Friday, August 5, 2011

There's No Turning Back

Once you've tasted the sweetness

of like-minded companions

who believe in each others' unique talents

to capture

 and present an ordinary idea

in a refreshing and brilliant way

there's no turning back. 

 Watching distant explorers from safety's shore

while clutching onto familiar comforts

could eventually leave you feeling alone


audacious enough 

to embark on YOUR OWN adventure of a lifetime.

For I have found

that there is always someone who is trying to find their


right beside you and who will faithfully remind you to

so that you can continue the work necessary to finish your course 


not have to say to yourself

Once the camaraderie 

and feast

of human kindness has been relished

in the hardest of times

as well as in the best

There's no turning back.

Photo Credits:
last silhouette by Anita Castles Crowns and Cottage


  1. Perfect inspiration to end on this evening as I prepare for the weekend. Your words and photos are inspiring as always--you lift me up to a higher place.

    Wishing you a lifetime of adventures....

  2. Dearest Anita
    Luscious, insightful and so very BEAUTIFUL!! You are such an inspiration to me… Thank you for such a magical and touching post..

  3. Beautiful Friend, I've been waiting around your back door, waiting for the next installment of Inspiration, Truth and Beauty. These are words I need to hear tonight. And though we've only recently met in the air, I feel we are like-minded companions.
    What a visual feast you've assembled to illustrate your lovely words!
    God bless you, my cyber-girlfriend!

  4. Anita,

    Thank you for always seeing the beauty that's possible in the world. It is a characteristic so desperately needed. And so do I, as I sometimes get quite discouraged at a society writ large in social Darwinian letters. In such times, as now, your words come home like truth.

    Love you

  5. The yummy cake in the first photo caught my eye and I had to come over. What a beautiful post, both in words and imagery...such a wonderful message :)

  6. Dear Anita~
    I must confess, I have been patiently awaiting your next post.
    Is it any wonder I am completely "addicted" to your site?? The photographs, the exquisite, poetic captions...the irresistible charm with which you display these mini works of art absolutely takes my breath away...
    All I seem to do is "ohhhh" and "ahhhh" at every glance as I'm transported to a different place.
    Amazing, beautiful, extraordinary, phenomenal... are just a few of the words that come to mind when I visit "Castle, Crowns & Cottages" and experience your awe-inspiring talent.
    You are incredibly gifted, Anita!
    Have a wonderful weekend~

  7. AAhhh yes,I agree!you said what I've been thinking.thank you for putting it in perfect words for me.

  8. From the delicious decadent cake to the whimsical wonderful silhouette you had my full attention. Beautiful!


  9. I always find joy here! Oh, the eyes of that precious child with the sweet curls.
    Have a terrific weekend! ~ Sarah

  10. You showed so many facets of joy is in the JOurneY~ Truly lovely...

  11. wow... this was my first visit to your blog and I can't get over the beauty of your photography and the accompanying words. Perfection. (I especially love the little "rocket man" pic!)

  12. Anita,

    I was SO excited to see a new post this evening! You nailed it yet AGAIN! And you exemplify these words by your sweet encouragement to others, like moi. :)

    Here's to a beautiful weekend, my friend.

    Heidi (hi-d)

    p.s. I too LOVE the rocket man photo! So cute...and that little girl's eyes...WOW!

  13. I have just awoken, it 6.30 am in the UK and I can now take these thoughts into the new day! You are a JOY!

  14. Ooooh!! That cake looks so yummy and I love every single dress!!
    What wonderful inspiration. :) :)
    I love that quote, too. You can't know how seamlessly it fits into this particular week in my life. I thank you so much for that.
    BLESSINGS!! :) :) :)

  15. As always, the most beautiful words with the most beautiful photos. I now will end my day with the images in my mind. I so wish I had a piece of that cake to eat in bed. Now there would be an indulgence!!

    Have a wonderful weekend, Anita. I will look forward with pleasure to your next installment.


