Sunday, March 25, 2018

Keep it Simple

anita pelayo rivera© les dames d'abord

anita pelayo rivera© les dames d'abord

anita pelayo rivera© les dames d'abord


  1. Good Morning Anita,
    What lovely rose pictures on here today. I especially like those blush Pink roses. They look perfect for Spring.

    Your words "keep it simple" are soothing to me, and I try to live my life exactly in this way. Thanks for the gentle reminder. I appreciate the fact that you're a 'minimalist" in so many areas in your life, Anita. I really do. : )

    love, ~Sheri

  2. Beautiful and very lovely sentiment with your poem and beautiful pictures. Love this so much Anita. May you have a great start to the new week. Enjoy your free spirit this week.

  3. Whenever I wake up to see an email announcing a post from you, I know that my morning will begin with soft beguiling words that will start my day with the romantic thought-aroma of old photos and treasured ephemera.

    And you never disappoint.

    Lovely photos - especially that still life with the vase and books - a short story could be written about how they came to be there!

    Hope the Winter was very good to you and the Spring is bringing you some color and joy!

  4. Your poetic words and photographs have blown me away today, I am enchanted by both. Thank you.

  5. That one Rose, pushing itself over the hard edge of the mantel, softly tries to escape the others, also lovely. Moststill content to rest quietly with each other, but that one rose explores the edge... Gorgeous roses.

  6. Jayne, I can't seem to click on your name to leave you a direct comment, but your observation of that one rose is brilliant. How I sometimes feel like that rose...

  7. Wonderful pictures and wonderful roses. Have a Happy week.

  8. Anita !!!! dear friend far away from me...Nice to see you back in you my dear......almost spring!!!....i am i bit worried about our Trevor she is doing not good these sad to see her so quick an old lady....she can't jump on the couch anymore and also not on our bed so i help her lift up.....pfffff...sweet poor girl i am so love love Ria x ❤️❤️❤️

  9. Hello my dear friend, it always makes me smile to see your posts. I love your dark photos, the books and the vase of flowers, magical. The flowers on the mantle...stunning .

    I hope that you have a wonderufl week xoxo

  10. Good Morning Dearest.....such beautiful words along with those photos! I hope all is well wiTh you as Spring comes your way!

  11. Oh Anita, everything you do is so beautiful. When I see your name come up in my post feed I am always so elated because I know I will be captivated! This is no exception.

  12. Lovely to see this post from you, I hope you are well.

    Your words and photographs are exquisite, a joy to read and look at.

    Happy Spring, Happy Easter, and my good wishes too.

    All the best Jan

  13. Dear Anita,

    Your words are like quiet dew drops that refresh the roses of life.
    So good to see you here.
    Love and blessings, dear friend

  14. Hello Talented Artist and Lovely Anita!
    I have been anxiously awaiting this visit to you ever since I saw you pop up in my email. But timing was everything to me so that I could savor this moment on the web with you.
    This wondrous focus of light draws me in to your photographs which are brimming with depth and character. I am particularly drawn to the first photograph of the roses, silver plate and books as it forces me to ask questions about when and who visited this spot. Was it a man, a woman, lovers and did they sit side by side and smell those gorgeous blush upright roses and share their dreams? True art my dear.
    Much Love,

  15. Beautiful pictures!

    Blessings, Joanne

  16. Hello, Anita! It's been while! As usual, your photos are amazing-- romantic and a bit mysterious at the same time. :)

  17. you quiet and simple

  18. Chère Anita,

    Quel plaisir de te lire à nouveau.

    Tes paysages sont toujours fascinants
    de même que tes natures mortes...

    Et comme tes mots sont impressionnants…

    Je te souhaite des jours de printemps plein de bonheur…

    Dans les courants du temps ...
    l'aube éternelle ...
    la fleur de ton coeur s’épanouit...
    comme le désir du printemps ...

  19. superbe comme toujours
    gros bisous Anita et Joyeuses Pâques encore une fois

  20. Yay! I came on the off chance there would be a post! Beautiful as always ... Hope this finds you well!
    Happy Spring to you!!!

  21. Happy Birthday, awesome Ms Castles and Crowns ... Love, cat.

  22. Belated Happy Birthday (again)! So fun to see you still here and always love your photos and YOUR POETRY! What beauty you inspire! I am laid up so more time for blogging. Can't wait to catch up. Happy Spring, lovely one!


"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echos are truly endless." -Mother Teresa