Saturday, March 19, 2011

See You In The Morning

I had a dream

that after winter's clenching grip

my window was finally freed open

and the faint song of a distant memory

and the perfume of stillness 

spoke volumes to my soul.

While truth held me in sweet captivity

in my fleeting Twilight

rare moments of wonder of this life

bloomed into an eternal cycle of unfettered joy

For what I saw was an ordinary fruit with a tough and

rude skin

being cracked open through the non-essential surface

in order to arrive at the organic

core of life. 

And when the hidden seeds from which issue the 

essentials of eternity were


 for the 
momentary pleasures of the flesh

an inconsolable void

quickly appeared upon reflection
only to gracefully reveal an inexpressible beauty

I will

see you in the morning

for in my waking hours

the only way to make each day different from all the 

rest as I step into your world is:

"In the essentials, UNITY

in the non-essentials, LIBERTY


St. Augustine




  1. Mon Ami Anita! I was happy that I saw your post pop up on my google reader just as I was about to log off the computer. In my Blog break I'm still trying to visit and post something here and there.

    I loved your post today (as always)... the images you chose and your words are beautiful! I'm definitely reading for spring and not just in the season ... but the spring of life!!! Happy week-end xo HHL

  2. Loooove your pictures Anita, you create awonderful world ..... and I agree, in life the most important thing is to do every thing with love,

    Muchos besos querida amiga y feliz fin de semana,


  3. Anita-Hi HomeGirl-Lets go cruising Whittier Blvd.But lets go in the 60s, you were too young I'm sure.I was a teenager in the 60s and we did go out looking for boys to look at us.We knew how pretty we were back then.Those beatle songs brought back memories.I can just see me and my friends.As always loved your prose and pics.Denise

  4. Your post was devine!

    Such beautiful pictures, they just kept getting better than the ones before.
    I just absolutely love pics that just get my heart beating a bit faster.

    I can just look and dream.
    Even though I am a far cry from fitting in a regular size, the post of the woman in that simple but beautiful garment. ( The one with the farm truck in the backround)
    It caused me to remember, I need to start to watch my waist today....I would really like to dress like that.

    Thanks, for your lovely post today.

  5. Oh and especially the woman in the green frothy skirt....oh one can dream.

  6. Morning my friend...your words are filled with such depth and beauty ....and once again such stunning images. I am off to reread and fill my heart once again.

    Yes....Spring Break is here for me...I do have a busy day today and tomorrow..I have a deadline on an article which is due and I have been putting it today is the day! I want to get everything done so I can enjoy the rest of my next week to see my parents as well.

    Sending you oodles of love today...we are having spring showers and I am watching the little birds outside my window play in the rain...they really are darling.

    Hugs and love to you my friend. xoxoxoxoox

  7. Estou sem palavras! Estoy sin palabras! ;-)
    Me encantou teu post!
    Merci pour ta visite et pour tes jolies mots! Tu m'enchante! Anita, you are such a true and good friend!
    The sun is here! I hope there too! :-) Come Spring, come! ;-))

  8. Thanks for the visit and the comments. I have several other Blogs in my profile and I just dont update them so I just Use this urls for comments. Thanks again.

  9. Anita
    ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE .... perhaps the Beatles wisest song!!!

    How to portray it in our daily lives, now that is the divine art.

    You my dear are God's showcase of love. If He has a tall glass cloche on his dining table, there is an image of YOU inside it : )
    (perhaps with glittery Fairy wings???)

    Beatufiful once again. Delightful.
    ~ I N S P I R I N G ~

    ~ Violet

  10. Hi Anita, I always love your photo's, their so beautiful... and I adore the first picture, such a sweet little baby, and also the gray bedroom pic. is gorgeous. I love to decorate with whites, but I'm really liking the gray too! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
    hugs~~~ Daphne

  11. Lovely Anita, how wonderful... a writing pillow, I am a bit mad over fabric with old scribbles. I'd love to cover my office with it. The light is beautiful, you must be so pleased with your labors.

    Spring speaks for itself in a language of opening and renewal. The rough pods that delivered the seeds are gone and the seeds work their way back to new life.

    St. Augustine knew the power of reflection as only a person comfortable in their own skin can... silence is pregnant with potential for awareness and self discovery that can pull the cataracts of mindless habit from our eyes. Dream

  12. Puisse le Monde connaitre toujours cette Beauté, ce doux sentiment de tendresse et de bonheur ...
    Dans l'incertitude où nous sommes, tes images sont la source même de la quiétude, d'instants ravissants ... si fragiles ...
    Je t'embrasse ma chère Anita.

  13. I can say I have a bright American friend! Yes, I do! Anita, sweet, each image has such story in it! I go down and up and down and up and try hard to understand your words, messages, feelings, wills,...but of course I cannot, darling! Nobody can!! Your universe is so huge and full of possibilities!!! You dream and can write down your dreams and that is what impresses me much!
    Love you!

  14. Oh Anita,

    The picture that you took of your morning light with that gorgeous chair is beautiful. The French Script on your pillow is perfect for that chair. Your post is perfect, all you need is create the magic that you weave week after to week. The love you exude is spilling out all over.

