we were children
we believed in the portability
of a pet dragon.
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A ballerina fish didn't just
but rather
but rather
slid through melodious
liquid silver
in a frilled gown.
liquid silver
in a frilled gown.
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But we shed our feathers
and trade them in
for feet
bound toward
and trade them in
for feet
bound toward
solid, earthy ambitions.
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where there is a lamp
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by which others sleep
and where
we are suddenly able
to see
our way in the dark...
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And you are doing it...writing poetry! Yay!!! Could I seriously be the first one to comment on a post of yours? I don't think that's ever happened. :)
Beautiful Anita! The photo of the tiny dragon is spectacular. I didn't publish your last comment, but yes we talked. I just need to see when is best and if it will work. Is that ok for you both? I know there is a lot going on right now.
Lovely! The pink fish! The window! Your words! ♥
I think I will start a list of names that will pre order your first poetry book Anita:)
This is just perfect at the end of a very long day. It's time for me to get lost in a good book:)
Amazing photos and I wish I had 1/4 of your creativity!!!
Have a wonderful weekend beautiful lady:)
..perfect TO the end of a long day!! I'm so tired :( Also .. I love that picture of the fish. I think that's a Beta? or Siamese Fighting Fish??
You leave a memorable trail in my thoughts with your beautiful poetry, Anita. This is lovely!
So as I can read, for some your wonderful lines are so delightful after a long day. For me is this post the source of inspiration in the beginning of a long day...
I love your thoughts and your beautiful and special photos. Always like a little film for me.
But I think a lot of things we do, can leave a trail. Sometimes not visible for everybody,but deep in the heart of people we have around us everyday...
Hugs and kisses, lovely Anita,
Very nice...
This post was like a walk through magic..
Beautiful start of my day...thank you!
Gorgeous words to wake up to and ponder over my morning cuppa.
Bon weekend Anita.
Anita, my very creative blogger friend you are a true poet and I adore your words...your creativity has no bounds.
Have a wonderful weekend...continue leaving your memorable trail ;-)
Anita, What a wonderful start to the day reading your post! I shall try following through some of your inspirational thoughts too! The heading and first picture reminded me instantly of one of my favorite songs as a child - "Puff the magic dragon." Thank you for reminding me the magic is still there!
Sarah x
Beautiful and inspiring words Anita I love how the images you choose are as poetic as your words...uplifting.
Have a wonderful weekend xx Carla
Hello sweet friend, how are you? I hope you take some time for yourself after work?
I love this post, you've the gift to touch people with your words and pictures. I admire you for that!
Keep writing and let us feel the magic of your poetry!
Have a magical weekend hugs,
Yes, dear, so badly needed that space and place away from the hustle and bustle, simple to be, to dream, to create ...and carry some treasures out into ordinary life, whichis really miraculous too .... xox
I love the magic of your words! I love the ride...thanks so much.
Fabulous Anita. Magical. We'd loved the first two images. Hope all is well. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly
I can't tell you how much I agree with you. A book is a ticket to another world. It helps to exercise our creative muscle as we construct the world of the book in our heads a million times more than plunking ourselves in front of the TV and letting others do all the heavy lifting. A book is your playground.
Love your pictures!
Great !! you are writing a book ???...love that idea......i really like your post today....love you my friend.......love love love Ria...xxx..
Oh, you take me there! Thank you for your complete beautifulness!!!
As always, Anita...stunning, inspriational, and I want to follow that trail of roses! Have a beautiful weekend!
When Chrislyn was seven years old she sang "Castle On A Cloud" in her grade school talent show. She insisted that I duplicate Cosette's rags and hat.
When she was twelve we went to Paris. She wanted to visit two places. Le Maison d' Victor Hugo and Le Musee d' Orsay (to see the collection of Degas ballerinas).
We stopped in London to see "Les Mis" on the way home.
The magic of those moments were revisited today through your words, your images, and Cosette's song.
Happy Weekend, dear Anita!
Have a wonderful weekend mon ami.
Oh Anita this post made me smile so!
Such a pleasure to have you at my 'table'....how gorgeous is that...wishing you a splendid weekend and I hope you have the time to have a Pink Cheers....Much Love to you, Dzintra xo
Lovely and a perfect way to start my Friday morning. Have a wonderful weekend my dear friend. It looks like Spring may just decide to show up here today.
I too know this place of the portability of dragons and where fish are ballerinas dancing in the water. Sometimes I think we are put here to find just this very place. Lovely poem.
