Sunday, November 23, 2014

I am empty.

anita rivera

Domestic holiday preparations 


via - herriot and grace

and a family gathering
in a sumptuous atmosphere

as I envision it





will never happen

around my

humble table.

anita rivera

But when I realize

that if I stepped outside of myself


observed love and beauty 










me and my mother los angeles 1965

  I would burst into 






  1. wow, was für süße bilder!!! einen schönen abend wünscht angie aus deutschland

  2. Oh, Anita! This post made me burst into tears - for it's beauty, it's sentiment and for your astounding talent to lay yourself raw to the world and still look stunning! I adore you, my friend. xoox

  3. You made me smile! Thank you Anita! Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. Such beautiful photos and thoughts.

  5. A beautiful post that brought tears to my eyes. Oh how I wish we lived closer so we could enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving together. Love and hugs to you dear friend. Happy Thanksgiving. I am grateful for you.

  6. Dear Anita,
    Beautiful Brian Crain music, and incredibly moving photos, as always. The one with the deer and the light/trees behind him is amazing, my favorite.
    A loving home makes for incredibly beauty in its warmth and kindness.
    I wouldn't trade that for holiday dinner at Versailles if the people there were small minded or unkind.
    Sometimes it's hard to see what riches we have compared to others, or even compared to our dreams.
    Sometimes its easy to see how blessed we are.
    Your energy, your friendship, your kindness and spirit make the world a better place this holiday. May you and your beloved husband enjoy the beauty of your simple table and loving surroundings, knowing you have what matters the most - each-others genuine consistent friendship and love.

  7. My dear Anita,
    Your post has touched my heart deeply... I love that photo of you and your dear mother.
    I am thankful for so many things, and I am so very thankful for you... I am blessed to have a friend with such kindness.
    Wishing you and Ruben a wonderful Thanksgiving.
    Love and blessings,

  8. What a treat, loved the music and what a cute duck, he was singing. Love to paint that stag. Have a beautiful Thanksgiving.
    Been trying to decide what side dishes to make, at least we had a beautiful Sunday, warm. yvonne

  9. My dearest Anita,
    How sweet you look in that picture with your mother. You must have been 6 or 7? Even though you will celebrate your Thanksgiving in a small and quiet way, you are still filled with so much love and gratitude. The deer pictures hit a soft spot in my heart. I really believe there is something very special about them. I love the picture of your table. You know how much I love to see bits of your home.

    I will be thinking of you this Thanksgiving, and I am filled with gratitude myself having a blog friend who lights up my world every day.

    love you, Anita.


    hehehe that little turkey on your Header welcomes me. :~)

  10. This post is a gift in it's clear and gentle beauty and gratitude.


  11. Dear Anita...this a beautifully poignant post! The holidays can be a time when the loss of those we love are felt even more deeply. We will be having a simple holiday, as well, with our youngest too far away to come home. Hugs to up I, my dear friend! xoxo

  12. Oops...that was supposed to be "hugs to you"!!!! :)

  13. Yes, I will be having Thanksgiving dinner at our new home. It will be a small gathering with just the family and my brother. Me and husband share in the cooking, but he will make the pies this year. We put the lights up around the house this weekend, and I will send you a picture as soon as I take one.

    lots of love,

  14. Thanks for the reminder to be grateful, dear Anita! Happy Thanksgiving!

  15. Sending this off to AUSTRALIA to a woman who NEEDS THIS NOW!How exquisite............the music and the children to those tables!Did you hear me gasp.........those chairs are LeATHER.......NON?
    ALL so so gorgeous....................we must all be thankful we have found each other and can share our thoughts!I think I will watch it again!XOXOXO

  16. HAPPY TURKEY DAY...............LOVED The guy up TOP peeking at ME!XOXOXO

  17. Such elegance inspires us all to be thankful. When I count my blessings this Thanksgiving, Anita is among them. Knowing you through your blog has inspired me to live in the moment. Happy Thanksgiving, dear mon amis.


  18. This post was just a delight to the senses! Wonderful!

  19. My heart overflows with gratitude for you. :)
    The photo of you and your Mama...precious and priceless... makes me emotional every time I see it...
    Love you, dear one.

