Thursday, June 2, 2011

Down South

It was a SplEndID and UNforgettable ToUr

mes amies

around the city of twinkling poetry

and bubbling excitement.

The time has come however, for me to turn out the


take Balzac 

and my bags

leave the keys to my Parisian salon with the concièrge

and head on 


where ANYTIME IS A GOOD TIME to be in


Her fruits are cleansing to the palate

 which both humbly 

and lavishly garnish and set the table 

for your taste buds to kiss new sensations.

Your memory will be shaped forever by 

her parfum du Sud

and brick by brick

you will fall in love with the simplicity

of the riches of her bounty 

and vistas.

So make your wish and fly away

take a friend

and makes new ones

and in all things don't forget to say:

Merci to ALL the visitors and participants in the 

Paris Simply Irresistible Link Party 

that was inspired by superb photos by


AND....The winner of the draw for a prize from my 

workshop is:


A Scrapbook of Inspiration

Karen will be receiving a handmade book of

Good Night Sweet Prince! 


Photo Credits:

The Alternative Wife

French Essence

Little Brown Pen

Brown Dress with White Dots


Diva and Dreams



  1. Thanks again Anita for a delightful link party!

  2. Truly a delightful party--thanks to your imagination and creative spirit, we all felt a part.

    I'm making plans for Provence for later in the month--the lavender is calling--hope it's in full bloom...

  3. Dearest,

    The Paris party was an unqualified success. Brilliant idea. And this is another beautiful post. I love the field of lavender in the twilight. But that Jack Russell Terrier puppy looks like she's up to no good.


  4. Such sheer and utter gorgeousness! I am truly in awe of all these. Love them, and thanks to you for sharing them with us. And thank you too, for your always sweet comments.

  5. Thank you dear Anita. It was the Perfect Paris holiday. Love your new banner with the pop of purples and lavender. Your poetic prose is fluid beauty.

  6. Oh my dear Anita ... you gathered together a wonderful group of people who took us on unforgettable journeys through the city of lights ...Paris... Your tour kept me company through a morning and afternoon tea ... Thank you for sharing your creativity, wonderful words and the magic of freaming with us!!! XO and many blessings mon ami, HHL

  7. Hello my dearest! I had the best time at your party. I met so many new bloggers. Thank you for joining us together in the city of pink lights.

    Have a beautiful weekend!

  8. Thanks Anita, for the beautiful theme we all enjoyed blog-hopping to over the weekend.
    I am sorry to say thatI was feeling quite unwell (head cold) and could not do a lot on the computer during the weekend. I will try to catch up with the posts of others, in the next week.
    These photos of lavender are superb. That puppy is utterly adorable and your gorgeous photos are...gorgeous!

    ps...congratulations to Karen...(lucky duck!)

  9. Oh, my dearest!!
    The photos, the fabulous tunes, and glorious inspiration through words...leaves my cheeks aglow...
    my heart longing to travel to those twinkling parisian lights...beautiful floral escapes....cafes so sweet...
    Ahhh, some day, my dear!

    Please come by for a visit and help us greet our little gal...she anxiously awaits our travel to cottage on Monday:)

    A Forever Thank YOU for such an enchanting visit to all things FRENCH...and dear new friends to share our most incredible journey.

    Bisous, mon Amie, Anita!

  10. Congratulations Karen, what a special gift, from an awe inspiring artist! I sincerely hope this is post-able..I have been so frustrated lately at not being able to comment on anyones blogs..I may have to try and send this a different way..we'll see. Anita this is a beautiful post as always. The pictures were plucked right from our imagination, and onto your pages. Coupled with your oh so elequent charm...wonderful, simply wonderful! XOXOX Christel

  11. Thank you Anita for inviting me to Paris with you!!
    It was such a fun time my dear!
    And love all these gorgeous photos..absolutely dreamy...
    And congrats to Karen ..what a treat!!
    Bless you dear Anita!!! xo

    Deborah xoxo

  12. Hi Anita,

    Thank you for being such a lovely & gracious hostess! It was incredible to see Paris through so many different eyes! I am STILL having blogger issues. I know I missed a few posts, I'll have to try to get to them here soon.

    And congrats to Karen, I know she will LOVE that handmade treasure of yours!!!!!

    Have a very wonderful evening......xOxO

  13. Oh Anita Sweetie...
    Knock me in the head and be done with me, I was in my mind convinced it was this week and not last, so sadly I didn't get to travel along. However, I have been reading and flying all over the place. As always sweet friend, a splendid turn out, and what a gorgeous share you had.

    I will always dream of Paris until someday my DH and I, hand in hand step off our plane and walk the streets of the most romantic place in the world. I want to sip tea on a sidewalk cafe and see the lights on the Eiffel Tower. I want to see the paintings and architecture and all of the beauty that I know just waits for us to arrive one day.

