Friday, August 19, 2011

Breathe It All In

I could feel it under my feet

while the fingers that dodged hammers to build


a playhouse that summer

and that deftly 

upholstered furniture from nine to five 

fluttered over ivory stairs 

to the moon.

I heard every calculated measure and responded

 as Claude Debussy transformed mathematical form



 But as my daddy played his piano

my young eyes would fill with wonder.

And to this day

my spent eyes well with tears

as I play

yet wonder still

when he composed

Clair de Lune?

Did Debussy behold

the Paris sky

and witness what I cannot see?

I believe he would he say to me,

"If you could only see what I hear."

I will never know what moved him.

But I do know that an artist just simply needs to 

Don't just breathe.


and love forever.

You MUST visit Dawne at Quiddity 2 who kindly allowed me to use her WHIMSICAL and original images of the Paris moon. Just click HERE to see more of her photography and travel log. It is a must-see!
and my subheader is from her Pinterest board, too! 




  1. Hi Anita,

    Such a daydreamy, sincere and wonderous post. I especially love the one picture that's a quote: Breathe it all in. Love it all out.

    And the picture of you posed with the harp is gorgeous. I always wanted to learn how to play the vilion. Thanks for sharing.

  2. J”adore... ca m’a fait rever... quelle magie!
    truly beautiful, this is the way I want to feel everyday...
    xo sandra

  3. My Anita,

    This is a beautiful post. I especially like how you describe you father -- how the hands that did carpentry and upholstery "fluttered over ivory stairs" when he played Clair de Lune, the song that has been such an inspiration in your life.

    I love the poetry of this post, for it allows me to see almost as if I were not reading words.


  4. Comme toujours tu nous offres un magnifique billet rempli d'allégresse et de poésie ...
    Un superbe clair de lune magistralement interprété et de sublimes images ...
    Voilà de quoi enchanter mon week-end.
    Je t'embrasse chère Anita

  5. this a new header???
    It is absolutely beautiful! ( I love green!)

    Merci une fois de plus pour ce post plein de magie et d'images qui me transportent dans un monde où tout est beau et doux.
    Gros bisous!

  6. Beauty always found here. Keep sparkling! Your words are like melted butter over pancakes. ox

  7. You told me some time ago how you love Claire De Lune and everytime I hear it I think of you. Beautiful post, Anita!~Hugs, Patti

  8. oh, oh, oh. claire de lune makes me teary eyed too!! you are so beautiful, anita.
    happy friday, sweet one,

  9. Hi Anita,

    Awe...It sounds like you had a wonderful Father and some very fond memories. That photo of you playing the harp is breathtaking! Absolutley gorgeous!!!

    Have a wonderful day!

    Heidi (hi-d)

  10. It seems Ruben and I pick out the same poetic phrases each time. My breath caught when I read "fluttered over ivory stairs to the moon"...musical words thyemselves...set to Claire de Lune... with your lovely , romantic self portrait...I am touched, honored, and blessed to be included in this gentle tribute to your father and Claude Debussy. Thank you, Anita.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Hi Anita - ooooooh, such beautiful music and images! You look so pretty with your harp and i love all this sparkly impressions of your post! Champagne in the Paris moonlight tonight, in our dreams we can travel and toast music, love and the beauty of live! Have a splendid evening dear friend!

  13. Bonjour Anita
    Oh how I have missed you...
    Merci cher ami for making this such a beautiful day with you gift of words and images... How ever did you find my DREAM home... I love that house... So good to see you sweet smile looking back at me... la couleur de vos rêves cher ami.
    Penny & Bebe
    p.s. pardon my oops above..

  14. Hello, Anita!
    What absolutely beautiful music! There is such magic and wonder in it.
    The picture of you is beautiful!
    "Breathe it all in, love it all out"...oh how I LOVE that! That is certainly what an artist must do. That reminds me of what you said this summer has been like for fill up and now it is time to let all that inspiration out in work! And music like you have playing here today is something I am taking in for inspiration! Thank you for this loveliness.
    Have a beautiful weekend!

  15. I'm blown aways on a gossamer breeze with the magic of this post.

  16. Blissful Anita!That baby-Photo too good for words.

  17. Je t'avais reconnue ...
    Tu es belle comme un coeur.
    Mille bisous

  18. Wow another stunning post from you! That's why you have 900 followers (how on EARTH do you manage to get some many??!!)
    I adore the little pink cottage, quite possibly my dream home and you look stunning playing the harp (that is you,right?!)
    Gem x x x

  19. Hallo Anita,
    What a wonderful post! I like that "playhouse" in the beginning.
    I would love to hear you play on your harp.
    I play a little bit guitar, and I love it so much to play, but I also love it a lot to listen to music!
    Love the pictures!
    Have a great weekend,
    Hugs Ester

  20. Hello dear friend.....haven't been here in a while.....I've missed seeing your magical posts. Claire de Lune is one of my favorite pieces.