  16. What a joy !!...and such a true your post darling.......just as i like you my dear friend...warm hugs and lots of kisses from

  17. Very true! There is no turning back, life is too short not to give it 100%!!
    How are you? I hope you have a fun and fabulous weekend planned!
    xoxo, B

  18. Dearest Anita,

    Like a fairy tale and the ending is perfect for that feeling!
    Great 'selection' of pictures!!! You have quite some imagination for putting it like this together. That child with its beautiful eyes makes one get drowned IN them!

    Enjoy your weekend.

    Love to you,


  19. Brilliant and gorgeous post!

  20. Bravo! Anita, you have not lost your touch, and you touch our hearts!

    Love the photo's, the music and of course your art :)

    A teller of stories and they tell you!

    PS...Such a stressful busy week for me! I have some pieces to work on tomorrow for the shop! I also want to post my opera, I will make mention of you my sweet friend!

    I hope to be able to skype you this week- or weekend!

    I am writing extra long to listen again and agin to the play list of beauty over here!
    You amaze me!!!

  21. Anita My Dear,
    Once again you have given me goosebumps, thrills, and the warmest way!
    Beautiful, my friend, you are a shining light to us all.
    Fantastic images as well, I am inspired as speak to my soul.
    Miss you!

  22. So true Anita, there is no turning back, and it is indeed the friends we make along the way, that make the journey sweet and worth while, whatever the weather! Beautiful images and music, just right to start the weekend! Hope you have a great one dear! Anything planned yet?

    P.S: Thanks for your comment on Giselle

  23. Oh Anita what abeautiful post...and that sillhouette is magic...Better not let those bunnies hear me talk of that terrine!!! Arm is so very slow...still in healing and not got full function but I can do a lot of things except going backwards well...happy happy weekend to you dear one...Andof course a Cheers across the miles for you...Dzintra

  24. I always find beauty , soul, and greatest truth about LIFE HERE! You are so talented and I admire your creativity.Every word you write is asking to be read; every picture you post is asking to be seen ,over and over again ....because they make us believe that people are really good at heart and we can always, always give something, even if it is only kindness! Life is light ...
    Thank you , dearest Anita .

  25. are the gift that keeps on giving. What a beautiful touching and inspirational post. Each picture struck a chord but the quote that most did was " I wish I had given the world more of myself" intersetingly that is in past tense, I prefer " I hope I can give the world more of myself" because in the present tense it implies hopefulness, endless possibilities and the power to believe in anything. I love the inspiration and sense of renewal I feel when I read one of your posts.....what a beautiful way to start my day. Thank you!

  26. Friend, friend, friend, you scatter so much joy. Thanks, always, from Amy

  27. I feel so blessed knowing you and share the friendship we have .
    Your wonderful beautiful post arrived Anita . It is so so beautiful and shining !
    I will make a place in the room I am planning to make for my granddaughter ( and many more ....)
    But for now it has a place nearby for me to look at.....
    Thank you so much !
    Happy weekend Anita

  28. oh, i love every single image here...but the one that really stands out, is your beautiful silhouette, because it comes from you and your beautiful soul.
    happy weekend to you,

  29. Anita this is gorgeous; i love how you beautifully put pictures and words together. like a little dream everytime i come here; i was looking forward to your new post:) :)
    have a great week end, xo sandra

  30. Dear Anita,

    I am home from my travels and although I haven't taken the time to post on my blog I simply had to visit yours. Yours words (repeated mantra-style) comforted me through my long journeys with my three children in tow and, yes, everything went happily if not always smoothly.

    I will be dedicating my next (simple) post to you this week.... you are WORTH it!

    Have a beautiful weekend, chère amie.

  31. When I need a lift I just visit your pages or those of my daughter Gwen..I love your pages.

  32. Anita You are like a little "Bright Star Fairy" That sits on the shoulders of all of us that LOVE YOU!!! Tee hee hee
    Can you picture you? In a pink and blue "fluffy" dress with the sparkliest crown, sitting on any of our shoulders reminding us when we read your post.... " There's no turning back"!! Hee hee you are so CUTE!!
    You are precious Lovely One!
    (keep soaring)
    Love Hugs and Blessings, Linnie

    PS I LOVE this SONG!!

