Saturday, June 11, 2011

Au Revoir Les Enfants - Bonjour Les Vacances

"A good teacher is like a candle---it consumes itself to light the way for others." - Author unknown

Teaching is like THE DANCE 

for it requires intense training from the masters

under whose scrutinizing observations


precision of the science

is demanded and expected

in order to give birth to the wonder of the art.

Flexibility in all circumstances

prepares you to be ready and fit

to withstand the pain of having to eventually say

Au Revoir Les Enfants

To do it effectively, the dance leaves one spent

Mais ça vaut la peine 

YES, it's worth it all

because the reward of seeing your students take flight 

in the colors of their uniqueness

is richer 

and sweeter

and more beautiful

than the glory of the dance itself.

Another school year awaits in the wings

but before our little charges go back to school in


this summer

relax with a friend

with the one you love

or toute seule

and rejoice in a job well-done.

But for now



and around every corner

see the beauty of your possibilities.

To all educators and parents everywhere.

Photo Credits:

Intense Raspberry Desserts by Christina for Greige
Last Provence photo by Jose Villa via Desde Mi Ventana
Rudolph Nureyev's foot: Frogly Speaking


  1. Boungiorno sweetpie oooh im floating all over the place how lovely ,for all the ballet memories too and now a wee rest for youuuuuuu
    hopefully in the sunshine.enjoyed the music too have a great weekend Anita love Fay xxx

  2. Dearest,
    This is a wonderful post, beautiful worded and (as usual) with amazing picture choices.

    "...the reward of seeing your students take flight in the colors of their uniqueness is richer and sweeter and more beautiful than the glory of the dance itself."

    I'm going to pin that statement above my desk at school. It's a great reminder that all I do to master the "dance" as a teacher is for the sake of the students, not me.


  3. Wow what a post!!!! Breathtaking.....I love the part about the kids taking flight in their own colored uniqueness...thats beautiful. I bet you are one heck of a teacher and those kids are awfully lucky to have someone who feels so inspired by her profession to create such a beautiful post in their honor. I have fond memorires of a teacher or two, and I have never forgetten their impack or impression that they made on me. Sounds like you have that gift as well.

  4. Thank you Anita, you have caught wonderfully the essence of our work and the love and the dedication that we put in. Yesterday also I finished the course with my pupils and now it begins the time to rest and gather new forces and ideas for the near course
    I wish a happy rest to you,

    Muchos besos,


  5. Dear Anita
    Always beautiful and lovely...comming here is as a pretty dream
    We will finish next week and every year is very sad for me say goodbye to my pupils but all them will go with me in my heart for ever
    I think we are really very lucky as we have a wonderful job

  6. Anita My Dear,

  7. Hey Anita,
    Great news - you won my giveaway, Random number generator and you were lucky number 1. Email your address to me at and I will send it off to you tout de suite!

  8. Lovely adieu to students of all ages who have the passion and are called to dance. The music, the pictures, oh so perfect!

  9. still floating about between you and the Television ! just watched the Troupimg of the colour and done another post .
    LOVE Sylvie Guilleme ,saw her in Paris with Rudolph . I bet you have wonderful stories for your boys well now you can have a rest ,job well done and collect a whole new pile for next term a presto Fya xx

  10. I can't believe it's the end of another year again... oh my! Sighs of relief and satisfaction in your camp, I hope?
    Time for summer and trips and long lazy afternoons, isn't it? Cups of tea on the veranda and snipping flowers for the house. Sounds like heaven!

    The pictures are so lovely and always!

  11. Oh such a lovely post, and photos, roll on a summer of sunshine new friends places to see, you have a longer breck them mom and she gets 8 weeks, but I know behind the scenes you will be getting ready for the return in September.
    Have fun now your break has started.
    Love and Hugs to you Balzac and Ruben
    Have a good week
    See Yea George xxx

  12. What a wonderful post. Thank you for sharing your beautiful pictures and words.
    I hope you have a lovely weekend. Abby x

  13. Oh Mon Ami! Such a wonderful post and tribute to all, who teach, encourage, inspire and lead by example the generations of the future. To you mon ami, who gives not only to her students but to us readers ... you have and continue to inspire me sooo much, more than you could imagine.

    Wishing you a beautiful summer, filled with all that is magical and precious to you... xo HHL

  14. Congratulations on another year of touching a class of children's hearts and giving them lessons to last their lifetime. During the years my girls were in school, it seems to me always it was their French teachers who had the most passion about what they were doing. I can only imagine how much passion you bring to your class each year.

    My daughter Sarah and I went to see the new Woody Allen movie called Midnight in Paris. It was the best movie that I have seen in years. He makes Paris sparkle and as a teacher you will adore how he has reminded us all of the great artists, writers and composers of years gone by. At the end of the movie the audience broke out into applause. Now you don't find that often.

    Make sure you and your wonderful man go see the will love it.


  15. Oh Anita Love, how wonderful it must be to have you as a teacher! It is evident you pour your heart and soul into everything!
    I love all the dance images, so beautiful!
    Here's to a wonderful Summer!!!!!
    Much love
    gi gi

  16. Ding Dong! Did you hear the bell? No, it's not the school bell mama, it's the Avon lady. I think she should arrive at your door any minute to paint your nails, spray on some pretend French perfume and sell you tons of powder and splash for a pamper-filled summer ahead.
    Cheers to the teacher in you and for Avon ladies who know how to make us sparkle and wave bye bye to those kidlets!
    A little spin on the message know I think you did a wonderful job and what else matters? Summer ahead matters! Enjoy it with all you have in you! You deserve the break today!
    Your girl,
    with the curls!!!

