Thursday, August 25, 2011

Breakfast At Tiffanys

I couldn't put it down.

I finally sat down long enough

to experience the bite of the unknown

and chilling plunge

into the

first chapter.

Then, as if they had a say in the whole affair

the stringed lights in my garden

flickered in dim unison

like children joined hand-in-hand

whimsically chanting summer's 



the tale endures.

For it is in the HEART of the story 

where the treasures are found

that ignite the joy

of knowing that the dreams of a child

and the insecurities of an adolescent

can flower into the wisdom of an adult.

Because when you follow the story of your life just remember that

My summer holiday is over 

but the plot thickens.

My students and I are waiting 

to learn that

So before I start on 

my way back to the classroom

I just want to tell you that 

Thank you

for a summer of 

gift exchanges

and most of all for the confidence that I can collaborate

with you in creating a place to

forget the troubles of the world 

in order to remember 

what is close to your heart.


Photo Credits: Pinterest
Sketches of children and Audrey Hepburn: Anita Castles Crowns and Cottages ©


  1. Beautiful thoughts! The middle is always the best part of dessert too! where all the richness can be found like the inside of a macaroon ;) Wishing a joyous year ahead in the classroom..xo HHL

  2. My favourite movie!!
    Beautiful post!
    Thank goodness here in Canada we still have two weeks before school is back in!!
    Pamela :)

  3. Dear Anita, as your new shcool year kicks off, and the hustle and bustle begins, I hope you will remember to take time to smell the flowers, and dream.... The illustration of Audrey is WONDERFUL!!! Love it! I love the heart shaped crystal...not sure what type it is, but I collect heart shaped rocks..something about the purity of the stone, and the symolism within the shape of a heart, that attracts me, and my love of nature.

    I am an idealist, I'm not sure where I'm going, but I'm on my way" ~ Carl Sandberg~

    seems to fit many of us often times...xoxox Christel

  4. Dearest Anita

    Your sketching is superb, you are so full of beautiful surprises!

    You have woven a beautiful story here and gives food for thought.

    I wish you an abundance of joy and success in the new school year. Your students are so fortunate to have you.You are making wonderful impressions and what a role model you are. I hope teachers take a page from you book

    Helen xx

  5. Hi Anita, beautiful post as always. Here's wishing you a wonderful new school year.
    hugs~~~ Daphne

  6. Merci cher ami for this beautiful and heartfelt post.. Your words bring tears of joy. I was just thinking of Audrey, and here she is.. Your drawing if beautiful. I see happiness in her eyes.
    Thank you for the beautiful summer.
    Bonsoir cher ami

  7. Dear Anita
    I love this post. I don't know how you always manage package so much inspiration in so few words.

    Like you, I start a new academic year with humble confidence in the belief that "the dreams of a child and the insecurities of an adolescent can flower into the wisdom of an adult."

    PS, your pic choices really send me.

  8. Anita, I will say again that I am in awe of your gifts! Your sketches, your writing, your compassion and your job! Your students are so, so lucky! You are kind, creatinve, compassionate and full of life, they will reap all of these benifits. I am sure that you are the one teacher that each one of these 4o kids will say made the most impact on their life!

    Beautiful words, and photos! I love the photo of the circle of fairies or were they princesses. And I love the one of the woman standing with the fabulous black bag in the Place de la COncord!

    Have a wonderful week!

    Elizabeth xo

  9. Well hello, dear friend! I was just on my way over to ask you how Monday went, and then I see that you have posted another treasure! And with a drawing of my favorite actress!! It's great! I want to wish you a most successful and rewarding year at school. Although I won't be going back this September, I think I know how you feel...the sadness of leaving your gardening and personal time behind , but the joy of heading back to the challenge and rewards of the classroom. Your students are lucky to have you!
    Bless you! And them!

  10. Oh how lovely,
    This is an amazing sketch!..I AM STILL WAITING (not patiently) For the magic you have created to arrive...soon I'm sure.
    Well, I'm packed and ready to go. Have a perfect day back in your classroom...Talk to you soon xoxoxo R

  11. Oh my! You are a teacher!!!! I didn't know that about you, but of course you are! It all makes sense from one educator to another...blessings on your school year, ME

  12. This is fabulous Anita!!!!!!
    "Holly Golightly" would love it!!!!
    I'd adore one of your Audrey Hepburn drawings!!!
    The photos in this post are magical; your blog is truly special & a gift to all who read it!!!!
    Shannon XO :-)

  13. Anita, you are just so awesome. May you be truly blessed for sharing so much wonderfulness with us.

  14. Summer goes so quickly, and before you know it you are back to school again. Another year of students that you will impress, inspire and encourage to follow their own rainbows waiting around the bend.

    Beautiful post, images and thoughts.


  15. Your posts just take my breath away........pure bliss!

    Looking forward to the next one,

  16. What a gorgeous post, gorgeous words & gorgeous pictures have a gorgeous start back to a new school year :)))

  17. So beautiful! You are amazing, Anita. What lucky students await the wonders you'll show them this year.
    Wish I could be a student in your class. ;-)
    All the best for a fabulous year ahead. ~ Sarah

  18. Blessings dear Anita!

    I pray this new school year is filled with great joy. Your students are so very lucky to have you!!


  19. I just came back over to listen to my beloved "Moon River" and take another long look at your lovely post, and then I noticed the little row of children,,,they are adorable! And you drew them!! So sweet! You really must make up some note cards for us all to buy!
    Bon nuit :)

  20. Dearest Anita .... I have been so busy and I just had some quiet time to visit you and your beautiful blog! IT IS ALWAYS SO INSPIRING! You are incredible the way you put a story together and link it within images that reach out to us all. I love this post as even though your summer is over you are ready to charge back to your students full of optimism and enthusiasm that only someone like you with such a love of life can muster! Bravo Anita and I only wish I could come and sit in your classroom because you have much to teach all of us! I so adore the comment the "best is the middle" as it is so true of so many things in life. Anita your artwork is gorgeous, stunning ..... I am in awe! With my best wishes always

  21. Thoughtful and beautiful post today. Thanks for the cheer-up.

  22. Hello Anita:
    What an absolutely enchanting post which is beautifully and thoughtfully put together.

    We do hope that you will enjoy a very peaceful and relaxing weekend.

