Sunday, August 19, 2018


Please play the music as you read


come back 

for a little while 

and sit with me

anita pelayo rivera les dames d'abord

even if it's just 


one last time. 

anita pelayo rivera les dames d'abord

Before autumn's cool breath

clears the path

toward a cold world

anita pelayo rivera les dames d'abord

come back and connect

like we once did

anita pelayo rivera les dames d'abord

anita pelayo rivera les dames d'abord

anita pelayo rivera les dames d'abord

and leave me a comment

to tell me

what marvelous things

have been going on in your life.

Forget the challenging things

but rather

tell me about how the 

Blessing of Cheerfulness

has shaped you

during these years that have 

passed by so sweetly.

Let's have a 

you and me.


  1. I am always enchanted with your photos, Anita. Those soft pink roses in the bike tray, and the pink chair with the white pumpkin, oh how pretty. White pumpkins will forever remind me of you. Oh, I just noticed your book, the blessing of cheerfulness. Such a treasure. Well, now that we're on the subject, I have been blessed with being a grandma these days, and it's a feeling of unexplainable joy. It is a connection that is linked to our past, present, and future. Jess' little one reminds me very much of her when she was a baby. And I look forward to knowing this other precious child.

    Enjoy the last of these Summer days. Autumn will be here before we know it. : )

    love, ~Sheri

  2. Hello sweet friend. I am just lifted after listening to one my favorite songs you have playing and swooning down through your beautiful poetic pictures. Your pictures bring out such beautiful feelings. I love that about your work. Your creative emotion flows easily through your pictures and into our hearts. Oh Anita I will come sit with you anytime and lets escape into your beautiful pictures. Just looking at your pictures show us that beauty around us is such a gift. I feel so blessed in my life everyday. To wake and know you are gifted another day to make a difference, to experience joy and feel love around us. Thank you for your beautiful post. I enjoyed it so much.

  3. Hi dearest friend Anita, I love all that you do! Your words and pictures always inspire me. I have posted this blog post on my Facebook page. God bless you. Wendy Wainwright wendys_snapshots

  4. Good Morning
    Your photos always make me smile and I always feel like I am in a fairy tale book* because they are so breathtaking and so enchanting*
    I love your idea to tell something good* there is so much goodness in all of my days. God giving me another day to enjoy my garden and family is what makes me happy. Thank you for a magical post
    enjoy your day

  5. sweet and dearest are a blessing to my

  6. My dearest Anita -

    Such a sweet & soothing way to start my morning, to see your lovely post! I pray all has been wonderful in your life. I have been on journeys that I never expected to take, some wonderful, some challenging. But with the pure love of Jesus Christ, my incredible family, my dear friends & my warm & welcoming church I have traveled through them graciously. All is well in my world right now and I'm looking forward to the fall of this year. I'm always sad to see how worn out the flowers & plants of summer are in August. And then... Surprise! A glorious splash of God's colorful artwork to delight our eyes before the pure white snow comes to clean the slate. I miss you dear friend and it's so sweet to see your gorgeous photos! Blessings...

    Bisous mon amie, Edie Marie

  7. Good Morning Oh Beautiful and Talented Blessing of a friend that you are to me. You capture the beauty, the joy, the tenderness of each petal, the vibrancy of the clouds and sun, the eagerness of the morning and you wrap it all gently in poetry, music and photos.
    Blessings to you today and for all the days to come,
    with much love,

  8. Edie Marie,

    Seeing you here is a true "Reunion" because I can say with all honesty that you were my first blogger friend, and what a blessing I recall of that time. SO GLAD to hear that your life has been embraced by the love of Jesus, our only example of the purest love, ever.

  9. Anita,
    Your posts, such as this, have always been the most beautiful form of artistic expression I've witnessed from a blog. I used to save the newest and revisit them throughout the week. Thank your hosting a 'reunion'. Life is good and I'm soon to retire from an office job to return to my creative passion by re-starting a garden consulting business. I'm so excited!

  10. You move in grace and beauty, as if that is a way of life. Thank you. The world needs your creativity and kindness. I love you my friend.

  11. This is such a lovely way to start my Monday morning, Anita. This piece of music that touches my heart every single time (I've replayed it twice here already!), and following along your cheerful path of photographs that are each a story. This year is my second year to be back home in Tennessee after nine months away and I walk around this small 1935 cottage every morning with thankfulness that I'm here. I've seen my husband remain healthy enough to begin our fifth garden of married life and I've seen our son-in-law recover completely from throat cancer. We've welcomed two beautiful adult dachshunds into our home and life. We've seen grandchildren thrive and at Christmas will welcome our second great-grandchild. We've watched five goslings arrive on the pond and a big family of mallards and numerous families of thrashers and cardinals and finches. This list could go on and on but I'll just end it with gratitude for the beauty I find daily in fellow bloggers' posts, and their friendships, some of which I found already commenting here. It's nice to know that they too are leaving this sweet post with a special Monday morning blessing.

