Monday, August 3, 2015

It floats

on the wings

of tongues

dives off

the stanza of poem and promise.

les dames d'abord

What can summon its descent

from the heavens? 

les dames d'abord

It will fall as letters 

then as sentences on a page


brown ground 

troubled with blindness.


will wrap its nakedness

  in flesh


black, white, and brown shapes

and we will see how

a citizen


the otherworldly

can touch feet to earth

les dames d'abord

put face, her face


the intangible

and walk page after page

through eternity.

les dames d'abord


donna baker said...

Oh Anita, so like you...the prose, beauty and music combined. Guess you're getting ready for the new school year. Have a good one.

Kim said...

I have missed your words Anita, but I love your photos on Instagram! Happy summer my friend!

Stephanie said...

I love what Donna said about this post being so like you....I agree, sweet friend. How I love to visit you, dear Anita. Your words are a soothing balm to my soul and your romantic images bless the heart.

Thank you for being beautiful. Hugs to you!

Simply LKJ said...

Agree, miss your words and the music. Praying the start to the new school year is a good one. My oldest reported for pre-planning today. Excited to be at a new school.

Beth at PlantPostings said...

Summer is too short--no matter how you look at it. Personally, I'm not thinking about it being almost over because August and September (and October) are always so beautiful, and my work and schedule don't change much with the seasons. Enjoy each day! Thanks for your beautiful posts!

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, those roses - they stole my heart! They are three different shades of pink! Those slippers are darling, my friend. And I love this charming building. I see you have a picture of Carmel on here today. I have been wanting to go there so much, especially after seeing your dreamy pictures.

I love your wonderful quote. We will all linger on after we are gone into the hearts of our loved ones and their loved ones after them. We will be with them, in spirit.

Have a lovely evening, sweet sister.


Rhonda said...

J'adore your images and words, they flow like a soft wave.

Rhonda said...

J'adore your images and words, they flow like a soft wave.

Junkchiccottage said...

The music and words flow down the page and touch our hearts. So beautiful.

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

Oh Dearest Anita, such a lovely, serene and reflective melody to accompany your ethereal poem so delicately written.
Four entrancing photos! Your photography is stunning, with such attention to capturing the light. Kindness-we should all give more and what a wonderful world it would be. Thank you for sharing your kindness and talent with us, Anita.
With love,

Createology said...

So softly beautifully written and presented. I feel such a calm come over me when I read your work. Thank You Very Much.

Mrs. L said...

This is an astounding post, you are a true poet!

Anonymous said...

To live our words ...when no one but heaven watches kindness rests her crown.
Inspiring post, Anita.
Love and blessings.

Leslie said...

I can't believe the summer will be over soon and the school year will start again. It must be such a busy time for you Anita as you prepare your curriculum for the calendar year. Those roses ....... I just love that photo and your instagram feed is incredible. Beautiful poetry Anita and thank you for sharing with us xxL

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Bonjour dear friend... Beautiful words that simply set my heart to music... So inspiring... I just love the roses!
Love you,

Jade said...

Oh Anita, what a wonderful gift this morning...........your post is heavenly...........loooooooooove your poem, your dreamy pictures and the breathtaking music! So much beauty and romance! Thank you so much, my dear friend and have a heavenly week,

with love and hugs, Jade

MJH Design Arts said...

Thank you. So beautiful--with kindness. Always kindness. xoxoxo Mary

Christianne said...

As I rummage quickly through mail, deleting in a frenzy so I can finally lay my head down to rest, I see your invitation; always welcome, always promising calm and release. I circle it like an old friend circles it's rug before resting at your feet, knowing that it's a place of love, comfort and peace. Thank you yet again.

Barbara said...

Thank you dear friend you always touch my heart, but today you touched my soul.

Daniela said...

What a joy to me to find you this morning, you're such a ray of warm sun on cold Winter day, my darling Anita !
Your sweet words and your poetic images sound like a blessing to my heart and comfort my soul, thanks for being here !
With all my love I send hugs, wholeheartedly.

Méa Strauß said...

Hmmmm, sooo dreamy... Anita, I stopped by, it was like being in dreamland, as always.
Hugs to you, my dear, I wish you a bright summers day, your friend Méa

Down by the sea said...

So beautiful - the words,music images and colours.The shades of blue and those pink roses,wow! Sarah x

Art and Sand said...

Your skill of uniting words, images and music is awesome.

