Thursday, August 11, 2011

There's Room For Us All

Wouldn't it be a thrill if one day 

someone went shopping 

and came home with a parcel that they were eager to unwrap

that wasn't

a MUST-HAVE in the latest color

or a great pair of shoes

but rather

one of my 

published books?


To have my verse officially in print

enveloped and validated

standing at attention amongst other voices

waiting in line to be heard 

and sampled with sweet surprise.

But one August evening

I lowered my eyes from the clouds of high hopes

and fixed my gaze on the reality of each calculated step towards

room 325.

The relaxed mood of the room 
for the writers' soirée 

allayed my fears as I wandered in and 

wondered if

there would be room for me in this group of

new as well as experienced writers 

who came and went as the tide

casting their collections of 

diverse observations

and then
 ebbing into the night of the duty that calls.

I initially feathered in like a thin blank page caught in the wind

of blemished perception.

But I left CHANGED

as forgotten locals

were remembered by a published urban poet.

Some one's grandmother crisply read her romantic 

short story  

ready for submission to a nationwide magazine.
I gave constructive feedback.

We connected.

Maybe one day I'll publish something. Anything.

And maybe I won't.

But in the end, it doesn't matter

because if I


I will have lived to learn 


there is room for us all. 

Please visit the talented artist, Patricia Cabrera at Woolytales Miniatures to see her latest creation of The Black Swan for which I wrote a guest post. She is gifted and her work says it all. Thank you, my friend, for allowing me the honor.

Photo Credits:

Little Brown Pen
Brown Dress with Polka Dots


  1. I came back!!!!! And look what you've done in 5 minutes since i was last here!! I really need to spend more time here and go and visit your friend, but first let me say that I know someday you will be in print, because you are just too talented to F.A.I.L.
    I'll be back...but I wanted to be first...once.

  2. beautiful, always, your words are perfectly perfect. We all wish to do something permanent, don't we? To somehow leave our thoughts behind in some way...I really believe you WILL accomplish this dream of yours, dear friend...

    Thank-you for always sharing your heart when you write--it shines through oh, so beautifully!


  3. Your talent is the kind that rides the clouds, skims the moon and surfs the sea. Always I come away refreshed from your post, they are the perfect combination of picture and word, satifying to the eye and the mind. You are already a writer, you just haven't put it in book form yet.

  4. I will be first in line, wearing a big brimmed Audrey hat and pearls ~ to purchase several copies my dear!!!! Because the world needs your voice, so I know your dream will come true!

    ~ Violet

  5. Dear Anita
    I read this three times, as it took a minute to take in the experience you did not tell but painted with words.

    My favorite line: "I initially feathered in like a thin blank page caught in the wind of blemished perception. But I left CHANGED..." You put it so well, for that night was an experience where I too felt "there was room for us all."

    To me, you are already writing publishable quality.


  6. Beautiful! I'm sure if one day you so choose, we will see you in print!

  7. YOU WILL < YOU WILL, one day Nita, you will AND (((I))) want to be the first to buy it, but THAT will be difficult as i see that even here , i can never be first!!!hahaha.

    ohhh how I treaure my friend!!!!*grin*

    ((( Tyhank you Nita for giving my post such a spakle that only YOU can do)))

    love you....

  8. Well, I am right on Ruben's wavelength as I just copied that same line to paste it into this comment...and I think I will anyway...!'"I initially feathered in like a thin blank page caught in the wind of blemished perception...' Now THAT is poetry to be sure!
    And your friends work is so beautiful, too! Went there, and read your post, and would have know it was you, even if you hadn't signed it! You've got a style!!

  9. Dear Anita, I have no doubt, that if it is your dream to one day be published, it will happen. Every time I read your posts, I am swept away to other worlds, other countries. Your words make us feel, and smell, and hear..this is the artistry of writing only few can convey as perfectly as you. There are SO many people who follow your blog and read..even re - read your posts , and feel, smell, hear, even breathe through your words. Keep dreaming sweet are selling yourself short to think you could "one day" be are so there already! this will be a book I will buy for sure! I can see your work as a coffee table table book, with descriptive, eloquent words,and beautiful photos! know, you are a photographer too my dear! The photos you took of your home were magazine worthy for sure! Much Love, Christel

  10. So beautiful. Your dream is just a few breaths away. And I, well, I am good luck. I have two friends with published books and a third who will be published in January. That is my contribution to the literary world ~ to choose talented friends. Your time will come! I know because I choose talented friends!


  11. I believe in you--that's as simple as I can state it! You have such a gift with words, with expressing what is on your heart, that others are going to want to open up your book and be wrapped up in the pleasure of living in another time, and in another space.

    It will be fun to watch your journey towards that goal!

  12. I love your way with love with every breath.

    In friendship,
    Deborah xoxo

  13. Mon ami Anita .... Your words are crisp and clear like the strokes of the fountain pen, words written by the hand of skill and experience. I believe you will write a book and it will be one that will change and add value to lives of many. Like many of your readers, I will would certainly be in line to get my copy. A book of inspiartion that young and mature alike would benefit in learning. Wishing you and your sweetheart an enjoyable week-end at Rabbit Hill. xo HHL

  14. Anita, you are already in print on your blog. You are loved by so many. You are just in waiting to be discovered. Keep writing with your hearts pen and you will come to the part in your journey you are waiting for when the time is perfect, then and only then will you be able to look back and see there was a plan all along, Kathysue

  15. Anita, Ma Chere Amie...
    You know how I feel about your MANY talents, and about you as a human being. This post conveyed your beauty and your strength, your poetic gifts and your humanity. When I read that the parcel will contain a book by you,, I almost jumped out of my chair. Boy, those were exciting words to see, especially coming from you. I SO believe in your ability to touch and move the soul. You left that room changed, and you leave us changed.
    Much love to you...