  15. Oh Anita..the greatest of these is love..
    I am awe-struck as I read and absorb the beauty you create and express ...
    Just exquisite ...lovely my dear friend.
    I love your header of your new room..just beautiful with the sun streaming on that gorgeous chair...dream come true for you!

    Deborah xoxoxoxoxoxo

  16. 100% Agree...all we need is LOVE!
    favorite picture, old faded pink books with pink roses...lovely!
    Bless you, bless you, bless you dear sweet friend!

  17. oh Joy!! I so look forward to each of your posts, they are so beautiful and make me SO happy!!

  18. YOUR posts are filled with JOY and LOVE and so much HOPE! I so love to read them!
    The images and your interpretations make them poetic and just wonderful!
    Can't wait to see more of your extension.....please?!

    Have a wonderful weekend! Dream, live, love!

  19. Bonjour, mon amie! Another beautiful and inspiring post. That top photo is adorable. How we love our little Frenchies!!

    I hope you are having a wonderful week. I am wrapping up spring break ~ how lovely it was. We had a few beautiful days and I enjoyed every second of it.

    Wishing you beautiful mid-March weekend! xoxo, B

  20. J'aime me perdre dans vos univers de la beauté calme et douce illusion.

    Vos paroles et images sont une passerelle vers le monde manquer qui nous rappelle l'enfance heureuse, quand tous les soirs après le soleil brillait.


  21. Bonjour dearest!
    What a lovely post! I just love the wisteria.. The little puppy in the bed.. If it were a poodle THAT would be Jasper! The morning sun in your room.. ohhhhhhhh, I love that chair...
    Thank you for wandering over to visit me this morning.. Enjoy your day!

  22. Morning light in your new room...nothing like it. Beauty. Love those photos of Keira...the first is from one of my favorite movies 'Silk' and the second is the inpiration we had for my daughter's Prom dress. I was drooling over the new Restoration Hardware catalog...which bookshelves did you get? Can't wait to see more of your new sanctuary. Sea kisses xx

  23. Nothing more charming than wisteria climbing all over a wall, Anita, unless it's coming into your bedroom to find a sweet dog asleep on your pillow!

    Have a lovely weekend, my dear friend!~

  24. Yes !! you did it a smile on my face......from ear to ear.......o darling i feel so so

  25. Hi Anita...
    I love the first picture of the slumbering puppy...
    Sweet sleep and rest... all muscles completely relaxed... the best rest
    and with God in our hearts too ♥ that void is only momentary ~

    How wonderfully the weekend begins... Thank you for the beautiful reminder to remember what is truly essential ...

  26. I love the way you poetically say everything. Beautiful post!

  27. Such a wonderful selection of words,messages , images, music...that enhances the taste and the senses ...

    Thank you , Anita !
    Always a pleasure to visit your blog !

  28. ... and a fabulous pair of pumps!! LOL Sorry, couldn't help that one. How are you my darling Anita?? I'm enjoying the 1st signs of spring peeking itself here on Golden Pond. The swans are starting to build a nest and I'm sure we'll be seeing lots of baby ducklings from the Mallards here. I'm very happy here... it's so peaceful!

    Mille bises ma chere, Sherry

  29. Such beautiful pictures.
    What a lovely post!
    Tu mundo es adorable,visitarte es soñar y viajar a un pais magico.
    Happy life!

  30. Incredibly awesome photographs! So pleased that found your great blog~


  31. Délicieuses images, pour avoir des rêves de beautée. Merci pour nous donner des moments si beaux. BOnne journée et coucou de l'espagne.

  32. And thank you so very very much for stepping into my world dear Anita.
    Thank you for the birthday wishes. They are very much appreciated and I take your words to heart every time.
    Love You
    Love me

  33. St. Augustine really got that right (along with many many other things!).
    K. knightly is just gorgeous in these shots...she really is good at portraying such a range of emotions with her face and body...
    Hope you have a fabulous Sunday!
    PS Our little cat, Edward, is going to have that operation tomorrow... I'll post about it when he's back home and doing great...too hard to do so now... Thanks for all your kind comments about him...:)

  34. sweetpie just as I go off to dream WHAT a delight as always full of delicious images and delightful words to send me off to the pink clouds .Love the pink books especially i collect them and the rosesoooooooohhh The diningroom looks wonderful LOVE the floor too
    speak soon Love Fay xx

  35. Dear Anita,
    What a beautifully written post. I am so glad to be back home with you where I belong. To enjoy your uplifting and hopeful way of seeing the world. A world that needs read the words "In all things, Love."

    Your words are artistry.


  36. Oh Anita My Sweet Friend...
    So beautiful as always. You touch my heart and very SOUL. Perfect pictures and perfect words. Just like a melody sweet friend.

    You are SO very talented. You always make my heart SING. Thank you once again for a beautiful, inspiring share.

    Many hugs and so much love, Sherry

  37. Dear Anita,

    You have shared such a beautiful posts and your words are lovely to read, thank you for sharing this.
    I love your gorgeous chair and cushion and the way the sunlight has shone in your new room ( you must be loving it!)

