in my home
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castles crowns and cottages at home |
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castles crowns and cottages at home |
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castles crowns and cottages at home |
castles crowns and cottages at home |
castles crowns and cottages |
asks the question...
where do
heaven and earth
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castles crowns and cottages at home |
as such
castles crowns and cottages at home |
are a conundrum.
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castles crowns and cottages at home |
theatre by anita rivera - castles crowns and cottages at home |
Is there a divided mark
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a horizon
flesh and holy fury
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or can the two spaces
and meet
our shore?
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Linger in the details
of your holiday preparations
and be satisfied in the
and sensual impulses
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generosity and love.
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A winged creature just might look down
smile and wonder
what it feels like to be
You are magic. Love ya dearly.
Anita !!!!....happy first advent sunday !!!! love love and more love from me my dear friend far away !!! !!
Dearest Anita,
A beautiful sight for the eyes, and comfort for the soul.. I love your written words. This post is a white wonder! Your home looks so lovely dear friend.
Holiday love and blessings to you and Ruben
Yes ..its possible. I did meet a winged creature before..
Such a magical post my dearest Sister...thank you..I needed this.:)
Love the picture with the table and chandelier..very Hilltop like.
Hug from all of us.(.also from Sien)
The music was perfect too..
Beautiful Anita and so festive! Oh Come, Emmanuel is one of my favorite Christmas songs.. just lovely AND your HOME looks stunning and just how I would imagine it:) All this white has me looking forward to our first snow fall which apparently is on it's way. I found this long weekend to be perfect to get starting on holiday decorating. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving Anita!
Anita your house is a castle!!! Oh how I love to see the beauty you dwell in! And those images of sky and and snow...heaven and earth. Such holy thoughts. Loveliness to linger upon. Thank you for giving so much to reminds us always of all that is good. xxo
Dear Anita,
Your home is so ethereal and magical at the holidays. Thank you for sharing such beauty all year long. The music is perfection as well.
I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful and full of peace.
The Arts by Karena
After reading/seeing this, Anita, I am most satisfied. It will stay with me for a while, I think. Thank you!
The wings are wonderful !!! your own home pictures !!! the picture from pinterest put it on my fb page from !
A bit of heaven on this Sunday morn. My favorite carol and the visuals...
Oh Anita, your home must be a place in heaven and how I loooooove your little theatre..........everything is so magical and full of beauty! Thank you my dearest friend - it is such a joy for us, that you share your wonderful world with us! Have great Advent sunday and enjoy the time before Christmas!
With love and hugs, Jade
Beautiful words that describe what the holidays, to me at least, have always symbolized: namely, that there's a bit of heaven in our earthly gatherings and lives. Beautiful pictures.
this is so beautiful Anita. Your home decor, it is stunning like your spirit!! That theatre you made is just beautiful. And the angel wings..... LOVE. Your home is a mini Heaven on Earth! So fitting for you! Too bad you are so far away, I would love to be there. What a happy, serene place! Thank you for sharing. And thank you for your words of comfort. You always have the right thing to say and you mean so much to me. love deb and jj
Lovely images Anita. Happy first day of Winter and we light a candle for the start of Advent and wish you joy and happiness for the festive season.
Have a serene Sunday.
Best wishes Molly
Oh Auntie Anita ,Mummy and I think your home is beautiful,you are a wonder!xx Speedy and Rachel
Beautiful music, words, and images! Anita, this is just the peaceful message I needed to hear this morning.
Thank you, dear friend. ~ Sarah
Such a lovely post Anita! I just finished (almost) my christmas decorations and your images and words merge beautifully with the feeling of this special time. I think that's what we all long for around christmas - to feel the angels a little closer! I also enjoyed the photos from around your lovely house. Hope you enjoy a candlelit evening with romance and pre-christmas fun! xox
Such a beautiful post! Love every image!
Beauty yet again, dear Anita...I adore this time of year...and your gorgeous images reflect the joy of christmas and a winter wonderland.
Happy Sunday :) xx
Beautiful, as always...I know where it comes from ;-), deep inside your heart.
Love you!
Your home looks so magical and beautiful just like your posts.