Rosa said...

superbe post , je suis ravie de te lire a nouveau et je profite pour te souhaiter une bonne continuation d'été
gros bisous ma gentille Anita

ps j'ai adoré la photo de la mer...

Wendy W said...

Anita, I just love all that you do ... following you on Instagram (so glad I found you!) and also on Pinterest now! Your words and images are so inspiring. Thank you so much!
Regards, Wendy

Celestina Marie said...

Dear Anita, the music and the words touch my heart and your images true summer. You create beauty with every thought. How special to stop in and be refreshed.
I'm still away from my desk but your post arrived and I had to fly over. Wishing you beautiful days before going back to teach.
Blessings dear friend! cm

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

A treasured gift you are my friend. Thank you for sharing your gift of writing with all of us.

The BUTT'RY and BOOK'RY said...

Ooooo Anita send me those slippers!!! Hee!!
I love when a new dose of Anita comes to the Blog world!! And the music is always perfection!!!
I shall play it again through the day!! ;-)
Sending warmth and love xx oo Linnie

Jade said...

Oh Anita, thank you soooooooooo much - your loving words make me feel I´m in heaven! And you are so in love with horses.........we meet every day a lot of them and I also love to touch sweet! And when I see them I will think of you! And now I want to have a look on your instagram...........I´m looking forward..........

love and hugs, from Jade & Sheila

Jade said...

That´s breathtaking, my dear I love your copper pots...........I also want some........for cooking jam and hot always reminds me to France. So great pictures with that peaches........I love the magic in your images!

Have a wonderful day, Jade

Dawn Y. said...

Both lovely and inspirational, dear Anita! Each of your words and images will live on in eternity, through your writings, family, friends, and in the hearts of all of your students. You are truly a timeless treasure bringing new beauty to the world each day! Delight in today, my friend! (I know you will!) ♡Dawn@Petals.Paper.SimpleThymes

Tristan Robin said...

Dear Anita,
Seeing your announcement of a new blog post in my inbox always brings a light to my eyes and the knowledge that I'm going to be enriched and rewarded for one little click with a cloud of visual and textual splendor.
Today is no different.
I love your words - they are both inspirational and revelatory ... and the photos, well, you simply post some of the loveliest photos in Bloglandia.
I'm sure you'll never have any idea who much I treasure our friendship - and wish that I were able to live up to my "artistic" end of the friendship!

Marijke said...

Always a present to see a blogpost from you, I know always beautiful sounds so loudness on and than nourisment for my eyes and soul!
Thank you Anita!
Have a lovely day,
groetjes van Marijke

jerilanders said...

I just don't know how you do it... but then, I am not a poet. I can only appreciate... and indeed I do. The music, it takes me back to 6 , 7 years old. My mother played a Chopin album constantly on her "record Player". geeeez, remember those? That very song would fill the house with beautiful sound.

"Create Beauty" said...

Beautiful words and lovely images and music combine into something glorious!!!!!

I love how your heart expresses itself with beauty...... and then shares it.
Something of the Divine.

~ Violet

A Joyful Cottage said...

Violet wrote all I'm thinking. Your blog is a perfect way to enter my day. Thank you, Anita. xo ~ Nancy

Karena said...

Oh Anita so beautifully worded as always and images so soothing to my soul....much needed right now...
The Arts by Karena
Gone Too Soon

La Contessa said...

BEAUTIFIL GORGEOUS music.............
AND of course your PHOTOS are right up there with your words..........XO

Mary Hone said...

Such beautiful words and photos. You are creating beautiful things in world that so needs it.

Mara said...

Is "les dames d'abord" the name of a photography business or what? I know that it means "Ladies first", but don't know what it signifies in this context. Love your pieces. Very inspiring.

Karen said...

This is the way I'd like to begin each day...lovely poetic words coupled with beautiful music. Thank you. Your photography is wonderful...those roses, oh my.
Enjoy your day, my friend.

handmade by amalia said...

What a lovely post! The poetry, the images, the serenity of it all, just lovely.

Robyn said...

Oh you! You do it to me every time, Anita. I get lost in this beautiful place you create filled with magical chords, soft, dreamy images and words that sink into my heart. Your talent is special and unique, dear friend, and I so appreciate that you share it with us. Thank you for making my heart swell, my eyes well up with tears and my mind joyously pulling it all in. I love and cherish the experience. Love you too!

VM Creation Atelier said...

Love music and all in your post,dearest Anita!
All together make it pure love moments.....:)

vicki archer said...

