Friday, September 23, 2011

Let a Bluebird Fly

It all starts with the strike of a key

source unknown

and where our fingers land is determined by how

 HIGH our hearts have soared.


This sacred art of long-distance communication  

gives us the wings to fly

 and the power 

to kindle a circuitry of life

across the miles

in order to trigger the


Last weekend in St. Paul, Minnesota

I finally met her.

via bluebird notes

And through her luminous photos that I see every morning

via bluebird notes

I guessed pretty accurately that

Koralee's character would be just as



and beautiful


as the daily hospitality she dishes up for

 you and me.

via bluebird notes

Amongst the passionate hum of a community of

artists, bloggers and business women

there we sat



and looking at each other 

in the eyes 

only to have to eventually

let go and say 


You see, you can't hold a beautiful bluebird in your hands

for too long.


You have to  

open the window of your heart



let a bluebird fly.


  1. Am I first? Yeah! How wonderful that you met sweet Koralee in person! Love all the images today as always and I see our fave color many times :) Je vous souhaite mes chers un week-end splendide et heureux de nombreuses bénédictions.

  2. Hello again Anita :)
    I have seen that photo before, I love it!! I always thought it looked like Audrey , but wasn't sure. Thanks for clearing that up.
    Blessings and hugs as always my dear!

  3. Dearest Anita,
    Isn't it amazing that blogging can open the door to some wonderful friendships. Isn't Koralee a Canadian ?! :)
    Have a lovely weekend !

  4. Such beautiful photos. I bet that Koralee is just as beautiful and charming as she comes across in her blog. How fun to meet a fellow blogger. Thanks for the eye candy tonight.


  5. Quelle chance d'avoir rencontré tes amies "Bloggeuses" Anita. J'espère pouvoir faire la même chose pendant l'année qui vient. Je ne me doutais pas quand j'ai lancé mon blog en décembre dernier, que ce serait une expérience aussi positive et enrichissante. Superbe billet et superbes photos, comme d'habitude. Audrey est magnifique. La chanson aussi. Bon weekend! Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  6. Oh sweet sweet friend...your words touch my heart so and my emotions go back to that moment when we had to say goodbye...tears fill my eyes as I think of that moment!
    Thank you sweet one for being the kind of friend every girl dreams of...even though we are mile and miles apart we share a special bond that can not be broken.
    We had so much in common even before we met face to face...our conversation just flowed as if we have
    been meeting for weekly teas all our lives. Such a comfortable feeling...I can not wait until we meet again...lets work at make our dreams reality.
    Thank you for this sweet sweet post my dear forever friend. xoxoxo

  7. Hi Anita! Such a wonderful tribute to the friendships that circle around the world and back again ~
    Since I started blogging, the world is brighter and I have found a special joy in knowing that His Spirit DOES fill the earth!

    Did you ever see Julie and Julia? Do you remember when Julia Child met her pen pal, Avis? They had written letters for years, and then finally met one day! It made me smile, thinking of the friendships we have nurtured through "letter writing" via our blogs!

    Smiling for you two!
    Have a sweet and restful weekend!

  8. How fun and joyful to connect the old fashioned way,and yet never to have been possible with out our age of "increased knowledge"high tech!! The Lord is so good!! You two are very blessed!;-D
    Joy, Blessings Love and Hugs to you both!! Linnie

  9. Doesn't it feel great to think that one can make kind and true friendships "in the air"? I have also met wonderful people through my blog and I really wish to meet them in person one day!!
    The photos are just too sweet :)

  10. What an amazing and beautiful post. It touched me.

  11. Est-ce l'oiseau bleu qui t'a inspirée ?
    Par delà les distances tu nous fais rêver, sur les ailes d'un ange la magie s'est posée ...
    Merci Anita pour ces purs moments d'émotion.
    Douce journée
    Je t'embrasse

  12. Hello Anita:
    There is, as you say, something truly magical about meeting a 'virtual friend' in the sharp reality of everyday life in the real world.

    This is a beautifully compiled tribute to your friend, Koralee, and how marvellous that your friendship has now been cemented in your meeting. Things will surely never be the same again.

    We love Judy Garland and this whole post has been so cleverly conceived and creatively constructed. And, where there are Bluebirds, there are also rainbows with the pot of gold of friendship!!!

