Sunday, September 1, 2013

Summer is thawing out


and is now washing ashore

as a 

bottled adventure.


But the fun isn't over for me


~ it's back to school~

and this time

 I'll be teaching teenagers


  the monumental achievements  





renowned culinary practices





art and architecture




and varying lifestyles

oddur thorisson with permission from "manger"




while I'm teaching them 

how to properly conjugate 

their verbs.


But the first thing that

beginning French student
wants to know how to say

and will never forget







  1. Very lovely. Enjoy your time with your students. Lovely photos in this post.

  2. How beautiful. I would have loved you as a French teacher. I was taught by a Mr. Phillips who lacked passion. I think it should be law, if you teach French you have to have passion!

    Enjoy your Sunday :-)

  3. J'taime!
    It hasn't changes in 40 years!
    I always said that I would never want to go back to High School, Anita.
    I would return in a "pulsation" to have you as my French teacher!

    After J'taime, the next phrase that
    always comes to mind from my high school French class was... "Jean Pierre, fermez la bouche, s'il vous plaît!"
    I was Ginette!

  4. Whoops! It hasn't "changed" in forty years. Perhaps I need to return to

  5. Happy first day of Autumn to you Anita and we wish you a successful return to teaching and we hope it goes really well for you. Have a serene Sunday.
    Best wishes Molly

  6. Anita, I am sure the students adore your classes! Have a wonderful school year!

  7. Aww that is beautiful,good luck with your students,xx Rachel and Speedy

  8. How excited I am for your students!

    They have NO IDEA yet about the amazing woman who is going to twirl into their lives, the
    and artistic

    and the life-long memories
    your presence will instill
    in them.

    And who knows what beauty
    and inspiration you will discover
    in their eyes?

    ~ Violet

  9. How lovely! Yes we are both going back to the classroom. How wonderful it is to encourage the love of learning. I know your students will be enamored. Enjoy your Sunday! Bonnie

  10. i bet you are such a wonderful and passionate french teacher!! in fact, i just know it. have a wonderful school year, dearest.
    p.s. boy would i love that stove/oven in photo #6!!

  11. J'Taime...what a lovely post my friend !!! from me ...x !

  12. Dearest Anita,
    If all teachers had your passion, it would be a blessing for all students.
    Such a beautiful post to start the school year off..
    Merci cher ami for coming over and leaving such encouraging words for Matilda and Phoebe. You are a true gem!

  13. So pretty Anita! That kitchen.. oh my! I'll be pinning it! I imagine that if I were the parent of one of your students..I'd be thrilled to pieces:) as you must be the MOST amazing teacher. My daughter took French throughout high school and into college. She speaks well and is able to converse (slowly:). Such a beautiful language and this music is incredible.

    Wishing you all the best with the start of a new school year.


  14. Oh my goodness, Anita...your students have NO idea how incredibly lucky they are to have you as their teacher! Another beautiful post, my dear..thank you! xoxo

  15. Lovely... I would love to be a student if you were my teacher!
    Have fun... those teens are very privileged to have you!
    My son is entering H.S. and I would love him to have an opportunity like this!
    Happy September...

  16. Just loved the post and pics and music. Merci.

  17. Hello Anita

    Wishing you a year full of joy and students who are hungry for knowledge.
    They are fortunate to have you and I hope the school knows this. If not, copy and paste this note and paste on all surfaces.

    Helen xx

  18. My dear friend,
    Yes back to school tomorrow and I'm teaching adults, it will be fun!!!
    I saw that beautiful picture from Chateau des Milandes, we have visited thit chateau a few years ago it's so beautiful. Have a nice first school day my friend!!!
    Hugs, Liliane

  19. Beautiful words, music and pictures Anita! My youngest took French for 7 years in school through the International Baccalaureate program, and loves the language. Best wishes for the new school year.

  20. The most beautiful words there are Anita! Every book should start with them :-). I hope you will have a fabulous year!

    I didn't get back to you about the photo of the ladies on my blog, but you were right. It is Saskia in the red and white chequered dress!

    Happy new school year!

    Madelief x

  21. Hello Anita dear.
    These teenagers are getting quite a terrific teacher this year. How nice of you to give the them your time and talents. The dessert on here looks amazing. I love the heart door! I have to say that picture of the woman with the bread and vegetables walking up the stairs made my heart sing. It is such a special picture, and I see so many things in it.

    Happy September, Anita. je t'aime! Yes, I'm learning, slowly but surely.


  22. Anita,Anita,dearest Anita!

    Thankyou from the bottom of my heart for you beautiful words by me.............!!!

    How much i did enjoy your new post again:)*
    And this MUSIC...........Oh,my!

    Your students are very lucke boys and girls,YES,they are!!!
    You can teach they what is LOVE....Beautiful:)))*

    Wish you absolutely great,wonderful September!!!

    Sending to you my warmest virtual hugs,

  23. Oh, best wishes for an amazing year with your students. I hope you'll all be blessed by having each other in your lives.

    Bonne chance!

