Friday, September 9, 2011

In Someone Else's Shoes

I just caught the tail-end of it as I turned on the radio 

to help keep me awake during my long morning drive to the classroom.


  A local high school history teacher 

had made history with his class

on the anniversary of 9/11

by giving his students a writing exercise. 

source unknown
These young people were instructed to reflect 


on what they had remembered about this 

particular day

and then were challenged to put themselves in  

someone else's shoes


and write diary entries from the 

perspective of someone directly 

affected by the attacks.


One of his students wrote from the point of view of a passenger 

on board one of the hijacked planes. 

The entry reads as follows:

"As I look at my husband and say, 

'I love you' 

I feel my baby kick for the first 

last time." 


Make every moment count.

Photo credit links are provided under photos 
Minnesota Public Radio MPR Radio story can be found here


  1. As always a lovely, heartfelt post. Thank you.


  2. Oh my goodness, that makes me want to weep. I know exactly where I was when 911 happened, home working and I watched every second unfold live before my eyes. I still have I images seared into my brain that I wish I could forget. My heart and prayers go out to all of the families of those who lost loved ones.

    I was at ground zero on the lip of the pit where the buildings used to be 6 months after the tragedy and I can tell you it was moving, haunting and overwhelming. But that is a story for another day.

    I am going to NPR to listen to this. Have a great weekend.

  3. My heart has been so heavy this week. Every year I have such a hard time wrapping my mind around the fact that this really, truly happened. Thinking of you both . . . have a blessed weekend.

    Love you!

  4. I hope some day we will find out what really happened on that fateful day.
    My prayers are with the survivors.


  5. Très émouvant, Sally, et certainement véridique, hélas. Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  6. update, my friend: CRYING AGAIN!!
    what a touching tribute. there are so many stories and so much that is unimaginable about that day. what a great writing exercise to reflect on what others went through...and perhaps something we should take a few moments to do on the 9-11 anniversary, and every day. :)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Chacun, chacune se souvient de l'instant où il a compris ce qui se passait ...
    Souvenir à jamais gravé dans ma mémoire, tant l'effroi et la peine ont été forts.
    La Vie triomphera de la Mort chère Anita ... demain est un jour de recueillement ... je penserai à l'Amérique, à toi ...
    Je t'embrasse

  9. I too remember exactly where I was that fateful morning, and what I was doing..My son called and told me we were being attacked by terrorists, and I could not believe my eyes and ears..I cried for days for all of the lost lives, and families effected by this tradegy..It still makes me cry..all I could say was "God help us"

    moving post Anita, thank you for always making us reflect, and ponder..much love my friend, Christel

  10. I't all so sad isn't it. Life lost, loved ones missed. I will never forget.

  11. Oh I am in tears, I remember where we were at the time all this happened...we were having a break while JoJo was being cared for...I couldn't believe what we were seeing that evening on the news...Unbelievable...Dzintraxxo

  12. This tragedy is something we never forget! I could not believe my eyes, when I saw what was happening. My thoughts are with all the people who lost someone they knew!
    Hugs Ester

  13. Tears in my eyes, Dearest!

    You are the best example I know for this powerful lesson. With the pain come the lessons, n'est-ce pas, my dear?
    Hope, compassion, love, "making every moment count".
    I am forever grateful that I was given a chance to experience a late dinner at Windows on the World. It was an unforgettable evening, and it brought this entire event so much closer to home.
    May there be Peace on this precious Earth.

    Love you,
    - Irina

  14. Oh, that made me gasp! I have often wondered about the multitude of feelings and last expressions. Beautiful. We have so much to be grateful for! I can't imagine having lost my loved ones in this horrific event.

  15. Dear Anita,

    What a poignant and thought provoking post, dear friend.
    Yes, life must go on, but it must be so sad for the families at this time who have lost loved ones.
    We do need to make every moment count.
    Hope that you are having a lovely weekend


  16. I cried. Beautiful, heartwrenching post.

  17. This brought tears to my eyes...
    What a beautiful post Anita!!!
    Thank you so much for reminding to appreciate every moment with loved ones!!!
    Shannon xoxo

  18. Beautiful post, Anita! The world will never be the same! I think definitely we are closer to the rapture than we've ever been. It's exciting, but also scary thinking about all the horrible things happening around the world so frequently...Have a great weekend!!!