Sarah x
Yes, dearest Anita, I agree with Sarah! Your home is a true and honest reflection of your beautiful spirit. May you find beauty every day of this year's Advent, Anita! There is magic in your soul.
Thank you SO MUCH for visiting me today and leaving, as always, such a beautiful, thoughtful comment.
La Magie de noël commence bien chez toi chère Anita...Ta demeure est si joliment décorée...Avec beaucoup de goût et d'émotions tu nous transportes avec douceur et pureté vers ce ravissant chemin enneigé qui nous conduit tout droit vers...
WONDERLANDMerci pour tes splendides clichés qui me conduiront bientôt vers toi...
Gros bisous et Bon dimanche de l'avent
Nélinha your french friend
I had to pause in midst of decorating to come visit you ~ even though briefly, and how glad I am!!!!
Your photos are so lovely of the Christmas wonder in your home, and your message is eternal...
inspired I am!
Dear Anita,
What a beautiful post! I especially enjoyed seeing the photographs of your home. How stylish it looks! Your home looks elegant and with a French feel to it. It really suits you.
Thank you for popping over once again today! It was not my intention to repost my latest blogpost, but I now know how it works :-)!
Wishing you a happy week both at school and at work! We celebrate 'Sinterklaas' this week in Holland :-)
Madelief x
Your home is amazing with the little accessories here and there, and your mirror cascaded with tule as well as the chandeliers of glitzy bright that shine light on all the beauty you create.
I love the white armoire trimmed in gold a perfect holiday backdrop.
What a post to hold in your heart, just beautiful Anita.
Joyeux Noël
Dear Anita,
How beautiful and magical your home is and thanks for giving us a little peek in to your gorgeous place.
Glad that you had a lovely Thanksgiving holiday - wishing you a happy new week.
Many thanks for visiting me
Much love to you this holiday season, Anita and to your dear Ruben as well, Merry Christmas.
xo, Bonnie
Much love to you this holiday season, Anita and to your dear Ruben as well, Merry Christmas.
xo, Bonnie
I love the images from your own home best. You had me at the chandelier. Gorgeous!
This post was so special to me, Anita, because you have shown all the beauties of the earth at its finest - the sea, the sky, and the snow.........and how I love nature. I'm so glad to see bits of your Christmas décor too. I am in love with that gorgeous plaque next to the candles! And that plate that the candles sit on is so unique. The theatre is magical too. Nel's husband made her a theatre before they were married and I thought it was such a thoughtful gift from him. You always decorate with the most elegance and beauty.
You are in my heart always.
ps those ducks in the snow are soooo cute hehehe.
There is always heavenly in your earthly posts. Your love of beauty and life, and goodness is spoken so well here Anita, the words expressed and those left unsaid. What a great way to begin December, by coming here today. :)
Hello, dearest Anita
As always, you have captured the winged and ethereal nuance with the photographs you have chosen to delight the eye and awaken the spiritual senses. You heighten the awareness of there possibly not being any space between heaven and the firmament. Just how close we are to the spiritual realm may be just that fraction of a second 'twinkling of an eye' departure we are told about...not much time or thought in between either realm. Flight will be instantaneous when that 'event' transpires.
may peace follow you throughout this white, winter season
a BEAUTIFUL human you are. you "strike a chord" in our hearts and souls. BEAUTY you bring into this world and I thank you!
Hello beautiful Anita!!!!!
Wonderful post!!!! I cannot believe Christmas is right around the corner!!!!
I love the photo of your theatre and the white horse and Christmas trees!!!!
How was your Thanksgiving? Did you go out on Black Friday?
We stayed in & shopped on line!!!!
I can't stand how crowded and crazy stores get.
Hope you had a fabulous holiday!!!!
Luv & Hugs,
Thank you from the bottom of my heart....I needed something to prepare for this years holiday. I can't get past missing my beloved father & my identical twin. Thank you for putting some heart back into this time of year...You, Dear one have a special gift!!!
Such a beautiful post Anita! I love your beautiful home and especially the wings... A wonderful reminder of freedom in His Love ❤️
Oh Anita thank you for sharing your beautiful magical space!!! Gorgeous gorgeous I love it all....and that bite of cake was divine! Merci for sharing your exquisite talent...oops I almost forgot to say how delightful that Opera is!!!