  23. Thank you ...

    Maybe a little chat ...on Sunday..?

  24. Ah, friday's and inspiration and all is well with the world!

    Thank you dearest. Have a superb weekend my friend.

  25. Bonjour ANita,
    Another lovely post, you do have a way with words and always with such sweet thoughts behind it all.
    Audrey is marvelous!
    Bonne week-end,

  26. Kalimera (goodmorning)Anita.Lovely lovely post.

    Best of luck to you on your return back to the classroom,and a happy weekend to you!~~Becky

  27. I am always amazed at how touched and emotionally charged I feel when I finish looking at your post(s). Seriously you have that effect on me Anita!
    Love the hope and inspiration that this post gives and all the Dr. Seuss quotes, many of my all time favorites are so very true and such great reminders to find joy in what we DO have WHILE we have it.
    A beautiful message here expressed in such a brilliant way that truly does stir up the right emotions in me....bravo Anita!

    PS Love Audrey and this rainy stormy weekend we have ahead of us makes it a perfect weekend to watch Breakfast at Tiffanys AGAIN!!

  28. As a high school teacher and a new empty nester, this spoke to me in so many different ways. Thank you!

  29. As a high school teacher and a new empty nester, this spoke to me in so many different ways. Thank you!

  30. Anita, the summer may be waning... but another new adventure is beginning.... Breakfast at Tiffany's is one of my favourite films... I feel a new optimism each time I watch it... the images of Audrey boost the spirits.. she is so carefree and positive.... a good example for us to follow... Much love on your new chapter! X

  31. One of your BEST posts! I wish I studied French with you in high school and college! I am sure you impart much much more than just a new language to your students (as if that is not enough!) - your wonderful outlook on life is infectious!

  32. mon ami
    your words
    and art
    bring me to


  33. What a lovely whimsical post! Here I am reading blogs when I should be starting on my housework ~ but I now have a little spring in my step thanks to your beautiful post. Thank you for sharing your wonderful talent for poetry & prose, Sally xx

  34. Good morning Anita! Oh it is you that inspire us to feel that we can reach the end of the world! Your children are so lucky to have you this year and will better in this world because you have given them the confidence and love to embrace all that is out there.
    I wish you the best for the new school year my dear!!
    Much Love to you!

  35. How could it be, that it is time for Anita to go back to school? Do you have your metal lunch box and thermos, peanut butter sandwich and chips and juice?

    Do you stick a flower in your hair and keep a stiff upper lip?
    I know the child in you still wants summer vacation to never end. Lazy and fun-filled summer days gone by but always tucked in your memory to unpack next June!

    I loved my tag and the sketch you sent Anita. I have a small collection of your treasures in my living room shadow box. A part of you, is always with me.
    Live bright, teach with all your might and stay out of the principals office.
    Cheers to a new year!

    Oh yes...Don't forget to pack Rubens Super Powers lunchbox! A little Superman, Batman and Wonder Women go a long way through a school year!

  36. Hello Anita again:
    Thank you so much for your very kind reply to our comment which did indeed appear on our previous post. However, we just wanted you to know that we had received your comment on our newest post, for which we thank you, and had made reply to it [as we do to all our comments].

    Still whatever, this has given us another opportunity to be serenaded to Moon River and to be entranced by the images of AH again!!

  37. Tout simplement : MERCI A TOI ...
    Images exquises d'un été finissant ... tendresse et poésie, j'ai aimé te suivre au fil des billets offerts chargés d'émotion.
    Gros bisous douce Anita

  38. Anita! your sketches are amazing! is there anything you cannot do?! lovely post, i read it last night before going to bed it was just like starting a dream while i was still awake! thank you , xo sandra

  39. Is it that time for you already my dear friend? I only wish I could have been one of your summer dreams, but I know you enjoyed your time at home with Ruben.
    I LOVE your sketch of AUdrey. Did the girls tell you we had an outdoor movie night with Audrey? Roman Holiday. Randy picked it, it's one of his favourites. : )
    May your first days back at school be ones that will linger on your students hearts and mind, because they are very fortunate to have you as their teacher.
    I love you
    Love Me

  40. Anita, I adore this post... it is always such an inspiration to come here. Your artwork is amazing ~ Audrey Hepburne is such a lovely soul ~ her spirit lives on is so many ways ~ She gave of herself to the end.

    I hope you feel refreshed and can enter into the new school year with smiles.
    {I went in yesterday for about 10 hours to prepare my room - still not done! Things got dusty there over the summer because of floor work - luckily most things in my room were covered}

    Do you make a special banner for the students ~ Bien sur c'est en Français!
    Have a sweet day*

  41. Thanks for the inspiration... now I'm off to see the world, at least my part of it!

  42. Oh my goodness...this post of yours speaks so much to me today my friend...thank you for this!

    I think this is my favourite post of yours...I do...I do. Such beautiful images once again as well. and our turquoise! Your illustrations are stunning.

    Love to you for our last Friday...I have decided to make Jam today to celebrate! I think I am ready.......xoxoxoxoxo

  43. Yes school is in session at the University where I work

    I would love to work in the art department and wish I had gotten my PHD in antiques

    I want to tell you I love love love your beautiful header that beautiful dreamy dress and that tucked back velvet sofa

    that sofa is in my dream book


  44. Anita, my dear gentle soul!

    What a beautiful farewell to a rich, carefree and wonderfully creative Summer, and a lovely toast to "the best which is yet to come"! A pink martini toast to be exact, Audrey is raising her glass!
    What spectacular images, that gem of a turquoise heart took my breath away..
    And your drawing of the children, Alex and I adore that one. You will have some VERY lucky kids in your class, my dear, for so many reasons!
    Love Dr.Seuss, love Moon River, love your Audreys, LOVE YOU!