    Love, KRistin

  19. Beautiful and moving post, dear Anita
    Whising you a rested and happy weekend with your dear ones.

    Muchos besos


  20. Hello Anita:
    What a very poignant and sad making story which encapsulates so distinctly the senseless loss of life and the agony and suffering caused to so many on that day. The victims of this, and all similar acts, remain in our thoughts for all time.

  21. oh you dearest ....
    I will never remember the first day of school after 9/11 .
    I was with my class , they were 11 and 12 year old .......
    How can it be life goes on ?
    My students were all waiting .....
    I did not say a word but gave them all a candle and we gave the light from one to the other silence . I did not need to say a thing .... Than we made paintings on wet paper with watercolour paint ..... Only the sound of the brushes in the pots filled with water ...... tinkling .....
    no words ....

  22. Dearest Anita, such a strong and moving post with marvellous pictures that speak their own language! Horrible things can happen to people and to all of us in the wink of an eye. At the moment i'm dealing with much unhappiness in my surroundings. A good friend of mine went to hospital with a nervous breakdowm, another is getting separeated from her husband ... Lots of talks and worries that make it hard to persue routine. I so hope you and Ruben are happy and well, and enjoy the weekend! I so admire you for getting up so early and wish i could do that. Have a gorgeous day my dear! xoxoxox

  23. Very interesting. My heart goes to all the victims of all the terror activities around the world.

    Cruise Pictures

  24. Well Anita, that one got to me! As this day looms, who can fail to be moved by the stories, unheard, which are still emerging. The 11th will be a sad day, worldwide, the day when the world changed forever!

    Have a peaceful weekend my dear friend :-)

  25. Dear Anita,this post is beautiful and moving. If i had to do the ercercise i think i would have sobbed all the way...
    so yes let’s make the world more beautiful (nurture that writing dream!), let’s make every moment count
    xo sandra

  26. Oh goodness that brought a lump to my throat

  27. It breakes My Heart !

    Love to you Anita, as always.


  28. Vraiment magnifique combinaison des images et des mots.
    Un havre de paix pour beaucoup de peine.


  29. Wow, what a moving post Anita. I am sure this teacher really gave the students a different perspective on 9/11 when you actually have to try to put yourself in someone's shoes and try to imagine what they were going through. Have a great weekend, Sweetie! xo

  30. Dear Anita, my prayers are for all the American families.
    Love you!

  31. Dearest Anita, a very heartfelt post .. and what a n amazing teacher he certainly encouraged a whole class to think of the affects the attacks had on all touched by this.
    Not only were those directly involved but this most horrific attack - affected all of mankind around the world. It amazes me that the worldwide through all that has been happening, that there exists such hatred and violence... life is a precious gift, to take it for granted or to take another's life deliberately is most saddening.

    May we all learn to find peace within ourselves so that we can live peaceful and in harmony with one another. Imagine what great things we could do and what a wonderful Eden this world would be.

    Prayers and thoughts for all affected by tragedy. xo HHL

  32. Dearest Anita
    Such a moving post. My thoughts and prayers go out to those who suffered on that day.... they will never be forgotten.

    Bless you Anita, you found time to visit me and Spotty and write your kind words. And after a long day at work when you must be so tired... thank you!
    Sending a warm furry hug from Spotty and I wish you a restful weekend. Abby xx

  33. Dear Anita: I am new to your blog but find it stunningly beautiful and inspiring. This post, however, is most moving. Thank you for the time that you put into your work.


  34. Wow Anita, this is amazing. I dont' think anyone will ever forget where they were the moment our world changed forever. I know I won't. I will always quietly honor those who lost their lives on this horrific day as well as keep their families whose lives changed forever in my prayers.
    This excercise is not only incredible but should be a mandatory writing exercise for all students across America as a way to honor those who lost their lives and to remember this day feeling humbly blessed to be alive. I think its amazing and will actually be emailing my sons own English teacher to make the suggestion that she do the same. Wonderful Anita!