  13. My dear are one of the most sparkling birds on this planet...xoxo..big hug from all of us:)

  14. Anita Dearest,

    A beautiful, POETIC tribute to your friendship with Koralee! I know that was an absolutely magical day for both of you, yet bittersweet. But now that connection is stronger than ever! A wonderful visual and emotional treat, dear one!!!
    Lots of love,
    - Irina

  15. How wonderful! To finally meet and know that what you share on line translates in reality. You are both lucky :-)
    Have a wonderful weekend dear one!

  16. mon ami
    this is a lovely tribute
    to KORALEE...another one
    of my dearest blogger
    friends...i was there in
    spirit ~ sharing smiles,
    laughs, tears, so much!
    i am so happy that the
    two of you have that
    forever memory dearest!
    and thank you for sharing
    with us in this lovely post.

  17. Very, very beautiful post Anita and filled of great pictures.

    I hope that you can spend a hapy and rested weekend

    Muchos besos


  18. the blogging , the friendship and now THE MEETING .....
    What a wonderful surprise !
    Next tuesday Saskia and I are having coffee at her house .
    We surely will be thinking of you .
    Have a cosy weekend and do a lot of nothing !

  19. Good morning, Anita!
    As I read through the comments, I'm smiling as I see the names of the sweet souls I'd love meet! Koralee's blog was one of the first I followed way, way back. Each of her posts is like opening a beautiful card from a dear friend. Sometimes, magically ~ there's a real card to open too! I'm so thrilled that you made the trip and met each other. So many of us were there in spirit, wishing to be there for real someday!
    Today is a big day! We're having new kitchen cabinets installed! They'll be here at 8:00 - so I must move on! What a project! I'm taking lots of photos!
    Have a wonderful day! Blessings to you always, Anita ~ Maria

  20. "Can miles truly separate us from friends?
    If we want to be with someone we love,
    aren't we already there?" ~ Richard Bach

    What a lovely tribute to your friend, Koralee, Anita.
    You have a remarkable way of letting us all know how important we are in your life...but the true honor for me is having you in MY life. Everything LOOKS a little brighter... everything FEELS a little warmer... because of our friendship.

    "To know someone here or there
    with whom you can feel
    there is an understanding
    in spite of distances
    or thoughts expressed
    that can make life a garden." ~ Goethe

    Your friendship is quite a gift to I will treasure for all the days of my life.
    Much love to you, my friend... Lisa xo

  21. Bonjour mon amie!

    How exciting to meet people you admire and get to know them. A wonderful experience that I know you appreciated and soaked up until you were bursting at the seams! It's so great to be around creative people no matter what realm of creativity it is. You have blossomed into this incredible rose of writing and illustration. I'm so excited to see where it all takes you!

    Grosses bises, Sherry

    I made it through the week of teaching kindergarten this past week and glad it's FRIDAY!! LOL

  22. Dearest Anita

    What a beautiful story of friendship and you so creatively immortalize it by the pictures. You make it like a beautiful award winning short film. Your talent and gifts continue to amaze me.

    Have a wonderful week
    Helen xx

  23. Oh mon ami Anita, how wonderful to meet face to face a friend from BlogLand. It must truly have been a magical moment.

    Blogland really is a world onto its self and to e able to bring a bit of that wonderful magic from virtual to real life a true blessing!!

    I popped over to Koralee's blog and what beautiful photos ... thanks for bring to our attention and other wonderful and creative spirit!

    Wishing you a beautiful week-end.xo HHL

    P.S. the 4th instalment of Once upon a Time is up. xo

  24. Dear Anita
    This is a beautiful post about the meeting of two wonderful people who kindled a friendship long before they met face to face. Say what you will about the drivel and dangers on the internet, there are great redeeming qualities. Inspiration, hope, encouragement, love, and the first meeting of old friends.


  25. WOW. ALL of you, and you my beloved husband of almost 30 years, your wings have helped me fly further than I could have imagined. But now, instead of imagining, I am living it. THANK YOU TO ALL...Anita

  26. Beautiful. I have yet to meet a blogger in person... need to change that!! xo

  27. It has been great fun meeting fellow bloggers in NYC. We all have so many things in common, not the least of which wanting to connect with like minds and spirits.

    We take in, make it our own and then release... that is the way of things. Hold too closely, too selfishly and the power is lost. Wings are for flight, not for cages.