  45. A very nice post! Again great pictures and very touching ...
    I wish you all the best for the new school year!

    a nice weekend

  46. A very nice post! Again great pictures and very touching ...
    I wish you all the best for the new school year!

    a nice weekend

  47. Hi Anita,

    Wow, you are quite the artist! I love the expression and emotions you conveyed within the story of this post. I felt as though I too could jump off a pink suitcase with pink pumps into a world of opportunity and freedom.

    Thanks for sharing. Have a lovely weekend!

  48. Hi Anita,

    Wow, you are quite the artist! I love the expression and emotions you conveyed within the story of this post. I felt as though I too could jump off a pink suitcase with pink pumps into a world of opportunity and freedom.

    Thanks for sharing. Have a lovely weekend!

  49. Oh, Anita...thank you for how beautifully you encourage and inspire....what blessed students to learn from you. thank you for the cheering on.

  50. Is it a picture tells a thousand words or a thousand words expressed in a picture?

    You are gifted and I always enjoy coming by to see what Anita has to tell today.

    Your students await an amazing mentor. May they one day know who truly lucky they were to have had you on thier path.

  51. Anita!! Why must your posts always bring a tear to my eye???
    I am, as usual, so touched by your words. This song is one of my favorites. So much so, that my I told my husband years ago, only in my early twenties, that (not to sound morbid) I'd like the version from the film played at my funeral. :) It's a thought that actually makes me happy....but I do love a sad song.
    Thank you for your beautiful post. :) :) :) Blessings to you. :)

  52. Dearest Anita, let´s then live the middle for beginnings no ends...just the between! Superb!! I am sure Mr. Summer will miss you bad and then he will be back sooner than you expect!!!
    There is a bunny right here on my desk looking at me and I think he is sending you many many kisses and hugs!!!
    Love, always, Bela

  53. What a great post...i live only the middles from now beginning no ends !! that is the spirit darling....thank you for you......and yes it is almost automn.....kisses from

  54. Oh Anita....
    I'm completely overwhelmed.
    I "got this" post immediately...and I don't need to say anymore (you made me cry, but you a good way).
    I cannot begin to express what our friendship has meant to me...cartwheels and magic is probably the best description. :) :)
    Wow, did this come at the perfect time, and you'll know why when I "see" you this weekend.
    We have much to talk about, my dear friend.
    Maybe we can break our record of four hours??
    I think so!!!
    Just a beautiful, thought provoking, wonderful post...
    I can't imagine what the two of us will be like once the package has been delivered and opened.
    Who is popping the pink champagne first??? :) :)
    (I'll be in touch tonight!!)
    Much love, Lisa xoxoxoxoxo

  55. Anita, once again a lovely, beautiful, inspiring post. I want to live in your blog. And your rendering of Audrey Hepburn, you are so, so talented. While listening to Moon River, looking at your beautiful pictures and being transported by your words to a world that I wish I could inhabit all the time. ... You really are Audrey Hepburn.


  56. I envy your pupils if only all teachers'were so encouraging the world would be a true oyster bed.Ida xx

  57. Wonderful, beautiful, inspiring, made me smile.
    Thank you, besos, C

  58. Dearest Anita,
    I just loved this post. I want that torquoise rock heart!! Your drawing of Audrey Hepburn is exquisite. Is it that time already - back to school? My daughter, Nel, teaches Freshman College, and she loves it. You have given me confidence in the blogging circle, and for that my dear, I thank you.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  59. It is a beautiful place you have created here! There is something about the end of summer that gets to me every year. I wish you a year of many successes, inspiration, and the best group of students yet. Enjoy!

  60. How absolutely beautiful! Your photos are divine and the message is it all. Thank you for sharing and I wish you much success this year!


  61. Enjoy your fall Anita. Memories of the fall's in my life are so sweet.I loved looking at the J.C. Penny catalogs as a girl.Just knowing I would look wonderful in all those tweeds and back to school plaids and knee high socks.I miss that look even now around sept.You have so much to look forward to.Drink it up my girl.

  62. Hello sweet Anita,
    Thank you for the wishes. I wish you also te best to a new school year. Yes summer is slipping away and that is not a good feeling it makes me a little sad. But after a few months we have christmas, time goes fast.
    But I still have one month vacation. I'm a teacher in an evening school for adults and we start Oct.1.
    A new shool year is always exiting for me, I always wondered how the new students are.
    How are you feeling about a new school year?
    Hugs for you from my little part of the world,

  63. such a perfectly timed post ... to match your (overly) generous and gracious comment at the ole porkster, aka FatScribe.

    you and your hubby represent a very rare double-threat, a husband and wife blogger-extraordinaire team.

    btw, what you wrote made my day (if not my month!). now, your husband has a way with words (which you obviously know and enjoy) -- but i'll hold on to your compliment for another moment or two before deflecting it on over to FatusScribusRatusWritus! ;)

  64. Dear Anita,

    So beautiful! I wish you the best of luck as you begin your new school. Your students are truly blessed to have you.



    p.s. I LOVE the Audrey sketch, and the one of the children, too.

  65. My goodness Anita, you are so talented, your sketches are wonderful... I love them!
    How lovely that you found time to visit my blog, it is always a pleasure to read your comments.
    A new term is always exciting. We have new children coming to the RDA centre in two weeks time. It is always a huge challenge for them but so rewarding to see them make progress.
    My thoughts will be with you over the coming weeks as you begin your new school year. And I shall look forward to your inspiring and beautifully written posts as always.
    Abby x

  66. Oh, always have the most wonderful way of saying the most wonderful things...thank-you for all you share, dear friend!


