with sweet and refreshing orange delight?



A color I never considered for my closet

nor for my home décor
ORANGE AND WHITE TOGETHER however, make a delicious combination that evokes childhood memories

of going with my dad to the corner "soda fountain" to beat the infernal heat of So. California

and chasing after the ice cream truck
for a SPECIAL AND RARE treat that was gobbled up in haste to beat the inevitable melt and plop on the hot, black pavement.

I find myself now as an adult, chasing after the fragments of a summer so sweet

of orange tinged sunsets

against vanilla skies.
Autumn however, will bring new sunsets enshrouded in the chill of yet more enchanting memories to be made by YOU and your families.
Enjoy each passing day in all its colors, my friends!
Photo Credits:
Fashion Pictures found on the lovely blog, Daily Bits of Beauty
Google Images
Hello Darling Anita~
I love orange...it's one of my favorite colors. Orange + Cream= Beauty.
Thanks for such a lovely post...truly breathtaking!
Hey welcome back! Great post, perfect for daydreaming :)
Have a great weekend!
Awww - the childhood memories this most delicious post has brought to the surface. Definitely going out to find a dreamsicle today!!! beautiful ... just beautiful images!!!! Merci Mon ami... HHL
And now I'm craving a Creamsicle!! I LOVE that bathroom! I could soak in there for hours!! xo
Anita.....Beautiful images to look at on such a sweltering day! The next time I see a beautiful creamy sunset, I will think of "Dreamsicles"! xo~Patti
Very beautiful images especially the sunset and that orange dress. I want it in my closet!
Bonjour Anita!
Creamy, dreamy...I need a Dreamsicle now! Gorgeous images, and the bathroom has my name on it!
Bon week-end my friend,
Autumn may be coming but of course, we can still keep our orange creamsicles! They do bring back delicious summertime memories!
These images are just beautiful! Lovely post!
Dreamsicles always remind me of my mom. The orange and vanilla combination is her absolute favorite!
Very dreamy and refreshing post here!
I always think of orange as the color of the sun and summer... it lives in fall, a little muted with brown. Your montage is wonderful as always... the sentiment sublime. Everything enjoyed in its season. Longing for winter in summer means not appreciating where you are now! Have a lovely week!
you nailed everything my heart
is dreaming of right now. cool,
sweet, and dreamy.
the norman rockwell was my
parents in reverse. he swaggered
in, met her, and told her to give
"that pin back" to her boyfriend.
Hello Dearest..In Holland Orange is a color people wear when they are celebrating...on Queens day..or when we are suporting our dutch football team..Mostly these orange outfits are very silly but cute..I love Orange..and I am one of few who wears orange like say seriously!! My eyes are green and this makes a beautiful match..
Loved the post..you have such great sense of beauty!!
Summer is ending..but we go on...Lots of orange in the Fall..I'm sure
Hug from all of us..T.D and Company
Just when I thought your blog couldn't get better!
This is my favorite post so far. The first image is amazing. So dreamy. And I loveeeeeee dreamsicles with the orange on the outside and the delicious insides. I love it!
I hope you're having a wonderful day as I am! It's always a blessing to visit your blog.
good memories....wish we had an ice cream man here...but those days are long gone.
I love orange...The pics were all just wonderful!
The pictures are gorgeous and I want to get bolts of fabric and start sewing. Love your banner garden photograph!
xo, Candylei
Ohh, I love the 3rd picture and the bathroom and... the wardrobe with clothes and everything as well... :D
Hello Anita,
I like orange color in the late afternoons of summer just when the Sun hides itself behind the sea, it's the most beautiful.Beautiful post,
Hugs ,
Bonjour Anita
What beautiful images! The ice cream truck... I remember dancing on the hot pavement waiting for my popsicle.. I miss the ice cream trucks.. That BATHTUB! May I have it please? Norman Rockwell is one of my favorite painters and illustrators. When I think of orange, sunsets come to mind...
