Dearest friends,
I will be taking a short break from blogging due to writing for my masters thesis. I will continue to visit you all and I hope that when I come back, you will stop by for a chat!
In the mean time, I am sitting in front of my work station, thinking about how I will organize by thoughts about "Performance Assessment" in the foreign language classroom!
I will miss your comments and sweet company, but I will be back shortly, at least in time to continue to muse about summer fun and art projects!
A la prochaine mes amis, Anita
Best wishes on your thesis!
Good luck with your writing and if you need anyone to bounce ideas off of, let me know. I am currently studying Team Behavior in reference to performance skills based on an initial assessment of the individuals involved. Comparing and employing their strengths and weaknesses....
Anita, I will miss you during your break.....good luck in your writing and we will hear from you soon!
~Hugs, Patti
Farewell, my friend, for now. I know you need no luck, for you HAVE IT! **blows kisses** Deborah
Good luck with your Thesis! That is awesome. What an accomplishment! :)
Vous me manquerez! I am very interested in the topic you have chosen for your thesis. I would love to read an excerpt one day if you would like to share. I hope you have a very engaging time away as you read, read, read, brainstorm, and write. Don't forget to rest as well! Amusez-vous;)
Good luck sweetie with your thesis! You will be missed!
That's wonderful Anita,I mean the writing the thesis part not the I'm taking a little break part...."Viel Glück" and come and visit me when you need a little levity or teenage lingo definitions.
wieder schnell,
ps. "good luck", "come back quickly"
Dear Anita ~ I am hoping that your break is not a long one and that your thesis will be well done for you. I love your blog and to visit you is so very refreshing to me. This last post has 2 wonderful pictures. I love the second one the most because I *dream* to update my workshop with round windows and the one here is just so very lovely... I LOVE round windows ...isn't it silly? *grin*
I shall come again soon , with a cafe com leite , and revisit your older posts. Much love to you~
Hello Dearest,I wish you all the blessings That God may have for you,writing for your Masters.I know you will do fanrastic,like all your other endevers.You are one smart cookie...LOL.We will chat when you get back.XXOO Marie Antionette
Good luck with your thesis!
I'll be here waiting to hear about it when you return!
Sending you creative and organized thought for your thesis!
Love you!
All good wishes to you! Come back soon! :)
Hi Anita, hope you can feel the good vibrations I am sending your way! XOXO Bonnie
Hi Anita,
Perfect timing! I'll be off too. Here's to very good wishes to you while you work on your thesis. I will miss you, but will talk soon.
Good luck to you! Hope it goes well and Happy Summer!
Dearest Anita...all my very best wishes on your Thesis...I'm sure you will do very well at it...Look forward to your return...Many Blessings to you, Dzintra♥
Dearest...Miss Moussie sends you a big bouquet of violets and tea roses...to put on your desk..Let us know how you are doing with your thesis.When you come back we wil give a little performance in the garden...We kindly invite the Tea rat to come read us some of his poetry..but firts things first.....Good luck with your writing ...A Bientot.
Hi Anita,
Oh my, that sounds like quite the challenge. I am sure that your thesis will be brilliant. Good luck. See you soon.
And congratulations on your win!!!
Best wishes to you on your break. I hope you get everything done that needs done. I like the background change:)
Dear Anita, Best of luck on your thesis. I know you will do well. I hope you will be able to take a little time for some R & R as well. Thank you for all of the lovely comments you have left on my blog. What a sweet person you are. Charli is sending love and hugs your way.
Bonne Chance on your thesis (hope I spelled that correctly-it's been a while:). You will be missed!
Good Luck on your Masters Thesis!
Happy 4th and here's hoping you have lots of writing creativity!
Tiffany :)
I've actually been contemplating this idea.
I am so busy and have so many dealines.
Also going away for 10 days....my only dilema is, I'm afraid of losing loyal ladies!!!
I adore you!
I send you the muses dear friend. Write or email anytime. It sounds, (I hope) that it is just some hard work time and you will most definitely be back. This is my hope.;) If you get stuck or frustrated just let me know, and I will encourage, send a care package etc. lol.
Good luck. Writing a thesis takes lots of time and thought. I remember thinking writing was the hard part...but for me it was defending it in front of the board. I was shaking in my boots!!!!!