  67. Very beautiful!

    Back to school and getting busy? I can imagine that you enjoy your profession.

    Have a great weekend!

    Cruise Pictures

  68. So enchanting!
    We need a date
    for you to venture
    west again, before
    the snow flies....
    October, perhaps?
    Good luck next
    week and don't
    close the book on
    summer, quite yet....
    I think she is
    still pulling us
    close : )
    xx Suzanne

  69. Each picture was perfect!
    Blessings, Joanne

  70. Good evening, Anita!
    I am constantly amazed at the beautiful pictures you find and the words you come up with to encourage. And this music today is so pretty. I love it :)
    I am so glad that you had a wonderful summer. It is hard to imagine Fall is just around the corner, while it is still 100 degrees outside here. But, with summer ending, thankfully a new season begins with such promise. I always find it hard to get back into things after a break, but I hope you found it to be easy to get back to school. I hope that it is a wonderful semester for you and your students. You are a wonderfully inspiring teacher I am sure!
    Have a beautiful weekend! I am off to the coast once more. I suppose it is my little farewell to summer.
    Sending much love to you!

  71. i love the little girl in the swing. how lovely! it's so enchanting! and the woman sitting in the pink chair! i love coming every time I do!

    Bren @ B So Chic!™

  72. G'day!...Yes I have finally made it back to Blogland. Yours is the very first I had to see...and as usual, I was not disapointed.
    Charming exquiste photos, verse and quotes.
    Well done, and hankyou, Anita.

    May the rest of your school year bring much contentment.

  73. You go gal! Forwards and upwards. Many little treasures await your magic. Be sure to show them some of your posts so they too can ooh and ahh at the loveliness you create.Fiona

  74. Woohoo, gorgeous post as always. Your words, lines, messages are the best, Anita.
    Enjoy a wonderful Sunday, get your mind all set for a whole new adventurous school year!
    xx and some more xx

  75. Oooooo! What GREAT ART you have made!!
    Oh Anita, This little space between Summer and Fall is the best time of the year....but so quick and short!

    Blessings to your Teaching return....(the students will be GRANDLY BLESSED)!!!! ;-D
    Many Many Blessings, Lots and Lots of HUGS, and Plenty of Love, Linnie

  76. Anita, Not to be redundant, but this post is so beautiful and touching. it is one I will keep and pass along to dear friends. Thank you for sharing meaningful sentiments and your artistic talent. Quite impressive.

  77. This is so BEAUTIFUL!!!

    Oh if only summer lasted at least one more month before school begins. You have had such a lovely summer with time to relax, read, write poetry and draw.... and of course to GLITTER to your hearts content : )

    But there are some children who need to know and be inspired by an amazing teacher, and so off you go to do God's work in a classroom of wide-eyed, and open-hearted little ones who are so special and unique....

    Whose lives will be enriched by not only what you teach but WHO YOU ARE!!!

    My life has been so enriched by knowing you my wonderful friend!
    And your blog is the absolute BEST I've ever seen!!!

    Love you,

  78. Very lovely and inspiring images...

    best wishes on your way back to school, it is a very noble profession and I'm sure that as you inspire us with your words and images you inspire your students more ♥

    Love that movie and the soundtrack Moonriver... and of course I adore Audrey and her style, so very iconic ♥

  79. Just stopped back to enjoy your eye candy. I love your sense of design. Your selection of colors is perfect. I love that illustration that you did of the children.

    Happy weekend.


  80. Dearest Anita...I truly hope that you have had a wonderful summer...I am eagerly awaiting it over here (as is my arm and shoulder)...another beautiful post...Let's hope that you have a fabulous year ahead in teaching!!! Much love and cheers to you for the weekend...Dzintra

    JoJo loved having you visit...she had a fabulous birthday!!!

  81. Dearest Anita,

    I hear you! I too am a teacher and, although this year I will not be treading the familiar path to the schoolgates, new briefcase and files in hand, I am living those first new, exciting days with you.

    For me the New Year starts on September 1st, not January 1st. It is a time of crisp mornings and fresh starts.

    I took my job of teaching very seriously but my main aim is too work by pupils to the bone without making them realise they are working; yes, laughter and inspiration are the key, don't you agree?

    This year I shall stay at home with my youngest child and continue to write when the sun goes down and she is asleep.

    Thank you for the glittering, pure, and joyful summer you have given us. I look forward to hearing your tales of eager faces, nervous smiles, and 'Let Us Begin'.


  82. Anita, I almost don't know what to say. My words seem so inadequate when reading yours. The phrase that comes to my mind is,"What a beautiful, heartfelt post that has touched my heart, Thankyou!"
    xo Kathysue

  83. How I love stopping by! I agree with all of your fine words here, and was so happy to get to know you this summer....all of the best to you with school!

  84. Just wonderful. And, thank you so much for being in my life. You have made me smile every time I read one of your brilliant posts. Sending love, sweetie....

  85. A most beautiful post! Yes, summer is almost over but so many wonderful things to come...
    xoxo, B

  86. Anita, the summer has been beautiful, n'est pas? :)
    Back to lovely for the children who are blessed to have you teach and adore them.
    Love this are beautiful!

    Deborah xoxo

  87. It was a GOOD summer, you have been a great bloggy friend, very, very, encouraging. Love Moon River!! You NEVER fail to set a mood, a very GOOD mood. I am over the top busy, want nothing more than not to be...but it is what it is, and I would not miss a visit to you dear friend!
    Enjoy your new school year!

  88. LOVE your sweet little drawings! LOVE it all! i just can not believe that summer is almost over?? how can that be? you, my dear have been a wonderful support, to so included. thank you! have a wonderful school year.

