Sunday, August 25, 2013

All You Need Is















Go out and happen to 



  1. You are an artist with your words and a teacher with your message.

    Thank you.

  2. Such a beautiful post. Need to post it each day to remind us.

  3. Beautiful as ever, Anita. Are you celebrating an anniversary? If so, congratulations and all the best. We are coming up on 38 years together next weekend. Life is good!

  4. So encouraging. Thank you Anita for your insight. Live and love. Oxox

  5. going...going...gone! It's out of the park and up in that constellation you uncovered last week!
    Love ya back, Anita!

  6. Love is the most powerfull word in the world!!!
    Have a nice start to teach in a new school year!!!

  7. Dearest Anita,

    This is such a exquisite post you have created for us today. Isn't the picture of the father giving away his daughter poignant?

    Love is the key indeed and I most certainly agree with Leonardo da vinci!

    Hugs from France.


    ps Have you seen my flower meadow pictures? :-)

  8. such a very much needed smile I have now, thanks to you Anita. All of those pics and aqua colors were just what I needed in this moment. How full of life it all is! I am grateful you have reminded me of the colors of life! Namaste.

  9. Hello, friend! Happy Sunday. This is a beautiful & inspiring post. I'm so glad to read it. With the new school year starting & the last push on to finish this patio project, my energy to write has faded a bit. This encouragement of yours is just what I need. Thank you. ((Hugs))


  10. If you cant be the poet, be the poem. Your world is both you are it and you live it.
    Words of beauty, this is why I painted Gather signs in my etsy, and typography letters spelling out love on vintage scraps of wood gathered and collected love.

    I am inspired here today with you Anita, sharing time of gather and Love!
    See you soon my dear soulful friend.


  11. Beautiful:). What a lovely message for all to live!



  12. As always...beautiful and uplifting! Have a wonderful week, Anita!

  13. All you need is is all you need...!!!!!

  14. Dear Anita, your words, imagery and music all come together and make a special inspiring message, which I will think about all week!

    Feature: Artist Anne Harwell

  15. Love is all we need.
    Yes...lets make it happens..every moment, every day <3

    All my heart,
    Deborah xoxoxo

  16. Oh Anita...I adore that photo of father & daughter. I have seen it before and it always moves me deeply xo

    Deborah xo

  17. Anita,dearest....!!!

    How vibrant and beautiful is you post:)*
    Just very touched me all these photos...........

    Oh,this is so true: all you need is only LOVE!

    Wish you beautiful week,my dear friend:)*

    Blessing and hugs to you,

  18. go out and happen to
    what a wonderful thought
    indeed a beautiful event someone!

    wonderfully put
    my dear Anita!!!

    xoxo EdenClare

  19. Thanks for stopping by to chat. I sense that a lot of people are feeling that tiredness. It must be the dog days of summer. But yes-- I will show pictures of the patio. It has been one of those projects where the "finishing up" seems to keep dragging on & on. Today, we are at work on it again "finishing up". There's a little leveling left to do, some dirt to add to a few of the new flower beds, and clean up. I had hoped to enjoy it for summer but am glad we'll be able to use it for fall instead.
    xo, Keri

  20. What a beautiful, beautiful post- xo Diana

  21. come sempre un post che fa sognare........

  22. So incredibly lovely, Anita!!! I love every single picture, but especially the ones in your header. Thanks for making me happy today!xoxo

  23. Oh Anita,
    Of all your wonderful posts I have been privileged to read over the last 2 years, I think this is my favourite. In just a few words you have said everything that is important.

    Beautiful dear friend!

    You had me at the delicious looking toast stack on the banner :-). The flesh is weak!

    Much love

  24. Dearest Anita,
    What a beautiful post! Inspiring words, and the photos have touched my heart..

  25. Such a beautiful post Anita. And, perfect timing. Hubby and I are back from taking the baby girl back to school, so we will be spending our time together as a couple for awhile. While a bit nervous after we dropped her off last year, this year I am looking forward to our time together.