LOVE it all, Happy December!!!
Magnificent.... so delighted to start December with this! Thank you for the inspiration you share consistently on your beautiful blog Anita. I love the angel wings, I would love to find a couple pairs for some special gifts!
Merry Christmas*
This is one of my favorites of all your posts yet! Just stunningly beautiful, and I love the music!
I needed this, my friend. I truly did.
Hi Anita! I love the photos of your home decor! The angel wings are so beautiful. And I believe Heaven and Earth do meet at times. Sorry for just getting back to you on your comment, but the almond champagne is from a winery in Temecula (Wilson Creek). I picked it up while wine tasting, but I have seen it in grocery stores in Southern California so if you head back this way (you are from this area, right?), you should look for it. It is SOOO delicious, and you can really taste the almond in it. I hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving and you have a wonderful week ahead.
P.S. I was decorating my Christmas tree tonight, and I thought of you when I put up your red high-heeled shoe ornament (the one that says 'There's no place like Paris') ;-)
Today was a rough day for a myriad of reasons. Just listening to your lovely choice of music, looking at your beautiful choice of images and then reading your words, soothed me unbelievably. Thank you for sharing a post when it was much needed by me.
Oh this music you share with me today ......
It always feels like just YOU and ME when I visit here .....
Some quality-time ....
When I close my eyes I can wonder around in your beautiful images ......
The amazing ANITA-WORLD ......
I am learning new things about living these days .
My new hip has send away all my pains and now I am a kind of lost in this new way of life .
It can not be by accident december arrived.
Such a special month .
In Holland we have a very special day DECEMBER 5 ....We celebrate SINT NICOLAAS .
He was a saint and a friend of the children On his birthday he brings a big bag ( or basket ) in every home
with lots of presents and surprises for the children if they have been good in the past year !
There are poems with every present in which he points on the good and sometimes ( with a joke ) on what can be better !
It is a real family-thing ...... Celebrated with grandparents and family .
It is said he helps the children to feel blessed and to play with their new toys and be very brave when we celebrate
the birth of Jesus on Christmas .
In Holland we do not have presents on Christmas ...... We have presents on december 5........
Although times are changing and more and more people celebrate christmas with presents instead of Sint Nicolaas .
I always loved the simplicity of Christmas just being Christmas .
Just the tree and the candles and the decorations and ........THE STORY .....
and the music , the singing ....and the hot chocolate .....and of course the dinner !
Sharing the peace-on-earth with family
I love we live in a world wher we can choose we want to celebrate .
I love how we can share and be part of each-others choices ..... with respect .....
I am so greatful you made me see
your view so ....guided by the music / your music .....I found my way into my own believe and traditions .
When the world outside is doing bigger and bigger and more and more
I want to be silent and look for less and less and precious moments .
Thank you Anita for sharing your gift ...... For being you !
A very big warm hug and many thanks
Dearest Cathy, I see you don't have a blog, but I hope you get my response and sincere condolences; I know the feeling. I miss my parents after 28 years of them leaving, but I cannot imagine the loss of a twin.
Peace to you. Anita
There are no words to describe the beauty of this post today.
Selah. A pause after verses...frequently used in Psalms is all that comes to mind.
I must pause and think about this one, allow it to linger as long as it wants to linger in my mind.
Your home is gorgeous, Anita, truly a storybook. I'd never leave. ;)
I have a picture of ocean and sky disappearing into each other that I took at the Keys a couple of years ago. It is surreal. There is a little island in the middle of the picture and you cannot tell if it's floating on water or flying in the sky. I call it my island of silence.
Thanks for reminding me of that today. Silence is what I'm seeking during my break.
But I'll definitely continue visiting with you, friend.
Anita dear~ I tried to get on this post several times on my iPad last night but kept getting bumped off. Now...with lovely coffee in hand I am enjoying the beauty and deliciousness that you share. Opening your home, with intimate and personal touches, is such a treat to see. I feel like I have just visited you for an afternoon in your beautiful abode. I am always, always inspired when I stop by.
Happy Monday gorgeous!
xx, Heather
Anita, Such beautiful thoughts and images… gorgeous!
