Friday, September 16, 2011

Once Upon a Life

Book making



paper mâché.

Theatres in gold 

and shabby-chic gray.....

Through the years 

my childlike curiosity


and ability to amuse myself 

through the creative processes

source unknown

have sheltered me from the darkening skies 

of the adult journey


However, something HAD truly been lost: 


the faith to


that my creations could be of real value 

to others.

Then a very special exchange 

occurred one day.

There have been many kind "thank-yous" and 

compliments on my art since I started to

draw again after 40 long years


and I've never sent my drawings 

any further 

than to the addresses of 

dear blogger friends 

just for FUN.

But when designer and artist 

Lisa Moran from Bilancia Designs received 

some of my Audrey Hepburn sketches

the handmade treasures she sent me

were accompanied by not only 

sincere  gratitude


but with specific advice, direction  

and an expertise in the arts

that has actually EMPOWERED me

to dare to

and that is...

to awaken 

the artist in me


and to take my skills to NEW HEIGHTS



sell my art.

A busy school year requires my full attention

and my writing goals are of the 

utmost importance. 

But if anything, Lisa has 

made me think about 


the artist I once was as a child

and to develop my abilities as an 



Please visit Lisa's beautiful world and 


right HERE to see more.


All miniature theatres, illustrations of animals and children and Audrey Hepburn by Anita Rivera Castles Crowns and Cottages


  1. I'm so excited about this post dear sister! This is a wonderful way to share the beauty you see with the world.

    Love you!

    P.S. Thinking of you as we tackle learning French!!

  2. Utterly beautiful!!
    What a sweet and true friend she is!
    Love these images Anita and loved every word. xo

    Deborah xoxo

  3. Oh ANITA!!
    I am THRILLED!!! Your ART is WONDERFUL!!! YES! YES! YES! do it!!!
    All is indeed coming together for you! I can't wait!!

    So much LOVE to you, and lots and LOTS of BLESSINGS, and plenty of Love, Linnie

  4. What a world of difference it makes when someone believes in you!

    And when you believe in yourself!

    You are multi-talented my dear friend and it will be exciting to see where this all leads.

    I am off to see Lisa's post!
    ~ Violet

  5. Dear Anita,
    I've been the biggest fan of your art for years. It's nice to see your work getting the attention it deserves.

  6. Dearest Anita~

    I am, for the first time in my life, speechless.
    You have reduced me to tears, my friend.
    I posted my thoughts FROM THE HEART...but I could have easily filled pages & pages with endless, glowing, praises for your incredible God-given talents...
    You are such an amazing, gifted, beautiful person and the WORLD needs to see your art!!
    ..and I believe with all my heart you are on your way to a very successful career.
    We will definitely talk tomorrow... :) :)
    With much love and sincere appreciation for this beautiful post, my wonderful friend...
    Lisa xoxoxoxo

  7. That was a lovely tribute by someone who clearly admires and appreciates you and your talents. I am a great believer in going as far as we can with the talents God has given us. Who knows where the road will lead, perhaps where you least expect it.

  8. My heart could not be happier...
    You know how I feel about your art Anita.. Simply magical!
    Bravo my dear friend. Beautiful post.. Yes, you are an artist. Right in front of our eyes. I am so very proud of you.
    Sweet dreams.

  9. have so many true gifts...
    story telling, visual enchantments, fairytale delights...yes, it is time to bring the next creative outpouring out and share these works of art with us to adorn our homes with ~ i believe in you!

    xo, Rosemary

  10. Ohhh!! Anita...I think that THIS is my favourite post!
    So much of YOU and your cleverness in those beautiful pictures and prose.
    Yes INDEED! you do have a gift that is worth selling.
    Wishing you every success as you find your way along this titillating path, and may there be much serendipity to enjoy.

  11. Oh, after going back and savouring another, longer look at you wonderful post...I think I did spy a wee crown that looks familiar...Is that where mine ended the Opera theatre?

  12. Dear Anita,

    Just want to stay and visit you, my friend.
    Seeing your wonderful art and listening to your beautiful music, and I do love the Tales of Beatrix Potter.
    You are truly talented and love your Art especially the Fleur de Lis with the crown and shoe.
    Your new header is gorgeous too.
    Thanks for all the beauty and inspiration you share with us.

    Do hope you are having a lovely weekend and finding some time to relax and enjoy doing your Artwork.

  13. What a gift, Anita! I would love to see more of your artwork here. Hoping the back to school weeks have gone well. You're almost through the first month.
    Bon weekend my friend!

  14. Dearest Friend,

    I am so thrilled that your confidence is growing in regards to your AMAZING talent for visual art.
    A beautiful tribute to your dear friend Lisa.
    I believe in you!!! Always have ;)
    (Love the Peter Rabbit music...hee)
    Love you,
    - Irina

  15. Dear Anita,
    I look forward to seeing a new blog post from you; you are so creative & a true artist that speaks from the heart.
    My mom said she was looking through my blog the other day & saw your kind comments. I shared your blog with her because I knew she'd love it!!!! :-)
    How is school?
    My husband & I are going to the Foo Fighters rock concert this weekend. I love their song "Learn To Fly".... :-)
    Hope all is wonderful!!!!!
    Hugs!!!! :-)

  16. Oh my Gosh!
    The whole post has been enchanting!
    Your art should be shared with the world and that is a phenomenal decision you brought!
    You received amazing gifts - I couldn't take my eyes off of them!
    Thank you for sharing inspiration :)

  17. I read your story with admiration.
    Go for the great artist in you!

    I wish you every success!

