Saturday, March 12, 2011

Common Thread

As I peer into the distance

beyond the gracious plains

and across the beautiful 

but REstless

and MIGHTY seas

I see myself.  

I would like to gather 

as much comfort as I can

for my brothers and sisters in this hour of great need

for we share a common thread.

And even though the various colors of our cultures and languages

religions and philosophies 

INDIVIDUALIZE and clearly distinguish us from each other

the basic need for DAILY bread



and love

binds us together as one.

Peace to everyone in Japan

and a calm spirit to ALL of you as we carry on

with the knowledge that life 

is so delicate.

Photo Credits:


  1. AMEN my darling Anita!! AMEN!

    Bisous, Sherry

  2. exactly so ! sweetpie its a very sad day
    speak later fay xx

  3. Your writing is so beautiful. Such a moving post! xo

  4. You kind words have been on my mind! We have friends in Tokyo and are so happy they came away with just a huge scare!
    But the destruction is so huge, I feel for all the people having lost family and homes, businesses and livelihood!
    What a tragedy!
    We are so sad!

    But your pictures are so enormously uplifting! Thank you, Anita!

  5. Amen Anita. It is surreal to see the images, the destruction is so widespread. And with the nuclear plant situation there, things could get worse. So scary.
    Makes you really think and appreciate every moment we have.

    Lots of love to you, hope you are both doing well. love deb xOxO

  6. Anita,
    Movingly and lovinly said.
    Prayers go out to Japan.

    (Earth Pangs
    He's Coming)!
    Love Linnie

    PS Such Beautious Pictures

  7. That is so lovely. What a blessing to send out. Thanks for being you.

  8. Beautifully written, Anita. My heart goes out to all. Life is so uncertain. Thank you for sharing this lovely tribute to those in Japan. ~ Sarah

  9. what a kind post, i was so touched by the pictures and then your writing touched my heart.

  10. oh yes,
    my heart goes out to Japan. i am praying for them as the "after shocks" unfold themselves. we are ONE world.

  11. My prayers rising up with others from around the world for the people in Japan, a beautiful and touching post my dear friend.

    ~ Violet

  12. So touchingly beautiful, Anita. I can barely breathe thinking about it all. Our collective heart breaks, I know.

    Thank-you, as always, for putting to words, image and music so well the things I'd like to say, but can't do nearly as perfectly as you, my friend...

    May your weekend be lovely and peaceful...


  13. As we lift the people of Japan to God in our hearts, let this event remind each of us how fragile life is as we walk through our own life's journey....that every day is a gift...that whatever we fill our day with, we give in exchange a day of our life. May we all make our days worthy of that precious exchange....

  14. Anita, I picked up a little something for you...

    will you please contact me by email so I can mail it to you?

    Talk to you soon...


  15. Anita,your words are so beautiful! Thank you, Have a wonderful weekend, KS

  16. Peace to EVERYONE in Japan !
    Thank you, Anita for this compassionate and moving post ! You make the world a better place !

  17. Beautifully said and illustraged, Dear Anita ! The Earth does not need us - but we DO need the Earth....

  18. YES....and so tenderly.
    Beautiful post dear sweet Anita.

  19. Ahh, Anita... so beautiful and so right. Those dear and noble people - our hearts go out to each and every one. Earthquakes are one of the most scary things, add to that a terrible tsunami... and we all feel exactly what they are going through because it can happen to all of us, at any time, any place.
    Many blessings and prayers for our brothers and sisters in Japan...
    And to you dear Anita - you have such a sensitive and beautiful soul.

  20. Your photos are amazing! Your thoughts express what so many of us are thinking at this time. Thank you for putting it all in this beautiful post.


  21. Yes it is prayers are for the people in Japan....o my so sad......and ooooooo !! i see a Karmann Ghia in your post !! my husband shall like it !!! and me too of course....we have two Karmann's ......lovely love ......een heel fijn weekend....liefs van mij....kusjes.....Ria

  22. Amen, dear friend.
    So hard not to have
    the TV on and to hang
    on to every word. Instead,
    I'm sending prayers and
    positive thoughts. Yours
    are beautiful, as always.
    xx Suzanne

  23. Truly beautiful of my favorite posts ever. Praying for Japan.

  24. I have been to those lovely areas of Japan and am terrified at what has been lost in lives and in culture and history... the old is so fragile there... but the new has been built to withstand so much and still it is no match for nature's fury.