  16. Ooooo I know that I will love to have your published works!!!
    ****** ****** ******
    (I already think that you should have your own magazine)!!!!
    Yes yes you shall!!! and Yes yes we shall all be waiting in line!!
    * * * * *
    Lots and Lots of Hugs and Love and Blessings, Linnie

  17. I hope you never give up your dreams. You are a gifted writer who touches so many lives. Keep the dream alive.

  18. You are a great writer and an inspiration to all of us!! :)

  19. You will... and one day we will have a piece of you on our bookshelf to keep forever.

  20. Dearest Anita,

    Indeed, you are a poetic writer and dreamer. You are getting the deepest inner-thoughts out into the open in such a perfect romantic way!
    You'll get there; no doubt.
    Love to you,


  21. Dear Anita,

    I know you will write a wonderful book, as you have so many eager readers and followers of your beautiful blog.
    Wishing you much luck with getting your work published.

    Happy weekend

  22. WOW...great post my dear...and I agree with Ruben.:)No more need for words now..I'm of to see Patricia..

  23. Thank you soooooo much, my dearest Anita, you opend such a magical room for one can do this better than you.......hope you will publish very soon!!!!! Have a wonderful weekend, my dear friend,

    big Hugs, Jade

  24. O wowwwwwwww....Anita what a lovely inspirating post !! as a writer !! that must be a dream....may all your dreams come through darling !!!...heb een fijn weekend....liefs uit

  25. Anita, hundreds of us read your works regularly so I rather fancy that means your are published and loved by many...what you now have to do is get us to pay for these beautiful words and keep them at home!

  26. Perfect words to accompany fabulous images!

    Dawn... The Bohemian

  27. Je te promets de venir à la signature !!!
    Tu vois on peut toujours rêver ... que les rêves deviennent réalité !
    Bisous doux belle Anita

  28. I want to thank you for allowing me the delight to discover "Pinterest" as a Source of amazing Images!!! OMG, I'm addicted... *Winks*

    Dawn... The Bohemian

  29. Oh my, I want one of your 1st editions WHEN you publish. The anticipation of such an event is so exciting. With your talent for the use of words to paint pictures, it can only be a success! Isn't it exciting considering the prospect? Cathy

  30. Anita, my dear sweet friend..its not IF your words get published its WHEN and how big it can be is all up to you. Its there for the taking! You have a gift a beautiful ability to bring beauty and hope through the written word, and your blog has been such a joy to visit over and over. You are a blessing and we are all lucky to have you! Best of luck.

  31. What a beautiful post the words & pictures are lovely what a talent you have :)

  32. Oh, Anita, I would be the first to purchase anything you published and I would be first in line at your book signing!! You are a gifted writer and you are already touching so many people through your blog! xo

  33. You are already there, my dear.
    Your "followers" are reading the pages from your poetic manuscripts every day as you continue to publish beautiful, cultivated, literary works of art. Yes, art....
    You have a gift, Anita, and regardless of how you are "published" makes no difference. You are already reaching an audience of epic proportion...and there is no telling how far it will extend over time.
    This is a dream of yours, and one that is absolutely attainable through whatever means possible. It is YOUR JOURNEY...YOUR it will "be" time, when you least expect it. Until then, we will all be here, waiting on bated breath, for a heavenly drum roll..."and here she is......"
    Thank you for another beautiful post. You never cease to amaze me.
    With very "proud hugs",
    Lisa XO

  34. Hi dear Anita !
    Guess what, you are one of my favorite writers !
    Go for it Girl !
    Liefs en een heerlijk zonnig weekend !

  35. Oh, my dearest Anita,
    I have been holed away, passionately working away on my little book of eliza's adventures! And to read this beautiful-beyond-words post, made my heart skip a beat.! There would be no grander package than to receive your published work and for you to receive mine....and it is just within sight dearest!! We have happened along each others paths this magical summer, for a reason. We have encouraged, reflected, given support, shared fears, ...all for the sake of growth, to higher heights, stretching our minds and our creative spirits! Isn't that the grandest thing of all...what this process has done for us as women!!
    Know that I slip on my beautiful bird collier when I step into the sunroom/studio to serves great inspiration, as I know you are on the same adventure as well, and I am not alone.
    Have a wonderfully magical weekend, dearest...and savor these last days of summer break,

  36. The thing is, deciding what you NEED to say is the hardest step. That can be the step that you can't make. Your foot hovers over the path that becomes a step precipice.

    The thing is... it is only a step... the precipice is IN YOUR MIND. All it takes is realizing there is no chasm before you... it is a step and you have all you need to make it if only you reach within to do it. It is in you and has always been there... waiting.

  37. So true, Anita! I'm sure you will publish one day. You are too talented!!!

    I'm so thrilled you have found i photo. Isn't it amazing when you learn that you can improve photos a lot. I am hooked! Hope you have a wonderful and relaxed weekend, my sweet friend :)

    Love, Kristin

  38. You my friend are so talented...just you wait...good things are in the bones can feel it and my bones are never ever wrong..
    Lovely lovely images...pure delight I have found waiting for me. Hugs and love.
    Oh and Happy Friday! How can it be Friday already? xoxoxo

  39. I will be there in the queue, waiting for you to sign my copy and proudly telling the crowd around me "I know the author, she is a wonderful lady"!
    With warmth.