    Warm wishes,

  18. I read your story with admiration.
    Go for the great artist in you!

    I wish you every success!

    Warm wishes,

  19. Dear Anita, what a wonderful and inspiring post - again ! You received wonderful items in the swap, but even more: You got that certain "kick in the derrière" to venture out and dare something. It is always that people in our lives do,say or write something which triggers a new idea or a new life even. I would never had thought of getting a designer some 20 years ago unless somebody "forced" me to take my embroideries and designs to Maastricht fair then. The overall acceptance and enthusiasm of the experts there was their kick in my own "butt" - and since I do my own thing and this is what makes me most happy in all sideways of my life. I wish you much success and JOY in your new venture - and once you let me know where to purchase your beautiful artwork, I will be there to grab my own piece of Anita's drawn art. Hugs, Martina

  20. Hello Anita:
    Your posts are a constant source of delight and this one no less so for both for its truly charming illustrations, including your own, of course, but also for the unassuming and poetic way in which you write about your childhood, your past aspirations and your present hopes. Thank you so much for all of this which, in its own way, serves as an inspiration to others.

  21. Dear Anita,
    You must now draw on the inspiration you give to others and turn it on yourself. You have a gift to be cherished and shown to the world, not locked away within. It's desperate to escape. Don't fear opinion. Let it flow forth and to hell with anything else -

    "I will not die an unlived life. I will not live in fear of falling or catching fire. I choose to inhabit my days, to allow my living to open me, to make me less afraid, more accessible, to loosen my heart until it becomes a wing, a torch, a promise. I choose to risk my significance; to live so that which comes to me as seed goes to the next as blossom and that which comes to me as blossom, goes on as fruit." - Dawna Markova

    Have a fruitful weekend!

  22. I can't quite believe that you ever stopped! I LOVE the top theatre so much - the movement in the little (turquoise, natch!) figure is exquisite....
    hope the return to work hasn't been too much of a shock to the system!
    have a lovely weekend
    fee x
    (blogging has reinspired me to create so much more)

  23. How lovely Anita.So inspiring this blog was.I adore your photos of Audrey Hepburn,she is a big fan of mine.

    I hope you do continue with your "Gift" to share and inspire us all.

    God Bless!

  24. Dear Anita,
    I'm looking at your artwork and drawings, and I'm so overwhelmed by them! What a great artist you are!!! I love this post, and everything you made! Please go on with your big talent!
    Have a great weekend,
    Hugs from the Netherlands,
    Lieve groetjes uit Holland:

  25. Tu es une artiste complète Anita, belle et talentueuse ...
    Tellement humaine et simple, une étoile qui illumine la blogosphère ...
    Je t'embrasse tendrement

  26. Tes illustrations sont tout simplement merveilleuses ...
    Je te le dis sans affectation, c'est absolument ce que je pense en les regardant ...
    Devant l'ordi c'est un pari avec Zoé ... qui voulait la place !!!
    Bisous doux

  27. Well, my darling! It is about time!! Bravo...three cheers...hip hip hooray!!!! You will fly with beautiful wings, soaring ever upward to higher heights than your heart and mind can comprehend!
    Your last post left me incredibly choked up...
    ..and now this! I am elated BEYOND words!
    Go fly, dearest...
    Christie...another one of those little girl artists who has finally inhaled the wonderfully intoxicating air of childhood dreams...

  28. Anita your imagination is the only thing stopping you from achieving your dreams. You have such a beautiful talent.....I am so glad there has been an "awakening" and that you are entering the door that is opening for you to beckon you in! I cannot wait to hear where this journey may take you........the sky is the limit.

  29. How marvelous...what a sweet gift..Never stop believing in yourself dearest..xoxo

  30. Nita , I beleive in YOU!!! I can not wait to see your art for sale and you feeling so rewared that others are willing to collect,admire, love and remember of not only of the art it self but WHERE it came from.
    Knowing YOU as I do, I know that any drawing will be a result of a prayer.
    Love you dearly!!!

  31. Bonjour mon amie!!

    I love your drawings and artwork so much... the children's drawings are delightful. You have blossomed so much ma belle!

    I have the little Sweetie Girls for a week while Mom & Dad visit Rome, Italy!! I get to homeschool the oldest for the week... just call me the school marm! LOL! At least it's Kindergarten... can't harm that too much. She can already read and I'm so excited that she loves books & reading so much.

    Grosses Bises, Sherry

  32. Anita,
    I am so happy that you are going to take this step. I love being completely transported when I come to your blog. So many more will be able to know your heart through your art.

  33. Ohh Anita, you are a real artist, that thrills us with your works. Thank you for sharing this wonderful sketches with all us.
    HAve a rested weekend and inspiring weekend.

    Muchos besos


  34. My dearest ami Anita, beautiful creations... I'm so happy to read that you will be selling your art ... you have a beautiful way of expressing the world around us and it will bring so much love, peace and comfort to many. Please let us know where you will be selling it .. Etsy, on your blog etc...

    God bless Lisa for her encouragement to take your gift to the world ... I'm off to visit and thank her..

    Many blessings to you ... xo HHL

  35. An artist, that is something real about you, dear Anita!!
    But "Does real exist?"
    In our imagination!!!!
    In my world you will always be a talented artist, querida amiga!!

