Sunday, May 20, 2018

Après un Rêve

The world needs a fairytale


this weekend

somewhere around the world


your hometown

anita pelayo rivera les dames d'abord

and in mine

anita pelayo rivera les dames d'abord
 someone's love bled 

in praise 

for a forever love

for a child

for a forgotten soul

even for 

an enemy.

I don't know about you

but I know

this is what I was meant to do:

To dream

and to love 

it all out

then witness what happens

after a dream

anita pelayo rivera les dames d'abord


  1. Such beautiful photos. Our flowering trees are mostly past; ripe cherries have just appeared.
    Thank you for the poetry and the music, too!

  2. Thank you for sharing this beautiful fairytale, Anita. x

  3. Good Sunday Afternoon Dearest Anita,
    Oh yes! Let us dream and let us never, ever cease. I have always been a dreamer and even though the world all around me attempts to snuff out my dreams and childlike spirit, the world will not win!
    Oh how I find such dreamy inspiration here with you today; stunning photography, beautiful poem and meaningful music. You are a light of hope!

  4. Thank you. I need to dream more. Beautiful blessings, xoxo Mary

  5. Your words will follow me into my meditation this morning...thank you. I only hope that a solution is found before my dreams are used up.

    Your music choice is spot on perfection for the words and I knew it would be :) And I can now say I saw part of the wedding!

  6. Lovely pictures, and the music brought tears to my eyes!
    Thank you so much for posting this ~

  7. Vraiment très joli, agréable pour les yeux et le coeur, merci :)

  8. The words, the music, the images -- every part of this post was poetry. Bravo.

  9. Your photos are magical and as I mentioned on Instagram they remind me of Paris. Such lovely words and sentiments. I hope that you are having a wonderful week my friend. Take care, xox

  10. Anita !!! are my fairiytale !!....amazing you my beautiful friend far away.....always in my love love...💜💜💜 Ria xxx

  11. Your post is lovely in every way, Anita. And that last picture is something else. It's sooooo pretty. Keep dreaming and hoping and loving, will you?


  12. Chère Anita,

    J'aime être conscient de ta présence
    à l'autre bout du monde
    grâce à la beauté de tes images
    l'intensité de tes mots…

    Dans de nombreux cas
    la vie est difficile et cruelle
    Au mieux c'est un merveilleux conte de fées
    Pour toi aussi, j’espère…

  13. Cher Troubadoer,

    Je suis si ravie d'entendre ce morceau de musique que tu m'a laissée...n'importe quelle expression de gentillesse rend la vie féerique, et je te remercie de tout mon coeur....

  14. Anita, so lovely! These photos are magic! And always your words. Did you watch the Fairytale Wedding? If you haven't seen it already, look for the little sweetness, Lola, on YouTube who realizes she wasn't invited to the wedding. So absolutely adorable!

  15. The music so wonderful, as are your photographs ... always a joy to see.

    All the best Jan

  16. coucou Anita, tes photos sont comme toujours magnifiques
    Et le poème aussi.
    Gros bisous et doux week end

  17. Anita,

    That is a truly wonderful post
    both your pics and your words are so inspiring♥
    Everybody needs to believe in fairy tales and believe...


  18. Hello my lovely friend! I have just realized that I can comment again on your blog. Thank you for this beautiful post and your poetic words, I always seem to find comfort in them. Every time I see your notes on my blog, I find a moment of genuine joy. But this morning, they had a profound impact on me because I've been feeling uninspired and unmotivated lately. Keep dreaming and Keep spreading love!

  19. Stunning. If your dreams are anything like these images I would think you'd never want to wake up! You have an incredible eye for capturing beauty. Love it! xo

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. Where did my comment go..I was here..came back for beauty..xoxo

  22. Beautiful as always.
    I have been visiting your blog
    for years already
    and I still have the same lovely
    and endearing feeling after...
    every single time.
    Thanks for continuing to share
    your thoughts thru words and pics.


  23. Anyone who starts the blog with Chopin is a friend of mine!!


"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echos are truly endless." -Mother Teresa