    Sweet dreams, dear friend and I hope that your Sunday is happy

  38. Such beauty in this post Anita, as there always is in your gifted writings and sharing. The pictures are just amazing.

    You would think that when we know the love that was given for each of us in the greatest love gift of all, it would make us eager and willing to love our neighbors as ourselves. Sadly, we know it isn't always true.

    Thank you for another precious post! I never fail to leave here with a special 'heart blessing!'


  39. Oh, Anita how do you do it?! Perfect Post :) Each new post I think Oh, this is my favorite! Just always in Awe!
    Um, love your chair and pillow! The light hitting it is just lovely!
    Hope you have had a wonderful week, and are enjoying your weekend!
    Lots of love to you lovely lady!
    gi gi

  40. Your Highness,
    you really ARE higher than most!
    I had to read and re-read this posting...umm, maybe half a dozen times, before I could say I fully grasped what you were telling me.(I think the pretty pictures kept distracting me!) Even now, I'm not too sure I have it all sorted. It was a little curious as I read what you hadn't written between your lines.
    Always thought provoking and lovely.

    (And I especially loved what Violet had to say in your 'comments'.)

    Much love, Anita.

  41. Oh my Darling,
    You make the mundane every day pomegranates and peaches, seem magical and brand new...and gift us all with images of whimsical, frothy beauty, of twinkling chandies and literature all tied up with LOVE.
    You make such an amazing contribution to this world we all dwell in, with each and every post you present. When I am tired, you transport me to places of serene elegance and wrap me in a cloak of tranquility. You share my joy, when my heart is singing, and the kind words you whisper become the harmony. Oh dearest I am honored to call you friend, kindred, sister...have a Blessed Sunday...xoxo...R

  42. Whoo hoo Anita, waht a gorgeous morning surprise is your beautiful new post! Well done dear! I Love especially the 1st picture and the one with the aqua cardi over white tulle skirt - so adorable! Sometimes i think, we should marry again - even if it's the same old hubby ;) - just for the sake of lovely celebrations! Also - WOW, look at these pretty pictures of your new rooms! You can be so proud of yourself! Let's forget about the madhouse world for one day and just be happy - a girl needs a break sometimes!
    Headache is better today and yesterday was great - we visited a good art exibition and then went to the cinema and had dinner out - all in lovely weather and blue skies!
    Enjoy your sunday - am so glad you like the mag! xox

  43. sweet new friend Anita .
    How are you this sunday ? Springbreak for you too ?
    It's sundaymorning overhere 10.30 and the sun is shining ! My window is open ! My door too ! My garden is waiting for me to make her pretty for spring again .
    Violets , grape-hyacinth's,primroses are waiting on the garden table .....
    I love to grub in the soft new black potting soil and fill the pots and mands ......
    For now I am so enjoying to make this journey to some friends around the world who are close to my heart .
    I am so grateful we met . Your blog is a big surprise for me every time I visit.
    Yesterday my sweet daughter-in-law Vanessa was with me . We had long talks and lots of tea.
    She will be a mother in may and cannot wait...... She has to be patient ! She is a stwardess at KLM and will be working again when the little baby-girl is 3 months old. She now cannot imagen how that will be . If she can do that .
    However she realy loves her job and hopes to do that for a long time . It brings her all over the world en she loved it . But now times are changing for her ...
    Her mother and I cannot wait to help out of course .....
    My daughter now works and lives in France . I miss her , she always visited and knew how to surprise me . She's the one who brought me the mouse in the box , to keep me company ! Me and mouse are close friens now .
    Is it allright with you when I aske Saskia for your address ?
    I would like to send you something if you and mister postman agree .
    Have a great springbreak !

  44. Beautiful... The way you weive the pics with the story amazes me... Lovely pics, you told of that it was very cold there, so you must be enjoying the warmth now!!
    Have a great day:-)

  45. My sweet Anita,
    thank you so much, for this wonderful post, that makes my day so much brigther!!! All your words and pictures are full of beauty an LOVE.......i´m so happy to know you!!!! Have a very lovely sunday,

    Warm hugs, Jade

  46. Anita, I love your blog! These are just beautiful images. You have a beautiful heart and it shines through every post you do. xo

  47. It is so pretty, a joy to visit this blog, Totally inspiring.
    like "ANITA"


  48. Dear Anita,what a beautiful up-lifting post,fabulous pictures..your kindness shines through out your blog. Ida xx

  49. Just dropping in to say hello and sending you tidings for a happy day. I hope you will be experiencing Springtime very soon, as we are.

    As always, beautiful words to go with sensational images. Gee, I wish I looked like Kiera Knightly....

  50. Dear Anita
    In your blog I find always the most beautiful images
    You let me dream...

  51. I had to come back this morning for the joy of your words and images. I am basking in your sunshine!!!

    ~ Violet

  52. Love, love, love...all we need is love...You got that right girl!

    Your words soar! They remind me of a soft balloon of romance, love, dreams and pleace all in one.

    You are very good at offerings of respite care to all.

    Hope Ruben is safe and sound and home where he belongs!