  28. Anita!!!!
    If that was US who met, and had an hour... and then had to say goodbye, well, let me say I'd not say goodbye but roll you up into my suitcase and take you home with me, Ruben wouldn't mind you being gone for a couple of weeks would he?!?! or a month? Oh it would be hard to say bye to you my precious friend! How wonderful that you and Koralee could meet in person!

    You are one of my dearest friends and yet we've never met in real life, but this is
    R E A L
    on a daily basis!!!!!

    Love you, and what a gorgeous blog post!!!!

    ~ Violet

  29. Anita,

    What a beautiful post about a beautiful friendship born in blogland, the magical place where all things are possible, and the potential to grow in limitless.

    I am so happy that you had such a wonderful opportunity and hope to have the same one day. It is so wonderful these friendships that start from a kind word, a comment or a note and then take on a life of their own. No preconceived notions, no judgements, just happiness and encouragement. I love it. And I have loved getting to know you.

    I hope you have a wonderful weekend my friend, enjoy your wonderful husband and perhaps a little tme on your harp.

    Xoxo Elizabeth

  30. Hi Anita, what a Divine post and lovely tribute to your dear friend, loving the song, such a classic, take care, continue to sprinkle your fairy dust, Doreen x

  31. Dear Anita,
    Oh to be that Bluebird who got to sit and talk with you in person! I think I'm a little envious of her! And she looks like such a dear lovely one, at that, and your time together was so sweet, that I can't help but smile and say, "I would that we would all meet someday, if not here , then There!"
    Ruben is right about the internet, by the way. Such a sweet, smart husband you have!

  32. You met HER !!! and she met YOU ???...wowwwwww that must be great !!! your post !!!....fijn weekend.......en als je ooit in Nederland komt bent hier zo welkom ......en neem Karolee mee....liefs van

  33. Beautiful post! I see you commenting on all these blogs I visit, and am so happy I finally made it to yours! xx Cheers!

  34. Beautiful post! Love every step of it: the song, the photos, the words and, of course, Bluebird notes! Glad you spent some time together and that you shared it with us :))

    kisses from Croatia!

  35. Oh, so sweet Anita! I can see the two of you sitting there, chatting and getting to know each other ... We cannot hang on to moments forever, but when we do let them fly, they tend to come back again. And lucky enough, we can all meet in blogland and share our treasures! Hope your weekend is super lovely and relaxing! xox

  36. I bet she was just as thrilled to get to meet you, as well. From the web to seeing each other eye to eye--what a gift, if only for a few moments of shared joy together.

  37. How thrilling for you to be able to meet with Koralee.. There are so many beautiful people out there Anita.. I am sure your visit was magical!
    This post reflects your feelings about your first meeting perfectly. Just beautiful my dear friend.
    This little bird will treasure our meeting forever...
    Now off to meet Koralee

  38. Dear lovely Anita, pressing the button that takes me to your blog is like flicking a switch...... everything just lights up!
    The gift of friendship is a precious one, and I am so glad you met up with Koralee..... happy times to remember in the future.

    We do not suffer with the hurricanes that you do, we just get the tail end of them occasionally. But as you say, the weather patterns are changing for us all.

    News of Spotty boy is that he is being kept inside and is on a diet! Oh Anita he is SO fat from days in the paddock eating! I could only just get my arms around his neck yesterday.... poor fatty Spotty, he misses his food :( he is getting more work in the riding school so should soon lose weight.

    I hope you have had a good week at school. And how is your back now? I do hope you have recovered and are resting up when you are not working.
    Spotty and I send you hugs and fondest wishes for a wonderful and peaceful weekend. xxxx

  39. Oh My Anita, the talent you have is amazing, Just look at the beautiful words that are connected by the perfect images!!! What a beautiful tribute to your sweet bluebird friend, Koralee!! xo Kathysue

  40. A beautiful tribute to your 'new - old friend! Isn't it true, that we have kindred hearts on these pages??

    I still think that even if we don't meet all of our special blogging friends in this world, we will KNOW each other when we all meet in heaven! :)


  41. How nice to meet a "pen friend", face to face, listen to a real voice, share a cup of coffee and a hug, just like in the old days. But if it WERE the old days, none of us would even KNOW each other. Funny, isn't it?