    Thank you for the wonderful tour sweet friend, and the next time I will be prompt and on time. Can you just mark me down as tardy and not knock me in the head?

    Congrats to Karen, she is a doll and what a treasure she is receiving. Have a wonderful Friday sweet friend. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  14. Oh my Darling...Je ne vous adore, doux, doux ami.
    All I need to say is that I NEED inspiration and "VOILA"!!! Here I am in the middle of Provence...dining on a lavish helping of clever inspiration...followed by a generous helping artful beauty. OK, I am now SURE that this is the look I so seek...rush seated chairs ARE topping the list, and of course a well oiled, well worn, well L*O*V*E*D table will definitely be what I will hunt for.
    One of the auctions that I frequent, called on Tuesday to say there was a lot of goodies, that I would be temped with, in the Wednesday sale...and I MISSED IT! It totally slipped my mind...Oh well.
    Thank you So much for the "DREAMY PARISIAN TREAT" I can still smell the lavender...Ahhhhh...Sweet Dreams...R

  15. Beautiful images, as usual! I love the citrus ones...I'm in love with lemons! haha...Love them!

    So, are you finished with school? Do you have any exciting plans for the summer?

    Thanks again for the fun Paris Party.

    Heidi (hi-d)

  16. oh, i sooo adore the shots of lavander!! all the shots really. karen is a lucky, lucky girl indeedy, to win one of your beautiful creations!
    have a wonderful weekend,

  17. I really don't know how you do it, my feet are still sore from dancing all over Paris, I am still winded.... and now you have packed up and headed to Provence!!! Do you ever REST??? Te-Heeeee!!!!!

    What a treat it was to visit Paris with you, you were a wonderful hostess and tour guide!

    Your post is inspiring and delectable. (Give Balzac a hug from me.)

    ~ Violet

  18. Anita, it was such a delightful party... but i'm happy to be on the road to Provence, listening to Louis and 'la vie en rose!'

  19. Anita our Paris Party was so much fun, thank you so much for including me!


    Art by Karena

    Be sure to Come and enter my amazing $250 giveaway from Tracy Porter

  20. Yes, Anita, the south of France is also enchanting. Another favorite destination!
    Congratulations to Karen. ~ Sarah

  21. Oh, what a beautiful post, sweet Anita! Now I want to be in Provence...what a dream! Lavender is just about my favorite thing--my yard is FILLED with it (and English roses!)...the scent fills me with such joy...

    Thank-you for all you share and inspire us with, dear friend...our trip to Paris was magnifique!

    Wishing you a lovely evening...


  22. Dearest Anita
    Thank you so much for the party in Paris. Is was TRULY magical. I met so many lovely new people..
    Oh how I love this post. Simply beautiful.. I can almost smell the lavender.

    Thank you for visiting Bebe again today.. She sends her love.

    What a lucky gal Karen is to receive such a gift from the heart. I wish I could peek inside the book, but I have mine that I will treasure always.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Dearest Anita,

    Great post and oui, je t'aime la Provence! The lavender is such a dream... wish I could be there!

    Lots of love,


  25. Ooooh Anita, those lavendel fields take my breath away!!!! Thank you for a great Paris Party and thanks for linking to me :) I'm already looking forward till next time! Have a wonderful weekend!!!

    Kristin :)

  26. Another gorgeous post and you are playing one of my favorite songs. I am so excited Anita, thank you so much.

    Thank you for your wonderful Paris party. I love all of your photographs today. I can't wait to see your book. You are one of the most creative souls in all of The Land of Blog.


  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Hello darling...great post i like it.....have a nice weekend...i did now we could win something in the Paris tour party ??..hahahaah!! congratulations to the winner....heel veel liefs lieve

  29. Great images today i love the picture of the outdoor dining what a beautiful setting, id love to sit there for a continetal breakfast in the sunshine or an evening meal with friends & wine :)

  30. buongiorno Anita glad you enjoyed the costumes of lights! and your sweet comments We must have been in Provence at the same moment !! as i was drinking hot chocolate from My parents lovely orange CUPS! and you were sitting down to a wonderful yummy lunch in the courtyard by the olive trees thankyou for the trip always a delightand you know how much I love Lavenser fields a presto fay xxxxLOL

  31. Dearest Anita, how come i haven't seen this yet! Oh, i'd LOVE to come along to Provence! So beautiful, not only for atists! Love all these pretty pictures - and your handmade book is absolutely stunning! Congrats my friend, the Paris party was a full success! And now, the weekend is ahead of us - Yay!!!!