  35. PS Love your blog, newly discoverd it!

  36. 911 was a day of many things:

    Of inhumanity to be sure.

    And then of shock and confusion, fear and panic, heartbreak and inconsolable tears, questions, anger, on-the-fly answers and defensive mobilization, promises of justice and retribution.

    And then, slowly, as stories began to filter in through the media, family, friends and friends of friends:

    of courage despite fear, prayer despite religious and political differences, giving without asking for recognition or reward, and love despite every reason not to.

    Thank you for this beautiful post.


  37. This is one of those post that there is no words to be found to comment, just remember and never forget.

  38. I remember everything about that day. It's hard to believe it's been 10 years.
    This was a beautiful tribute Anita. Of course I wouldn't expect anything less from you.
    I love what your husband had to say. It sure was and is filled with so many different emotions.
    Hope you and Ruben have a wonderful weekend.
    Lots of love to you
    gi gi

  39. What a lovely tribute my friend....I think we all remember that day so well....for me that day was my youngest daughters first day of grade one...I wanted to bring her home and never let her go.

    Happy weekend...enjoy your lovely weather..and yes..I am so ready for next week...see you soon. xoxoxo

  40. Anita,This is so touching.I had to read it twice.Talented student breaks my heart.He gets an A+.You are in my last post-I know it has to be you.Do you recognize yourself?I'm sure it's you.Love Denise

  41. Red roses and red gloves-Yes it's YOU!

  42. What a beautiful prayers are for all the American people love from

  43. There are no words I can express...."Lord, behold my heart..."

  44. Simply beautiful, Anita.
    Your words are heartfelt...
    A country torn forever emotionally and desperate for healing, long after this anniversary is over.
    Thank God we are such a strong nation...
    Tomorrow is a day all Americans will remember forever, honoring those who perished and those who sacrificed their lives as they rose in service for their country.
    Thank you for another thought provoking, beautiful post, my dear friend.
    Lisa xoxo

  45. Wow...very powerful. I think after watching so much coverage of the 10th anniversary coming up we tend to put ourselves in the places of these lost souls and what their last thoughts and words were. So true...make everyday, every moment count!~Hugs, Patti

  46. Such a poignant thought. It's been so stirring this week to see and hear the stories once again. May God bless and protect our country in the days to come.

  47. Thank you, my Dear, for your sweet visit and words. Just love it when you come by! I do hope you and Ruben will visit Duluth one day. Let me know, I'll give you my tips:)

    Love to you,
    - Irina

  48. You know exactly how to make things better.
    Every little small thought and message helps.

  49. I have felt
    the approaching
    anniversary as
    a black cloud on
    the horizon, so
    your umbrella
    metaphors are not
    lost on me. May
    God have mercy on
    those that perished
    and those left behind.
    I still cry just
    thinking about it;
    it's so BIG.
    Poignant musings, Anita.

    xx Suzanne

  50. Exceptionally moving post. Can't believe another anniversary is almost upon us all, of this horrific event.

    This made my eyes sting to read it.

    much love

    Gem x x

  51. Oh Anita,
    it was that terrible day.
    A nightmare, here in Italy we were
    all shocked, everyone cried for all
    the dead, here too we remember them every year.
    Beautiful words you wrote,
    I was moved.
    a hug
    Suzy x

  52. Your beautiful tribute to those lost brought tears.. So many lives changed forever in an instant. Hold on tight to those you love my dear friend. Thank you for such a heartfelt post.

  53. oh my... that student's essay is giving me chills. What a stunning evocation of the human cost of that horrible day.

  54. Bonsoir ma chere amie, you made a beautiful touching post, as always you do. I must write the words Make every moment count down. And hang it somewhere in my home.
    Everywhere around the world people will be thinking of 9/11 on 9/11. All together.
    Much love always xxxx

  55. LARMES Soulful.

    Un triste jour pour une nation de larmes.

    Se souvenant de dire à quelqu'un qu'ils sont aimés

    Soulful TEARS.
    Anita this is beautiful!