    Len and I are having a date today. Heading south...following the Canadian Geese down the road in life...

    I met dearest Violet on blog) who is so beautiful and apparently very near me! Violet, Anita and Jacqueline unite next year!

  53. Beautiful words, beautiful photos! Thanks for sharing.

  54. Your blog is so beautiful. I am so glad I found it. Miles of Smiles ~ Lynn

  55. Hi Sweet Anita...You won't believe this, but the pic of your chair in your new room that has the french pillow on it is identical in pickled oak & design to two chairs I have as well. I'll have to take a pic of mine and post it soon so you can see them. I had mine reupholstered in a deep purple velvet and butter cream yellow fine stripe. One more thing we have in common friend - a chair! :) Your post today is thought provoking and so relaxing. As always, I love the places you take me when I visit! I sent you a nice email to update you... ;)

  56. How is your Sunday going, Anita? Your pictures are pure eye candy, again.
    We just got home from a 3 days stay in a little cottage in the woods of Drenthe (East of the Netherlands). The weather has been so so kind, our faces are tanned, I have officially welcomed Spring. I know you have to wait a little longer, knowing your snow has melted, Mrs. Spring is around the corner for you too.
    Much love, always xxxxx

  57. Dear Anita, how are you able to put so much BEAUTY into one post? I'm overwhelmed! And I LOVE the morning sun in your new room! Have a wonderful new week, my friend :)

    Kristin xoxo

  58. Hello dearest Anita! OH I feel like I have missed so much! I hope you are well. Your post is beautiful both in photos and words my friend. Love is the greatest to both give and receive and not only to others but to yourself. Thank you for reminding me of this.
    Thank you for your wonderful words about my daughter and her birthday, I can't tell you how much it means. It is nice to take a break and slow down a bit. I enjoyed every minute with her. :) Oh the floors are beautiful and I love them so much! I can't wait to show you.
    Have a beautiful week kindred and many blessings to you!!!

  59. As snow is falling outside my window this Spring morning, I knew I could come here to find the sunshine and all 'love I would need' to get my through another gray day!
    sending love...

  60. Hello dear Anita
    You must be excited to see spring on it's way.. I want another spring also!! haha.. moving into autumn and it's raining raining raining..

    Well I'll just have to get my dose of spring and beauty over this way... always so beautiful.. I love the perfume box image... perfect!! and your chair at the top... another bit of perfection

    Thanks so much for your kind words my way.. always makes my day... ciao ciao xxx Julie

  61. Sweet Anita,
    Your posts do have medicinal qualities, did you know that?:-) Baby Z has been sick for a couple days and now we're all sick and just visiting here makes me relax and puts a smile on my face(albeit a weak one, but still a smile:-) Thank you! Yes, Spring break is just around the corner-hurray for that! XX

  62. My lovely friend....ahhh... so goood to be here and see this beautiful post of yours.... you are so special Nita and your creativity is a gift from God! love you!!!

  63. Oh dearest friend...
    My morning cuppa with you is the like the sunshine streaming through the windows, and to have you dedicate a post to our special few morning moments. Oh girlfriend you are a jewel, who shines ever so brightly.

    And your Prince has returned...just in time to spend a perfect weekend with his Queen. Oh, and Ruben LOVED the chandy and the bookcases...YIPPEE!!! My French bookcases arrives on Thursday. I CAN"T WAIT!!!!!!!!!the little girl in me, comes out, when I have to be patient. Tuesday, I will SHOP for the store. It will certainly be a challenge as I move like a SNAIL :)
    My dear friend, and bookkeeper will accompany me and be my bag carrier.
    Today was a gloriously sunny day, just perfect for a drive in the country. We ended up at the airport cafe, where you find the BEST PIE around...go figure! After a wonderful lunch we meandered fun, so TIRED! Thinkin it's time for the feet to be elevated on a fluffy cushion. Will send you a Kiss and a Hug to start this last week before you start spring break...and..."I'll see you in the morning" :) xoxox...Rosie

  64. Ahhh, the promise of the morning. So well put. It's a beautiful day in those wee hours before life marks it up. But yes, LOVE is all we need to get through it and have under our pillows and in our hearts as well rest up for another one after that. Hope you had a great weekend and I'll see you in blog land this week. Love, Kelly

  65. amazing photographs. You are brillant.

  66. Hi sweet friend...sorry I have not visited for a busy these last few days. Almost done...maybe another half a day and then I can take time to enjoy my break. Happy dance.

    So glad your sweetie is back...sending you JOY for your last week at school...I will be thinking of you! xoxox

  67. Ahhh, so refreshing and beautiful. You should be very happy with your talents. I am always so happy to stop by.

  68. oh anita beautiful post as always...enjoy your spring...we had some pomegranetes recently...what can i say but cheers...dzintra

  69. About to go to work and I just knew you would lighten my step. Thanks for the light you bring to everything. I love the sneak peek at your new room. Take care dear friend.