  32. Oh my, that field of lavender is divine! What a fun trip we could have to Provence! After all, we certainly did Paris to a T! It's the exquisite company, my dear.
    Congratulations to the lucky Karen!

  33. Oh my, that field of lavender is divine! What a fun trip we could have to Provence! After all, we certainly did Paris to a T! It's the exquisite company, my dear.
    Congratulations to the lucky Karen!

  34. I am melting over the GORGEOUS photos in your post! So beautiful.
    Have a great weekend!

  35. Oh what a lovely post today my find the most amazing photos.

    Oh boy am I will be hard to get through today.

    You my dear are out of school so soon. We go right until the end of JUNE. I am now counting down the days.
    Wishing you a wonderful weekend. I am off to get a cup of strong tea and hope that will give me some energy to get through today.


  36. Thanks for always taking me with you, dearest Anita! My heart and my mind dream the best dreams with YOU!
    Love, Bela

  37. Oh... I am so glad you aren't leaving France yet! It was just too much fun and I still have visits to make! The houses are all gorgeous...solid and real, a part of the earth!
    Lovely, as usual!

  38. Anita Darling you've done it again. Such dreamy beauty here always makes me want to go places. I love how your Prince always sweet is that! My lavender is blooming and so I can pretend I am in the Provence fields. tee hee

  39. Can I come too? I want to head South! xoxo

  40. Anita...I had a wonderful time with your Paris party! First time to ever do anything like it and it was simply Irresistible!! So much fun, and sweet company!!
    Congrats Karen!!!
    Another beautiful post my dear!!

  41. You have some classy amazing pictures!

  42. Magical really....I'd love to sit with you Anita and pick your brain and feel for myself all the fantasy there.

  43. and..who doesn't love LOVE lavendar

  44. That was really a fun way to celebrate Paris. Quite a few new blog friends came to visit me and Pippit and that was a treat.

    That picture of the lavender field is just stunning. Don't we wish that was out our kitchen window?

    Len is waiting to take me out for Thai food so I can't comment long or the little red hot Kia will be honking like a goose!

    I'm doing pretty good but tired tonight. I think I'm getting too old to throw freight and stock shelves even if it is the baking department at Michaels! Ha...cheer to you and this pleasant tour of Provence!

  45. Dearest Anita,
    Thank you for your sweet comment! There is nothing as special as something can see all the love that is put into every part. I will never forget all you did for me! To have such special pieces handmade by my friends in my home....that is the best!!!! That love is what makes my house my home!! Lots of love to you, have a fantastic weekend!!!! xoxox

  46. Anita!
    I've got on my polka-dot dress and my sun glasses, hopping in the convertible and driving south to Provence! (in my dreams anyway)

    Oooohhh, Karen is getting a fabulous gift! She will be thrilled! Your hands and heart create such beauty my dear friend!

    A friend and her family are heading to Paris on Monday! I want to climb in a suitcase and go along!!!

    Delightful post. I love the color of lavender (you must see my car : )

    ~ Violet

  47. Thanks for the great time! Still visiting, all. I am so appreciative! Blessings, dear.

  48. Oh dearest, there is so very much that I LOVE about this post, from the fragrant Lavender fields... to that sweet little smilin' puppy.
    I need to take a little trip :)
    What a BUSY, BUSY day! And talk about crossin' jobs off the old to do list!
    Bill and I took a morning drive in the country and found a farmer who had a FIELD OF CEDAR HEDGES, who just wants them GONE, and his land clear. So when we asked the price of his lovely bits of green, he promptly told us five dollars...FOR ANY SIZE. From two foot up to eight foot..."PARDON ME SIR"!...Yes Ma'am, if you want to dig them, you just help yourself...well OK then.
    Then off to rent a mini excavator to move the last of the dirt and the last three pallets of flag stone. It arrived an hour ago, and Bill is out playing in the back yard :)
    I finished much yard work, even managing to soak up a bit of sun in the back yard...over all, a very fine day. Hoping you too will find time to lay out in that glorious SUN this weekend...seize the day dearest...hugs, Rosie

  49. Dear Anita,

    Merci beaucoup for hosting such a fabulous Parisian party.
    We must do it again one day as everyone had so much fun.
    How neat that we are now heading down South to Provence. All the pretty lavender and gorgeous scenery, I am not going to want to go back home.
    Congratulations to Karen, she will be thrilled.

    Happy weekend sweet friend and good luck with all the school things you need to do before the holidays.

  50. Hello dear Anita! This is such a gorgeous post! The same day of your beautiful link party, I got into a conversation with a Frenchman at my work. He was very friendly and told me I have to visit the French countryside, which I would LOVE to! But, your post here makes me think of the beautiful countryside in France. I am sure it is simply glorious!
    How is your week going? I am craving summer now as I am finally getting a little tired of cooler weather. It is supposed to rain this weekend, and now I just want sunshine!
    I hope you have a beautiful weekend! XO

  51. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!
    Feels like I'm walking through a blissful dream...