    I can't help but think that rising sea levels and our own folly has precipitated this disaster. It is an incredibly interconnected world we live in and Lorenz's butterfly effect lays heavily on my mind. Such a fragile web holds us together and we are hacking our way when we should tread lightly.

    My hopes and prayers go with all who are suffering. You have done a beautiful homage to beauty and the spirit that brings us through disaster.

  25. Beautifuly said Anita. Life is so delicate, we need to hold our loved ones close, and pray for those who are in need today. So much bad news, but we have to keep the faith and trust in our Lord who will get us through day by day.

  26. Oh sweet said a BLOG FULL today. Life can change in an instant!



  27. En ces jours où le Japon est dans la peine et la souffrance, puissions nous nous unir et former une chaîne d'amour ...
    Il est dit : "donnez nous aujourd'hui notre pain quotidien ..."
    Dans ma famille le pain était sacré, dans ma maison aussi ...
    Offrir un sourire pour illuminer une journée, c'est ce que tu fais si bien chère Anita.
    Je t'embrasse tendrement et te souhaite un beau dimanche.

  28. Simply Beautiful & Humbling~Blessings Kim

  29. Ahhhh...peace indeed...well said dearsest...xoxo...happy painting

  30. My Dearest Anita
    I am sure the people of Japan are in everyone's thoughts and prayers today.. You my dear have put it into such beautiful words. You are such a kind and sensitive soul.

    One never know's what a day can bring.. We should all cherish each other every moment of every day. Thank you for the heartfelt post. My blessings and prayers are with all who have touched by nature's wrath.
    Love and blessings to you dear friend

  31. So, so heart-touching. We are all bound together in spirit, aren't we as we pray and hope for the very best for the people of Japan? You said it so beautifully, as always!

  32. My Anita,
    What a beautiful and timely post. In truth your words are timeless. There's not a time or place where they are not true. We are family and any hurt in one family member should be felt by the rest of us. Japan is in need of our love a prayers. So too those around the world struggling for freedom against tyranny.

    I miss my sweet bug.

  33. Dear Anita what a beautiful from the heart post,thinking of all those sad people...Ida x

  34. hi anita.

    what a beautiful and compelling way to
    share your heart for the japanese
    people. you brought their need to our
    front door so eloquently.

    Lord, have mercy and send your peace
    and comfort.

  35. Such beautiful sentiments. You have such a lovely heart, Anita! Thoughts and prayers to Japan!

  36. Beautiful sentiments, these are the right words. It is horrible, Mother Nature is so so strong, we are helpless, a scary idea.
    Wonderfully written, ma chère Anita.
    Have a restful weekend, I am off to bed, early tonight and get my rest too, soooo tired.
    Much love, always xxxxx
    I love love your comments, sweet friend, they uplift my days!

  37. Wonderful and emotive post Anita, we all are praying for the Japan people today.

    Muchos besos y un gran cariño para tí.


  38. Bless you dear for this beautiful post! Have been so shocked about this horrible catastrophe in Japan - it's something that concerns all of us. Poor people! Am sending all good vibes over the ocean and hope things don't escalate more. You're such a kind heart Anita! Enjoy your sunday - am glad the parent talk went well!

    P.S.: Gooooorgeous picture, the BIG ONE above - WOW!!!

  39. Hello my dearest! How are you doing? Oh this is such a beautiful post that is so gracious and eye-opening and at the same time breaks my heart for all those that are suffering now. The devastation is just beyond anything that I can grasp and I pray that those that need love, peace and shelter are comforted. You are dear heart and soul and I hope that your heart is comforted as well.
    Blessings to you and have a beautiful weekend.