  33. Gorgeous. Your posts always make me think about how I can live my life to the fullest! Lovely images. Hope your weekend is fabulous, Anita!! xo

  34. Hi Anita, its me George, I have returned, bright eyed and bushy tailed lol!! after a long sleep!!!
    This is so true, and beautifully put. Once you have set a path keep at it, even if it means climbing a mountain at some point, you will get a great view from the top ;)and its a walk in the park coming back down (that's my way of saying its easy on the way down!!!)
    I've climbed a few hills in my time, maybe I should try a mountain lol!!
    Have a good week
    Love and Hugs to you all
    George xxx

  35. What an inspiring post to read first thing this morning my dear friend!!! Your words are lovely and true. The images gorgeous ... and now I have an idea for the little guy who watches his sister run around in fairy wings.... Oh yes, ROCKET MAN!!!! And the girl in the huge tulle dress, isn't that gorgeous?!?!?

    You captured the magical flight of a fairy that Tea Rat and Rattus flew to the moon! Amazing!!!

    I think I shall go see if there are any fairies in my garden...
    I am sure I saw some glitter from their wings sparkle on a petal.

    ~ Violet

  36. That's right ma belle! There's no turning back! It makes us stretch and reach for the star that we thought was out of our world of existence.

    I'm glad I found you in this world of inspiration!

    Bises, Sherry

  37. Oh my friend...this post has touched me this have given me the encouragement that I need to keep going!

    You my dear are simply amazing!

  38. Lovely way to begin the weekend, Anita, with one of your delightful visual journeys! It makes me think of my creative friends and how much they add to my life... like you!

  39. Once again more lucious images and inspiring words! That cake looked delicious! Thank you for the birthday wishes last week!~Hugs, Patti

  40. Anita~
    Thank you for your beautiful reply. Your personal comments to me are so touching and I appreciate each and every one of them. I would reply in more "detail" if I had an email address or contact page (I don't see one on your site).
    I would be thrilled to see more of your paper hear more about your inspiration for creating them. They sound absolutely lovely...and with your creative genious flowing through every ounce of your soul...I can only imagine how detailed and unique they are.
    My email is
    I would LOVE to hear more...
    Please email me when time permits.
    Have a beautiful, summer day, my friend!

  41. much joy in such amazing pictures and words! Thanks for including one of my pictures in this amazing post! ;)

  42. There are so many incredibly beautiful images here. I would have to say those featuring the sweet innocent faces of children our my favorites.

    I just joined you as a follower. Hope you have a splendid weekend!

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  43. ahhh, I love coming over here!
    off to recommend you to a blogging friend i think would take something from your inspiring words
    happy weekend my friend - nice to see you over at mine earlier!
    love fee ♥

  44. The words will inspire any heart on the brink of giving I wish I had you when young as a teacher.Ida xxOO xx

  45. O how encouraging! Thank you a hundred times...over and over!
    I'm ready to share more now.

  46. Dear Anita, what a beautiful post and with such special meaning to me. In a certain way, reminds me why I came to the NL ;-)
    My darling friend, I will be away for a time. I need to get some sun and this was a very rainy year in the beautiful NL. I will come back in the middle of september.
    Until then, I wish you all the best and a very sunny summer. :-)
    Meanwhile, I know you will be glad to know that:
    Besos, my sweet friend!

  47. Perfect inspiration.
    Have a beautiful weekend.

  48. Dearest Anita,
    I just had to come back for a helping of inspiration! I love every word and image...
    Enjoy your day dear friend.. If you hurry you can catch a ride with Bebe in Nowhere.. She is off to the moon..
    p.s. please bring Tea Rat and Rattus.

  49. Such encouragement Anita, as you picture and verbalize the possibilities rather than the negatives. It's like a burst of sunshine to come here.