  26. Gosh, this was so beautiful and inspiring!!!

  27. Hello Anita.....yes, I am doing ok. Its just been a very hard year and I have been overwhelmed with "stuff". Trying not to let things bother me and trying to tame the worry wart inside of me. can be exhausting! Thanks for checking in on me friend. Yes, can you believe it's been almost that long!! Enjoy this last week of August! Hugs, Patti

  28. Hi Anita!
    "All we need is love," is a great theme for me to keep in mind as I start another school year ... and so will YOU!!!
    No matter what... I always believe that we are where God wants us to be...
    and that HIS LOVE is the most important thing to share.
    God bless you as you venture forward into a new school year!
    ~ Maria

  29. Anita!
    On Friday, we celebrated our 14th wedding anniversary, so it feels like this post was written for me/us. LOVE it! xx

  30. And Anita is baaaaaaackkkk! :-) Très joli billet. Touchant et bien illustré. Bisous. Vero (French Girl in Seattle)

  31. Beautifully poetic, Anita..this is the way to live a good the quote and the images, as always magical
    Have a wonderful week.

  32. Life, pure and simple...Love incredible and overwhelmingly wonderful! Anita this is my most favourite post! I have a tiny tear in my eye....Thank you! with summer hugs and kisses **** Maria X

  33. So so gorgeous Anita!!!! I LOVE it!!! So true and so special! I will do exactly that ... thank-you! Have a wonderful week my dear friend!



    This is SO SO SO you again .

    Your are such a joy ........

    Thank you Anita for being here .

  35. Lovely Anita. Just beautiful. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  36. You did it again. I love that you are a romantic and you stir me up. I am in love with love also, and am married to the love of my life( 38 I am also in love with nature, animals, art, creativity--so many things! Love that horse image! Have a great first week of school Anita!
    xo Nancy

  37. Perfect sentiment. Don't let the world wash over you, reach out and affect the world and those around you.
    I'll try to think that way this week.

  38. Perfect sentiment. Don't let the world wash over you, reach out and affect the world and those around you.
    I'll try to think that way this week.

  39. Perfect sentiment. Don't let the world wash over you, reach out and affect the world and those around you.
    I'll try to think that way this week.

  40. Anita, this is one of my all time favorites. Sooooo beautiful, it made me cry in a good way:) Cherish those we love and enjoy the precious gift of time, thank you for such a beautiful inspiring post to start my Monday!!

  41. Such a beautiful post!!!!
    nous avons tous et toutes besoin d'Amour, de tendresse, de quiétude, la vie de nos jours n'est pas facile que cela soit aux USA ou en Europe!!!!j'adoooooooore la façon dont tu as illustré ton ravissant billet...
    Merci de nous attendrir si joliment avec tes mots et tes photos
    French kiss

  42. Beautiful! I always love your images. How true dear Anita, love sees us through all the moments of life. I should always be remembered and nurtured. A lovely way to begin my week, thank you. Hugs, Bonnie

  43. Good Morning Anita! Well.. this is life, right? Love, giving, working together, GATHERING (love that!). Time goes by and we have to remember the details. Your posts always get me thinking AND feeling thankful and appreciative of all that I have. Some of the pictures make me feel emotional as I'm feeling some of these changes..

    I hope your meetings go well today Anita. Happy Monday! xxleslie


    this is R I C H!!!!!!

    I'm so glad you happened to me : )

    thank you for such glorious beauty and inspiration to L O V E

    ~ Violet

  45. This is so incredibly INSPIRING and amazingly beautiful...! I LOVE every single word and image here, my darling friend! All we need in life is love, indeed! I thank you humbly for sharing your wisdom! Have a successful school year! Thinking of you...

  46. Good Morning, Anita!

    "Go out and happen to somebody" - I love that! YOU happen to somebody every day. Isn't that picture of the old man and dog precious? And the married couple for 86 years, oh my! I love the mailbox, as hand written letters mean so much to me. I just got one the other day from my mother-in-law, and it was four pages long!

    What an inspirational post this is today, my dear. I really do love it.


  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Simply beautiful. Thank you for taking me away from the busy details of my morning and making me smile from within. I've finally had a moment to begin catching up with my blog friends and I'm so glad I stopped by. I had read your hospital post in the middle of a shopping trip with my son and tried to leave a comment using my iphone but it didn't go through. I'm so glad you're well and creating your visual poetry as usual.

  49. This was just precious! I hope that your school year is off to a super start. Your students are blessed to have you!

  50. Dear Anita,

    I enjoyed your post from the beginning to the end. You are right: embrace love! What would life be without it?! Health and love are all you need indeed.

    Wishing you a happy new week dear friend!