  52. My dear friend Anita, who dreams all of our dreams. love all the beauty in a perfect posting bundled up in lavender :)

    I wish I could dream and big as you! you my dear are the story teller of stories.

    I am ready to dream, I have to hurry and go pack my backs for the beautiful trip you are sending us all on!


  53. And thank you dear Anita for hosting this wonderful party!!! And I am definitely ready to head down south...and just today I bought some lavendar for my scarves!!! Cheer to you Dear One with a red wine...Dzintra

  54. Lieve lieve Anita ,
    I love your new post ... I wish I could take off for a trip to France in a 2cv .....
    Are you visiting France regular ?
    There are lots of casttles overthere and you could make one into a hotel ....just for blog-friends .... just an idea ... hihi
    Have a wonderful weekend my friend .

  55. Good morning Anita,
    Sooorry,I'm late but it has been a very busy week for me.The pic in my blog is Spain ( of course!!!) in Mallorca island, a so so beautiful place.
    I hope that you spend a sunny and warm weekend
    Muchos besos,


  56. Dearest Anita thank you for letting me share your wonderous trip to Paris.

    Whenever I visit I shall expect to find you and Balzac round any corner.

    Happy fun filled weekend. Ida xxx0xxx

  57. Hi sweet Anita, I come running to your lovely little corner. Where did time go? I have not been feeling well all week, not really sick but so so sloooooow.
    Bresten turns 7 tomorrow and we are off to the SS Rotterdam, a cruise ship. It's a hotel these days and we will spend a night. I have planned to sit on the deck and do nothing nothing nothing. Will instruct Mark to take the little monkeys on a tour guide ;)
    Your pictures did lift me up! As always!!
    Lots of love to you, have a relaxing, wonderful weekend my friend o xx o

  58. Thank you so much for your kind comments on my post. I am delighted to have discovered your fabulous blog. Your pictures are just wonderful and I am pleased to be your latest follower.

  59. Anita, I loved being a viewer of your Paris trip, and what a lovely closing montage you have put together here. Having Castles in your blog title you might like my visit to a fairytale castle yesterday with the most amazing handpainted walls throughout:

    It includes a giveaway too!

  60. Thank you Anita for your kind words, you are indeed a kindred spirit! I am your newest follower but you have been on my inspiration blog list for a while. I have been watching you.....
    Have a lovely weekend!
    With Love and new friendship.

  61. Hi Anita
    It sure was a great party, I had to come back a couple of times to go though all the links!!!
    Thank you also for the comment you left for me on Pennys blog, looks like blogger is working again, I didn't think I would be sooo frustrated not being able to comment!!
    Some beautiful photos on this post as always, It gives mom ideas:)
    Would you believe only yesterday mom brought a Lavender bush!!! very pretty but me and bee's don't get on!!! see all that buzzing gets on my fuzz fur! and to top it off we have a bumblebee box in the garden with thousands of them nesting and buzzing around, mom was out there just the other day trying to take photos when she had to make a bee line to the house, so now with this lavender bush I can see I will be stopping indoors!!!
    The Cheek of It
    Have a good week
    Love and Hugs to you Balzac and Ruben xxxx

  62. Morning sweet energy is BACK! Yahoo...just in time for the weekend. I have a list a mile long and the sun is shinning so off to tackle it.
    Sounds like you had a busy busy day yesterday...lately school has just been so tiring. I usually have oodles of energy but these last few weeks are going to be killers.
    Plus we bought a home!!! So now we must start the packing adventure...we have until end of July but will be gone the first 2 weeks of July so must start packing NOW! So excited....we love it. It is a newer home but backs up to a green space with a creek running through the space so we can sit on the patio and hear the creek and watch all the animals. The first time we went there was a wild bunny nibbling on the grass...reminded me of your sweet bunny. I knew I just had to have this home! to start my day. Hugs to you my sweet friend. xoxo

  63. Good sunny afternoon dearest! I hope you are well this weekend after a magical trip with beautiful hosts and inspiring photos! I had the best time visiting Paris and I see that Provence is just as beautiful with it's simplicity and endless horizons.
    I do hope that the sun is shining for you today and you are out enjoying His gifts for us. It is beautiful here, almost perfect. I feel so wonderful with weather such as this. :)
    Soon you will be able to play and I hope that this last week is good to you my dear friend.

  64. Wonderful photos. Thanks for the trip.

  65. Les champs de lavande, doux parfum sur l'oreiller

  66. I always come over here when I want beauty for my spirit! Lavender... those fields must smell like heaven. I love even the drug store English Lavender soap bars, so you KNOW I love these pictures!