  50. hello Pumpkin Im back and unpacked !! and the weather was wonderful too sadly my ailing and dying relatives were sad to see .
    Just caught up on all your lovely posts which made me smile
    just off to dream LOve Fay xx hope your weekend is fun

  51. Lovely Anita, it has been such a horrid few weeks. The wrangling of our government has left me with a huge knot in my stomach and not much hope.

    We must go on and find light, mustn't we? Even though the future looks bleak and our leaders are showing no morality I recognize as I see them selling our potential as a nation for pennies on the dollar.

    The beauty of your images and words are a beacon in the darkness... thanks so much for sharing them.

  52. Hello dearest Anita
    I have been travelling and just saw your incredible post. You are the "Merchant Ivory" of the blogsphere. I love your keen eye in creating a mini movie of your thoughts. Truly magnificant.
    Helen xx

  53. *Gushes* Oh, I feel so smothered in pink cupcakes, endless rivers, ballerinas shoes and 1950's prom dresses--is there anything better? No ;-) This is also perfect for today; it's so gloomy and dry, I've had to make my own "sunshine."

  54. Greetings from the Amish community of Lebanon,Pa. Richard from Amish Stories.

  55. Chere Anita,

    I am back to thank you for visiting me! Your words, as always, encourage and inspire me. I'm so glad you liked the pinks, the last two photos are especially for you!
    As for the things we'd like to see brought back, YES, phone calls, no texting, I so agree with you, as well as the meals and visiting friends for TEA!
    Thank you again, my dear, and I just wanted to say that your posts are re-read with the same freshness and timelessness each and every time...this is what makes a classic work of art, n'est-ce pas?

  56. Oh Anita,
    That Post made my heart sing!! The sentiment was so beautiful. That pink cake is glorious, and the pink rose with the camera made me smile. The lady on the beach is stunning, and the photo of the child was so innocent and wonderful. You are so talented, and are such a beautiful soul that has a grateful heart. I love that in a person. Now, I am going to have a cup of tea and thank the Lord for people like you who are a blessing in the world.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  57. How I can get carried away by coming here...and I love it...and love you dear friend!
    Kisses! xoxo

    Deborah xoxo

  58. Yes...jumping up and down, turning a cartwheel, doing a spin and a twirl even when everyone is is really really just what you make it!

    I've been getting the courage up for my NEXT and my next is about ready to pop out at the seams...following your lead that totally inspired me...I think I will be a total Once Upon a Fairyland girl (with a few curls)and let her rip...I'm going back in time and I'm going to work on publishing my coloring book, and a short story and making my own treats straight from my memories of Once Upon a Fairyland.

    Anita!!! A wonderful thing has happened! In my home town, people started a remember when on Facebook and all of a sudden people started sharing memories of the Fairyland! Oh my goodness, another gift from above...

    Just like you! Keep the child alive in you, she is such a beautiful dreamer, and writer and story teller to the world...

    Love you...much!
    (PS...letter is done and going in the mail to you on Monday! Wonders never cease!)

  59. I love coming to your blog!! I have been waiting just as all the other commenters have for this post and will wait for the next too. I am inspired to be better, to begin to realize my own dreams and to just enjoy life! I love the picture of the cake...I have a terrible sweet tooth but also because it reminds me of a cake my mom use to make. And I absolutely love the photo of the two women in those stunning dresses, my kinds of outfit.

    I hope you have wonderful day. Enjoy the beauty of life and know that you have made some many pele happy and uplifted their souls. I will walk around with a smile just thinking of your words and these images.

  60. Dear Anita,
    You know I am your biggest fan! This one really spoke to my heart as I am trying to find my way..
    I love all the photos and you are so wonderful to share with us. I often revisit your page while waiting for your next post , just to soak up all the lovliness.
    Blessings and hugs dear friend!