    Have a wonderful weekend,


  21. Your words...your story...your creative pictures are always a treasure. I'm so very thankful YOU blog! Have a "Lovely" weekend you two!!

  22. Anita you have such a gift for picking the perfect pictures for your lovely words. As always, a pleasure.


  23. Anita, this is sparkling indeed. You certainly do know how to "Breathe it all in. Love it all out." Wish I could here you play in person. ~ Sarah

  24. Pain, vin, fromage...what else do I need to fill my heart with love and pleasure, dearest Anita?
    Live and love, indeed, from our deepest heart. Feel love, indeed. Live, indeed.
    I simply LOVE this post, as I love all the previous you offered me!
    Merci beaucoup!!!

  25. Dearest Anita
    Thank you for visiting! I am so happy you enjoyed my little feathered friend.. Your words of praise are a warm welcome...
    You know I love Clair de Lune.. Yes, it does make you wonder what was on his mind as he wrote this beautiful piece..
    Love to you!

  26. Hello Anita!How beautiful this was.So are you,thats a lovely pic.I remember that song.But only in French lol.I dont even know the words but I can say it in French ha.It was way back in grade school we sang that.

    Have a lovely weekend!


  28. Hello my friend,
    What a lovely post. And beautiful music. Your father played piano? I can imagine how enchanting it would be to listen to him play.. but also to listen to you play your enchanting harp. You my dear live a enchanted life.
    A little break from french for the moment as I just wanted to comment with my heart.
    Blessings to you!

  29. I love the sheer poetry of this place you've built. Lovely lovely lovely. I've found some more beauties to pin here once again.

  30. Hi Anita,
    Look at how beauiful you are with your harp, I would love to hear you play.
    Music is for the soul.
    Have a good weekend
    Love and hugs to you,Ruben and my furiend Balzac xxx

  31. Anita is that you in all your gorgeousness and grace playing the harp? If so....its a beautiful picture! And what a stunning beautiful post once again.
    I realized coming to visit you and is like watching a very short movie, the best kind of movie though.....those that really move you and stir up something inside, those that make you smile, and cry a tear of joy and remembrance, all at once, amazing what the power of pictures and music and the written word can do!
    And you Anita, have orchestrated this beautifully once again.

  32. My dear friend,

    What an amazing week this has been for us...
    There are friendships...and then there are FRIENDSHIPS. Did you and I just skip over 20 years and become the "old friends" that we are now??? hahaha I think so. :)
    Once again, that word "magical" appears as I describe this post. You will never cease to amaze me, every thing you do is created with "magic".
    I had to comment before I leave today...and you know you will be the first one I contact when I return home.
    I am so excited about all of our wonderful plans...Oh my and Ruben will have visions of me doing cartwheels in my dining room again! hahahaha
    You look stunning at your harp, by the way.
    Have a beautiful weekend, my friend. I'll miss you!!xoxo

  33. Dear Anita, wow.....that music is so beautiful. It reminds me of my ballet lessons. And how wonderful you describe your father playing and composing. And Dawne's photos are so breathtaking. I already told her. They are so magical and I love them!!! Have a blessed weekend, my friend!

    Love, Kristin

  34. I'm back ;) I would sing with you any day, I'm sure me and Balzac could raise the roof lol!!! I can just see it, us singing and you playing, to look out the window and every animal around joining in:)
    Sweet dreams George xxx

  35. Anita,

    Ca fait longtemps que je te rends visite et pour ca je suis desolée. Ton blog est plein de belles images romantiques. J'éspère que tout aille bien dans ta vie.


  36. That play house is Just.Too.Cute.

  37. What a beautiful post my sweet sweet friend....i really like it you with whole my heart.....dag lieverd...fijn

  38. Hi Anita,yes the one you mentioned on my blog is the one.I remember now.

  39. Hello Anita:
    With our apartment windows wide open on this most balmy of Budapest evenings, we have been entranced to listen to the music of Debussy whilst marvelling at your most wonderful images and joyful text. How pleased we are to have discovered you.

    Clearly, from what you write, your father had a most profound influence on your life. This post is a beautiful tribute to him and to all creative, sensitive people who through their work allow us all to really live LIFE!!