  20. Anita the beauty of you reads so plentiful in this precious and meaningful post. The photo of you and your Mom filled my heart with joy and tears formed in my eyes. Beautiful sweet friend, simply beautiful. I count myself blessed to have your friendship, much happiness and love to you and Ruben. Happy Thanksgiving.

  21. What an absolutely lovely Thanksgiving post ANITA! Today, yesterday, tomorrow .. we have so much to be grateful for don't we?! Are you hosting TG?? I know no matter what you do .. it will be beautiful:) xxL

  22. So moving Anita from the title and carried on throughout the entire post. There is full beauty in emptiness my dear friend. Your table setting is my favorite of all the table images. Your home is breathtaking. Thanksgiving flows from your heart unending, whether you see it or not. Bless you warmly xxo kerrie

  23. And I LOVED the deer with those grand antlers. So majestic. Can you imagine seeing him in person. I bet the Native Americans saw so many.

  24. Oh Anita - your Mom and You in front of that very wonderful window. So protected, but a glimpse to the world outside. Children should have that. I am glad you did have this, with all of my heart.
    And, HEY, I love that whimsical turkey, at first, I did not trust my eyes, hahaha. Happy thanksgiving to you from Méa

  25. Hi Anita,

    This post is full of so much emotion...bittersweet. I hope you and Ruben have a very blessed Thanksgiving and enjoy the time off from work!

    Thanks so much for stopping by today. I have missed you too! And I always say it, but I really want to blog more. I think I just need to do quick little posts like the one today. I was actually surprised to see that you did a post today. You are is hard to find the time always to do it.

    I loved hearing how that student honored you! What an amazing impact you have on so many students. I don't think you'll ever realize (here on earth) the profound influence and encouragement you give these kids. For some, I'm sure it's a lot more than they are getting at home. A teacher had got to be one of the highest calls out there.

    Oh...I wanted to mention that I love that photo of you and your mother. Are you working on your memoirs? I hope so...don't put down that dream.

    Have a blessed week and I want you to know how thankful I am for you!!!

    Love ya sis!

  26. So very sweet and fragile...

    love you sister mine..xoxo

  27. Que cette action de grâce t'apporte joie et bonheur autour d'une table illuminée de foi et d'espérance.
    Bon Thanksgiving Anita.
    Je t'embrasse

  28. My dear friend, tou share such a kind of BEAUTY and of MEANING for the Thanksgiving day coming !
    I thank you for this all !
    I'm sending gratitude, admiration and hugs from Italy

  29. You've mad me cry, such a good beautiful....I'm without words....
    Happy Thanksgiving to a very special lady xx

  30. I LOVE your new style's as graceful and elegant as you my dear blogging friend. xx

  31. Les souvenirs passés, les souvenirs présents, les futurs souvenirs...Que de richesse pour notre âme et que d'espérance....Ton billet est d'une grande sensibilité et fait également preuve d'une grande maturité...J'aime te lire ma chère amie....Je te souhaite une joyeuse fête de Thanksgiving...Tu as beaucoup donné dans ton joli post d'aujourd'hui
    Bisous tout plein

  32. Ce billet est délicieusement doux et d'une grande beauté. Bonne semaine. Bisous

  33. Dear Anita, this is such a moving and beautiful post. The photograph of you and your mother is both poignant and beautiful that plus the rest of the images, your lovely words and the music make me smile and cry at the same time.
    Happy Thanksgiving to a very dear friend. xxx

  34. De jolies tables garnies et éblouissantes , des vues de l'hiver qui nous rappellent que la neige n'est plus très loin, voilà un billet très riche !

    1. Christelle ma chère! Je peux pas trouver tes commentaires chez toi, alors, je t'écris d'ici....merci mille fois de tes commentaires et oui, il a déjà neigé ici; c'est beau et charmant, et les fêtes commencent! Bonne journée, Anita

  35. Lovely thoughts, images and music. A great way to start the week - thank you, Anita. And that photograph of you and your mother is just wonderful.

  36. Bonjour Anita,

    Merci de votre message et de votre fidélité. J'ai accumulé tant de choses chez moi que j'envisage de faire une boutique en ligne pour les vendre!!