  36. That is wonderful news to share! You are so creative and talented in so many ways already! I wish you the best as you venture and continue to grow in your creativity! We are all blessed to be able to be a small part and share in what you have done and will continue to do!

  37. Good good morning Anita, a most wonderful day is waiting for you. Many precious memories will be made TODAY in St. Paul.

    Your words, music and pictures enriched my day as they always do. Divine food for my soul!

    You SHOULD sell your art ma chere amie, some pieces will most definitely make a bon voyage across the Atlantic to my hone.

    Lots of love for an inspiring weekend xxx

  38. Dearest(est) Anita

    Your post has given me a rush of feelings and I hope I can articulate and put into words these feelings. Your art work is unique, innocent and your drawing, values and colour very sophisticated. Your words are music. Your sense of style and eye for fashion and objects d'art is superior to the magazine "world of interiors" You have the ability to produce your thoughts, art and love into a beautiful documentary.
    I feel you have surpassed Merchant Ivory in film making.
    You are just beginning dear Anita and we will all be your guests at the Academy Awards one day!
    Keep doing all that you do. I say this in sincerity and know you will do it.
    Helen xx

  39. Oh, so beautiful, Anita...once again, you have bared your soul and expressed your thoughts so ARE an artist, my friend! So glad you are letting it awaken in you...we are all the lucky recipients of that awakening...keep creating, keep sharing your is a beautiful thing.


  40. What a sweet gift !! when you are have sweet people surround you....liefs van mij......heb een fijn

  41. In my nightgown, I stumble over a tuffet.
    The light is on, the world of blogs is at my fingertips...
    Tapping over to Castles Crowns and Cottages I am amazed!
    Only one month ago while visiting with the Fairy Godmother, she told me there was a heart in need that needed to be free...
    I see she arrived, and set your hands in motion,
    Dreams come true, with your Fairy Godmother by your side.

    ~the girl with the curl~

  42. Happy sunny Saturday my dear Anita.
    I just had to go and see LISA. What a precious "diamond" you have in her. You are very kindred "talented soul sisters.
    I'm so so happy to see your passion on your blog. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your Audrey drawings with the sparkle and glitz.
    I would buy them in a ♥ beat.
    Oh, and I like your KEEP COOL pops down here ; )
    Love You
    Love Me
    P.S. I was also at Violet's blog. HER SUITCASE OMG...

  43. Happy Weekend Anita Love!
    Oh, I just visited Lisa's blog, what a grand post for you! I just loved it!
    Anita you MUST sell all your creations. I really want your poetry book!!!!
    I also love your lil theaters! You are soo soo creative and talented!
    Oh, and my goodness your Audrey's are PERFECT!!!!
    Is there anything you can't do ?
    Much love to you

    gi gi

  44. Dear Anita, I love that quote of Picasso!!!(have never heard it before) There are many years you haven't been drawing? Your drawing is so special. What amazing childrens books they would make! I'm so glad you found the artist in you again. That's what makes us happy, to use the gifts in us! Have a blessed weekend you too, artist Anita!

    Love, Kristin

  45. Hang on to those dreams--you've got such talent just waiting to blossom even further. Open the door a little wider and let the light come in to reveal the next steps ahead.

  46. All us bloggy friends of yours know and love your talent.Go ahead make us happy-do more.

  47. Oh my sweet Anita!

    I am just tickled PINK! Thrilled that you're moving onto another new adventure... Your art is so beautiful... (I know for sure.... I have some for myveryownself...) and should be shared beyond big, wide, beautiful Bloggyvile.

    Loved seeing your new creations. I keep promising myself that I'm going to TAKE TIME TO PLAY, but other things just keep getting in the way. You've inspired me, via Lisa and her sweet words for you.

    Big hugs to you dear one!


  48. Ooooooooh, precious Anita, i am so proud to have one of your sweet, sweet drawings! It's true, it's the childlike curiosity and wonder that saves us from the hardness of adult live, the ability to believe in miracles, in love and beauty. And that is, whati so cherish about you! LOVE your little theatres here, so full ofg orgeous details, and created with so much love! Hope your weekend is just wonderful! xox

  49. Your beautiful post particularly struck my fancy today. Beautiful, beautiful art! Truly jaw dropping images and great advice!

  50. You made me cry....with an absolutely melted heart!

  51. Just had to stop in and take another look... I just love your art dear friend.. I will treasure my little books forever...
    Tell Tea Rat Bebe is waiting... She has room in the wagon for his ride..

  52. Dear Anita~

    I'm "cutting in" between these MARVELOUS comments for you... You have the most WONDERFUL friends EVER!
    I am so thrilled your art is being received this way!!! But how can it NOT???? You are so so so so so so incredibly talented!!! I am just overwhelmed with happiness by this outpouring of LOVE for you and your OBVIOUS talent!!!
    The sky is the limit, you know...
    All is can say is "BELIEVE"...with all your heart...
    love you!
    Lisa xo

  53. Hello dear Anita, this is such a beautiful post. You've got it all !
    As I told you before, you are such a beautiful lady, go for it girl !
    And stay the great and strong and sweet woman you already are!
    Ans Yes Anita I made those dolls !
    Happy weekend.
    Love Mapi

  54. Une journée parfaite visites que vous belle amie.
    ~ Dore

    Your beautiful heart like none other, I hope it finds you creating beauty today, making it another perfect day.
    your friend fondly