  40. Thank-you for your beautiful images that make me smile and inspire me.

  41. Breathe it all it all out..oh dear Anita such beautiful words, beautiful post...beautiful pics...I shall be thinking these today!!! Cheers to you for this weekend...Dzintra

  42. Debussy and your inspiring pictures what a glorious start to the weekend.

    Thank you Anita. Ida xxxOOxxx

  43. My favourite piece of music in the world.
    Thank you!

  44. Oh mon ami... what beautiful music you are sharing with us... beautiful and magical as the images and words you write. My visits always bring peace and a smile to my day. The photo of you and your harp is lovely....may you have a blessed week-end my friend..xo HHL

  45. You are a vision of beauty sitting with your harp. I can almost hear the music softly wafting through the photos. Your banner is delicious. This post is dreamy and I very much enjoyed the journey traveling on your words. Fabulous Friday and weekend my dear...

  46. Oh my so beautiful friend look so gorgeous sitting by your harp.
    I have always loved palyhouses and dreamed I would have one some day.
    A childhood friend had one that her father had made her and it was amazing. Real homemade cupboards complete with dishes, etc inside.
    This brought back sweet memories my dear.
    Loved this post xo

    Deborah xoxoxo

  47. The photos are truly amazing! Thanks for the link and for the treat of enjoying your beautiful post tonight! Enjoy your weekend! ♥

  48. A lovely post Anita, I wish I could hear you play the harp. You look so beautiful in that photo. I think your heart is reflected in your writing, dreaming and creating. I love this music too.

    Have a beautiful weekend.


  49. A checked tutu, that pink cottage... marvelous! Thank you for another gorgeous post...

  50. I'm fairly new to your blog, so I've never seen a picture of you. You are as beautiful as the words that you elegant with a 'splash' of wonderful! I loved the picture of the doll house. What little girl doesn't want a doll house when they are little? Your posts are always so magical.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  51. Dearest Anita,
    Tis another beautiful post by a beautiful soul. You never fail to move your readers. Claire De Lune is also a favorite of mine...truly ethereal and magical. The kind of melody that whisks one away to another world...another time. Thank you once again for taking me along the path of a beautiful life.
    By the look absolutely lovely in that picture.
    Blissful journeys to you! xoxo

  52. oh Anita ... *SIGH*
    what a beautiful post ... my blood pressure just dropped significantly.

  53. Oh your Daddy left you with such treasured memories. He has also imparted his endless talent to his sweet baby much talent.
    I LOVE that snappy of you enjoying that gorgeous harp...breathtaking.

    Well I journeyed into the BIG city today, with intentions of picking up just a wee...tiny bit of fall goodness. Hmmm...yah...found a few more wholesalers and went a bit CrAzY. But oh the "harvest" was spectacular. I will head to work a few hours early so that I can get at least one wall done. Hey, I'll bring the coffee if you bring a muffin or two and we can visit why I STEAM. Oh that would be SO PERFECT!
    Well, we are finally getting our summer and so I am immersing myself in the garden and savoring EVERY moment. Bill has just finished an old English rock wall to house my fern and shade garden. What our men do for us girls :)
    A fine cuppa INDEED...see you in the morning...xoxo...R.

  54. Dear Anita, The bright cresent moon just outside the window sill becons to me, and my love of nature..beautiful post dear. I think you see very clearly just what he heard..xoxo Christel

  55. "How much has to be explored and discarded before reaching the naked flesh of feeling." - Claude Debussy

    I do not even know where to begin, Anita Ma Chere.

    May your rendition of this heavenly musical work bring great peace and love to you...
    Pure poetry. I am so moved.

  56. Beautiful post! Yours is my favorite blog. I light up when I see it in my reading list!

  57. I wish there
    was a way to
    upload your
    lovely harp
    playing; wouldn't
    that be splendid??
    I often wonder
    the same things
    about composers.
    It's really poetry
    set to music, isn't
    xx Suzanne

  58. B
    Your words, the music, your heart!

    I am blessed to be here reading and viewing your visions of lovliness ...

    Music can speak to the soul in amazing ways... what memories you have of this beautiful piece...

    Thank you for sharing them,
    Love you,

  59. I am back listen to the beautiful music....and giving you a big kiss

  60. I love WORDS .... I can be excited when there's a new word I did not know like in your blog :
    I immediately look in my dictionary ( yes old-fashioned I know but I love books ) and am happy with my new words ....
    I write them down and memorise them like in school !
    Do you know I have an Anita-notebook in which I always write down the complete text of your blog .
    I love to write ...( the handwriting with the pen and the paper ) and while writing I can take the words in .......
    What your father was thinking ....
    he told that by playing the piano words but notes
    for always in your heart .
    You are such an angel .

  61. Hello lovely Anita, isn't this music the food of love.
    It twinkles in my heart.
    Bedankt lieverd en heel veel liefs.