  89. I'll bet you are a terrific and inspiring teacher! Your lucky students! Thanks for a beautiful post and wishes for a great year.

  90. reading through and losing myself in those magical photos and listening to the music has transported me to a wonderful place, one that I will hold tight to, just as I do the last drops of Summer. Thank you for sharing all this beauty, Catherine x

  91. absolutely marvelous! this post has brightened my mood ten-fold for the day. thank you.

  92. As kids, we would sit up in an apple tree and sing "Moon River"! I love that.

    You made the most of your summer, and now your "kids" await! Many of us had a teacher that made an impact on our lives, a teacher we never forgot. I was lucky to have had 3 such teachers. I think a lot of students will remember you always, if you put as much into your teaching as I think you do.

  93. I can not beleive summer is almost over. I am sure you are excited to be going back to all your students! I love Audrey and I of course love Tiffany's (right accross the street from my job)but I love you more for always haveing the sweetest things to say on my blog and you write so beautifully that sometimes I come to read older posts for inspiration and for a hug! Thank you! Grace xoox

  94. Hi Anita,
    Oh simply divine! You post is all inspiring and your artwork is awesome.
    May your journey back to a new school year be filled with wonder and new beginnings.
    Thank you for sharing your heart at summer's end!

    Blessings always,
    Celestina Marie XO

  95. I have been doing some blog browsing today and found YOU - I am so glad I stopped by. I now have a smile on my face. Merci x Suzi

  96. You gave so much, too. Appreciation doesn't begin to express it. Great day to you, friend! Blessings.

  97. Hello Anita,
    nice to meet you, your visit
    and your comment gave me a
    great pleasure, I find your blog
    it's great, it seems to go around
    a dream, ssperiamo to feel again!
    a hug
    Suzy x
    P.S. You can also write in English,
    I have a simultaneous translator

  98. IGNITE = my new word ...learned from you !
    I was a bit out of order because my youngest ....son Thomas moved last friday to his studenthome .
    Boxes and stuf everywhere .....
    and now he's gone .....
    I know it's what he wants and what's good for him ...but letting go is also ........
    I am glad my little Eva and her parents came to me on saterday ....
    Dearest .... your 2011 summerholiday is almost leaving too ......
    Back to school for you ...I envie ..
    Tomorrow after therapy I am going to have coffee at Saskia !
    I look forward !
    We'll be thinking of you !

  99. Dear Anita,

    Such a beautiful post and photos you have shared today.
    Like all good things, holidays sometimes come to an end.
    Wishing you a happy Sunday and all the best for a wonderful time ahead, back to school.
    Enjoy the last of your summer and sending hugs to you

  100. How wonderful, that was so uplifting. We came here from George the lads blog although also follow on our crafty one just to confuse. I just love looking at all the wonderful photo's and words you put together, thank you :-) Di x

  101. hello my lovely enchanting friend

    this post has given me the most delightful goosepimples and i absolutely adore your illustrations! you are such a talent and a JOY, a HUGE JOY and one of life's most precious gifts and treasures.. and Anita that is so True! you are WONDERFUL!!!

    sending you warmest Hugs from afar and love from all here in The Meadow, including Peace Lily, Twinkle and the 3 snowy cats =^.^= xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx



  102. Girl, where do you find all these lovely commenters! :)
    Thanks for the musique today. I don't know why really, but it made me think of Paris.......sniff..........
    Have a wonderful year with your students. I love Dr. Seuss quotes and those are two of my favs.
    Bon dimanche,

  103. fabulous work and the thoughts to go by...wonderful!

  104. I love that you share so much with us Anita. Lovely thoughts, quotes and pictures. My love to you and Ruben.

    xo, Bonnie

  105. Oh my friend...say it isn't so...your back..your back! That is not a good sign for the coming busy week. You must get into your chiropractor today! I will pray all will be well soon back is never 100% anymore..I think it is something I just need to live with. It always reminds me to "be careful"..which is a good thing I guess.

    So my dear which classes are you taking at the The Creative Connection Event? If you want I will email you my class we can sit together in a class..3 hours! What fun that would be making jewellery together.

    I am getting so to book my supper shuttle pass right now so I can get to the hotel from the airport hassle free!

    Sending you oooodles of love today and will be thinking of you tomorrow will beat me into school but I will be on your heels.

    Today is going to be HOT! Off to get all my work done early. Hugs. xoxoxoxo

  106. Hi Anita !
    Thank you so much for checking in with our weather today!
    Well, the capital region is getting a soaking. My back yard has a lot of water in it... 2 sump pumps are running non stop in the basement... I do hope that the power stays on, {the lights flicker every now and then} we have a generator, but it's a lot of work getting that going...
    The winds are supposed to get worse as the morning progresses into afternoon...a tree cracked in my neighbor's yard. I believe we'll be okay... but it's just a little nerve wracking!
    God bless you, dear ♥

  107. Bonjour,
    Just found your lovely blog, and what a post that was. Love that you included the unforgettable soundtrack. I am French teacher too, by the way, about to go back to school in Seattle. A bientot, Veronique aka French Girl in Seattle

  108. Thank you, thank you, thank you! That was so words can describe how beautiful each photo and the whole concept is! I'm so happy The Enchanted Home directed me to you!

  109. Happy Sunday, Anita!

    Those are GREAT drawings. You are so talented!!! What a lovely post - perfect way to wrap up your summer vacation. Your students are going to be so blessed to have you as their Teacher. I hope you have a fantastic school year!

    I have enjoyed corresponding with you so much!

    Heidi (hi-d)

  110. This post is so inspirational, love it ! I love your blog, it's so delicate, elegant...I am following you on google friend connect and it would be a honour if you liked my blog enough to follow back ! Greetings from Italy

  111. Beautiful post as always so well written! I wish you the best this year with your new students!

    I have been keeping very busy with paintings and Trigger is not feeling well so I have been nursing him this weekend.

