Sunday, February 17, 2019


It doesn't have to last

for just 
one day

anita pelayo rivera les dames d'abord

anita pelayo rivera les dames d'abord


with the abundance

of pathways

toward love

anita pelayo rivera les dames d'abord

no matter how long 

your journey on earth

may be

anita pelayo rivera les dames d'abord

anita pelayo rivera les dames d'abord


Happy trails 

as you discover 

what makes you sing, 

"Life is Beautiful."


  1. This is such a beautiful post Anita - thanks for sharing the rose and the snow.
    The words certainly made me think of my own life - making my trail and hoping it will continue winding through this one precious life for at least a while longer.

    Bless you.
    Mary -

  2. I am literally dying over this blue house! I could so live in that blue house. Someone else could dig me out ;)

  3. Oh, what a beautiful post in every way. And you made my heart sing with that red rose! The photo of the trail to the forest is so pretty, and I especially love the one with her in the red coat. You're right, Anita, the day of love doesn't have to last just for one day. We can receive it, appreciate it, and give it away all year long.....AND YOU DO! Thank you for this lovely post, it made my Sunday morning. I will come back after church to look at it again. Oh, your photos are truly outstanding.

    love ya, ~Sheri

  4. Anita !!!...sure life is beautiful ...because it has you my friend !!! ❤️❤️❤️ Have a lovely sunday ...and week love ❤️ Love ❤️ Love ❤️ Ria xxx

  5. Life is so beautiful and you have captured it through your words and pictures. Always the music and the poetic verse with beautiful pictures captures our emotions and holds us still for a few moments to feel something so fabulous. Thank you sweet beautiful friends for sharing your talents with our hearts. You touch us in such a glorious way.

  6. As usual, your photos are alluring and your words evoke new thoughts that whirl around in my head.

    Thank you!

  7. that blue house is adorable,xx Rachel and Speedy

  8. Dearest...thank you for this beautiful post and music ! Life is a bit complicated at the Hilltop but I will be in your mail when all is calmed down..Love you much..XXX

  9. Beautiful said, and of course beautifully photographed. Have a wonderful day!

  10. Thank You.
    My heart needed this today.
    Sending love,

  11. Another very special and beautiful post, friend Anita … Thank you … I know what would make me sing, but it is not possible. PS: Video did not work … maybe … you could place the title underneath? … so I could find it on You tube? Much love says this Alberta cat and her cat Theo.

  12. what a lovely song... I've never heard it before. your images are gorgeous and I always love your words. to inspire others to live beyond the surface is a gift.
    thank you.

    Hugs and blessings.
    Tamara X

  13. Just tell me title of the music or, yes, embed it … Thank you for considering that, friend Anita … Much love and happy Winter, cat.

  14. Beautiful Anita, Happy Valentines Day. Beautiful post. What a cold winter, driving into
    Rockland, Maine to volunteer at soup kit it was brutal. St Bernard's feed 100 today.
    a lot of volunteers didn't show so Vinny and I made Chicken pot pie, and I was upset about
    the biscuit topping someone came in and made drop biscuits, (what a flop) but they all
    liked it and took it home. Tired but a good tired. Stay warm and Hugs to you, Yvonne

  15. Goosebumps!!! Thank you thank you, my gorgeous, talented I wish we could speak on the phone...thank you for YOU.
    Love you!!! Sending you love always!

  16. What a beautiful post this is.
    Words and pictures in harmony.

    All the best Jan

  17. Hey everyone!
    Today I come to you with so much excitement!
    I have been married & barren for 5years i had no child. i have never been pregnant i was a subject of laughter from my Friends & neighbors, i almost lost my marriage because of this issue . i was so confused that i did not know what to do until i came across this great Dr Ahmed online and i contacted him at once i was scared weather it was going to work because i never believed things like this before, so i decided to give it a try and i did all what Dr Ahmed asked of me and today to my greatest surprise i took in the first time and i gave birth to a bouncing baby boy and now my marriage that was about crashing before is now restored. my husband now love and want me better, Am so happy for everything that have been happening my life since i met this Dr Ahmed.
    I want to tell all the women out there who have a similar situation like that the world is not over YET they should dry up their tears and contact this great man and their problem will be gone or are you also having other problems you can also contact Dr Ahmed, here is how you can contact him or Contact him via his whats-app number +2348160153829.


"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echos are truly endless." -Mother Teresa