Thanks to Tristan from Enchanted Revelry, Karen at Scrapbook of Inspiration and Beverly from How Sweet the Sound, I have been inspired to try something new. Every Saturday is a delight chez eux where you can bask in a little pink frivolity, fluff and fun. I am going to show you some of the things that I find enchanting, kissed by this sweet hue of the color palate. But first, click on the video below and let the wonderful Kay Thompson tell you what to think:
Now that we're in the right frame of mind , here are a couple of my favorite pink things:
The smooth texture of pink fondant for special occasions

the daintiness of tea accompaniments

in dainty little heart-shaped tea cups.

Now let's go inside and sit down and feel the elegance of pink in the great salon

and maybe they will let us order a glass of pink champagne

or a bright and elegant gown,

she wore pink with style and grace

like a queen.

and get back to the castle

and dream of fairy tales in pink...
Have a peaceful, magical and uplifting weekend my friends and visit Tristan, Beverly and Karen to get a taste of pink in their neck of the woods!
A la prochaine, Anita
Bonjour Anita!
I am definitely thinking pink after that - thank you. I will have a glass of champagne rose, the salon, a few macarons (oui!) and that bag... I love that bag.
Have a wonderful long weekend.
Hope you're feeling better - I think I have your sore throat but I can still be heard ;)
It was so much fun to talk to you today! I'm so glad you called. I wonder what happned with the code? It looks like it multiplied itself and went bezerk! I laughed my head off at you saying, "Now that we're in the right frame of mind three times." Blogger can be a strange creature. I have been having the hardest time posting tonight. It's moving my post all around and now it's not even registering that I posted on Google Reader. Oh, well!
Love you!
Hey Cuz, You just need to go into the "Edit HTML" of your post and remove all but one of the videos. Somehow you copied it in too many times.
Otherwise, love the post!
What a wonderful post! A favorite movie, a favorite desert (cake), and the very wonderful Audrey! Yep, I believe we're all thinking pink!!
Sorry about the blogger issues. Blogger was making its own decisions on my font styles and sizes tonight. They were all over the place! I finally went into the html editor and entered the font myself.
Happy Pink Saturday!
Robin@Miscellaneous Thoughts
That post is so dreamy! From the Pink champagne (my favorite) to the Audrey pics, I am swooning! Happy Think Pink day!
Wjhat great fun!!! Though pink is not my favorite color it certainly looks tempting in your post! ANDDDD....the pics of the food have no calories for those on a diet. Yes, looking but not eating is good! Have a grand holiday to you as well! Cathy
I have a pink castle, all covered in dew, I have a pink castle and an invitation for you.
Anita, this is a treasure to be part of! Pinks, Saturdays, Princesses, What could be better. I dedicate my post to you this morning! Blessings and thanks for the invite, I could smell the rose oil and lemon on the corners and just feel the embossed delicate lettering from your castle/cottage stationary, lol. Blessings and light, Amy
OM Gosh!Love the little pink cottage and cakes..make me happy!
So glad you joined us - you're OBVIOUSLY going to be a Pink Saturday STAR!Terrific array of treasures and tones.
HaPpY PiNk SaTuRdAy!
Oh my! All of that pink is amazing! The pink castle at the end is definately the best (although the yummy treats were pretty tempting:). I believe I could handle a glass of pink champagne with some pink cookies in the pink parlor in the pink castle:)
Have a blessed (and pink) day!
Hi Anita, happy PINK Saturday. I love the new look of your blog!Have I ever mentioned I live in a PINK house? Yes, a little PINK 1938Spanish bungalow. Stop by for tea and PINK macaroons sometime real soon okay?
Have a lovely weekend!
you are just too cute!!
I absolutely loved this post~
the video....the pictures of one of my all time favorite actresses...and her fabulous short hair cut -
I'm sporting my pink sweater this morning and I say bravo! and I have to find that movie at the video store!
Good Morning Sweet Anita~
This pink posting was just lovely. I am swooning over all the pink. That is totally my favorite color.
Have a restful and creative weekend my dear.
I feel bathed in pink and those pictures of Audrey Hepburn (my all-time favorite actress) were the icing on the pink cake! Thank you!! :) Silke
Delightful, De-Lovely! Thank you so much for the movie clip!!! My beloved Mommy raised us on old musicals. **swoons** Audrey Hepburn is perfection. Wonderful post!!! **blows kisses** Deborah
Sadly I don't really have a garden. Since we rent, I would hate to invest in something we may lose in just a few years. But we *do* have an enclosed patio on the side of our apartment, and I hope to add a little bit of greenery and statues back there to make it seem more like another living space.
Ooooh Macarons. I've always wanted to try those, but never have.
Hi Anita, Love your new pink blog! Have a wonderful "pink" Saturday!
YEA! You fixed it!! Hugs!
I would be honored, completely. Yes, you may post it. You are a wondrous find in a person! Blessings Amy
You are absolutely killing me with this post. I don't know what pictures to look at first. OMG!!! The cakes, the pastries, the clothes, the CASTLE!!! Heaven help me. I am having a ball. Thank you for brightening up my day. I love it all sweet pea.
xo Cathy
I love this post and that video really is perfect! I love the line in the song "think pink for the whole family" I can get me and my daughter in pink...but my husband...Well, not gonna happen! Ha! Have a wonderful weekend, mon amie!
I live the think pink idea! You know I live pink!!!
I hope you are feeling back to normal.....I miss seeing you!
Those cakes look so yummy! Happy Pinkday! :)