Oh I love this, Anita! When I was a little girl, I would think a lot about angels. I'm certain I've wondered before if any of them ever wished to be human for at least a while.
The most magical part of Christmas to me is that the most generous part of so many people comes out; kind of like the most God-like nature in each of us is collectively on display for the season.
I always live seeing inside your home. It's beautiful. Tell me: was the stone fireplace mantel original to the house? It's terrific!
I hope this Christmas is incredibly happy for you and Ruben!
Ma chère Anita,
Ce poème de mon enfance pour te remercier de nous émouvoir, de nous faire rêver billet après billet ...
Ton blog est un souffle de bonheur, une grâce ...
Mille bisous
Le ciel est noir, la terre est blanche ;
- Cloches, carillonnez gaîment ! -
Jésus est né ; - la Vierge penche
Sur lui son visage charmant.
Pas de courtines festonnées
Pour préserver l'enfant du froid ;
Rien que les toiles d'araignées
Qui pendent des poutres du toit.
Il tremble sur la paille fraîche,
Ce cher petit enfant Jésus,
Et pour l'échauffer dans sa crèche
L'âne et le boeuf soufflent dessus.
La neige au chaume coud ses franges,
Mais sur le toit s'ouvre le ciel
Et, tout en blanc, le choeur des anges
Chante aux bergers : " Noël ! Noël ! "
Théophile Gautier
A lovely posting, ephemeral and ethereal. You are invited to submit to House of Crowne Literary Review, a salon for aspiring writers and photographers:
I cannot tell you how many times I ponder here at Castles.
My retreat.
My friend.
Your home is beautiful, Anita. It takes my breath away...
Your words and images always give me wings!
Oh Anita! What a lovely 'white' post. I love the images from your own home, as well. All so lovely and emotional and grand! Thank you for the sweet compliment on my smile. That is so kind of you. Have a marvelous day and stay healthy and wise (and wealthy). lol Love to you, ♥ Renae
Dear Anita,
Another really lovely post. I agree with many of the others when they say that you have a beautiful home. You see it every day but we view it occasionally through the lens of your wonderful posts and so each time we see some different aspect, some magical part, all of which make up the whole.
Your write in a way that makes one feel ethereal too!
Bye for now,
Anita, I have to tell you . THIS blog is amazing. I feel so blessed to just be here and i sat and listened to this beautiful music and scrolled down and read the posts and the music was playing. Just one of the best blogs I have seriously ever seen. I feel uplifted and blessed each visit. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I loved that music !!! Thanks for blessing my day . Just beautiful
So beautiful, Anita...there is so much here I love, it is difficult to say which picture and moment is my favorite. You are so talented at helping us to escape to another world for a few moments!
Si tu n'es pas un ange, tu es ce qui s'en rapproche le plus... Toute la douceur de ton billet vient m'enrober après une rude journée. Je te souhaite un très beau mois de décembre
My Dearest Anita !
Another more LOVELY post!.
what i can tell you? every moment i am expect your new post for lisening again your music and fell hot and could in my sking every time i see every lovely pic you choice.
ALWAYS lovely LOVELY pictures
THANKS lovely friend for share with us
Anita, Ohhh Anita, YOU write with such beautiful fervor! This lovely Christmas music you provided with the violin, causes me to tear with such emotion.
Your Theater piece is just AMAZING along with all your other lovely home photos and extras! Thank you, for sharing such sentiments and beauty to see us through this wonderful holiday season!!!!! <3
Oops. Typo: "love" not "live"
I'm guessing that heaven and earth can meet when one truly has inner peace. Your white Christmas home looks so ethereal.
Vera think...they might...just wonder about us humans...those winged creatures...I wonder....only sometimes...
beautiful set to beautiful music...
we can wonder together during this season of wonderful light.
Your home is GORGEOUS, Anita! It's a showpiece! I would love to fly...someday! :)
Hope you had a good Thanksgiving. Time is ticking and I feel like I have so much that I don't get done. ha! Where does it go? And it only goes faster the older we get, right?
Have a wonderful week!
Your home is just so lovely. I hope you haven't forgotten about the home tour I want. You and Ruben have worked so hard to create a place of peace rest. Love you both!