  40. Anita,
    Take the plunge and go for it! You have a copy sold here with me :) And I think many more too! I adore as always your current and last post, and also I saw that you won Vicki's Giveaway, congratulations!
    Have a weekend full of les bonnes mots in preparation of "le livre"
    ( pardon any fr sp/grammar avec moi!)

  41. What a beautiful post, and fantasitc photographs too, that made me smile :-) Di

  42. I just "discovered" your lovely blog today via a friend. Today's piece is one of my favorite blog pieces ever! I have linked it as today's entry at my blog, Meanderings and Muses, and at my Facebook page. Thank you for making my day!

    Meanderings and Muses

  43. Nita, my guest just left and I must run to the door to take kate for her state test. My dad just told me that my brother and his family are coming too butthey are staying only until Tuesday... lets hope Sthef goes in labor by then.... I don't have time to do blog and answer now , but I will as soon I am able.

    Love you my dear... you are so special!!!

  44. hello pumpkin OF COURSE YOU WILL

    dont be disheartened iIT WILL HAPPEN nd then whooooooooossh youll be knocked over with excitement
    Just catcthcinh up on all my reading now that im back miss you have a great weekend Love fay xx

  45. Hi again, came back to see your photographs of your beautiful Grandmother, they are gorgeous, I've got a few ideas now, thank you so much. You have a beautiful blog, I could spend all day here reading! I notice you have George the Lad on your sidebar - he's one of our best friends in doggy blogland (my 2 miniature schnauzers have a blog)- lovely to meet you, Di x

  46. Visiting your blog is a pleasure for my eyes. You always have lots of stunning pictures.
    Cruise Pictures

  47. I agree with Ruben, you are already writing, and O how we love each word. The art... to what you do is speachless!

  48. My question to you, Anita, is this ... why haven't you been published by now. You are one exq1uisite writer, your presentations are out of sight fabulous.
    The romance, the whimsy, the delight, the elegance ... awesome!

    Would you be so kind to leave a comment on my BLOG ONLY, for the Miracle Makeover fund drive. Charlie, 8 yr. old, & his story are fabulous. Every comment brings us a $1 for the next person that will be sponsored.

    Have a beautiful weekend.
    TTFN ~

  49. MaGIC MAGIC! I love it all especially yhose bookmarks. I know you are going to succeed because you do possess a magic with words and pics! Love always, fiona

  50. Absolutely beautiful photos. Inspiring.

  51. Sounds like you
    made some wonderful
    connections in the
    writing world....
    Now, I want you to
    troll Craig's List
    and find a camera
    worthy of your finely
    honed eye, so you
    can match your lovely
    words with your own
    lovely photos! That
    would be amazing!
    xx Suzanne

  52. Hello Anita,

    I love your post, and your writing always makes me feel like I am in the middle of a great novel, and I can't wait to turn the page.

    Turn the page, hey wait a minute! Stop by here:

    And listen to Christen Olivarez, editor of Somerset Studio discuss how to get published.

    Ahhh, serendipity.


  53. Hi Anita,

    I think you are on your journey to becoming published. You have what it takes - the talent, as well as the passion & determination. Go for it!

    I hope you're enjoying the last couple weeks of your vacation before school starts back up again.

    Happy Weekend!

  54. Dear Anita,

    I am so glad you found a writer's group where you connected with other souls that have the same desires and struggles. I hope you find that it is a wonderful group. I have seen critique groups start out with strangers and everyone ends up becoming very close friends. It would be nice to have a group like that for painting I think!
    I fully believe that you could be published and that the parcel that is taken home in anticipation to read will be your words! Your passion and drive shows through your words and I know you have what it takes! Keep encouraged. I am glad you have had a summer for input. That is so important!
    I hope you enjoy these days before school starts. May you have the loveliest of weeks, dear friend!

    xoxo Shawna

  55. our day is grey .....again .
    Summer is confused .... I do hope she brings us the sweetest LATE-SUMMER .....
    Have a lovely weekend my friend

  56. Dear Anita,

    You are wonderful.

    Why don't you pop over and see what I have written about you?

  57. Oh my friend...I want to run into that little blue shop right now! Is that MOLLY MAKES shop? I recognize it.

    Yes our time is slipping away...when are you back? I am back on the 29th for teacher week and then the children come a week after that.

    So 2 weeks for me and I have sooooo much to fit into those 2 weeks.
    My parents are coming to visit...I have company starting tonight going straight through to Sept. 4th. It will be a busy time.

    Off today to get my Sydney's birhtday party set up...she is having a few girls in and we are going to create/bake!

    love to you

  58. I have no doubt, I have no concern, I have no fear, I have every confidence that you will publish again and again. If you can imagine it, you can achieve it and I believe Anita can. I am one of your personal cheerleaders and I will help push you up the ladder and pour you strong coffee in the middle of the night up until the wee hours of dawn to get you there. I am behind you, around you and surrounding you...all the way.
    Rah, rah...shish, boom...and bah! Waiting someday for your tah dah moment!

  59. Dearest Anita
    Oh this ol computer of mine.. So sorry I am late..
    You have arrived, you just don't know it yet! I know this will happen my dear friend.. Such a beautiful post and what a lovely tribute to Pat... You are in your element!