Ok, now I must make a trip to the market for a creamsicle! Beautiufl post..
yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmy! How in the world do you come up with these magnificents posts??? LOvE dreamsicles! I'll never look at orange the same way again thanks to you!!!!!! Thank you for being such a positive force these past few months. Still no news, but we're hoping the buyers will submit one more offer, and I'm pleading my husband to suck up the loss cuz in the end and accept this one, it's not worth the money for our peace of mind that we have lost here. Pray girlfriend!!! You'll be among the first to hear the good news! lots of love...d
Oh boy Anita.....do I ever remember dreamsicles and the ice-cream truck. I spent many a summer chasing him down with my dime in my hand just waiting for that delicious treat.
You know.....I actually do love orange and use it quite a lot when I can in my surroundings.....I don't know know why I love it so.....maybe it is the energy I feel when looking at it or maybe it is the memory of all those luscious summers as a kid and the warm glow I get when I think of them.
Hugs to you dear friend.
I want that orange dress and that bathtroom, this is really my taste.
Beauteful pictures.
Have a nice weekend.
Anita, these are beautiful images, love vanilla.....I love that bathtub.....I wish I had the room to go with it too.
When I see orange presented this way I absolutely love it, especially with all the new things I see out there in orange, yumm!
Thank you for visiting and checking up on me.....I am feeling so much better, who knew that a little part of our body could make us so ill!!!
Do you decorate like this in your home? What is your favourite color?
Margaret B
Oh what an enchanting post! I want a creamsicle now....
Have a great day :)
Oh I love your choice of pics and the way you presented.Its always nice to see something different! I've tried something different too so I'll be curious to see if it works.Fiona
I used to love creamsicles when I was a kid. After school we would go to Uncle Eddie's Igloo which was at school (actually Fr. Trembley's little ice cream wagon) and buy creamsicles. All proceeds when to a mission in Africa that Father supported.
As for the color orange, I love it though I don't think I have the color in my warbrobe now but I think it makes me look tan when I wear it!
Have a lovely weekend, Bonnie
Oh how I love this post...It is COOL and refreshing...Indeed, a dreamcicle! The colors just flow together in a wonderful fluid motion!!! It's YUMMY! Cathy
Dear Anita...I love this post, reading on a Saturday morning with tea and lemon in hand!!! I used to wear a lot of orange...when first married we had a bit of orange...and I adore oranges, especially in chocolate!!! Enjoy your days as they are cooling into the second best season of the year...while I eagerly await Summer and all she brings with it...Happy Days to you dear one, Dzintra♥x
ahhh Nita... you and your marvelous posts!!! What a beautiful combination ... Love the colors! Thank you for such a important remind.... Love you, T.
Hello Sweet One...
My oh my, you and I are totally and completely kindred sisters...Orange is my favorite scent...taste...purse and shoe color {clothing is almost always black and white, with shoes and purse being my POP of color}...in fact our new store candle, that is named after my daughter "LOU LOU", smells like a creamsicle, because that was her favorite treat.
You have a style of writing, that reaches out and gently embraces, taking you by the hand, like a mother guiding a child.
Until finally the craving is just to strong...so on you scroll, absorbing,devouring, drinking in each image as if just one more will quench the insatiable thirst for inspiration...I could peruse your creations all day... quite extraordinary.
Well dearest, am at the shop tomorrow. Could be a bit crazy ,as the weather is lovely and the market is crawling with ladies lookin' for a bit of fun.
speaking of which this might be my last cuppa before I fly, as my "to do" list is quite long.
Oh...am a little excited about a project that is on Bill's "to do" list. A while back, I found this vintage rot iron fencing that is about 18 inches high by 10 feet long {painted black over old white crackling off...YUMMY}.Well tomorrow it gets installed on top of an OLD cement retaining wall. I am so excited. The posts that connect the fencing panels will be 4x4 tube steel, with NO cap. I will try planting Ivy in the posts, so that it will grow all across the top of the fence. Really hoping this will work...hey, if it doesn't, I will cap them.
Oh dearest this has been too long. I just had soo much to share before I leave...I will miss our morning cuppa, but will stop by when I come home. Have a delightful weekend...love Rosie
Bonjour sweet and dreamy Anita.
I must confess that orange is not one of my fav colours, but in the freezer under "dreamsicle" is one of my most treasured memories. As a mater of fact, my sister had us over on Tues. at the cottage. She served these wonderful coolers. Colour? Orange. Taste? Dreamsicle. How ironic that you would come up with this post today.
