Friday, June 29, 2018


Nine years ago when I stepped into

my first blog post

I started the odyssey from which

all of us begin:

anita pelayo rivera les dames d'abord

And like the seasons of the earth change

from one canvas to another

anita pelayo rivera les dames d'abord

anita pelayo rivera les dames d'abord

So did my vision.

My home was too small of a space

anita pelayo rivera les dames d'abord

to fit into the trends

imprinted by business-minded influencers

way ahead of their ideas


who dazzled the blog world.

So instead,

Castles Crowns and Cottages


from the playful heights of poetic expression

anita pelayo rivera les dames d'abord
where I met like-minded soul sisters

whose imaginations with wings tell a story.

We soared, together.


The calendar snatches from our clutch

that rare flower

that we think will bloom for us


anita pelayo rivera les dames d'abord


winter gardening begins. 

anita pelayo rivera les dames d'abord

Fallen petals

become seeds of faith

that are buried under layers 

of years

where an invisible growth

plots to return 


a new you 

that says

A safe and successful landing

 to all of you

wishing to make your dreams 

a reality 

as you learn what it really takes

to be an artist in the age of changing


anita pelayo rivera les dames d'abord


  1. hi, anita! ✨

    you have such a cool blog with great content! so i am here today to invite you to visit my shop. i sell designs for blogs. if you are interested in giving your blog a new look, you can find the best options here.


  2. Beautiful and thought-provoking!

    Are you leaving?

  3. Beautiful my friend. Your soul soars with your photography. Your pictures spill out like poetry. I enjoy when you post her on your blog and also on IG. I hope someday you will publish your pretty pictures. Love the new blue front door. It is so welcoming and says come in we are happy and kind people that live here. Happy Friday. Have a beautiful weekend.

  4. Dear Anita, how lovely to see your blog post here. Simply beautiful! I love your poems and and your photography is amazing. May your weekend be as beautiful........

  5. Dear Anita, As usual you made soul soar tonight. Life, with all its vagaries, springs from our commitment to connections. Thank you for showing how. Have a wonderful week-end and 4th.
    xoxo Mary

  6. Thank you for sharing your beautiful words and photographs, dear Anita.

  7. Good Morning Anita,
    I relish a post from you, so when this wonderful blog post popped up I ran over to you!
    This is such a beauty of a post, a glorious combination of poetry and photography that always captures my soul. Such a vibrant artist you are and just like Kris, I look forward to the day when you publish your very own book. Nurture this talent and creativity it is a rarity and a blessing to us all. You rise above the masses and also bring us up with you.
    Much love,

  8. Dear Anita,
    Such powerful words with equally powerful images. Your artistic vision is beyond what my comment words can convey but please know how incredibly artistically powerful you are. I so enjoy the complete content of your posts, admire your skill, and wish you many many more days of creativity and safe landings. You are amazing. Thank you.

  9. Your home is perfect! 💖💖💖

  10. Your words always intrigue me, set my mind whirling and make me pause and reflect.

    I had certain visions of myself in retirement, but arthritis nipped those dreams in the bud. And so I found another direction to fly and am quite content with where I have landed.

    Have a lovely July - a favorite month of teachers when then can regroup and recharge.

  11. Love your poom Anita!
    ,!....and your home is you. My friend far far far Ria..💜

  12. The pale colours of the flowers and linens are sublime. So how did you make the decision to leave the roof tiles a dramatic purple?

  13. Oh my dear artist friend. How I have missed these most wonderful, inspiring and lovely posts. Please, please return to writing them. They are a beautiful escape from the noise of the world.

    Love to you.

  14. To see your blog is to find a jewel in the hedgerows. Your beauty always causes my heart to bloom. Thank you so very much.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Me have a feeling that you are leaving, friend Castles and Cottages …
    have been down this road a few times but always returned … and that's for you … o well … ce la vie … Quie … No?