    The trip to Paris was so amazing my friend. I still have that blog highlighted and will be re-visiting! :)


  67. Dear Anita
    The Paris Party was such an success, brilliant idea. And this posts imagades of provance is divine.
    All the best to you Marie

  68. Anita, I recently read a book titled "We'll Always Have Paris and Provence," by Walter and Patricia Wells--I picked it up for a buck at a dollar store!--and it was so enjoyable! Walter was a reporter and Patricia a food critic. Reading their writings was like spending time in those places. I recommend the book!

    As always, your lovely images and dreamy narration take me away.


    Cindy at Notes in the Key of Life

  69. that first image is superb Anita.. as is the little doggy all frazzled and wind blown

    You know I am still trying to visit and catch up with all your lovely party participants.. my internet has been such a pain these last weeks.. and the blogger issues...

    Thanks for hosting this lovely bit of fun for us all... your enthusiasm is infectious!!

    have a lovely weekend.. ciao xxx Julie

  70. Thank you for the gorgeous little escape down south! I am cherishing the simple rusitc pleasures and country style food, eating alfresco and drinking in the sights of swaying lavender!!! X

  71. I LOVE PROVENCE!!! Oh, Anita, what a wonderful post!
    I'm taking care of my little Provence in my front yard.! ;-))
    We have painted the fences and the door frame, cutting trees and cleaning the garden (we have done 16 bags to the garbage). I want to put hortensias in the garden.
    Meanwhile, we were in France, but not in Provence this time. We went to Eurodisney. I will put the photos probably next week.That depends on the work here. We want to paint the living room too.
    Besos, my beautiful friend!!!

  72. Your posts are like walking through a dream! Provence just seems dreamy. I would love to visit one day. Love the dogs... they put a big smile on my face. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend, Anita! xo

  73. Anita, i can taste that bubbly and smell the lavender, when i look at these pix! Hope your sunday was just as lovely and you got a chance to sit in the sun for a while. I basically did nothing today - sometimes i need it! Bises!

  74. Ah, Provenance.
    It's on my bucket
    list, for certain.....
    I would love to rent
    a cottage for a month
    and really soak up
    all it's beauty.
    Until then, this was
    a dreamy respite!
    Hope you are enjoying
    this glorious weekend,
    xx Suzanne

  75. I should have lived 200 years ago in a stone house with a turret and a field of Lavender outside my door. I really should have!

  76. Had fun at the Party, thanks for hosting. The photos in this post are incredible. Would love to visit Provence someday!

  77. Your Site is so gorgeous! Your banner is one of the prettest I have seen- Those purples are so striking!Enjoyed everything- such awesome pics Sincerely, Jonny

  78. Dearest! Are you sure we are not twins? I gasped as I looked at each and every image! They are perfect and they couldn't represent my taste any better. And I couldn't agree more...Any time IS a good time to be in Provence!
    Thanks for sharing this stunning post. Besos, my friend. Have a magnificent week.

  79. Oh Anita you do say the loveliest things...You have a wonderful week too...and thank you...Love Dzintra

  80. Hi Anita,
    I did notice you were one of the all nighters! I do know what you mean though. I am often awake at 5am and the first thing I think about is checking my shop and blog! Addictive isn't it?

    What are you planning for our delight next in those wee small hours?

  81. My goodness you get a lot of comments. I hope Karen enjoys the book as much as i did reading the story. I so want to embrace France and French more so I shall be off to look for classes. Have a lovely week clever lady :) Fiona

  82. Hello this Monday morning! I am counting down the days....just like you. I have 3 more weeks...and you will be a week a head of me!

    Another busy week is in the works...we have a Volunteer tea for the whole school which I am in charge of this Thursday...I have been making flowered pompoms and goodie bags...we have the task of decorating the gym to make it look will be a challenge. Just another thing to add to my plate!

    Love and hugs to you...enjoy your sweet sweet day. xoxoxoxoxoxoox

  83. Bonjour Anita
    Thank you for joining Bebe in France this morning. I am so happy you enjoyed her. Thank you so much for your sweet thoughts.

  84. Great little vacation this morning! Merci!

  85. What a lovely idea having a Paris Party. I will return there one day. I just loved the city when I was there.

  86. Lieve Anita , Those last weeks in school are always so so busy and special too.
    I will be thinking of you .
    Wish you all the best dear friend .