  40. Oh my! how incredibly sensitive and beautiful! It calls us to understanding and generosity! Calls us to prayer! Thank you! Cathy

  41. So sad today. Heavey heart. Prayers reaching toward heaven.


  42. Yes. Very very shocking event.
    2011 is sure going to be remembered...for all the wrong reasons. First our awful floods, and inland tsunami. Soon followed by the huge Cyclone Yasi. Not forgetting the heavy Winter the Northern Hemisphere has endured. Then poor Christchurch in that shocking earthquake. Now Japan. I'm speechless...
    The immenseness of this latest tragedy is quite overwhelming.

    Your beautiful pictures are calming, thanks Your Majesty.
    Much love♥

  43. Dear Anita,

    Such a beautiful post and photos you have shared today, dear friend.
    Life is so fragile and precious when we see the power of what has happened over the past month.
    Thank you for sharing this heartfelt prayer for our friends in Japan.

    Wishing you a lovely weekend

  44. Oh yes my sweet prayers are with them all. *Sigh*

    What a beautiful post! I feel so sad for what has is so so delicate. xoxo

    I have a sweet student that has me worried....she was away on Friday as her Grandparents and Family members live in Japan. I worry about them. My heart is sad!


  45. Good evening my sweet...
    What a tender post. Life IS SO fragile. We just never know what tomorrow will bring. Today many prayers from ALL over the world are being sent up on Japan's behalf...and He hears each and every one.

    But here my dear, you sit down in this fluffy chair...Oh no no, don't worry about a little white paint, it's for sure dry. Oh dear one, I have a glass of sparkling chardonnay for you. Bill made these truly awesome casadias, and I saved you some, with a little garden fresh side salad, as I thought you might be hungry and too tired to cook.
    Oh my darlin' is that little powder room covered in frost white....Ahhhh...wonderful!
    Things were VERY low key today a movie or two and a lot of laying around. Tomorrow I hope to have my first outing. Maybe a drive to a near by little town...with a little "lemon meringue pie" at the end of our journey. Oh, life is simple and these days...such a nice break from the hub bub I usually am surrounded with.
    Well, dearest wishing you a day filled will the JOY of decorating.
    Sending a bouquet of HUGS & KISSES...Sleep well my friend...rosie

    March 12, 2011 9:11 PM

  46. Oh, Anita these images and your beautiful words are in such harmony!What a great tribute!
    Your words are filled with much love and hope! I love your spirit!
    Lots of love to you!
    gi gi

  47. Beautiful music... and such lovely images to go with your touching words. You say it so well...

    ~ Violet

  48. Yes, it's so sad!!! But your post is just beautiful! I LOVE the surfer picture with the big amazing wave. I love waves soooo much! And the color of that water....only God can create sth so beautiful! Have a blessed Sunday!

    Hugs, Kristin

  49. Life is we live it..and go on..with hope in our hearts..
    Beautiful post today dearest...xoxo

  50. Morning sweet friend...thank you for visiting me already on this fine Sunday morning...this time change is going to kill me tomorrow morning!

    My Sunday will be filled with kitchen sweet Ali is sick so I promised to have her dad deliver homemade Chicken noodle soup that is my first assignment...then I hope to create some sweet bites for a few friends.

    Sending you some love for a new more for me and Spring Break is here! xoxoxoxoo

    Your sweet comments filled my heart today!

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. Anita,
    I feel so sad about Japan. The devastation is beyond what we can imagine. I read that on top of everything that they are dealing with, a volcano just erupted. My heart aches for so many thousands of innocent people who suffer during this time. We can pray.


  53. I don't visit you nearly enough, Anita! Your posts are always luscious...beautiful photos, warm and wonderful words. I always come away feeling calmed and centred, and that's not a given with me most of the time!

    Thank you for that...:)

    Imagination Lane

  54. Well said, dear friend. I celebrate a birthday as others mourn their losses. Life is a delicate thing. I am grateful and
    humbled by each new day I'm given.
    Many blessings!

  55. Nita, I am so pleased to see this post . I share great sadness because of the recent events in Japan. I was in the eye of Hurricane Andrew ( Homestead/Fl) in 1992 and it was horrible to see the aftermath.... that was like a "drop" of catastrophe compared to the Tsumami . Thank you again for the remind and yes let's pray together! Love you~

  56. I knew when I saw your post that it would hit my heat. It did. Japan does. There are so many great needs there, and my prayers go out to each one who is suffering right now. You are right, the same God created all of us. When one hurts, we all hurt.