  24. Your students are blessed to have you as their teacher. I would love to be a teenager in your French class. I took French in high school and I have said fermez la bouche and j'taime more often than any other sayings in french.

  25. Teaching teenagers - you brave soul! I'm sure they are very lucky to have you as a teacher.

    I am your newest follower.


  26. Not only teenagers but, all us bloggers out here that learn something in every visit to you.
    Your French ways will rub off on all who listen to your soul.

    Thank you for this beautiful post.
    Your selection of gathered and collected photos move our hearts in the direction of a sigh!

    Enjoy your school year my French Friend.



  27. such a lovely post
    i love the images you share
    the quote at the top or poem
    touched something deep

    wishing you and your students
    a wonderful time together

  28. Anita, all the best for a wonderful year with these young students. I hope they realize how fortunate they are to have you as their teacher. They are in for an amazing year! I wish I could take your class.
    Enjoy your long weekend. Hugs ~ Sarah

  29. How perfect is the music especially with the ship-in-a-bottle moving like that! The colors amazing. I would love to learn French too, maybe you can transfer your lessons onto this blog too? LOL...kidding, sort of LOL....always inspirational coming here. love, lady

  30. Lovely to be able to leave Your heart stamped into a teenagers mind.My only time teaching other's children has been in Girl Scouts and Sunday School.In both instances,when I finally reached the teenage groups I was surprised to find I was able to leave more of myself with them and be a bigger part of Their lives.I actually loved it.Hugs to You-Enjoy Yourself-Denise

  31. Oh, you are going to have
    SO much fun! I have witnessed
    first hand with my own teens
    how much a teacher can
    influence their experience
    with a language (or even just
    with a class) and I know you'll
    make it very special for them : )

    I love the Tyler Knott poem.
    Kind of sums up how we both
    feel about words, doesn't it?

    Enjoy your lovely long weekend
    and bonne chance with your new
    teaching year, sweet friend.

    xo Suzanne

  32. What a BLESSING for these students to have such a talented and loving teacher! Thank you Anita, for sharing your wonderful words with us and your students. I LOVE the opening poem at the top, just Beautiful! <3

  33. Anita,

    I applaud your passion and desire to inspire and educate your students. Surely they will learn and grow because of your heartfelt energy, love and knowledge.


  34. Oh so gorgeous Anita dear! Where can I sign up to sit at the feet of this kind of beauty and creativity?? I think it would be quite a commute from California but I can dream of being in your class. Merci-for this beautiful glimpse....
    xx, Heather
    PS-I definitely understand the restrictions on our time now that we are both back at work.;)

  35. "Washing ashore as a bottled adventure" OH! That is GOOD! Hey, I wish I could sit in your class and learn of all those marvelous things, you must be a fabulous teacher. Here's wishing you a wonderful group of enthusiastic kids who appreciate their extraordinary teacher.

  36. I forgot to tell you, I had a horrid French teacher, all pinched and unfriendly and boring. Shame on her, she made learning a drag!

  37. Tes élèves ont beaucoup de chance de t'avoir comme enseignante. Ils vont le découvrir petit à petit en même temps que les mots. Bonne rentrée et des bises de France

  38. Teenagers!
    Oh, my that is going to be fun!
    You will have to tell me dear
    how it goes and what they truly
    ask to know. Thank you for your
    visits they are always such a
    lovely surprise. Summer is fading
    and Autumn is coming and with it
    a softer, more gentle flow of
    light. Blessings my friend.

  39. Anita, hello....How lucky are your students to have such a wonderful teacher as YOU! I am wishing you and them a wonderful learning and growing year we all know they have so much to look forwards too....Summery hugs to you. Maria x

  40. Oh those lucky teenagers, I wish I could join your class! I have no idea what ‘conjugate their verbs’ actually means – so I really do need to be there!
    I do know one thing - all your students will be a little in love with you before too long!
    Thank you for adding a great big dollop of happiness to my day! xxxx

  41. A lovely post done by a lovely lady.
    Happy September dearest Anita.

  42. Wishing you a fun adventure this school year. What lucky students to have such a wonderful teacher.

  43. Those Teenagers are so lucky to have a teacher like you.
    To see France through your eyes, as you have the soul of Paris in most of your posts.
    I only wish I could sit in.
    Anita, I just saw 60 minutes and hope you did. That Khan Free academy is just fantastic.
    At last, this computer stuff is doing something Good.

  44. Language in a vacuum like history in a vacuum is so boring and pointless. Once you engage a whole person with a whole culture it makes the reason for learning connect. I believe this with my whole heart. Learning just to pass a test is soulless and never sticks because it doesn't resonate. Imagine learning to drive a car on paper without a car? What's the point?? Good for you to do it the right way.

  45. je t'aime ma belle!
    I am still stabbing at french. I am a poor student and easily distracted by lifes events LOL! I am so happy you are going to do what you love. I am thrilled for you!! Your students will love you and what to be absorbed in learning from you.
    We have been busy visiting architectural salvages and antique malls this weekend and going to a huge garage sale and swap meet today in a small town nearby. What fun for Wes & me! Great way to spend the holiday weekend. Hope you are enjoying yours also with your dear hubby.