  61. Another beautiful, inspiring post Anita! I am so thankful that I have met so many wonderful people through my blog. You always inspire me, with every post, I find a message to save..just for me, and a new outlook on the every day, normal things we take for granted. I thank God for my dreams, my goals, my accomplishments, and my wonderful friends! xoxox Christel

  62. Lovely post! The images are gorgeous! Enjoy the wonderful week ahead, Kellie xx

  63. I always find your images so stunning and I drink them in like a greedy child! Your messages always uplift and encourage me too! Thank you once again lovely Anita! Happy week! X

  64. Dear Anita, so true, so important! What a brilliant post! And so lovely and filled with the most beautiful images!!! I'm finally back from my blog break and very happy about it! I have missed you! Have a LOVELY Sunday!

    Hugs, Kristin

  65. Dear sweet Anita
    The Sihouette is stunning.
    The Music is beautiful.
    Your words are full of wisdom.
    You are such a lovely friend.
    Have a wonderful sunny Sunday.
    Heel veel liefs !

  66. Missed you, dearest Anita!!!
    Yes,indeed, we can go so so far!! Our minds go always far, don´t they dear Anita? I know they do!!
    I beg your pardon for my absence. Aila´s birthday party will be next Saturday and I am totaly involved on this. My husband´s family will stay in our home for a week (they live far from here) and I need to get all prepared so that they have a great stay here!!
    You are always in my mind, dear.
    Much love to you!!

  67. Lazy sunday afternoon overhere . Now sunshine but rain is also nearby .....
    My daughter is back to France again . It had been two months since she saw little Eva ( when she was just born ) so she had a lot of catching up to do !
    Friday I was allowed to babysit in Eva's house . So we were together !
    The way she looked and looked and looked at me ....oh my .....
    I could almost hear her think you are my grandmother !
    What she learned in two months that is amazing . She absolutely deludes ( betovert )her mother and father that's for sure .
    The way she smiles at het father is pure magic .
    Seeing my son as a father is the greatest gift .

  68. Anita,

    Your posts are always such a treat. I was thinking about you yesterday. I was in my favorite store in Concord and they had so many things with your favorite dog on them. I wish you were shopping with me.

    This post, the music and the thoughts hidden within your words made me think. The hope that we have given enough of ourselves to this old world is priceless...I am a princess on my way to my throne.

    Have a lovely, lovely Sunday.


  69. Thank you Anita for visiting my blog Amish Stories. And id like to invite everyone elase to it as well. Richard from the Amish community of Lebanon,pa.

  70. Good Morning Anita Sweetie...
    Once again, thank you for taking me upon a beautiful journey of love, exploration, beauty, simplicity, earth moving, ocean breezes and such gorgeous tastes of fashion.

    I always find a piece of myself in your gorgeous posts sweet girl. Thank you for taking me along.

    Are you about ready for school to begin again? The grands start school tomorrow and the rest of them on the 15th. Seems to be getting earlier and earlier in the year.

    Have a beautiful Sunday sweet friend. Many hugs and much love from Phoenix, Sherry

  71. Hmmmmmmmmm... I have no idea what could have happened to make my blog "dissapear" ... I know sometimes it this box has a mind of it's own. Thanks for your kind words .
    love, Gwendolyn

  72. I could live and die happy in that silhouette.

  73. Hello Anita, amazingly written post with such lovely photos! Yummy cake of course to start and then reminders of such God given talents are not to be wasted. My creativity is in full bloom and I love every minute of it!

    Have a blessed Sunday :)


  74. I want to give the world more of myself. I think about that all the time because I can be such an introvert. Your gathering of beautiful photos are always so inspiring!