  17. Joy my sweet must be an amazing teacher! {I know you are} YOU ARE DONE...let the Summer begin! What will you do first?
    Maybe start with a cup of tea! xoxoxoxo

  18. Yet another post, Chere Mme. Rivera, that has brought me to tears (I adore that song, all the more bittersweet)...especially after yesterday's emotional day. The children (and we the parents) are incredibly blessed to have you in our lives.
    It was such a pleasure to talk you yesterday afternoon! You are an amazing, amazing woman. Inspirational.
    We looked for you after school, (you were probably out front with the buses?) but we hope to see you this summer!
    Alex woke up this morning with the words, I miss Mme.Rivera already!
    Merci mille fois for an incredible year.

    P.S. (Thank you for teaching me the intricacies of blogging! Here is my response to your lovely comment!) Anita,thank you so much for your sweet comment! We are looking forward to that as well!
    Alex was just telling me how sad she is about the last day of school, and the first reason she gave was that she won't be seeing you everyday. Thank you for everything....

  19. My friend.
    You are an amazing writer and dreamer of dreams. And you find the BEST visual images to dance with your words.

    What a blessed place this world is with you in it!!!!

    Absolutely beautiful post!
    ~ Violet

  20. Dearest Anita
    What a wonderful post! Bravo my friend for your gentle heart, inspiration and desire to make this world a better place by teaching our most precious gifts, our children. My deepest gratitude to all teachers and parents.

  21. I would have LOVED to have sat in on your classes! And the post, Lovely , I so much enjoy how you put the perfect words to the beautiful photos! Enjoy your time off! Love the song too!!

  22. Oh my dearest such memories you stir. The music and your photographs bring France so near and yet so far. The slippers take me into a fantasy world.

    The French Hutch

  23. Wonderful post once again dear Nita! I have always been a great believer that a teachers influence can create a "bloom" within a child. You obviously are that kind of teacher, one who nourishes that childs thirst for knowlege, and enlightment! Kudos to you my friend, there are so many teachers here who are just earning a's sad, but true. Teachers spend more time with our children that we do, so I prefer to have a very good relationship with every teacher who is helping me raise that child! I am happy that my grandson has wonderful teachers, who recognize his potential. Thank you for being such a wonderful person. I am sure all of your students will miss you greatly this summer! XOXO Love Christel

  24. beautiful.

    Your students are so lucky to have you for their teacher, dear friend. You are amazing! You really need to publish your blog posts.....they are like no other- just precious.
    have a wonderuful weekend. love you...deb

  25. Dear Anita,thank you for another beautiful post,so up-lifting.

    How wonderful to have a teacher like you,lucky students,also the parents.

    Wishing you a happy,relaxing Summer.Ida xxxx

    Your beautiful big sparkling eyes remind me of the actress/singer Anita Harris,when I first saw your photo I thought it was her!! of course she is much older than yourself,more my age (smile)

  26. Anita, it would have surely been the highlight of my young life to have had a teacher like you! Lovely post, and I'm crazy for the new banner photos.

  27. you must be the most wonderfully inspiring
    teacher EVER> i pray that your summer is
    magically refreshing and that you will be
    surprised by the Lord's presence and goodnes
    every which way you turn.

  28. Finally your long long vacation started today.....enjoy all the weeks off from school...September???...o my...that is a long long darling have a nice you

  29. Anita, French Kiss is one of my favourite movies. We just watched another sweet movie with Meg last night. LOVE HER!!
    It's the second time I say goodbye to your students with you... two yrs. already.
    How I would have LOVED to have been your student. I think we would have been great friends. Of course I would have had to be younger, but not much younger, lol.
    I wish you were coming to as you say " RELAX WITH A FRIEND"... : (
    Have a wonderful, well deserved summer my dear friend. I think of you so so often.
    I love you to the moon and back again.

  30. Bonne vacances Anita! WOW, now you're looking forward to a looooooon break - how great is that? Am sure you'll make the most of it and hope that everyday will be just heaven! So lovely this post you've put together - like a beautiful poem. I hope your fellow teachers get to see this, it'll make them smile too! Happy weekend sweet friend - are you up to something fun?

  31. All I can say is that your students are the most blessed!! I never had a teacher like this, never! I think if I had, I would have moved to Paris years ago!!

    I'm just humming along with this adorable song and smiling like crazy!


  32. Dear, sweet Anita...another year passed and so many lives touched by your love & care..
    Rest and enjoy now precious friend...your dedication will be forever held in the hearts of those young ones you've taught.
    Bless you..I too, wish I could have had a teacher such as you :)

    Much love,
    Deborah xoxoxoxo

  33. Quand je regarde les photos du début ( les danseurs) je me dis "et bien oui! c'est exactement ce que je fais tous les matins au réveil!" Hé!hé!hé!

    Merci pour ce joli post, bientôt " mes petits" vont prendre leur envol également. Nous ne sommes pas encore en vacances, mais elles vont arriver très vite.