  60. Such enchantment. Indeed there is always room to dream bigger, inspire many, be adventurous, be curious, reach higher . . .and your post always do just that ;-) THanks for sharing.

  61. Bonjour mon ami! I believe in my heart that you will succeed but I understand your feelings of doubt. You always write from the heart and your words are truly beautiful and inspiring.
    I know you won't give up but believe in YOUR heart that you will accomplish your goals and dreams. Wishing you a most lovely weekend! xoxo, B

  62. Hello my dear friend. I am swinging by to tell you I have come to a conclusion about my writing. I have come to the conclusion that I am NOT a writer. I was so inspired by you that I wanted to give it a try. But it is not my forte'.Everytime I start something it turns out to be a love letter of all things. ha! I guess I am a romantic at heart. But you my friend , you are so gifted in this area. When you do get published let me know and I will be first in line!
    Have a great weekend.

  63. hello sweet friend
    you are already
    published in our hearts.
    your fingers on the
    keyboard and your
    camera in your hands
    we are the benefactors
    of this thing called
    i will be in line
    waiting for an
    autographed copy
    mon ami xxxx

  64. Hi Anita, can you see the top of that mountain, it can't be that far away, just a couple more steps, remember to take in the view:) and sit there for a while. That's what I do, I have to sit down on the way to the top sometimes lol!! beautiful post.
    I have been to see Patricia, she is also very talented just like you :) and I think I know why:)
    Thanks for your visit,
    Loves and hugs to you all
    George xxx

  65. Happy Saturday Anita Love :0
    Thank you so much for the very sweet Birthday wishes! A big hug and smooch to you!
    Anita you are truly gifted! I am happy and eager to be part of your audience each week! You will be Published!
    I am sure your class just got a little classier with you!
    Lots of love
    gi gi

  66. just dropping by to say thank you so much for letting me know about my post disfunction... not sure what went wrong, but it’s fixed :)

    thanks again xo sandra

  67. Hello dear sweet Anita...we are back from taking our JoJo on a very special trip away to celebrate her birthday but I have thought of you and wondered what you were up to...Oh Anita, you already are published...definitely not a failure, and look at all your wonderful friends!!! Happy Happy Sunday to you, and of course Cheers with a pink...Dzintra

    You are a DOLL as always.
    I Love you

  69. Woof! Woof! Golden Hello! Passing by to say Lots of Golden Thanks for your Barkday Wishes. I had a PAWSOME 10th Barkday! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

    Great Blog! Golden Woofs

  70. oh you are SO going to be published one day!! Don't you ever for one second give that dream up... I've read so many who would give their left arm to write like you do. It's the absolutely fresh outlook you bring that is so engaging and absolutely 'hooks' me every time! :)


  71. Keep Dreaming Anita...I know you will get there!!! Hugs, Dzintra

  72. Your words are fluttering around me so poetically, hopes and dreams we all have... I know that feeling... secret wishes, wanting them to be realitiies. It doesnt matter if they do or do not,the joy is in the dreaming... I think your talents are so extensive that it must be inevitable, enjoy the journey with its ups and downs... after this visit to you, I am left feeling uplifted and that anything IS possible, my dreams might just come true to, though I concentrate like at a puzzle at just HOW!!!!
    Happy weekend gorgeous lady!!! X

  73. Hi Anita Sweetie...
    There is no doubt in my mind that one day you WILL BE a published writer. Your stories delight me and take me to places I have never been before. They allow me to see colors I can't imagine and feel with feelings I didn't know existed. You my friend touch my very heart and SOUL. I love stopping by and reading each one of your writes, and of course who hasn't had a dream of one day owning one of your pieces of art? You are so truly blessed with talent sweet friend. It just oozes from your blog, and opens new doors to me each time I stop by. Thank you for sharing sweetie. I simply adore you.

    This is the Miracle Weekend makeover. I am one of the hosting sites. For every comment left, Guideposts magazine will pay a dollar, to the next cancer makeover patient. Please stop by and read the story about 9 year old Charlie, and bless me with a comment. Out goal between the 4 or 5 blogs is 5,000. I know we can do it. I would appreciate it, if you pass the word around to as many friends as possible.

    Thank you sweetie for a wonderful post. I love it. Have a glorious weekend. Country hugs from Phoenix, Sherry

  74. I would love to read your writings in a form other than a blog post. Because your blog posts always make me want more!

    Your images and prose are so inspiring, makes me want to do more with my own little blog.

    So glad I discovered your blog last year.

  75. Bonjour Anita !
    toujours aussi beau et féérique le contenu de ton blog , j'aime ce romantisme de toutes les photos ..j'aime beaucoup celle de la femme dans la rue vue à travers le vitrage d'une fenêtre ( en fait je les trouve toutes superbes !)
    Bises et bon week-end

  76. Goodmorning sweet friend .
    Sunny sunday overhere .
    I just found an amazing blog
    You have to visit and join the give-away .
    Mouse-news and also some-one who's book is coming soon . Her dream is coming true Anita ....
    Big hug

  77. Morning my dear friend....thinking of you and our time together which is coming soon!
    Will you be attending the Creative Connection Events? What workshops/classes are you taking if you are?

    Are you "glitering" today? Oh wish I was there with you. Will be soon!

  78. There is no doubt you are a writer AND a poet.

  79. Hi Anita!
    Once again, I must forward your post to someone in my family ♥
    My daughter, Amanda, loves to write... She has attended such classes and will always remember the interactions and connections made.