    Remembering to tell someone they are loved

  56. Speechless...
    thank you for sharing

  57. oh, my! I was at home in NY, with my babies when the attacks happened, having taken the day off. An altogether indescribable day.

  58. You definately know how to stir the hearts of so many people. Your words are so thoughtful, and it is a glorious reminder to always cherish the ones we love. Thank you for that.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  59. I lived in Park SLope Brooklyn at the time. My 9am appointment in the city had cancelled so I was watching the morning news program. It was a sunny day. When they said an airplane had crashed into the WTC accidentally, my first thought was... are you kidding? It would be almost impossible to do that unless you wanted to. The second one made it for sure and then there was smoke... I couldn't see the towers themselves from my terrace...smoke. Later a wail of such unimaginable pain from a neighbor whose husband was in the towers... ripped through my heart. All the neighbors on the street... stricken and numb. You don't forget days like that. I can only imagine what it would have been like to be on the plane. Beautiful story... remarkable empathy from that child.

    Pray for all the lost souls tomorrow, souls lost from that crash, and the wars they caused, souls lost from breathing the foul air of the act-- poisoning the brave ones who tried to help... so many, so many.

    Pray that it will not happen again

  60. Too sad...yes, we in Australia also remember and share your grief and heartache at what transpired on this day ten years ago. Has it really been ten years?? My goodness, time goes so fast. Anita your blog post is a fitting tribute, beautifully done, as usual.

  61. Beautiful Anita!
    I was listening to similar airings on NPR while driving to school too! I actually had the idea for my second graders to do something similar that was age appropriate, but emphasizing empathy. Sept 11 will always be etched in all of our minds and hearts.
    How are you ma belle? It's been forever, and i know you know how busy and crazy my life is right now. But, i am still grateful for so much... I hope that you're having a wonderful return back to school. We've been having so many meetings after school each day- it's unbelievable. I hope things calm down soon and of course i have the little one's arrival to look forward to next month. Such blessings abound! Love you my sweet friend. A big, big and warm hug to you. XX

  62. Dearest Anita .... as I sit here I am listening to "May It Be" from the Lord of the Rings on your ipod and the tears are welling as I read these beautiful tragic words .... my baby kicked for the first and last time .... make every moment count..... what an incredibly inciteful quest the history teacher set for the class. So incredible that these students could be in another's shoes on that day and realize how fragile and fleeting life is and that it is a gift. It also makes me realize that from that terrible, terrible inconceivable tragedy came out of the ashes a real communion of humankind. The world was stunned and horrified by such terror and this sentiment came from all religions and cultures and I could not comprehend or fathom how it would have been nor how one could survive it. Those who didn't became our loved ones even though we had never met them and we connected with them and the tragedy they endured and the pain and suffering reverberated around the world. From this we must take the valuable lesson of the fragility of life and even though this happened there are good people in the world and we must reach out to them and hold hands and stay strong against these terrible acts and we will prevail. I believe together we can survive and we can find peace .... my best wishes to you dear friend and our thoughts from Australia are with you all in America on this day.

  63. Hmmmm...what a tender thought. I can not begin to imagine the terror those poor souls endured.
    This day has always held a special place in my heart, as it is my fathers birthday.
    Dearest, I still have a house FULL of company, but thought I would just pop my head in the back door and call GOOD MORNING!!!! Have a Blessed day dearest...xoxox...Rosie

  64. a beautiful, touching tribute to all those who remain in our thoughts, especially today.
    fee ♥

  65. Every single moment!

    Grosses bises! Sherry

  66. I don't think any of us will forget where we were or what we were doing. My boss lost his son-in-law. It was a very sad day for us Americans. Your post is a reminder to tell our loved ones how much they mean to us.

    Have a blessed week!


  67. Precious tribute, thoughts and prayers for all those who lost loved one's I will never forget that fateful day and will remember always the sorrow of so many. Take care, Doreen x

  68. Dear Anita,
    We Brits are thinking of our American cousins today, and share your grief.Ida xxxOOO

  69. This is so poignant, Anita. What an incredibly moving and thought provoking powerful exercise that teacher assigned. I wonder what we ALL would write about if given the same assigment.