    Bisous, Edie marie

  46. I hope your students know how lucky they are to you as their teacher. I wish you were my teacher, but then in a way you are ... I learn about beauty, art, poetry and our amazing world every time I look at your beautiful and inspiring blog.
    M x

  47. Anita... what a beautiful poem and love the music. Wish I could take that class from you - sounds so interesting. Teenagers, huh? Yikes!! Best of luck. If any one could get through to them I'm sure you can. Have a wonderful day!

  48. I believe this time around teaching will be even more rewarding.... especially with teenagers.
    I can just imagine giving your students a Parisian Party similar to your annual blog party. How interesting would that be?
    These students have no idea what's in store for them... how lucky are they??? :)
    Wishing you a wonderful, exciting, FUN school year with BIG surprises around every corner.
    Much love~
    Lisa xo

  49. oh, oh!!!!chère Anita, j'adooooooooore ton post!!!
    quel bel hommage tu rends à mon Pays la FRANCE, tu as très bien résumé ce qui fait notre identité
    j'ai longtemps habité à Paris et maintenant je me trouve au centre de la France "Clermont-Ferrand" la région des volcans et de Vercingétorix!!!!
    je suis vraiment ravie d'avoir fait ta connaissance tu es très poétique et tes mots sonnent la sincérité et la fidélité...Merci chère Amie
    French Kiss
    PS : j'adoooooooore, s'écrit avec un seul o but you know that (lol)!!!!

  50. j'avais oublié...

  51. What an inspirational teacher you will be...they are lucky to have you :-)
    Wishing you an exciting and undoubtedly brilliant school year.

  52. chère Anita,
    pour répondre à ta question je suis portugaise, je suis née au Portugal et je suis en France depuis 1973
    j'ai fais toute ma scolarité en France, je parle le portugais, l'espagnol et anglais, tu vois grâce à nos ancêtres
    nous sommes très proches, nous sommes issues toutes les deux de la péninsule ibérique donc concrètement
    l'océan qui nous sépare nous rapproche du fait de nos racines...Je suis vraiment ravie d'avoir fais ta connaissance
    Continue à faire partager ta passion pour la France avec ses us (coutumes) à tes étudiants notre pays possède
    beaucoup de richesses mais ça tu le sais déjà...
    Merci encore pour tes nombreux et gentils passages dans mon petit monde
    bisous or french kiss
    nélinha(diminutif pour Manuela)

  53. May each of these students know what a rich treasure it is to see France through your eyes! It will create a new kind of magic in them as they hear your words. Lucky, blessed and they don't even know it yet... to have Miss Anita in the room! :)

  54. Just popped in for another Anita fix!
    I could do with a slice of that flan with ice cream right now.
    I thought I recognised Mimi from Manger - love that blog.
    Enjoy what's left of your day dearest.

  55. I would love to be a teenager in your class. Beautiful images of my favorite style. Now of only I could speak French. Enjoy this latest venture!


    1. Oops! *IF*. Now *if* only I could speak French. That's what I meant to say.

  56. Bonne chance a la classe de mon ami! I am back to using Rosetta Stone again and hoping to revive my French.!
    AH Teenagers.... that my entire house right now!!
    HAve fun!

  57. Hello dearest Anita!!!!!
    Can you believe Labor Day weekend is actually OVER?!!!! Unreal!!!!! Summer is officially over!!!!! It will still be warm on & off for a bit but as far as summer goes- it's done. Did you have a good holiday weekend?
    I love your post!!!!! I want that fabulous pink coat!!!!
    You'll love the vintage wool & mink fur coat I just ordered!!!!! It's really unique and special!!!!!
    I hope you had a wonderful weekend!!!!
    Sending love & hugs,

  58. Oh Anita.....I'm drooling here....I WANT to be in your class.....I would if I could.....What an absolutely beautiful post....the music.....the words.....the photos......oh I have to say it again I'm it all.....and love to you, what a teacher you must be.....Dzintra xoxo

  59. My dearest Anita !!

    Lovely pictures always¡ i am teacher also like you, and i feel like i would like you were my teacher, you are a magic blogger teacher for me¡ my firstone! The ONE¡

    I always enjoy every post you writte¡


  60. Such a fabulous post Anita! You're images are to die for. Good luck going back to school xx

  61. Beautiful post Anita. You are so right, it's that time of year again. back to school. you are truly an inspiration. Your teenage students must adore you. The food looks fabulous and the architecture is lovely. Enjoy your Autumn days. Thank you for your lovely comments. I so appreciate them. xoxo Linda

  62. I am finding, more and more, that I am being drawn to things-French, and I do think, Anita, you have considerably influenced this :) How lucky your students are to have you!