    My prayers are with them as I watch this sadness unfold.

    Thank you Anita... I so love your heart.


  57. I left a comment yesterday, but it faded into blog land.
    Sometimes it is hard to believe that all is in God's hands, especially when a natural disaster such as this occurs. Our hearts go out to the Japanese people. This sort of thing can happen anywhere, anytime. So I try to make every minute of life count by staying happy and productive.
    So Ruben is in Memphis? We are in Northeast TN, so it is not THAT warm. But nice enough for me! Bye for now my friend!

  58. I was devasted to learn of the news from Japan. It is such a wonderful country and I still have relatives there. I was also worried because earthquakes in that area sometimes mean tsunamis in Hawaii. Thankfully, my friends and family are well. Life is fragile. I enjoyed your post.

    Love you, Bonnie

  59. Hi Anita
    It is certainly very sad.. I haven't actually watched any news and only learnt about it through blogging.. We've had a year of natural disasters down our way.. and each time 24hr news coverage and it becomes unbearable to see all that heartache.. First the QLD floods. then cyclone then NZ and the heartbreaking earthquake.. and now this...

    Praying for a better year for all.. ciao xxxx Julie

    PS.. the colours in that second image are perfect!!!

  60. Anita, Thanks you so much for your messages! Edward is home again and feeling just fine! I just took pictures of him on my rocking chair - he was so content!
    This posting is so beautiful... you are so good at this!
    You know, really, the amazing thing isn't the amount of natural disasters we've had lately but how we normally don't have too many... I mean...this is such an ever changing world after all! But we really are all brothers and sisters on it!
    Blessing for a lovely week!

  61. Such a beautiful prayer towards Japan! Well done, Anita!
    Mil beijinhos para ti! :-)

  62. Dear Anita,

    Last night I sat up thinking and thinking of how to compose such a message. You've done a wonderful thing here and I can only bow my head in silence and pray that everyone feels and does the same. Hugs to you this day XOXO, Kelly

  63. Très beau message de paix et d'harmonie pour nos amis japonais. La nature qui est si belle peut être dévastatrice et nous ne pouvons pas grand chose dans son déchainement. La Terre est fragile et nous, pauvres terriens encore plus.
    Très belles photos !
    Je t'embrasse. Fine

  64. Anita, what a blessing you are. How amazed I am that God created a door into our friendship, and I am blessed knowing you. Your heart and unquechable spirit are an inspiration. My heart aches with yours in this devastation. Prayers rise up to our Father.

    ~ Violet

  65. So lovely dear sweet Anita. Your heartfelt words are tender to my heart. I feel so much sadness for what thepeople of Japan are suffering.

    A parayer in my heart for these sweet spirits.


  66. PS.

    I forget to tell you how much I love your paper bird. I am making some this week- I hope to share soon!

  67. Oh How I love visiting your blog. It is just so beautiful. The photos are so pretty and you tell the best stories. Thank you! Have a wonderful week. Grace xoox

  68. A beautiful and inspiring post, darling.. how my heart aches and breaks for everyone affected by the earthquake and tsunami. I can hardly take myself away from the news channels. My brother was stationed in Okinawa not too long ago.
    My thoughts and prayers are with them. Much love to you dearest.. may you have a beautiful week! We woke to snow this morning after 65 degree temps on Saturday, and 75 this week. Crazy spring weather in MO.
    xoxo, B

  69. Beautiful thoughts.....and beautiful photos (they always seem to let my imagination soar)
    and prayers for our "brothers and sisters" in Japan.
    We should all be a WORLD united.

    and....I am so sad SO SAD!!!! are you hearing me here.....that you will not be with us at Claudie's this summer. If I could wave a magic wand and make it possible for you to be there I would. I wanted so badly to meet you.
    did I mention SO SAD

  70. Hi Anita *hugs*
    Yes we are very fragile...very delicate...for although we go through the motions each day trying to hopefully do the best we can...and strive for happiness and takes an act of nature to destroy all that we have worked for...isn't that right? We don't realize it. Thats why we need to live for today...
    Lovely pictures and lovely phrases and lovely post...

    thank you...and may we say an extra prayer this evening...

