Where do angels reside? Some live in attics, some live in the burbs on farms and others live in the Netherlands with a sweet little mouse, but the recipient of the Angel Award for the month of May lives in a castle, Castles in the Air that is! If you have not already been, you MUST go and visit Ulla at Ullabenulla.typepad.com.

When you visit her blog, you are walking into an enchanting world of creative dimensions that quite frankly, transport you to another level of artistic consciousness. Just when I thought I had reached the pinnacle of discovering creative uses for vintage motifs, glitter, gold and other treasures, Ulla pulls you in AGAIN with the work of a guest artist at her studio and blows your ideas outside of the box. The dolls, the puppets, the paper works, oh the list goes on and on, are of a quality that surpasses my imagination, and I have quite an imagination! All the photos here are from her blog where you can learn more about the artists that she so lovingly showcases.

These petals on the wall are paper! What nimble hands made this? Visit Ulla and find out!

The dark rich wood of this lovely cabinet and the dark fairy tale wonder of this photograph contrast the airy, light and lovely display of a delicate crown below.

Glittered dreams are far from futile
When within them hearts unfold
This my friends is but a story
Of dimensions left untold
Wake up dear ones in the company
Of friends and artists minds untamed
Bringing dreams down from the heavens
In an image beautifully framed
Not with baubles, gems or trinkets
Though her art is fine and rare
Friendship, kindness are her treasures
Up at Castles in the Air.
Have a great visit chez Ulla!

Now, our weather here in Minneapolis is not cooperating, so my gardening plans are on hold for what I hope is another week or two or three...but I will leave you with some images of one of my other favorite past times: taking tea with friends. How lovely it would be to be able to take tea with each one of you in Paris at the famous and elegant...

...to behold the perfectly crafted pastries...

and indulge in a moment of decadence in the City of Lights.

Or perhaps, we could stroll along the streets of my beloved Carmel-by-the-sea and visit the little pink tea house for a warm pick-me-up...

or a high tea at the famous Carmel landmark, The Tuck Box.

have lunch at one of the town's coziest restaurants...

or simply take a walk to the beach and talk about our dreams.

