Saturday, January 26, 2019

Remembering Why I Started

I didn't celebrate it.

But I just looked back in my post archives

to see when I first hit the "publish" button


now I remember

why I started.

anita pelayo rivera les dames d'abord

Ten years ago this month

I began to share what I know best:

where I live.

Soon however

the four walls

I call home

anita pelayo rivera les dames d'abord

anita pelayo rivera les dames d'abord

began to expand into 

poetic vision

anita pelayo rivera les dames d'abord

of merging realities 

with ideas.


something extraordinary happened.

I met you.

Many blogger friends

are gone now

but a friend here in town 

said something

truly remarkable to me today

on my Instagram page:



forever gifts 

that friends give 


each other."

It's been an outstanding

ten years

and though some of you have 

moved on

I remember.


  1. Hello dear friend. Love love love the emotions you stir in me with your words and the music to accompany them.
    You are so gifted sweet friend. The over lay on the settee is gorgeous.

    I have been blogging for 8 years and am amazed at the friendships made in this crazy world of blogging!

    I love that my blog life is enhanced by the many friends from all over the world. People I would have never met if it were not for me starting my blog.

    I will always be amazed and touched at how these friendships have grown and how we have connected on so many levels with out ever meeting in person.

    Just sharing our hearts and talents and loves in life truly give us these friendships to cherish.

    You my sweet friend have connected with me in my heart and I will forever be grateful for you sharing your friendship and love with me.

    Many hugs.

    Just swoon over your posts and your beauty shared on instagram. Love you.

  2. Hello dear Anita,
    your words are so true. I haven't commented here in along time, yet something moved me to read your post today. I have some wonderful warm intelligent caring blog friends I met 10 years ago and they are such dear people. Life is richer because of those we meet - and those we remember.
    Hugs and goos wishes!

  3. So true with blogging. Perfectly said by your Instagram visitor. :)

  4. Oh Anita, what beautiful words your friend wrote on your post in Instagram. I am so thankful to have met you through your blogg and also on Instagram. You have brought so much beauty to my world! Love you my friend!
    Wendy Wainwright, Brisbane, Australia IG: wendys_snapshots

  5. I’m mesmerised by the photograph of the ballerina appearing to merge with the sofa. It’s almost ghostly but incredibly beautiful, and the music adds to the sense of intrigue. I’ve been sitting here looking at it for the longest time.

    Memories really are forever gifts, and you have just shared another one with us all.

  6. Happy Blogaversary, Anita!
    Remember, not all of us move on ... sometimes we just become silent observers.
    I will always enjoy your words and images and the music you share to bring it all together.
    I am looking forward to the next ten years.

  7. Happy blog anniversary Anita !!...i blog also for a long time now i thought 9 years .....i love blogging...Reading blogs is my favorite ...not making them...but i try and do my best to share things with my readers...happy sunday my friend you .....💕💕Ria xx

  8. Always beautiful words, pictures and thoughts. Thank you for your gifts.

  9. You always take us into another world, Anita, one so safe and beautiful that it is the perfect absolution to television news. I've begun pulling your music link off onto my desktop to play for inspiration. Congratulations on your 10 years of blogging but even more on how your postings have evolved to something completely original.

    Please keep doing it!

  10. Hi Anita,
    Happy blog anniversary - that's a BIG one!!!
    I am so grateful we met via our blogs.
    You've been so supportive, and a tremendous friend. Thank you.
    PS - Yes, many blog friends have moved on.....I do miss the old days

  11. I must remember that quote. It's a treasure.

    Congratulations on your ten years. Though I haven't known you that long, I have treasured each and every post (the ultimate eye candy!) since we found each other, your beautiful words and our lovely off-blog e-exchanges. Here's to another ten and more of your glorious photos!

  12. My congratulations on a fabulous 10 years of blogging! I still follow your blog (even through your blogging break, I held out hope that you would return :-). I now follow you on instagram,too. My very best wishes to a fellow Minnesotan~

  13. I used to have a blog "Man of the 50s". You were one of the first sites I followed. I enjoy the pure beauty of it. I just wanted to let you know that you are still read and enjoyed.

  14. I will always visit when I come across your posts--such magic in your creations! Happy 10th anniversary!

  15. Congratulations! You always inspire and warm my heart with your posts, your images and your music you present.

  16. Congratulations! 10 years! I have loved following along on your blog. Your beautiful poetry, art, paper tresses and shoes among other things and your wonderful posts, then on to your stunning photography. I am in awe of your talents my friend. So many have moved on but many of us are still here cheering you on.

    Much love and encouragement to you my dear as you move forward on your creative journey.

  17. I too began my blog in January, but just 7 years ago.

    I don't remember how I came across your blog, but I remember listening to the music, looking at your fabulous images and loving it all.

    I speak of "my friend in Minneapolis" to others and I think they would be shocked to know that we have never met, but you are dear to me.

  18. Yes, it's why we keep blogging, isn't it....because of all the wonderful friends we meet and talk to every day. Lovely pictures, Anita. Now, I have to ask you, who is that picture of, someone dear to you? Your home is charming, Anita, with nice touches here and there. You really are creative in so many ways, sweet friend. And thank you for remembering. : )

    love, ~Sheri

  19. We are forever dearest..this is how we found each-other and may the blog-force be with us..XXX

  20. Just SO happy you started. It was actually about the same time as me. Been through many posts, recounted many memories, and made friends around the world. That's the BEST part, isn't it? Friendships, connections, kinships,
    soul sisters, universal twins. Big huge congrats for staying committed, Anita. Your work evolves as you do. The sign of a true artist. Always changing, moving forward. I love you, but you know that !!!

  21. Congratulations! Ten years is quite an accomplishment. Lovely post.


  22. Happy blog anniversary wishes to you.

    All the best Jan

  23. TEN YEARS...............maybe I should GO peek when I started!
    I have no idea...NOT THAT LONG I DONOT THINK...........MORE like 6 years would be my guess!

  24. And how blessed and grateful I am that you welcomed me into your life and world 8 years friendship is a treasure to me...watching you grow and develop as an artist has been such an honor and you, chere amie

  25. Hello Dear One,
    I will always treasure our friendship and I will always respect you, your artistic talent, creativity, vision, enthusiasm and positive outlook. You have influenced me in countless ways!
    Blogging did indeed bring many of us together and we are all truly blessed.


"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echos are truly endless." -Mother Teresa