  87. Being number 84 on the comments page...all I can say is "BEAUTIFUL"! Thank you.
    Blessings My Friend,

  88. Anita, thank you for your wonderful comment today! Yes, it's about time to show the beautiful side of ageing i think. All the world wants to be young but in fact, the only way to stay young forever is to die young ... and we don't want that! Mature women have atheir own beauty - if they learn to let the inner grow and shine. And that is what we're here for anyway! Awww, back to Provence now - the sounds, the smells - will take it with me in my dreams! xx

  89. Your blog is a breath of pretty fresh air! Thank you.
    Have a pretty day!

  90. Hello dear Anita
    Just read your post.
    Lovely lavender, the colour , the fragrance.
    I was away for the week and enjoyed beautiful weather, birds singing in the woods, small walks , good food and happiness.
    I wish you a wonderful week as well.

  91. dear Anita, sorry I'm a little late saying hello. Thank you for taking me with you south. I've not been in a while and I do need a getaway there soon. You've shared so many of the reasons one falls in love with Provence. Congratulations to Karen for being the very lucky girl to win the Good Night Sweet Prince book. It was such a great Paris Inspiration party..........

    The French Hutch

  92. Happy new week, Anita!
    I love what you said about another symptom of friendship is when you miss someone's presence. So true!
    I am so happy for you that your vacation starts next week! How exciting! Do you have a lot of fun plans for the summer? Even though my summer feels like every other time of year because there is no break from work, I do hope to spend a lot of this summer by the sea, for that is where my dear friend that moved away moved to yesterday.
    I haven't had much trouble with Blogger, but then again, I've only logged on once or twice a week lately! Bad I know! But, I feel so bad for gi gi and everyone else who have been having so many problems with Blogger!
    I hope you have a wonderful week!!!
    xoxo Shawna

  93. Love the photos, as always! What a fun idea this was. And LOVE Provence!

  94. Lieve vriendin all over the ocean .
    Have you any idea how much traveling it is to write you a comment ?
    At first , when I visit your blog I have to scroll down passing all the beautiful pictures and words .... when I am finally down under ..... ninetythree comments to pass ..... of course I have to read some of them ....
    still on my way .... and than there it is the COMMENT-WORD I must click-on .....
    and here I am .... girl you know how to keep me busy ......hihi
    Today is strawberry-day in my house . I love those little red ones ..... Wish you lots of special time .....
    Thinking about you ....

  95. Congratulations to Karen!
    What a treasure she will receive!
    Anita, I would love to transport myself into ANY of these photos... just for even an afternoon!
    They each depict an unforgettable moment!

    I hope each of our moments on this beautiful Earth is unforgettable! I have to always remember that!
    Look, look, look how beautiful God made things!

    Thank you for sharing part of this sweet place*
    Merci, Merci!

  96. Thank you so much for hosting such a fun and fabulous party! It was a nice escape.
    Wishing you a most beautiful week! xoxo, B

  97. Enjoy your afternoon and evening Anita. We have rain, flowers in the garden, tea in the cups and children singing Pentecost songs. They will dance around the Pentecost tree next Friday, making shapes with pretty pastel colored ribbons.
    C'est bonne nuit pour moi maintenant. Alors, je vais ... a bientot sweet friend o xx o xx o xx o

  98. Bonjour Anita Love! I am so sorry I am just getting back over! Summer has come and in full force :) Are you almost done with school. I sure hope so :)
    Do you have any big plans for this summer?
    I forgot to tell you the other day I LOVE LOVE LOVE your new header, sigh! So gorgeous!!!!
    This post is just divine! My imaginary bags are packed, he he!
    Oh, Someday..... I will hope and dream!
    Lots of love to you!!!
    gi gi

  99. I missed the Paris party but I love all this imaging! how wonderful. I want to fall in love all over again! So sexy and romantic!

    B So Chic!

  100. Hey thanks for dropping by Anita, and leaving a lovely comment, again!
    I have only just now come up for some air. The past few days have been filled with entertaining ankle-biters, among other things.
    I am mostly over my head cold, so the headaches have left finally.

    I hope you give yourself some real relaxing moments while on your school break. I would love to talk with you via skype. How exciting!
    The tricky part is making it happen...
    ♥ Vicki
    ps...LOVE that purple in your blog header!

  101. Hugs sweet friend...just came by to tuck you in tonight...I am soooo tired...hugs.

  102. Hello dear Anita.
    Thanks for your sweet morningwish !
    The weather is nice today.
    A little sunshine.

    Fijne middag en avond.
    Lieve groet

  103. Thank you for your sweet visit this morning at 3am!!! Oh my goodness my are one energized bunny!
    You must be happy your work is almost done at school. Next week is your last week..right?
    We still have a few to go but that's ok as I have so much that still needs to be done.
    Sending you some extra energy today at about 3pm in the afternoon as I know that is when you will need it.....hugs.