  70. Hi dear Anita, I'm home from Paris. Came home Saturday morning. Posted this last night. Paris is the city you want to go back to over and over. This was my third time and definitely not the last. Crepes with nutella - what a great memory!! Hope you have a wonderful day :)

    Kristin xo

  71. Bonjour Anita!
    Thank you for visiting and your VERY kind words.. You have made my day.. So happy you enjoyed Peaches and Cream... Oh yes, must have an arch! I am happy you enjoyed viewing.
    My finger is fine.. Will take more than a bee to make me put my brush down.. Thank you so much for your constant encouragement dear friend.. Wishing you a wonderful day.

  72. Hello, dear friend ~ stopping by to wish you a happy second day of spring and a wondeful week. We were out enjoying the lovely weather yesterday and did not get the opportunity to visit.
    I hope it's beautiful where you are!
    xoxo, B

  73. i am in awe- your imigination is spectacular and i love that you share this beauty. each image dear anita is so lovely- i can almost smell the wisteria.
    thank you for the time you take to create this beautiful place for us to visit.

    have a great week sweet friend,

  74. My Sweet Anita...

    As always, a sweet post..... LOVE........yep, all we need....well, a a cute little cottage in which to live....some antiques and some pink fluff....

    Loved seeing the AD.OR.A.BLE chair in your new room.... LOVE it. So you.


  75. I read many of your followers comments, how much you inspire and bring beauty into peoples lives.
    The photos are always stunning and thought provoking. I could just "smell" the purple wisteria and it certainly made my LONG for spring and warm breezes.
    Winter is tooooo long, tooooo grey, tooooo cold.......and this year it has held me in bondage in physical and emotional ways as well. for warmth again.
    and p.s. I am going to keep trying to convice you to join us at Claudie's this summer.
    ahhhhhhhhhh, so wishing.

  76. I'm here at last, I just love the photos on this post, that bird on the branch, the cup with a tea bag oh all of them, and of course the message behind them, you must spend along time finding the right ones to go with your words. Mom does with my bloggie!
    Mom loves looking at them it gives her ideas ;)
    Thank Balzac for stopping by its always good to hear from him
    Have a good week Anita
    Love and Hugs
    George and Jan xxx

  77. My lovely friend,

    Thank you for your birthday wishes.I had a great day with my family. I can not believe that you will be 53 you look so young!!!
    Last week I started work again and I feel very good.
    Now that spring has begun, I have a lot of ideas that I hope to realize.
    You always have such beautiful pictures and words that reach into ouer hearts.
    Have a wonderful first spring day and a big hug for you,

  78. Loved the post! Come visit us at Dovecote Decor to see our fabulous French Basketeer Giveaway!


  79. I just love the sunshine in your new room. The chair and pillow look gorgeous. I'm finally feeling better. I hope you had a good week.


  80. ooooh YOU simple MUST MUST MUST contribute to
    Would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see images YOU could put together of beautiful books like the ones in this posting...
    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE email moi and say oui oui oui!!!
    Look forward to hearing from YOU!!!!

  81. Pure poetry accented with such beautiful images. Your posts always inspire and lift me!

  82. Hi sweetie! I'm
    traveling, so just
    getting access to
    computer time. This
    is gorgeous as always!
    Which movie is the
    pic of Kiera Knightly
    taken from??
    Happy Monday!
    xx Suzanne


    Hugs sweet lady,


  84. Good Morning,
    The kettle is whistling and I smell the scones...just a minute and I'll take them out of the oven...ah Ok, help yourself, my sweet...I am just going to open the Dutch door, and let some fresh air in. Here, sit, sit.
    The sun welcomed me this morning, and then before I knew it, it was gone.
    How was your day dearest?...How did you spend this day?
    I managed to get a fresh post done...finally.
    And of course "shopping" is the order of the day. Hoping I can keep up.
    Looking out my window and SO wanting to get at those "flower beds" I am itching to dig in the dirt...soon I hope.
    Well darling...Enjoy today...May you feel the warmth of the sun on your back, and know that it is a hug from :)

  85. Reading this post and seeing the beautiful images felt as a warm embrace...And I can picture you sitting on that lovely chair in the morningsun...xoxo

  86. oh sweet very very thoughtful that you are thinking of the x rays...1 more week to wednesday...i think the healing is starting to happen...bruising has mostly subsided...still pain if i don't move right...arm sometimes wants to escape sling...hopefully all positive signs...
    ah...cross stitch i just love to do this but have let it slip the past few years...and you doing the petit impressive...i've not done that...
    from one nearly birthday girl to another...thank you dear dzintra

  87. Whooo-hoooo! Am sending you some sunshine for the day! So nice to see these morning pix here again, with their pretty, feminine touch. Don't forget your umbrella, and do some dancing in the rain! xox

  88. Morning my sweet friend. Have a lovely day at school today.

    I had the BEST day yesterday with my Sydney...we were off in and enjoying our time together...did not want to come home but I am off tomorrow to visit my parents until will not be able to visit you very much! I will dad has no wireless and an old very slow computer!