  55. Dear Anita,
    I just love the Audrey Hepburn sketches, especially the beauty with the red lips. I would definately buy one of them. I have always thought that it was such a talent when one could draw or paint. My kids have always loved to draw - don't know where they get it from. Please never give up this is a gift to the world. Lovely weekend,
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  56. Oh lovely Anita! how thrilled I am for you. And YES, please put pen to paper and keep creating more beautiful and stunning pictures from your talented hands. All the comments you receive are so well deserved, as you are a VERY SPECIAL PERSON!
    My black sweater is covered in white hair from Spotty as he has had special Anita hugs this week :)
    Have a wonderful weekend. Abby xx

  57. You go girl! LOVE the little illustrations... they are so perfect for a book... to give magic to a fairytale... to enchant... as you always do. Lovely.

  58. Anita my love ... as always your blog puts a smile on my face! Beautiful post. I love your creativity, your drawing, your words, your spirit. You are someone I love ... who you are is a gift to the world. Really.


  59. Anita, your work is so beautiful... please remember you are never given a dream without also being given the power to make it true... i believe that.
    can’t wait to see you shine, shine, shine...
    xo sandra

  60. ...and it's about time! :)

    From the first time I visited your pages, saw your art, heard your words, it was always inevitable that there was so much more ahead.

    What I love the very most about you Anita, is that you recognize that God has given you these gifts, so the sky is the limit!!

    Love and prayers on this old yet new adventure ahead. I will be cheering you on the whole way!


  61. You should make note cards of your wonderful children and dog drawings and sell them on etsy. I'd buy them.

  62. Dearest Anita,
    I simply adore your miniature theatres! And your beautiful sketches of Audrey Hepburn are so enchanting. You have the gift~
    And your sweet, sweet colorful sketches of the children and 'fifi's' are so precious. Yes! Please, please, please continue on in your free spirit to create such lovely drawings. Good for Lisa to encourage you!
    And I encourage you too, sweet friend~
    Teresa in California

  63. Oh Anita, what a wonderful post, you´r such a great artist........your creations are soooooo heavenly!!! Looooooove everything....i don't have the right words to say, what i feel about the magic you give to us!!!!! And how i love the sweet theatre in gold with the´r so talented and i´m sooooo happy to know you.......thank you for all!!!!
    I´m not blogging in this time, because Sheila is very sick - she has not been in the best of health lately, and now she has pneumonia and some other bad things....but we hope, she will get better soon!!! Have a wonderful sunday, my dear friend,

    love and hugs, Jade and Sheila (she still loves to eat - typical Lab;))

  64. Dearest, dearest Anita,

    I am almost in tears of joy for YOU although I know you well enough now to understand your message is destined for ALL of us.

    Your hard work and passion has/will pay off and think of all those who have been made joyful by you.

    Beautiful, beautfiful post. I am now going to look at it again with relish.


  65. Hey sweet friend, so great that you've been meeting Koralee! I bet she's just as lovely as her blog and such fun to talk to! That bloggers conference must have been really special and you're so lucky to have such an event close by. Isn't it wonderful, how the friendships we make here in blogland, prove to be "real" too? Have a magical sunday - i love the music you have here today, such a fairytale sound! xx

  66. Oh goodie :) I am looking forward to your creations! You know how much I love art! I hope you will still be posting your lovely writings and pictures too.

    I just posted a yummy recipe your canine companion will love for fall. Don't forget to stop by my blog when you get a minute.

    Happy Sunday to you my sweet friend!


  67. and again ....I am not the first to leave a comment .....
    Oh Anita how moving to be so open to all of us ..... and also at the same time how inspiring for all of us .
    You are so right sweet-one !
    I also think this is one of the treasures of getting older ....
    Life has so many surprises for us on the way many .
    I love what you made !
    One day it will all come together .
    Isn't it wonderful how blogging brings us together and we can share ....
    Hope you are well and fit out foor school tomorrow .
    By the way car is new to me but 10 years old ......

  68. Oh my goodness I just read what you wrote at Saskia's ..
    That must be MAGIC

  69. Your blog is such a delight chère Anita. I fell in love with the little girl by la Tour! Reminds me of the time in Paris spent with my little Eva. I think I will have to have it!
    Bon dimanche and merci for all your visits and comments. You are a breath of fresh air when you stop by.

  70. Chere Anita!

    My e-mail is not working, so I just wanted to thank you for your BEAUTIFUL words this morning on your second Parisian visit!
    Pure magic for me, my dear...
    Thank You!

  71. Anita, how exciting, thrilled for you, your art work is truly stunning you must pursue it! Loved the images and inspiring words and ooo Beatrix Potter my children's favourite when they where small especially Samuel Whiskers LOL, so long ago, take care, Doreen x

  72. Well....WOW is all I can think to say. Your drawings are incredible. You should *definitely* do something...if it makes you happy, of course. But it sounds as though it would make you unhappy NOT to....

    I'm so excited to watch your skills unfold. I've signed up to follow you!