There are words and then there are words dear Anita... and yours are the latter.
Such a beautiful combination of imagery and poetry... Thank you... xv

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Hi Mary! I don't know if you'll see my reply here, but I'll try. Les Dames D'abord is the name of my Instagram page where I have my photos. You can just go to the link and see other photos I've been taking all summer. Thanks for stopping by! Anita

Sarah said...

Beauty as only you can coordinate! The poetry, images, and music all weave a most exquisite message, Anita. Splendid!

Unknown said...

Hello dear Anita, Simply...beautifully...lovingly...created and shared with the world. YOU are always an inspiration-in word, in thought, in kindness....Feeling blessed to see this today.
As we head back (SOON!) to our career lives--caring for students/families as we do--I'll be thinking of you gifted one.
Hugs today!
xx, Heather

Martina said...

Dearest Anita, wow, such a beautiful post! I can see you have worked on your poetry skills - and the combination of words and images works in wonderful ways. Am seeing this at the end of the day - quite a strenuous one - and it feels so gentle and soothing,
Glad you haven't given up blogging completely - it does help to get back on track sometimes, plus the feedback you get is wonderful. Will sure be back and look at this again! Hugs for a lovely evening!

Elizabeth@ Pine Cones and Acorns said...

Hello my beautiful friend. I say this every time you post, your words and images are magical and they light up my day! Thanks for sharing this beautiful post! I love the photo of the roses and slippers!

Suz said...

I haven't missed you but I got you on my cell phone but your blog posts are so much more beautiful on my computer and I get the music. I don't get the music on my phone. This is so lovely and touching. You never to amaze me with your talent and compassion. Love, Susan

Suz said...

You never FAIL to amaze me with your talent and compassion!!

Suz said...

Can I ask where you found those beautiful slippers pictured in the post?

It's me said...

Anita !!! to see your post again...i miss you! you my friend thanks for your kind words on my Sad Iris post....i miss my girl so Much my heart cry....enjoy summer love Ria x

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Beautiful! Beautiful! Like you. :)
Love the slippers, every detail.
I had not noticed the blue flowers at the bottom of your page. DIVINE!

Anita, I hope this comment goes through. I just deactivated my google plus. It was giving me too many problems lately with comments. Fingers crossed. Please let me know if you have any further glitches.
Thank you, love.
Lovely day to you.

Debbie Harris said...

Lovely, just lovely, Anita!
Those slippers and roses... such beauty, and the music was such a compliment to the entire, well written post.

Bless you ~ Debbie

Pura Vida said...

What a joy to see your art pop up

Lynne said...

Your "poem and promise" lingers in my mind . . .
Beautiful . . .
I wish you a blessed and gifted school year, dearest Anita!

francis said...

It is such a comfort to know some things will not change when you are feeling a kind of lost , as I feel lately .
It is a new kind of lost . Lost in my own life because I was so used to adjusting and now I have to be in control myself . NO adjusting needed anymore . Have a happy August dearest .❤️

Burlap Luxe said...

Summer is nearing its end, and soon a new birthing of a season with merge and life will go on, your photos are beautiful and your written words tell of its path. I hope your summer has been memorable and one that will add to inspiration that will follow.
Looking forward to what's instore for you this school year and plans of holiday time here with you.


Linda said...

Such a lovely post and the music fits it perfectly!

helen tilston said...

Hello Anita,
Beautiful poetry and your images are dreamy. With the music you selected, this was a very serene and beautiful few minutes,
Thank you

Dewena said...

There is such heart's ease in your words, your pictures, and the Chopin nocturne. Thank you for this lovely time here. I'll be considering what more "can summon its descent from heaven," Anita.

Row homes and Cobblestones said...

Dear sweet Anita,
What a post! Four beautiful photographs... all taken by you and tell a beautiful spiritual story through your inspirational poetry. Really enjoyed this post. Guess what? My month is soon over and I will post in a day or so. Last Sunday beams were installed and 100+ years look beautiful. Lots of photos of all our renovation progress and a share. I've missed everyone for the past month.
Schools about to start for you again and I can imagine you and Reuben are savoring the last days before returning back to work. Enjoy the time and your Summertime. Its been very hot in Philadelphia lately, loving the central air!

Jeanne said...

So special!! Thanks for sharing that.

Red Rose Alley said...

