Pink Saturday is just around the corner!
I am at my computer sick with laryngitis, writing a 15 page paper and wanting to come up for some air to let you all know how much I cherish all of you beautiful, creative and kind people! We all need some rest and relaxation, so come on over this weekend and GET IN THE PINK. And while you're at it, crank up your volume and listen to some Pink Martini to get you in the mood!
A la prochaine, Anita
Feel better soon! I love Pink Martini. I'll stop by Saturday, Anita.
Pink Martini is perfect
EVERY day!
Be well -
What a bummer! I hope your throat feels better soon.
Big hugs!
Hello Anita,
So sorry you are not feeling well...hope you are feeling better soon and "in the pink!" Love Pink Martini!
~Hugs, Patti
Peekaboo to the pink rabbit! What was her name again??
Oh I love the lighting in this photo! I agree with Judith; a Pink Martini is perfect every day! **blows healing kisses of hot desert sun** Deborah
Hi Anita,
We hope to be in Eze in 2010. I believe Marseille is gearing up for my consumption of Passion Fruit gelato as we speak!
Happy night.
Dear Anita!
I hope you get well soon! Can't wait for your fabulous Pink Sat! I love the Pink Martini! So fun! Wishing good thoughts for your speedy recovery, rest well!
I LOVE Pink Martini! Hope you are better soon!
PS - love the peak a boo bunny!
Lovely place! Blessings from Amy
I hope you feel better soon. What a terrible time to get sick, when you have the end of year things to get done.
I will say a prayer that you get back your energy and heal soon.
Blessings, Karen
Dear Anita,
You are so sweet. We cherish you very much. I hope you feel better real soon. Thank you for introducing me to Pink Martini. I cannot stop singing Je Ne Veux Pas Travailler.
I send hugs and well wishes filled with sunshine.
hello Anita,
Thank you so much fro stopping by for a visit, even if you had to come without your voice :(
Try to rest your voice, for what is a French teacher without her voice?? Feel better soon :)
Pattie ;)
Mazatlan Mexico
I wish you a speedy recovery...have a honey of a night & may sweet things come your way! Grace & peace 2 U Marlene
Wishing you wellness thoughts! Stay bundled up and take good care of yourself.
O>M>G and I'm in france...do you know the game..I am going to france and I take with me a....labtop. I will try to visit dearest..if not lets have a drink in the garden when I get back....
Hope you will be better soon...Miss Moussie is coming over wih honey tea...She is acting kind of strange the last few days..
I'm in "the pink" again and hope yo will be soon! God Bless! Cathy
Dear gal, thanks for coming by with such delight! What a joy it was. I will look to your place, also for wonder and wishes. Thanks for the recommendation, too. Is she on your list somewhere? I will see. Come by anytime with others you think I might enjoy because I am just starting to get this blogging wonderworld.;)
Blessings and light from Amy
I hope you get better soon. I love Pink Martini! Your Blog is just lovely.
LuLu Kellogg
What a fabulous opening photo!!! How ever did you get the lighting to cooperate so perfectly?
Sorry that you're not feeling well! Perhaps you need to DRINK the Pink Martini. Just a thought.
Hope you're up and around soon - you'll need your voice to quell all the enthusiasm of last-days-of-school child energy! ;-)
just for you...
About the lighting in the rabbit foto: it was mid-morning, when all bunnies go out to silflay (well by then, it was more like second breakfast,or was it elevensies?).
(Anita's) Mr. B.
I hope that you are feeling better soon!!!
The music is great-thanks for sharing:)
Oh I do hope you feel better soon. I just love the music. Thank you. I am so glad I found you. You are a treasure ♥
here's hoping you are all better!!
Get out and enjoy that sun!!
I DO miss our long chats.
pop on over.
I seem to be having blogger trouble...won't post my latest on everyone's side list
Hi Anita,
Just stopped back to say, I hope that you are on the mend and that the pile of end-of-year school work is getting smaller.
Happy Wednesday.
Hi Anita...now aren't we a great pair...I am bogged down with a cold here...Here's to Pink Martinis in cyberspace...Get well soon♥x
Sounds like a dream! I will stop by dear one!
Blessings and pink wishes.
Hope you're feeling better. I love the bunny photo!
Popped in from Kelly's to say hi! I love castles and cottages!
Castles, Crowns and Cottages... OH MY! I just love this blog! Thanks for sharing!
Love Pink Martini!
I have a cd in my car right now.
Love pink!
PS, take good care!
Greetings to you! I noticed you while posting at The Victorian Parlor and wanted to visit such an intriguing place. I love your blog title, and your blog is very beautiful.
Thank you for allowing me to visit. I so enjoyed the pictures, especially those of the Cotswolds.
I hope you're feeling better
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