    So extra hugs for 5 days. Enjoy your last week...thinking of you. xoxoxo

  89. Thanks for your visit, moms taking me out this weekend to do a new header she has found a spot that's full of daffodils!!
    Balzac I can just see you running in the house with your muddy paws lol!!! have fun
    Love and Hugs George and Jan xxx

  90. you have such a beautiful, poetic fairy soul. the beauty and loveliness of your post has (yet again) moved me to tears.
    you are a treasure and i am overwhelmed that a person such as yourself, visits my blog and leaves such wonderful and generous words. i always feel so honoured, truly i do.
    i hope that i will now be able to call by more often and i hope that sweet little pom pom is able to make her debut on 'nowhere' soon, i know she is hopping and skipping with joy and anticipation at the idea. i must have a word in the Dutchesse's ear.
    sending warmest love and hugs to you this fine evening. the moon has been amazing lately, aparantly it has been a special one only seen every twenty years or so.
    i raise my cup of tea to the bright moon and to you my sweet luminous friend across the oceon.


  91. p.s you have a handsome, kind faced dreamweaver. he looks as sweet as you.

  92. I don't know where you find all these lovely images that speak to your soul!! Beautifully written.

  93. Hello Anita,

    I just came back again to inhale the inspiration on this post. I just love every image. Have a beautiful day tomorrow.


  94. Hokey Doodle Day...that was one, busy bee shopping day, but "OH" the goodness that was crammed into the trunk of that little car...AMAZING...just doesn't cover it...Soooo, I will try to give you a taste of this delicious day.
    THERE "rose" embellished purses, silk scarves that just happen to be the colors of "Popsicles", handfuls of earrings, and bracelets that sparkle like the "BLING~BLING" that they really are! Blossoms strung together with the prettiest, little glass beads...better known as "Whimsical Spring Necklaces". Fashion watches in EVERY color of the rainbow...Ahhh... Ruffles, and buttons and so much femininity I just want to...GIGGLE...and so I will...giggle...just can't be helped :) Yup, a VERY productive day!!!
    A Dr. appt. first thing, then a little house cleaning...not quite the fun of today, but still a day of happiness.
    You are counting down the days until S*P*I*N*G...B*R*E*A*K...comes a knockin' at your door...tick~tock...tick~tock...
    Not long now my sweet :)
    I shall sleep well tonight...may you do the same my dear..."See you in the morning"...xoxox...Rosie

  95. LOVE the photos of the wisteria and pomegranate! Sweet dreams to you, cherie, and see you in the morning!

  96. May I just say that you have the absolutely, positively most beautiful blog EVER! Love to come here and just get away :)

  97. Lovely thoughts
    coupled with such gorgeous images...
    Oh Anita, every post of yours takes me to dreamland and lovely thoughtvilleland ♥ ♥ ♥

  98. Dearest Anita .... I am sorry I have not been by but I have had the flu. Such a beautiful, inspiring post. I love the building covered with the lilac/purple flowers .... it looks so enchanting! I hope you are well and when is your birthday? I hope I have not missed it! Please let me know as I would love to send you a little cake!!!!!
    much love

  99. Here it's raining today and cold, but I thik springtime soon will come.
    Have "a jolie journée"


  100. so nice to *see* you this mornning!! Nita, I will be leaving next monday...but yes, it has been very busy with this warm wheather here.... so many of my bulbs are blooming ... it is beautiful but I must spend a lot of time under the sun tending my garden otherwise when the hot weather comes it is impossible.

    A very tight and warm hug on your way.....smiling...

  101. Springtime announced this morning on my blog as I share images of the fairy wearing the delightful crown you made for me!

    ~ All You Need is Love ~
    (and a crown or two)


  102. I am off my sweet friend...but just wanted to wish you a happy day before I go. Love and hugs always. xoxoxoxoxoxoo

    Is the sun is amazing here today...perfect day for a 4 hour car ride over the mountains.

  103. Just passing through here and refreshed as always... Your blog is just amazing, the way you do things, the pics etc... Everything looks perfect.
    Have a lovely day:-)

  104. Anita, I am in love with the moon photo, moving me to create something with this idea.

    I can't wait to see more of the beauty in the room... Looking forward to the outcome :)

    Thank you much for this insiring post.

  105. PS.....
    Où trouvez-vous les mots,
    Où puis-je trouver les mots pour exprimer vos mots en écriture.

    Beautiful words, placeing them in my soul being!

  106. Hi Anita,
    Just popping over to say Hi. First...I need to say that your blog header is the perfect color blue. I just love it!

    I am so facinated by people who have artistic talent such as yours with the ability to express themselves so perfectly the way you do. I always wished I had that in me.

    Thank you for sharing your words and photo's, it allows us "non artistic" folks, if just for a moment, to get lost in your world!!

    Have a wonderful week!!!!

  107. Toujours interessant, toujours beau, bonne récuperation!!Joyeux Printemps!!!Esther

  108. you made me love to be here!
    gorgeous photos!
    happy night, :)

  109. Hi Anita!
    Thanks for asking about Edward... he is stable. Which is all we can ask for at the moment. It's been almost 60 hours since his operation with no complications so that is good news. Just have to hope the connection works... I will post about him soon...just want to headline, "He is on the mend!" We will know better after he starts eating again...
    Thanks so much for asking!
    Keep praying!