  75. Happy Sunday dear Anita!! i hope that you had a wonderful weekend! This is such an inspiring post, so full of insight and beauty. Looking at the world differently, through refreshed eyes, gives us a spark and when able to hold the hands of our friends it gives us the confidence to go forward. :)
    Enjoy your week sweet friend!
    Much love

  76. Hello Anita!

    I am so sorry it has taken me so much time to stop by. Some weeks, I just feel like I need to rest from the computer because I spend so much time on it normally!
    This post is filled with so much beauty! I absolutely love what you said about "there is always someone who is trying to find there destiny right beside you...". That is certainly important, for we can grow and encourage each other when we find like-minded people.
    I am so thankful for you and the encouragement you always give! Your words are always uplifting and full of wisdom! Thank you for your always thought-provoking posts.
    How have you been? I hope you are taking advantage of every moment this summer! How is your writing coming along? Have you worked on any more paintings?
    Sending much love to you today!
    xoxo Shawna

  77. Dearest Anita ....... Gorgeous, gorgeous post and once you have tasted the exquisteness of finding like-minded souls it is refreshing, uplifting and FUN!!!!! In this world we need to keep our heads above to still see the beauty that is there in many forms but not always at first apparant. Your work is stunning!
    my best wishes always dear friend
    M.A. the 2nd

  78. lovely !
    so pretty!
    happy week,

  79. Morning sweet friend...sitting here waiting for the painters to arrive with my cup of Tea this lovely MONDAY

    Still getting quotes for my great room/kitchen to be painted...I need WHITE WALLS!

    Hope your Monday is going well and you are up to Joyful doings!

    Hugs. oxxoox

  80. Anita mon cher ami, c'est moi qui est humilié par vos paroles et la beauté vous inspirer.


  81. We are blessed by your talents. Your posts are always awesome and feed the soul.

  82. Dearest Anita, i'm packing and be gone for a week, see latest post! Don't know if i'll have time to blog and comment, therefore: enjoy your time to the max, i'll be thinking of you and will be back soon! Love, M.

  83. beautiful, inspiration and so darn pretty! I have to say, I have made a cake like the first photo, and it was delicious!

  84. Happy Monday!

    Thank you my dear for coming to see me! I am already home and I love ebing here! It is always nice to be with family, even if they make you crazy sometimes. Not living near my family makes being with them to experience the day to day activities of life such a treat. There is nothing more important in life than family and friends!

    I hope you have a wonderful week! Enjoy your special time before school starts!

    xo Elizabeth

  85. I'm always
    amazed at the
    pics you gather
    for these very
    inspiring posts, lovely
    as the words!!
    xx Suzanne

  86. What a little angel you are with your inspirations! The wonderful energy you put out into the earth surely will be returned to you! xo -Taj

  87. OMG...i was a Fab pictures!!!...great message. This is the word that comes to my mind as I see this. Sometime you are lost and some world a just there for you ...that is how I felt by reading your blog... inspiring!!!

  88. Hello dear Anita,
    I'm back from the reunion and it was fabulous. Though I have found myself wishing I had shared more of myself in those high school days. But it just reminded me to do so now. And I did! As always, love these photos, especially those little girl's eyes! And your words are always inspiring.
    Happy week to you,

  89. Goodmorning-almost-afternoon-overhere sweet friend .
    Here I am thinking of you and having a late-morning-coffee .
    I SO LONG FOR A PIECE OF THAT CAKE on the top .....
    and to be honest I could easily have two pieces ...
    So for this time it's for the best you are my far-away-friend ! hihi
    Do you know I cannot even remember the last time I baked a cake ?
    When the children were small I baked all the time ....
    I think I am going to find me an opportunity to bake again ....
    That is a realy good idea .....
    Thank you for making me realise !
    Have a smile from me to you ...take two !

  90. Good morning Anita Love :)
    I love waking up to read your sweet comments! I am so sorry I haven't been over sooner!
    I am trying to hold onto Summer with all my might! Why does it go so fast?! I do love fall too tho'!
    School starts here soon Aug 23. My lil Myah starts Pre K, I can hardly believe it!
    This post is glorious! You continue to capture and share with us You, whom we just can't get enough!
    I love love love the seafoam green, oh sigh!
    ps, I am very sorry your Mom died from Ovarian Cancer :(
    I do think more awarness is need for this particular cancer!
    Lots of love to you Anita
    gi gi

  91. Good morning Anita
    Message from Honey Bear to Tea Rat...
    Yes, I have plenty of honey, and for you, five cents a jar.. Sound good?

