy will result in, at best, a visit from environmental health (given up cleaning after my boys) and at worst a penniless old age (keep spending our pension/their inheritance)!!
    Life is fun though!
    Sending love for a happy weekend
    fee xx

  93. Fabulous! So happy to see your wonderful musings Anita... xv

  94. Yes, yes, yes!
    You may pin, you need not ever ask if you can pin something of mine, I trust that you always have good intentions when you barrow inspiration from anyone.
    You are one of my most favorites and being of the same cloth of what inspires us with all things French you my sister through him may I share with you my heart, soul, and belongings.

    Thank you for making such an early visit to comment on my Frenchness.




  95. Dear Anita,

    Just wanted to thank you for your very kind comment on my blog! A big kiss and hug to you xox

    Wishing you a happy Sunday!

    Madelief x

  96. How wonderful! Life is very short and it's a terrible thing to waste. That doesn't mean working and doing and going all the time, but it does mean that empty moments should be contemplative,that we should pay attention to our daydreams and we should listen to the dreams of others.

  97. My first stop on a Sunday morning. You made a great day into a calm peaceful feeling way to start the day. Hope all is well dear Anita. Thanks for all the beauty you send our way.

  98. Hi lovely one! I plan to take my life and do my best to make everyone I meet smile!!!! I can't think of anything more creative than this :)
    sending smiles your way...

  99. Love this post dear Anita. You always have a very special way of conveying beautiful things and thoughts. Thank you as always for your loving support. xoxo Linda

  100. Perfect as usual, Anita. So much to consider in that one question, and I have no clue what the answer is these days, but I'm glad that you have ignited my mind again with fresh sparks of curiosity and contemplation.
    It feels SO GOOD to visit with you.

  101. Thank you for visiting me this is always so nice to see your sweet comments. Today I am working on a little school project for next year...thought I would give it a start and see how far I get. I may get distracted by the lovely is already calling my name....hugs to you my sweet friend. xoxo

  102. Hi Anita! ..just heading out to the office and need to make my oatmeal! Always love your sweet comments. There are so wonderful breakfast options. I'm trying to keep things VERY simple for my readers;) I know you and I would get along fabulously and we'd start off meeting for breakfast!! xxL

  103. Good Morning Anita!
    Your comments always make my heart sing, and often bring a tear of joy, as they are always so heartfelt and full of love (not to mention you write soooo well hehehe).

    Isn't that perfume bottle pretty? When I saw it in the shop I had to get it, as it just said "me".

    You should do a post on your dressing table - it would be so fun to look at. I'm sure you have many interesting and beautiful things.

    Enjoy this day.


  104. Beautiful Anita!
    Just popping by to wish you a very lovely day and to thank you heartily for your lovely comments and support. Love and light mi Amiga:-). xx

  105. hi Anita! I am feeling better today. Tuesdays are always a crazy day for me; Cubs, Wordless Wednesday and then besides all that, some friends wanted to visit today. The only thing I am committing to is the Blog. Wordless Wednesday wins cuz I can do it in my robe and slippers and bed head. hahahahaha
    Tomorrow is our State Holiday, I think I shall be in great form for tomorrow ...if I continue this pace. Ah, time for a lunch and then a NAP. lol

  106. Had to look at the post again. Love the jean top with sparkle..
    Well what do you think the Prince of Cambridge will be named?
    George, William, Edward, James???
    What is your guess?

  107. faith...
    it is raising my hands!
    i love the puzzle too
    and it was fun to make
    with my 7th grader.
    summer is wonderful
    and the weather
    is warm, and the light
    is soft coming in today.
    we have so much to be
    thankful for...these
    blessings are divine!
    happy wednesday!!!

  108. faith...
    it is raising my hands!
    i love the puzzle too
    and it was fun to make
    with my 7th grader.
    summer is wonderful
    and the weather
    is warm, and the light
    is soft coming in today.
    we have so much to be
    thankful for...these
    blessings are divine!
    happy wednesday!!!

  109. Thank you for always be there and encourage me .
    aujourd'hui dites OUI ....I wrote on my blog today .
    just three words . in a wonderful language .
    I discouvered a whole new side today .
    I choose the words to help me
    to think positive because sometimes the constant pain day in and day out makes me realy depresssed .
    a new day starting in so much pain that I do not want the day anymore is bad bad bad .
    each and every day I try to think of something to help me get on ...
    really my life is filled with reasons that is not the problem
    Today it started as a bad BAD day and pinterest showed me this one
    So I choose to make a new post today to keep going and than something wonderful happened
    I try to explain
    I thought I had to say YES INSTEAD of no .....
    a kind of denial
    but all of a sudden it struck me
    I could say YES to the NO .
    No I do not want to have so much pain . I can find that I may say that YES .
    I do not know If you can follow me
    it's all about taking care of myself starting to say out loud instead of taking in .....
    You are so special to me because I feel free to speak out and know you will always see the bigger view .
    Thank you for your friendship

  110. I just came by to say hello, hello!
    Observations: 1) The "chemistry" between the actors playing lizzie and Mr Darcy in THAT "pride and prejudice" was supercalafragilisticexpialadocious! 2) I used to have a little parakeet like that one, named Pomme Jaune. i had forgotten all about it!
    3) Skinny people can wear anything and look good... who would've thought to wear a metallic blouse with tattered jeans and pull it off?!!
    4) I always see the trees before the forest.

  111. Such a gorgeous post Anita. I've been off radar for a bit, all is well though. About to write a blog post. I discovered Instagram. Wish I hadn't!
    But I am back to blogging for good now.
    Hope this finds you well beauty.
    Gem x x x

  112. Hello dearest Anita!!!!!
    I got your other comment about the Cielo Dr. murders....
    A few years ago Sharon Tate's sister Debra allowed Sharon's clothing to be modeled- it was so cool!!! There was a gorgeous black lace YSL dress, Pucci separates, and a mink cropped coat with Sharon's name embroidered on the inside. If you go to You Tube and search Sharon Tate fashion- you should see it there. It's really cool!!!!
    Can you believe it's August 1st?!!!!! That seems impossible!!!!!
    Love & Hugs,

    1. Anita-
      Here is a link to that Sharon Tate fashion special:

  113. i had to revisit this's really one of my favorites!

    you are really an extraordinary soul!!
    every time i visit i know this to be true!
    hugs to you!!

  114. Hi! This is my first time to visit you and am blown away with your blog! We all have the same internet but you are going places I have never been with the photos you have found. :) Just beautiful. And your poetry is just wonderful too. Thanks for the treat this morning.


"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echos are truly endless." -Mother Teresa