  110. Holy cow. So rich and beautiful and feminine ... and now I need an orange skirt and bouquet of flowers! :)
    Hope this finds you well!

  111. Hello S*U*N*S*H*I*N*E!!!!
    Oh you must be SOOOO excited for your "holiday festivities to commence!
    My sweet daughter just emailed me with an S.O.S. She is drowning in papers, presentations and midterms, so am editing her work from afar, so can't have our leisurely cuppa that I have grown to love.
    Will wish you the BEST of Thursdays and come come for another visit soon...see you, peace and much JOY, JOY, JOY!!!...xoxox...Rosie

  112. What a gorgeous post in every, music, and sentiments. A wonderful end to a long rainy day!

  113. Oh! My! Gosh!
    Why haven't I found your blog before this!!! It is like frosting on a cake, whipped cream on strawberries...Aaaa! What am I to do with myself? I am in Heaven! and in love with your blog and all of your prose from wise St. Augustine. Your posted photos are to die for and bring joy to my soul.
    What more can I say? I finally began my own blog. So I am a newbie, but I have been reading others blog for almost three years. It amazes me that there are still uncharted realms within the blogosphere. Just reading what you have posted is such an inspiration...thank you from the depths of my soul.
    heartfelt hugs,
    Teresa in California

  114. Anita dear! I'm back from a three week absence and so happy to stop by your blog and read another wonderful (dreamy!) post. I am so loving that picture of how the morning sun enters your new room. I'm so glad you now enjoy the home of your dreams. Have a wonderful week, dearest!

  115. Dear Anita,

    Just stopping by to say hello, sweet friend and hope that you are having a lovely week.
    If I remember you saying that you are having Spring break soon.
    Hope that you have a fabulous and relaxing time.

    Sending hugs from NZ

  116. Anita! I'm late, I know. Your blog is such a "happy place!" I need to fly up there and have coffee with you in your new room!! It's fabulous!!!! And I do have an acct on Skype - we'll have to do that soon! Lots of love and magic to you this week! (Still unpacking but loving the house!!!!! YaY!) Life is good!!! xOxO

  117. Hello my new friend Anita . How are you today ? I received your mail-address and send you one but I doubt it was correct . Did you receive my mail ?
    The weather overhere is incredible .
    Sunshine and blue sky ! Doors and windows open ..... I'll send you some sunshine !
    all my best !

  118. Dearest Anita, Oh I am so late in finally posting a comment, but could not let it pass by without one...The photo of your room is so inviting, I could smell the wisteria in that beautiful, and the inconsolable photo..well all were just stunning, and inspiring. Your words bring such remarkable emotions out. You, my dear are a master of words, and all things pure, and beautiful. I love every post from you! With love, Christel

  119. Happy Thursday Dear One,
    You CAN do it! Your almost there! Off to paint a to you tonight xoxoxo Rosie

  120. Hi Anita, another weekend is almost here - and so is spring! Trees are starting to bloom here, tender green leaves are showing - i so love it, when the world gets warner and more welcoming again! Hope it stays nice for the next few days, also where you are, so sunshine falls into your new french windows ... Any plans yet for the weekend?

  121. ooh..seeing this post for a second time is a MUST! infact viewing any of your posts for a second, third or twentieth time is soooo good for the soul.
    sometimes even when i don't have the energy to comment, i just come her to be inspired or soothed, to bathe in beauty and i always feel refreshed, revived.
    you are an artist, a healer and an angel.
    i am not surprised ever to find Audrey Hepburn here, she is your twin soul... gentle, graceful, elegant, loving, generous and beautiful.

    sending my very warmest love and hugs to you my dear friend xxx


  122. Ahhhh, a long, but WONDERFUL day. SHE'S HERE!!!SHE'S HERE!!!!Ma belle dame française est arrivée!!! oh dearest I would love to dress her beautiful shelves in cream tableware, winter white matelasses, silver urns and crystal clocks...but Marlene one of the amazing ladies who keeps the shop looking her best, will have that honor. I will try to sneak in tomorrow and take a snappy or two. Oh I can't wait to see YOUR new bookcases and glittering shandy.
    (drum roll please}
    .....YIPPEEEEEEE! It is time to kick up your heels and celebrate SPRING! Oh my darling, have a wonderful holiday. You deserve it! You work so hard, giving those little chicks all your attention and love.
    ...Well Dear Heart it is time for a cuppa and an oatmeal chocolate chip cookie. I'll leave yours here in the parlor by your favorite

  123. Sweet friend , it's a journey to travel to the last comment and find the empty space to write mine .
    Oh my hundred and fifty four comments .......
    My heart jumps when I have more than five .......
    Hi hi .... Your emailaddress is missing something I think on the end ...
    I'll give you mine and let's see if you can email me ...
    Wishing you a happy last-day-of-the-week .

  124. Yahoo for's your last day!
    It does feel good doesn't it? Sending you oodles of love for a great start to your week.

    I am finding a few minutes this morning on my husbands laptop to visit my sweet friends. I did some preposts before I left home and scheduled them to post at certain I don't even have to be around a computer!