  62. Oh Anita,
    How did you know, Claire de Lune is my all time favourite piece of music. Do you remember Castell Coch? When I was in my late teens (70s) the Castle was not the big tourist attraction it is today, it only opened to the public about 3 times a year. Those were the days I didn't visit. I used to go when it was quiet and still and lay in the grass gazing up at the castle and listening to Debussy on my "Walkman"! My favourite version was by "Tomita" on the album "Snowflakes are Dancing" - magical. How could you know. This is so special to me. I feel as if you have read my mind and posted this just for me.

    Did you know, originally it was called "Promenade Sentimentale", but Debussy changed the name to Clair de Lune, after a poem by Paul Verlaine.

    Your soul is an exquisite landscape
    That bergamasks have charmed. Enchanting bands, Playing the lute and dancing to escape
    The sadness left untouched by mummers' hands.

    Chanting the while upon the minor mode, Of happy love and of life's long delight, Shyly they tread upon the happy road
    And their sweet sighs in the moonlight.

    In sad moonlight, serene in its beauty, Birds cease their song and dream under its spell;
    And graceful waters sob in ecstasy
    Surging from the marble in which they dwell.

    Debussy was only 28 years old when he composed it!

    What a wonderful Saturday morning this is turning into!
    Bless you.

  63. Your blog is a joy... was captivated the first time I saw it. Everything is so pretty here... And yes, Debussy is enchanting.

  64. Very dreamy post..I'm over the moon..again..:))

  65. Anita,
    Again, you take me away. Whether it be for a few moments, or throughout the day, I do, in fact, breathe in the beauty...
    Thank you

  66. What a sweet blessing to have such memories of you papa! That image of you is stunning my dear friend.

    Fill your day with joy my friend...I am off with my mom and dad to make some memories today. xoxoxox

  67. Bonjour Anita, i am back... just dropped by to re-read this; needed to see something beautiful today.. xo sandra

  68. Hello Anita,
    Inspired words, beautiful images and this stunning music...THANK you for this wonderful post to start a fabulous WE

    Muchos besos,


  69. Good morning dear Anita! Thank you for such a beautiful and inspiring post to read this morning. The images are gorgeous, romantic and intriguing and your words ring so true once again.
    I hope you enjoy your weekend before the summer ends and I wish you much luck for the new school year.
    Love to you.

  70. Breathe it all in it all out! Gorgeous pos. I adore all the photos and I adore you. You have a beautiful blog that you fill with love and put your whole heart and soul into it. Thank you for sharing. Grace xoox

  71. Bonjour mon ami, this post is a beautiful tribute to your father. My eyes filled with tears as I read it.
    Claire De Lune is truly magical and makes my heart sing.

    I'm wishing you a most lovely weekend! I hope to have some downtime after a busy week.
    xoxo, B

  72. This is such a beautiful post in prose and image. Thank you for the tenderness you brought to my day.

  73. You always have the best images, chere amie. Ah, Anita, did you succeed in finding a way to create more hours in a day, in each and every day? I still haven't. But I so want to get back on blogger track. Know that I read your posts always although I did not leave a comment each time. I do need my dose of Antia-inspiration!
    Here's to a wonderful weekend Bisous xxxx

  74. I am sorry I'm so late to this party, Anita. I always come though, you are a not-to-be-missed part of my life.
    You know I love what you do, you are destined for so much more. Sending love, darling friend.

  75. I love the line "If you could only see what I hear." We all find inspiration with different senses, and when they all come together, it's magical!

  76. Dear Anita,

    Oh what a simply magical post you have shared today, dear friend.
    Love the music and the romance of Paris, the moon, and all the gorgeous images.
    I love the beautiful photo of you playing your harp, would so love to hear your sweet music.
    Can't believe how fast your holiday has gone, enjoy the time until you go back.
    I have not got any Bears on the go ~ making a black and white tweed wool suit that seems to be taking forever. Also we are staining the deck a glorious blond, ( looks like lime wash and is looking great)

    Sending hugs from NZ and wishing you a gorgeous weekend.

  77. What a wonderful post with beautiful pictures and inspiring thoughts. Great reflections for a good weekend.

    Cruise Pictures

  78. Dear Anita
    You and I are in the same spot... SAD that we could not attend Claudies outting.

    Your blog is splendid!! I am going to post fast so I can keep reading and enjoying.

    May our paths meet some day as like minded women connect in this big universe.


  79. Ahh dearest...yes, to start our day with love, that is totally it! Life is so crazy these days that I don't usually get to peek at my computer until the late I am doubly blessed. Speaking of crazy, I was at the shop, bright and early at 5:00 am, steaming, hanging, pricing and of course placing. Ahhhh a VERY LONG DAY, but it is taking shape. I will finish my book work and dress my windows tomorrow.
    And you are doing the back to school count down...ALREADY. It doesn't seem that long ago that we were planning out summer escapades. Well sit back and enjoy these last few days.
    See you in the morning my sweet, sweet friend...xoxo...R.