    Hope you have a wonderful week :)


  112. Dearest Anita, Spotty was most grateful that you sent him a hug. I just managed to put my arms around his neck (it has also got bigger, like his tummy!) and gave him a big squeeze. I followed this by a kiss on his velvety nose, so now I am back in his good books again!
    I hope you have had a lovely weekend.
    Abby x

  113. Thank you Anita for your kind comment back and for following my blog too ! My parents are both retired teachers so I understand it's a great job but it's also time consuming ! Have a good start of the week then and let's keep in touch :) Kisses

    Fashion and Cookies

  114. Hello Anita,
    What a wonderful words!! thank you for this encouraging post. I wish you a great new season at the school.

    Muchos besos desde Madrid (de nuevo aquí)


  115. Bless you, dear heart...what a lovely post.
    How well I remember my favorite school teacher. She was my fourth grade teacher, Mrs. Sorenson, and she is probably in heaven by now. She was the most inspirational teacher I ever had. She taught us how to dip candles, she had us all collecting rocks and she had lapidary equipment and polished hundreds of stones for her students and gave them all away! She was such a generous soul...we also had sea shell collections, and she had a kiln and she taught us how to sculpt in clay. She also took us to a nearby succulent nursery where we bought our own succulents and began our own rock and succulent gardens. To this day, I still have succulents in pots in my back yard. For those who learned their multiplication tables, she taught those lucky few how to crochet. I think there were only three who learned completely, and I envied the smart boy who sat next to me as he was allowed 'free time' in class to crochet a pot holder. Thus began my love for crochet which I learned at the age of thirteen from my own grandmother.
    Awwww! Life can be grand when one has a school teacher who takes out all the stops and heightens the imagination of children. God bless you as you teach~
    Oh, and I do so love your handmade theatres, they are so enchanting!
    I send this with sprinklings of fairy dust for a magical day~
    Teresa in CA

  116. Hope your Summer was great! Wonderful post as always.

  117. Hello Dear Anita,
    You have been at it again! Joy! I love your posts. You have captured summer beautifully here. I hope your students know and appreciate what a gift they have in you. I didn't know you drew ... my friend, what can't you do?! I feel so blessed to know you through blogging. I imagine that every person that comes in contact with you, is so blessed , as if gold dust has been sprinkled on them. That's how I feel after a visit to your blog or with you.
    Blessings and hugs~

  118. p.s.
    Sorry I do not have scype. And I think I am going to study french a bit more before I try to practice it.

  119. Your photos are always stunning.....but it's your words that are remembered.

    I found several things in here I really liked
    where you explained the lights as "children joined hand in hand"
    that conjurs up such a lovely image of friends, who sparkle just because Being together brings out the best in us.

    It is certainly true that the growth we experience from child to adolescent to adult is quite a journey. And often shaped by the experiences we have a long the way. How we handle all of those experiences.
    with the hope of NOT letting go of all of our dreams

    I like that quote by Sandra Bullock....I used it a lot with my teenagers. It is from the movie HOPE FLOATS.....did you know that?

    A new school year....already. wow
    But...there is something exciting about "a new year/beginning" as it always holds the promise of possibility.

    Reminded me of my 9 year old grandson explaining to me his first week of school. GRANDMA, this is going to Be the BEST YEAR ever. How cute is that.

    And....I'd love to have breakfast/lunch/dinner with you at Tiffany's....or just some small coffee shop, where secrets can be shared.
    how about Claudies back yard. It is pretty magical.
    I'll tell her we are coming (tee,hee)

  120. Once again I am whisked off, this time into the past with your beautiful rendition of Audrey, to the future, where our hopes and dreams still soar.

    I know I am not a poet, but when I come here, I also leave with those 'poetical heart stirrings'... so I always come with expectations that Anita is going to capture in words and pictures what I already am feeling!! :)

    Have a wonderful, best yet year with these young hearts and minds. It's for sure they are getting a lesson in life and dreams from their teacher!


  121. Anita, I just fell in love with your blog in one beautiful post. It's the first time I've ever been here and you've enchanted and enthralled me. I've always loved that song but the photos you put with this made my heart want to sing and cry at the same time. It's absolutely beautiful.

    Hugs...Tracy :)

  122. Hi Anita. I just posted a link to this post on my blog. You can see it here:

    I hope you don't mind me using your picture to add to the post. I was just so taken by your post I had to spread the word and couldn't wait for permission. Hope you forgive me. BTW - that picture makes my heart soar!

  123. Bonjour et courage!!!

    Muchos besos Anita para tí,


  124. Have a wonderful day my friend..hope your back is ok today. Here we go...just had to pop on in before I ran out the door. Love to you. xoxoxoxo

  125. Hi Anita,

    Happy end of summer to you. It has been a hot one but a terrific one. Busy (yay) with a few once in a lifetime opportunities. I never thought I would be on a private jet piloted by the former pilot of AirForce 1. That day will be with me forever.

    I don't blog much at all. Doing a post later about the winner of TFE 4 year celebration giveaway. Gone by fast.... I fb all the time both TFE and personal page. So easy and not time consuming.

    Hubby and I will be spending a few weeks in Europe (plans have been changing daily)in Oct. Can't wait!
    Light at the end of the tunnel and all that-hehe.