    You, my dear, ARE a wonderful writer. On these pages, you share such beauty and wisdom.

    Every one of these posts is a keepsake!
    God bless you, Anita ~
    Happy Sunday to you!
    ~ Maria

  80. Anita,
    I have been away from blogging for the summer, and what a lovely place to come. I have no doubt that you will be published at some time. Such loveliness. It's wonderful getting lost in your blog.

  81. I loved that post Anita! Those red shoes caught my eye, and the torqoise dress is wonderful. The last saying is so true - there is room for us all. It is such a special reminder. If anyone could write a book, it would be you. Have a lovely Sunday.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  82. Thank you for your sweet note on my blog. I wish I could say I have been away for fun purposes, but my husband's health is failing rapidly this summer, so I am spending his waking moments by his side. It is a very good thing, and I wouldn't be any other place.

  83. Hi Anita, you are such a talented writer! I say you found your talent -- look at how many people stop by your blog to see what you have written and of course see those lovely pics! The first pic took me back to a very small town I lived in as a child. I went there last sumer and still felt like home. Such a good feeling!

    Thanks for the sweet comments on my blog posts! I appreciate each and every one.

    Happy Sunday!


  84. My dear, your blog is a feast for my heart, soul and of course my photographer's eye. The winding steps must be in Paris, n'est-ce pas?

    PS I dream of one having the words to accompany my images.

  85. It will happen....I can feel it in my heart :)

    You truly enrich the lives of others through your writings here on your Blog dearest Anita.

    Sending Love,

  86. A lovely post dear Anita! How are you and Ruben? Are you returning to school soon?

    xoxo, Bonnie

  87. Oh Anita,

    I told you already...

    your materials are ripe for world consumption. Go for it ♥

  88. I can't wait to read your book!!! Do let us know how and when it can be ordered! Because you know, there will come that day! Maybe next month maybe in a year will come!

  89. Just beautiful my dear. I truly hope that you are able to publish your writings but you are so right, sometimes it is not the destination but the journey that we learn and grow from.
    Have a wonderful week!

  90. Hello! Thank you for stopping by my blog! I did not know I was in your neck of the woods! I will be back there around the holidays and then in January if not sooner! Perhaps we can meet?

    I know for sure, as do all of the other commentators that you will be published. Your writing is beautiful, heartfelt and moving. You write what most women feel but do not have the words to say.

    Whenever that happens all of your blogg followers and cheerleaders are going to crash Amazon rushing to purchase your first book!

    In the meantime you are published once a week here on your blog! We are all lucky to be here to witness your growth and transformation as you expand your portfolio of writing.

    Yes, my husband paints when he has time, which is not too often. Oddly enough we do not have one piece of his work, he paints and then gives the pieces away.

    That piece he calls Family Tree because he thinks my family has an unatural relationship with the phone, especially my mom. He actually painted that for her for Christmas three years ago, after my mother, step father, brother, sister in law, husband and myself spent three weeks traveling from London, to the Cottswolds, to the Lake District,to the Borders, to Fief and then to Edinburgh, as well as many stops in between!

    Our next trip is off to the Chesapeake for my husband to take a Master class on sailing, he is working his way to his sailing license. I will be going to the spa and looking at antiques, and doing a little reading by the pool.

    And then in Decemebr we are off to Paris for our anual trip.

    What will you do with your time before shcool starts? Do you have any things that you wish to do before you start?

    Have a great day my friend! Enjoy the beautiful weather!!!!


  91. Your corner is a BEAUTIUFL place to visit:) Thank you for this very lovely place on our earth for me to rest~

  92. Very cute blog Anita,Im new here I love it!Wishing you all the best in the future adventures.

    Have a lovely day!~~Becky By the way if I could ask what is a French "Immersion" teacher?

  93. I just cant take my eyes away from the stack of books with those lovely bookmarks LOL.Seriously soooo adorable!

  94. Morning my dear one....well it is one of our last Monday mornings to enjoy before that madness begins! I have 2 more Mondays actually...lots on my list to get done still.

    Just wanted to pop by and with you a great day...xoxoxoo

  95. I love that there are so many more options out there for publishing, where people can get their works published.

    As always, I am inspired! It makes me want to have something published (but for now a blog is enough!)

  96. Hi,
    Thanks for your comments on my Paris post. I think I knew you had been , your sidebar hints at it. You teach French?! I have been trying to learn a bit of it for fun. Got some books from the library, it is so much more complicated than I thought. Still I want to learn a new word every week and how to use it. If you don't mind , may I try some out on you when I post?
    amour, Gwendolyn.

  97. Anita, dear, I adore ebery single line I read from you! That is true! You rock!!!
    Dear, my room last Saturday was at my little red rideing hood party and I can tell you that was room enough for us!!!!!!!!!!!! It was amazing!!!! Be sure I will show you some pics soon!!!
    My house i filled with hubbie´s niponic family and I cannot stay long on my sure I miss you and blogland!!! They go home by the weekend and then I come back!!!
    LOve you!!!! Bela

  98. Stopping by to wish you a beautiful week! Will you be starting a new school year soon or will it be after Labor Day weekend?
    My children go back this week. I'm not ready to send them back yet. I have another week. xoxo, B

  99. Hi There, This is my first visit to your lovely blog and I'm absolutely amazed. I'm a big fan of everything related to Art and your blog is full of wonderful inspiration!

