Bonjour tout le monde! I am still here, I have not faded away into the shadows, so please don't forget me! I just wanted to say MERCI BEAUCOUP to everyone that has said a little prayer, thought good thoughts or just dropped me a line asking me about my progress with my thesis. I have used my time wisely and I have written two out of three chapters!
My adviser was so wise in giving me the most difficult chapter to write in the beginning of my journey. The last chapter will not be easy, but most definitely more manageable since I got the other two completed. Now it is just revisions to tend to.
My dear husband has been away in South Africa on business with his colleagues; I await eagerly for his return!

When he comes back, he will bring the camera and I will resume posting. I have missed you all so much, but I was fortunate enough to be close to the computer at all times so that I could visit you all.
Have a great week and see you again soon!
Fondly, Anita
On ne pourrait jamais vous oublier! J'espère que votre mari revienne sans problèmes. Bravo sur votre thèse. Vous avez bien travaillé! Je serais fière aussi!
Merci pour vos commentaires
sincères! Bon week-end, mon amie.
Oops.. J'ai oublié mettre l'accent aigu sur "éspère." Et j'ai remarqué quelques choses de nouvelles sur votre blog. Je l'aime! (Je pense qu'il y a aussi des fautes dans ce(tte) commentaire-ci!
Your 'far-away' romance at the moment could be a book in itself no?
at least in my head it does......
So good to hear you are making progress!
My husband is currently so STUCK on his PhD thesis... . he procrastination has overwhelmed any progress .
Good luck :-))
Oh so happy you were able to raise your head up out of your books! Lovely to see you again.
Anita, it is impossible to forget you :)
I wish the best with your thesis :)
Save journey to your husband, too!
We are always here praying for you :)
Much luck to you in your revisions and final touches. I once read that J.K. Rowling wrote the final chapter of the entire Harry Potter series before she finished any of the books. Not being a writer I am fascinated by the process of others.
We'll be here waiting for you!
Robin@Miscellaneous Thoughts
How could I forget you!!! Just missing you!!! Will glad at your return!!!!! Cathy
Considering how busy you are, thank you for your concern regarding my unemployment.
I'll be sure to catch up with you when you have more free time. You know my emails can be long winded ;-)
Your Cousin,
Marie Elizabeth Bedgie Leonard Boza
You pick!
No way forgetting you, sweet Anita!
How wonderful you've made such progress with your thesis. Happy weekend and beautiful Summer to you. Talk to you soon.
I am so glad you are almost done Anita! Keep on plowing through! I know you will do great~ much good luck to you with it!!
Au revoir mon amie! xOxO
Perseverance will get the job done and you will be the happier for it. Much good luck. Beautiful post.
Really like the two paintings you have posted. The first in particular.
Paperwork up to your eyeballs can be like drowning, so come on up for a little air once in a while. Good to know that you haven't forsaken us bloggers...lol Will read you soon ~
p.s almost done with our renovation...whew!
I am popping in for a quick hello whilst still on vaca! I am having a blast with my sister and we are getting into SO much trouble :)
Glad all goes well with your thesis. Well done!
Anita, just saw your comment. I cannot believe I missed those two. I just ran a series of Waterhouse on my sidebar (usually change them most days). Those two did look familiar to me in style. Your right is is so errie.
I'm really pleased you like what you saw at mine, I have a lot of fun with it.
I AM thinking warm thoughts about your progress and eagerly await your return to the blogging world!!
My bro typed both his Master's thesis and his Doctoral dictation with two fingers on a typewriter. Does that give you any comfort???
Take care and post when you can,,,
I hope you are doing well with your thesis! Love the images you used!
I wanted to let you know that I'm having a giveaway! Be sure to come on over and join in when you can!
Glad to hear that all is going good with your thesis. We all wish you good luck. Don't forget to take a break and relax inbetween now you hear?
Oh just realised I spelt eerie wrong!
Cheers, thanks Anita. I'll be trawling through your site. lol
I have been thinking about you Anita and wondering how your progress is going. So glad you gave us an update. Thank you so much for your comments on all of my posts while you have been busy doing your thesis.....I so apppreciate your friendship!
~Hugs, Patti
Your photos are beautiful. I am glad your thesis is going well.
So glad to 'hear' your voice and know that it has been going well for you. Still wishing you all the best in your last chapter.
Happy Summer to you!
Such luck and love I send! Take care dear!
moochas smoochas ... dear french friend
I've been away, but you've been on my mind daily.
keep on keepin' on!!!
p.s. I know you think about moi, too
Hello my sweet Anita!
I'm so glad you are getting through the most difficult part of your thesis. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Life here is absolutely crazy. That is why I haven't been blogging much or emailing.
I pray for my brother's safe return. Tell him I love him!
Good afternoon Anita, Your thesis is coming along. Congratulations :>) I agree that you would be impossible to forget. I hope your hubby gets home soon. Try to enjoy our lovely summer weather while it lasts...
Bonjour Anita,
Love these pictures!!! Wonderful!!
Where do you get such lovely pictures?
Hope you are having a wonderful day, and not working too hard.
Chat soon,
I am so glad to find a lovely post, and to know that you are well. I can only imagine how much you are looking forward to completing your work.
Have a lovely week,
Bonjours Anita!
I am glad to hear that the thesis is going well! I am glad that you are back in blogland-you were very much missed:).
glad you popped in again~!
Hello Anita,
Good to hear that you are making progress with your thesis and that you have the feeling the worst part is over. I remember that I was living to that dead line, if I hadn't had one I would probably still be writing! So don't fall in that trap. I still dream of that once in a while. Of course we didn't forget you and I would have been here sooner if I didn't catch a cold. Luckily you cannot catch one from the internet. I want to wish you good luck on finishing your thesis, we often say the last bits are the worst, but I do hope that you have that part already behind you, and your feeling about that is right!
Hi Anita,
Just came by to say thank you for all the nice things you said about my little place in the world (my studio ;) I am having a nice summer, do hope you are as well. Going to be posting off and on until Fall and just enjoying time with the family. Have a beautiful weekend!
Oh Anita, what a pleasure and joy to visit your blog. I found my way, from the hills and dales of Bellingham, Washington to you! I like to write too but I have no degree behind the mission. I was born into a place called "Once Upon a Fairyland", so I'm a bit of a child wonder in a 50 yr old body. I love fairytales and whimsy. Enjoyed my time with you, I will return...
Oh dear girlie....
I'm so glad you're making good progress.......I'll be so happy to have you back!
Thanks for your entry into the little pink giveaway! Wishing you good luck!
My dear sweet friend, I am here like everyone else, missing you .... oh I will never forget you and your blog is a page of a book that we all need to be refreshed now and then.... I have to grab a cup of tea of coffee anytime you post then I go back and read again and again....tres obligee a toi, Tenderly
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