  42. Isn't it just amazing,this new way of making friends!

  43. Dear Sweet Anita,
    I am so sorry I have not been over to your blog to visit in so long. I have just been trying to 'live' and blog less. I am still posting but not getting around to visiting, etc. So I did not even know that you were changing up your blog and removed me. Thank you for the apology but really dear friend there is no need. You do not have to have my etsy on your sidebar. I am so grateful that you do, but most bloggers charge for that(you know the sponsor and advertizing thing) and so you really do not have to have me there. So no need to apologize. You are one of my dearest blogging friends and I am sorry I haven't been by to say 'hi' more often. Know that I carry you in my thoughts daily. I have just needed to step back from my internet use and spend more time with family, home, gardening, the gym, etc. I am so happy for you to be opening an etsy. I have had to spend more time with my etsy shop which you will soon find out. It's a whole other community and you will just love it! I'm sure your shop will do amazing. Bestest of wishes to you...and I will be seeing you soon. ox Please come find me when your shop opens so I can add you to my circle and favorites and feature you in a treasury. And of course I would love to post about the opening of your shop if you would like me to. Love to you...sea tidings, Kerrie

  44. oh WOW! This is such a beautiful post! And so special with Somewhere over the Rainbow playing in the background! I've only just discovered your blog! xx
    Tikkitiboo + Ahka Vintage

  45. Anita,
    How wonderful that you were able to meet in person!!!!
    Beautiful post..loved it!
    Love the colours and the music too!!!

    Deborah xoxo

  46. Dear Anita,
    Wow your words of beauty is over the top! You have such a beauty in what you write let along what you write about a special meeting turning into a perfect visit with a friend!

    The words are heartfelt well thought out and placed on all our hearts as to who you are as a women and a friend! I am a faithful following friend because of who you are.

    What is joy?
    It is a bird
    That we all want to catch.
    It is the same bird
    That we all love to see flying
    - Sri Chinmoy

    Sing and Fly


  47. I know this may sound corny, but all the while I was reading this post, and looking at the beautiful images, I just kept hearing the theme song from Carol Burnetts comedy know the one at the end of the show?..I'm so glad we had this time together, just to have a laugh and sing a song...seems we just get started and before you know it..comes the time for us to say so long"..hope you made some sweet memories Anita. xoxo Christel

  48. Thank you , dear Anita, for your second visit to Quiddity today!!! I am always blessed by your comments . And I also got a new follower on my French at Heart blog, Patricia Cabrera, due to you. You should read how she raves about you!! And I just joined your new art blog! wooHoo! You did it! Best wishes with the Etsy shop!!

  49. Good afternoon sweet friend .
    Overhere it's sunday-afternoon and the autumn-sun is so warm and wonderful ....
    Makes everything so peaceful
    Yesterday I discouvered in my garden movement in a bunch of old leaves and branches .....
    Peeping careful ......
    there she was ....a proud mother-hedgehog with her little ones ....

  50. Good morning Anita, love your post and pictures dedicated to a special friend. Sure was a nice visit. I will have to pop on over to her blog. Thanks for sharing!

    Love the music...My favorite "comfort" movie of all time. Brings me back to my youth :)

    Have a blessed week my friend!


  51. Good Morning Precious Friend, "I MADE IT"! And after I enjoyed visiting Spiritual Sunday bloggers too...what a blessing that was. I need to get ready for church; but I had to come by and read AT LEAST your most recent post. My next TO WANT on my list today is to visit all your previous ones that I've missed. How lovely it was for you to finally meet your friend. I know you have enjoyed her for some time! How PRECIOUS the post, the sentiment, and the THOUGHTS you evoke in my spirit each and every time I drop into your Castles Crowns and Cottages world~ You are PRECIOUS in HIS sight and mine today and every day! The song that is playing, "Somewhere over the Rainbow" is perfect.......and the Bluebirds do fly, don't they? :) To fly over the rainbow...what a dream to come true. Hugs friend~ xoxo ~CC

  52. Beautiful Anita!

    Thank you so much, my dear friend, for visiting reveries. I am overjoyed as always to see you chez moi!!!

    Many hugs,
    - Irina

  53. How could that be better?
    I am sure you two had wonderful time together, sweet Anita!
    I wish your week is blue!

  54. haha! I'm back for the 3rd time!, Thank you for the visits again!! No dear, it's not on RedBubble, but it is with McGaw Graphics. They print on demand. Just click the link in red on the top right hand side of Quiddity2. How I would love to be in one of your precious theatres!!!!