Good morning Vera!
Thank you for coming to visit me. I have a totally white Christmas on my "decorating" mind these days and a neutral, natural palate in mind as well. You know what I wish I could do? To visit a pasture to just watch the horses in the snow....ah, bliss.
Have a lovely day! Anita
Do you know I have chills and goosebumps????? The pictures, your words and the music are a powerful combination. Thank you for having the gift to take me away to a most beautiful place Anita....a true gift!
PS.....your home? MAGNIFIQUE!!!!
Oh LOVELY Anita !!
Thank YOU for your visit and THANK YOU for show your wonderful and LOVELY HOME! . You are really lucky .
lots love
I chuckled this morning when I read your comment that you don't drink coffee because when you do, your heart races out of your chest. I can't drink too much of it either, but I think I would have it every day if I could. But on the days that I don't drink it, I sip on gentle tea, and that suits me fine. I'm glad I came over this morning - it gives me a chance to see your beautiful home again. Jess really liked those wings, and so do I.
It's December! Have a nice day, Anita.
Thanks for letting me know I could finally see some of your own home, and I am so enchanted! I STILL love and adore that painting with the mysterious woods and the castle beyond! It strikes me every time! But those white wings, Anita! they are positioned so very perfectly! I have seen so many before but these are breathtaking as one can ''see'' the rest of that exquisite creature nestled in tulle napping....magical*** now this picture has inspired me to finally find some feathered wings. Your pictures and music as always enchant. I too am having my first White Christmas ever. blessings! lady
Right near the glorious Lady... :)
ANITA!!! You have created yet another exquisite EXPERIENCE, dear sister!! Gave me chills....the photos you took are STUNNING!!! YES, they are!!
You are an artist and woman of enormous talent and lovingkindness.... your creations (I would call them multi-sensory experiences) fill me with such awe, peace, and wonder...Brava, dear one!
I do hope to visit that magical place that is your home very is indeed a HAVEN where heaven and earth meet....where love, creativity and joy reside....
this place where you live and write is a haven to my soul
Your blog together with its pictures and music are balm for the soul. Simply stupendous like your home and your profound posts. I am chilling out after all those parties. Great.
Hi, dear Anita!!!!!
How are you? This post, it's very romantic! I love this pics!!!
Kisses, dear!!!!!! Have a nice day!
Glorious, simply glorious. I love your excellent taste in your stunning home. It speaks like you do, with elegant subtlety. Those geese look familiar.. and ours love the snow! I've been so absent from blogs of late what with all these end of the year art shows, I must scroll down and see what I have missed.
Oh, Penny and I had fun with the mousey, isn't she great? I can't wait to show you who else she made for me!
Oh I love all the photos! So beautiful and as always, your post is so well written. I finally updated my blog, been so busy creating items for my shops! Hope you are enjoying the holiday festivities :)
Oh, just dropping by to let you know that Baby Z is doing well. No other issues have appeared other than regular baby stuff, eating sleeping and diaper dodos. He is a month old tomorrow. And other dd just found out she is ...having another boy. That will give 3 of each gender; oldest 3 are girls with the youngest 3 as boys. wow. I always get chills when I hear the news of what they will be when they are born. wow.
oh you are not going to believe this, but I too had to come back here to YOUR magical blog to take in more of the multi sensory experience of this post as Palomasea says, which is a balm to my soul today. I think I found some wings! But I already know one pair is not enough, I really want to fill my bedroom with several pairs, now I have seen them in such exquisite repose . It boggles the mind how one person and their expressions can move a person so far away....
And I simply must see those pictures you mentioned of the white chandelier with roses.
That pic of the dinner table is me perfectly. I would never leave it! And that High French Pink Christmas tree oh ..... sigh.......all of this......killing me softly :-)
I am really wanting to start being creative starting tomorrow. I have some branches I need to paint white and I HAVE been eyeing my chandelier wanting to decorate it too for the first time and today just saw a romantic soft garland of roses in the wedding section of a store and I thought they would be perfect to hang on my chandelier and then!!!..... I get your comment tonight! LOLOL...surely that divine feathered creature is acting Muse for us today, flying back and from you to me and back again :D:D:D, MAGICAL ~!