We also had a chip truck, meaning french fry truck come around every day, twice a day. The bell would ring, mom would give us a dime, or if it was to be our dinner, she would splurge on a quarter, and we would run out to get some potato cut fries loaded with salt and vinegar. So as much as we loved the ice cream man, the chip man was almost as good if not better.
I believe you must be decorating with a splash of orange, oui????
Have a wonderful weekend my dear friend. Let's hang on to this beautiful summer as long as we can shall we?
Hugs to your hubby too.
Love Claudie
P.S. I just had 2 of my good friends come back from Paris. They were there at the same time & didn't even know it. The pictures of the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower are amazing. It seems like everybody I know is going to Paris these days... I will stay close to my pool : )
How Yummy and re~freshing!! Thanks for sharing your beautiful post!!
oh how I love your vanilla and orange world today.
Creamsicles are an all time favourite in my home.
You make everything do dreamy and magical.
Orange is not my colour either but I so have a very sweet ruffled scarf I wear which adds a pop of orange to my fall fashions.
Do you still back to school shop? I love shopping for new school clothes...something I have never out-grown.
Hugs for the best few weeks before the school bell rings. xoxoxoxooxoxoxo
Beautiful post. Brings back some beautiful memories of when I could eat ice cream. Boy what I wouldn't do for one of those. I love the colors and think it would be beautiful if you went with them in your house.
By the way, we still have an ice cream truck on our street. Karina still waits for it sometimes. I love watching her run out to meet it and take her time choosing just the right treat. She's still my little girl especially when it comes to ice cream!
Love you.
My Sweet Anita...
Whew, it's taken me forever to get over for a visit. Things have been ever so busy here at the cottage...hoping things will slow down just a tiny bit soon. I'm POOPED.
LOVED this post. I actually adore Creamsicles....Spelling??? YIKES... Can I blame it on fatigue? The sleeves on that orange dress are so special, aren't they? It really is the little touches.
Huggies and Lovies dear one...
Dearest Anita...roasted cauliflower, you are making me hungry!!! Try if you want with the blue cheese in the soup itself...guaranteed!!! Bon Appetit my Friend...Dzintra♥x
Delicious and dreamy
from beginning to
end, dear Anita!
Mr. Privet's weather
report is that you've
been sweltering while
I've been enjoying
the fresh breezes of
the Oregon Coast! I
hope your freezer is
stacked high with
Creamsicles! Wonderful
images and magical
words, as always : )
Imagine there will be
orange in the trees
by the time we have
tea together, again!
It's going waaay too
Enjoy the weekend!
xx Suzanne
Dear Anita,
A Dreamy.sicle post! I love dreamsicles! Memories galore.
Orange is a color that is slowly creeping into my closet and home and I am always amazed how much I like it.
Hope the storms in your neck of the woods are of the kinder nature than what I am seeing on TV.
Hot here, looking forward to cool weather.
Happy weekend!
Anita, hmmmm, this post appeals to me very much! Orange softened by vanila - i'm craving this ice-cream now! Somehow orange seems to be my colour. In Aura Soma theraphy they say, you'll instinctively pick the colour of ypur aura, when you choose one of their coloured oils - and i chose deep orange, although i would never have guessed that.It's a vibrant, lively colour, and also, i love the smell of oranges - such sunny fruits.
Thank you for your lovel visit - will look at your nowhere-posts, can't wait to see more of it. xx, M.
Oh, so gorgeous! Lovely, lovely stuff! I too loved the ice cream truck and creamsicles, yummy! I actually do love orange for wearing and decorating, it reminds me of Hermes! Stunning combinations here, it is still so steamy hot in the South, this is so refreshing, dear Anita! XX!
INSPIRING!!!! And I love those dresses!!! Absolutely fabulous pictures, and oh yes, I have always loved creamsicles!!! Oh Anita, I love how you THINK and DREAM and take DELIGHT in the beauty that surrounds you, how you find images to go with your beautiful words, and vice-versa. Your posts are always a delight and a feast for the eyes.
I am going to post something delicious this morning... strawbeery pie! Total Yum.
Have a beautiful weekend!