  55. Hello sweet Anita,
    I'm back I just arrived from my vacation. This time it was not a pleasant vacation whe were robbed when we arrived. That was so scarry!!!
    How lovely to hear that you met a blogger. I hope that you both have a nice time.
    Hugs for you my friend,

  56. We were on the Cote Azur in France. It is such a beautiful place to have vacantion. But it is scrarry when your are robbed. Even ouer cloths were stolen! But we are ok.
    Yes school start on 4 oct.for me. And you have already 4 weeks done :-)
    Thank you for your thoughts!!!

  57. Just beautiful dear Anita...on my side bar I have a verse by Kahlil so moved me when I read it...all about how you can see the mountain if it is further away...and every now and then I re-read it and marvel at how true his words are...Wishing you a wonderful week...Dzintra

  58. Good evening dearest! I am so happy that you and Koralee were able to meet up, it must have been so amazing! I love it when our eyes, ears and hearts can finally gaze upon our sisters, something to treasure for always.
    Have a wonderful week my dear friend.

  59. Oh how I wish I could have been there to meet the two of you! What a delight for my two sweet friends!

  60. Dear Anita,

    How wonderful that you and Koralee were able to meet up face to face.
    What a thrill for my two sweet friends.
    Blogland is lovely for bringing beautiful friendships together.
    Thank you for all you share, the love, inspirations, writing and beauty.

    Happy new week,

  61. Hello beautiful Anita,
    What a lovely post and the photos are just gorgeous.
    I can say that I know whats its like to meet another blogger in person and you know who that is.
    Our own sweet Sherry of Edie Marie's attic.
    What a wonderful friend she is.Isn't the experience wonderful.
    Take care Love,
    Marie Antionette

  62. Hi Anita, I have been attending a 3 day long photo course and didn't have a chance to visit you before now. I love to come here and that song always melts my heart. It's one of my absolute favourites!!! I'm so glad you got to meet a blog friend :) Thanks for entering my giveaway and good luck! Have a wonderful and inspiring day!

    Love, Kristin

  63. And this is truly the best in blogging, two friends meeting up finally! And then being inspired enough to write about it and create a visually moving and stirring post to boot!

    Beautiful...sounds like a friendship made in heaven and I bet the bluebird will be back!

  64. Dearest Anita, must have been so great meeting Koralee - but, i think she was looking forward to meeting YOU as well! Because you, sweet friend, are a sparkling star on blog heaven as well, don't forget! And if you ever come to germany, we'll have so many things to chat about! Hope your week starts gently and nice! xx

  65. Morning sweet know how much I miss you!!
    Hope your week is off to a great start...and your weekend was very I see a new button on your sidebar? Handmade velvet ribbon necklaces??? Off to investigate.
    Your sweet words continue to fill my heart!
    And yes....Miss Rosie...I must go find her for us...I will pop into her shop and see where she is hiding.
    Hugs for a great day. xoxoox

  66. p.s......did you know that is one of my favourite songs...Somewhere over the Rainbow....but of course you did!


  67. What wonderful news this morning to read all about the headlines no less! Meeting Koralee!

    This has made me think of bluebirds and why I love them so...they seem to carry happiness on their wings and I suspect Koralee is just that!

    If Anita could be described as my charming birdy friend, you would be my hummingbird...for obvious fly into the wind with gusto and might and visit us each night. You spread sweet nectar to everyone you visit and away you fly to the next blog friend in sight!

    Love you,
    from one working little girl to another working little girl...HUGS for energy for the week!

  68. Isn't "bluebird" such a lovely word...? There are some words that just touch the bird is one of them. So glad you met and had such a lovely time! I will check out her site!

  69. Oh, dear Anita, Quiddity 2 is one of my favourites. And Dawn is really sweet :) I found her blog when you had that Paris Party. So I've been a follower since! I love her photography and how she edits her photos! And yes, a photography course was so the right thing for me...LOVED it! Have a beautiful week!