  104. Bonjour!
    Did you bump into Bebe here? teehee.. I think she is just having so much fun in France, I don't know how I will get her to come home. ahhhhhhhh, the lavender...

  105. Hope you survived the heatwave Anita - here, it's all thunderstorms and rain these days, i got soaking wet yesterday, just from one minute without an umbrella! Aww, wish i could be in Provence now! Have a sweet evening! xx

  106. Hello lovely, I've finally arrived at the party (fashionably late...tee hee) to find you've all moved on towards the beautiful coast! I'm just catching up with all the wonderful Paris posts - thank you so much for bringing everyone together...
    I met some lovely new friends!

    Cleggy has suggested three weeks in Provence next my next three weeks (months!) will be spent pouring over suitble (and some unsuitable) gites...what's not to like!?

    thank you again - such fun!
    fee x (♥)

  107. Oh, Anita, I can't find words to thank you for the wonderful Paris Party you threw! I am STILL looking at the wonderful images that your lovely guests posted, but the prize has to go to you for that wonderful post about Balzac, and the delish images to go with it!!! I love this blog, you're on my BlogRoll now, and I will Haunt this space until I learn to be as cool as you!!!!!!
    XOXO dawne@ Quiddity2

  108. Hello my SWEET friend,
    Oh dearest, you are an "on the go girl" these days. Running HERE and THERE, and EVERYwhere. Soon we shall recline in the garden, sipping on something cool, nibbling on a little fancy treat.
    Hang in there.
    Well, a whole lot of busyness here too. Just trying to get ready for Saturday, when I will be back at the shop for the day. I have so much to organize, it will be fun for sure.
    I did have time to make a salted caramel, banana cream pie :) I'l leave you a keep your strength up...Sleep dear...xoxo Rosie

  109. Just sending you some soft fresh draught to cool your last days at school ....
    Keep it together girl !
    Put some things on hold ..
    Take time for tea and muse ...more muse-time .
    Chocolate too of course .
    I had a bad night with to much pain and was very grumbly this morning . But ....after a good strong coffee and some painkillers I was on my way again to enjoy all there is to enjoy in life .
    Blogging is absolutely one of them .
    Thinking of you ! lots of muse ....

  110. Dear Anita,

    Just come by to say, thank you for visiting me today.
    Always great to hear from you.
    When are you on holiday? must be soon and you will be able to relax and take it easy.
    Hope that you are having a lovely week.


  111. Dear Anita,
    I am so sad I missed this gorgeous party!!!
    Oh my! Your blog is gorgeous!! I am impressed!
    Anita, is there a way to subscribe to your blog by email??
    Wish you a wonderful day!!

  112. May your last Friday be filled with joy my sweet friend. It is always hard to say goodbye to the students but we are in need of a rest and some Summer JOY... where we can focus on other happy thoughts and delights.
    Thinking of you today...hope all is well and your hip is behaving. xoxoxoxo HUGS

  113. Good morning dearest Anita! I hope you are enjoying the final days of school! Tomorrow we will be on summer break although it has cooled off as well here from the high heat that we had this week. I hope that you enjoy your last day with all your sweet littles, I am sure that it is a bit sad to see them go. They are better by just having you in their lives.
    Have a wonderful weekend my friend and enjoy!
    Much love to you!

  114. Nita, FINALLY I think I figure out how to leave a comment. I need to be signed off at all times and then sign in after visit each post, leave the comment then sign off again. So far has worked well... lets see.
    O.K.A.Y this picture of the first balzac is just too adorable!
    ahhh how i ((( love))) to visit ((you))!!!!!!!!!!!!

  115. Here I come stumbling and swirling .. wishing you a happy happy day .. and off I go stumbling and swirling... how can we create more hours in a day? o xx o xx o

  116. Hello sweet Anita
    I'm sitting here drinking my coffee at the moment and like to have a rest.
    It was a lovely day today.
    Fijne avond en voor straks welterusten.

  117. Hi there lovely,
    What an awesome Parisian party you put together! I had so much fun participating! Are you ready for tomorrow! We had our class party today and i say adio's to my lovely students tomorrow! I am so ready for Summer break! How about you?:-). I'll have to go in 2 days next week for a workshop and cleaning out my classroom, but that will be a breeze. XX

  118. I am organizing a virtual party on my blog, I invite you to participate if you like it.

  119. Au revoir ... Au revoir mon doux petits agneaux ... des vacances d'été merveilleux!
    Those precious babies will miss you so much!
    So did Mr. A.C. gift you with a little cold air? Oh. I hope so...stay cool dear one. It was warm for a few days, but rained today, so the plants appreciated the drink.
    Oh this French country decor is making my heart sing. Moved out my marble side tables and replaced them with a set of nesting tables and an oval vintage gold coffee table. Will live with this for a day or two and see if this will work.
    Need to paint my back porch so thinkin' this might be tomorrow...we'll see. So much to do, where do I start? :)
    Have a fabulous day my dear..xoxo...R