    Profite bien en tout cas, et merci pour ce post plein de magie.

  34. Bravo! Another fabulous touching post. COngratulations on another year completed. Rest?? You?? lol I think in your mind everyday you think of your studendts and what you all will learn from each other. Rest up! Grace xoox

  35. Bravo, Anita! This is the essence of what we as teacher's experience at the end of each school year. Mixed emotions of letting go, but that is what we work towards all year. Love the way you expressed it "seeing your students take flight in the colors of their uniqueness is richer and sweeter and more beautiful than the glory of the dance itself." I'm going to share this with my many friends who teach.
    Enjoy your vacation! ~ Sarah

  36. Oh! Another of the most beautiful posts, Anita! It plays like a beautiful ballet film! And you've orchestrated it with the coolest music from one of my all-time favorite movies. [ I've seen it so many times I can almost here my Monsieur calling "C'mon down. Your movie's on again!"]
    I don't know where you find such lovely images, but they make me press my hands to my heart and slowly shake my head...
    Thank you for your sweet visit to my little place. I loved seeing your name on there and reading that you are done with school for another year!! What a great teacher you must be! No, dear, I am a newly retired art teacher and I do miss my brilliant students, but stories end, and new ones begin...
    I know your summer will be stellar, and I look forward to enjoying it through your eyes!

  37. Hello Anita
    I just found your blog and I am so thrilled to read this post. It has broght me tremendous joy. Your thoughts and pictures speak so loudly.
    You, no doubt, as an incredible, very special, loving and talented teacher.
    I am looking forward to sitting back and reading your earlier posts.
    Thank you so very, very much

  38. Thank you dear Anita for your most generous words on my post, I am delighted that you would like to link my blog with a photo, and am more than happy for you to do so.
    I find your blog so heartening and full of inspiration.
    Again, many thanks! Abby

  39. Anita,It's a little hard for me to understand that aprox.95% or so of your posts seem to be about things I love and things that are important to me.It's so strange, it seems sometimes You had the ability or talent in life for things I could only dream for.Since I was a young girl I've loved all dance esp ballet.Can you imagine a little cripple girl taking ballet and tap dance ,that was me.I adore the harp too.So strange.

  40. Bonjour Anita, your students must be excited for holidays but not to say goodbye to you. I imagine that they would be sad to leave your wonderful world of fun, creativity, whimsy, learning and love of life. Teaching is such a gift we share. Only another teacher like yourself can begin to understand the pure joy our students bring us daily. Happy holidays to you and your gorgeous students! Fiona

  41. Very beautiful composition of thoughts and photos!

  42. Anita, your images are breathtaking and your words very timely! As a fellow teacher, we have a three week (though it is winter here) vacation starting at the end of next week. I am totally exhausted... and looking forward to a reviving break. I am going to email a link to my workmates so they can share the joy!
    Happy holidays sweet friend! X

  43. What a wonderful way to describe the end of a school year.
    Having once been married to a teacher, and one of my BFF's is a teacher, I am well aware of all the hard work...and emotional energy put into teaching.
    and those who teach best...exert the most
    like the dancers
    then we sit back and watch the beauty......but the beauty you as teachers have created goes on for years and years.

    now, aside from that, I wish I could be a ballerina.
    about the only dance I can do well is the Twist.
    I am as clumsy as a drunk mule.

    enjoy your summer break and do something BEAUTIFUL FOR YOU
    put the ballet shoes away for a spell
    and twist (tee,hee)

  44. Enjoy a wonderful summer! What a beautiful post, and such heartfelt words. Any child would be lucky to have you for a teacher.


  45. Lovely comparison. Stunning images.
    Enjoy your vacation!

  46. What a lovely post! I take it you are free and clear for summer vacation! Yahoo! Teachers are amazing and don't get the credit that they deserve. My father is a retired elementary school principal. I always wanted to be a Teacher...the closest I got was volunteering and finally subbing as a teacher's aide the last couple of years. Now I have just one student to teach - and that would be Maximus. haha...but he's so worth it!

    I hope you have a wonderful summer. Do you have any special plans? Any big trips? Whatever you do, I hope it's relaxing.

    Heidi (hi-d)

  47. Dear Anita,

    You do an amazing job and it is such a demanding one, and I take my hat off to you dear friend. But it is times like this with the wonderful holidays ahead that you must be feeling happy.
    I wish you a beautiful time ahead, relaxing and doing the things you love.

    Sending hugs

  48. Miss Anita your writing is exquisite. Visually I am right there with you in class, listening, learning. In awe...
    Your photos are always so enchanting. Wondrous vacation to you dear...