    Have a great week.
    Hugs, Barb

  126. You certainly deserve all of these fabulous comments (I don't think I've ever seen so many!). What a great little journey. Some points: beautiful pics, beautiful music, wish my kids had you as a teacher, and the best part is your portrait of AUDREY--so FINE!! :)

  127. Hi Anita
    Where does the summer go,the leaves over here are turning already!! I'm sure you are a very good at helping the children up that mountain, its the ones at the back that need the extra help to get to the top ,know doubt some will dig there heels in when the going get hard, but they will thank you for it when they look back in later life.
    Beauitful post
    Moms back next week, time for me to have a rest, at least in the week!!
    Love and hugs to you all.
    George and Jan xxx

  128. Hi Anita,
    Yes, Sweet Summer is my very own little poem:)

  129. Anita, wow, so pretty, your drawing of Audreay here! I'm so glad you understand the joy that drawing can bring. It's a new way of seeing and perceiving things. I hope your work week started well. It's not easy to get into routine after a long vacation - even after a short one ;) Let's look forward to a marvellous autumn, with so much beauty to discover! Have a gorgeous evening! xx

  130. Last but not Between my husband hogging the computer for stock trading and my kids, I have become a stranger to my own computer!!! (Truthfully I think my smart phone has replaced my computer, shhhh!) lol But I need to get back because posts like this make me realize how much I miss you! School is back, where did the summer go!!!!!! Well, keep on dreaming big girl! You'll reach the stars, I know it!!!!!!!!!! (And so will your lucky students!) Lots of love always.......d xOxO

  131. yikes, i meant to say "Last but not least...I am here!" See what an absence on blogger does!!!!

  132. And, once again, you are so right. Confidence is no small thing and so many have the power (and use it) to diminish another's sense of it without a thought as to how to build it. You've got me thinking about who affected mine and in what ways.
    And a happy week to you!

  133. Dear Anita, sorry for coming this late! Ooooh, I find this music spellbinding! LOVE, love, love it!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a wonderful week back in school, dear friend!!!

    Love, Kristin

  134. Well Anita, how was the 1st day of school? Did you survive? I am sorry to hear that you hurt your back again. Awe...NO GOOD!

    Hope you have a relaxing evening, my friend

  135. Ohhh how I have missed YOU!!!!!
    yes my dear, you go back to the classroom and teach the children with all your heart, soul and mind!! How blessed they aRE!!!

    I love the post your words , pictures and your drawings... marvelous.... am I there too???(smiling and hoping)

    love you!!!!

  136. Amen Sista! What a talent you are - your writing - your beautiful images! Thanks for making my night!

    Desiree Ashworth

  137. You are off for another year of discovery my dearest. How blessed you are... and how blessed are your students!
    I know you will enjoy every bit of it.
    hugs from here..

  138. HI and good morning. I saw your name on several friends blogs so I thought I should have a look . You have a beautiful blog and I am your newest follower. I am also of the castles and the cottages, love them. And breakfast at tiffanies, yes that is the summum... Have seen the movie several times and i loved Audrey in it.I loved your drawing.
    Riet, Holland

  139. Dearest ....I had coffee with Saskia yesterday and it was very
    Please be as carefully as can be with that back of you !
    I hope all went well at school.
    Thinking of you !

  140. What is it about Moon River that stirs something inside of me? Your post is lovely, once again, a feast for the senses!
    I'm officially off to school today and tomorrow for room prep, meetings Thursday and Friday, Meet Your Teacher Day on Tuesday and my new group of first graders return to school on Wednesday! Here we go!
    Blessings to you, My Huckleberry friend!

  141. Hi Anita!!! :-)
    I just wanted to say hi!!!
    I hope you're having a wonderful day.
    Shannon xo :-)

  142. You made my evening magical with your words that found a way into my soul, gentle music that wrapped around my ears and charming photos that captured my eye!

  143. I read your blog this afternoon with my 3 year old granddaughter by my side. She stopped in her tracks when she heard the music and rushed over to see what is was, and she, like I was, entranced by the beautiful photos. We especially lingered over the photo of the little girl in the swing. She kept insisting that I tell her the girl's name, so I finally made one up before moving on. Even the little girls enjoy your creative stories! Enjoy the year ahead!

  144. Hi Anita!
    Loving this post so much. As always you write beautifully, and the photos you illustrate your poetry with are divine.
    I waste far too much time looking at them and dreaming!!!
    All good things have to come to an end (ie the summer hols) and I always get a flat feeling.
    However, I am now accepting it and planning autumn, baking, stewing fruits, blackberry picking, Christmas present hunting and all the nice things to look forward to.
    Hope all well over the pond.
    Gem x x

  145. This comment has been removed by the author.

  146. Anita! 145 comments! Wow...

    As often happens, I'm late to the party. Still catching up after being on vacation for two weeks. I love your Moon River/Breakfast at Tiffany's/Audrey theme!

    And that saying about confidence is SO true. It's a gift, especially for those of us who tend toward low self-esteem.

    Blessings as you head back to the classroom! My Elizabeth is still minoring in French, and loving it!

    Cindy @ Notes in the Key of Life

  147. Hi sweet friend..hope all is well and your days are going well without back pain.

    My days are flying by...hard to find time to do other blog! We still have company too.

    Just wanted to let you know I am still thinking of you even though I do not have time to visit everyday. xoxoxoxo

  148. The cutest and sweetest photographs ever! (As usual!) I know you're enjoying getting acquainted with all of your students. I always leave feeling like a French girl.

  149. Have a sweet day tomorrow, Anita!
    wishing you lots of Joy and

  150. Dearest Anita
    Thank you so much for your visit and beautiful words.
    I know the children will be so happy to see your sweet face at the door each morning. You bring happiness to all. They are a lucky group to have a teacher such as you.
    Again, this is such a beautiful post.. ahhhhhhhhh....
    Love and blessings,

  151. beautiful post and pictures. i hope your " back to school " day is going to be enjoyable. it must be wonderful to meet new faces and challenges. enjoy your last day of august !

  152. Hope you are getting back into the flow of things smoothly :-)

    I have been a little awol. We moved Megan out on Monday/Tuesday but she hasn't actually slept there yet, keeps coming back home. I guess moving on is difficult for her too.

    Enjoy the rest of your week my dearest!

  153. Oh Anita I love you you have spoken to my heart here with a favorite of all time. Audrey and Breakfast at Tiffany.

    Your students must love you and I do too!!