    I like this reunion, Anita,

  12. No music video showing, friend Anita … just a black blank space … Nonetheless, thank you for the pics and words … Wishing you a very happy Monday … Love, cat.

  13. I so enjoy these beautiful post from you dear Anita.
    My summer has been one of gardening, walking, enjoying the sunshine and being generally lazy. One of the benefits of growing older is allowing oneself to slow down a little and appreciate the simpler things in life. Hugs Barbara

  14. The perfect music to accompany your beautiful photos Anita.

    Sadly, many of our older/original blog friends have moved on to other social media platforms - whereas I still only write my blog.
    My year has brought a mixed bag of feelings and happenings including more travel to Patagonia and Canada, and just last week Utah where, at long last, I met one of my dearest blog friends ever in person and stayed in a little piece of paradise. Life is good.

    Mary -

  15. Anita, What a gift to see CCC in my In Box. The wOrds, photos and music from you lift and sometimes gently lower, but always, always I enjoy the ride. I blog less frequently but still maintain a small presence. I write a garden column for a local publication, accompanied by phtotgraphs which has been a way to energize and keep me connected to the garden. Today I am enchanted by the black swallowtail caterpillar busily devouring my bronze fennel and some are beginning their transformation from cocoon to butterfly. While I love the majesty of the mountains in Taos NM where son and wife reside, our trip this year did not happen, so I turn my gaze inward and closer to home, Savannah. I am so glad that you are so freely giving of your time and energies.... thank you friend ,because as always your words make my day!

  16. Anita, I am always so glad when you post I know it's hard to do during the school year when it all gets so busy but it's such a breath of joy to listen to your music and see your glorious images.

    I think you know all going on in my world because you are such a faithful reader and I am so very grateful. Life is indeed good. Not perfect -- is it ever? But very good.

  17. A few things that have happened here are I had 3 instagram luncheons here to meet and greet and that was JUST FABULOUS!A SON got married.......I celebrated another BIRTHDAY.WE have had houseguests from as far away as ITALY and I think yesterday I got some answers about what has been ailing me for the PAST TWO YEARS!SO, all GOOD HERE..............
    Gorgeous Music and of course your photos are FABULOUS!

  18. Hello There!!!!

    A happy reunion for sure, as this is where we met all those years ago and became life-long friends!!!!

    I posted on my blog today after being away from it two years.

    It is always a JOY to visit you here and be enveloped in the
    Blessings of Cheerfulness!!!!

    Love love love you,

  19. Your photos have always been a source
    of inspiration to me, they seem to tell a story
    of long ago, of yesteryear that we long to experience again.
    I also love the whimsical vibe every time
    I visit your blog.
    I love that pic of old books and flowers so much.
    A reunion indeed! And after a decade and some years passed
    I still do not tire of visiting your
    lovely blog... and it still never fails to stir up
    feelings of inspiration and warmth in me every time I'm here.


  20. Owwww Anita !!! i live you my dear friend.....please let it be summer for a view weeks i really like summer so sitting outside writing my comment to you ...i and how i love That beautiful music !!..💕💕💕 everything is ok....only Trevor is no good she is sick right now....but she is our old lady....and we spoiled her as much as we can in her last time of life....Anita i hope you Will come back again this autumn pleas go write @gain in your blog ....i Will love it !! you my friend always in my heart love love love ❤️❤️❤️ Ria xxx

  21. So very beautiful... Such a lovely place to visit this evening.

    Cheerfulness has opened the door to talk with others and to have the opportunity to listen. And in my own life, it has been a choice at times that has turned my thinking from dwelling on the difficult things and brought my heart back around to thankfulness for my many blessings.

    Blessings and hugs to you...

  22. Dear Anita,
    I am ever reminded of the beauty of life again and again in your writing. There is such joy, we only need to see it. Cheerfulness opens that door.

  23. Dear Anita,
    I am ever reminded of the beauty of life again and again in your writing. There is such joy, we only need to see it. Cheerfulness opens that door.

  24. Chère Anita,

    Dans ces jours d'été,
    sachant que l'automne
    va bientôt colorier nos jours,
    je me sens connecté avec toi
    et tes créations splendides…

    Je te souhaite un été indien fantastique…

    The moon brightens
    the whole sky,
    like a white circle
    surrounded by light,
    bringing together
    separated hearts,
    giving each other
    a handful of moonlight
    in a distant reunion…

    It’s like meeting
    in a splendid dream...

  25. Dear Karen and Troebadoer,

    It is so nice to see you both here; Karen, I can't find a way to reach you, and Troebadoer, you are such a faithful reader and wonderful poet, I thank you both so much for taking the time to gather. May your paths take you down gentle roads toward happiness and peace!

  26. Looking at the positive side of everything is a blessing to me.

    Our bathroom remodel has the house in chaos with supplies in the living room, our pedestal sink in the guest room ... but on the positive side- I have an excuse not to clean house!

  27. It's always so nice to see your photographs.

    We've had a wonderful summer seeing friends, family and grand-children.
    We've been fortunate to enjoy time making more special memories …

    All the best Jan


"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echos are truly endless." -Mother Teresa