Sunday, April 29, 2018


White, dreamy, creamy and bright 

was the trend in 


anita pelayo rivera les dames d'abord

But I wanted to follow a different route:

My own.

Starting from 

and working with

hardly anything

anita pelayo rivera les dames d'abord

I continue to learn the value

of being myself 

in a world that sees light


only one way.

anita pelayo rivera les dames d'abord

The results for me on the quest for beauty,

are striking.

anita pelayo rivera les dames d'abord

Do you see the light in the darkness?


  1. Yes, white was the trend, and I'm so glad I didn't follow it. I think you're right, Anita.....following your own route is the best and only way to go. This is such a pretty picture of the roses with a very light tint of Pink. And I love the way the tulle drapes over in the last pictures and how the light is coming through.

    I noticed on your Instagram about your husband. I do hope he is ok, and saying a prayer for him. E-mail me when you get a chance and let me know what is happening.

    Have a lovely Sunday, Anita.

    love, ~Sheri

  2. Oh Anita the pictures are gorgeous. Your pictures tell such beautiful stories. Happy Sunday and have a wonderful week.

  3. It's great to follow your own path--whether it's light or dark or multicolored or gray. Hopefully we all experience a little of each in our lifetimes. Your photos are always extraordinary! :)

  4. Hi Anita,
    So beautiful. As I read your words, my spirit reached out to say YES!! That is how I choose to create "me"--not the usual. Trying to be true to me--not that easy and so so so likely to slip up. Thank you for the inspiration. xoxo Mary

  5. I am so glad you follow your own path because your photos are exquisite and your words pure poetry to match.

  6. Good Morning Dearest!
    I am so thankful that you didn't follow the trend of blogland and that you follow your true artistic and phenomenal talent! How dreary of life that would have been to have been like everyone else.
    You are far to bright, beautiful and wonderful to be anything other than YOU! Keep inspiring and creating my dear and we will follow!

  7. I really really like your is also mine....Great to see you here back in you my friend .....please stay.....i hope you love love Ria x ❤️💋

  8. Beautiful...EVERYTHING!
    Blessings, Joanne

  9. That was a thought provoking post...
    love your gorgeous pics
    as usual you can show beauty
    in extra ordinary ways
    may be not as the conventional way of
    how many other people do it
    but yours is gorgeous just the same.
    You know what they say,
    dance to the beat of your
    own drum.

    Have a nice day!


  10. Anita, the photos here are exquisite -- how I love the black background. Your lighting could not be more perfect. And it is so you -- filled with beauty, elegance, sophistication and a lovely feeling of joy to the world.

  11. I miss the days of blogging when there was so much more diversity of styles. Now a days it seems to me that every Instagram feed looks the same, white walls, slip covers, down to the same dishes. I love dark photography I think it is stunning and reminds me of old world masterpieces. Your photos are stunning my friend.

    I hope you husband is feeling better!

  12. Beautiful, Anita! Always love your photos. I've also gone with a dark background on my blog recently (being laid up gives one plenty of time) and I like it. Change is sometimes good. Tho not normally my forte. How is your sweet husband doing?!

  13. I do see the light in the darkness! One of my favorite quotes from Jane Eyre is that in order to appreciate the light you must know the dark. Gorgeous images!

  14. I don't necessarily see the light in darkness, but I try to be myself in decorating. If I followed trends on Instagram, my house would be beige and brown filled with Rae Dunn items. I am not judging those homes, but they just aren't me. So, I continue to decorate in color because it is who I am.

  15. Bonjour Anita, bien sûr que je vois la lumière dans les ténèbres, d'ailleurs c'est uniquement la lumière qui attire notre regard, notre coeur. La lumière c'est la Vie.

  16. To try the different is sometimes scary but how exciting that you tried this different photography, it's beautiful.


"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echos are truly endless." -Mother Teresa