  71. Evening sweet friend...thinking of you today as I went into our Rosie's sweet shop..had to get a present for a friend and her shop is the BEST in town. Such sweet girls she has working in is always such a joy to pop in.

    Hope your day was bright...4 more days for me before I start my holidays...but who is counting? tee is funny how we all are feeling soooo tired and dragging our heels around the school halls! Everyone at school is feeling the same way.

    Love and hugs....sweet dreams...xoxoxo

  72. Ahhh dearest,
    Had a good Dr. appt this morning...All is great with the knees...but I seem to have picked up a nasty bug, so am not feeling my best. Hacking and coughing.My dear husband was sent on a drugstore mission to retrieve a bit of medicine...can you guess what he came back with?..."Buckleys"...
    !!!!!!!!!!!Y U C K !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    if I didn't know better I would think he was tired of his "nursing career" and decided to just put me out of my misery. I told him to just use a gun, and shoot this old horse.
    Your little bathroom with it's lavender and gold embellishments sounds just perfect.
    Am wandering back to bed, hoping to have a good nights sleep. Have a JOY filled Tuesday my sweet...xoxo...Rosie

  73. We are reminded at how much we need our Savior. Praying for help and healing. A beautiful post dear Anita.

  74. Dearest Anita .... so beautiful and heartbreaking. Our friends in Japan do indeed need the world right now. What an absolute disaster... I feel so helpless and they have my thoughts and prayers in abundance. We do all share a common thread ... we are all human so to see our fellow human beings in such a terrible, sickening disaster makes us also feel physically sick. The power of Mother Nature and also the tenuous fragile nature of our lives becomes evermore so apparant at such an awful and frightening time. Thank-you Anita for such a thought provoking post and my heart and prayers are with Japan.
    best wishes always

  75. I adore the beautiful pictures right under your header, showing a wee bit of your cozy home, Anita.
    How is your week going so far? You must have a Spring break soon, I guess.
    Much much love always. Your Tuesday is off, make it a great one xxxxx

  76. Wonderful thoughts you have there...
    So true and so much kindness in there ♥

  77. Hello my friend....very well said. We are all praying for the horrific happenings in Japan. ~Hugs, Patti

  78. What a great post, my sweet always find the right words and pictures, to touch their hearts with love!!! And thank you soooo much for your lovely comment - it always means a lot to me!!!!!! Have a wonderful week, my dearest Anita,

    Hugs Jade

  79. When things like this happen, it affects us all. It makes us feel small and helpless. Nature can be such a violent could happen to any of us, at any time.
    My heart and prayers go out to Japan and it's people.

  80. Dearest Anita, just want to say hi and hope your week started on a happy note! Have to think aout that poster that we see in blogland all the time: Keep calm and carry on!" - it is what people in Japan are now doing, and it is awesome how they are able to stay so calm. All tis is a reminder, how percious every day is! Today was so nice and sunny here - i hope in your place as well! Bonne nuit!

  81. Dearest Anita, just want to say hi and hope your week started on a happy note! Have to think aout that poster that we see in blogland all the time: Keep calm and carry on!" - it is what people in Japan are now doing, and it is awesome how they are able to stay so calm. All tis is a reminder, how percious every day is! Today was so nice and sunny here - i hope in your place as well! Bonne nuit!

  82. Just wanted to say that that was beautiful! My heart goes out to the people of Japan as well.

  83. So touching and well said. Thanks for stopping by my blog and the birthday wishes. xxx susan

  84. such a beautiful and sad post! lovely!!
    your photos!
    take care,

  85. Your words touched my heart my dear Anita. It is terrible what happens there in Japan it is so sad for those peoples.

