Friday, December 28, 2018

Holiday Greetings

Dear reader

2018 is coming to a close

but before it does

I'd like to extend my gratitude to those of you

who have stayed with blogging

and with me.

A new journey awaits me

as I seriously consider 

developing a small photography business 

in 2019.

I now have a professional grade camera

that quite honestly, I need to take

through a long series of experiments

until I get it right.

For the time being

I will continue

to share my experiments on my

Instagram page

where you are always welcome.

Happy 2019 to all!


anita pelayo rivera les dames d'abord


  1. Anita !!!....i wish you the best year ever for 2019...! dear friend far away.....i love you....and wil do That also in 2019!...ofcourse i Will do That love love Ria ❤️❤️❤️

  2. I look forward to 2019 and all that you create! Happy New Year Anita!
    xxxx Rhonda

  3. Anita this is going to be a wonderful adventure for you in 2019. Every picture you capture is a work of art and brings out such emotion and beauty. I am excited to see where this new camera and your beautiful and talented heart take you in the new year.
    Hugs sweet friend.

  4. Your camera came, yaaay! I'm sure you're looking forward to experimenting with it and playing around. Soon it will become familiar to you, as you take your wonderful photos, and I'm so glad to hear you might be starting a small business of your own. This is such a lovely picture, Anita. Wishing you peace and joy and love in the new, and always, my beloved friend.


  5. Hi Anita, Blessings for your new adventure. Newness in creativity is what inspires so many of us. I hope you didn't imply that you were leaving Castles Crowns and Cottages. I love your blog. Inspires me to go deeper. I will definitely find you on Instagram. Sending love and blessing for new adventures in 2019.
    xoxoxoxo Mary

  6. Hello Anita, sending love and best wishes for 2019. Also wishing you every success with your new business. Hugs Barbara

  7. Anita,
    I wish you the best in your new endeavor. You've worked hard and your artistry with photography has evolved, and brought delight and wonder with the beautiful stories you weave. I'm certain you'll succeed!
    Happy New Year, may it be a good year for us all.

  8. What an exciting venture for the new year, Anita. Is that last photo from your new camera? It's beautiful and greatly detailed so if it isn't -- well, your old one was pretty good and can't wait to see the new.

    Best of luck in your photography business. I know you'll find the perfect market for your exquisite style. Happiest of new years to you both.

  9. I always love your music selection--paired so succinctly with your beautiful photographs. I hope you will continue combining both your creative talents!

  10. OH YES!
    We are getting closer to those CARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Wishing a very good New Year, friend Anita. Love, cat.

  12. Blessing for a successful and prosperous new year with your photography business. Wishing you a very Happy New Year.........

  13. Always enjoy seeing your photographs.
    Wishing you a Happy 2019.

    All the best Jan

  14. Anita que bonita foto. feliz Año

  15. Happy New Year! It's been a pleasure to get to know you through your blog and your Instagram feed. Best wishes for your new endeavors!

  16. This is going to be a wonderful year dearest..Picture Perfect XXX

  17. Dear Anita,

    For the coming year I wish you all the best: health, beautiful dreams, peace and light, success, love and happiness.

  18. Wishing you the very best as you move towards your new journey in photography. Happy New Year!

  19. Happy New Year dear Anita.
    Wishing you all good things in 2019. Your photography is so beautiful!
    Susan x


"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echos are truly endless." -Mother Teresa