~ Violet
Oh, what a lusciously delicious post! Loved the words, images...and the yummy color combinations...just perfect!
Hope your weekend is lovely!
My dear, you said it all when you left a message for me. Indeed, the tranquility that I experience every day are things that I have no words to express. God is very good, yes?
What charming colors and images!
Beautiful montage
I smell the orange!
You reminded me of these drinks my brother used to love in the mall...Orange Julius :)
I love the dreamy pics Anita :)
Bonjour Anita
Toujours de délicieux billets ....
Quelle belle invitation gourmande des saveurs entre vanille pure et légère et l'orange profond et joyeux ..toutes aussi belles il est vrai en déco que pour se faire belle et ainsi se mettre en valeur ...
Ah !!!! les crèmes glacées de notre enfance ...en prenant des années notre enfance reste le plus beau lieu de vie !
Le choix de tes photos est parfait !
Bon week-end
what a pretty post! love the transition from creamsicle to dreamsicle!
xox alison
Dear Anita, this post made a lot of tastes come to my mouth....oh, wonderful! It's as if I want to read it all over again just to feel the taste of it all again! Hope you're enjoying your weekend! xoxo
Thank you for the walk down memory lane. Have a wonderful week.
wow, Emma is looking very pretty in that white dress. But I love the orange coat too.
Join our giveaway to win a fabulous dress. :)
I love the expression 'mouthwatering'! Can't wait to see your next post! Have a lovely Sunday, Anita!! Kristin :)
G'morn, Anita ~ I will be right back ... running out for a dreamsicle!
OK I am back ... how delicious your presentation ... elegance realms here, always.
Have a lovely summer day ~
TTFN ~ Marydon
Dear Anita...how sweet of you, I have never been called anything like that before!!! You enjoy your day too...Cheers, Dzintra♥x
Hey...wait for me...here I am way down on the train tracks...You! The engine girly...You plow down the tracks of life, giving us a creamsicle dream.
What a yummy dreamsicle of a time!
You have so many comments Anita! You must feel loved beyond measure. I do believe, what Anita dishes out, Anita gives large portions of and we just delight in the feast! A treat for the eye and the mind...to dream in living Creamsicle!
Hoping today is love filled for you. My love and huggs from Gretta too!
Oh dearest,
I am running out the door, but I have left a wee snappie near the top of my sidebar, just for you. I take an awful picture, and so it rarely done. This happened quite by accident as I was taking a shot of some "spent roses" in the mirror of my sideboard Hoping this will suffice.Looking forward to a wonderful cuppa when I return...love rosie
Yummm!! What a sweet post. :)
Oh my, what a dreamy and awesome post! Each and every photograph is just incredibly awesome! Happy I found my way to your blog!
Nancy's Notes
you mean what i am thinking as i am heading now towards the refrigirator? nothing but sweets-ice cream! lovely photos! have a great sunday! verbena cottage
Ah, Anita...lovely and yummy all at the same time...thank you.
Hello ma belle! What a sweet post! Yep I'm back again, first we had a wonderful vacation, didn't you love California? and when we finally got home I had a few problems finding my way on the internet again. I lost about everything and it was quite a job to find everything again, especially as it still was vacation time over here, so that meant some serious shopping with the kids, connecting with friends and family and very little time to restore everything on the computer. But I'm definitely back again now and I have enjoyed your posts as always, now I'm going to browse your blog to see whether you have a Californian experience here as well,
bisous et à bientôt! LiLi
Anita this post started off dreamy & euphoric & ended up wrapping all that into wonderful childhood memories for me as well. When you wrote about eating your Creamsicle fast so it didn't eat the pavement, I just had to chuckle. What kid didn't that happen time & time again. What a fun, gorgeous post & I so enjoyed it. I hope your weekend as equally as fun and relaxing? Cheers for a great new week Deb ♥
Ummm....errr....could it be anything to do with citrus LOL!!! Have a wonderful week dear Anita, Dzintra♥x
Hi Again, we just got back from a short trip and I wanted to let you know that "Yes, you can," to your question to me. Thank you so much!
Hi Anita,
You are so right, if I'm working on pretties, I don't have time to blog.