Beautiful words and photos, Anita! Thank you for sharing your story of your studies and travels in France. What an experience to always be remembered! And I think it's experiences like these that help mold us and change us for the better. We did not make it to Eze or St. Paul de Vence this time, but Nel's husband bravely rented a car and drove us down the French Riviera! We stopped in Cannes and Antibes. I will be back to visit though. France is too beautiful not to!


Troebadoer said...

Chère Anita,

Tu nous laisses participer à ta vie pleine d'extase, de beauté éternelle dans tes images, tes paroles.
Je te souhaite le bonheur parfait.

Elle caresse les touches
de l'été qui dort,
comme un lion d'or au repos,
une coupole de flammes
bleues claires,
et des collines, des collines
vertes comme le jade...

La beauté fleurissante de cette dame
les yeux plein d'étoiles,
de papillons, de fleurs de neige,
de rêves éthérés,
elle rie, elle chante,
des airs plein d'un charme doux... (compositeur né dans mon pays)

Lowcarb team member said...

Just perfect Anita ...
The music, the photo's and words ... just flowed.

Hope August has started well for you.

All the best Jan

Lowcarb team member said...

Just perfect Anita ...
The music, the photo's and words ... just flowed.

Hope August has started well for you.

All the best Jan

Style Diary Of A Fashion Fanatic said...

Beautiful new post dear Anita!!!!
Can you believe August is off & running???
I just bought some cool Prada boots that are a plum colored suede with a light pink toe cap area, and a panel of snakeskin going down the front of the boots. They are knee length boots; I love the color paneling.
Autumn is my favorite time of year!!!!!
It's still hot here but fall is around the corner!!!!
Hope you had a wonderful day!!!!

Tammie Lee said...

exquisite words
a dreamy realm touches earth
and lovely images
sweet late summer to you Anita

Palomasea said...

This is a beautiful symphony of soul, poetry, music, imagery...a work of art like only you can create...
Bless you, my dear friend...

Thank you for sharing your heart with me today...I treasure those moments...
Thinking of you and your precious family.
Much love,
- Irina

The Dutchess said...

.....Otherworldly it is.......xoxo

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Chère Troebadoer, tes poèmes sont toujours des paroles d'inspirations, parfaites pour le moment où je les lis! Et toujours les liens à Youtube me transportent. MERCI!

Karena said...

Dear Anita, Thank you so very much for your kind comments on my site......
The Arts by Karena

Carolina G. Ticala said...

nice blog! if you want we can follow us on gfc? now I 'm on bloglovin,instagram ,pinterest , I hope you follow me back! Happy Weekend

Rue said...

Hello :)

I kept seeing your sweet comments on some friends blogs and so I thought I'd click on your name. I'm so glad I did. You've made a beautiful place here and the music is perfect.


Personally selected products said...

Oh MI QUERIDA ANITA!! always i want to tell you there is no blog to make me smile and happy as your!!
always the best, always my first one!! Thanks for your lovely coment and your visiting my blog.
lots and lots LOVE mi amiga !!


Karena said...

Anita I am so sorry to hear about your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.A 20 years old has barely had time to experience life. While little 2 yr old Jordan was here, this boy touched so many lives and is still bringing us all together in love.
The Arts by Karena

DolceDreams said...

I miss you Anita and hope that la vita e bella!!!

Forest Mother said...

Hi Anita I have to admit that I don't know very much about poetry but I think your talking about words - beautiful words that will stand for eternity. I think it is beautiful how you say it and then remind us again with these lovely images. How inspiring your post is.

Madelief said...

Another beautiful post Anita! The music and your words match beautifully. You made some beautiful photographs to accompany it too!

Hope you are enjoying your summer? I started work again last week, but try to hold on to the 'holiday feel' as long as possible. So far I am managing :-). It's good to be back on the internet though enjoying all those beautiful posts, like yours, and photo's of far away holiday destinations. Yours make me want to Carmel one day :-)

Have a lovely week!

Madelief x

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous as always, Anita, and I love your instagram! xo

Deborah said...

Hello dear Anita! How beautiful it is to hear music on your blog! I have missed being able to hear it on our blogs.
Such beauty heart, words and images!
All my love to you....
Deborah xoxo

Martina said...

Happy monday dearest Anita! Have been thinking of you over the weekend, but my boys were so busy on my mac that i couldn't get to it ;) I believe what you wrote about your poetry. I think it is just as difficult as painting ... yet the hardships must be hidden to make art appear light and playful, like the dance of a ballerina! Hope you capture more of augusts beauty with photography and words and send you hugs for a great week!

LeeAnn at Mrs Black's said...