  86. A*M*E*N Sweet Friend! May the Lord be with Japan in a special way these next coming weeks and months ahead...a very unsettling and unknown age we live in these days. Miss you! The lovely hang tags in your banner remind me of the lovely artistic ones you created for "moi" and sent for Valentine's day...I love them and plan on framing them. Hugs!

  87. oh anita you have said it all...amen...
    i've been staying longer in bed in the mornings due to this the morning now i ask...what happened in the world...
    a happy day to you dear one...dzintra

  88. so gorgeous and thought prayers are with them ~

  89. Amen Anita. I am praying for all of the people in Japan, that God will ease thier pain and suffering. XOXO Christel

  90. You are an artist-blog-maker to me.
    There is so much to learn yet.
    Sometimes I wish I could join a Blog-class ! Sharing and learning !
    I'm very impressed by your way of putting images and words together .
    On your own and unique way .
    I am so glad to be a follower !
    All the best from me / in Holland !

  91. Anita, you are so precious and dear to me, thank you for being there and giving me comfort!
    Your posts are always so uplifting and what beautiful images you have to share!!!
    It has been a great time for prayer and love, my heart goes out to all those suffering...
    Margaret B

  92. Morning sweet friend....

    Thank you for your sweet morning note. You always get my day off to a wonderful start.

    I too am sooooo tired...yesterday I was in bed before 9pm!!! I am not sure if it is the time change or if it is the anticipation of the break but all I want to do is sleep! It could even be our rainy has been at it for days and days.

    Hugs for a great day....hope it is a GREAT one.xoxoxo

  93. Yes Anita, I'm going to Paris tomorrow morning!!!! Can't wait!!! :) ::) Have a BEAUTIFUL day!

    Kristin xo

  94. Good Morning my Sweet...only you would know just what I needed...your care package was perfect.
    Oh No! I sent you a little note yesterday, but looks like it got lost...somewhere...sorry!
    And you dearest, must be CRAZY EXCITED to have our man BOB back in town, and ready to assist in your "sparklicious" lighting extravaganza. Have a lovely Thursday my dear, you deserve it!!!!
    But as much as you are,enjoying this girly girl time of decorating and playing, I know you will be putting BIG "X"'s on the calendar, awaiting your Prince's return. We like our FUN...but we LOVE our men.
    My fella pleasantly, surprised me with a lemon meringue pie when he arrived home from work yesterday.I have been CRAVING a piece of zippy lemon goodness ever since I came home, and was so disappointed that our plans fell apart last weekend.
    I'll save you a piece :)
    So today will be the maiden voyage for me to leave the house on my own. So we'll see how this goes?!
    I need to pick up flowers for one of my lovely ladies who just became a "Grandma" last my dear off I go. Have a perfect day today my sweet Rosie

  95. yes dear anita there is pain and discomfort with this arm...xrays in 2 etc etc etc...but i am still a lucky one in this have a great day, dzintra

  96. Anita,
    I have not forgotten my beautiful friend over here. I have been busy with Hannah being sick, my treasured finds that needed a paint job, and getting them off to my shop space.

    I also made some time to breathe life into a sad discarded piece that I posted, leaving me with the feeling it may have to stay around awhile.

    I love your nested crown adorned with your beauty, tags I know so well.
    I will be adding your beauty to my holiday tree this coming year, remembering without friends there would be no beauty to share!

    My friend you are the beauty in your works worthy of sharing.
    Thank you for posting a big part of you in the post.

    Thank you for being you!...

    Encore une fois vous remercier pour vous être.

    xoxo to my French friend...
    your French Friend.

    Cheers to the up coming journy with your new addition to your home, an add on to love.

  97. That was just so incredibly beautiful in many ways!

  98. Hi Anita ~ What a beautiful tribute and prayer for the people of Japan.

    "Life is stronger than death"
    I keep thinking on this quote from Pearl S. Buck's book, "The Big Wave."