  49. Oh Anita Dear, THIS, IS SPECTACULAR...What a FINE tribute to those young souls. You make it seem ever so effortless...the words and phrases seem to just tumble onto the paper, arranging themselves like the pedals of a flower; the last one so perfectly beautiful, one just must SEE what is tucked in behind. Darling you have a gift and we sisters thoroughly E*N*J*O*Y it :) thank you.
    Oh, what a precious day you had with those special little people, I would have LOVED to have been there :)
    Back at the shop today, giggling and carrying on with ALL those lovely ladies that I have not seen for what seems like a I have missed them .
    Tomorrow I shall finish with the painting...assuring that at least ONE door is in the open position...( I am so "simple" sometimes).
    ....GUESS WHAT!!!!??????
    I have the most beautiful row of cedars, a girl could ever want...OH MY DEAR..."there is green, on them thar hills" YIPPEEEEEEE! Tomorrow I shall try to send you a snappy, so you can help me sort out what comes next!
    Ahhh I WILL sleep well tonight

  50. What an absolutely stunning tribute to both teachers and students alike, sweet Anita...I devoured each and every image and beautifully crafted phrase...thank-you for the gift of beauty that you always share with us, dear friend...


  51. Anita,
    I wish you a wonderful vacation!!
    Gorgeous pictures you posted today!

  52. Dear Anita, BEAUTIFUL ballet images! So gorgeous!!! Happy vacation - well deserved! I still have two more weeks to go...and then Summer vacation! I'm so looking forward to it. I'll be going to Positano, Italy, this year and can't wait to see that beautiful place and take lots of photos!!! Have a WONDERFUL vacation, Anita!!! (your header is amazing now...I had to study it for a while)

    Kristin xo

  53. I am so glad to know you dearest Anita . How beautiful are the words you have chosen and the images .....
    I also read what Ruben wrote in his comment ..... also very beautiful .
    Have a wonderful holiday , new inspirations but first .....muse ...muse.....muse...
    my friend .....

  54. I truly hope you will have a restful and magical summer Anita!


  55. This is a wonderful post. Being a teacher I can understand the message of it all too well.

    I did teach 4th grade for a few years but then was swapped around a few times since then. Instead of changing up the name each year I decided that it was far easier to simply stay with Teachinfourth.

    I loved teaching fourth grade.

    Currently I teach fifth.

    Thanks for coming by and letting me know that you did...

  56. I feel so predicatable coming on here saying 'beautiful images as always Anita' but.....

    I will pass this on to lovely Cleggy - himself in education. He couldn't be further from the beauty in your post (more likely up to his elbows in mud with 5 year olds!) but the message is the same.

    I look forward to your posts!
    fee x

  57. Dearest,
    your post delights me to no end!
    Having come back from Berlin, where we visited the boys I thought a few times the same, how incredibly rewarding it is to see ones children take fight after years of raising them and having that incredible feeling of seeing them become friends and wonderfully rounded human beings!
    But of course credit goes to their teachers too! There are many the kids still remember with gratitude and love!
    So good to read your words again!
    Love Victoria

  58. Wonderful. Thought inspiring. Touching.
    Thank you.

  59. Anita...I think you might enjoy the blog Teachinfourth......especially during the school year. He does this segment he calls Moments With Joey. I am not sure if JOEY himself is real, but it is lifes moments of a young elementary school boy and his relationship with his teacher.
    They are truly great. I don't know if you can go back into his blog...and go into some of the Older posts where he has those .

    anyway. thought I'd tell you that.

    Goshapicklmickadicken...did you get that. That is what my BIL says in stead of a swear word. So, that is my swear word to you, wishing you were hooking up with all of us at Claudies this summer.
    I feel we will be missing a soul, where a chair had been sat.

  60. This post . . the music .. the photos add up to one of the prettiest blog posts I can remember.
    Merci, mon ami ~

  61. What a wonderful post, my sweet friend!!!! I enjoy every word, coming right from your heart and all the pictures full of beauty and romance!!!!! It´s soooooo lovely to visit you and to be a part of your world for some moments!!!!!! Have a wonderful sunday,

    love and hugs, Jade

  62. My goodness, 61 comments already, where was I?
    This is a wonderful post to end your school year to and to start the time of reloading/renewing.
    Have a sweetest of Sundays ma chere amie. We have been to a lovely tea garden, pretty wildflowers, bistro chairs, homemade apple pie and good coffee, sunshine, straw, bikes and chickens.
    Lots of love for now, for the first days of a whole new week, I will come back later to send some more love for the last days of your first week off of school ;) o xx o xx o

  63. Wonderful post! My students are so little but I send them off to the next level with hope for their continued success and that they will love the arts and learn well.


  64. Anita mon ami le plus beau, vous me prenez au cœur de bien des façons. Votre beauté est dans ce que vous dites et comment vous le dire.
    Je suis béni de vous avoir comme ami.
    Vivre un gris mélancolique.

    PS...I have MISSED the BEAUTY in your GRAY-NESS
    I will catch up and visit very soon my soul sister.

  65. Some beautiful images here today Anita..

    I adore that last one.. and the tattered old chair.. and all the b&ws.....

    You are so right about having a good teacher... a good teacher can inspire and encourage you to reach goals you did not know were lurking within.... I'm sure you are one of the best!!