  17. Such beautiful words and images! A visit to Crowns and Cottages always feeds my soul. Thank you, dear Anita!

  18. That was a really inspiring post.
    I love your 'Dear Dreamer' quote
    and your pics really stirs something
    good in my spirit. You are so positive,
    your words and images, and I feel revived
    and encouraged every time I read a post from you.


  19. Wow - this is my first visit to your blog. Your post is very special, I love your poetic, intriguing writing and beautiful photos.
    Wren x

  20. I cannot tell you how dazzled I am by this post, these photos, your glorious words and the wonderful poetic style you show here (and, to be honest, always!). Each one makes me take in a bit of a breath, dazzled by its beauty. That pine tree in winter. I wouldn't expect to love that one so much but I think it may be my favorite, it's masterful.

  21. Hello, soul sister. It's good to visit here. Sigh... as lovely as I remembered, the images, the words, THE MUSIC, all at just the right pace for me. How I wish I could gather on other platforms, but as you well know, I MUST slow down. I created a page just for my garden adventures, back here in Blogger. Stay in touch.
    Much love.

  22. Thank you, kind one, for stopping by my new page and for the lovely words.

  23. You are a magical being, and I know you will land with beauty, grace, strength, and brilliant talent...for isn't this all a journey of Grace and learning? Love you...and your inspirational artistry. xoxoxoxoxo

  24. Such a beautiful post, your photographs are so lovely.
    My good wishes

    All the best Jan

  25. Hello dear Anita,

    So lovely to come and visit you again, your beautiful photography, words, and the wonderful music from Chopin, thank you.
    As you have summer there, enjoy and we are having winter, which is also lovely.
    Sending hugs

  26. Hello Anita!

    I's always so nice to see glimpses of your home. And I've always loved that beautiful picture of the dusting of snow on the tree. And those pink flowers, oh they are gorgeous. I've had big homes and small homes, and always try to make it a comfortable place to rest. I know home is important to you, and you work so hard in your garden. It truly is magical. Love the "dear dreamer" quote. That really got to me. And thank you for having the pop-up comments. They are so easy to comment on and wish more of my friends had them.

    Lovely lovely post, Anita.


  27. Chère Anita,

    Qu'est-ce qu'ils sont beaux, magiques, féériques,
    tes images et tes mots.
    Dans une mer de fleurs tu danses,
    tu rêves des saisons changeantes …

    Je te souhaite un été fantastique…

  28. Cher Troebadoer,

    Tes mots sont toujours comme des amis fidèles. Merci mille fois pour le lien au monde féerique de la musique sublime!

  29. oh my gosh what a beautiful blog, I just found you today and the images and words are so beautiful, I will enjoy following you!

  30. Thank you for always taking the time to visit my little corner, Anita. I will be away this week but I’m hoping you’ll share at least one more magical post here before the school bell rings. Oh my, what a treat to see Irina commenting here. Took me back to wonderful blogging times.
    Peace unto you, dear heart.

  31. I've been so bad at keeping up with my blog friends. Anita, this post is amazing, I love your home, it's gorgeous! You keep me inspired, with my soul and imagination.

  32. Sorry about your hit and run episodes. Hope they have knocked you over. You have always provided me with beautiful thoughts, inspiration and friendship.
    Sarah x

  33. I have enjoyed every post I have read from your blog
    through the years, oh how time flies it has been a decade or more
    since I have posted my first blog and I remember yours was one of those that I have commented and enjoyed visiting through the years. You have inspired me to do better posts.
    When you announced you want to stop a few years ago,
    I felt a little sad for truly you are one of those
    who I consider the best in blogging, you are an artist,
    a great poet and curates really really great images.
    I love the way you share your thoughts
    and every comment I get from you is a true one,
    not like a 'hi and hello' comments that I sometimes get.
    I am so glad you still get the time to post,
    even sporadically.

  34. I love this magical place and I miss your blog, it was a dream world but now reminds me of Brigadoon, it comes out of the shadows once in awhile to share its light and love. I needed this blog my friend, I am at the precipice of a new adventure and am a little afraid.


"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echos are truly endless." -Mother Teresa