  80. Can you hear the hammers from heaven? My daddy, your daddy building mansions in the sky...a house for me and one for you, we will be neighbors and never again live miles away.

    Look at those adorable eyes, I can only imagine the wonder your eyes held as a child. Brown and deep and pretty while mine blue and bright and clear...we can see clearly now, the rain is gone...we can hear the music from heaven above and know our daddy's are near.

    Beautiful post, it holds your own unique style and I appreciate it.

  81. Bonjour Anita Love :) and Happy Weekend! Is it this coming week you go back to work?

    Oh, the power of music and memories. They seem to go hand in hand!
    What a wonderful memory of your dad!
    You are so elegant especially sitting next to your harp. You are a true lady in every way!
    I love the LOVE IT ALL OUT!!!!!WONDERfull post, love your beautiful soul and brillant mind!
    Much love to you and a big hug and smooch!

  82. Oh! Your style coupled with yor prose, perfect! I got here via Elizabeth R. Stanton's blog, and so glad to be here! I'll be back!

  83. That photo of you with the harp is beyond beautiful!!!! There is a harp player in the market of all places and I drag out my food shopping because I find the music so relaxing. xo

  84. Hello Dear One,
    I am finally on blogger again. You're my first stop, and boy have I missed you and your beautiful blog posts! I'll be catching up here today! Look at your lovely self with the harp- gorgeous, inside and out! You know, that one picture you have of the girl looking at the Eiffel Tower, I have that as my phone screen! Great minds eh! I misssss you! Thank you for bringing your beautiful spirit to all of us! xoxoxo

  85. Beautiful photo of you and the harp... So angelic! Oh and the play house I want that for my outdoor art studio. Yes I do!!!

    Thanks for leaving the sweet comment on my blog! You are so kind. I think you should paint, water color, write, whichever talent you enjoy the most!

    Stop by when you get a minute to see what Benz has been up to... after that last post you'll see why I love Shih Tzu!

    Have a blessed Sunday!


  86. Make sure you enjoy your last two days before school starts to the fullest Anita. I suggest you go on a must-have-pen hunt and perhaps a lovely booklet too.
    Bisous xx

  87. Wow, the picture of you is stunning, love the summerhouse and just a gorgeous, inspiring post as always, love it, Divine! take care, Doreen x

  88. Anita, oh, let's make the most of those last days of vacation! Will think of you on Wednesday, so soon .. Am packing for Holland while listening to Claire de Lune! Have a lovely evening dear friend, xoxox

  89. Ma chère amie,

    Quelle merveilleuse photo de toi jouant la harpe. Tu est magnifique!

    This is a fairy tale and this is how life should be virtually every single day.

    I adore music - I play the violin and the Baroque oboe - and I totally agree with you: it is the magic of the transformation of mathematical construction into BEAuTy which astounds me the most.

    I am passionate about Baroque music. It renders me serene AND inspires me and I believe that this has a lot to do with the mathematical building of the harmonies. Of course during the Renaissance it was believed that when the planets were perfeclty aligned they made harmonious music. It makes sense, right?

    I also love Baroque music for it's excess and the pictures it paints which brings me to my love of Debussy and Ravel who also painted pictures with their music.

    Thank you for this poetic beauty.

    Vive la musique!

  90. Dear lovely Anita, you are truly an angel! I am so very touched that you thought of me and passed on your well wishes. How I have missed your beautiful and inspiring posts. Clair de Lune always fills me with many strong emotions... ahhh the power of music!
    I shall return to blogging very soon.
    Take care, Abby x

  91. Nita, this music is like candy to my soul... lovely choice to go with your lovely post, my darlin'!!!

    I just came from NoWhere, YOU are so sweet and such a great friend!

    Listen ,come to my ourfamilydolls blog to see a little video when time allow you?

    Love you~

  92. Oh yes...I am holding you hand my friend...this is the week you head back and I will follow in a few days...we can do it! Oh yes we can my friend. Wouldn't another week or two be wonderful?
    Oh but this all means I am closer to seeing you. xoxoxo

  93. Hey there Girly Girl! You my dear make me giggle. I can see you in your turquoise tule, climbing over the wall, trudging through the dirt, and finally emerging through the ferns ready to have a little FUN. Oh I do adore you.
    This morning I was at the shop early AGAIN...but it was a lovely time of window dressing and primping each and every corner of the shop. The paperwork will have to wait for another day...because the afternoon was spent in the fern garden, plotting and planning where each bit of green should go. Am quite happy with the outcome, and will shop for a small Japanese red maple to finish the bed tomorrow. Rain is in the forecast so we will see what I actually accomplish.
    Just got back from a delicious family dinner with Bill's family in Vancouver, now it is time to put my feet up and have a last cuppa before bed...see you in the morning my dear...hugs...R.