    Votre billet est extrêmement émouvant. Il nous parle de choses universelles, qui a la fois nous font du bien et nous rendent mélancoliques, parce que le temps qui passe a quelque chose de déchirant. Mais la beauté et la poésie sont là, et nous aident à traverser les années.
    Vous avez toujours des musiques magnifiques, et si évocatrices.

    Très bonne journée,


  37. Amazing thoughts for your Thanksgivig week, Anita... and so perfect to enter the spirit of the holidays.

    You always manage to get it so right, to speak from the heart and share the sentiments that we would all love to be able to share.

    Have a wonderful holiday, Anita... xv


  39. Brava Anita....what a beautiful poignant message. I dont' care if its a table set of 2 or 200 if there is love and authenticity in that room, the numbers do not matter. So beautifully said through these exquisite pictures and your gift with words.

  40. Holidays are so Bittersweet. I lost my Mother the week before Thanksgiving 16 years ago and the memories are still poignant. I try not to have expectations of the way things "should" be today, but just accept what they are. I try to make every day Thanksgiving. I'm thankful for you and your wonderful talent. You enrich the life of so many people.

  41. Ooooooh, Anita, yesterday, when i commented, this post wasn't up yet! It is SO beautiful - the deer pictures are amazung and i LOVE the cute turkey in your header for Thanksgiving! The simplicity in the rooms shown does me good - yes, we need to make it simpler, easier and more relaxed sometimes! Thanks for coming again to my chocolate post - your radiance always cheers my day! Have a WARM and SWEET day, M.

  42. Simply beautiful and filled with sentiment and core value! Plus you find the most amazing images to pair with your lovely words of wisdom! xo K

  43. Anita, such a beautiful way to remind me of what is most important. Thank you, dear heart. <3

  44. Yes! We are surrounded by great beauty and love every day of our lives. All we have to do is open our eyes and hearts.

  45. Oh Yes! I agree,this is exactly how I feel too.I can't express it as perfectly as You, with Your God given talent for words but You said it for Me and I thank You.Anita, I love Your sweet photo of You and Your Dear loving Mommy in 1965-You must be about My age,I'm surprised,I thought of You as so much younger. You are blessed with youthful beauty Dear Anita. OX Denise

  46. The perfect thoughts for Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is actually my favorite holiday, time with family, without all the pressure of Christmas.

  47. It's always special to visit you and see the world through your eyes dear Anita!
    Hope you've had a wonderful start to your new week,
    Susan x

  48. First of all, how I giggled when I saw that funny turkey peeking out from the edge of your header.

    {I love your sense of humor, and combined with your touching words, there's the Anita I love so much}

    Holidays, especially Thanksgiving and Christmas, bring out the l o n g i n g in our hearts.....
    you are so wise to concentrate on being thankful for what we have and not pining over what is lacking.

    How I love those deer photos (you knew I would!!!!!)
    and that image of you with your mama is just so very precious.

    The girl in the tutu playing in the armoire?!?!?! oh my..... !!!!!!

    The table settings..... oooooh that makes me long for some tall candelabras......
    where would I put such a thing? If placed in the center of my table it would hit the chandelier.....
    hmmmmm, the solution would be even taller ones to stand on either side of the hutch.
    uh oh there I go again.....

    speaking of which, your tall one is quite fabulous, and your dining room is quietly elegant and inviting!
    It would be a dream come true to sit at that table and visit with you over a cup of tea and an almond brioche!!!!

    Happy Thanksgiving week my dear,
    I shall relish in my thankfulness for YOU.
    ~ Violet

  49. Simply amazing, Anita. Like a whole new kind of poetry with pictures and words. You captured so much feeling and beauty here. Thank you. Happy Thanksgiving to you! XOXO

  50. I did not see that was YOU and your MAMA!!!What a BEAUTIFUL photo.........................I hope you have that in a frame!??

  51. We have here in Holland not Thanks giving but... it good to stand still and realize your life... Wish you a wonderfull Thanks giving!
    groetjes van Marijke

  52. Oh Anita, my most favorite picture here is of your dinning room, and you and your Mama :)
    Such amazing grace in this post and giving of thanks.

