Sunday, February 24, 2019

Music Box

The heart is like


Every time you open it

a note 

chimes out

and another and then another

until you realize

that all the tuned teeth plucking against

a cold

steel plate

harmonize into a single

Keep your music box open


never lock it

because something unexpected can happen:

an ordinary 

scientific phenomenon

anita pelayo rivera les dames d'abord

can become a unicorn horn

anita pelayo rivera les dames d'abord

anita pelayo rivera les dames d'abord

that reaches up and out 

to find

while dreams lay buried

under the spell of winter's stillness.


  1. I don't know how you do this but I'm thankful for the gift you've been given of gathering words that may just speak the heart of the music better than any that the composer may have been thinking of.

    And your pictures, especially the one of each note springing as a golden chime out of the piano music box, are unforgettable.

  2. It is my opinion that you fell from heaven and created beauty for us to see. Thank you so much Anita, I needed this gorgeousness today. xxxoo

  3. Oh my gosh, that DOES look like a unicorn horn. Nature has dazzled you with extraordinary beauty, Anita. And it's still snowing there? I just love all these pictures, and this post is flowing with imagination and creativity. So wonderful.

    love, ~Sheri

  4. Beautiful as always sweet Anita. The unicorn horn is magical. You captured nature doing her best work.
    Hugs and Happy New Week.

  5. As always, your words and music come at just the moment I wondering whether to close my heart a bit. Your inspiration keeps it open. Thank you. xoxoxo Mary

  6. Dear Anita your words and images add an abundance of beauty to my life’s song, thank you.

  7. Dear One,
    I agree with every single comment here today. You are an angel from heaven who sees the world with such a magical, loving eye. You bless us my talented friend with your writing, photography and just by being you! Yes, this is a unicorn horn!!

  8. It begin with magic.....wowwww ...Anita !!!...the you my dear friend far you with whole my heart ❤️ love love ❤️❤️❤️ Ria xxx

  9. You are rocking it with that new camera of yours. But frankly, it wouldn't matter as your words are perfection!

  10. There's always magic where you are...thank you X

  11. Absolutely lovely! What a magical and beautiful way to start my day!
    Love to you dear friend.

  12. so lovely, your words the music... serene and angelic. I like that early in the morning. I had no idea you were blogging again.

  13. Geez, I just listened to that song 4 times...

  14. So beautiful, it was such a treat to listen to the music and look at those fantastic images. Sarah x

  15. Aaah...this is the multi-sensory magic, the storytelling genius that only you can create!!! Touches the heart and soul...thank you for you! :)

  16. Happy March Anita,
    I love the icicles on my roof, but I have never imagined them as unicorn horns. . . until now.
    You are dreamy beyond worlds!
    Thank you for shifting my mind to see new possibilities in our winter wonderland.
    Wasn't this morning enchanting with the blue skies and fresh snow everywhere? Winter's last goodbye??? If it was, what a gift! As are you, sweet friend.

  17. A joy to see these beautiful photographs and wonderful words.

    All the best Jan

  18. Such wonderful words told and gorg pics

  19. Hey everyone!
    Today I come to you with so much excitement!
    I have been married & barren for 5years i had no child. i have never been pregnant i was a subject of laughter from my Friends & neighbors, i almost lost my marriage because of this issue . i was so confused that i did not know what to do until i came across this great Dr Ahmed online and i contacted him at once i was scared weather it was going to work because i never believed things like this before, so i decided to give it a try and i did all what Dr Ahmed asked of me and today to my greatest surprise i took in the first time and i gave birth to a bouncing baby boy and now my marriage that was about crashing before is now restored. my husband now love and want me better, Am so happy for everything that have been happening my life since i met this Dr Ahmed.
    I want to tell all the women out there who have a similar situation like that the world is not over YET they should dry up their tears and contact this great man and their problem will be gone or are you also having other problems you can also contact Dr Ahmed, here is how you can contact him or Contact him via his whats-app number +2348160153829.


"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echos are truly endless." -Mother Teresa