  92. Good morning Anita!
    I'm smiling because I just notices your "keep cool" pops here at the bottom of your page!

    I'm always so blown away at your choice of images and words ~
    It's interesting that life brings so much our way and deciding where, when and how to invest this one life is sooo amazingly important. Events keep coming our way to make us busy ~ but Chris and I always ask ourselves...
    Is 'this' where God wants us to be?

    Such an inspiring post!

    I hope you are enjoying these sweet weeks that remain of August ~ every minute ~ so treasured!

    *happy day to you Anita!

  93. Mon Ami
    i arrived home
    anxious to see
    your latest post.
    it is breath-taking
    as always...lovely
    thank you for
    being an oasis
    to the soul
    have the best week


  94. Such a treat to finally hear your voice the other day dear Anita. I'm sorry I left you, but I knew that CC wanted to talk to you, and Julie.
    We missed you for sure my friend.
    We have embarked on our own adventures of a lifetime. You couldn't have picked a better topic.
    Yes, once you've tasted the sweetness of like minded companions... your cup runneth over.
    LOVE you
    LOVE me

  95. love your silhouette Anita-such talent! Inspiring words that also have an air of motivation. Beautiful accompanying pictures too! Big hugs to you! xx

  96. Evening my dear!
    Had a very productive day today...hope your day was wonderful.
    Made the most amazing black forest ice cream beautiful! It was my sweetie's birthday had family for a big BBQ dinner!
    So off to bed I go ...happy...and full.
    Sweet dreams. xoxoxo

  97. Stopping by to sprinkle a little love... I hope you're having a wonderful week! We're spending time at my parents lake house before the children go back to school next week. Summers go by too quickly... I'm not ready for them to go back just yet!
    xoxo, B

  98. Morning Anita,
    Thought I would stop by for some inspiration this morning and realised that your post is pertinent to my own situation in a lot of ways. Am feeling a bit low as my wonderful daughter has decided she wants to flat share with some friends. I knew it would come one day but I'm not ready! She's 20, she needs to spread her wings, I need to be there to catch her when she fals, but I'm NOT READY. Empty nesting!
    Your images have cheered me up :-)

  99. Again a world of loveliness!!!
    Love the "rocket child!"

  100. What an inspiring Post and such Beautiful Images to accompany it!

    I always try to live my Life in such a way that I have few regrets... and an appreciation of each day on this side of Time and Eternity!!!

    Dawn... The Bohemian

  101. Hi Anita
    Thanks for your visit, I tell you I wasn't smiling on the outting, we went on today,(OK yes mom did get a smile out of me) it rained cats and dogs, I'm telling you I have never been out in rain that bad, we still had a good time, my fur has gone curly its never curly, now moms saying she might start bathing me if my fur goes curly!!! whats the women thinking!!! I think I will keep my head down, maybe she will forget :)
    Have a good week
    Love to Balzac,
    from not so smiley
    George xxx

  102. A chacun(e) sa vision des choses !
    La tienne me met le coeur en joie et en émotion ...
    Bisous doux ma belle Anita

  103. Another busy day my friend...where do they go...poof they start and then they are gone before I get my list done.

    Lots of fun stuff happening here today..yummy things a baking once again.

    Guess painters come rooms will turn WHITE! I just can't wait...did you know there are about 100 different white shades! I hope I picked the right one.

    Oh and my cake turned out amazing...I am so proud of myself..made up the recipe!

    Happy sure feels like Fall today...warm sweater weather and a cinnamon clove candle on! Love this cozy feeling. xoxoxo


  104. Anita, Hello and Hurray for your luscious images and poetic words, as per your usual perfection.
    I guess you are back in the school room? I am having a hard time keeping up with everyone with this ridiculous schedule of mine, but always so delighted when you visit me and all the critters, Hamish says hello and blows a kiss!

