Saturday, September 22, 2018

Just Listen

to what you see.

  Fix your eyes

on what you 


  Do you taste 

the backward syncopation 


  your life's choreography?

anita pelayo rivera les dames d'abord

Does the primeval perfume of the sea

wash over you

does the acrid taste 


of a single rose petal dropping to earth

move you?

Feel the stars on your fingertips

anita pelayo rivera les dames d'abord


shine light years


someone's life.

  Dedicated to my mother


long gone

but who loves me still


the light years of time.


  1. Gorgeous. Just Gorgeous. Bravo. Stirred my emotions and senses.


  2. Your words moved me to tears, sweet friend. They make me think of my mother Renee (Irene) also long gone.

  3. Stunning, simply beautiful hence so deep. Thank youl

  4. Stunning elegant words to relish and taste!

    I am simply mad for that shot of the worn out pointe shoes - I've saved it to my computer and am using it for my new screensaver. I'm going to love seeing it every morning when I turn on my computer - and I'll think of all the beauty you've brought into my life over the years!

  5. I'm sitting here, early Sunday morning, spell-bound. Thank you.
    xoxo Mary

  6. Don know what to write..something like thank you..and

  7. Lovely dedication to your mumme, friend Anita … Always, cat.(PS: Sadly I can never open your videos …)

  8. I listened to it, friend Anita … thanks to your comment … Wonderful music … must get out my old records and play me some Tschaikowsky, Dvorak, maybe some Peer Gynt … maybe even some Wagner …

    Much love, cat.

  9. Oh Anita, thank you for this post. Such beauty. I have read of those horses and would love to visit the area. I reared my own white horse, Gracie, and found a forever home for her before my move to the city. Thank you again.

  10. I needed the beauty of this in my life this morning. Yours are the posts that make my heart soar.

  11. A beautiful post . . . but all that I could think of when seeing those worn ballet slippers was . . . all those sore and bloody toes.
    Sorry how my mind works.
    Connie :)

  12. Anita, this post hit home for me, as I'm thinking of my mother lately, and even mentioned her in my next post. I absolutely love that picture of the woman, it's magical. Your mother's name was Grace? What a beautiful name. And she passed along grace to her very special daughter. I wonder, is it this time of year that we miss our moms, Anita? This post was heartwarming, and it sounds like you are missing your mom as well. The ballet slippers look tired and worn, but still so beautiful and ready to dance again. : )

    love, ~Sheri

  13. Anita,
    You always provide a dose of magic with your words and music selection. Thank you. I hope you're enjoying a wonderful Sunday.

  14. Your mom is always with you.....always in your heart.....every minute every day....Anita!!!....What a beautiful you my friend always live love Ria 💕💕💕

  15. Magical as always dear friend. I love my visits here with you and so very happy you are once again sharing your light with all of us.
    Love you!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Chère Anita,

    Quel beau message encore ...
    Comme tu le dis si bien: l'amour est éternel.
    Je te souhaite des merveilleuses journées d'automne ...

    Je me sauve
    dans tes rêves magiques,
    dame du lac lointain
    dans les forêts murmurantes
    les brins d'herbe courbés
    le coeur battant des lauriers-roses

    il n'y a rien de plus beau...

  18. That photo of the toe shoes takes my breath away! Beautiful, as always, Anita -- both the words and images capture the heart.

  19. Wonderful words and images here.
    Such a beautiful post

    Sending my good wishes

    All the best Jan

  20. Oh, my dear one, this was stunning...beautiful, touching...created with soul and love as only you can...
    I feel you...our Mama's love...forever

  21. Anita, this brings me to tears. Our moms are so incredibly special to us. Your mom is in your heart, and your soul and walks along with your on your journey. I am sure that she is so very proud of your and your art. Thank you sharing my friend. xoxo

  22. That is just so lovely Anita.
    I love the delicate way you
    illustrate the hurt that we sometimes
    feel and experience, your posts always gives
    hope and encouragement.

    It reminded me of my mother who has passed away
    years ago but a hole in my heart is still vacant
    because she has gone away too soon and nobody can ever
    replace her place in my heart.
    It was her birthday this week.

  23. GORGEOUS WORDS AND PHOTOS..........and those horses!!!!

  24. A beautiful dedication to your dear Mother. Sarah x

  25. Such a beautiful dedication Anita, to your dear mother and made me think how much I miss my dear mother too.
    Thanks for sharing the lovely post.
    Happy weekend

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"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echos are truly endless." -Mother Teresa