  94. So so gorgeous Anita! My eyes are sparking, my heart is soaring and my mind is racing! Thank you for the words and images that always lift my spirits! X

  95. Hi Anita!
    What busy days Chris and I have had with our kitchen renovation plans... Countertop choices are making my eyes hurt :o) But I feel blessed to be able to do this project.
    Your words and images today are so inspiring. I will go visit your friend's site too, the moon pictures are amazing... as is this lovely piano you have shared with us.
    Thank you for being such a dear person and a light in the world for so many ♥
    Have you started getting ready for school yet? I have to organized my classroom and unpack and reassemble computer wires etc.
    Getting our pencils sharpened again :o)
    *happy Monday dear,

  96. Such a lovely, lovely post as always. sigh.... I had to get a cup of tea and listen to this beautiful music. I hope you have a great week my friend ♥

  97. I am mesmorized with your post, it's just so lovely. I adore the color aqua or turquoise blue, it's so striking. Happy to meet you and I am now following you, dear one...Lu

    Wow, I never get the opportunity to pop over in the morning but it is sprinkling down much needed rain, and so will sit and have a quick cuppa with you as we are out and about tonight and won't be home until VERY late.
    TAP...TaP...Tap...goes my fingernails on the arm chair as I wait for this precious little parcel to arrive...nothing yet, but there is a reason we call it "snail mail" I CAN"T WAIT to see your creations!
    Well...I am off to pick up a pretty little Japanese Maple, while I wait for this wetness to pass. Within this fern wonderment I am trying to assemble, I was going to wait to add hosta's until spring ( when I will divide the pretties I already have)...but alas I CAN NOT WAIT, and with all the summer sales I think I can tuck a few into the budget.
    And your stairs...YIPPPEEEE! I can TOTALLY see it now...rustic charm at it's best. Somehow I don't think Rubin will be able to stop here. :)
    Well I MUST run and will chat soon..ENJOY THE DAY!!xoxoxoxo R

  99. Today mister postman SURPRISED me with an envelop all the way from the U.S.A. with beautiful stamps on it . There they were .....
    Tea Rat who also likes coffee and is wearing the most beautiful green socks..... and Rattus Scribus who loves writing and a good cigar !
    Two pieces of art I will treasure for ever !
    Your Audrey is also very beautiful .
    Thank you with all my heart sweet dearest Anita .

  100. I found your blog today and I am mesmerized. Your eloquent words and photos are just beautiful. I look forward to reading your posts!

  101. I would love to hear you play it on your harp. I had one for a while and was going to take lessons, but a baby came along and by the time I was ready, my hubby had returned it to the music store! Alas. I think it is the most beautiful instrument.
    I love your photo with it. You are gorgeous!

    Your images of Paris are wonderful too.

  102. This is simply *Breath-taking*...Anita. Gorgeous colors and words!

    Have a lovely day,



  103. This is so beautifully magical Anita!!! I adore the photos- the ones in the moonlight are enchanting. You are so talented; thank you for sharing your gift with us!!!!
    Hope you had a fabulous weekend!!!
    Shannon XOXO :-)

  104. Dearest friend,I imagine it is a busy time now as you prepare to go back to school after your summer holidays. It always seems to go so quickly but before you know it you are back with your school family staring into the eyes of a new class of wonderous children who await eagerly a new year of mystery. Enjoy your last days!!

  105. Thank you so much Anita!!!! :-)
    My ankle is luckily on the road to healing but not 100% yet...
    The photo of you with the harp is gorgeous!!! You are stunning!!!!!
    My husband & I celebrate our 14th wedding anniversary this year- time flies!!! I can hardly believe that!!!
    Thank you again for reading & commenting on my blog!!! I love your blog & your amazing poetry!!!!
    Talk to you soon!!!!
    Shannon XOXO :-)

  106. Beautiful post and what a stunning photo of you with your harp!

    I ahve been working on signs, and another theatre with a box I had in the garage That I never knew what to do with it until now!
    I will send photos to you soon my friend :)

    Have a beautiful musical week!
    Letting the theatre inspire you!

  107. Good morning sweet friend .
    Today it's so dark outside ( in the morning !) I have all the lights on . The sky is dark-grey and thunder is making it all a better-stay-inside-day oh and lots lots lots of rain .
    Will summer do this to us ?
    Leaving us behind all confused because there has not been much summer and so this cannot be true !
    I am not ready for FALL yet oh no .
    I wanted to tell you I love the film you have on your blog about MISS CLARA et ses merveilles en papier . Thank you .
    You know your way around girl !
    The new schoolyear is nearby and I know you are ready !
    Thinking of you !