OK, today is the first day this season that I've felt the Christmas spirit--thanks to your post and some other music and videos I reviewed today. Your posts are enchanting! Thank you for that!
Thank you so much dear friend for leaving such a sweet note... Is this exciting or what!
Mais bien sûr chère Anita, c'est la maison d'une fée, elle te ressemble ...
Un Noël enchanteur se prépare.
Gros bisous
Cette année il y aura aussi 13 desserts chez moi, je laisserai cette fois libre cours à ma fantaisie !
Dear Anita, whenever I'm feeling a little down or in need of a lift, I just visit you! Your words and pictures are so beautiful. I've missed your lovely posts while I've been away but am going to wallow in them now. We have been visiting with the family in Malaysia hence my feeling a little sad today. No matter, I feel better already, and I still have more posts to read! Barbara xxxx
Catia, thank you for visiting me! I see you don't have a blog, but many thanks for leaving a comment. Enjoy the season! Anita
Ma belle, c'est bien vrai qu'un Noël enchanteur se prépare! La "crêche" tu sais, se trouve dans chaque coeur qui CROIT! Oh, et les 13 desserts? OUI! Je vais préparer les 13 desserts chez moi si je peux remplacer quelques articles avec les friandises américaines!
Ooh Anita, i have missed you! You are the biggest 'tonic' for the soul...
This beautiful post took me right back to my school days.
~ When I was asked to write an assignment on being some thing else or some body, but not me..
Most pupils chose beautiful Princess's and Queens to be for one day!
I couldn't think of who or what I would like to be apart from me!
~ In the end I chose a swan....
For her grace and freedom and of course beauty!
I just had to tell you this...and that I adore this beautiful post...
Hugs and twinkles from my corner to yours...
Maria x
Your pictures are just magical dear Anita :) I felt a sense of peace by just going through the post. Beautiful :) Much love.
Your blog posts always feel like a gentle cocoon ... so beautiful to look at and read. Your words and pictures are soothing and uplifting. You have left me longing for a little covering of magical snow here ... ! M x
Beautiful. Your words are always so inspiring and your post is just like a gentle nudge into the season.
I could feel the winter chill while reading this amazing post! The mix of ice and water is just beautiful, lots of inspirations for paintings in this post.. thank you!
Hello Anita dear, such beautiful pictures. Love the ocean shots. I hope you are finding time to enjoy the holidays. xo Linda
Wow, your place is lovely... I wish you could come here and help me with my home too! Coming here after a while and the pictures do take my breath away... you have a great eye for all things beautiful.
Bonjour ma belle!
Ahh... the spirit of Christmas is alive and wonderful within you and your house! It looks so sweet and so you mon amie. I love the thought of a bird looking down at us but then again he can FLYYYYyyyy!! When I was young I could fly in my dreams and it was unbelievable. I would wake and sit up in bed and think " I can fly! I can fly!" only to realize it was a dream. But it's still vivid in my heart and mind. Some day I will fly again! Your words made me so happy this morning my dear.
Blessings and love, Edie Marie
Oh dear Anita how beautiful....those slender trees sitting in that iced water....the beautiful horse......the ocean blending in with the Heavens......even the Opera.....lovely Holiday photos.....I will have to go back and have another look! Sending Love to you across the miles....Dzintra xo
It is a beautiful sentiment, that a bird would wonder at us. It is a season of joy and celebration but should also be one of generosity and sharing with those who have less... be it giving to charities for people or animals... that is how we make the holidays great for all. Have a great holiday season, Anita. This post was like an early Christmas present.
Anita, it truly is so important to linger and enjoy. The music just lifted me as I looked at your marvelous images of your lovely home and other inspirations. Christmas music is my favorite part of this special season of love and truly, despite how bustling it gets, I believe Heaven and Earth do meet at this time of year. Love, love, loved it all!
I am so, so late my dear friend. How beautiful your images of home are. Your editing skills are perfect. The home of an angel.