  73. Oh thank you sooo much, for all your lovely words, my sweet friend.......Sheila sends you all her love!!!

    Love and warm Hugs, Jade

  74. Oh Anita!
    Your art IS wonderful!
    I am so glad you are encouraged to pursue and further your talents. They are many indeed ♥ God has blessed you in many ways ~ you honor Him by sharing these blessings with all you meet!
    Speaking of meeting people... HOW EXCITING that you and Koralee got together yesterday. I was thinking of you two wondering if you were able to meet!
    I will, some day, make it to the CC... I will most likely have to wait until retirement LOL... Our school year starts so late, I've only been there a little over a week. But, the day will certainly come!
    Making these connections around the world is quite exciting and gives my heart such hope and peace of the goodness that exists.

    Anita, as always, your posts are exquisite. {I LOVE the paper mache poetry book!} Everything here is lovely. I will visit Lisa's website when my painting is done for the day. {Kitchen painting ;o)
    It will be a lovely way to relax!
    For now, enjoy the rest of a beautiful Sunday ~ and a sweet start to a new week {with such lovely memories to keep}

  75. My dearest Anita, there is just no-one like you. You are so totally magical and inspiring with your creations and style. I seem to be constantly amazed by you. I so wish we lived closer. Your talent is so unique and utterly beautiful. I feel blessed to know you.Your friend Fiona

  76. Nita... more??? where where??? i can not wait to see it.... let me know??

  77. Dearest Nita, You are so really do not give yourself enough credit ! I love the charm your tiny paper mache' princess has. She looks perfect inside her tiny papered home too. I also love the shoe, and fitting for you to create a tiny room Audrey-like! I think you and Audrey are sisters! tehee. Love your work Nita, thank you for sharing with us. Much Love, Christel

  78. Fabuloso, adorei passar aqui!

    Ana Martins

  79. Dearest Anita,

    Lovely post and your art work is gorgeous; true life Audrey Hepburn sketches!

    Just finished reading Ruben and your story in Belle Inspiration. Did not have time as we were for 16 days in The Netherlands and in Germany...

    You wrote about when you finally crossed the time-line from France to Italy... but there is no time line difference between the two countries.
    Glad that you got to visit the country where we worked and lived for one year, in the Venice area. Italy does have a soft spot in our hearts and I love its melodious language, like French... Far more beautiful than English but that's our fate in modern days.
    Love to you,


  80. Bonjour ANita,
    I have known you are a marvelous artist from the very first post I read. Your sincerely kind comments you leave on my blog never fail to make me smile!
    Keep creating mon amie -

  81. Oh Anita I am soooo excited for you...You ARE a marvelous artist and there is a whole new world out there in the Arts for you to discover I'm sure!!! YOU GO GIRL...the one thing you truly have is PASSION...Dzintra

  82. oh YES Anita, your talent is very special and it would be wonderful for you to 'put it out there..' and actually I always assumed you were a published artist... so why not? You have a gift to give the world.

  83. Anita,

    I am so excited for you! I knew that good things were going to happen with your art! You are so, so talented and we are so lucky to come along for the journey as you grow in your writing and your art. I love the little theaters! And of course your sketches. Looking forward to seeing so much more!

    xo Elizabeth

  84. How wonderful to see this post about your art today as i took my visiting best friend to see your blog! I was delighted to see all the wonderful examples of your creativity, and so was my friend! I just love it all , but the little Mixed Media theatres really make me smile with delight! How very precious!!

  85. Wise words my dear...never lose your childlike innocence and always create your art and your writing. I truly enjoy the beauty you share everytime you post. Thank you sincerely...

  86. Fantastic Anita
    And well deserved.. your little theatre creations alone are a joy to behold.. You know I too hadn't thought about art for 40 odd years until I started blogging. and now i can't stop ... it makes my world so much happier..

    Thanks for sharing all your wonderful creations with us.. ciao xxx Julie

  87. Hi again, your drawing is not underdeveloped at all! It's completely perfect and has its own original style! It's really hard to believe you haven't done this for so many years...I think of my daughter when I think of you. She is extremely talented, an artist, like you! I especially see it in her drawing and writing, but also in piano playing!!! Have a wonderful day!

    Love, Kristin

  88. Lisa's blog was fun to lovely you two have connected!
    Anita, you are so creative. It's why you are a successful teacher for one thing, an exciting wife and a good friend. I find such charm in your drawings and while your time is at a premium and your writing is your first love, I'm so glad you are encouraged to keep up your art.

    Have a lovely week, my friend.

  89. Hello dearest! I have missed you so! What a beautiful and thoughtful gift she gave you, not only something that can be held but something that can inspire the soul. I am so happy that you are going out on this new adventure, your pieces are so beautiful and so unique. They will touch the world.
    I hope you have a wonderful week my friend.
    Much love to you!

  90. You can do it, my dear! Your talent and creativity are always inspiring! I see a self-illustrated series of children's books in your future! Congratulations and best of luck to you in your new venture, and in embracing a true love. xoxo

  91. Dearest Anita,
    Well first my dear let me say je jadore your new header!! Elegant and beautiful!
    You really are such a creative soul. Sometimes I wonder if there is anything you cannot do. God has blessed you with many gifts and talents and in so doing, has blessed us through you.
    Keep striving and moving forward the world is your oyster!! Actually you are the pearl in the oyster.
    Blessings and hugs always~

  92. Hi Anita, Oh yes you must, I love your drawing, Tea Mouse and the one you did of me is hanging in our hall way, I will get mom to send you a photo so you can see.
    You are talented in so many areas, go with what your heart feels at the time ;)
    Have a good week
    Love and Hugs to all of you
    George xxx