  108. Hi Anita
    Thanks for your visit and for going to wish my mate Wyatt a happy birthday, Mom was laughing at me!! the cheek of it, I thought I did ok, and they all seamed to hear me, that was the point of it.
    Don't get milking any goats or any other animal at that state fair will you ;) don't want you coming back with bruises
    Love and hugs to you all
    George xxx

  109. Morning dear one...I pray that your day will be filled with all the joy that is left of Summer...make it a great one. I am off to the airport to pick up my daughter's sweet friend..dark and gloomy weather..perfect to sit in a sweet little coffee shop today and visit ..maybe a little back to school shopping to be done.
    I love going back to school shopping...have you done yours?

    Joy to you sweet one. xoxoxo

  110. see my friend, it is in your genes, as well as your heart!

    I had 3 friends I dreamed of being like as I grew up, one played the accordian, one the marimba and one the harp. The first 2 were adorable, the harp player was like an angel... just sayin'...:)


  111. What a masterful weaver of words, art thou, Anita.

  112. Hope you had a wonderful day Anita!!! :-)
    Thank you so much for your sweet note!!!
    I took my dog, Aidan, back to the vet today. His ear infection wasn't clearing up- they extended his anti biotics so hopefully that will do the trick!!!
    I wanted to look through the amazing photos from this post again!!!! They are so beautiful & inspiring!!!!
    Thank you for your thoughtful, uplifting comments!!!!
    Shannon XO :-)

  113. Dear Anita,

    Just wanted to come by to wish you a sweet and lovely day, back to school on Wednesday. Hope all is well with you.

    Sending love & hugs

  114. Hi Anita,
    I just got back Anita's Inspiration Fabric in a smaller scale. I am going to use it for my guest room curtains printed on a cotton voile.

    Your theater sounds beautiful. Have a beautiful night.


  115. Hello sweet girl!....Ahhhh a "cherry chocolate scone" for me? Oh dearest, I JUST came in from the garden and this will go perfectly with a cuppa of the "Earl".
    You my dear are celebrating! One more week of "summer bliss"...YIPPEEEEEE!!
    Placed another Christmas order today...crystal tree danglies, little potted topiaries, tiny white glitter houses and silver snowflakes...ahhhh tis the season...oops, no it's not quite, is it.
    Tomorrow I will start packing for our fishing trip into the mountains. Have been looking so forward to a little break. No cell phones, No internet, just Bill, the dog, the boat and the cutest little cabin in the woods. Can't Wait.
    Once again Ruben is proving what a prince he will be fabulous for sure.
    Have a perfect Wednesday dear one...see you in the morning...xoxox...R

  116. wow! this is stunning, breath taking and i have to admit this is one of my all time favorites as a piano player (starting playing at age 10) i have admired this song and its intricacies how magical and mysterious is sound!

  117. Dear Anita, thanks for your sweetest comment! Have a splendid day!!!

    Kristin :)

  118. My dear Anita....

    As always, a wonderful post... love the colors... You always take the time to find the perfect photos to share. What a wonderful daddy you had... And, I LOVE the gloriously beautiful photo of you. How wonderful that you can play the harp.


  119. oh thank you for popping by and calling myself an artist! i like to think i'm talented but an artist that's a true compliment! thank you! yes i play the piano its what relaxes me i asked my parents at quite a young age to play and they (surprisingly) said no - they said once i started taking and they paid all this money for lessons i would realize it was hard and stop playing. how funny are parents they know us better then we know ourselves! of course they knew they were wrong but they challenged me and told me when i turned 10 i could start taking we bought a piano and i couldn't get enough played hours a day as i got better and better i played in church and even started teaching threw high school and college i'm still getting requests to teach but i've stopped teaching a while ago. as much as i love the piano and its melodies i knew art was inside me - so i moved to NYC and studied art instead of music. however this melody enchants memories of me being young playing my baby grand in our formal living room the lights down low.. and i would dream.. thank you for this beautiful art you create on your blog for us! it really is an inspiration!

  120. Cher Anita,
    Merci vous pour le chocolat recette. Je falloir arretes manger tre's chocolat. Je suis esperant a' post a re'duction de poids next semaine.
    Avoir un grand jour!
    Whew! French is quite a challange , but I love it. Did anything I wrote in French make sence? I am using a concise french dictionary from the library.

  121. Dearest Anita
    I adore the way you describe your papa. I miss mine so so much.
    You know I LOVE that pic of you too don't you?
    Are you back to school this week? Didn't it go by so fast? I just can't believe that fall is around the corner.
    Live and Love Forever... I like that : )
    And I love you
    Love me

  122. I am so happy you get a few extra days to enjoy my friend. Crazy how fast the days go.
    Today is my work day on the computer...lots of deadlines are due Sept. must work all day so I can play tomorrow. My daughter's sweet friend is here and we want to take her out and about.