Lovely to see you back, if only for a magical moment. The music is so perfect for this luscious post. I am so happy too that you captured one of Lainey's shimmering Fishes for your own - I so love her work. Much love to you from me and Mrs Black. x

Jade said...

Oh Anita, what a joy to hear from you........THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! So much love in your words - you touch my heart with this gift! Yesterday we have been at this Bavarian lake where I took my to swim in the fresh water, the mountains near, the church bells´s really lovely there! At the moment it is very, very hot in Bavaria and very try - so it is a great joy to have such a lake near! Have a wonderful week, my dear friend,

with love and hugs, Jade

Little Miss Titch said...

Beautiful as always Anita,so sorry we are late visiting you.I have a little news for you...I am having a photo shoot on saturday...a fashion shoot to start a portfolio....can you imagine me as a model well going to give it a try,I'll be in the Mature category as I'm over 30....anyway its kind of scary,xx Rachel and SPeedy

The French Hutch said...

Dear Anita, such a beautiful and moving post. Lovely words and photographs.
Hope all is well with you and your summer has been splendid. Always a pleasure to visit you...........

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Glorious post as always Dear Anita. I am late too. I am not receiving your posts any longer. The music is perfect with your words and photos. Truly a pleasure to listen and take in such beauty. Have a wonderful week. xo

♥ Mary Janes TEAROOM said...

Beautiful words and images dearest Anita...a perfect start to my day!....Hope you have a happy and creative one lovely lady,
Susan x

Magali@TheLittleWhiteHouse said...

As usual, words, pictures and music enchanted me!

Leslie said...

Good Morning Anita! ..just finishing up on my computer prior to heading to the office. Thanks for dropping by. I also like the Mateo sheets as well;) I hope you are enjoying your week so far!

Ana said...

Another wonderfully written piece of art Ms. Anita.

Hugs and Kisses,

Queen Of The Armchair aka Dzintra Stitcheries said...

Oh Anita you have such a way with words......keep on writing them, they are just beautiful to read and conjure up all sorts of images! Hugs to you across the miles....and soon I will be on your side too! Dzintra xo

francis said...

Thank you for taking time to respond on my blogpost . Not only responding but truly understanding and caring.
I hope your third year will be wonderful . It takes time to adjust . Your third year will be better ! Your students are so lucky to have you as an inspiring teacher ❤️
Wishing you beautiful August evenings outside 🌎

Madelief said...

Hi Anita,

Just read your comments. So sweet of your husband to by you another lens. I am sure it will give you lots of joy. There are so much more possibilities!!

Have a lovely weekend!

Madelief x

Adriana-Sugar Palace said...

This music is very sad to me, but at the same time makes this experience very beautiful with those pictures you've posted. Thanks a lot, its a very nice way to blow my mind. Hughs

Sugar Palace

Denise said...

Hello and Good Morning Anita.I read Your poem three times hoping to absorb the beauty of it's meaning. I'm planning to be there to here the reading of Your life,while I worship the Lord. Love to You sent through the miles-Denise

Leslie said...

Anita, Good Morning! Thank you for visiting me:) You are so chic and I love your sense of style. I too spend most of my time in shorts and a tee (or little dress:) during the summer months. Enjoy your weekend and the last bit of freedom before you start back to school. xxL

Martina said...

Hello dearest Anita, and happy weekend to you! I'm so sorry i haven't come sooner to answer your most lovely comment, but we're in a process of moving office and all is a bit upside down ;) Glad you like my yellow paintings! Last week, some clients were here, and 2 of them want to buy the cat .... maybe i try to paint it again - let's see! I hurt my little toe some days ago and can only walk very slowlxy at the moment - so glad tom. is a sunday! Much love to you!

Rue said...

Thank you so much for your sweet visits, Anita! It's been a joy to hear from you and I'm so glad I found you :)


Kidslife said...

Happy sunday Anita! Just read your comment - thank you so much for coming over for a little visit. Yes, summer already draws to a close now, but it's still here for us to enjoy. The freedom to walk in sandals and just a little dress, the warm evenings and bright mornings ... So happy you had a great time. I did, too, with our family trip and a lot of time for painting. Colour, for me, is a living energy. But i also love the whites and greys and quiet shades that you adore ... because color needs contrast to shine. Sometimes, you know, a vibrant color can open up rooms, instaed of cluttering them ... that's what i'm working on ;) Cheers to you and all the ebauty you create dear one! Till soon!

Barbara said...