Dear Anita, I think pink just might be my new favorite color. I loved the video. Those cakes, cookies, pink houses, the tea set, pink clothes, and pink champagne have me just tickled pink ♥ What a great post! I hope you are having a happy weekend.
for some reason, my favorite pic is Audrey in that hat and the pink tea cups turned upside down!! One time I painted all the ceilings in my entire house Pearl Pink (Martha Stewart paint color) and I got more compliments on that than any other one thing that I have ever done in my remodeling/redecorating experience. So, that was my first introduction to using PINK and I've tried to use is in different ways since. It's something about the way other colors bounce off it, dont you think?? Great post!
This is the best Pink Saturday post ever. You are brilliant at putting together wonderful posts, but this takes the pink cake! I am so glad that you are joining Pink Saturday.
You are amazing Anita, and so is this delightful post.
Happy Pink Saturday,
P.S. I don't know what some of the comments meant about your post. It must have been fixed. They should have also mentioned how brilliant your post was, none-the-less.
OMG!!!! I LOVE that bed and chair...and Audrey Hepburn too!!! She's one of my favorite actresses!
Love pink houses. A touch of blush on the block!
Love love love this PINKness!!:) What a great post. I want to do all that, wear the crowns, sit with Audrey and have tea,wear a pink crown.
xo Lidy
Hello Anita, I found you through your comment on Karen Harvey Cox's blog. Your pinks are perfectly delightful and I can't wait to see more of your beautiful blog:>) Have a wonderful day!
Hi Anita...I like this idea of Pink Saturday...Pink Champagne...Tea, of course...cozy pink establishments!!!
And I wish you the same...a peaceful, magical and uplifting mid-week♥x
What a LOVELY blog!!! You can never have enough pink I always say!
I spent far too long at the pink cakes ... . then had to throw myself across that divine pink chaise
and recover!
Je suis epuise ... .
Wow Anita!!
These are the pinkest prettiest pictures I have seen. Every one of them are so pretty and pink.
You did a wonderful job with this post.
Just now getting around to checking the blogs. I was super busy with the BBQ yesterday.
Hope you are feeling much better.
Chat soon,
I have come by to tell you, you are such a dear one and to find this Jardin you mention. Will you give me the blog address? Thanks dear and you are welcome to come, as well and "sit" at my art table with me and weave a story!
Blessings and light,
Oh my gosh......It was wonderful to see Audrey Hepburn....wasn't she toooo beautiful? I LOVED her. I must rent one of her movies. :-)
Thanks for coming by to visit. I really appreciate it.....and your kind words. :-)
What a delightful post! Everything was too fabulous and fun! I also enjoyed your first song on your playlist, I featured Pink Martini for my Pink Saturday Post this week. Great minds think alike, LOL!
I hope you had a terrific holiday weekend, full of lots of sunshine!
Tag!! Your it!!
Everything PINK! You are a girl after my heart!!! Doesn't it just make you happy seeing all that pink!
Bonjour mon amie!
What a delightful post! I have had so much fun catching up on your posts you made during my absence. I think your pink posts are the best I've ever seen!! The UTube was adorable too. Loved the Audrey Hepburn photos. You are soooo Audrey ma chere!!
Bisous, Sherry and more Pink!!!......oh, its hard to choose my fave pic...but, I do love the cottages you posted...and the yummy goodies to eat, too...oh, and that bag....well, I guess I love them all!!!
Heart Hugs,
Warm greetings Anita,
Thank you for stopping by and saying hello! Yes, I am a sculptor of whimsical fantasy beings. With plenty of inspiration around our home from my children. While doing some research on crowns last night, I came upon your blog and happily became lost within your gentle world for some time. Perhaps you might stop by again to see my "crown" progress on the Moon King and Queen. I would LOVE to hear your thoughts...
kindly yours, Rose
Hi Anita,
Blogger did not want me on your blog. I just kept on trying and knew eventually I would win-hehe.
I love the new look. Love the pinkness, love Audrey, just love it all. Well done. This has made my day.
Hope you are feeling better.
Hi Anita,
Please swing by when you can. There is a little something on my blog for you.
love ya
Bonjour Anita!
I loved all the pink deserts, pink tea sets, pink pictures, pink pink pink. I LOVE PINK!
I did check it out! Visit my second to last blog post for my sad attempt at writing about it in French for you lol!
Dear Anita ~ (((Thank you )))) for your note.*grin*
I was here earlier and I couldn't find the comments section.... I know I have 3 blogs and I should knwo better but honestly i am new to this!
Your blog is absolutely lovely and enchanted.
I will have to grab a cup of * cafe con leite* and come back!
C'est drole! The comment about her wonderful site was on Monday the 25th of May's post. Here it is dear lady and I have horrible memory of French lessons so forgive me lol
Oooh! son jardin est un endroit de merveille et de créativité ! Je m'émerveille à la La petit Neige et la belle Hortense a des couleurs bénies douces ! Merci pour me montrer ce site Web !
My daughter, our resident pink-a-holic, just gushed over all the yummy pink!! While I abandoned pink long ago, as I was too all about the pink, I must admit that after seeing this gorgeous display of the color, I may just have to take it up again. Actually, its been making a revival for me since having my girly-girl of little girl! Thanks for the inspiration! :>
my daughters sweet 16 was lst may,and we had the "Think pink
" video playing on huge screens to start off the party,which was all pink!! fabulous!! thanks for all the pink!
What a fabulous pink post! I have been MIA from Pink Saturday for a while, but I loved seeing this. I guess you missed last week, but I managed to make it over. It is a fun event, and this is a delightful pink post!
Happy Belated PS...
Sheila :-)
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