into your garden?
I've found the way
into mine.
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anita pelayo rivera |
But there's a risk
making such a discovery:
Over time
mundane acts
failure to nurture nature
failure to nurture nature
fall like dried petals
fall like dried petals
But we know how this story ends
the fruit of our toil
reaches the sun from tilled soil.
the willingness
to dig into nothingness
rejoice in small echos of wisdom
I love this as I have been finding solace in my garden and vegetable garden as it has been a stressful start to my Summer. However I know I can always find a moment of peace when i read your blog! Namaste xo K
Thank you for posting sharing the beauty of your soul, to shine on the rest of us...XOXO
Oh Dearest there is nothing more than a beautiful garden that I can get lost in.....unfortunately I'm not much help in getting it that way due to Seasonal Allergies....perhaps that's why I appreciate it even more! I can just imagine your garden....sitting there with a pink cool would that be! A Cheers to you for a magnificent weekend!
Gorgeous shots Anita. Beautiful garden and soul too.
Oh, Anita, your words and photos are so eloquent. Brava, dear friend!
Your vision is dreamlike and peaceful. Love this post so much.
Your vision is dreamlike and peaceful. Love this post so much.
Garden love from Texas. I always delight in a new post from you, Anita. Beautiful, beautiful!
Your beauty flows from your words Anita. You create such beautiful spaces and find solace in your spaces you create. Bravo.
Your pictures are peaceful, serene and oh so gorgeous just like your soul my friend.
Oh my, this is so inspiring, Anita. Sigh. Sometimes when I arrive home from a busy day and look out into the garden, I sigh with pleasure. It is such a peaceful (if imperfect) place. Lovely post!
Mine is about nature now,a safe haven for the birds,the bee and the butterflies....and of course Speedy!Lovely post from you again Anita,Much love to you,xx Rachel and Speedy
Heaven inspired words and photographs. Thank you for sharing your gifts with us!
"Seed light and weed darkness"!!! What amazing poetry. Your words surpass even the incredible beauty of your photos.
Beautiful garden! Had to PIN the first photo onto my Jardin Chateau board....
I always get a small shiver of excitement when I see that you have posted anew on Castles Crown and Cottages. I always know that I will get a repast of stunning photos and images and provocative and inviting words.
As always, today did not disappoint, and I've perused until I'm sated.
Thank you for always beginning my day in such a perfect combination of serenity and physical beauty.
It's such a treat to wake and find you in my email box! I hope summer is being especially kind to you, my friend.
I do not know why your posts are such a beautiful surprise each time since we recognize ourself in them. We should know...
Is it because the outside world is sooooooooo far from the initial garden? You have this so special talent to bring us back there. Thank you Anita!
Have a lovely week-end behind your curtain of trees.
Oh my have no idea how much I needed to read this. Beautiful!!! Thank you for sharing your gifts with us. You are such a blessing to us all.
Beauty upon beauty my friend. I so enjoyed your words and photos. Yes the garden brings us full circle in life. I want to walk through those flowing curtains. Thank you for sharing.
Have a blessed weekend dear friend. xo
Such beautiful words and photography! A much needed breath of fresh air and calm- Many Thanks :)
Love this!
Your words and beautiful photography are music to my heart... Thank you dear friend for sharing your heart. You are a constant inspiration.
I tried twice yesterday to leave a comment.. I hope this takes today..
Your words and beautiful photography are music to my heart... Thank you dear friend for sharing your heart. You are a constant inspiration.
I tried twice yesterday to leave a comment.. I hope this takes today..
You did it again, put into words ~ and with photos ~ the deepest cry of the heart!!!
You and I both have been enjoying summer with flowers and photography, and I must get back to blogging,
how could 3 months have gone by already? The last time I posted it felt like summer but was only
the beginning of April! Then June set in which was more like Fall. July and August, here I come!!!!
Your photos are so lovely!!!!!! And the message......