    I am wishing you the beauty of a bountiful harvest to feats on. Be it a simple meal quietly enjoyed, or with family and friends.
    Please, please post more of the beauty you walk amoungest daily, your home with its dark cast of French is what I favor most with your French beauty.

    Happy ThanksGiving.
    Blessed you are.


  53. What a wonderful Thanksgiving post! The music, and video, are so beautiful - thank you for sharing all of this with us.

    1. Hello Susan! Thank you for coming! Have a truly beautiful holiday season! Anita

  54. What many take for granted, simply isn't true for some of us. Hold tight to your memories and surround yourself with love.
    Wishing we lived closer and could share this upcoming holiday. Blessings to you and your beautiful spirit. xo Rhonda

  55. Beautiful Anita,your home is amazing!Have a wonderful thanks giving,xx Rachel and Speedy

  56. Thank you for reminding me. Yes, it is fun to dream, but gratitude for the moment lasts forever. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day.
    xoxo Mary

  57. So beautiful Anita, your thoughts, images and the lovely music. I am so thankful to have you as a friend!
    Happy Thanksgiving!
    The Arts by Karena

  58. Beautiful! I got the chills! Love the music too ... and the table settings ... gorgeousness.
    I hope you have a truly blessed thanksgiving!

  59. Chère Anita,

    A nouveau tu nous offres un message admirable, une création presque mystique,
    d'une beauté ineffable...

    Je te souhaite des jours plein d'une paix immense et d'une joie divine...

    Une dame passait devant moi
    dans le rouge du crépuscule
    Je ne la voyais que quelques moments
    Elle était vite disparue...

    Elle chantait un choral magique
    une chanson sur la beauté éternelle
    sur l'éclat argenté enchanteur
    à la fin de ses rêves...

    Encore longtemps je sentais son auréole
    la joie pure qu'elle me laissait
    Et il y avait un tendre désir qui restait
    doux comme le parfum d'une fleur de nuit...

    1. "comme le parfum d'une fleur de nuit..." quelle jolie phrase, toute seule. Chère amie, c'est simplement impressionant votre poèsie, car les paroles coulent si facilement chez vous et me viennent au bon moment. Je te souhaite une bonne semaine, et grâce à vous, je connais maintenant la musique de Brian Crain....MERCI MILLE FOIS! Anita

  60. Happiest Thanksgiving, Anita. I, too, always envision everything more glamorous than it is, but when I stop to really think, everything is really pretty perfect. We have so much to be thankful for. Your words are beautiful and moving.

  61. Hi Anita, thank you for stopping by and your sweet comment. So happy to see you and try to see if you posted. Still not arriving in my inbox but I am here now and loved this beautiful post and photos. Your home is lovely and I adore that pic of you with your mother in 1965. What a treasure to own and cherish.
    Wishing you a wonderful and Happy Thanksgiving.
    Love and Blessings

  62. Simply wonderful, my love.
    And, yes, you are so right.
    Blessings on the Eve of Thanksgiving to you, lovely friend.

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. Anita,
    The tables are lovely, as is the relaxing music to accompany your beautiful post. The turkey, peeking around the corner, at the top of the post cracks me up. I love the images of the ducks and deer as well. Always beautiful and always imparts wisdom for us, your loyal readers.
    The picture of your and your mother is charming.
    Happy Thanksgiving, my friend.

  65. what an adorable photo of you + your mother + Happy Thanksgiving Anita + love the music.

  66. Oh my gorgeous friend, that photo of you with your mother, in LA, is just extraordinary. Your home is absolutely beautiful and any of us would be truly gifted to sit at that table with you. Your images are captivating and I always love these little glimpses into your life. I would love to see it, that bursting into efflorescencene!! Off to share this beauty!
    Happy Thanksgiving dear Anita....xx

  67. Dear Anita, I love the photo of you seated in your mothers lap. I remember the first time you posted it, I thought it was such an emotional photo, and so beautiful. So many thoughts, and feelings were conjured from seeing it. I wish you and Ruben a blessed Thanksgiving, now and forever! much love, Christel

  68. "I am thankful for my life." Oh, your short prayer says it all. Sigh. Thanks you for transporting me to such a peaceful place with this post Anita. What a wonderful message woven through your lovely words and images. It really does come back to viewing life through a grateful lens as you so eloquently express. And what a special photo that is of you and your Mother, I hope you are filled with only warm, happy smiles when you gaze at it. Happy Thanksgiving Anita, enjoy your time away from the classroom!