    Their grief is great and their work is much, but ...
    Love and Life will return to Japan ~

    Thank you, Anita, for the inspiring and so very thoughtful post
    ~ Maria

  99. Oh dearest, all went well today. I picked up a cheerful bouquet of posies and a little gift certificate at a trendy little restaurant, for a "New Grandma/Happy B day" celebration. It was A LOT OF WALKING...and I was wiped. Had a good nap and now am scheming as to what will fill my time tomorrow. Hmmm...I'll let you know...thinkin' I might antique a big old chandy that will eventually hang in my "studio". Have never done this treatment before, and it has a million sparkles on it, sooooo we'll see how this goes. Well sweetness, I am off to bed...but just wanted to blow a kiss in your ya...Rosie

  100. Hi Anita,
    Beautiful post.
    I fall in love with your beautiful pictures.

    I commented right under you at Rosies, and you had bolded Restoration Hardware so it caughte my eye. My husband and I had been at RH Friday night of that weekend. How sweet to think that we have traveled in the same circles! Enjoy your new treasure. I am glad your room is falling into place. It is so much fun when that happens.

    Enjoy the day! (And still trying to get my daughter to attend you know would help if they had her major though! But I keep praying!)

  101. Oh Anita Sweetie...
    What a beautiful share this morning. Bringing us all together. Such love in this gorgeous write. You are indeed a true writer from the heart.

    Thank you sweet friend for touching my heart and very soul this morning.

    Have a beautiful St. Patty's Day. As blogger took my dashboard over a month ago, I have not had a way to keep track of any posts, or have the links to my lovely blog friends. I have found a work around and am working on bringing my blog friends to my blog in a list.

    I have SO missed you. Many hugs and so much love, Sherry

  102. Morning sweet friend...I am off and runnnnnnning again...early morning meeting. Just had to pop by and say, "Have a great day off"

    I am waiting for my Mollys phone call this morning...she is now off to London and Paris for 2 weeks..before she starts school in Sweden...wish I could wiggle my nose and be with her. oxoxoxoo hugs

  103. Lieve nieuwe vriendin
    I am so glad you are a follower now. I thought I was a follower of yours but I wasn't Oh oh ....
    But now I am !
    Yes we are new friends .
    Always so special to meet someone new . My four children ( Yes 4 dearest-ones ) are grownups now . All in their twenties ..... And my life is changed More ME_TIME !
    And .... my firstborn son Valentijn and his Vanessa are expecting their first child , a baby-girl so I'm going te be a grandmother in MAY .
    I recently won the most amazing cuddle-coat , give-away at Koralee's . Bunnies by the bay coat . So amazing !
    I look forward to see my son as a father can you imagen ?!
    Have a wonderful last-day-of-the-week. Hartelijke groet !

  104. Yep, I adore Nancy! (I was lucky enough to win her delightful Mermaid Box giveaway...)The world is so very small. One day your blog was highlighted on another blog, and the next day, Nancy told me she was your sister-in-law. And that we lived in the same state. I am actually the person who coached the Jets team with Marie, who used to teach at your school. The computer really has just made our world so much smaller.

    Have a Happy St Patrick's Day! Do you celebrate that in France?

  105. Hello Anita! Oh you are correct...I feel I've found my twin! Love your blog~ the word 'poetic' comes to mind, just lovely!
    Happily following!

  106. Love these ruffled cushions on the golden sofa here - so many pretty pix! Glad the magazine and card arrived! I know you'he had enough of kids when you get back from school - but some of the photos are so nice that i thought you'd like them. And you even do understand some german! C'est formidable chère amie! Hope your chandelier is up and sparkling! Have a magical evening. xox

  107. My darling have put my thoughts into words so graciously and no one else can.
    Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
    love you...

  108. Reapeating your words back at you my dear friend...


    Ps. the oak washe with the gray hue will be divine! infact you know that I have that very look of woods in my home, that raw naked French warehoused furniture look!

    I will forever be grateful for the inspirational emails we pass back and forth. As I wait to see the beauty in your home!


    "Inspirer avec ce que j'ai, et ce que j'ai, je passe à vous."


    Inspiring with what I have, and what I have I pass on to you.

  109. You truly are a gifted writer and communicator. Your thoughts and how you connect pictures to express is really beautiful.

    The chaos in Japan has reached far and wide. We are so different but truly we are the same.

    I always enjoy visiting you.

    Are you sure you can't make it this summer????