    I will never ever forget those moments of that fateful morning, it still feels surreal to me and I am always moved to tears and a very sad place when I think of all the innocent lives lost and the families that were torn apart in the most horrific way possible.

    We must all make a pledge to open our minds and hearts to understanding, tolerating and accepting so that this unspeakable tragedy will never ever repeat itself not only here in the U.S. but in the entire world. Thank you this beauitful post.

  70. What an awesome writing assignment, to write from anothers perspective... which is what all novel writers do, but this event was not fiction and even more important for these students, to think and feel and see ~ and put it into words.

    Your post here is so touching Anita. Thank you.

    ~ Violet

  71. Good morning dear one...guess what I am doing today? PACKING! Happy dance...I fly your way Tuesday.

    Talk to you soon. Have a wonderful Sunday. xoxo

  72. I have been avoiding thinking too much about this day.
    Lower Manhattan was my neighborhood, and I worked in Tower 1 ( but fortunately was long gone by 2001). To this day, I am haunted by it all...
    Your reminder is so gentle and beautiful. Thank you.

  73. Nice tribute, the words written by that student was poignant... touching. God bless all those who suffered and lost their lives..

  74. Thank you for coming Anita, and sending well wishes for my friends ... We all need friendship and warmth so much and you're such a kind and loving spirit, who always lifts others up! Hope your sunday is relaxing and peaceful. Mine is, and i enjoy it! xox

  75. A piece of our hearts broke that morning. It breaks again today as I have watched the sons and daughters and parents of those who were lost that day. This was so beautiful Anita... thank you for such a very special tribute to what we are all sharing today.


  76. That music and that moment with the kick pricked my tears. This was profoundly beautiful. Thank-you and blessings.

  77. Thinking of all those who lost their lives and are protecting our freedom. May we never forget.
    Thank you !

  78. So poignant Anita, I am so fortunate to have you as a friend. Indeed aren't we all so very fortunate.

    In loving memory.

    Art by Karena

    I have a fabulous Giveaway from Interieurs I hope you will come visit!

  79. Oh, Anita, this is a beautiful post. And what a wonderful assignment that teacher gave. I have to tell you, I've been glued to Fox for two days as they covered every possible aspect of this sad anniversary. Reading that student's response to the prompt added to my appreciation for those on the hijacked planes. I DID put myself in their shoes a few times today. Wondering if I would have the courage and the faith that they showed in those last moments...

  80. Ok, Anita,
    My eyes are FILLED with tears.
    What an amazing post!
    The music is enchanting too ~ bringing more tears.

    I can only imagine and wish that they felt God near to them during those last moments.
    Evil is powerful, but the love of God triumphs over all
    ~ ♥ ~

    God bless you, Anita, you bring so much to our world with your open heart ♥


  81. When one weeps, we all weep...
    so sad xo

    Deborah xoxoxo

  82. last week lots of documentaries about 9/11 overhere .
    yesterday when the names were pronounced one-by-one .........
    I love the monument that has been made with the water falling/streaming . And all the names on the outside .
    Art can comfort in a way beyond words ....
    I love you are my friend even though we have never seen eachother !
    Have a week with art !

  83. Astounding what that student came up with, isn't it? And unbearably sad.
    It certainly was a day to remember and remind us to make every moment count.
    We forget with our busy lives.

  84. Dear Anita,
    A lovely tribute... I am so saddened yet over this event.
    Blessings to you.

  85. Anita, oh, you should travel to Austria one day! I have spent all my childhood summers there, because my grandparents lived there, and now my parents - practical, huh? Hope your day was fine. I'm tired - maybe because of the warm and humid weather we have here. Wil go into the garden a bit! xx

  86. Hi Anita!!!!
    Hope you had a wonderful weekend!!!
    I always love the start of autumn when it's still warm but you see the leaves begin to turn colors.
    Love this post so much!!!!
    Shannon xo

  87. Hi Anita
    I read your post on Saturday, but at the time didn't know what to put in the comment, we should all put ourselves in someone else's shoes, the world might be a better place.
    I for one will not forget that day.
    Have a good week
    Love and Hugs to you all
    Jan and George xxx

  88. Hi Anita, I invited myself in for another cup of tea together ;)
    I hope your Monday is a lovely one and the week ahead will bring you lots of happy, calming, magical, precious moments.
    Beaucoup de bisous de moi

  89. Nita!!!! I AM HERE!!!!grin!

    Oh Nita this post has a special touch in my heart.. i almost cried when i read it.