  69. Dear Anita, Thank you for reminding me to be thankful for my life, its beauty, treasures and of God, our family, friends, nature.I will probably not be with my family for Christmas but under a tent int the Arabian desert, among the Bedouins... my first Christmas away from the ones I love most and this post reminded me all that I will miss.

  70. Beautifully stated and illustrated, Anita. Yes, my humble table will be cozy and filled with love but not nearly so elegant. And that's OK as long as we're together. Happy, happy Thanksgiving to you. Enjoy school break, too!

  71. Anita You are My little Sister's age,Diane.I was born in 52. So now I can think of You as a Lil' Sis.OX Denise

  72. Today Yesterday Tomorrow ..............
    today two years ago my younger sister passed away . I had three sisters . I have still one . My youngest sister passed away
    01-01 2000.That is all in the past now.
    today i was thinking of Florentine , my sister that passed passed away two years ago.
    she choose the music for the ceremony herself . Always look on the bright side of life Monty Python .
    she wanted to give every-one thia message .
    to tell you the truth I found it hard to listen than ...... we were so so sad . She was far to young .
    Yesterday Today Tomorrow. Thanksgiving is coming and I am thankfull for my sisters .......
    you are my soulsister I am so greatful to know you . Big warm hug from holland .

  73. My oh my......sigh...... I just was transported through a variety of intense emotions!!!
    First cuteness of the peeking turkey , then floating on musical peace.....
    then to pouring out warmth and hugs of "welcome... come over to my house"....
    ...and then sweetened by the duckieeees.....(and the mountain is smiling and winking)!!!! I LOVE love love you and your sweet mother!!!!
    Bliss, thankfulness....BLESSED!!!!!!!
    XXXXX OOOOO Linnie

  74. Oh Anita, your words always fill my heart with joy.
    Merci dear friend! Faith is essential in life...
    I love, love, love this post!

  75. How I love this wonderful post, dearest much beauty and so many emotions! And most of all I love the picture of you and your Mom! Here I can feel so much peace and joy........thank you so much for all this love! Have a great time with family and friends,

    with love and hugs, Jade

  76. We're worlds away, Anita, but this Thanksgiving and always, I'm grateful for our little world of blog.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and Ruben.


  77. Dear Anita
    Wonderful and a important reminder of what Thanksgiving signifies. The image of you with your mother warmed my heart. There is so much love between you. Another reason for gratitude.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you both

  78. Dear Anita!
    Thanks for your wonderfull pictures! Every Post you writte is always lovely!!
    Thanks for visiting my blog, were i show my building in country side, it was not my home.
    I hope one day we can wolking and meet together! Anyway happy Thanksgiving day!
    My lovely friend
    Personally selected products

  79. Have a perfect Thanksgiving. Fill the empty with dreams.

  80. Anita, the image of you and your mother gazing through the window panes is lovely.
    I always visit CC&C several times before return to leave a comment.
    Your words, the peaceful images and piano notes made me feel like a little snowflake, drifting from yesterday...landing...melting into tomorrow's pool of reflection, (your humble table.)

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and Reuben!

  81. Hello precious~as I visit your site again (and again) today I am so blessed by your music and photos and the way in which you put it all together...simple..yes! Thank you so much Anita for all your kind words and visits that mean so much to me. Truly as I have been involved in my renovation your site has inspired me so much and I love that we think so much alike and that you say our homes are so much alike...I know I would love to visit...if your home is anything compared to your posts...I'm sure my breath would be taken away at every corner! Have a blessed are a blessing!