This post is amazing as always. I never do orange, but these are so pretty. It's so funny, we are planning baby Jake's first birthday, and everything will be orange, since his birthday is a pumpkin patch party.
We have been finding alot of things that are orange.
You have a wonderful week,
Chat soon,
Bonjour Anita!
Oh I just love this post.. Had to come back to do some dancin...
Jackie said she just saw you dancin up the street in Yellowstone on your way to see Bebe!
Have a great day my dear friend!
Morning sweet one...send me your address to my email and I will send you one of my cards. xoxoxo Hugs for a great new day.
What a colorful, clever post! I have recently been getting into the color orange, which is a miracle, since I used to hate that color. What candy for the eyes here!
Ahhhh, my bath is made up of creamy vanilla and beige delights. I want a retreat as I soak in my jacuzzi. But baby open up my closet and you'll find red, orange and brilliant colors. Your post was simply beautiful sweetie!
God bless ya and have a marvelous Monday!!!
Hi Anita,
Thanks for visiting me,I hope that you're spending a nice week,
Ha! I was totally thinking of creamsicle! Of course my mouth and memory started flowing. And oh how I love all these beautiful photos! xoxo
You would be divine in orange!!! oooh that would be great! This was sooo cool! My Mom says Dreamsicles are the best and I now agree for Idid a taste test! Yum. :) I send summer joys to you friend. That will carry you through. Blessings.
My dearest Anita ... this is such a beautiful post as always! The orange and pink tangents are so gorgeous. You are truly amazing as your heart and your soul reach out to so many people. I am truly in awe of what you have created here with your blog. 74 comments and counting ... truly amazing as I believe you have a gift to touch people's souls! I wish I could...
Lots of love as always from down under
M.A. the 2nd
I have never used much orange in my home either except in the fall when I decorate for Halloween and Thanksgiving. I remember orange creamsicles though. They were the best! Wonderful post! Thank you for bringing back some lovely memories for me.
Hello Anita..
What a thought provoking and beautiful picture filled post! I loved it. I do like the colour orange though I can't really wear the colour nor do I have it in my home.
Thats what dreams are made of...
have a wonderful day..
Comme it est beau ton billet ma belle Anita!
Tes mots, tes realisations et tes photos me font toujours rever.
Bonne journee et un gros bisous a toi
Hello Anita♥
What a wonderful blog i ever come across♥ It's such a heavenly sweet post and makes me so in love and believed i'm in the dreamy vanilla world indeed*teehee*
Lots of blessing sending to you all the way from Asia~Singapore!
A beautiful post - but I'm so hungry now! It truly is a mouthwatering colour.
Hi Anita,
I could taste a creasicle as I read this post. I think this post really really is gorgeous and filled with so much nostalgia. Especially that ice cream truck. It used to come in my neighborhood and we would stand out front on a hot summer's day and dream of what we would buy. I loved orange creamsicles and vanilla coconut pops.
Lovely collection of stunning photos.
Greetings Dear One...
Always fun to go away, but when it's time to come home, I can't get there fast enough.
Thank you for all the sweet notes you left for me, my dear. What a lovely "Welcome home"...
Oh, Lizzy {Lou~Lou} and I, had the most fabulous,fun filled, couple of days...Lou picked me up at the airport. We dropped our luggage off at the hotel, did a couple of hours of work and then it was off to "cirque du soleil" {Alegría}.
This was created for YOU...The setting?...a forest fairyland...with the most beautiful creatures imaginable...It was magnificent...
Then out for a late supper and a little t.v.
Monday HAD to be a work day, because we played hooky the day before...and work{ shop } we did!
4 hours later, and very little $ left in our pockets...but am soooo excited about Christmas Decor for the store. Silver, Winter White, Champagne, Crystal and Turquoise...
....insert "happy dance" HERE....
OK...sorry got a little distracted there.
Lou and I had a lovely late lunch at an "open air café"...then went to...Eat, Pray, Love in the evening. So much fun...
I flew home this afternoon...and the laundry is going...back to reality. Well almost time for my fluffy bed...I shall have the kettle on for your first cuppa of the morning...
Aaaw, I loved the color boost! Orange is the national color of my country, you probably knew so.
Wishing you a lovely and colorful day, Anita. xxx
I love orange,it gives energy.