    Love and hugs and do enjoy your extra few days. I am mentally preparing myself as it will be tough to get up Monday morning.


  123. Sparkly T*I*A*R*A*S...what could be finer? Well lucky you, having a shop overflowing with INSPIRATION just around. Ready for you to peruse on a whim.
    Today was spent packing, packing, packing...and tomorrow will be more of the same. But it will worth it all on Friday, as we will be off for a R&R in the woods.
    I still have SO MUCH to do, so this is going to have to be a short cuppa. May your Thursday be FULL of J*O*Y my sweet friend...see you in the morning..xoxox...R

  124. What a beautiful, poetic post to Claude most favorite of all composers and my most beloved song I love the most of all...Clair De Lune. You touched my heart with this one. The very first time I heard Clair De Lune played I was enraptured and the melody was so romantic I wept our of pure joy!
    Romance lives on in our hearts~
    P.S. thank you for stopping by my blog earlier this evening.
    love, and hugs,
    Teresa in California

  125. Dear Anita,
    Where do you find all these gorgeous pictures!!! Love love love this post!! It is always a pleasure to visit you here!!
    Dikke kussen!

  126. Hi Mme. Rivera! Thank you so much for your sweet comment! Yes,I did visit the Dutchess and saw Miss Moussie and Mozes. I love her drawings and yours too! ;) I can't wait to see you at school too! And by the way, I absolutely LOVE the pictures that you chose for this post! See you when school starts!


    - Alex ;)

  127. Morning dear friend...what enchanting things do you have planned for your day? It is Thursday...I don't want to do a count down but it is happening in my head...oh dear...I will forget I only have 4 days left and enjoy my day today.
    I was a good girl yesterday and got most of my work done so I will reward myself with a shopping day and lunch with the to find some sweet little shops and treasure hunt for my home! Happy dance.

    xoxoxoxo love to you.

  128. This is my first visit. But, will not be my last. This is possibly the most beautiful thing I have seen in a long time!...Janey

  129. Oh how I love that photo of you with your harp, and I am picturing you playing this magical song...

    ~ Violet

  130. Sooooo many memories flood my mind and body and spirit as the magical music begins to sister practicing on the grand piano in the living room...every single day...for hours. Her piano teacher was a stately woman who insisted Lynn have a grand to 'practice' on... She could play this hauntingly beautiful piece to perfection. I heard Gershwin, Bach, Beethovan...the she mastered the art and became a pianist.
    How amazing, the similarities that continue to show themselves in our worlds that have encircled one another...
    I have been deep cleaning, laundering, and gardening this week, so I have missed chatting.....taking a break tomorrow to have tea/lunch with sweet blogger friend Mary, my mother and my sister Lynn:)
    Thank you for sharing this incredible post my dearest friend....your writing takes my breath...I read and reread to take it all in. Such incredible phrases that flow onto these graceful and you...poised at your lovely harp.
    Have a wonderful evening dearest,

  131. Debussy was inspired by JMW Turner, did you know? He found his paintings revelatory.... well who doesn't?
    The tunes and images that wrap themselves around our hearts and minds and influence and touch us. It is a beautiful thing. I can never listen to Debussy without seeing streams and ponds... misty air and the breath of new stars just entering a late day sky. Magic indeed.

  132. If you could only SEE what I HEAR
    oh the senses...some so keen for others
    some not
    The gifted....touched with talent we can't comprehend
    love your images
    I wish we could all tap into the things that God has provided for us
    but.......cause we are human, we don't know yet how to "get to them"
    they are there
    someday..........we'll all SEE what others HEAR
    everything will be in tune
    love ya

  133. I love this and again, gorgeous photos. You are just stunning! Thank you for sharing all this beauty with us.


  134. Oh how I love those moon in Paris shots! I must go have a look. One of them is my favorite building in Paris but I've never been inside. It's where they held Marie Antoinette before she was guillotined. I think that's why I have a bit of reluctance to go in. Thank you for sharing these.
    xoxo~ Kirsten

  135. Happy Friday...we made it through the week my week will be a breeze..right?

    I am so happy to hear your enthusiasm for the upcoming year and that your back is back to normal! are now on the right track for the new year and nothing can stop you!

    Are you at work today? I do not have to been in so I have an extra long weekend...yes..we go back Tuesday as well...the fun will begin!

    Enjoy every moment...I will see you soon...14 days!!! Yahoooooooo. Oh off to take a peek right now at the class I will be taking on Sat. so you can join me if you want. Will email you soon. xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

  136. Amazing! I'll go back and look at this again and again! You are so everything you do, my friend! ♥

  137. More smiles are being created on my skin right now. :) Can that happen all over my skin? Oui!



"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echos are truly endless." -Mother Teresa