  63. Beautiful post! I am remembering how I wrote je t'aime when I wrote in all my friend's yearbooks!
    I wish I'd had a French teacher like you though! Yes, back to school ... today is my first day! Though
    it's after school classes so we don't get going til 3:00. Teenagers are my favorite to teach. Maybe
    because they bring out my inner teenager! :)

    Happy Back to School to you Anita!!!

  64. Oh Anita... another truly exquisite piece of art... in the humble manifestation... of a post. Your work mixing exceptional visuals... with your chosen instrumental... have one again moved me to tears... with it's sheer beauty...

    Oh to be so very lucky... to have the sheer blessing to be seated in your classroom...

    I am in awe.


  65. Anita, stopping by today just to say "Hi". Hope your first day back to school was fun for you. No doubt you are exhausted. I remember the excitement and stress of the first day back. Actually the first week! Take care and have a fabulous year! ~ Sarah

  66. So excited for you dear friend! You get to teach a subject you're passionate about. I remember the joys of teaching conjugation, especially those irregular verbs when I taught Spanish. Have a wonderful school year! xx

  67. Oh my...that table outside the French chateau looks EXACTLY like where I spend meals with friends in the French countryside! And oh how I miss it. And them. Good luck with those teens! And a fabulous first week of Rentree! (My sister's least favorite time in Paris every year. Apparently just like the French all leave for vacation on exactly the same day--and return on the same day--so do they also buy all the kid's school supplies on the same day so there's never anything left.)Have a wonderful week!
    Bisous, Kirsten

  68. How well you have chosen to compare summer with botteled adventure! I like it very, very much! And that photo of old lady climbing the Montmartre stairs with the view over Paris... pure style. Wish you good and happy students, I know I would be if I had a teacher with such a passion!

  69. Breathtaking. Where do I sign up for this class? :)
    How blessed they are to have such a gifted teacher.
    I hope they are a blessing to you too, my dear friend.
    Enjoy it me some of that French bread. ;)
    The photographs are glorious.

  70. Morning dearest.
    Meg's done your eyebrow tutorial. Boy I'm proud of that girl :-)
    I'm glad you asked for that as it explained the whole process to me too, now where's those tweezers!

  71. Oh Anita
    .. YOu will be able to teach these young minds so much! I am so happy for you as I believe you to be an extraordinary teacher! Good luck and I can't wait for the journey! They will be mesmerized by you!
    lots of love

  72. How lucky your new pupils will feel Anita!...This must be so exciting for you! Wishing you the most wonderful start to the new school year (I love this post!)
    Happy September!
    Susan x

  73. Hi Anita! You sound a bit overwhelmed but I think that is part of the learning curve that you have embarked upon. I admire you so. Take care and listen to your body and your students and have a GRAND YEAR. Je t'aime!!!!

    (lovely post and I like the new font, too)

  74. I am catching up on your posts and they are as lovely as ever...
    Your blog always soothes my soul, inspires me and reminds me to see the beauty in the ordinary. (I might even sign up for a french class!)

    (I have a new website...
    please come visit!)

  75. Oh grand to hear from you and that you are zipping around with energy and that rest awaits you. Take care my sweet. I am planning another outfit post for tomorrow and would love for you to see it. Have a great nights rest and rest assured you are on the right path. ♥

  76. Bonne rentrée. The culture and history of France has attracted me since I was a teenager. I hope that you inspire many with your enthusiasm. Your blog is so beautiful today. It transports me!

  77. The heart is made by holding down the Alt key and typing the number 3. ♥ there.

    Musical notes are done by holding down the Alt key and typing 14 or 13. ♫ ♪

    There are a multitude of symbols via the number pad while holding down the Alt key.
    ↓ or © or ¢ or °

    Play with it and see what you find! Love ♥ Renae

  78. Oh, to have had a teacher like you! I know that you will be talked about and remembered for as long as they live. I still talk about my Spanish teacher who tried to infuse as much culture as she could into class, but of course that is nothing like the culture of France. Wish I could be a fly on the wall!

  79. I'm wishing you a wonderful and exciting year! What lucky students to have such a thoughtful teacher as you. I'm loving my class this year, little sweet minds so eager to learn. I'm in heaven!
    Wishing you the same.

  80. Dear Anita, As is listen to this incredible music, see the most delightful images and your inspiring words...
    what comes to mind is the impression and the huge difference you can make on these young minds. They may be teenagers, however , the time with you can last their lifetime.

    Feature: Entrepreneur Sigal Sasson

  81. Anita, this post is so creative! I think that those teenage students of yours are in for a big treat. Perhaps you will find it encouraging for me to tell you that I still fondly remember my own first French teacher, Miss Baker. From the start, our classes were conducted entirely en francais, and she got us so immersed in that beautiful language.

    Even now, although I've forgotten lots of those verbs, etc., when I speak to folks whose native tongue is French, I am complimented on my accent.

    Merci, Mlle Baker.