Beautiful images .
Hugs anita.
Bonjour Anita passionnés,
J'aime que nous partageons l'amour des arts et de dessins, votre vision est ma vision, je l'amour que nous partageons quelque chose en commun, l'amour et la passion pour le blanc.
Aimez vos paroles poétiques.
Hello passionate Anita,
I love that we share the love of arts and designs, your vision is my vision, I love that we share something in common, the love, and passion for white.
Love your poetic words.
I want to soak in that tub, put on that dress, and eat that creamsicle...Guess what dress I want :)
Dearest Antia,
Oh my, what a lovely reminder of my creamsicle days! Love the orange and white and the beautiful dreamy creams! Again you have created the most beautiful post! Love your images and I think I am going to have to run out and have a Creamsicle now!
Wishing many beautiful sunsets!
Anita, vous êtes un ami très cher. J'aime beaucoup les inspirations que vous postez.
A bientôt belle âme. Merci pour vos visites nombreuses.
La garder tout blanc.
Oh my dear, how are you? How is your eye...did it clear up? I hope you are soaking up every minute, of the little bit of summer, we have left. Am sure your planning meetings and new curriculum are at the forefront of your every thought. You will be the mothering mentor your wonderful baby birds crave.
Any news on the reno???? As the summer draws to a close, it is bitter sweet...sad that the warm, lazy days must make room for those beautiful crisp fall mornings...and for you dearest, it means a whole lot of decorating fun is about to begin...YIPPEE....
Well, must enter the wonderful world of white paint tomorrow. A little dresser is in desperate need of a little love.
Well my sweet fella has a movie ready to go, so will bid you "bonne nuit mon cher ami" & "profiter de demain"
...love Rosie...
Bonjour! You're blog is parfait. Tres belle!!
Jessa xx
Bonjour ma belle Anita
Je passe en douce "voler" un peu de Beauté, de rêve, de joie.
Que ta page est belle.
Bisous du coeur
Hi Anita...I love it that we have the same plate...next time I use it I will think of you!!! Wonderful...enjoy some tartlettes soon with your summer fruit...Cheers to you, Dzintra♥x
Good morning Anita! As always thank you for visiting me, my friend! I am afraid that painting may be out of the question today as temps are going back up to the 90's. It sounds like we both have been up to the same thing of late! Paint, paint paint...mostly white, of course! Can you believe that the summer is soon coming to an end and you will be going back to your school and starting another year. Amazing how our whole life shifts gears with a turn of the calendar...Have a wonderful day, Anita!~xo, Patti
That really does bring back memories, the ice cream truck, jingle, jangling up our street or walking up to "Dannys Market" with 25 cents... enough to buy TWO creamcicyles! Sweet!
In response to your comments on my post... WOW! Steiff, those are the very best! In answer to your question>
Sheep and Goats have horizontal pupils because better vision in the vertical plane is beneficial in their mountainous environments. The pupil is rectangular in shape instead of being round like those of other animals and is believed to give goats excellent night vision as they often browse at night. { I am glad you asked, because I didn't know either and I had to look it up!}
Yummy, love creamsicles. Of course I love all the dresses and the shoes. Thanks for the Creamsicle Dreamsicle treats my friend.
Dearest Anita,
This is such a DELICIOUS post...I LOVE this Tantalizing Tangerine...this is truly dreamy.
How was your day dear one? Did you sit with a refreshing iced drink, paging through magazine after magazine, drinking in inspiration for your beautiful house? Oh how I wish I could join you in this joyous journey first hand...it makes me itch to do a little reno in our old house. I would love to do our upstairs bathroom...thinking about carrera marble...floor and 2/3 of the way up the wall...yum
but alas we are still needing to finish landscaping the side garden. Have had to put it on hold because of the heat...today was wonderfully cool, so maybe soon.
well dear girl thank you for your fine cuppa. Will wish you a glorious day and will send you a BIG hug...love you...Rosie
Anita, I really love these images, I had to come back and take another look, so yummy!!!!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!!!
Margaret B
Oh! my dear Anita, I don't like orange, I am sorry.
I prefer the cold colors, I don't know why!
But I like Norman Rockwell, really, he made me dream about America when I was a child.