You are an artist extraordinaire! I will visit always for that feeling beyond compare. When I come to your blog I am lighter than air. Sorry to be absent, know that I care! Silly of me to rhyme it, but, just wanted you to know that I value you and you make me feel younger and happier and your blog friendship has made my life richer. Always with blessings, Amy
I loved this magical post!Ballerina fishes?!So lovely...
leave your mark...and glory be to God
Oh to leave a trail of beauty! (I am sure I could do it in that coat and heels..... te-heeee!)
I have loved reading since a child when I lugged home as many library books as were allowed. And we had reading contests at school, the child who read the most pages was able to choose a new book of their own to keep.
Oh how books have changed our lives forever! How thankful I am that Peter and John and Paul wrote down their relationship with Jesus so that we too could know him.
Yes, in the pages of a book we can still dream and also find much truth even in fiction (thank you C.S.Lewis for creating Narnia!)
Your words Anita are ones that most certainly leave a trail of beauty.
~ Violet
oooooooh I love the roses on the stairs! very lovely. But ...but . . . b u t, the teeny dragon scared me this time. I have decided you love the 'shock factor' in your posts, don't you? hahahahhaha.
The music goes very lovely with this post. Great selection.
On my post, I thought of you when I saw that full skirted flowered skirt strolling through a European
street, and then you chose it! Now that my Anita, is comradery!
Feeling all inspired and girly (I guess ladylike fits better) as always I do when reading and admiring your post, mon amie. Have a fabulous weekend Anita xx
Good Morning Anita,
What a lovely post this is. I do love poetry, and maybe some day I will show you a couple that I've written, through e-mail of course hehe. This post reminds me to start reading more. There are adventures to be read that I am missing. That pet dragon is so enchanting - how special it is to dream as a kid. The ballerina fish is beautiful. I've never seen them before. And the roses on the stairs, ahhhhh, made my heart happy. I'm glad you are doing something you have longed to do.....write poetry.
Have a wonderful weekend, my enchanted friend. Oh, I would love to see that moon painting from your blog friend. I have a thing for moon pictures.
Visiting here Anita is sweet poetry! Beautiful images and song. May your day be lovely..........
The French Hutch
I'm with Emily...visiting here is poetry. Thank you for sharing the beauty of your soul, Anita fairest. ;) You never cease to amaze me.
Time to get lost in the pages of a good book...perfect weekend must.
I walk away from your page looking up.
Hi Anita its George, Oh a Dragon he's cute, and two photos with steps :) Yes of course I will be flying the flag on St George Day and doing some dragon slaying myself. A special day for you also,as I know :) enjoy your weekend, and let that pen flow on the paper or fingers on the key pad :)
Love and Hugs George xxx
"When others sleep" is when my mind is the most creative, too! This poetry you have written is so intuitive. It is during the waking hours of the day when I'm lost in so much "practicality" that it is harder to dream and imagine and create.
This is probably one of my favorite pieces yet that you have written. It parallels my life at present so very well. Thank you for this piece of beauty and encouragement!
Your posts never cease to amze me.
Have no idea where on earth you find your imagery, but it always takes my breath away
along with your lovely words that so perfectly compliment
the visuals.
Have a lovely weekend.
Blessings to you!
I missed you Anita! I hope your trip was wonderful...I just got back, and have a picture of a poet you will enjoy on today's post...
Happy weekend my friend!
A beautiful start to my weekend. Beautiful! Bonnie
SNOWING??!! Ugh! I am so sorry. I'll cross my fingers for you and maybe keep singing, "Here comes the sun.." Can we WILL it out of hiding?! :)
Oh, what a treat to read your lovely words as I sit icing my leg from bursitis. You words and pictures transported me from my pain. And you make me want to get up and be creative.
Good evening dear friend!
I hope you had a wonderful week! I am transported by your magical post! Your images and words are magical and ALWAYS make me smile.
Thank you for sharing dear friend, xxoo Elizabeth
I THINK I am leaving a memorable trail... I hope I am anyway.
Ohhhh that ballerina fish and miniature dragon....just viewing the images is magical! Beautiful, beautiful post, Anita, thank you again....N.xo
Beautiful inspiration as usual Anita. I hope you are doing well dear one. Thinking about you.
xo Nancy
My very talented friend,
I couldn't agree more that books, poetry and writing are the great escape and take us on exciting adventures, giving us greater insights and often new perspectives...I love this place, too. But the place I dream of is the place where I can meet you, lovely Anita, and my Black See sister Irina...:) Thank you for sharing your happy day with me!