  82. Hello chère Anita,
    merci de ta gentille visite sur mes pages tu sais que tu es toujours la bienvenue sur mon blog....Je constate que tu es ravie d'avoir repris les cours, et que pour toi l'enseignement prend une grande place dans ta vie!!!! enseigner n'est pas simple à mon humble avis c'est une vocation et en plus tu enseignes une langue étrangère et de plus est le français!!!!Que du bonheur de t'avoir rencontrée grâce au net et en plus nous avons des origines communes, elle est pas belle la vie?????
    A bientôt chère Anita
    besitos para mi amiga

  83. Dearest Anita, happy new school year to you - this post looks like your students are up to some grand adventures with the magic teacher - YOU! Sorry i am late to see this, but i need a bit more time away from the internet right now, and it does me good! I hope the weekend will be sunny and relaxed i do look forward to a quiet time! Much love from germany!

  84. Oh I know. I have a sis in law from Chicago area and she has reprimanded me (in jest) for not wearing wool in the winter here. I say "wool is too hot for me". Now that she has lived here for over 25 years she doesn't wear wool that much in the winter now. I have two wool coats to my name, that is it. I don't own a wool dress or suit! I can't wear it. It is too warm for me! Did you read my reason that I Googled? It is based upon WWI - I not II ! That was a hundred years ago almost. 100! Grief, If I hear anyone reprimand me for wearing my white pencil skirt this year (in Autumn or Winter) I am going to politely say, "that was done in WWI!!!! Get over it." hahahahahaha

    Have a grand weekend of rest and writing my friend! ♥

  85. I hope the new school year is more than satisfying for you and your students dear Anita. I love you in any language is the sweetest phrase ears can hear, eyes can see and hearts can feel.
    sending hugs...

  86. Bonjour ma belle Anita,
    Pas très présente en ce moment, les allers-retours à Nice me prennent beaucoup de temps !
    Le temps d'installer ma Pénélope à la crèche et après j'espère pouvoir souffler un peu.
    Mais quel bonheur de passer chez toi, ce fut mon petit moment de douceur et de tendresse ce matin.
    Je t'embrasse tendrement et te souhaite un beau week-end.

    Hier la mer à Nice était magnifique, de deux couleurs. Une vraie carte postale.

  87. Hi there sweet Anita! How are you? I am so sorry that I waited so long to visit you here! But please forgive me! I am so busy working on projects for our company. There is no much time left to visit and comment on mty friends'blogs!
    Did you have a great start at school? Are your students smart?
    You posted again some gorgeous pictures here! I am off to see more of your earlier blogposts!
    I wish you a wonderful weekend! Bises xxx

  88. Oh what JOY...this is just your "cup of tea" or should I say "tasse de the"
    Thank you for your sweet note that was waiting in my inbox today. I know your school year will be filled with many many glorious moments. Enjoy your is good..isn't it? xoxo is your aunt doing?I had her in my thoughts yesterday.

  89. Dear friend,
    I'm sorry for being tardy here. Do I get detention? Have been really swamped and was out of town. Sounds like you have a very interesting, exciting and busy school year. Ahhhhh, to be your student....what an honor and privilege. Those lucky, lucky young ones :) Take care, and enjoy this glorious weekend, Anita.

  90. What a joy to see your comment-you always find the right words, my darling friend! I have been missing my favourite blogs since these couple of weeks were ... hectic, to say the least. But things are going back to normal and I hope to find time ... and INSPIRATION to post on the blog and to visit my faves. Anita, it seems as you truly enjoy your return to school and I am genuinely happy for you! I know it is going to be a fabulous year! Students deserve a devoted and passionate teacher like you ! And kids learn from people they love... I love the mood of this post- l'Amour is what I sense in every word, in every photo, in every note here... (Isn't Oddur Thorisson's photography inspiring)
    Thanking of you...

  91. Dearest Anita,

    I am so, so sorry not to have taken the time to visit you sooner. Ill health and our very own rentrée made me temporarily close in on myself. But I am BACK here, on one of my favourite blogs, to witness this beautifully penned post to celebrate a VERY important time of the year. I wish you and your students a glorious year full of discovery, heartfelt smiles, and hard work. Your pictures are exquisitely chosen as ALWAYS, Anita.

    Bonne rentrée ma chère amie.


  92. OOOOhhh teenagers! That is going to be sooo fun :)
    I am back in blogland. I had a super busy summer with my puppies and dog shows, and road trips! WOW but I am really looking forward to fall. I just love to decorate in fall colors! Tonite I am taking my son out for his birthday , big 25!

    Have a wonderful evening!

  93. What a gorgeous quote. I love the sentiments and the beautiful images through out this post. And I'm so happy for you Anita. You've got such a passion for teaching and you are the perfect person to inspire teenagers. It's no small task but I'm sure your authenticity shines through where ever you go. Sending you positive thoughts for a wonderful school year!