Hello lovely lady, thank you for your visit to my blog today. Hugs Barbara

Intangible Hearts said...

Yes, 'put her face on the intangible and walk through eternity'. Wow. My kind of post. Beautiful.

Red Rose Alley said...

Yes, I always think of you when I see white horses cause I know how much you love them! I hope you are enjoying this sunny day. Jess starts school very soon also, and I was just talking with her about it. Off to check your latest pics on instagram.

love, ~Sheri

Red Rose Alley said...

Anita, isn't jbeaudet art wonderful? I have looked at her creations since I first started blogging. Does this picture resemble your grandmother and mother? - how beautiful you all are. And the red flowers in the garden - they are so striking and pretty. Me and Jess are really enjoying your instagram pics. :~)


jerilanders said...

Anita, Such a sad story about your little wren this morning, I can relate to it. In answer to your ? Do donkeys bite? Well, mine don't because they have excellent manners. They do bite each other in a playful way but are very sweet and gentle with me. All of my animals are quite tame and docile...and did I mention lovable?

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Good evening dear friend... Yes, I have such wonderful memories of our day in Old Orange... The antique shop. What fun we had.
Thank you so much for visiting.
Have a great day tomorrow.

Martina said...

Hello my dear Anita, so nice to see you've looked at my blues. It's such a magical color and i still remember that beautiful ocean painting you've got. Yes, the days are getting shorter and we've got to adjust. But since we had a really hot summer, i don't mind so much. Are you ready for the new schoolyear? I hope you' re having a smooth and gentle week!

Style Diary Of A Fashion Fanatic said...

Hello dearest Anita!!!!
How are you? Did you start school yet? Most of our schools are back in session.
It has been storming here most of today bringing in some cooler air!!!
I am excited for autumn and love breaking out my blazers, boots, & coats....
Have you done any fall shopping?
Hope you are having a wonderful week!!!!
Sending love & hugs,

Anonymous said...

Good morning, lovely. Thank you for visiting. I apologize for not returning the visit sooner, but I was away from the computer all day. Thinking of you, and how busy you must be getting ready for classes. Lucky students. :)
Have a LUMINOUS day, friend. <3

Sandy at You May Be Wandering said...

Hi Anita! I am trying hard to get back to blogging AND commenting on my favorite blogs – everything takes 3 times as long with only one hand!! Your posts always make me happy - thanks for that! Have a great weekend! xoxo

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Thanks for your visit Anita. School is indeed back in session. Your photos are amazing! Getting more lenses sounds great! Your photography skills as lovely.

Ivy Clad said...

Hi Anita,
It's so nice to be here back to another one of your beautifully written and photographed posts. That's such a beautiful (and sobering) thought, our lives being written here and read in eternity. A little kindness makes the whole world of difference, I agree.
Love you!

Nancy's Notes said...

Beautiful post, Anita!
Sweet Anita, thank you for your dear comments while I've been recovering from my heart issues! So kind of you to drop in and visit!
Have a wonderful weekend~

Nancy's Notes said...

Beautiful post, Anita!
Sweet Anita, thank you for your dear comments while I've been recovering from my heart issues! So kind of you to drop in and visit!
Have a wonderful weekend~

Leslie said...

Happy WEEKEND ANITA! Thank you for visiting :) Yes, I LIKE boots and with all the walking I do I go tend to go through them quickly. I hope you have something fun planned for your day!! xxoo L

white and vintage said...

Hello Anita,
I have found your lovely blog. Such nice pictues. I love them. I want to follow your blog.
Have a nice weekend,

beatrice De said...

Les femmes et ... les enfants d'abord, Voilà la formule confirmée...
Jolis dessins sensibles.
A little hello from Lausanne, Switzerland

Marfi-topia said...

It's great to see your post!
I've missed you:-)

Martina said...

Thank you for your lovely comment on my botanical paintings Anita! So glad you like them! Am thinking about how to choose a framing for them. How's your sunday going? We j made a peach pie and just shred it over tea with a good old firend and her son - so nice to sit outside! All looks very dry though. Does school start tom. or next week? I wish you a soothing and relaxed evening, hugs!

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Hello dear friend!
Thank you for visiting Jasper this morning! Your story about Ruben cracked me up..

Denise said...

Just wanted to wish You a happy,healthy school Year teacher-hugs Denise

Queen Of The Armchair aka Dzintra Stitcheries said...

Oh Anita....the music, the words, the just blow me away with it beautiful Dear One xo