P.S. I so love the book and the musical "La Miserable", but what works on stage doesn't adequately translate to screen, I think.
Enjoy your weekend my friend...I just know you will get your creative soul flowing.xoxo
lets do it together!!!
That is so inspiring...
to live with a purpose
and to never stop dreaming
go for what our heart desires.
Your poetry inspires us Anita
have a lovely weekend.
Leaving something memorable behind... that's the real art of living... xv
I hope to leave a memorable trail... You are definitely leaving a memorable trail with your exquisite creations and beautiful words!! Happy weekend ~
Sending you lots of spring sunshine :)
your images and words ..inspire me!..off I go now to be creative...
I've been carried away from the mundane to the sublime with your poetry and your photos. This post is no exception--absolutely lovely!
Dearest, how late I am here...to your magical portal...where we enter the world of wisdom, beauty, wonder,stardust...and splendid poetic artistry...
Gorgeous imagery..
That special time and space, where we attempt to leave a memorable trail, is sacred.
Brava to you!
Love you, dear sister!
So very pretty Anita! Glad you put your comments back on!
Happy Sunday!
Madelief x
I am so happy I can comment again! Your posts are extraordinary and I love them. This one is original and wonderful. Love the header!
My dear friend,
And you are living what you have written.. I love your words, imagination, and most of all your spirit.. Bless you Anita.
I am so sorry I am late in arriving.
p.s. love your header!
Each and every time I visit, I am amazed by the beauty and words.
Dear Anita,
Such sweet words you have shared today and I agree books, words and poetry can take us away to another place. Thank you for always making the world a better place.
Wishing you a happy weekend
Oh Anita ... breathtaking!!! The song is one of my favourites from Les Mis ...... so beautiful. Making magic from dust!! That is exactly what you do my friend ..... serenity again! Happy Sunday to you..
hugs always
Dear Anita...This was my favourite post from YOU...I was intrigued and wanted to see and read more! hehe...Was the clip with Leonardo taken from the 'Titanic'..I wonder. LOVE this movie....I wish you a day full of inspiration as that is what you inspire in others others.....With 'Twinkles' **** and kind thoughts Maria x
I guess we both have Castles on our minds this week! I love it!! I lose myself in my daydreams :)
Hope you have a blessed day!
What the world needs now is more poetry from women who dance and play named Anita.
What the world could use is more grace and more words that spill from her heart that is where she needs to start.
What the world should do is slow down and follow her steps that leads to the straight and the narrow and the wide and the wonderful.
What in the world would we do without women who dance and play named Anita?
Oh thank you so much Anita.. Connie will be thrilled to see your sweet words this morning.
Wishing you a beautiful day ahead.
Simply beautiful as always! So happy to see your blog is still alive. You touch so many of our hearts my dear. Keep up the power of the pen... you have a gift! much love... d
Your poetry is simply
Beautiful ~~~
Pearl 13.1
The quote at the top,
"Live with inention" made
me do a double take ~
was it a type-o? No, when
I looked closer, I realized
that was part of the message.
If we don't live with INTENTION,
then we miss something ~ in
this case, the "T" : ) Since
you get so many comments,
I wasn't able to decipher if
anyone else noticed the absence
of the T?
Beautiful thoughts, as always,
married with lovely images.
Hope you are finding time
to create, as I've been too
busy, as of late!
Happy Sunday,
xo Suzanne
Anita - YOU HAVE A GIFT!!!!!
Bless you for sharing it with the world!
Have a pretty day my friend!
Oh am I glad you have the comments back. It is such a beautiful post as always. I have missed you.. yvonne
Hello beautiful Anita!!!!!
How was your weekend?
This is such a fabulous post!!!!! I love all the magical imagery!!!!!
We have a thunderstorm here as I type this to you. My dog, Isabelle, is terrified of the thunder...
My birthday is Saturday and my parents will be coming to visit.... I'm so happy to see them!!!! :-)
Hope you're having a wonderful evening!!!!
Love this!
I love the trail you leave...its simply dreamy and filled with hope and love!
Warm hugs my sweet friend xo
All my heart,
Deborah xoxoxoxoox
Anita ~ can you email me at
Had to come back for some beauty inspiration! You are marvelous!!!
~ Violet
Comments are back! Yeah! Bravo!!! I'm HAPPY you have the comments back dearest Anita :) Beautiful Inspired thoughts... as always! I hope everything is going well with you, creating and writing. Wishing you a great week ahead!
nice blog! stop by anytime :)
xoxo Sienna
La vie n'est pas, paraît-il, un chemin parsemé de roses !