    Love, Kristin

  70. I can just see the two of you spotting each other, crying, screaming, hugging and chatting, yes chatting away like old friends do when they need to catch up.
    Isn't it WONDERFUL Anita? Isn't it an AMAZING feeling that grabs your ♥ and takes your breath away? It's like when you fall in LOVE for the first time. I know that feeling, but my ♥ is hurting now. Not sure if you know, but I'm suppose to join the girls in Asheville Oct. 12th. I'm registered, but can't purchase my air fare. Just can't do it. I'm so sad to be missing such a wonderful event in the blue mountains. We were all staying in a hotel in Asheville with 55 girls, but Jeanne and I thought we would stay at her place. Remember she has a beautiful 2 bed. cabin in her yard? Heaven. But mom is # 1 priority of course right now. She's on heavy med's, and still cries and said she wants to die. Poor mama.
    Sending you my love. I know you are busy so no need to reply my dear friend.
    So so glad you and Koralee got to meet. I wish Julie would knock on her door. They live only a few miles away from each other.

  71. Another magical post Anita!!!
    I am always looking forward to your fabulous photos & enchanting words!!!
    I love the shades of blue in the photos- so timeless!!!
    Hope you had a wonderful weekend!!!
    Sending lots of hugs!!!
    Shannon :-)

  72. What a lovely tribute to Koralee Anita. You sound like such a lovely person,and Im sure Koralee is as well.Its great you met as blog friends,best wishes for the both of you for a long friendship!

  73. Beautiful imagery to match your poetic voice. That must have been a serendipity to meet your bloggy friend.

    I hope you had a restful weekend, Anita and perhaps this will be a calmer week. Before you know it, it's gonna be summer again. :)

  74. My-Oh-My...Irresistible Inspiration, Anita! The pics, the song and the beautiful words :)

    Have a lovely day!

    Sending you HUGS <3 <3


  75. How wonderful to meet your friend. Totally reminded me of the "excitment" and joy of when I got to meet Claudie and the "gals" for our summer breeze gathering. It is the memory of a lifetime...and I am sure you must feel similar.
    There are soooo many wonderful people out there for us yet to meet....and if we could INDEED do so, think of how it would enrich all of our lives.
    Like meeting you for instance, I would love that as I am sure I would learn many things from you.
    Just like the gals I met this summer, it would be my hope that they each realized the wonderful ways they each blessed my life. many friends, and so little time (and money) to meet them all......

  76. How wonderful to meet your friend. Totally reminded me of the "excitment" and joy of when I got to meet Claudie and the "gals" for our summer breeze gathering. It is the memory of a lifetime...and I am sure you must feel similar.
    There are soooo many wonderful people out there for us yet to meet....and if we could INDEED do so, think of how it would enrich all of our lives.
    Like meeting you for instance, I would love that as I am sure I would learn many things from you.
    Just like the gals I met this summer, it would be my hope that they each realized the wonderful ways they each blessed my life. many friends, and so little time (and money) to meet them all......

  77. I am so happy you got to meet Koralee! She is so sweet!!! So are you - I can see why you two would be such wonderful friends!!!!!
    Have a pretty day!

  78. Dearest
    If I tap my heels will I awake at Rabbit Hill? Oh how I wish..
    Thank you for peeking in again, your visits lift my heart.

  79. Hi Dear Anita
    What a beautiful post and tribute to your friend.. It's such a surreal experience to grow a friendship online and then to be able to meet in person.. I've been lucky enough to meet with 2 of my blogging buddies and hopefully will meet others in the coming years,. And.. they were exactly as I imagined them to be!!

    Take care and have a beautiful week.. and thanks for your sweet words my way.. PS There is no secret.. just hours of editing. hehe.. ciao xxx Julie

  80. How wonderful to be able to meet in person. Someday I would love to meet so many of my beautiful blogging friends, you dear would be one I would love to meet.
    Have a glorious week.

  81. Lovely as always..I love your pictures and the cute quotes your write you have such a charimg way to write thing .)) inspiring is the words..wish yoou a lovely day /Marie

  82. words for those incredible beautiful images and words....then the next post with your drawings. I love them and you should share them with the world for sure!!!

  83. Wow.... this is one of the most beautiful and profound post I've seen lately! I'm so glad I've found your blog.

    Have a fantastic Tuesday!


    Luciane at

  84. Your blog is like walking into a art house, well i would have to imagine what it would be like since I've never been inside one,lol. And i realize 99.99 percent of your readers would be woman and from looking at some of their pictures very beautiful woman at that. I really stumbled on your blog by accident a little while ago, so even though i feel your blog is targeted towards the ladies i can very much appreciate how much work that your putting into this blog, which is why i suggest to my female readers to drop over to this very well done and arty site. Just look at your comments and the amount of them, and trust me when i say its not broke so don't fix it!. Richard from Amish Stories.