The music weaving perfectly through the images. I am now restful and at peace. it is so wintry here, gales and rain, the boat moving side to side constantly. I wish there was an off switch for the wind some days! We are well, warm and happy this side of the Atlantic. Hopefully I will have some images for you next week, I have been remiss :-( life is so inconvenient at times.
Hope you are well. I dream I am a bird flying above the town quite often.
Much love
SO BEAUTIFUL dear Anita!!! The photos you took of your home are just glorious my dear!
sending love...
Oh Anita, as each photo emerged, while listening to my favorite hymn, I read your words. I had chills! Beautiful thought provoking words dear friend. I hope the Season fills you both with joy HE brings. much love, Christel
Dear Anita, what a beautiful post. Your questions are a delight in themselves even without answers. If you haven't read The Vintner's Luck, I think you would like it, it's one of my favorites:
xo Mary Jo
Lovely images...
Hope you're enjoying the excitement of the holidays!
I am utterly happy to be here and dive into your wonderful photos of your glorious home... This is you, Anita- white, elegant, magical, soulful! I believe G.B. Shaw said that a happy family is but an earlier heaven. I may add a happy home and a happy heart to that. I missed you, too, but I hope I will be more available this time of year. Sending love your way, my lovely friend!
Such spirit and beauty in the way you artfully post ,
When I visit , I so savor the thoughts and the photos you prepare for us
I adore being here .
love the trees! I've missed coming by. Lovely curation. Hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving. :) Besos.
Lovely Anita,
First of all, I always have to take time to listen to your music selection. You have a gift for choosing pieces with much depth of feeling. . . I literally stop in my tracks. And I return again and again to take it in. Music is a big part of the holidays for me. What must it have been like for those musicians to play in that historical location? It was breathtaking.
The photos of your home make my heart flutter. . . it is all so divine there. It is a reflection of your beautiful soul.
I do believe that we get glimpses of heaven on earth at times, and in December the collective consciousness is focused on love, light, and peace in a magnified way, so we can experience those moments of miracles, of heightened belief and infinite possibility, of spiritual presence.
Thank you for all the beauty, elegance, and poetry you bring to us.
Sending my love on angel's wings*~*~*~*~*~*
Thank you dear friend for visiting here; I hope healing comes your way soon so we can truly visit in my home again and discuss the poetry we both love! Yes, music is a huge part of my life since I grew up hearing the classics played every day. Anita
Anita, you are such a FRIEND. Take that!! ...and I love you for it. MUAH!
I'm on my way out now, but will respond to your email later.
PS-There is so much beauty in this post, that I cry every time I click on it. Yes, I cry at beauty. Sigh...the dilemmas of a passionate heart. :)
Love you, lovely.
Be back soon.
I may have told You of the one sad Christmas I saw an angel wing above My head during prayer.It was there to comfort Me......and it looked similar to the one on Your header.A lovely home from a lovely woman.I enjoyed My few minuets spent with You.Hugs and love sent across the time and space-Denise
This was such a dreamy post lovely Anita! Christmas is my favourite holiday and though the hubby is away(Again), the boys and I have been decorating and creating our own little magic at home. Besitos:-).
The hubby has been away since the beginning of October, but i just didn't make an announcement on the blog. Happy Sunday:-)
What beautiful photos. Love the geese!
Allie of ALLIE NYC
The birds may wonder at us but I do not believe they ever harbor the desire to BE us. I hope not, anyway.
Lovely, peaceful vignettes in your beautiful home...
If your home were human it would be the prima ballerina assoluta!
I feel so privileged to know you via our blogging world and am so thankful for these incredible moments of true beauty. From my heart Thank you for putting a tender smile on my face this morning.
Oh so lovely! What inspiring words (and photos). Love your very own home creations and photos. And the magic you home and in the hearts of others. Bisous!
Dear Anita - I'm embarrassed to be so late. No detention for me, I hope. Your home is beautiful, and your photos are equally special. I want you to dedicate more posts to your lovely home.
I realize I didn't acknowledge how really lovely your Christmas decor was in my prior comments. Beautiful and captivating. xx
Anita, all i can say anita is your blog is just taken my breath away it just magical and i Hope you're enjoying the excitement of the holidays so to all out there merry christmas and a magical new year from william in boston usa.
Merry Christmas my sweet friend!
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