Chez toi SI !!! et c'est ce qui rend ton univers si merveilleux !
Chaque image raconte une histoire, il n'y a plus qu'à pousser la porte pour se retrouver de l'autre côté du miroir !
Merci chère petite fée.
Gros bisous
Happy Monday Morning to you my sweet friend...sending you lots of positive energy for a lovely day...make it a good one. Will think of you today. xoxo
Oh you busy gal, Anita! Yes, your vacation is over. If I had that tutor job, I would have had last week off and heading back today. I am so glad I don't have the job anymore. I loved the children. The adults were the bears.
Write when you can, to me. Preserve your own writings first. That is the best way. Thanks for your quick note to me this morning. You ARE amazing! ! !
And with your every post, we see how you accomplish these very things. Thank you for another wonderful blog treat, Anita. Your creativity and energy are truly inspirational!
Bonjour Anita! votres images et votres mots son toujours très pleins de bonnes idées!!!!
Hello my dearest friend
Thank you for visiting me .
My son cleaned up my laptop and re-installed all my programs
I hope all will go well from now with me and my laptop .....
I am so enjoying my re-newed living room It is so wonderful with all the white and feels light and inspiring .
A new start for my new life
No more work for me and so lots of time for so much wonderful things to learn and explore ....
Having my november-birthday now in aprilSPRINGtime was a wonderful experience .
I think this was supposed to be !
in my new livingroom !
Oh what they all prepared and shared Absolutely inspiring .
and such wonderful gifts .....
I got a new mouse ! I have four now
It's a family ....
My theme for this celebration was
and this new mouse has happy colours I will send you a picture on facebook !
I hope you are doing well
big hug from Holland
Hello dear Anita....yes the group was just like a little community...I just loved taking that trip! And yes I am still learning to sing....now I have my first song....a little Nursery Rhyme...'Sweet and Low'...Dear Irina found that was sung by Bette Midler also so look her up if you get a chance. It's a very moving little piece but I'm afraid I sound nothing like here....I'm still 'finding' my voice....Sending Much Love to you on this Wednesday....Dzintra xo
GOOD MORNING my friend...off you go to school this morning...hope your mind is filled with HAPPY THOUGHTS all day long. I am off to celebrate my colleagues life today...but first my friend and I are going to fill the church with cut tulips...you should see the bucketfuls I have in my garage this morning...pure JOY!
Love to you...enjoy your day because you can! xoxoxo
Oh Anita! I am so glad you enjoyed the visits from Paradise. Visiting your site is always paradise for me! (hug)
Thanks for coming by, Anita! And glad to hear you are making time for yourself and your art. Love that picture of the little dragon! Hoping that all your writing dreams come true.
Hugs and bisous, Kirsten
Hello my dear!!!
I so love being able to come here and see the comments open. How are you? I hope you had fun teaching today. Any promising leads for you yet?
I'm glad you liked the little video of Mr. M drumming. He is so funny...
Love to you!
Hello Anita,
I just came by to see the little dragon before you do another post hehehe.
Have a good week, dear. It was very windy here today - kind of strange weather for spring.
~Love, Sheri
Dearest Anita,
(Stephanie almost trips over her feet to get here more than fashionably late!)
I am here, I am here and I DO believe this is my favourite of ALL your posts! Yes! The written word and cultivating our imagination are so tremendously important to me. The images you chose are stunning too, of course!
NOW, onto the infamous story of your mystery package! Yes, yes, it has been EPIC! Would you believe that, FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER (for me, anyway) Amazon has lost or failed to deliver THREE parcels which were intended for you? Please don't laugh but my children and I say you have jinxed Amazon but of course we are ONLY JOKING! The good news is that the fourth attempt has been successful. The package is lying on my dining room table, wrapped, and... waiting to go to the post office which, should be happening tomorrow along with the two mice I sold.
Honestly, I cannot believe how weird thing have been Amazon-wise! Your penultimate package, acoording to my parcel tracking history, is lurking somewhere in northern France.
Bless you for your patience. I'm pretty sure you will love this small gift when it FINALLY arrives!
wow, so many comments!!! gorgeous post, very inspiring!!! i cannot wait to see the great gatsby! leo will be fantastic in it!
laura x
happy mid way point
anita dear...poetry
spring brings us
this open doorway...
I just love the last photo of the roses on the steps... You know me and roses.
MERCI dear friend for your visit today.. So sweet of you to take time out to visit her.