  82. Dear Anita, As I count my blessings and express the things I am thankful for, your sweet friend, are among those many blessing.
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  83. Stunningly beautiful! Warmest greetings for a happy Thanksgiving! So grateful for our friendship ~ xo

  84. Hello dearest Anita!!!!!
    My mom & I love your post- she's here for Thanksgiving....
    Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
    Love & Hugs,

  85. This post warms my heart Anita! Thanksgiving is extra special to us this year because the hubby will be home!! Such a blessing! Wishing you and your lovely family the Happiest Thanksgiving. Much love.

  86. Dear Anita,

    Such a beautiful thanksgiving post you have shared today and I am grateful for your friendship and everything you share
    How really beautiful the sweet photo is of you and your dear Mother.
    Sorry I have taken so long to get over to see you and I appreciate your kind visit to my blog.
    Happy Thanksgiving week, dear friend
    Sending hugs

  87. Hi Anita,

    You know, I didn't tell you last time when I commented, but that photo of you with your mother...well, she looks so much like my grandmother when she was younger, (my mom's mom) in that shot! I am going to have to have my mom come by and check it out for herself. Maybe it's the hair and the angle of the photo, but I it keeps getting my attention. I love that you posted that photo of the two of you. So sweet. More, more of that please! :)

    I do love your turkey header by the way. So cute. Gobble, Gobble, Gobble...
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and Ruben. I hope it's a wonderful day full of love and relaxation.

    Love ya,

  88. Happy Thanksgiving Anita I hope you are enjoying a wonderful day. xx

  89. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours also dear one. Your sentiment of being happy to be alive touched me, as being a cancer survivor makes me aware of how precious each moment is. Such a beautiful post, and I do love that photograph of you and your Mother. x

  90. So beautiful Anita! I love the photo of you and your Mother from your childhood. I'm guessing you don't have a huge family, nor do I. Which makes Thanksgiving holidays quieter, but I am still just as thankful. This year we are going to a friends of ours so it should feel like a big family atmosphere. Enjoy and thanks for writing this beautiful post! xo

  91. Estou alegre por encontrar blogs como o seu, ao ler algumas coisas,
    reparei que tem aqui um bom blog, feito com carinho,
    Posso dizer que gostei do que li e desde já quero dar-lhe os parabéns,
    decerto que virei aqui mais vezes.
    Sou António Batalha.
    Muita paz.
    PS.Se desejar visite O Peregrino E Servo, e se o desejar
    siga, mas só se gostar, eu vou retribuir seguindo também o seu.

  92. Yes, Let's open our hearts and fill the empty with beauty and gratitude. Thank you for being a constant inspiration and such a loyal blogging friend to all of us, dear Anita.
    Wishing you an abundant, happy, love-filled Holiday season.

    LOVE the taste of eternity, time stopped with an atmosphere of quietness, tenderness and ENDLESS LOVE in the photo of you and your Mother...

  93. Dearest Anita,
    I needed to come and soak up the beauty once more.
    Love and blessings,

  94. Dearest friend,
    Perhaps time has kept us apart but not from my heart and mind.
    So wonderful to visit you ... your post was calming to my soul and a sweet remind that simple is good too.


  95. As with all you do, Anita, this is exquisite. You live beauty! I adore the photo of you and your mother. How precious!
    Wish you holiday love. I'm grateful for your sweet friendship.

  96. How beautiful Anita, you are so right, the most beautiful things of all, can be seen in nature, in our friends and our families.
    Sometimes we are just too busy to see this, or too busy wanting things that we don't really need.

  97. Dearest Anita,

    Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends! I enjoyed your warm and loving post. Nature can give you so much joy. Somehow the garden with it's flowers and animals helps me through difficult times.

    The photo of you and your mother looks really sweet. Is your mother from Italy originally? Somehow she looks Italian :-)

    Wishing you a happy weekend! Hope it will be sunny it your part of the US.


    Madelief x

  98. I found this to be a rather dreamy post with all these beautiful images and the very special photo of you with your Mum just taking a quiet moment together. Always lovely to see deer and snowy landscapes at this time of year and those dining tables look so inviting especially the one with all the candles. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday!

  99. Thank you beautiful for your visit and words left behind on your way home.
    Getting so excited the 5th is soon to be here....I so want to see what you have created.

    See you soon.