He is in my blog.
But, I dream so when I visit your blog, dear Anita.
In very soon. Fine.
Dearest Anita,
my holiday is over and i'm saying this with a little relief, but bitterness too, as all we had during this time was rain and cold weather and of course we weren't prepared for such nasty weather conditions to last for so long.
It was all soooooooo boring - guess also due to the fact that we've been spending our summer holiday in the same place in South Tyrol for eight years now and the rain can only add boredom to the nuisance of the weather.
Did have my notebook along and the internet connection key but it was sooooooooooooooo slow that i couldn't even upload my blog or check my e-mails.
And now that i'm back here's your wonderful post with all these dreamy pics.Love orange though like you I've never thought of it for something to wear nor to decorate my home: a little too bold for my personality. But please leave the orange dress for me. want to give it a try!!
Going thru your pics is like daydreaming: those dresses are a marvel and I'm drooling over that gorgeous bathtub.can I borrow it for the next hour?
glad to be back and to be able to follow my bloggy friends
Hi Anita, thanks for visisting! Actually, so many of the women i meet here in blogland are great examples, of how to look - and even more important - be - beautiful in all ages. You look absolutely gorgeous in your skirts dear! And i - even though i have wrinkles round my eyes i feel better then i did when i was younger. Maybe because it took me so long to harmonize this wikd crowd of "is" theat dwell and fight within me ...
Let's have a creamsickle and some fun this weekend! xx
what a very fun post and I really like the music too!
When I was little my Mom would take us to lunch at Friendly's and I would get an orange sherbet cooler! It tasted like a creamsicle! Yummmmmmmm!!! I wonder if they still make them.
Dreamy, dreamsicle post, sweet Anita! That is one FABulous bathroom!
I wondered when I was in Rockport what it must be like to live there. It is such a charming, artsy community! Just beautiful!
We must hold tight to these summer memories! We're going to need them in February! :)
How is the remodel coming along?
Blessings for the new school year!
Oh Anita Dear,
I was so excited to see your lovely sketch...you are so talented...in a multitude of areas...you my dear are blessed with many glorious gifts...and I am so honored that you would share these all with me...thank you dearest.
I love to sketch and paint {watercolor} too. Haven't picked up pencil or brush for years...however, on that note, I am heading off to spend a week with mom and my aunt on an little island in the Okanagan. The cabin is quite isolated and only accessible by boat...so thinkin' I might just take a pencil with me.
Well, today I finished a delightful little dresser. She is a very warm grey, with the prettiest flower basket pulls you ever did see...smile...
and if that wasn't enough JOY for one day, I prepped a curly claw foot single bed...picture...no headboard, or foot board just a beautiful frame...ahhhh....thinkin' maybe a white tufted mattress, so one could place it centrally, and use it for lounging...I think it will be "delicious"
Well dearest I have gone on way too long, but oh I do love a good chit chat...enjoy tomorrow...and we will chat when you have time...I will be praying for you, as you get back into the classroom...although we may not have our daily cuppa I will think of you daily...sending you a tender hug...love Rosie
Oh Anita sweet, you make me almost wish it were Fall. Your post is just yummy. All the images put me in a state of bliss. Oh I could stay here all day and dream.
Thank you so much for leaving such sweet words about the little tea party. Having the girls here enjoying the garden and gazebo makes all the hard work worth it all.
Dear Anita
Just had to come back and look at that beautiful bathtub! Such beautiful images dear one.
Bonsoir, dearest! How are you? I apologize for absence. I didn't realize I had been away for so long! We took a short trip to my parents lake house before the children returned to school. As you know quite well, there is MUCH to do to get prepared for school.
Orange creamsicles are Bella and my favourite!
Wishing you a lovely weekend, darling. I hope to catch up soon!
xoxo, B
Just found your blog...so lovely. I will be back. I started blogging at the end of June and its been a wonderful experience.
Please come by sometime.
Anita, I will try to be of some help, there is much to consider. Send me your e-mail address at jeri@hopalonggreetings.com
I think this is the last post I have to catch up on my dear! Truly gorgeous photos.
I love it, cream and orange. Who would of thunk it??? My favorite colors for Fall decor!
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