    Have a wonderful vacation.... I'm really missing summer hearing about it all over blogland.. I'll have to enjoy it through your eyes..

    ciao ciao xxx Julie

  66. IT IS FINISHED...ALL IS A PERFECT "PAPER WHITE" The back porch is fresh and clean, for a season of Bar-B-Quing pleasure...YIPPEEE!
    After an inspirational service in the book of Mark, it was a field trip to a beautiful nursery for a different kind of inspiration. I need to decide what the plan of attack is. Any favorites that I should include?
    Ahhhh..back to the big city tomorrow. Not sure what's on the grocery list, as one of my lovely ladies did it up, but it will be fun, nevertheless.
    Well, "imput" FAST, so that you can scurry home and get prepared for this FABULOUS "girly tea party" OH THE FUN!!!
    Have a great day Darlin'...sending hugs..Rosie

  67. Dearest Anita ..... gorgeous, gorgeous heart-warming post! Thank-you for your sentiments because you are right .... being a teacher or a parent is an incredibly tough, exhausting thing yet with such sweet rewards. To see your students grow and move forward with their dreams must be wonderful and to know that you were an integral part of that. I think you are an amazing teacher as your warmth and happiness would extend to your "les enfants"! I am so sorry I have not been by sooner ... I have been incredibly hectic with work, clients, etc. and now it is only one week till we leave for Paris!!!!!!! I wish you could come with me but I know you will be with us in spirit!!!!
    Thank-you my friend for such beauty.
    hugs always

  68. Hi Anita...what a wonderful heartfelt post...your students are so very lucky to have you as their teache!!! I bet you go over and above their expectations...Now sit back and relax with a glass of pink and enjoy the Summer!!! Cheers, Dzintra

  69. Everything is perfect, especially the music, mon amour....

  70. grazie tantissima ! so my dear what are you going to do with your holidays??

    keeping busy is a good thing for keeping th body and brain in good shape and hes stilll VERY busy both of them do several events each day ! hope the sun is with you xxx

  71. You are so special, Anita. I just love your posts. There are a handful of teachers that have made a real difference in my children's lives and for that I will always be grateful to them. xo

  72. Bonjour Anita!
    Ahhhh the freedom! La liberté ! ! !
    Waking to blue skies that will become cloudy here in upstate, NY... but will make the most of the cool temps in my classroom this week! yeah!

    Your tribute to teaching is RIGHT ON!
    C'est parfait! et
    M E R C I

    I love the focus on "les pieds"
    it's so true that we put in our miles and miles of work... and need to "park" for the summer!

    I will treasure your words and photos ~ these are perfect for the work done between septembre et juin ~

    Bonne Vacances mon amie!
    *God bless you for a job well done*

  73. If only all teachers could be like you, Anita!
    We all have a special place in our hearts for the teachers who influenced us. You will be in a lot of hearts, my dear, and the world will be better for it. There cannot be a more important job than yours.
    Have a lovely week and a lovely vacation away from your charges, so YOU can recharge!

  74. Morning to you go...your last week! Then Summer is waiting for you...what are you going to do with her?

    My Summer is going to be so already wants some of my school time...packing packing packing...that is all we did this weekend. It is amazing all the things one collects..that really is not needed.
    It feels good to organize and get rid of some of the clutter.

    Have a great day my sweet friend...usually this is my day off but today I must go in! Lots to do.

    Hugs and love. xoxox

    I will be thinking of you.

  75. Oh Anita it is the perfect any weather, even if it was could stand at that ship's wheel and look out to sea!!! I am well dearest, still can't get my arm to the lots of patience ahead of, if I could just do my apron up!!! You take care and enjoy your summer...Love Dzintra

  76. As always,Anita, a beautiful way to start my week...gorgeous images and inspiring words!!

  77. Bonjour!
    Thank you so much Anita for coming over to see Bebe and your PRAISE and encouragement.. I cannot tell you how much it means to me. She was so excited about her visit to the Hollow to meet Dimity Doormouse.. Is'nt that Jeri something? Oh be still my heart.. Her artwork is so amazing... What fun that was, yes?
    Have a great day.. Received your emails..

  78. I don't always read your blog the day it posts, because many times I'm reading through so many posts in my Reader, and yours deserves individual attention. I like to read your thoughts and delight in your pictures when I have time to savor the moment. It's like a gift box waiting to be opened, and when I do, it's a special treat just for me!

  79. Another successful school year has passed for you and now the summer is before you to recharge your batteries and start again fresh! I wish for you a beautiful summer of relaxation and creativity! Beautiful post Anita!~Hugs, Patti

  80. Anita,I mention you in my Sunday post.Take a peek

  81. Dearest Anita this is so beautiful. Your children are so special and so lucky to have been under your wing for a year. You have put so much love and effort in them this year now it is your turn to relax and enjoy the summer.
    Thank you so much for your thoughtful words about the passing of our dog, they make such deep marks in our heart while they are with us and leave a bit of hole when they leave us.
    Enjoy your week my friend.
    Much love to you.

  82. Hey beautiful dancer, how was your monday? Mine was dreamy and quiet. Had a lovely dinner out with my hubby and sun and am now drinking peppermint ea with mint from the garden. Preparing for worl tomorrow! Hope your seminar is interesting and ,,,, maybe even fun! xx

  83. Hey beautiful dancer, how was your monday? Mine was dreamy and quiet. Had a lovely dinner out with my hubby and sun and am now drinking peppermint ea with mint from the garden. Preparing for worl tomorrow! Hope your seminar is interesting and ,,,, maybe even fun! xx

  84. As your little students take leave, I am sure you were THE brightest star in their school day. How is it that I just KNOW you are a GREAT teacher?!! Take your well deserved vacation, I know you will make the most of it with your joy of life and enthusiasm!

