Saturday, January 19, 2019

To be


is to be


It sounds lovely


we'd all agree 

that's the way 

to be.

But have you ever wondered how

a rose bud's roots feel

in the chilling chamber



anita pelayo rivera les dames d'abord

If she's ambitious

she's furious

when her plans to gracefully 


shrivel under the demands 

of building up 


anita pelayo rivera les dames d'abord

Is she cold?

Or does she reach down for earth's

dark blanket

to embrace the blush 

that will be the rush of her outrageous reality?

Only time will strike 

at the right moment

of her debut.

anita pelayo rivera les dames d'abord

 I'm experimenting with Photoshop Layers


this year's goal is to submit 

my heART to 

Bella Grace Magazine -

in other words,

a portion of my memoirs

and a maybe a few photos.

What daring goal do you have for 2019?



  1. I've started another novel. Writing is all consuming for me and it has been so long formats and content have changed. I hope I'm up to it. I love Bella Grace and think it would be the perfect place for your photography. Here's to new dreams in the new year. Donna@gather

  2. Gosh, now that is a question! :) I don’t have any daring goals for 2019. I find retirement brings a certain amount of contentment and satisfaction leaving me to enjoy quieter times. I so enjoy your posts Anita and it’s nice to have the time to appreciate them even more.

  3. Oh, these are just exquisite photos, Anita. I really like them. That is a cool photo using the Photoshop Layers. What a lovely model you got for this picture. This is a wonderful goal of yours to submit your photos to Bella Grace. When you mentioned a rose bud's roots in the chilling weather, I smiled because they can take the harshest weather, the cold and extreme heat. That's one of the reason why I love them....they're strong, but soft. And your vulnerable self is one of the traits that I admire about YOU, ANITA! Lovely lovely post. Enjoy your weekend.


  4. You will for sure achieve this goal. That is for sure. Oh how your pictures bring out my emotions.
    Beautiful mon amie.
    Happy Saturday.

  5. Absolutely Lovely!

    You will achieve this goal for sure dear friend!

  6. I always look forward to your posts and have every faith you will achieve your goals. You are such an inspiration.

  7. Of course you will achieve your goal my dear friend! I have no doubt. Why? Because you are always amazing! My goal? To create a journal of "important" things of life that I want my darling granddaughters to know so that when something happens along their journey they can say "Grandma told me this could happen & she told me what I might do or say or feel!" or "Grandma told me I could do or be anything I want so I have the courage to try it!" etc etc. Some of the great things I learned early were things my darling grandmother either told me or that I observed by her actions. Now it's my turn to pass it on...

    Blessings for an incredible 2019! Edie Marie

  8. You can do That your goal....but i have no goals in life....i by day...seize the day...every day more and is my spirit you my dear friend every day more and more...💕💕 love Ria 💋💋

  9. This is such a sweet post.
    Photoshop is a great tool to enhance your images,
    enjoy it and I know you will achieve your goal.
    Your images already look amazing.


  10. Oh, Anita! I think you should submit these! They are simply glorious. Not that your images need photoshop for I think they are perfect, but it does add a layer of mystery!

  11. Chère Anita,

    Très intenses, très uniques, tes images.
    Je te souhaite des jours heureux et créatifs.

    Some images remain
    as hidden traces
    etched in the soul
    so that even time is unable
    to erase them.

  12. These are all beautiful :)

    All the best Jan

  13. Anita !!!....that girl is our neighbour friend from our shop...she always come and letting the dogs out ...she is also our little friend she come often to our home and be there for a while last week of December she has stayed with us and Trevor and Leaf really like her ...and hoped she never must go home 😍😍

  14. As usual, Anita, very ethereal and so welcomed in this month of January! Thank you for this. I am cloistered in my house due to an injury. So spending more time on the computer!

  15. I'm still here!
    Posting on a new iPad and missing my computer :)
    Lots of love from Florida,,!,

  16. How create a reality of beautiful challenges... Being positive about life is what ensures that your dreams come true . What a fabulous tool photoshop is ... You will attain your goals ...submit these lovely images to Bella Grace.... They certainly touched my heart...Grandmas always seem to know best ( Ha Ha)...Hugs

  17. Dear Anita Beautiful as always you have been on my mine all this month with the wicked weather. Happy Valentines to you and hubby,
    Hugs stay warm Yvonne and Mr. Bennie


"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echos are truly endless." -Mother Teresa