- Look at this lamb -
She appears to be very tenacious
about getting her "shepherd's" attention
and her Shepherd doesn't seem to mind.
Do you have a "Shepherd"
go to when times are hard
when you're afraid
when you've lost all hope?
I do.
His name is Jesus.
“I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me— just as the Father knows me and I know the Father—and I lay down my life for my sheep." John 10:14,15
Things in your life may never change.
But you can change.
And that, I have come to believe,
is what love just might be:
a changed individual
a changed world.
Pray without ceasing.
Go to the Shepherd and never lose hope in Him.
Seek to grow into a kinder soul.
Do no harm.
I am closing my blog now
but you can find me on Instagram.
Love you all.