  110. Hi sweet friend,
    I feel like it's been ages since my last visit! I was so enraptured with this post; your words so heartwarming and the accompanying pictures give them the perfect pitch and visual appeal. Tomorrow is Friday-hurray!:-). I hope your week was a productive one and i wish you a lazy and relaxing weekend! XX

  111. Thank you for visiting me dear friend and just wanted to call by and wish you a fabulous weekend.
    I do not know if I said but I adore your pretty lampshade and now I see you have a new photo the paper bird and tags from friends ~ gorgeous.

    Hugs to you and enjoy the weekend

  112. Anita, you are really one of the most inspiring friends I have.

    My foot in a cast is nothing compared to what others in the world are going through.

    Art by Karena

  113. Oh dearest, I am a bit LATE today, but here I am. Yesterday, I think I was paying for the FUN I enjoyed the day before...but I know that I am on the mend and must just remember to take it a bit slower.
    So, with regards to the chandy, the treatment...ya, not so fact NOTHING! Was looking for a tarnished, aged brass feel...oh well. Today she will get a coat of white paint. I just wanted something different, as her shape is rather "PEARISH" (usually NOT flattering) but with all her BLING, quite lovely. Also it will be bright and reflective to work under.
    And your beautiful, beautiful chandy...oh I can't wait to feast my eyes on this delicious decor. You will have such fun this weekend.
    Well, it is now time for me to tackle the days "to do's" without further ado, I shall send a basket of steaming Blueberry muffins, little pat of creamy butter and a sugar shaker of LOVE...xxoxo...Rosie

  114. Hi Anita,

    I'm so thrilled with myself that I finally fixed your name on my sidebar! Your link just had those dots, so I fired up my brain and just figured out how to manually put it in. Voila! Hope you have a nice weekend planned.



  115. Wishing you a wonderful evening full of laughter, love and much merry making...xoxox...Rosie

  116. Dearest Anita
    Merci cher ami for your touching words...Most of all, for just being you. You have brought so much happiness into my life..
    Bonne nuit...
    Love, Penny

  117. Happy weekend dear, have fun with your rooms! It's raining here and i've got a headache - but will meet with a lovely friend later in town, so, let's see! Enkoy the day!

  118. Hi Anita!
    Stopping by again to peruse you beautiful blog.
    I stopped to visit a suggested link: Pretty Inspirations. I enjoyed visiting there as well. I must look into "Tumblr." A little technology to learn each day {keeping our minds sharp}
    {My father, almost 87} uses Skype, facebook and loves learning about technology, God bless him!

    I want to say I just loved the post you wrote "You CAN take it with you." I am sharing this with my sister today. She could use this uplifting post right now. Thank you for taking the time to create such loveliness ~
    Bon weekend!

  119. Anita, your's is my most favorite blog on the planet. I love the way you write your little stories, with the beautiful images you find.
    I've used the pink stack of books before, but forgot pretty. AND, I love love love your new header! And, the sun shining into your new room. Beautiful & beautifully done, my friend. xx's

  120. Anita, what an amazing and unforgettable blog you have, it's pure joy to be here!

    Thanks for you sweet visit!


  121. Hello Anita
    It was a joy to hear from you.
    This is not coincidence. My sister and her husband used to live in California, San Diego area and then San Pedro with their young son. They moved to Pepperell, Mass. over six years ago, and 20 months ago her husband lost his job. (He has a B.A. and an M.A. in Chemistry) Trying to find a job in that field has been torture. But, he just got a job, no less, than in Minnesota. He just started work this week, and my sister and the children (4 now) are waiting to sell their home.)
    My sister's blogs are:Rebecca's Rainbow Kisses; and '4 Golden eggs'
    She also loves Jesus! And they will be moving to the Saint Paul area and will be looking for fellowhip in a down house church atmosphere. It is breaking their hearts to be leaving the fellowship they are in. But they know God's children are everywhere.
    I gave her your blog here too.
    Blessing to you today, my friend
    Teresa in California

  122. Such a lovely and heartfelt post.
    Thanks for sharing the words in your heart.


"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echos are truly endless." -Mother Teresa