    Love your blog and I'm your new follower :)

    Have a great day!


  100. No doubt in my mind! And how very brave of you to go to the meeting. Never easy putting one's self out there. But you do it every time you post here. So never fear! Let us know when it comes out.
    xoxo~ Kirsten

  101. goodmorning ( overhere) my friend .
    I am having a LEKKERE coffee and I am searching on the net for Jill Barklem .
    I found this box with all the postcards a friend send me .....years ago when both our children were little .
    We shared the love for sending postcards AND MOUSES ......
    It's because of this box I remembered I had little books .....somewhere in a box too .
    I found them Oh my ..... I love all the images ..... all the details .....
    I look forward to meet mister Rat !
    Do you know a little mouse called Vera ....she is a dutch mouse ...
    Have a happy day Anita dear !

  102. What a beautiful and inspiring post. I love how you've described "F A I L." There are elements of this post and your last post that remind me of a book I just read "A Vintage Affair" you should check it out, I think you'd like it.

    Have a wonderful week!


  103. For some reason I thought I already followed you, when I checked I was not, but I am now following you!

    Hope your school year goes well!


  104. Oh happy day to you...just came by to wish you a day filled with joy.
    I am off for a walk with my MOLLY...I am up really early these days as my Sydney is off to pick blueberries before the sun rises and she needs me to get her there...pure joy..the country roads are heaven to drive on..such beauty in those corn fields and country homes first thing in the morning. God is good!

    Hugs .xoxoxo

  105. Ahh... I see it. I would have its hard cover beauty in with my favorite titles. I gift to the world. I want you to publish. I think the world needs your light. Blessings, friend, to you from me.

  106. hello gorgeous blogging lovely to see you over at mine just now! (I look forward to your comments!)
    I do hope that you and Ruben Riviera have had a wonderful summer together - 9 days left? surely not long enough!
    Cleggy is no longer in the classroom - more's the pity. He does sometimes work in settings (usually to solve a sepcific problem) but more often works as a consultant (early years)
    He's only been working for himself for a year - before that he was a headteacher - but he was never happier than in the classroom!

    We have three weeks left of our summer holidays - and about 6 weeks worth of plans!
    happy days
    fee x
    not sure if I have already commented on your work being published? hooray (and hooray again!)

  107. Dear Anita, thanks for your sweet comment! No, I am as Norwegian as I can be. Born and raised here in a city one hour away from Oslo. But as a 16 year old I was an exchange student for one year in Oklahoma. I experienced the senior year at high school and loved it. I lived with the sweetest, christian family ever and since that I have always felt a little American, too!!!

    Love, Kristin

  108. Dearest Anita, thank you for your sweet visits - so nice to see your lovely face after returning from our trip! We had a magical time - more about it soon. Your new post here is wonderful! Anita, you are publishing already, here on your blog - and see how many people are so fond of you and your writing - like me! You always surprise and delight my friend! ) days - OMG, make the most of each one! Love, M.

  109. Lovely dear! I believe in both our dreams to be published in a book! It has always been one of my dreams too :) and I know good seed is planted and at the right season it will bloom forth! Wishing you a blessed week doll! xo -Taj

  110. Hi Sweet Lady,

    Thanks for stopping by today. You always have a way of encouraging me!

    Are you enjoying your last days of summer vacation? I hope you're soaking up every last drop!


  111. Oh dearest this is one dream that is SURE to come true. You have such a talent for creating both words and art( "wow" to your skype chit chat)It is just a matter of time before you are in print...and the rest of the world gets to savor and enjoy what we chosen few, who know you, have already discovered....ahhhhh

    OK...I bailed...but the day was EVER so fine and the nurseries were calling my name. I shall work in my studio on the next cloudy day (which shouldn't be long) I promise :)

    ENJOY tomorrow my dear, HUGS Rosie

  112. I stumbled across your blog while looking at a few others and I must tell you that it is one of the most visually beautiful blogs I have ever seen. Absolutely inspiring. I look forward to seeing you everyday.

    Sue from Canada

  113. Anita I haven't been here in a while, your writing is stunning! you say what has not been said about things we all feel.

    Brava! brilliant!



  114. Well hello sweet are you today ?
    I have read your blog once again today and something touched me ...
    I used to visit bookstores ALL THE TIME when my children were not born yet and I was just ME ...
    I always loved to let my eye find a book surprise ....
    as if the book had been waiting for me ..... so often found to be TRUE ...... surprised BY SURPRISE .
    Maybe your process will be surprised too ... you never know !
    Have a lovely day !

  115. Merci vous! I am enjoying translating the french you write me out of my books. I am having a hard time finding the word "please" in french. Pouvoir vous aider?
    que dieu te benisse!

  116. YOU find the most FABuLOUS images!!! Oui oui oui... I stole a few!!!! MUST paint!!!! Merci for ALWAYS inspiring moi!

  117. Hello dear friend!!! I'm here again enjoying your fabulous words. You dream....
    I hope that you are well and spending a good summer.

    Muchos besos y mil gracias por estar siempre cerca.


  118. One day my sweet Anita you're gone be famous. People adore your writings you can see that on the comments they left here. You are a real poët. Every time you touch my heart with your words and pictures.
    One day when you are famous then I can say I know her, she is such a lovely lady and a great artist with a big heart and people adore her, look at her blog and read the comments!!!
    Have a beautiful day, hugs,

  119. Oh I am so silly...I just left you a note on your previous surely getting old...FAST! love ya girlfriend...R.

  120. To Anita, the "Author"

    Every time I enter your Castles Crowns and Cottages world~I so enjoy reading each word you type as if it's a delectable dessert that I'm getting ready to sink my pretty little teeth into and drink with my spot of tea.