Have a splendid weekend and thank you for sharing your beauty in the wonderful world of blogging!
wow - what a delightful post! So many lovely images and delightful scenarios to live out! I'm also a big fan of Ulla's (though I've never been to Castles in the Air yet).
I will gladly meet for treats at Laduree. I'm embarrassed to say that, though I've walked by and oohed and ahhed and thought about going in, I simply never have. This next time, for sure!
Gorgeous!!! It would take me a year to make something like that.
I'm skipping over to her blog now. Thanks for sharing~
The link to Ulla's blog doesn't seem to be working.I'll check back later~
De-lovely! I greatly enjoyed having my morning coffee with you and your delightful images. Off to visit Castles in the Air. **blows kisses** Deborah
Thank you Anita...I'm off to visit Ulla now. And I have just imagined a cup of tea in the delightful Pink Tea House!!! You have a spendid weekend too ♥x
Beautiful pics of Carmel...Heart is racing. I want to go back!!! Cathy
Thank you for your visit Anita. All is well here downunder...we are having a beautiful Autumn...I hope you are enjoying your Spring, a lovely time of the year as everything comes to life...Ingrid ♥x
PS...I love to come and visit your blog, I love the way you write!!!
I am honored and thrilled to be your MAY ANGEL dear Anita! And receiving your lovely poem truly has made my heart tingle! Love and kisses to you my dear - I send you sweet smelling May flowers across the air waves!
Hi My dear one,
I can't wait to visit Ulla. How wonderful it would be to visit Castles in the Air.
I remember vsiting The Tuck Box years ago (Jeff was a wee one). Maybe we can meet in Paris and "do" Laduree together.
The poem is lovely. You have a rare gift.
Such a wonderful post.....such a lovely blog.
I hope you have a beautiful weekend as well.
Ok, this is hilarious...just TWO DAYS AGO I discovered Ullabenulla's blog through the Castle in the Air blog (also a wonderful one, as I'm sure you know already), which I arrived at through your sister's (is it your sister I believe?) blog, Fete et Fleur. (which is where I found you, too, btw) I've been playing the shadow puppet video she posted yesterday nonstop since last night (and am now absolutely in love with the voice of Lior, and want even more to make some shadow puppets).
Just last night I did a post on my LiveJournal about how Ullabenulla is almost beauty overload, there's so much goodness there. :)
We truly travel on the same path :)
You couldn't have picked a more perfect May Angel. I love Miss Ulla a ton. She is truly and Angel in every sense. Your posts are so very beautiful my dear. Oh, to be in Paris in the spring!
Another lovely post!! Thanks for visiting and commenting at my blog and I believe I found you through someone else's blog (maybe Fete et fleur?). Also wanted to let you know that I just awarded you the One Lovely Blog Award which you can pick up at my site anytime.
Am enjoying your photos and posts so much.
Happy May!
Hi Anita! Thank you for sharing your May angel with us! Let's meet up for tea and cake soon in Paris or Carmel. Actually, Carmel would be closer for me and who can resist a pink tea room!
Have a lovely day!
It's all so amazing!
I would love to have tea with you someday, especially there.
Hope you are having a wonderful day!
I just love the music on your blog too!
You've given me so many more places to visit, many thanks for a delightful visit to your beautiful blog.
Bonjour mon chere amie!
I would LOVE to come and have tea with you!! Someday...
Congrats to Ulla receiving your Angel Award! I will be visiting her when I get back from my journey.
What a lovely post ma belle!!
Bisous, Sherry
I feel like I've been on vacation...
lovely strolling with you.
Karen Eileen
Oh my those last few photos just took my breath away!!! Lovely post, thank you!!
Hi Anita,
What a charming post. I will have to go by and see Ulla's blog.
I so want to visit Carmel now that you've reminded me once again of all the darling sites. I would love to share my dreams and hear of yours, mon amie. You will laugh, but my favorite place to eat in the town is A Little Pizza Heaven, I have been visiting their outdoor café since I was 16 and it has a place in my heart and many fond memories. Have a lovely day, you made mine with thoughts of mémoires fantastique.
Anita, What a wonderful post! Thank you. The pictures we all quite lovely and I really enjoyed your charming poem. You are gifted! It would be absolutely devine to find myself in one of those quaint little tea houses and how nice it would be to share a cup of tea with you ♥ I hope you have a great day filled with many blessings.
How beautiful! The little cottages in France are darling-I could definately enjoy a cup of tea with one of those pastries! When do we leave?
BTW, I love the new look of your blog-it's beautiful!
Je suis ici par Fete et Fleur. Je vois que vous avez une passion pour la France et pour le langage francais. Vous avez un très beau blog. Venez me visiter, on peut "parler" en français! Et pardonnez-moi si je fait des fautes en français! Je suis toujours pressée!
Your blog is wonderful!!!
Oh I love mural painting too! I have them all over my apartment, and hope to do another one soon of trees around my front door. Here are a couple. They get paper masks every Halloween:
In our bedroom:
I hope to do a blog soon on TBN featuring my apartment! :)
And yes...my gosh...I am envious of Nancy for her chance to go take that class at Castle in the Air. I've never seen such an amazing kindred spirit shop in my life. If only Ohio and California weren't so far apart!
I have an award for you over at my blog~
Hi Anita,
Thank you for stopping by. I'm telling you, the books are FAB!
You will really enjoy them.
I just found you , through Ulla,
and have had such a delightful time wandering and listening to your perfect playlist!
I have been a fan of Ulla's for a long time now. I always find magic and treasures when I visit her. Today was no exception.
Your blog is lovely...wonderful images and the writing superb.
Your poem to Ulla is beautiful...a treasure for her to keep.
Oh yes, I did see her blog. All the wonderful paper art...I think I went to the worng blog when I went to check the first time. But I got it now!! Thanks for sharing.
Hello Anita! Sadly it's actually another LJ user who got the chance to see Rossetti's notebooks in person. I can only dream ;)
And I forgot to answer your question about the lettering on my Snow White box! I used transfer paper to transfer a tracery of the lettering, then I went over it with a gold paint pen Sharpie I found at JoAnn Fabrics after calling everywhere in town to find a gold Sharpie (I find that some ink pens and markers bleed horribly when you varnish over them...Sharpie doesn't). Most places have silver Sharpie, but no gold. How outrageous is that?
Oh do let's go to tea in Paris!!
Beautiful blog.....Sandra
Thank you for your sweet words about my decor! I absolutely cannot wait until this weekend's images :)
I'll be doing 2 more posts of pictures of my house. It's a small apartment, but it takes time to post all the pictures of details!
Sadly, the management of my aparment complex is very strict about each apartment having the same look as all the others, save for front porch decoration, etc. I suspect the Decraled would get me in major trouble. :( But I can dream for someday!
You said my large wall would look great with a tapestry..which one? The one above the fireplace? I do have painted fabric banners lining my staircase wall, which I'm going to feature in the next post :)
Oh and I totally agree about candlelight. I think I have enough candles in my apartment to keep the place lit up like Fifth Avenue if we ever had a black out. I do love my candlelight, and music. And wind chimes! Almost nothing soothes me more than the melodic resonance of large-scale metal windchimes!! How wonderful that you play the harp!!
And yes, Jen's home is seriously amazing. I've heard this too from everyone I know who has visited her and seen it in person :)
Dearest.Lets sit under the Lilac tree in my garden and drink some lemonade....When we are real quiet and don't chatter to much maybe Miss Moussie will come out and join us...she loves lemonade...Wishing you a lovely weekend:)Hug from all of us..
p.s My G.Mail isn't working at he moment...I do hope this problem will be solved soon...There are a lot of messages for Miss Moussie I'm sure.I'll have to ask Gustave...he is very good with computers;)
Bonjour Anita!
I could use one of those frou frou macarons right now with my café au lait. Just coming by to wish you a beautiful weekend!
Absolutely amazing. OMG!!! I would just die to visit the Laduree. Since you love French, I would be honored if you would visit my French-style website. It is called "Eleganceandwhimsy.com" and it is full of lovely Marie Antoinette items and faux pastries.
I had a blast reading your blog. Thank you so much.
xo Cathy
I have not been to Carmel as an adult... I MUST make a trip... FAB photos!
Some really great photos there. Heck maybe I should move there...
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