~ Violet
Thank you..I found you in the garden..just had to follow my heart..xoxo
Ahhh yes nurturing nature a necessary and rewarding human characteristic, that enriches and rewards our soul. Encouraging the gardens growth, replenishing season after season, year after year ... Sweet Anita I tried to comment last night but your post kept crashing on my iPad so I waited until I was on the computer! Your garden is lush and beautiful and your message beautifully received. I was inspired by Tuscany when I landscaped my small but elegant garden years ago. In the winter when harsh winds and snow bury boxwood I fret - then the Spring replenishes and I nurture (one of my favorite words I overuse, the other being legacy, lol) and reap rewards felt deep in my soul. Have a wonderful weekend mon amie I am finishing up my fairytale photo shoot so I can start writing my new storybook. Philly is going to have thunderstorms today, its a perfect day to stay inside and play.
Oh Yes, my friend, gardening is a constant task of weeding, pruning, watering, and giving it some of our special love. I'm always out there tending to the garden, and I'm sure you're enjoying your garden as well this summer since school is out. You are such a nurturing person and I can just see you puttering around in your garden and caring for it deeply. Your picture of the pink roses is beautiful.
Anita, I love that picture of the blue plate and silverware, it's stunning. Blue china seems to be my favorite for some reason.
Have a peaceful Sunday in your garden, my love. This song is soothing, and your words "you were meant to be in the garden" are so very special.
Ohhh, I am already altered. You will be altered... these words. Wow. What a post, the words... all the poetry, Anita, this is nurturing the soul :) And there the pictures, the petals on this table.
Such a wonderful post :)) Have a wonderful weekend, my dear, hugs from me, Méa
Dearest Anita, hi, just went to my blog to post something new and saw you've been up to something too! This garden post of yours really speaks to me - i just came in from the garden, Love the poetic quality of your words and pictures, evoking just this fairy-tale quality and atmosphere i adore you for! I hope you are very well my friend, sending you hugs!
So poetic, so beautiful nd such gorgeous photos. I shall read this again as I enter my garden tomorrow morning, one of my all time favourite places to be, a place where one can be at one with nature and find total peace and serenity. Susan x
So beautiful! Time spent in the garden is transformative indeed...
Another simply beautiful post, the words and photo's compliment each other perfectly.
Those pink roses are just heavenly
Enjoy your weekend ... and always enjoy the garden
All the best Jan
Soul craft. Oh, Anita, what a perfect word. I love that more than I can say. And the garden is simply beautiful as is each and every still life and vignette. That photo of the plate and silver touched me. I love that blue! I'm so glad all is well and the storm is over.
Just gorgeous, Anita! Your beautiful words and images have touched my heart and soul. I shall think of you tomorrow as I play in my perennial and herb gardens, dear one! ♡
Oh my goodness, Anita, this speaks to everyone's inner self, doesn't it? The photos and your perfect words are so artful and touching. I love these shots and I love the words that you have crafted in order to create a special journey for our hearts and minds. You never fail to amaze me, my talented friend. Thank you!! ooxox
Such beautiful images and words. Gardens do feed our souls. Sometimes I miss the satisfaction at the end of the hard work in a garden.
I do not have FIREFLIES in CALIFORNIA...................BUT I COULD SEE THEM!
Good morning lovely Anita...I have so missed visiting you! Such a beautiful post and perfect for a Sunday morning...I always leave here pondering about your words and magical images...have a good Sunday,
Susan x
I love it
Bonjour Anita! I am delighted by your garden while spending time in mine. Thank you for these lovely words and images, dear friend. I will be back from my break at the end of July and look forward to catching up with you again then. But for now, it’s back to the garden. xx
Beautiful. My garden provides me the time to meditate and unwind. I love working there and see the successes and occasional failures of my hard work. Your garden looks lovely and I absolutely love your garden gate!
Happy summer.
Anita, thanks for your wonderful message on my blog! Yes, i saw the embedded circles in your post - the circles of life ... Do you know the song by Buffy St. Mary - circle game? Just had to think of it! Glad you enjoy your garden so much! A garden is like a living painting and it teaches so many things. Again the mix of photos and words you chose work so well together and makes you shine through! Glad you feel inspired by my colours. In summer, i love to paint outside and let garden vibes enter my work. Hope you will have a super szatt to your week!