  100. Happy Thanksgiving, Anita! What a wonderful post, so much to be grateful for, indeed! The photo of you with your mom is just magical. Enjoy your long weekend. Xxoo

  101. Happy Thanksgiving! I absolutely love this post!!!

  102. Hello dear Anita! Thank you for this beautiful and breathtaking post! There is so much to be thankful for - thank you for sharing!

    Hugs and blessings to you!

  103. A beautiful post. I cried all the way through the video; the images along with the beautiful music overwhelmed me. I'm so glad you left a comment on my blog, for it brought me here. What a lovely sanctuary you've created, Anita. The photo of your mother and you is very sweet. Thank you. . .this is a perfect way to begin my day. It's like a prayer. xxx ~ Nancy

  104. Oh YES!!! I too am prayerful and thankful in so many ways!
    Anita, you touch my heart with your words and visuals and invoke such emotions as I read and reread every word.
    I had a good giggle with your turkey photo at the start and some tender tears as I reached your precious photo with you and your mother! Do you remember that day? I hope you don't mind me asking.
    I treasured the brief few days I had with my kiddos as they came and went for our Thanksgiving holiday! Ah, the winds of change! Every moment is precious, especially my visits with you my talented friend! Hopeful you had a blessed Thanksgiving<3

  105. I hope that you had the most amazing Thanksgiving. I love your dining room, what a gorgeous setting. Oh, and I love the photo of you and your Mom. This post was gorgeous, as always. It must take you forever to choose the perfect photos for your illustrated posts. Wishing you a beautiful Monday.

  106. Hello,dearest Anita!
    It's really cold now in Holland and everyone is busy now with à praperations for Christmas....
    Many peoples are looking for à wonderful vacation time and for à peaceful moments of the year:)
    You make always SO Beautiful and SO meansfull posts,my dear friend!

    Thankyou million times for inspiration:)))
    Hugs to You,

  107. Hello Anita, I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Boy I would love my family gatherings in your grand and fabulous dining room too. Such dreamy and inspiring images. My favorite is that stunning and heart warming photo of you and your beautiful mom. So tender and sweet. Life is amazing if we pay close attention to the beauty that surrounds us each and every day.

    Wishing you a wonderful week,


  108. Hello Anita,
    You have 2000 followers!! How fun!! :-D
    Do you believe that it is December??
    Thank you for coming over and touring the Grandma Moses post!! ;-)
    (It was such a fun vacation)
    Now, is Tea Rat writing out his Christmas list? I bet his imagination is running wild!!
    Hugs, and much love Linnie and the Mousiekins

  109. Yes, you would burst... that was beautiful.

  110. what a beautiful and rich vision of the season. The table with the yellow tufted chairs, pineapples, citrus and porcelain is so elegant in its grand simplicity. Hoping you had a wonderful Thanksgiving Anita, and so thankful to have found your wonderful blog.

  111. Well, Anita...
    I did giggle at the turkey photo. To think we eat those 'gobblers' and then 'gobble' them down ourselves. Needless to say, I am stuffed with turkey, as we have eaten some for the last five days. I don't want to look another turkey in the face until next Thanksgiving.
    Oh, the dear photo of you and your dear Mother. How precious of a photo it is!

    We will banquet with the King at some point in time, reveling with the joy and beauty of it all with all of our loved ones gathered round the table of forever in thanksgiving and peace and happiness.

  112. Oh Anita what a beautiful heartfelt post......I am so sure that your table is full of Spirit! I hope you had a Blessed Thanksgiving in this run up to the Christmas Season....Sending Love to you....Dzintra xo

  113. Oh my how beautiful your words always are ~
    always I breath deeply and sigh at the end of your posts ,
    as they transport me to such a wonderful place .
    "Burst into efflorescence " how lovely that is !

    I think I shall have to do a special post with the ponies this week
    just for your pleasure dear friend ~
    as I know you love them so !

  114. Anita fairest, my favorite storyteller in blogland, thank you for stopping by with your words of wisdom and grace.
    We both know the greatest storyteller of them all, don't we? And I am blessed that somehow He found it fit to write us into the same chapter. ;)
    Hope you had a lovely holiday.