  93. Always a joy to read your posts Anita.

    Please go for it you talented lady.Ida xxOO

  94. Beautiful drawing and photos! I think you and I need a few more hours in each day to accomplish our goals!
    Lisa sounds like a lovely person.. I must visit her blog.
    Wishing you a beautiful week! xoxo, B

  95. Well deserved for such a talented woman that you are! As always your blog is gorgeous!
    (My Casa Bella)

  96. HI Anita!!!
    I adore your Audrey Hepburn drawings!!!
    I would love one!!!! Did you give me your email address?
    How was your weekend?
    I love all the photos in this blog post!!!!!
    Was thinking of you & wanted to say hi!!! :-)
    Shannon :-)

  97. I am home sweet friend...back in BC and so happy to be with my family and soooooo totally utterly thrilled I can say I have seen you face to face!!!! What a sweet hour you gave me my friend...thank you so much for taking your Saturday morning to visit with me.
    You are even sweeter and dearer in person...thank you for your sweet will be treasured.
    Your post is once again amazing my friend.
    love to you always.

  98. Indeed, indeed, are an artist and should put your art out there.
    and you betcha, Claudie would buy one of your Audrey sketches.
    I love that statement at the very beginning.
    It is so amazing that as a child, we think we can do anything, then as we grow we become filled with self-doubt, and suddenly our dreams, talents, abilities get crushed a little.

    I think those cute drawings you do would work remarkabley well in childrens books....
    so fanciful

    so draw, write, create.....bring back your inner child , the one who BELIEVES....
    and who know to what heights you will go.

    (then when you are famous, I will be able to say, Well, did you know, I used to blog with her)

  99. Anita dearest, so much talent in one beautiful person!!! How wonderful, and I think your art is lovely. Your eye for beauty is amazing. We do forget the artists we were as children, I think that creative person has always been trying to ooze out of me while I was persuing education. I love the creative expression of blogging. Live your dreams, you are amazing!

  100. Dearest Anita, i hope your week started lovely, after this magical weekend of bloggers fun. Here, it's fall now - leaves are getting yellow, but today is sunny and clear, i love that kind of weather! Would love to go for a walk now ;) But have lots of work. Just want to send you some sweetness for the day! xx

  101. Oh, are soooo talented!! You should most definitely pursue your art. Those Audrey sketches are beyond beautiful. xo

  102. A totally divine post as always Anita! I can't get over your talents, your prose, your poise with a pencil, your eye for good images to use on the blog.
    Really pleasurable, a complete feast for the eyes!
    Hope getting back to school was ok and that you are well.
    Love Gem x x

  103. Anita...I have been away from your blog for many days (and mine for many months) yet when I return it is always a treat for the senses and the spirit! Thank you! and Of course your art is fantastic and I would gladly buy one of your drawings...your delight and joy of the art jumps from the image gives joy itself. Bravo!

  104. How fantastic
    that you made
    this connection
    and that it has
    lifted your desire
    to reach and succeed.
    So sorry that I
    missed you at the
    CC, but HAPPY that
    you connected with
    our friend Koralee.
    I also got a hug
    and it was great to
    see her again, this
    year! Next year you
    MUST take some classes!
    xx Suzanne

  105. Oh my sweet you are a sheer bundle of talent! I adore your drawings and your writing always calms me and lifts me up. I see published art in your near future.

    God bless you sweetie and have a most beautiful day!!!

    (I pray your school year is goin' well) :o)

  106. Thank you my dear Anita for making Tuesday a bright one by visiting my blog ... you are a sweet soul :)
    I also read your comment on lovely Di's blog, and how I can see you in that green dress. You would look just stunning in that colour! And how excited I was to read that you are to open an etsy shop!! Does this mean I will be able to buy your fabulous art work? I HOPE SO!
    I hope this week is going well for you and look forward to catching up at the weekend.
    I have kept a carrot for Spotty, from you :)
    Hugs and love from us both. A & S xx

  107. Anitaaaaa!!! You wonderful woman! I am SO glad to be back to visit you after a few months of vacation from the blog world. Your drawings are fabulous. Your poetry, speak French and you play the harp, and you are an amazing decorator. You are such a talented woman and I'm so glad that one day you decided to stop by my blog and leave one of your sweet, delightful comments which make my day! So glad you are doing what you love to do, so the rest of us can enjoy it too. Have a wonderful week, my lovely friend! Besos.

  108. My dear Anita ,
    I believe it was Dali , who once said " A true artist is not one who is inspired , but one who inspires others " ..:) If we can trust him ...there should be no doubt YOU are a TRUE TALENT! I am so happy you have such an encouraging friend . I am so happy you are MY encouraging friend . Thank you ! I am sending you a big warm hug .

  109. I came over from Dore's blog, and I'm so glad that I did! Your work is amazing, I love the little theaters so much and your art work is divine!
    So glad to have found you!

  110. Oh my is there no end to your talents? Love your writings and your drawings and your petite theatres. Love, love.

    I hope you will continue with your art and share it with the world!

  111. Hi Anita,

    I am so glad that you were encouraged to create art again. It's amazing how one person can be a catalyst for encouragement and you are so talented! Keep it up!

    Sounds like you are off to a crazy school year. Oh boy! I bet you're counting the days until your next break!!!

    We are moved in but I have been so tired, and actually sick the last few days, so I haven't done much blogging or visiting others...I will be glad once we get things more organized and back to a normal schedule.

    Have a good rest of the week!