  85. What a gorgeous, gorgeous post. I think it says as much about YOU as it does about Koralee....that you are friendly, sweet, thoughtful and kind. I wish I could meet you in person.


  86. I am so excited for you! How amazing to meet someone and feel that connection!!! Thank you for todays inspirational journey... we can all dream along with you... your collection of words and images are beyond beautiful!!! X

  87. Anita, you are a good sport for joining in on all the farm games and YES you were devoured not once, but twice! Sorry.
    Isn't that Jemima a fuzzy, shaggy little bundle of darlingness??!! I kiss her soft little muzzle every single day.

  88. Sweet friend...hope your day was filled with joy. Thinking of your sweetness always...hugs. xoxoxo

  89. Hello Anita,

    Thanks for stopping by...we are getting much more settled. Just have some finishing touches to do and need to get a few more things to complete the home, but it feels good to be close to the finish line. Moving is exhausting!

    I look forward to seeing more of your artwork and writing and your Etsy shop! Dream big! You not only DREAM, but you DO something with those dreams which will take you far!

    Have a pleasant rest of the week!


  90. Anita, my FABULOUS friend, thank you as always for your visit. Racing PIGS! Oh I love them too, it must have been so funny to watch them run.
    I hope your week is going well for you, and I look forward to catching up with you again at the weekend.
    Take care lovely Anita. Sending big hugs from myself and Spotty xx

  91. Dearest Anita~
    I come back from time to time just to inhale the amazing beauty of your posts...and do you know, each time I feel a little smile grows a little heart is a little lighter.
    There is no one who can capture my imagination the way that you do. You words are pure MAGIC to the soul.

    "Reach high, for stars lie
    hidden in your soul.
    Dream deep
    for every dream
    precedes the goal..." (unknown)

    Sending you huge hugs today, my wonderful friend~
    Lisa xo

  92. Oh Anita, you were able to meet Koralee? She is one of my very favorite in the whole world of blogging. I was positive that she would be wonderful!
    hugs from here...

  93. Oh Anita, how you made me laugh today.....pigs chasing Oreo's..... simply wonderful! And the lovely cookie people of America have sent Oreo's to the UK, so we get to eat them too :) I am sure if I waved one at Spotty, he would race the length of the paddock to get a taste... BUT NO cookies for the Big Spot...... well, not yet anyway!
    Sending a giant HUG to you from us, with LOVE
    Abby and Spotts xx

  94. What a beautiful tribute,
    from one lovely soul to
    another. My computer is
    on the fritz, or would have
    flown over sooner. At the
    library, now! Hope you are
    enjoying a nice week!
    xx Suzanne

  95. Your post are like hearing a hymn for the first time! Each one is so beautiful and thought provoking.
    Truly elegant..

  96. Anita,
    Such a pretty post, and I love her blog. How lovely that you got to meet. I think that when you are blogging you reveal your heart. So that when you do have an opportunity to meet in person, you already are old friends.

    Have a lovely day.

  97. This song is from my favourite ever film.
    I loved this post. It's not shown up in my blog roll so nearly missed it!!!
    Bluebird.....ah, it's reminded me of a Shirley Temple film called The Bluebird of Happiness.
    It is so old and hard to get hold of but amazing.
    Hope you are well and glad you got to meet someone so special.
    Hope school is going well
    Gem xx x x

  98. It was through the blog that we meet.... that open door... i am so thankful!
    How is your etsy store? did you open yet? do you need any help?
    Let me know okay??

  99. Happy Thursday Anita Love! It's almost the weekend :)
    Oh, how wonderful you met a fellow blogger! There are so many bloggie friends I would love to meet ( yourself at the top of the list :)
    It sounded like you two had a wonderful time!
    Much love
    gi gi

  100. I don't know Koralee, but I must be the only one on the planet! I will go right over and pay her a nice visit. I'll tell her you sent me. Lovely post chère amie.

  101. Dear Anita, how delightful to return from a trip to find a new post by you! Sounds like a wonderful get together of kindred spirits. Oh, and your new banner is FABulous!

  102. Ah how wonderful,
    I dream one day of meeting some of my blogging friends,my blog and the friends i have made breathe life into my life,how lucky for you two to meet if only for a while.
    love the Tiffany box colors,
    Love to you x

  103. Girl, I'm glowin' here I'm so green with envy. Ya got to meet our beautiful Blue real life??? How fun is that!!!

    There are so many I'd love to spend a little 'real' time with. You lucky lady you~~ and lucky her for gettin' to meet you!