  85. LET THERE BE LIGHT...AND A CHANDY TO BOOT...AHHHHH...the sparkle, the twinkle, the beauty. Now it is all at your finger tips.
    Oh my, summer is JUST around the corner...only three sleeps :)
    Are you ready to kick back and experience the delicious treats that this season has to offer? I SO need to feel the has been such a rainy cold spring.
    Well my shopping trip was productive, and the goodies are on the floor, and ready to find new homes. Worked outside this afternoon, enjoying my "half finished" garden. I am so anxious to get it done. Must do a bit of weeding tomorrow, and if the weather holds, my arbor could use a bit of freshening up...we'll see.
    So off you go, with a smile on your face to finish up this glorious year. See you in the morning...R

  86. Lovely photos, Anita. Is it summer yet?

    xoxo, Bonnie

  87. Hello Anita!! I am so happy for you that you are on summer vacation now! I hope you have the most relaxing, glorious time...and spend lots of time writing! :) And you are right in what you said, there is no better time then to start now! And I believe that you can be published! My mom was a teacher and has always loved to write children's books, so I was always around that growing up. And now I still try to encourage her in that.
    Never give up! All things are possible!
    I hope you have a wonderful week! Sending lots of love your way!

  88. Anita... you are just amazing! My wish is that all teachers are as you! It is one of the most wonderful professions in the world and one that is a vocation too. I love all your posts but I think... no, I am sure, this is my favorite!
    Blessings for a wonderful summer of much thought and joy!

  89. Congratulations on another year well done! Painful to say goodbye but so beautifully expressed here. Teachers deserve so much more credit than they get. So HERE'S to you!
    A bientot, lovely Anita!

  90. Goodmorning Anita ,
    You have to go to the blog from
    you can win a week in Paris !
    I wish you would win.
    Fingers crossed for you my friend

  91. Sent this to a friend who is a 9th grade teacher (1st year teaching) and she loved it so much that she printed out the whole post!! Great job! Stop by doing an amazing giveaway for a gogeous Kilim bench!

  92. Dearest Nita, knowing(((you))) only can tell me how "blessed" your students are!!!
    I also know how wonderful it is to have a derved break to be renewed and refreshed! It is all yours my darlin'!!!*grin*
    Now, to the picture and wording choice.... YOU are amazing!!! Ohhh nita, I LOVE this... you must guess why no??? Wow!!! what a delight to see these pictures ,Nita!! there is a strange beauty in an imperfect-worked-body of a ballerina.... when i look at my toes and see that I still have callus from 20 years ago, it does not make me sad... but smile!

  93. Goedemiddag sweet Anita !
    Beautiful music.
    Enjoy your holiday !
    Lieve groet

  94. Morning dear one....thank you for your sweet note this morning. I can enjoy a second cup as today I get to be home..seeing I went in yesterday. So many things to do...but we must make time for ourselves. I plan to take an hour of my day and zip into all the vintage stores to find a treasure or two..fingers crossed.

    And you MUST remember to take some time for you this Summer my friend.

    Hugs of love today. xoxoxoxo

  95. Dear Anita
    It warms my heart to see you came to visit Bebe in the hollow again.
    I am truly sorry that your visit to the writer's guild did not go as you would have liked. You must remember my dear friend, you are a wonderful writer... but you HAVE to be YOU... Don't take all comments made to heart.
    Wishing you a wonderful day

  96. Anita~ You put so much though, time and love into your posts, THANK YOU for that.
    Have a PRETTY WELL DESERVED summer!

  97. Amen, sister, and
    to you, especially,
    as I know you give
    it your ALL!! This
    is our first week
    adjusting to our
    new normal and as
    you know, I'll be
    packing one of les
    enfantes off tomorrow
    for her big adventure!
    I'm behind on blog
    visits, but so happy
    I was able to pop by
    tonight. Your words
    always make me nod and you!
    xx Suzanne

  98. Dearest Anita,
    This post expresses exactly how i'm feeling right now! You did it again! Today was the teacher's last day, and i am overjoyed that i get to listen to the birds chirp all day because i am not rushing off to work, spend time with Baby Z, work in my garden, etc., etc. I am so thrilled for you too! Now you really get to enjoy all the hard work that you recently put into your gorgeous home. Here's to sipping lemonade on our porches and getting some much deserved rest!:-) Bises. XX

  99. Oh, my dearest, I could not wait till morning:)) how absolutely beautiful! For I always wanted to be a a little girl I dreamed of it...if I had bad dreams, mother and daddy would send me back to bed with the suggestion to think of something pretty...I would think of what being a ballerina would be like:)
    But God new what the color of my uniqueness was. I found the flute...
    Each year, each class becomes your is hard to say the goodbyes, knowing they will always look back and see your name on their momentos from 4th grade, and remember the impact you had on their lives.
    God gives extra special blessings to those who choose to serve in the capacity as educator. You are a blessing in return.
    Rest, retreat, renew.