    Having lots of fun with my mom and just the girls go out for lunch...tomorrow we well be heading home. I will miss my parents is always so hard to leave.

    Happy day to you xoxoxo

  125. Ah, you lucky girl you - weekend and a whole week of! So much time to enjoy your rooms and get everything ready for spring! Hope your snow will be melting away soon. Here, it's quite lovely and trees are starting to bloom. Thanks for stopping by - i knew the aqua would appeal to you. I need this color right now - so fresh and soothing. See you soon. xx

  126. Dear Anita,this post is so touching and inspiring. What a beautiful message you are sharing with us. It is a delight to read and get inspired by your posts and this phenomenal blog. It is so encouraging that we are both embracing poetry these days. Thank you for your amazing words. I miss you. I want to read more and more of your thoughts and feelings.

  127. I am a little behind in my blog always beautiful post with beautiful photos and beautiful words. I enjoyed a peek at your new addition with the side pics! Have a peaceful weekend Anita!~Hugs, Patti

  128. Stopping by to wish you a lovely weekend... hopefully you will be enjoying beautiful weather soon. We woke to a light blanket of snow this morning! Sunny and 75 degrees earlier this week. It was nice while it lasted.. however, it's no fun suffering with allergies.. but worth it.
    I adore the chair and pillow in your new room ~ absolutely beautiful!!
    xoxo, B

  129. HIP...HIP...HOORAY!!!!Dearest, you made it...LET THE FESTIVITIES BEGIN!
    Soooo...what is on the itinerary? Oh you will have nothin' but FUN.
    Today was the maiden voyage...managed a little "solo" grocery shopping...barely. I am so's painful...for those who are forced to watch me :)
    Popped in at the shop today to see how Monique was liking her new outfit...but of course I forgot my camera in the car. Ah, but she looks fine. I hope this will give us more display area.
    Well sweetie, it's time to call it a day, and snuggle under the I shall wish a fine Saturday and I will see you in the morning...xxoxoxox...Rosie

  130. goede morgen Anita ,
    Thank you for all your comments .
    Indeed blogging has changed my life too .
    I do have your address now so I am of to make you something and send mister postman on its way .
    Have a happy weekend !

  131. I am so so sure your morning cup will taste extremely gooooood, ma chère amie, you have a whole week of of school to look out to. Do you have any special plans? Enjoy all your days to the fullest, sweet Anita!
    Beaucoup de bisous xxxxx

  132. Good Morning!!
    I hope that you enjoy and rest your week...

    Happy weekend dear,


    PS not post today??

  133. Good morning Anita....In answer to your question about the table, I am afraid that nothing much has been done...I need to work in the garage and winter will just not go away! Too cold to sit out there and sand and paint. It's on my agenda though as soon as Spring wants to show it's face on a regular basis! Meanwhile, I have been busy with day to day "stuff" since our return from Florida. Hope you are having a glorious weekend! We are off to do MD Muscle Walk for a good friend! xoxo, Patti

  134. Beautiful images...each one makes my heart are so this post. You have so many of my favourite images.....I love the ones of the books, I went out and bought up a whole bunch of books and painted them pink just because of this image!!!!
    Margaret B

  135. Oh Anita! What a beautiful dream!!! I would not have wanted to wake up from it! You have such a beautiful creative spirit!
    Have a beautiful weekend my dear~
    ;-D Kathleen

  136. Hi dear Anita!
    You must have been busy last night (i say this because I think you normally post on Friday night!) - if so, hope you had a nice time!
    I just posted about Edward! Praise God, he's doing much better!!!
    Thanks for all your prayers and well wishes!

  137. Bonjour creative one! I am so glad that you are having a wonderful week full of creativity and peace. Oh your closet/office sounds wonderful, I just love that idea! We are doing well, our break is next week and we just plan to do some things around the house and pray for warmer weather. :) I hope your weather is cooperating and your are able to get outside some this week and feel the sunshine!
    Have a wonderful remainder of the week dearest and enjoy every bit of it!
    Much Love!

  138. Hello Dear One,
    Are you enjoying your respite? I am sure you are writing,sleeping and drawing to your hearts content. Is that hip of yours obeying? I hope so.
    I have been in bed for the last few days, with a lower back that is doing a lot of complaining. I am so anxious to be up and about and living life to the fullest...maybe tomorrow.
    I have a key lime cheesecake that I'm dying to try. My sister in law makes one that is similar to this recipe and it is so light and melts in your mouth. I totally miss baking and cooking. I find it so relaxing and I LOVE giving new recipes a go. Do you go with the tried and true, or do you live on the edge with brand spankin' new ones?
    If baking is on the itinerary for tomorrow, I will leave you a big piece of "Key lime"cheesecake topped off with a creamy dollop of the best whipping cream ever :)
    Love Ya...Rosie

  139. Dearest Anita, thanks for your lovely comment! No, i haven't seen Black Swan - but recently i saw "True Grit" with Jeff Bridges - it's such a great film! It's rainy here today, but i hope the sun shines for you, while you rest and just enjoy things! Take it easy while you can, am sending you lots of Love for the day!


"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echos are truly endless." -Mother Teresa