    God bless and have a terrific Thursday.

  104. Oh Anita,

    You and Koralee two of the sweetest most talented women in blog land!


    Art by Karena

  105. Good evening my sweet dear friend...thank you for all your love this have sent me over so many of your sweet friends. What lovely friends you have! The weekend is once again upon us..lets enjoy it sweet one. xoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxooxxooxxooxooxoxoxoxoxoxooooxooxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoox

  106. Thinking of you a lot Anita .
    We are used to think everything has to go well .... and when it doesn't we think that's wrong .
    Something is wrong .
    But it can also be a way to show us ..... maybe some change is desirable. But the things-not-going-as-we-are-used-to keep us busy and the signs are left behind .
    Take time for the signs Anita .
    They are important for the future .
    I think you know where that will be your dreams .... your future is .......
    I'll be thinking of you .
    Have a beautiful weekend and do something complete different ...

  107. Oh Anita! Lucky you! I love Koralee and her blog is a little slice of color, heaven and love. What a wonderful post in her honor. Perfect in every way!

  108. Since im into all things country, i like those festive lights in those mason jars!. Richard from Amish Stories.

  109. Anita, my dear, you are stressed? OMG, i am too! So may things on my list, so many friends in distress, so little time. My blogging suffers from this - but it always feels good to visit YOU for a dose of loveliness and kindness! Hope our weekend will be relaxed and easy going, just time and space to breathe out and let our hair down! xox

  110. Dear Anita I so agree with the words posted by your beloved Reuben what a wonderful couple you are..thank you for brightening my day. Ida OOXX

  111. How I love stories of fellow bloggers meeting and creating new friendships! What a lovely story. And I love your new(er) blue theme. Absolutely gorgeous. Wishing you a restful and creative weekend!
    xoxo~ Kirsten

  112. Hi Anita!
    Yippeeeee! It's
    F R I D A Y
    I just love Friday nights... no alarms tomorrow morning! {just one for Chris when he runs with a neighbor}
    Me ~ you'll find me "over the rainbow" having my second cuppa in my jammies! LOL

    Then we're off to help in a nearby community that's still in horrible condition from the floods. In the afternoon, we'll be cleaning up our kitchen and other rooms ~ only for us, it's from Joy...
    a very paradoxical day.
    I hope you are going to have a nice, sweet, slow Saturday morning!
    God bless you dear one!

  113. How wonderful you were able to meet Koralee! To meet a fellow blogger and kindred spirit must be a fantastic experience! Blogging is such a beautiful thing with all the doors it can open and friendships it can start!

  114. Anita,
    I have no idea how I missed so much from you!!! How I have enjoyed perusing the last few, and how you have brought beauty and inspiration to my dull day...merci! I adore your art, and am not surprised at your talent, true Renaissance woman that you are :) YES you must be out there and share your art, such talent should not be hidden...perhaps on Etsy? I love my little shop and world there...
    Have a wonderful day,

  115. Dearest Anita
    You came for TEA! Stop in anytime, I will pour you another cup... You liked my little fairy? teeehee.. I was wondering if you would notice her wink...
    Love to you this day.

  116. Fun! I love all the aqua!!! I am going to painting my room aqua very soon! :) Pretty!

  117. nita , my dear , you too much be so busy to 'skip' a post. I so miss you but i thankful that you are not holding against me.
    I have been having DSL problems and time on computer has been so little. busy with sculptures, schooling, farm life and so much more.As much as i love to sit by the computer and spend some time here... I realized that i can't allow it to control me as sometimes that is 'exactly" what i do and i become 'forgetful" ... but everyone seems to 'remind ' me,grin so know i have been more careful and things are much better.
    love you... i will always come here even if take me a little longer to.

  118. I think I'm in love with that last picture.


  119. Please remove my copyright protected image of the Mason Jar lights. Proof of ownership is here:

    I appreciate your including me and your link back to me, but with Pinterest, all credit gets lost to me once it is pinned. Please contact me when this has been removed.

  120. I have contacted you previously yet you still leave my photo. REMOVE my copyright protected image and contact me when it is completed!


"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echos are truly endless." -Mother Teresa