Jasper with a blue crown? Well, that is an idea.
Have a wonderful day dearest!
Coming here is a sweet way to spend some time in the presence of your magic...
Thank you for the sparkle and beauty, dear one!
Thinking of you!
Stay warm, chere amie...
Love you!
AMAZING post:) The little dragon reminds me of my fav TV series right now... Game of Thrones. If you havent seen It you must see an episode..Its AWESOME:)
have a great day dear
LOVE Maria
Anita, you know I am one of your biggest supporters in your blogging and writings....
I love your mind and the way you process words, holding on to there meanings with deepness. I especially love your beauty and grace visiting me and the words you leave behind, I am soulfully connected to you and how you create, and your life home decor. You know how much I love your home, it's poetic longing for calm and its be Kooning for more grey and whites, it's like magic for you to create in.
Keep inspiring areas of your home it's a place to love and let it move your hand to write.
I am a gather of words and know how you gather them as well inspire our souls.
See you and your beauty soon.
Do a post on your home, take little corner shot of inspiration and close ups of your world that inspires who you are. Your photo will be beautiful.
Open the curtains taking them with out a flash is the grey of its soulfulness :)
Lots of inspiration on your grayer days.
lovely post(:)
Truly beautiful words and images. My favourite blog visit of the day. x
hey Anita! Please make note on my post in the morning? I am not proud of it but wanted to share it anyway. Hope you had a great evening and that you are relaxing before the next few days of work ahead. We haven't had more snow but horrid 28° wind chill. Ewwwwhh, tooo cold for springy April.
Magically beautiful!
Hello, my dearest Anita, I´m soooooo in love with each of your wonderful posts.........so much to enjoy an to learn about life!!!Thank you so much for all your inspiration my dear friend!!!! And a big THANK for your lovely comment...........oh, I´m so looking forward to see your white pictures!!! Hope, the sun will shine very soon for you..........we don´t need any ice storm in spring! My son is in New York this week......I hope the weather is fine there! Have a wonderful weekend,
Hugs Jade
Oh yes dear Anita JoJo seriously loves music....I often say that she has music notes in her instead of blood LOL. You have a snowstorm....eeeekkk....we are in Autumn and I am wondering where it is!
Oh yes, about finding 'my voice'....my teacher said that to me....and I thought it a very fitting term...JoJo loves going to the theatre and she just loves it when I sing....she has a chuckle LOL! All is good...
Drive safely through that storm....I've never seen one of those...Blessings to you, Dzintra xo
Oh we had our first ICE STORM in my memory this past January and those are so AWFUL! But you have to still work, eventho college is cancelled? hmmmm, not fair. Thank you for your sweet and kind words, my friend. You make blogging s o o o satisfying. Tomorrow will be another post of more of my new shoes! (I bought 4 new pairs over Easter vaca) New pairs not thrift shop but NEW.
Well, dearest, I dedicate that Anais Nin post to YOU.
My poetry one will be going up soon...
Missed you so today, hope you are nice and cozy...
The drive in the morning was just awful...did you see the lightning?? Tres bizarre, non?
Well, I hope your Friday will be lovely...hope to talk to you soon, chere amie!
In Temecula today with Miss B and sis. Had a great time.. Thank you for visiting again and your sweet note.
I don't know that place - but I MUST make time for it!
Lovely images and words as always. Lots to think about.
I know you have your reasons - but I am so glad to be able to comment again my friend. feels right!
happy weekend to you and your Mr
(LOVE that pink sofa and that coat)
Anita, does that mean you are going to stop blogging? yvonne
I needed this little spot of respite this morning dear Anita. Beautiful, beautiful!
hugs from me...
You know Anita, I have several bloggers from MN, and one said to stop rubbing it in about how your weather isn't springtime yet. I didn't think about that portion of 'rubbing it in' but I guess I did. I just know from all of you MN-ites that you aren't enjoying spring yet. Today is FINALLY SUNNY out here and hopefully we can get some yard work done! Oh, yes while wearing some sandals. HAVE AN AWESOME WEEKEND!
ice storm...
oooh they can be beautiful
the day after...take pictures
if you can...hopefully not
too many trees are suffering
under the weight of it all!
Stopping in to say hello to my sweet and talented friend:) I just shared your poetry and music with my husband and he said "that's incredible" .. you are so talented Anita:)
Dear Anita, Such a lovley post. I save reading yours for the last to send me off to dinner and sleep feeling happy. I still believe Dragons are portable by the way .... Minerva x
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