    Come and join my new fashion Giveaway from Fresh Produce!

    Art by Karena

  154. Good morning Anita! Can you believe how fast this summer went??? It seemed with the long winter we came through that summer would never come....but it did, and now it is almost over. We are going to have one last hurrah this weekend and then the beginning of a nice crisp delicious Fall! To me, seasons are like chapters of our never know what lies ahead. Hope your new school year is full of new discoveries and adventures!~Hugs, Patti

  155. Dearest Anita, how's the start to your new school cycle? I so enjoy the romance of your blog today, since i still feel dreamy ... Thank god, there's nor too much stress at the moment. The weather here is lovely - just clear and sunny and warm in the afternoons! Am sending best wishes for a happy and relaxed evening!

  156. A big Hello Anita love followed by a big hug and smooch! I hope you haven't thought I forgot about you :(
    Oh, life is so busy and hasn't let up a bit! I guess with four kids your gonna have that, lol!
    I bet your back to school! I hope it is going well, and you are still finding time to relax, dream, create, and enjoy all the things and people you love!
    You sure hit the nail on the head with this post! I love the qoute from Sandra, so so true!
    You know Jeremy bought me the movie Breakfast at Tiffanys for my Birthday! I had never seen it! What a darling movie!
    Hope you are having a wonderful wednesday my beautiful friend!
    Lots of love
    gi gi

  157. Dear Anita,

    Sorry I am late to come and visit you and what a gorgeous post and pictures you have shared today. Love the sweet Audrey and children illustration, you are so talented with your artwork and writing. Thanks for all you share. Will be thinking of you going back to school, may you have a wonderful time ahead.
    Sending hugs and well wishes

  158. Oh, it comes back too quickly doesn't it? I just with summer would be longer (and longer and longer). I never get everything done I want to do. Have a wonderful year.

    As usual, everything is beautiful. I just loved the fairy circle - your taste in colors and images is just so fun! Have a great week, dear!!

  159. Gosh! I just love your blog... and now especially with moon river playing while I type this I am so delighted. Love all the pictures, especially the fairies dancing under a tree and the little girl on a swing... nice thoughts, and you draw so beautiful!

  160. Dearest , How wonderful you are to meet Koralee soon .... You have to let some-one make a picture ...
    Perhaps Saskia and I can also have a picture from a coffeedate .
    Still have this dream about this casttle somewhere in France where sweet blogfriends from all over the world can meet each other .....
    You never know girl ... we have to keep on dreaming ......
    Big hug

  161. Anita....yes, we have been blogging buddies since I began in March of 2009. Amazing how fast that time went! I did get some painting done but had to put on hold while hubby did some furniture repair and gluing. I wasn't allowed to touch it till he did that! lol I also had my grandchildren on and off during the summer so nothing gets done while they are here.....just play time and of course, me in the kitchen constantly trying to fill their endlessly hungry tummies! I am tired afterward but I love it! Have a relaxing and fun holiday weekend with your hubby!~Hugs, Patti

  162. Morning sweet friend...I am totally bushed!!!! 4 days in a row of school is just too much for my body to take!!! Lucky tomorrow is the start of the long weekend...tee hee..I need a break already.
    Today is our staff pancake breakfast...all 3 campuses...we have a high...middle and elementary...but it is the elementary staff that is hosting it this off I go to flip cakes!

    Hugs to you dear one...sending you ooodles of energy to get through your day. xoxo

  163. So beautiful, each post is a feast for the eyes. Your students are so very lucky to have a wonderful teacher like yourself.

  164. Hello Anita!

    Just stopping by to say hi! It is always a treat to stop by and read posts again and listen to the music you have playing.
    How is school going? Do you have any fun plans for Labor Day? I think I mentioned last weekend I went to the coast again to visit friends. It was a lovely time. And this weekend we will be celebrating my grandparent's 65th wedding Anniversary.
    I hope all is well with you! And that you still find time to work on writing and painting.
    Have a wonderful day and long weekend! XO

  165. Rena was over for a visit, today. I showed her your drawings and sigh we truly love them. So, just letting you know you are adored. Blessings, Amy

  166. Dearest Anita, I do hope your first week back at school has gone well and that you have not suffered too much with your back pain. I also suffer with neck/back trouble so you have been in my thoughts this week. Please don't worry about a reply, as I know how busy you will be.
    Will catch up soon :) Sending a hug, Abby xx

  167. Hello anita , je me demandais comment l'école est pour vous. J'ai trouvé une langue translater en ligne. Naughty moi, maintenant je suis tricherie! Avoir un week-end formidable. Bénédictions et étreintes~

  168. Hello dear one!
    Thanks for stopping by today. Your support means a lot to me.
    Enjoy your weekend dearest!
    It's all GOOD here! :-)

  169. Stopping by to wish you a lovely holiday weekend! I hope your school year is off to a great start.. I'm certain your students will be thrilled to be back in your classroom!
    My year has taken off and I have barely a moment to catch my breath... looking forward to so many wonderful new endeavors.
    xoxo, B

  170. So inspiring, "Breakfast at Tiffany's" such a classic and now DD's fav movie, how cool to skip so many generations and still inspire her, thank you x

  171. Gee I love it here! You post some incredibly beautiful photos. Where do you find these? Have a great week! Anne

  172. I know that you are the best teacher ever and that you are always building those children up
    and planting the seeds of confidence in their hearts.
    Bless you Anita!!

    Deborah xoxoxo

  173. It's so pleasant to have gotten up early on this Saturday morning with a cup of hot tea with my new choice of sweetener in it, "honey". :)

    This post, like all others, makes me feel like I'm re-energizing myself for the day by finding rest, smiles, and a new found inspiration for creating.

    You are paying it forward are!



"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echos are truly endless." -Mother Teresa