    10 years ago at that day, mark was flying back from london . he wanted to surprise me and the small children and cancelled his trip to France and came back 2 days earlier.
    He was flying when the attack happened.
    i didn't know. i could reach him for almost 4 days during that time.
    his plane was diverted to New Filand, and in his plane the US marshals apreended 2 males with false passaports, and one way ticket.
    Mark did not come home for 2 weeks.
    I did not loose him but still feels so bad when i think how i felt.
    imagine these people that lost loved ones....
    yes, yes, everyday is a special day to be lived and remenbered!

  90. Oh this was too sad to read and think about. My stomach hurts so much. I think its a fabulous teacher with a clever assignment to help the students really get "IT". Let us pray that nothing as horrific ever happens again.Fiona

  91. That is one heartwarming post Anita...

    Sad but feartfelt ♥

  92. What a truly heartfelt post dearest Anita.


  93. Oh Anita something so wonderful has happened !
    Look on my blog ! Big hug

  94. Mon Ami
    a high school student
    wrote this?
    such a deep soul
    could only feel that!
    i wish we could follow
    that young one thru the
    years and see how he/she
    impacts the world...

  95. Dear Anita, I'm so glad you have had summer a long time. About two weeks ago the wind and rain took over here - not very nice actually! But when the sun is shining I so appreciate it! I look forward to a blue sky and sunny days! Fall is lovely!


  96. Hello dear Anita.
    How was School today ?
    I wish you sweet dreams for tonight!
    Love as always.

  97. Hi Anita,
    Ces photos sont magnifiques!
    J'aime beaucoup l'envol des parapluies de toutes les couleurs!
    Romantique le paquet de lettres!

  98. wow...what a great class assignment
    that student was very insightful true
    there is a FIRST TIME
    by a LAST TIME

    and goes on. Sometimes we wonder HOW
    but it does
    and I guess so must we

  99. Anita, I am moved by the writing assignment and the submission of this one student. Noting the words written in the margin by her teacher, I do hope that she will continue to exercise her gift.


  100. Wow, this post is so powerful! Thank you for sharing this, Anita!
    I love the idea of making every moment count. I try to. When reflecting on a tragedy, such as September 11, it is humbling and inspiring to live each moment that we have with purpose. It should also be a reminder to appreciate those that we love around us. It is so easy to get stuck in a rut and take the people we love most for granted at times, but events like this should remind us that we should never take anything or anyone for granted.

    It must be so hard to get up at 3:30 every day! I don't know how you do it! But, I appreciate that you can still blog and share your wonderful thoughts and ideas with us all. I hope your week is going wonderfully! Lots of love to you!

  101. What a beautiful idea! And thank you for putting it out there for those of us who missed the broadcast!

  102. Morning Darling!
    I was only just thinking the same thing about those bone china cups. I never really appreciated them until now and I think it's because I am becoming an antique myself. I always thought of them as something granny would use, but it's like I've discovered a new friend. They are wonderful to hold.
    How is you week going? Great I hope!

  103. Dear Anita! Your words move me as always! You know as a fellow teacher it is always amazing to hear how others press their students to think more deeply and look at the world from a new perspective... just as your words and images always inspire new insights for me! X

  104. I think I am going to cry....
    It can be a good exercise to walk in some one else's shoes

  105. You always have such an elegant way of bring words to life. This is a very heart touching story. It was such a tragic day and we can't forget....however, the living must live each day like it is the last. (something I must remember to do...)

  106. Anita, just want to wish you a happy midweek! Hope you've been adjusting well to getting up early again. I took the afternoon of today to visit another blogger, and it was such fun! Wish you could have been there too. Have a fabulous evening!