  100. Oh dearest, come and sit in the sit in this comfy lounger...just recline and close those eyes for but a moment..."for this too shall pass" :)
    He knows just how capable you are...He will grant both wisdom and endurance in abundance and you will get through this shining like the bright little star you are.
    You are right, you must take one day at a time, setting aside a good portion of "me" time, to indulge in all those creative pleasures you love so much. Hold your chin up, this is NOT what you had planned, but is will be OK.
    You are in my thoughts and prayers dear friend...sending a tender hug...Rosie

  101. Dear Anita,

    I don't know why this brought tears to my eyes! Maybe because I am just starting to exhale as this was our first week of being out of school. The mad dashing and cramming of my planner was insane! I am SO looking forward to slowing down and enjoying each day this sunny summer with my family. I am glad you are a part of my blogging family and I always enjoy my visits!



  102. As always your words have touched my soul! Absolutely beautiful! Cathy

  103. hi sweetpie hope the meeting wasnt toooo bad
    Glad you like les chapeaux belive me there were some pretty grim ones too OUTSIDE the Royal enclosure
    fay xx

  104. Dearest Anita, thanks so much for coming again - so sweet of you! I thought you would love that gorgeous chandelier as much as i do. Hope the tension you mentioned with your colleague has melted. Maybe she or he is only jealous, because you have such an easy hand with writing and blogging! It's sad but - one cannot be everybodys darling and we have to deal with tough types sometimes. Although i must say, i much rather deal with friends! Warm hugs! xx

  105. Look at you with 105 goodness how do you keep up with all your blog friends? It's such a delightful adventure to blog, I just love it.

    Yes, I knew you were a white walls gal with a touch of soft color here and there and it's one thing I love about you. I imagine your home to be a resting place with two big hearts.

  106. Oh my dearest ...... Your FREEDOM is waiting for you ! Coming up SOON . Just this conference .....and than ......
    There's this new movie
    MIDNIGHT IN PARIS ......Did you see it ....if not just the best start of your freetime .
    I must be back monday in the hospital for another examination .
    I could cry today for all the walking I had to do in the hospital .... Too much , to painful
    There were little shops there and I was thinking about what I posted today but OH ABSOLUTELY NO SHOPPING for me yet ...
    That's why I am there ......
    I was so glad to be HOME AT LAST .
    Have a cosey evening Anita !

  107. Beautiful post!! Made my afternoon.

  108. What a wonderful collection of beautiful photographs! It was a delight scrolling down while listening to the pretty music!

  109. What a beautiful post! I have to say I really enjoyed it even more as yesterday I took my oldest to her first dance lesson and to see the joy on her face and the enthusiasm with which she danced. How wonderful!

    I adore your new header. Why is it one color speaks to a person more than another? I just love the gorgeous lavender images you brought together.

    You are gifted in so many ways!

    Enjoy your summer.

  110. What a GLORIOUS day filled to overflowing with little bits of...hmmm...nothingness, really. I think that is why it was so VERY lovely. Dropped Rosie off at the "groomer extraordinaire" and tootled off to Fort Langley, where one can find the most amazing little shops.
    Wandered aimlessly in search of vintage French charm, and came away with a lovely little picnic basket with a domed top and great closure.
    A couple of old, turquoise, mesh picnic dome covers ( to protect a berry pie from outdoor critters) and a clear turquoise glass juice jug that just screams SUMMER.
    All in all a VERY good day. How about you? YOU ARE JUST ABOUT THERE! Soon that red striped lounger will be stretched out with you in it, soakin' up the sun....can't wait.
    Bill is calling to go for a walk, so I am off...See you in the morning...LOVE...rosie

  111. Hi sweet more day for Wish I was there but I am not...still a few weeks to go.

    Our home is now starting to fill up with is crazy how much they add up....and how much we do have to move.

    Sending you oooodles of JOY. xoxoxo
    Sweet dreams

  112. Hello my sweet friend,
    How I love this post about us teachers! You must be an amazing teacher because you are so creativ.
    After a long year teaching a holiday can be feeling so good! This is our time to recharge batteries :))
    Have you already planned your holiday?
    I still have to teach for two weeks and then I have vacation :))))
    Enjoy your holiday (I will;)))

  113. This comment has been removed by the author.

  114. Stunning post!
    Dear Anita, your students are indeed extremely fortunate to have you as their teacher. Such PASSION.
    Brilliant photos...beautiful text.
    I hope your school holiday is wonderful and relaxing for you, and your little students.

  115. sweetpie 3 days poor you hope that the end of ity and now Freeeeeeeeeeee Im hididng from the rain eating your chocolate cakes and raspberries and keepins my toes dry
    ITS over 30 again here I had a lovely long walsk by the river yestadtay talking to the various birds and reading my histiry book Off to the picture framer today etc have a great weekend sausage Love fay xx hugs and stuff xxx

  116. My sweet friend ....are you finally DONE .....
    Are you enjoying some freetime now ?
    Can you believe how ABSOLUTELY HAPPY I am to have won Koralee's give away ......
    Oh My ..... My heart is jumping of joy .... Have a wonderful weekend !

  117. Thank you, Anita!!!!!! Your comments are always precious to me! My husband often likes to read my comments :) :) and especially yours!!!

    Have a fabulous, wonderful, beautiful and blessed weekend!

    Kristin :)

  118. Friend, what can I say? This was one of the most beautiful things I have seen and read, Balanchine, to little glittery eyes of the babe... sigh... you are a master. Blessings.

  119. You my friend are now as free as a sweet little you go and enjoy your days! Please have an extra cup of tea for me as I am off and running..still work to be done at school and soooo much of it too.