Chère Anita,
I love the mysterious light
in your garden…
in your words.
Tu brodes ton nom
sur le drap délicat
qui voile nos rêves...
Car des mots sont si “zen”…
Comme une berceuse éternelle
ils planent
audessus des buissons
de ton jardin enchanteur…
Absolutely beautiful, Anita. Your photos and words always touch me! :) Happy summer my friend.
Beautiful peaceful garden!
have a nice day!
groetjes van Marijke
Yes, yes, yes. You are back. :) Dearest Anita, how splendid to be "chez toi" again, and to experience yet another magical, poetic masterpiece that only you can create...and with your own images...I am misty-eyed here. Major goosebumps. Good ones! :) I will read and re-read your wisdom.
Beautiful, beautiful. I cannot express eloquently enough how your art touches and inspires...from me...just a giant hug and a Brava! LOVE YOU!
Gorgeous words to accompany your fabulous photos.
Cher ami, comme vous écrivez si bien, toujours en poèsie! MERCI MILLE FOIS! Et aussi, tes choix de Youtube sont toujours parfaits pour mes idées!!!! Passe un bon lundi.
Good Morning Dear Anita,
I have been babysitting this last week and apologize for my tardiness in visiting you!
We had 6 granddaughters under the age of 9 in our home and all at one time, tiara's high-heels and lots of activity were the menu for each day and they began so early too!
So finally here I am sitting, relaxing, enjoying, basking in the beauty of your photography and well composed thoughts and your trademark vision for living, embracing and appreciating life.
Thank you for such a lovely post, I always have a brighter spirit after visiting you!
Much Love,
Dear Anita, My first reaction whenever I see you have written a post is pleasure on venturing on another magical journey with you. You know my garden means so much too me and yours words,music and images are fantastic. It has to be one of my favourite posts. Thank you. Sarah x
Hi Anita, another beautiful posts. Love the magical journey. You make everyone so happy reading and admiring your gorgeous photography. Your words are so poetic and beautiful. Have a fabulous week! hugs
oh my goodness!
Your final quote is brilliant, beautiful and powerful!
Thank you.
I hope you are well.
My darling Anita, you always pull me into your beautiful and whimsical world with your words, photos, and blessed music. Speaking of music, I MUST find the sheet music for the piece you had us listen to. Oh, what a lovely melody.
Thank you, sweet friend, for the delightful and dare I say, enchanting journey. You are a gem! Much love to you!
Another lovely post, Anita. I love the idea of being changed by a garden. If a garden, with all its magic and wonder and love, cannot change you, nothing can.
You have a magnificent and spell bound magical garden. Huge, lush green garden is a result of continuous hardwork and care. I loved your poetry and it describes how deeply you know and love your garden.
Beautiful words, thoughts and emotions in this posting, Anita. I think your imagery just gets better and better. xxv
Hi Anita stopping by to thank you for your visit to my blog post and to also enjoy an encore viewing of your enchanting garden. Its been an extremely hot summer in Philadelphia, so I've been nurturing nature in the cooler temps of early morning. I think your sheer curtain is so whimsical ... ahhh the lengths we go through to create magic.
Ooooh so inlove with your garden... it looks magical & mysterious like a fairytale! I'd love to walk through those curtains :) Hope you are having a wonderful summer!
Dearest Anita, look, this is a lovely version of "Circle game" - by Tom Rush. Have the most lovely midweek of July fun!
If I can't be in the garden, I'll be on the porch.
That was so beautifully written. A garden, real or imaginary, can change you on so many levels.
Anita, such beautiful words and images! "Dried petals of doubt" -- what a way with words!
I am speechless over your beautiful enchanting way with words and photos. Your post sets my mind to wondering...
All the magic and possibilities...
Thank you dear Anita!