    Madelief x

  51. You've touched my heart, once again.
    Beauty and Love surrounds on your blog. xo

  52. Dearest Anita-
    Once again such an incredibly moving blog post!!!!
    You sure know how to capture the heart!!!!!
    How was your weekend? Can you believe we're approaching Labor Day?!!!! Ugh!!!!!
    Aidan, my little Chihuahua, had a routine booster shot last week. He is 9 years old & never had any problems with shots at the vet. Well by that evening he was in extremes pain which isn't totally unusual but by the next day his chest was all puffy!!!! The vet out him on Benadryl right away which helped tremendously!!!! I was SO frightened!!!! The vet said it was good I called when I did because Aidan is much smaller and a reaction like that much harder on his system that medium size dogs.....
    Never a dull moment!!!! But all is back to normal!!!!
    Hope you are having a wonderful day!!!!
    Love & Hugs,

  53. This is by far one of my most favorite blogs of yours ....
    The pictures are beautiful and the emotion behind each is priceless.
    THIS is what moves me to tears, to laughter...
    This is the Anita I remember...'s time for a SKYPE visit, for sure. :)
    Sending you huge hugs, my friend.

  54. Oh how I needed to visit your blog today. Thanks for the inspiration. My favorite was your last sentence though.

  55. Thank you for coming over Anita, I know you had a big day, and will have a long week..
    Will be thinking of you.

  56. Sweet Anita!

    Time can possibly erase our errors in this life, but forgiveness and care live on. I am so thankful for a friend like you that is a great person, great sport and a fabulous artist!

    Grow, study, learn and do are my words of goodness to you today.

    I am grateful for forgiveness. I am even more grateful for great friends that are remarkably talented and share their talents!

    ♥ Renae

  57. And the greatest of these.... :)))))

    I think I've told you before...LOVE is my favorite word...
    You not only write beautifully about it, but you LIVE IT!!!
    This post is glorious in every are you. :)

    So blessed and honored to call you friend and soul sister...thank you for the gift of you!
    Love you, beautiful teacher...
    BISOUS et a bientot!!

  58. Dear Anita, the picture of the man and his dog brought tears to my eyes, and your words caused them to fall. This is beautiful just like you! Barbara x

  59. Anita, you touched my heart strings again. What fantastic photos, the little girls and man and dog, they are all so great. Thanks for unzipping my feelings again.
    Yvonne XXXXX

  60. Anita dear-ahhhhhh-I took a moment to breathe in the gorgeousness of this post and the mood they set for my day. Life, the stages of life and love. Celebrate....everything.
    Thank you, my creative, beautiful friend! xx, Heather @ Stylemindchic

  61. And don't forget to say it in French today. . .

  62. What a beautiful way of reminding us what is truly important in our lives. I feel truly blessed to have found your incredible blog, looking forward to following you. I think I'll now go out and make something happen to somebody today.

  63. Anita that is so beautiful it reminded me of what happened in my lunch hour today. I noticed my husband on the other side of the road as I was heading back to work. His face broke into a wide smile when he saw me. The words in the song say it all!
    Sarah x

  64. Misty eyed while I read this, as I get ready to send my first born off to college! My children's well being is really all I need!
    xo Karolyn

  65. Great usual. I'd expect nothing less from you. Yes we NEED each other in many different ways.
    and WE ourselves need to make sure we make Others feel needed back.

  66. Hello, Anita -
    Thanks for keeping it fabulous once again! Your continue to inspire me!! Such powerful words and tender photos. Merci, mon amie ~ Loi

  67. Ooops, sorry for the typo. You continue to inspire me....all of us, actually!!! :)

  68. Anita,
    What a lovely post. This is one of my favorite songs, and your images are perfect too.


  69. I do love the way you said this Anita... go out and happen to someone...

    It's intentional!

    God's unconditional love is what gives hope... the very thing everyone needs the most. :)

  70. What a wonderful expression of your thoughts in photos. Wow!

  71. Love. The photos you selected capture love in all its perfect forms. I just found your blog tonight and how wonderful to be introduced to it by Love.
    I am a new follower. I know I will enjoy your posts!

  72. Dearest Anitam so sorry i'm so late to see your pretty post! We were cut of the Internet for some days due to a change of our provider ... LOVE your post - and - you certainly found your special someone! Lat's make things happen - yes! xox

  73. I love the beautiful story you tell us in words and pictures dear Anita, pure magic!

  74. Even your photos make me tear up! You have such an inspiring way of touching people! Thank goodness for you. The last couple of days have been filled with the blues but you make me feel inspired! Some days it's so hard to find the beauty...but all I need to do is come here.

  75. Beautiful post Anita!!! Such lovely images and I just love that song! I used it on my sister's wedding video that I edited. :)

  76. Hi Anita,

    Just popping over to thank you for your sweet 'hello' on my blog!