  94. Hello My Beautiful Friend!

    I love the first day of school! Even though we home school, there is still something so magical about the promise of a head and a heart filled with learning...possibilities abound! I actually call our home school curriculum "World Immersion School"...we are free to come and go as we please and it suits us!
    I no longer have an AOL account and I JUST got my etsy account back on track thanks to to the underhanded villain who initially stole my Yahoo account! I think I mostly have everything in order. Nonetheless, everything happens for a reason. I accomplished many goals this Summer, though it is less than half of what I hoped to do! Though it was agonizing not being able to use my google account or to blog (most of all). I am so sorry that I caused you grief, my friend. I actually tried to find your phone number so I could contact you but then thought better of it.
    Today is my beloved Gracie's 10th Birthday and I am overwhelmed by the beauty and unbridled joy she gives me. Her birthday theme is "Adopt Don't Shop". Rather than gifts for herself she has asked that guests bring items for the local shelter. I asked her where she came upon such an idea and she told me it was Tallulah's idea (our rescue English Bulldog). I believe her.
    On Friday, the garden faeries left a mood ring hanging on the hydrangea standard for her to discover. It was brought there by a Kingfisher but he is more or less the FedEx of the Faerie Realm. Everybody knows that. :)
    Mood rings. Tenth Birthdays. Faeries. Rescue pets. Blessings abound...
    to that I add my blog you!



  95. Chere Anita! Merci! for checking on me, i know i haven't been posting lately... have been busy decorating and wine tasting and exploring my new surrounds! But I needed a reminder to visit you, as always its so enjoyable. Love the pictures and thoughts of France. I'm hoping to go to Paris this coming spring (I know, i've said that before) and wish wish wish you could go with me, what a fabulous journey it would be! In the meantime, enjoy the lovely hint of fall in the air... xoxo

  96. Hi. I was stopping by in hopes of getting some help on a Martha Stewart Contest....I've been nominated and I was trying to get Votes...if you have time I would love to see you come by my blog, vote and also enter in a giveaway for your support!! Your able to vote 6 times in a row daily until Sept. 13th!! I would appreciate it so very much!! Thanks so much!

  97. hello how are you today????
    I love very much you sweet home, plus que ça je suis enchantée d'avoir pu visiter ton chez toi comme on dit familièrement en fFrance, tout est beau, ton environnement représente ta personnalité que de la douceur et de la poésie....Tout simplement magique...Je me permets de te parler un peu anglais car ma fille Manon est entrée en 6ème et elle commence l'anglais donc il faut que j’aille chercher tous mes souvenirs d'anglais au fond de ma tête...Pour la petite histoire mais chut!!!! MA FILLE REVE d'être prof de français en Angleterre!!!! et mon fils de 23 ans veut partir aux USA dans le cadre de sa formation!!!!!
    merci en tout cas de ta fidélité je t'embrasse

  98. Your take on France is so beautiful, romantic and poetic. Indeed that is the side of France, my true home, that I cherish.

  99. We've been back in school for four weeks now. Bonne chance avec...the teenagers-sorry that's all the further I could get with my French:). BTW, love the kitchen pic in this post!



  100. I do love your passion for France, particularly Paris. It holds a special place in my heart and I am instantly transported when I read posts like this.
    I can smell the soaps, I love the woman carrying her baguette up the steps, oh so beautiful.
    How is life back at school? My two are ok, the Princess back into the swing of things, the Prince is so part time that it's hard to judge but we have had no tears yet which is good.
    Much love from the UK.
    Thanks for commenting on my blog, I look forward to hearing your comments, they arrive with such gusto!
    Gem x x x

  101. Oh Sweet Anita!

    I can tell you are busier than a bee! You are so sweet to drop in and see my post would be delayed. It is up and there now and I hope you have time to see and share some love! I am busy too lately with EVERYTHING it seems and I don't have a full time job! hahahaha (♥)

  102. lucky lucky teens! I sing to my Betty...Allouete!

  103. oh those fortunate children...all things French! ...and you too! wonderful experience and such delight you will make of this class!
    ahhhhh...I do love your images!

  104. Hello dearest Anita!!!!!
    Another amazing post- I adore that glass bottle with the ship!!!!! Summer really is ending quickly though the past few days here have been HOT!!!!!
    How was the first day of school? What did you wear? I'm sure you looked fabulous!!!! My mom went with her friend to NYC last week. They were there as Fashion Week was starting. My mom walked right up where Joan Rivers was reporting for Fashion Police & got a photo!!!! She also took photos of various people to send to me. One girl had such a cool outfit- she was wearing a pair of tan, fitted overalls, a top that had cream colored short sleeves and a white cotton chest- so it was like a 2 texture top, a long statement necklace, a pair of classic heels, and a small Timmy Woods rabbit purse worn as a cross body bag.
    She looked chic yet cool!!!!! I swore I would never ever wear overalls again & haven't owned a pair in over 10 years. I bought a pair of Free People denim overalls, they're also fitted, to wear with a cool jacket, heels, & a statement necklace..... When I see overalls with these style elements they look more dressed up yet cool!!!!
    So I guess never say never right? :-)
    I bought a really amazing Lindsey Thornburg cloak. She makes them out of vintage Pendelton wool blankets her grandfather gave her. They are made so well, are a swing coat style.... Mine has a tribal style print with tan, red, black, and yellow colors. It's really a unique cool cloak that will look cool with black patterned tights or skinny jeans.....
    I can't wait to hear all about school & how you're doing!!!!
    Hope you had a wonderful weekend!!!!
    Love & Hugs,