  120. Gorgeous Post!!! Oh, the puppies...especially that first one- Too, Too Adorable!

  121. enJOY your last day at school sweet Anita. Grab all your energy and have fun fun fun! o xx o xx o xx o xx o

  122. hi Anita last day ohhhhhhhhhh hope you have a great weekend Glad you liked the dress and ive just done another post !!! its a Royal weekend again

    hope you have a good rest ill just have anther slice of your delicious lavender dolce mmmm with a George ! still how here but weve had 3 MASSIVE thnder and hal storms recently obviously going across europe lots of love fay xx

  123. OH my gosh..this post took my breath away, thank for that tiny one minute virtual vacation to my favorite country....grand France!! Loved every single about the power of put such a beautiful post together......have a lovely weekend!!

  124. Another wonderful tour my SWEET Anita... :-) I think I'd LOVE Provence. So quaint and charming.... And, my grandson LOVES lavender. Isn't that a hoot? I take him to the Olympic Game Farm in Sequim every summer....and they're also famous for their lavender fields... Nothing like killing two birds with one stone, right? :-)

    Still freezing here..... Ok, not freezing, but a high of 68 today and cloudy expected. I had to put on my fleecies yesterday. :-)

    Sending hugs....



  125. So nice...
    Love your new blog header,
    and so are the other little changes in your blog. And I'm delighted that your images and words are as enchanting and lovely as ever.

    Those fruit images make me crave for some...

    ♥ Happy Weekend, Enjoy ♥

  126. Hello Anita; I feel like I just had a mini holiday and feel all the better for it. Such great fun and such beauty in each photograph. I'm sending you all my best for an equally gorgeous weekend for you and your husband.

    xxoo Deb

  127. *(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*
    Made you a star banner
    You did it * you made it
    You will be celebrating now !
    Cheers Santé Proost !
    Enjoy your free-time my friend .

  128. Absolutely stunning! It has been soooo fun to get to know you. I am transported by each post.

    So nice to be back and have a computer that functions and will upload pics and let me open Blogger comments. I was soooo cut off from all my blogger friends.
    I will have to go catch up as I see another beautiful post right underneath this one!
    Lots of Parisian love,

  129. I have enjoyed your site. Very well organized and full of beautiful images. Keep up the great work and positives vibes. (((-:

    Have a lovely weekend! =(^.^)=

  130. Hi Annita!
    Your entry must be inspired by the tale.
    June 24 is the "World Day of the fairies "
    It will be a great party!
    You can use a button to your blog.
    In my blog I have a translator.

  131. Stopping back in to wish you a wonderful week end. I think I'm getting to hang of this blog comment thing....I'm slow and blond!
    You and your sweet hubby enjoy what's waiting for you both, blessings!!!
    Love, love.

  132. Dear Anita,

    Oh how wonderful that your holidays are finally here!
    Wishing you the very best time, relaxing and doing things you love with your dear husband.
    Many thanks for visiting me, always great to hear from you.

    Sending love and hugs

  133. Hey there girlfriend!
    WOW...what F*U*N, and memories created by you and your PRETTY dress. Those babies are so VERY fortunate to have you this year.
    I shopped for paint early this morning, and after a little "French Vanilla pleasure" homeward bound it was. My front porch has reclaimed wood from another 100 year old house, so we keep it protected with a high gloss varathane. SO gave this a fresh coat, then the back porch got a new coat of white paint as well. Oh my I was tired, thinking I would sneak in a quick nap before the man of the house came home. OK, so I wander back to the"front" porch, thrilled that it was dry enough to sneak across, only to find out that...the door was LOCKED...AHHHHHH! OK, WHAT DO I DO NOW!...relaxed in the back yard for a bit, until it came to me...a 2x4 bridge and a tight walking act...and I was in. Now I REALLY need a nap. But of course, any thing for a fresh look...giggle.
    I AM SO SORE...but ever so happy.
    RELAX tomorrow, enjoying a bit of what is to come...xoxox...Rosie

  134. Happy Friday Anita Love! Yay, it's the weekend!
    I forgot to mention eary how wonderful I think that pic of Balzac is!!! What a beautiful dog and just a stunning pic!
    Lots of love
    gi gi

  135. Dear Anita , it took me an hour to find a place for a comment :) It 's obvious your party was a huge success . These images are gorgeous and inspiring as always !
    Best wishes for a great summer !

  136. Wishing you a lovely weekend dear Anita !
    Fijne Pinksterdagen !

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"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echos are truly endless." -Mother Teresa