  105. wow! this is stunning! thank you so much for sharing! beautiful beautiful

  106. Hello Anita, are the winner of the etoile earrings....Please email me your details to and I will pass them on to Cate....xv

  107. Oh that yummie cake on top....
    Tomorrow I will send you a surprise .......I like the idea of the postman bringing it to you and than you taking it inside and making tea and have a break and opening and.....smiling .
    Be patience and will see my friend !

  108. your blog takes my breath.

  109. No turning back, indeed!
    I think my daughter decided on black and white for her party because it's formal and husbands and boyfriends were invited and were expected to wear black and/or white too. They all had a FAB time!
    Are you psyching yourself up to get back to school? I was back for the last couple of days interviewing music/Spanish teachers and a primary aide.
    My husband has today and tomorrow off, my brother visits from Arizona next week, then I'll be diving in head first to prepping for the new year!
    Enjoy the summer for as long as you can!

  110. C'est toi chère Anita qui a un talent unique pour embellir la vie. Merci.

  111. Sending happiness your way. Thinking of you this morning.

  112. Very beautiful and inspiring! I'm amazed at all of the talent I see each day on my favorite blogs! And I feel encouraged to do more..and to be creative! ♥

  113. Perfect pics, perfect words, perfect time for me to see it! Thank you for always being there! Today I will try to remember this magic. Much love, Fiona

  114. *le sigh*
    Dearest Anita,
    As always, you continue to inspire and move our hearts. It's such a pleasure to stop by and glimpse into your beautiful world. Thank you for reminding us how simply lovely life is. Be well my friend!
    Blissful tidings! xo!

  115. Thank you, dear lady, for your sweet visit today, and ConGrAtulAtIOns on winning the earrings from Vickie Archer!!!! They couldn't go to a nicer person, as you are the "etoile" of the blogosphere!!!!!

  116. Anita..gave you an award today. Stop by for my Sundays post to see!! Love what you do.

  117. Anita, thank you for another of your beautiful visits, I am doing better with the back and muscle strain, I still feel the awful effects of the strain I did to it over working it and I am now taking careful care to not do to much straining, it was a night mare not being able to take a deep satisfying deep breath without a muscle spasm and then pain, I am on the mend and will be very careful this week! I do have to tey to get this chest to my shop space and then relax on some smaller projects :)

    I will write you soon my dear one! LOve that you let nothing get by you, taking notice in all our little set backs.

    Love to my friend

  118. Oh sweet one, after scanning through your comments, it looks like the little note sent last night didn't show up :(
    So I shall say again, how talented you truly are. This dream to be published has already been realized with your magazine contributions. Your art is so charming, and I can't wait for this part 2 of your dream to be realized as well :) for it won't be long!
    I am completely in love with that beautiful store front. It would be so much fun to buy an old building, put a shop on the main floor, and a CUTE apartment above. It would have to have TALL ceilings and BIG chunky moldings, with hard wood floors throughout...just dreamin' :) but this little snappy really does tick all the boxes.
    Oh that was a perfect cuppa, kickin' back on your porch swing, enjoying a few quiet moments.
    Now it's time for bed...sleep well...see you in the morning, Rosie

  119. Getting ready to go for an early swim with my beloved but I wanted to visit one more post of yours this morning - as each one unfolds an entirely new mindset for me to grasp for the day.

    I've caught the inspirational dust from you again...and will be back for more soon~ ;) Hugs friend!

  120. Each picture beautiful. I could sit her and look at your photos all day. Thank you for inspiring. Love it!

  121. Hi,

    I couldn't help but notice you are using some of my images without citing them here on your blog. In this post the picture of the girl leaning against the wall is my photograph. I am more than happy for other people do use them but only if they cite them, and without citing them it is violation of their copyrights. I have looked for a contact info on your blog but can not find it listed so I am left to tell you in the comments. This is not the first time I have noticed you use my images without citing them so now that I see it again I have to say something. Could you please either cite it with it's source ( or remove it? Thanks for your understanding.

    Haleigh @ Making Magique


"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echos are truly endless." -Mother Teresa