  105. Congrats on the job, Anita! Those teenagers are SO blessed to have you as their teacher. I hope they realize it!!! I remember taking French in high school for a couple of years and it was a lot of fun, although I don't remember very much that I learned now. I would have loved for you to have been my teacher. :)

  106. I love this Anita... :)
    I do hope that the start to your school year has been fantastic and your students are listening and learning well... They are very lucky to have such a passionate and knowledgeable Francophile to lead them.... xv

  107. Thank you for coming to my lemons post today Anita, made me smile! I hope your week goes smoothly and teaching is fun again. I know it can't be always - but sometimes, and you really have to teach something about ice too ... Enjoy my dear, happy tuesday!

  108. Good evening sweet friend...I have some minutes so thought I would pop over to see how your week is going? I know you are very busy with meet the teacher functions this week at your school....but just wanted to let you know I am thinking of you. xoxo

  109. So lovely Anita! I absolutely loved this....enjoy this new adventure re entering the teaching world...N.xo

  110. Dear Anita,
    I am here... Mother board shot on old computer. I just hooked up my new windows 8... Brought home today.. Talk about teach an old dog new tricks..
    Lost all my contacts, please email when you can so I can add you to my new contact list.

  111. OhAnita! I sense you are so incredibly swamped. Thank you for your morning kisses. (♥)

  112. Just popped in to subscribe via email and of course, I cannot leave without saying hello and going through this beautiful post again. Let's go to France!! Remember, my friend, no limits to our dreams. See you there.
    Love you.

  113. Beautiful post and so many memories of living in France came back to us. Bonne chance pour la rentree!
    C + C

  114. Oh Anita, how I loooooooove France, and how I looooooooove your wonderful post..........thank you so much for lightning these autumn days! I´m sure, you are the most wonderful teacher ever!!! You have so much LOVE for everything you do!!! Have a wonderful autumn time and much fun in school ;),

    hugs & love, Jade

    PS: I´m a bit late, but I had a little summer break ;). Now I´m here again.

  115. Thank you for visiting with me today Anita, your comments always make me smile and brighten my day. I hope all is well in your world. xxx

  116. You are sooooooooo sweet, my dear Anita........thank you so much for your lovely comment!!!! It brings so much light into a (very) cold and rainy day!

    With love and hugs, Jade

  117. you can still dress as a pirate Anita as there is a category for best dressed person at my Party,and I think you would make a very pretty Pirate,hehehe,xx Speedy

  118. Taking a break from grading English essays to enjoy a Paris getaway. Lovely.

  119. Et JE T'AIME, ma chere amie!! :)
    This post has been up for an entire week...and I am so very late...I'm sorry! You know how crazy things have been for all of us...and I just TODAY peeked into my blogger comments...thank you, dear one, for leaving TWO messages....oh, I am so behind...

    But how I wish I could be sitting in YOUR classroom!! :))
    May this be a PHENOMENAL year for you, dearest Anita...full joy, deep new connections, and friendships... those kids are SO VERY lucky.

    This is GORGEOUS....the music is are you....
    LOVE YOU!!!
    Je t'embrasse fort! :)))

  120. Beautiful eye candy and I hope you're enjoying the school year thus far! Tomorrow is Friday! Yay!:-)

  121. Anita,
    I didn't know that owls hold a special place in your heart. I'm glad to hear this. Coming here today gives me a chance to see that beautiful picture of the woman with the bread. It looks like she has a whole menu planned for dinner. It is simply a wonderful picture.

    Have a happy day,


  122. I love the photo of the lady carrying the bread with the Eiffel tower behind her. It's so wonderfully French. It makes me want to be her and to be living that life.

  123. coucou ma belle amie, je serais ravie de voir ta photo!!!!, tu sais je suis une nostalgique du temps passé....
    Bonne et douce journée et merci pour ta sincère fidélité sur mes pages
    French kiss

  124. je viens de m'inscrire à ta news tu auras mon adresse mail

  125. GORGEOUS post!! You always find stunning images. How lucky are those students to have you?! xoxo

  126. My dear, you closed your poetry blog?? I miss it! :)
    Talk soon...

  127. Yes, yes, Irina!! I miss Anita's poetry blog too. :)
    Stopped by to wish you a lovely weekend.

  128. and i'm sure you 'show' them the meaning
    as you teach them the pronunciation.

  129. It's me!
    I haven't fallen off the Earth yet... it is teenagers this teaching, yes I am repeating myself as that is about all that goes through teenagers' mind at this age and stage in life.
    I am sure it will be an adventure!!!
    Wishing you many interesting days in the school arena.
    Teresa in California

  130. coucou ma douce Anita,
    je me suis déjà inscrite à ta news et ne peux le refaire!!!!
    en revanche toi tu peux t'inscrire à la mienne comme cela j'aurais tes coordonnées
    et on pourra communiquer...