  112. My dear, I am up way too late, catching up on new posts, but
    I just had to leave the best for last and visit you again!
    Such beauty! The sweet princess (Cinderella?) in aqua, the petit furniture at the Opera, the detail is magical.
    I really LOVE the color combination of the Bal Masque..and the red lipped Audrey is STUNNING!!!!
    Oooh, a feast for the eyes and soul! MAGICAL!!!
    Hugs to you,
    - Irina

  113. YOUR BIRD-SONGS-BOOK ..........
    that is SO you my friend .
    You have to search and find a publisher that is specialised in more separate versions ....
    Just like the paper-mache-one !
    Keep your own unique style !
    Imagen being in a bookstore and between all the books there is the beautiful papermache bird-song-book........ See the hands taking it with the most care and the soul being so blessed and SURPRISED .
    I can already see it !
    How are you doing at school your young friend doing alright ?
    sunshine greatings for you ...
    when you are off to school and you see some sunshine .....send by me !

  114. Thanks very much for your blog visit Anita to Amish Stories. And even though im a guy i think this post is very elegant and very hip. I think what was old is becoming new again, so great job on your web site!. Richard from the Amish community of Lebanon,Pa.

  115. Morning my sweet friend....just enough time to pop over and wish you a great day.

    I came home with a cold and now it is a struggle to get to school this will be a long day. But I can do it!

    Just wanted to let you know you can always use any images you want my are just too sweet for words!

    Hope the Autumn sun is shining in all its glory in your lovely part of the world.


  116. Oh Anita, you do have so much talent as an artist! I am so glad you are going to pursue it in the near future! Hope you are enjoying these early days of Fall nice to have comfortable tempertures again! Yes, to your question...I have been doing a lot of painting!~Hugs, Patti

  117. Hi Anita,

    Such beautiful artwork, and treasures from a dear blogging friend. How lovely to be reminded always how talented you are. I hope that you are enjoying the first weeks of a new school year. I think having your secret world of art is a special inspiration while you are at school inspiring your students.

  118. Anita,
    Blogger changed the way photos are displayed. Click on one of your photos on your post and be pleasantly surprised...the photos automatically are displayed on black background to make them pop and you can scroll through all the photos used for one post.

    Happy Wednesday.


  119. Anita - Are you kidding me!? WHy my friend did you stop drawing at all! WOW - you have an amazing gift. I say create with wild abandon!
    I am so happy for you!
    Have a pretty day!

  120. This post makes me so happy for you and everyone else who loves you!!! All of your lovely work will be rewarded!

  121. I love your drawings. You're very talented and that should not be wasted. The images are quite beautiful. The music here is beautiful and soothing to the ears. Wonderful blog!

  122. Dear Anita!!!!!! I didn't knew you are such a talented artist! Your drawings are just gorgeous!!! Oh my gosh!! I really enjoyed this post and all things you wrote here! Oh you really should not stop drawing!!
    Hugs to you my friend and thank you so much for all of your sweet comments on my posts!

  123. Dear Anita!!!! The images you show always leave me a bit breathless and excited for LIFE!!!! Your ART is so so AMAZING!!!!!! I adore those drawings!!!! My holidays are just two weeks, a whole 9 weeks of school left before our big break (10 weeks) over Christmas..... I found myself so exhausted from my days with my students and my own children that I have taken a week to recharge and recover! Our weather is sunny springtime.... with the blossoms bursting out in the garden I find my energy replenishing!!!! Today I tried to make some lovely French rosewater macaroons... Not quite perfect but a very fine attempt!!!! I love the pure indulgentness of them!!! Suits my mood of the day! Self indulgent and following my own interests!!!! Happy day to you my dear friend!!!! X

  124. Reading what Tiff wrote I learned a new word ....indulgentness.....
    Oh I love new words....
    Overhere beautiful autumn-sunshine .
    I love the warm-autumn-sunlight ...
    I love the smell of autumn....
    I love the calm energy autumn shows.......
    Happy autumn-experience.

  125. my dear sweet friend
    my blog is closed for the time being, but i shall continue to visit you here in this beautiful, magical realm you have created.

    sending you my warmest thoughts, love and hugs and wishing you a delightful equinox xxx

  126. As my daddy told me the other night.." you are having too much fun should be against the law!!" squealed and replied.." I am sure they're going to write me a ticket!" we had a big belly laugh! He and I are cut from the same cloth, and I just adore him...he will turn 80 a few days before I turn 50 in November. You'd never know. Age is truly just a number with us;))
    So my sister's birthday was Wednesday the 21st! Wish Ruben big birthday blessings from me!
    I knew the rush of a new school year would be leaving you exhausted by this point, so here is what I have to say to you dearest what you can, write back to gals as you have the time AND the energy, and do NOT apologize for having a very fulfilling, jam-packed scheduled life. I read an excellent guest post ten other day (@Fiona & Twig) about blogger burnout...nailed it! I used to feel the pressure to post every other day, but I wasn't have much time for 'life' ...this is the point she was making... You have so very many gifts and talents that the world needs to be able to get it's hands on, and btw..I'll be the first customer bullying my way to the front of the line;))
    Breathe...blow out one of the candles, cause I'm sure you're burning them at both ends ( this from a gal guilty of
    it,too;) hug your husband, drink your tea, create, prepare, teach...and then, dearest, only then worry about the rest of us. Take care of you, especially now during this time of sheer exhaustion.
    You are loved so very much!!