    I hope you have a good and cheerful start of the new school year. The beginning of the new school year is always such an exciting period. Hope you will have lovely students, who are perceptible to your love of France and the French language !

    I can still remember my English teacher vividly! He was a very charismatic and colourful person! Thanks to him I love everything English :-)

    Happy first week at school Anita!

    Madelief x

  77. I just love the images you find for your beautiful messages Anita! I always feel like I've been transported somewhere amazing after visiting here.
    many hugs...

  78. Love the quote and the stunning photos! xo

  79. YES...I'M happening...hugs from Spain my dearest sister..xoxo

  80. Dear Anita,
    Your posts are a joy to see, with touching images and quotes that really touch the heart!
    Love the Beatles music too, that will stay my head for the rest of the day now!
    Sending you love and best wishes,
    Jo. x

  81. "Go out and happen to somebody" what A GREAT ADVISE!

    Marie Angelique

  82. My dear Anita! Yes, I think you should bleach the floors in your upstairs loft bedroom/library :) And, I want to wish you a great school year ahead!!!
    Enjoy the holiday weekend!

  83. love the saying!
    I will try to implement that in my life!
    Are you back in the classroom this year?
    Thinking of you!

  84. Hola, Sweet Anita!

    Thanks for taking time to see me prior to heading out the door. You are a busy gal, but a great wonderful busy knowing you have a fab job!

    One more day and you get a holiday to recuperate, huh? ♥

  85. Ohhhhhhhh LOVE THAT---"Go out and happen to somebody." BRILLIANT!

    Oh Anita, you are always such a positive you, sweet friend!


  86. Hi sweet this post..every single one of us needs oodles of LOVE...your images filled me with joy.
    Hope you are all ready for your students on we go...xoxox Make it a great weekend.

  87. We are both so lucky that we happened to our somebody's and they happened to us. ;)

  88. Oh Anita, this post is so full of beauty and love and so are you!!!! Thank you so much for sharing all your lovely thoughts - you are such a great inspiration!! Have a wonderful weekend,

    with love & hugs, Jade

  89. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!! And that quote is priceless. I am so inspired.
    Sorry I have not visited or emailed as much as I love to, my friend. It has been NON-STOP at our home with college activities and our family business too. I write some posts ahead for busy times so that I may keep the page active, but I have not been visiting as frequently.
    I hope you're off to a wonderful school year, love. You know you are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Have a beautiful weekend, Anita fairest. ;)

  90. My dearest Anita !
    i just arrive fron England enjoy my hollidays and was really ansious to writte you quiet, because i enjoy your always fantastic pictures, and reading every thihg you do.
    Is maybe your aniversary?
    lots lots kisss !!!

  91. My dearest Anita !
    i just arrive fron England enjoy my hollidays and was really ansious to writte you quiet, because i enjoy your always fantastic pictures, and reading every thihg you do.
    Is maybe your aniversary?
    lots lots kisss !!!

  92. Anita Dearest,
    You really had some very heartwarming pictures in this post.
    I LOVED THEM !!!
    Take care,
    XXOO Marie Antoinette

  93. ✿✿·.

    Muito lindo!
    Bom fim de semana!
    Beijinhos do Brasil.¸¸

  94. Oh look Anita I am number 100...What can I say dear Anita, your messages are just so right! Oh yes and to happen to somebody...just perfect! Hoping all is well with good happenings to you this, Dzintra xo

  95. 100 comments ! Now that's totally amazing Anita. That fact alone must tell You how talented You are at this blogging thing and Your love and warmth shows through on Your comments back to Your followers.You don't need to get back to Me.I can't say anything others haven't already said.I just enjoy reading all Your posts.Thank You and hugs sent Your way-Denise

  96. merci chère Anita d'être fidèle à mon blog j'apprécie énormément...Je te souhaite une bonne rentrée 2013 en compagnie de tes 84 étudiants cela est " It 's GREAT!!!! félicitations je viens de voir que tu as atteint les 100 commentaires double bravo
    merci chère aminaute dans l'attente de te lire
    French kiss

  97. Anita,
    The content that you gather in your and beautifully mesh together with your wonderful words is always so touching and totally fabulous ! I love it .Thank you for evoking such thought and depth in us all !
    Have an amazing weekend and thank you for your kind sweet comments today.
    xo Willow

  98. Love what you have done....beautiful! xx


"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echos are truly endless." -Mother Teresa