    I envision your keyboard as a filled vessel with all your dreams, thoughts, and ideas you long to write about and each time your hands gently lay upon the home row and you close your eyes, the Spirit leads you placing one finger in front of the other to type each word; one after the other. At the end of your time, it's a new creation that even you sometimes may be taken back by and blessed with. A new birth in written form ~ the kind only YOU my dear friend can create.

    If we are like the "fingerprint of God", then how much more will the words He places within your heart to share with the world be like a special magical inspirational glittery "aqua" :) dust that only you, Anita, the Author can sprinkle upon your reader as their eyes move left to right as they scroll down the page longing for what comes next?

    Close your eyes my dear Anita; B*E*L*I*E*V*E in His awesome light that only HE can direct your path in! Your talent of writing with pen in hand, or finger on keyboard :) that He inevitably has blessed you with is too precious to be contained in only this blogging world.

    May the path He has lit for you today seem brighter...don't give up on your dream of being published, as He will make the light brighter so as to not lose your way to the destination He has for you~

    Be bodacious today, and write your name in the sand and never let it be washed away, "Anita, Published Author". We'll both await the moment in your life where we'll remember this post and celebrate your Victory together when your first book is published. I'm standing in line to purchase your "first" autographed copy friend~

    Hugs to you this day; and BLESSINGS abundantly as you sprinkle more Aqua Inspirational dust our way to all that glean so much from their visits with you.

    From my heart to yours today friend~ ~CC

  121. Hello my sweet friend,

    I'm the old one again ful of live :)) My husband is back at work after 6 weeks sick leave and 1week hospital. I think he learned hugs lesson: always desinfect a wound!!! But you know how man are ;-)) Thank you for asking about his health.
    I'm working on a new sculpture she is almost ready I hope I can put pictures on the end of next week on my blog. But I've so little time, I'm preparing our 30 year wedding anniversary and the party is this Saturday, and still a lot to do heeeeeeeeeeeeelp.
    I've got still a month, I start on the end of septembre with school do the happy dance ;-))
    Yes the days are shorter he to, but we had a real real bad summer with lots of rain. I hope that your summer was better.
    I to have a lot of preperation for school, I think that we are not ready it's that summer feeling lol!!!
    I wish you to a wonderful start to a new school year. But I think that's not a problem for you because you are a talented person.
    Take care my sweet friend, hugs,

  122. Dear Anita...always a pleasure when you call by, especially on a theatre post!!! Now wouldn't it be wonderful to have a script like that for people our age...and you could guide us through it all as I am very new to this theatre life...but I love it!!! The trailer looks excellent...have a look if you get a chance...I definitely will b e going to the movie!!! Such a shame theatre was taken off the curriculum...I can imagine how it opens one up to things they never new they could do!!! Happy Happy Friday to you...yipppeee, it's nearly the weekend...Dzintra

  123. Bonjour, my early rising friend! haha! Thank you for your sweet visit this morning. And thank you for saying nice words about Jean's art. Most of my readers are friends who do not blog, and only send me emails, so it is nice to have comments on the blog where he can read them. I just love his work and look forward to meeting him in person someday soon. And YES, I LOVE Miss Clara! Did you see the video of her in her house? I found her through Marelle Editions, where my friend Martine Roche sells her cards. I think I will feature Martine's work next week on my blog, and maybe Miss Clara's, too. Now I'm off to visit Miss Clara to see what's new!!
    Do enjoy your days, Anita dear, for September is looming on the horizon. But maybe you're anxious to return...?

  124. Oh what fun that would be!!! The movie is out sometime in February and I am so looking forward to it...but, then again...I know the punchline but I think it will still be scarey!!! Dzintra

  125. As I'm drinking my morning coffee..a bit late...the chickachickas are enjoying their breakfast and singing a bit for me...along with the beautiful wildflower cd playing in the background, I am surely in heaven!! How absolutely affirming was your dearest comment, dearest! Husband read my post last night and said, "what a clever writer you are. You'll receive a lot of comments on this one!" he is so encouraging of my efforts...yesterday was sheer inspiration. Anita, to experience a day like yesterday, leaves me in awe of God's creativity...these most precious of all his creatures have come to my home, by the simple offering of birdseed...and my life is enriched in ways I could not imagine. To have the luxury of being still...and knowing He is God...and then to be still a bit longer, and release into blogland, the stories that He gives this child like heart. How grateful I am for you my friend, who knows EXACTLY that of which I speak!
    And how wonderful to hear that your sweet princess has checked in with her mum;))) she's been too long off playing and wanted you to know she is alright...
    Have a wonderfully magical day my dearest friend!
    Love you to pieces,

  126. Anita I love miss Clara and have looked at her site for a few years now! I love her work and I see so much of your art in hers!

    I would like to come up with something creative like hers for my opera! I will have to do it in a small scale though! Yet I like it small, there is a sweet story to the small!

    I am excited to see what you create!
    I was having a problem navigating at miss clara's to find the garden fairies can you send me the direct link to that one in an email?
    I saw the box with the fairy girl on the ladder and I adore her.

    I am going to go back to her site and look through them all until I find exactly what you are looking at!