  131. * * * C'est la Vie * * *
    I realise I am the one who complicates my life
    by not calling , not inviting , not explaining ,not asking , not saying it , not stating it , not asking for it ,and not telling it .
    Why is it so hard for me to communicate when it's about my own needs .
    After a life of taking care of my children and all the children at the school I worked
    After always being there for others I still have to learn to take care of me .
    I think you are right the real work is here .
    the real journey .....
    I have to listen to the sound .....that sings .......
    Thank you Anita .
    Thank you so much

  132. je suis d'accord avec toi, mais regarde bien dans ta newsletters je suis inscrite depuis un moment cela commence par maria.tép.....
    j'ai hâte de voir ta jolie photo
    bisous du samedi

  133. We just loved that, what magnificent photo's I want that Kitchen :) xx0xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  134. Love all the photos here. They're all bootiful.

  135. Very lovely photos! The ice cream and strawberry pie thing is making me hungry for some sweets!

  136. dear friend...I am sorry I have not visited you all week...boy this was one busy fast week! ZIP and it is gone. I am going to head into Vancouver today with my Molly...going to enjoy a day of shopping and tea. Just what I need. So off I fly again...I will have a yummy cup of tea in your honor. Make today a good one. Hugs to you.

  137. I just read the comment you left for Francis on surprise.

    I absolutely love how you know exactly what to say to each person. Your comments are ALWAYS uplifting and fit perfectly.

    Thank you for being you.

  138. follow by email, je dois être inscrite et je viens de rejoindre tes followers....

  139. Ahh Pierre Hermé favorite. If you get a chance, check out There's a link there to an iBook (for iPad only for now) that I co-authored called What The French?! I think you might like its humorous approach to French grammar. Hope that's not too spammy to mention. Anyway, we'd love to interview you on our "Ask a teacher" series sometime.

  140. Hello dear friend!

    I am so excited for the young minds to have you as an educator, a mentor and a friend. You are going to be fabulous and they are so very lucky! Perhaps you will be taking them on a trip to Paris down the line to experience it all first hand.

    I am looking forward to hearing more about your new school!

  141. These pictures are probably the prettiest I've seen in a long time. It's so good to be back here! What a wonderful place to be. I hope all is going well for you!

  142. I didn't think you could stay away from teaching dear Anita. The world needs teachers like you! I know it's exhausting and teaching teenagers is no picnic but remember that most of them want to learn. Enjoy them!!! I know they will love you.

  143. Oh, I'm so very excited to hear about your poetry workshops! Big congrats to you! It's always lovely to get lost in your posts. This was another magical one. Love'

    ps. Your profound comment on our story made my heart sing. Thank you so much for your unfailing kindness, love, and support. Much love to you! xx

  144. Ah yes. . . that is so true about the first words to learn. I had "Je T'aime Beaucoup" inscribed on my husband's wedding ring when we married.
    I also learned to DREAM in high school French class and when I finally made it to Paris, years later, I realized that dreams do come true and one had just been fulfilled for me.
    I will always remember my high school French teacher with gratitude for expanding my world.
    Your students are so lucky to have you! The magnificent things you bring to them will be with them years after they graduate. And so will your beautiful light.
    Happy Teaching Madame Rivera!*~*~*~*~*~*~*

  145. Lucky students! Though language is not so easy for all, in another tongue. But I did, in college, learn some French, and the other phrase that sticks is Je t'aime aussi!

  146. So inspired post!
    twitter & instagram : @fashionrlounge
    Fashion room lounge

    A chic kiss ;)

  147. Oh dear Anita there is so much I cannot say here, I must be very emotional this evening, because I am moved to tears!

    Love and Hugs,

    Velvet Pumpkins Giveaway

  148. How absolutely wonderful Anita!!!!
    How blessed they will be to sit and learn under your creative teaching.
    Warm hugs ...I have missed you xo

    All my heart,
    Deborah xoxooxox

  149. I am sorry I am late .......
    But late is sometimes for the best .
    Not everyone can be the first or early .......
    Late can be good too .

    I am here now .
    I enjoyed reading your words , watching your images and listening the beautiful music ......
    Back-to-school for you .
    Teaching teenagers .
    How lucky they are to have you as their teacher for this amazing language .
    The way you live your life loving this and also your own language
    will teach them more than they know now ........
    They will know that many years from now the future .
    You can teach them JE T'AIME because
    you DO , you love language , you love teaching .......

    Life is not always PRESENT ...... I mean .....sometimes you hear things but the moment is not yet right
    and lateron the words fall in their place .
    I did not read this post when you posted ........
    That may be UNFORTUNATELY but to me
    reading this today is a blessing .
    I know you think I was not coming here anymore
    That is not true ...Never would I not come anymore
    but sometimes Life goes otherways and
    that can still be amazing and meant to be .
    Thank you for this beautiful POST Anita
    Have a happy weekend


"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echos are truly endless." -Mother Teresa