  115. Oh my goodness...that little sweet pea behind the lavender. And what a lovely photo of you with your mother. Such heartfelt memories we carry. Hoping you and yours had a delightful Thanksgiving! bisous!

  116. Hello beautiful Anita!!!!!!
    How was your Thanksgiving? It was great seeing my parents but as always it passed way too quickly!!!!
    The weather was cold & snowy when they arrived Wednesday but by Saturday it was 60 degrees!!!!!
    Did you shop on Black Friday? We avoided the stores and ventured out to shop on Saturday.
    We put our Christmas tree up yesterday.....
    Hope you had a wonderful holiday!!!!

  117. such WONDER and CONTEMPLATION you bring us, the world over, you precious one! I came here not being able to sleep, and you lit my creative fire and then calmed all shakiness! and OH HOW I LOVE the way you started, with the turkey peeking out from the side. AND I TREASURE the music and video..THANK YOU IMMENSELY for it all. such LOVE to YOU, SWEET ANGEL. OOXX

  118. I DON'T KNOW HOW I MISSED you and your mother Anita! I first thought what an endearing photograph someone captured. and then to come back and see that it is you and yours. I cannot believe that someone had the presence of mind to "click" ENDEARING BEYOND.

  119. What truth here, my friend.
    Simply beautiful and I love
    the music, too!
    I hope your Thanksgiving was
    a wonderful stew of blessings
    from the past, present and

    xo Suzanne

  120. Dearest Anita,

    Thank you for your kind comment on my blog and for answering my question about your mum! I can imagine why some of your students think you are French. It's not only your love for the language and your complexion, but your elegance as well! My family (my fathers side) originally come from Austria. On my mothers side they originate partly from Belgium. So I am a bit of everything :-)

    Thank you once again for your explanation! Wishing you a lovely day dear friend.

    Madelief x

  121. Delightful post Anita. Love seeing the beautiful spaces, especially the dining rooms. Your fairy tale posts keep me coming back for more. Truly beautiful and oh so inspiring. Our Thanksgiving was lovely with one of my sons and a granddaughter. My other son is recovering from his leg dilemma. Our little Dante pup was neutered yesterday so he is recovering. Have a delightful day and many more. xo

  122. will you send me your address so that I can send you a card? you can e mail, if secret. thank you presently ;) and thank you for your grooviest of words, oh how you make me tingle and smile warmly sweet friend xoxoxo

  123. Dear Annita, I wanted you to be one of the first to know I’m giving away some children’s books today. If you see something you like please let me know – I hope you will be lucky xx

  124. Hello dear Anita,
    I have been absent for quite a while but will look back through your wonderful words with awe.
    How are you dearest. I will drop you an email to update on life.
    Thanks for stopping by with such wonderful words of encouragement for Meg.
    Much Love

  125. Dear Anita,
    What an amazing journey through your post.. I love it.


  126. Dearest friend,
    I am at a loss for words at the moment... You visit and heartfelt words have touched me deeply...
    Thank you for your constant support and encouragement... I am so happy you enjoyed her.
    Most of all....Thank you for your friendship!
    love you

  127. ...................................wowwwwwww that is why i love you so much !!!...what a post !!...Anita i am after my computer right now and finally can comment your beautiful post !!...have a nice week..thanks for your friendship...warm hugs from me and the !!

  128. Dear Anita, I have been a reader of your lovely blog for a while, but haven't commented to date. It's been very difficult for me to do so while on my iPad for some reason, and it is only after trying for more than 30 minutes this time that I finally came downstairs to my trusty Mac so that I could share my thoughts. I saw your comment on another blog and you were wondering why you bother to post, that your home isn't what others want to see. My jaw nearly dropped to the floor upon reading that. Do you not realize the inspiration and beauty you offer to the world? This post alone has garnered well over 100 comments! Surely you MUST know blogging for you is a given, a calling, and one which I hope you do not ignore.

    (Such a lovely picture of you and your mother Anita!)

  129. I have missed some of your beautiful posts. I can't believe your posts aren't in my e-mail. They always inspire and give me a smile.

  130. Stopping in for just a moment ~
    to wish you a very Merry Christmas !
    May your day be merry and bright .
    With Love,


"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echos are truly endless." -Mother Teresa