    I do think she is the ultimate inspiration do you not as well :)

    PS. I am much better yet I did pull a muscle and I still feel the effects when I move wrong, so on the mend to get sanding and painting this weekend :)

  127. Oh, my dear girl, I would be so HONORED!!! Yes , of course you can use it! But before you do you might want to take a look here;
    shhh...that's me, too! heheh
    let me know what you think!

  128. Sweetie, email me:

    I will send you files. [ ha. First I wrote 'flies"]


  129. Yes there is room for all! And if you write a book I will be first in line to include it to my library my dear friend!
    sending hugs...

    Oh BTW. My husband's best friend talked him into selling him Smoke. My husband trains horses and buys them as colts and gets them ready for their new homes on ranches here.
    He went to a great home.

  130. Stunning photos!!!!

  131. Hello! Happy Weekend! I hope that you are relaxing and soaking up every single moment of everyday before you go back to school! Although I am sure it will be wonderful to see all of the students it is not as fun as having lots of time to yourself.

    I love antique and consignment stores, it is strange maybe but I love to have things around me with a history or a story to tell, even if it is not my own story. As for my wonderful Transferware I wonder who used it, where did they get it, it is in pristine condidition so I think they only used it for special days. I will not be doing that, everyday should be special.

    Well, must go, have to pack to go to the spa. Enjoy your time off!

  132. Hi my friend...I saw that you visited me on fb today...I had a great day today. Visited with a friend over tea...finished up a project! Enjoyed my girls company.
    Well another Friday is here...I would love to do a little rewinding about now. Are you back next week? My first day is the 29th.

    Hugs and love to you for a wonderful parents are visiting this weekend...happy dance.

  133. You ARE a writer

    see how many followers you have who love to hear what you have to say and the photos you have to got with it.

    We certianly missed you at Claudies this summer. IT WAS the trip of a lifetime for me. Claudie is magical, truly, and generous and just plain FUN

    I need to scroll down now and catch up on your blog. It was nice to take this blogging break, but I have missed you.

    also....go visit Teaching Fourth
    his last post was funny

    stick to your writing as you have a talent there. HUGS

  134. WOW..ONLY 7 FUNFILLED DAYS LEFT. But oh what a summer it has been. Layin' around the garden soakin up the rays, inspiration and even a nap or two. I KNOW that you are ready to take on ANY and ALL adventures that come your way this school year.
    Now a little antiquing would be ever so FUN. You have picked up some fine treasures this summer. What were you looking for on this trip? I have developed a fetish for "jadeite" recently. I don't need many pieces, but just a couple of pieces for my kitchen shelf.
    Well this has been a wonderful week of "search and rescue" at the plant nurseries...ahhhh so much restful enjoyment.
    Tomorrow is a shopping day, so will bring in a smattering of "FALL" clothing...BOO HOO!!!'s just too soon.
    And on that note, I'm off to rest up...sleep well..see you in the morning...xoxo...R.

  135. Hello dear Anita.
    I just have to say good morning to you !
    Lovely friday dear.
    De zon schijnt.

  136. My Goodness, you are an early riser! We are off to the the hills of North Carolina this morning so I am popping in to say hello. I know I will be late for your next post... so "Good job!" in advance! (Since I already know it will be Marvelous.)

  137. Chere Anita,

    Merci merci pour ta visite!! I am thrilled you took a peek at that. I think I know what you are saying regarding our religious upbringing, and the messages which were instilled.
    Powerful stuff.

    Love and light to you dear one..

  138. Beautifuly said! Remember the words of Phillipians 4:13:

    "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength."



  139. Thank you so much for your lovely comment on my blog!!!
    I love your blog and am now following...
    Hope you have a wonderful day & please visit my blo again soon... :-)

  140. Your words are magical, Anita. There's no doubt that you will be published. Keep believing!

  141. This is such a beautiful post, hope you realise your dream some day soon...

  142. Wow Anita, I know you are going to have your beautiful work published one day! You have some much talent and love inside of you, it's impossible NOT to have that dream come true!!!!!!!!! I can't wait for that to happen!!!!! Much Love!

  143. Popping in to listen a bit more to this beautiful piano music. We have a black piano and on top there is my lamb, my tutu lamb! Isn't it amazing how we can connect and get inspired by all these lovely ladies all around the world!
    Lots and lots of love to you dearest sweet soul xxxx

  144. Hi beautiful Anita!!!
    Hope you're having a wonderful day!!!
    I'd LOVE one of your Audrey Hepburn drawings!!! I adore Audrey!!!! Did you see the blog I devoted to Audrey? It was called: Breakfast At Tiffany's With Audrey...
    I LOVE those velvet necklaces you make too- in the photo in the right column of your blog. The teal colored velvet is stunning!!!
    I love reading your blog & looking at all the beautiful photos!!!!!
    Shannon XO :-)

  145. Beautiful post, you have so much talent I do hope you will be published one day, keep dreaming and doing what you love:)

  146. Anita, I know I posted a comment on her ions ago. But read the post again and had to share...

    I sat by a young lady Wed. night at church and she has connections with S&S publishers. I also have had a dream for a decade now of publishing a book, a small devotional series specifically directed to people walking through a life crisis in their family. I don't think this was a coincidence, her name is Cindy.

    The Lord keeps placing people like this in my path for a reason...please pray with me that the connections He is helping us both make help to get our work in the right hands.

    You are a blessing in my life! :)
    Hugs friend!


"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echos are truly endless." -Mother Teresa