    Hugs and love. xoxoxo

  120. Hi lovely Anita,
    Just stopping by to wish you a great weekend! My last workshop ended on Tuesday. I hope today is the last of yours! Bon weekend! Bisous! XX

  121. What a lovely post! My muscles hurt just looking at some of those dancers.

  122. Anita, it's me again...will you send me your email address, I have an invitation for you to join me and 18 other ladies in September.


  123. Je te souhaite des vacances tourbillonnantes, charmeuses et amoureuses, douces et gourmandes, en un mot comme en cent, uniques et magiques.
    Merci chère Anita pour ta fidélité, ton amitié et ta gentillesse.
    Mille bisous du coeur

  124. Dearest Anita, thank you for your visit today! So good to hear your vacations are finally starting. And i know how teachers need a long break. Have you anything planned yet? I bet your new rooms look lovely, filled with summer sun. Here. it's raining right now, but i hope not all through the weekend. Am ready for a (little) break too, and start the weekend with a bubble bath tonight. Bonne nuit mon amie! xx

  125. Hello Anita! I hope you are enjoying your summer!! Are you able to get a lot of writing time in? I am sorry to hear that the writer's group you went to was depressing. I know sometimes they can be very good and encouraging. But, at the same time someone may talk about how it's been hard for them to get published or one person is discouraged, etc., it can be depressing at times. But, I think it is nice when we can be around people that share similar dreams. It's like iron sharpens iron. I've been thinking lately how I don't have many people around me that share similar desires and dreams as me. But, I think it would be nice to have.
    I hope you stay encouraged and don't let any discouragement get to you. Here is a great quote I read recently from a wonderful book, The Imagineering Way, "When facing a new challenge, let go of fear. There's nothing you can screw up that can't be fixed." I think this can be applied to anything!
    Have a wonderful weekend, friend!

  126. Hello Anita! I just saw your comment, and it made me think of an excerpt from the same book that I quoted from earlier. It really is a fabulous book about igniting your creativity. I don't know if this will be inspiring or not, but I thought I'd share (and it's a bit long):

    "Taking a bit of conversation and turning it into a little story is a great warm-up exercise for my craft: writing. I've learned that the best way to get going is just to do it, and, if I'm stuck, I can turn to these intriguing scenarios, crank out a few paragraphs, and return refreshed to my work. It's a little like improve, without an audience.
    I happy to work best on deadline, but I still need to write every day. Inspiration for me is usually time-related, but sometimes I surprise myself. Certain tricks get fingers to keyboard or pen to paper and help remind me that I have a large fund of creativity that I can draw on when needed. I think a lot of creativity is simply self-confidence. You need to feel that you and your ideas are worthy of attention and respect. But to get them out is another thing.
    A way to get the words flowing is to take a sentence from a book I'm reading and change a few key phrases. Harder is to take a striking passage and see if I can describe the same thing- a sudden rainstorm, an emotion- in a new way.
    I also "warm up" sometimes without a just writing whatever comes out and seeing where it takes me for about five minutes. I used to do it in cafes in college, and now I just sit in my office and let it flow. I don't correct my spelling or read back- I just keep at it for a few minutes. It is just like exercise. Or I take a word and riff on that- usually it's a word or concept I'm working on. When I get back to the assignment, whatever it is, I'm ready to go. It's like a little minivacation, and it lets things out- when I read back what I wrote- that I didn't know were there.
    I think part of creativity is continually surprising yourself. Try something new- physical, social, intellectual- and you will approach it with a unique style. You'll both reaffirm your creativity and put it to use in a new field."

    Well I hope that may be inspiring. I thought it was good! Have a good rest of the day! XOXO

  127. oooohhhhh me tooo my 3 favourites are Pompellemo rosso melone and yogurt they only make each one seasonly so its the melone at the moment mmmm wish i scould send some to you but it MAY melt lovvvvvvvvvvvee the musique a presto lol fay xxx

  128. Dear Anita
    You came for a visit! Thinking of you today.. So good to hear you day was joyful.. It was quiet here at home..
    Bonne nuit dear one.

  129. Dearest Anita,
    I am so happy that you were able to visit So. Calif. last year. Yes, I LOVE what Patricia Cabrera is doing with her sweet children...inspiring them as they live their charming lives in a rural farm atmosphere. I viewed her blog and it came across my mind that her life is so similar to Tasha Tudor's, even down to the sweet, sweet illustrations she does of children. I told her she MUST send in some of her work to Victoria Magazine. God knows we could use some freshness in our lives. I miss Tasha Tudor's simple life style and reading about what she was doing. I hope Tita can find her destiny in her own sweet lifestyle, her art work and her marionette productions. (I did purchase her 'Cinderella' production from her Etsy shop and their 'Snow White' production is coming in the mail). Since I am a doll maker too, I realize the complexity of what lengths she goes to make her marionettes, her stages, the scenery. It was just so refreshing to find her.
    Have a lovely rest of the day,
    Teresa in CA

  130. Nita, I had a long day, sorry for taking me so long!!! I will email you shortly. I was hopping to see your new post but be sure I will be back tomorrow. Enjoying visiting you again! You are lovely!*grin*


"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echos are truly endless." -Mother Teresa