  127. My dear Anita
    Thank you so much for wandering over and meeting Aimee... I am so happy she gave you a smile.. You always fill my heart with joy... Wishing you a beautiful day.
    A big birthday wish to Ruben today!
    Love my dear friend

  128. Almost the weekend, dear friend and hope that you are having a lovely week and that the new school year is settling down.
    Please pass on happy birthday wishes to Ruben, hope you have a lovely day together.

    Happy Friday

  129. Sending you some weekend joy my friend...can you believe it has almost been one week since I have seen your beautiful face....that moment {hour} will be forever with me.
    This week has been very long for me and I am looking forward to being at home for a few days.

    Enjoy your Friday..and your students. xoxoxo

  130. I am absolutely thrilled for you...such a great talent!! Can hardly wait to see where your dreams take you...

  131. Hello Anita!

    It feels too long since I have visited. I have missed seeing the beauty here. I LOVE your miniature theatres and art! I am so glad you have shared your art with us! You are SO talented! I think all artists don't realize how wonderful their art is, so believe us all that it is wonderful! I am so excited for you that you are going to sell your art! It is great that you have made a point to not forget the artist that is in you. Keep drawing, painting, making art! I just love seeing it!

    I hope you have been well and this school year is still going smoothly! I am excited that fall is here as of today...even though it is 100 degrees outside. There is always promise in the seasons changing I believe.

    Have a wonderful weekend! Much love to you!

  132. Hello Dear Friend!
    I just had to come back over for a visit and inhale the beauty!!!

    You delight me!

    ~ Violet

  133. Nita!!! I have been such a bad friend! I amn loaded with commission work, plus my grand baby is stealing,grin, all my time, I love her so much!!!
    i will try to write this weekend!!
    Thinking of you when I create and it is all the time!!!Love you!!

  134. I agree 100% with all of the above comments! Where will you be selling your art? A good start would be publishing your blog as a book a.s.a.p. xo, Daria Pew

  135. mon ami
    you are amazing
    you are so talented
    i love everything you present to us
    do you ever sell your treasures
    i love them all but i am smitten
    with audrey ~ you capture her so well
    i wish you the happiest weekend
    and send biggest BEAR HUGS xxxx

  136. Dearest Anita,
    Friendship is a most treasured, beautiful thing. This is such a lovely post. Then again, all your posts are most delightful and magical!
    Happy Autumn sweet lady!
    Blissful tidings! xo

  137. I thought id come back to your wonderful web site for 3rds. Audrey Hepburn was such a class act, and did a lot for folks in her own personal life. A real lady with a big heart that keeps beating through folks like you. Richard from Amish Stories.

  138. I know if I stop by your pages I can be inspired and whatever I read will bring a smile. I have had a week of busy crafting and had hit a bit of a brick wall so decided to have a day away from it, walk the dogs and catch up on favourite blogs. I'm so glad I did, I shall start again tomorrow and remember your words, you are such an brilliant artist it would be a crime to not share it with everyone. Di x

  139. Anita,

    Thank you for allowing me to glimpse your many talents. It's wonderful that you and Lisa connected via your blogs. Even more so that she encouraged you to share your art.



  140. Ooooh, how nice to come over here and listen to that song one more time!!! Have a really nice day!

    Kristin :)

    :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

  141. Precious Anita, I never read anyone elses comments to your posts before I post my own, as I don't want to spoil the moment that you've created for me till I share my reply.

    Your gift to the world are not only your words, but your art. They say that real art evokes emotion and as I scrolled and breathed in your creations tears streamed down my face. Not just one, but many. :*( Tears of joy because YOU are right where the Lord wants you...touching others as you are touched by Him!

    You are allowing yourself to be inspired by others that are miraculously sent your way and in turn you are "listening" to them and are applying yourself so that your D*R*E*A*M*S come true, and they are dear friend. That is what is beautiful. So many of us are inspired...but keep putting it off as impossible for us to achieve when we are nudged.

    The reason I know you are already an artist that will achieve great recognition is that as I scrolled down over your art, I realized that I know someone that is going to be nationally known very soon. Not just on Etsy, but in boutiques. You are love! You are! Believe it...because I felt it~ Your gift is too beautiful to not be shared with the world.

    I adore the Audrey drawing with the earring attached. I love it! I'm looking at my own creation of yours of Audrey as I type this and it brings SUCH a smile to my face! :)

    Checking out your Etsy Boutique today friend.

    I cannot wait till we meet in person some day! My prayer is that it will be soon!

    Hugs & Lots of Prayers for more direction in your life in this arena...Godincidences happen every day and we never know when we are entertaining Angels in Disguise!


  142. With all that has been said, what could I possibly add other than...

    Follow your passion and the time will be there.

    You already have the talent and an audience, ma chère.


  143. Dearest Anita...
    How has your week been? It is cold, rainy, & windy here! Autumn is officially in full swing!!! Halloween is just around the corner! I have always loved Halloween; what a fun holiday!!!
    I adore the mint green coat in the 3rd photo!!! It's gorgeous!!! I have always loved coats!!!
    Your photos are beautiful!!!
    Your blog posts are so inspiring & uplifting!!!
    Sending lots of hugs!!!
    Shannon :-)

  144. WHERE can you be reached about the use of my copyright protected image. Proof of ownership is here:


"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echos are truly endless." -Mother Teresa