Saturday, September 1, 2018

Isn't it Romantic


 flower petals and maple leaves

fall into autumn?

anita pelayo rivera les dames d'abord

The tints of spring and late summer

anita pelayo rivera les dames d'abord

anita pelayo rivera les dames d'abord

don't have to fade into a bittersweet memory

but can be combined 


the rough edges of nature's transitional beauty

into autumn.

anita pelayo rivera les dames d'abord

anita pelayo rivera les dames d'abord

I'd like to invite you 

to click on this link


Romantic Homes on-line magazine

where you can read 

my ideas

about how you can make your home


  1. What a lovely walk I just took again through your blog and also your Instagram site, friend Anita. I promise you to be back and soak in a totally different world. Your world is very different from mine. You like the whites and the pinks and romantic themes, while I am into beige, brown, orange and red. I am also quite a minimalist, when it comes to decorating my space. I like clear, straight lines … except my table and side tables are round … smiles. At the same time I feel a kinship between us, and that is a precious thing. Wishing you a very happy long week end, oh so opposite friend mine. Much love, cat.


  2. I’m happy I clicked on the link to more of your wonderfully inspiring ideas, your lovely creations never disappoint. Happy Autumn dear friend.

  3. Simply glorious, Anita. And congratulations on your RH article. I'll be clicking over.

    You have a way of bringing color and beauty and peace and joy all together in one photo. I don't know how you do it but you do it so very well!

  4. Oh, I'm so happy for you, Anita. I just went over there and read the article. The leaves are already starting to fall? Autumn may arrive soon in your area. Your leaves are more pinkish than ours here. That photo of the pink flower is gorgeous. I love your fireplace with all the white pumpkins all around. And that shadow photo is very cool.

    Happy Labor Day weekend, and enjoy your romantic home. Me and Jess and Francesca will spend a little girl time and do some shopping. : )


  5. Anita, you have such a romantic blog. I love when you post, I know it will be poetic and breathtakingly beautiful. I hope you are enjoying all you do and your world is all you imagine. I savor time with my beautiful grandson and still enjoying our travels. Hope to see you more often when I open my mailbox. Happy weekend........hugs.

  6. Beautiful music with beautiful poetry in your photos. Hopping over to see Romantic Homes On Line. I cannot wait.
    I know it is spectacular.

  7. Hi Anita, Thank you!! As always my source of inspiration. I love fall--even in Southern California.
    Blessings to you as you start a new School Year. xoxox Mary

  8. Whenever I open my email and find a notice that you've posted a new reverie, I know I'm going to be enchanted.
    And you never disappoint!
    I hope life is being wonderful to you and that the coming season is full of rewards and excitement and joy and tranquility!

  9. I always enjoy seeing your posts and your wonderful photographs.
    Happy September to you.

    All the best Jan

  10. Amazing images, Anita! Always!!!

  11. Yes it is dearest,,,more then romantic..I visited YOU..and I.m so happy ...this is the beginning of a new adventure..!!!

    Speaking of new adventures...when you find the time ....

    Much love...and I wish you a Grand start of a new school year !!
    T.D and Company

  12. Stunning eye candy, as always, dear Anita. I'm so glad to be visiting you again. Heading over to read your article now.

  13. Such beautiful music, Anita, and your article at Romantic Homes was inspirational to read! I had all kinds of ideas while reading it but especially will be looking through my windows this week to see what inspiration happens. And your post did make me think of all the delicate and rosy shades of pinks that are present in Autumn. Yes, very romantic!

  14. Anita !!! must be fameus write for such a beautiful magazine !!!...💕💕💕......owww That is so Nice do Great decorations job really like your style ...and you are my favorite friend you !!....enjoy the week ...and the comming autumn love love Ria 💕💕💕

  15. Anita,
    I am so thrilled that you are sharing, writing, creating and inspiring for Romantic Homes! I have read and shared.
    Not only are you a creative genius you are by far one of the most talented women I know. Your tenacity, dedication and bravery are shining brightly!

  16. Chère Anita,

    Merci pour tes photos splendides et tes mots émouvants
    Je te souhaite beaucoup de joie dans ces derniers jours de l'été.

    L’automne s’éveille
    La lumière immobile
    captivée dans les feuilles
    Les arbres ambrés jaunes
    Les troncs silencieux
    attrapés dans le brouillard…

  17. Mon cher Troebadoer,

    Merci pour tes visites, si gentils et pleins d'inspiration!

  18. I love those romantic images
    something inside me
    is stirred up looking at them.
    Romantic Homes site is lovely.
    Have a wonderful day ♥


  19. Sometimes the right thing taps the heart,at the perfect moment,
    to change the course of the day and point it to JOY!!
    Sending warmth and love to you Anita!!
    Thank you for the tap XXX OOO

  20. How absolutely gorgeous and magical, my dear friend! Congratulations on this wonderful opportunity, so well deserved...the world needs you!

  21. I loved this article! Congratulations dear friend!!!

  22. Your post as always is beautiful the music matches the pictures so well. Congratulations on your article in the magazine, will you be doing more in the future? Sarah x


"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echos are truly endless." -Mother Teresa