Hello Anita-So sorry I lost touch with You.I will be coming back to visit regularly now that I've reminded Myself that Your blog is just the way I left it.Your thought and word are as always, beautiful.I loved the music and photos too.Tomorrow I'll be joining Where bloggers create.Come on by anytime,I would love to hear from You.All is well with Me and Mine, I wish the same for You. hugs Denise
Hello Anita-So sorry I lost touch with You.I will be coming back to visit regularly now that I've reminded Myself that Your blog is just the way I left it.Your thought and word are as always, beautiful.I loved the music and photos too.Tomorrow I'll be joining Where bloggers create.Come on by anytime,I would love to hear from You.All is well with Me and Mine, I wish the same for You. hugs Denise
I don't know if you are French, but there it is in the blog header, beautiful French. And the photos, of course. But today, with the news, I thought of this blog and thought of you. I just wanted to send you peace today and hope that you and those you love are safe.
We rise once more to weed darkness into light. Love you, Anita. Your poetry is a perpetual gift.
Hi Anita, so glad you liked the circle song! I'm still inspired by circles and keep painting them. It's something i want to stick to for a while. Just posted something from my "botanical series" thoughm which keeps fascinating as well. Have a most lovely weekend of gardening, poetry writing and photography. Or just dreaming, which we do need sometimes as well ... love from me!
Anita, I loved your comment. May God pour blessings on you, dear one.
love, ~me
Oh...your garden, such beauty Anita. It looks like you are enjoying every moment of your summertime. This post reminds me of home and my outdoor living space. We have been in Europe nearly three weeks and leave tomorrow. It's been pretty dreamy and yet we are just about ready to see the comforts of home again. Your images look perfectly sized to me. Sometimes it is the browswer you use to enter websites that can change the look of things. I usually use googlce chrome. Have you changed your browser lately? Hopefully all tech issues are resolved. Looks beautiful here, as usual. LOVE to you from Paris today!xx, Heather
My dearest Anita!
Your words are so beautiful and so amazingly perfect for this exact moment in my life. I am grateful for your comment on my last post; I've read it numerous times... You are such an inspiration to me! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I wish you success with your photography class at the Minneapolis Photo Centre! Love your garden and photos here! MUCH LOVE TO YOU!
Anita, thank you for your kind and loving comment - so glad you like the sun painting! When i'm in the garden, i feel this connection between things, energies weaving together. The flowers, the insects, birds, air, sunshine - and hope it flows into my painting! "Nowhere" is right here i think, when the squirrel comes visiting me! Cheers to art, poetry and to you lovely friend! Hope you have a fab start to your week!
Anita, your garden is lovely! I just listened to a radio article today on what spending time in nature does for the mind! Your pictures are almost as good for the mind and the soul.
Beautiful post Anita...stunning photography and thoughtful words, all of which are so very true, it's Winter here in Australia and l have spent many days in the garden over the past few months in the hope of much Spring beauty:-) Your photographs of the tiny blue flowers with the antique china and silverware are just stunning. Thanks so much for sharing your lovely vision of the world.
Dearest Anita, wow, your latest comment on my blog is a poem in itself and i knew you were able to enjoy nature just like i do - with all our senses, feeling like a child again! To me, it seems not so farfetched to talk to plants, for i sense all this communication going on in nature, The colors of the flowers are a way of communication too. Awww, isn't this life such a miracle?
Do post a poem on your blog - i'm sure your readers will love it!
Oh, how I resist change, screaming and kicking within, even though my outward demeanor may seem calm to others. Your words eloquently encourage me to embrace change less reluctantly. Your words are elegant poetry that inspire hope.
I pinned away today, fearing that soon your stunning photos may no longer allow Pins. Best wishes for success in your new blog.
Your words and images are beautiful, dearest Anita. I cannot thank you enough for the times this place has brought a peaceful tone to a challenging day. I will be in the garden most of the weekend, cleaning, primping, and taking in the final wave of our Daylilies.
Your image of gate is bouncing all over tumblr this morning!
w / L
So gorgeous! Your photos touch my heart and every sense of loveliness! Love your styling... and of course, your words. So glad to be back!
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