  107. Anita...yes, you always do deliver the posts that will touch my heart strings....I wish I knew you in the flesh, but alas your digital presence will have to suffice!

    miss you...I know you must be so busy being back to school now...and I'm sure that your students all want to be teacher's pet! you must be such an inspiration to each and every one of them.

    ciao bella

    Creative Carmelina

  108. We just must make every minute count! We never know when it will be our turn.
    I love this post my sweet friend.
    hugs from here...

  109. HI Dear Anita
    Well that day is burned in my memory... and this essay is such a bittersweet reflection of the sad and senseless losses that occurred.. lovely tribute.. the post and the essay

    Well I came to visit you the other day but couldn't find the comments button.. must have been the jet lag doing a number on me..

    Have a lovely week and thanks for your kind comments my way.. ciao xxx Julie

  110. Every minute of every day is so very important... we honestly don't know if it will be our last chance to do all that we must do and say all that we must say...while here on this precious earth...
    Blessings to you dear Anita...
    I hope this school year is one of great joy and wonder for you!

    How I would love to see the Cavalia show and the magnificent horses!
    We have a big horse at the riding centre that is used for vaulting, but I am sadly not fit enough to participate! The horses used for the Cavalia show are so beautiful, and I would love the opportunity to ride one. I am however, VERY HAPPY and content to ride my dear Spotty :)
    I do hope your week at school is
    going well and thank you SO much for thinking of me. I really appreciate the link to the Cavalia and have so
    enjoyed watching their video.
    Take care and I hope you have a lovely weekend. Love and hugs from,
    Abby and Spotty xx

  112. What a beautiful post! and the music... Memories from that day jsut came rushing back...

  113. That was beautiful, as evidenced by your kazillion comments. That student has some major empathy going on and will be a writer one day, I predict. I've been slammed all August, come visit. My website has a huge sale, so FB all your friends for us--please.

  114. Wow so touching! And I love that your writing exercise was reflective of what they remembered and felt. You are awesome! xo -Taj

  115. I cannot remember exactly how I stumbled into your blog, but I love clicking through blogs to discover new ones! I am a regular at lovely Sandra's blog - so perhaps it was through her!

  116. Precious words for us dear one. I wish I had your gift.

  117. Dearest Anita
    I am now catching up on my blogs, having just returned from Ireland. Again you have published a brilliant, powerful and sincere post.
    I hope the weekend bring you joy and rest and that you find some time for yourself.
    Helen xx

  118. Oooh...I absolutely love this post, Anita! Such a wonderful words and inspiration. I was moved with emotion. And I agree... we have to make every moment count.

    BTW, Love that song from Lord of The Rings :)

    Hugs <3


  119. Dear Anita,

    Hope that life is going well for you dear friend and that you are getting back into the swing of the your new school year again.
    Wishing you a wonderful weekend ahead.


  120. Takes my breath away and makes me stop in my tracks! Life is so precious! All life... everyone!
    Thanks for posting this!

  121. Anita, so you're going to meet Koralee this weekend - how fun! Would love to be there with all of you and share ideas and laughter! Give her a hug from me, will you? The one i met was Barbara, from fashion art and other fancies. We instantly felt like old friends and had such a great afternoon. Am so looking forward to the weekend too, time to breathe out after a very interesting but also strenuous week! Love!

  122. Thinking of you today my dear!!!!

    with love

    ~ Violet

  123. Oh my, how chilling. Such a day that is ingrained in my memory - watched with the rest of the world as the horror unfolded...hope you have a lovely weekend, Anita ~

  124. How poignant of a post this is. A friend of ours woke up on 9/11 saw that his family was watching T.V. and he made the comment "Is this a new movie? I haven't seen this one before." As he stood there seeing the two twin towers going up in smoke. And they said "No. This is not a movie. It's happening right now." I think that was the reaction of many didn't seem possible or real, and yet it was the raw truth, the unthinkable happening on the soil of the United States of America.

  125. Precioso blog, me ha encantado.
    Un beso

  126. Hi Anita,

    I absolutely adore the images you choose. Aren't they beautiful.

    But what a sad post to have to write. I find it so tragic that humans hurt each other. It's hard to truly understand why, isn't it?


  127. Too many tears my friend to comment. :*(



"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echos are truly endless." -Mother Teresa