I forgot to wish you a Happy Fourth,Stay cool,kool chick...LOL...XXOO Marei Antionette
Hello~I have a blog award for you. Stop by my blog to pick it up when you have a moment~
Bonjour, Anita :)
Oui, je parle français :)
Ma tante, mon oncle et mes cousins habitent a Paris pendant 40 ans.
En Portugal, au Lycee, nous etudions la langue française.
j aime bien la France :) Les Chateaux de la Loire, la Provence, Paris, Rouen, Chartres, Versailles,...vous pouvez voir mes fotos a la etiquette França (France).
Chenonceau c est etait magnifique :) Villandry, Chambord.
j aime bien les historiens français, comme Duby, par exemple, la musique française...
Quand je suis en France, je me sens chez moi :)
Merci pour votre visite chez mon blog :)
et pardonnez-moi quelques erreurs de français.
Votre blog c est magnifique :)
Je suis tres heureuse de voir des blogs comme celui-ci ou comme de la Dutchess :)
Je ne sais pas si vous avez récu ma derniére message. Maintenant un peu différente, mais l`idée c`est la même.
Allons jouer au "français/portugais" ? :))
En Français et en Portugais ;)
(Em Francês e Português)
Bonjour! / Bom Dia!
Merci (Obrigada)
Pour vôtre commentaire.
(pelo seu comentário)
Vous êtes très sympathique.
(É muita simpática)
L`ordre des mots en portugais et en français c`est la même.
(A ordem das palavras em português e francês é a mesma)
Sont deux langues latines.
(São duas línguas latinas).
Voulez-vous voir mes fotos de vancances en France, le Septembre derniér?
(Quer ver as minhas fotos de férias em França, de Setembro último?)
Cliquez-ici. (Clique aqui).
Chacun des sept posts a le mot “aqui” (ici) avec le link pour voir les fotos respectives.
(Cada um dos sete posts tem a palavra “aqui” (ici) com o link para ver as fotos respectivas).
Bon fin-de-semaine :)
Bom fim-de-semana :)
Voiyez ce link..
Maintenant c`ést bien. ;)
Cou cou! Oui, j'ai reçu vos messages et je voudrais bien jouer français/portugais!!!!!! Je me passionne des langues. Vous savez, je suis Mexicaine-Americaine donc je comprends bien l'espagnole! J'ai eu une petite portugaise dans ma classe l'année scholaire passée et sa mère est venue de Portugal; quelle gentille dame. Je m'en vais regarder votre link et continuer à écrire ma thèse, mais vous êtes bienvenue chez moi n'importe quand! Bisous, Anita
Oh! this is great for you not so good for me I just found your beautiful site!
Good luck with thesis!
Can't wait until you are back!
I will be back!!!! Thanks for sharing my blog with your friend:)
Looking forward to your return.
Good luck finishing your thesis. I'll wait patiently for you to return to Bloglandia.
Courage pour la thesis :)
Bon dimanche! :)
Hey there! I knew you were away working on your thesis but I'm so glad you were able to get away for a moment and come visit my blog. Thank you!
Good Luck, You'll be done before you know it!
Dear Anita...hope all is going well with those 25 pages. Thank You so very much Dear One for your very kind comment and telling me about your Mum's vintage pieces. Was wondering if they are still around? Blessings to you...Dzintra♥x
Oh Anita, please do let me know how it goes at the exhibition!!
You've been tagged! If you want to play~
Awwww Anita! Just when we were getting reacquainted! Well, duty calls and I know you're thesis will be amazing. Good Luck and let us know when you're blogging again! XXXOOO
Much luck to you on your thesis! We'll miss you and hope to see you back soon! xOxO deb
Hi Anita,
I have missed so much! I just read through your posts and girl, you have been busy. I love what you and hubby have done. I need to borrow him. Love my hubby to pieces but he is not crafty at all. If I saw him with major tools, I think I would need to call for help!
Even though I have not been visiting, you have been in my prayers. Your thesis will be a success, I can just feel it.
love you,
Just to say "Have a wonderful week-end!" Dear Anita :)
Jài oublié de vous parler une chose...
Ici, au Pays-Bas, j`ai écouté une chanteuse des classiques français (Piaf, Grèco,...), Wende Snijders.
Si vou voulez voir ses (ou leurs? maintenant je ne sais pas) interpretations, cliquez label "Dutch Music".
À Bientôt, et bonne Chance avec la thésis :)
(Até Breve) e Boa Sorte com a tese ;)
Oh my goodness, captured fairies are soooo cute, and I bet yours is gorgeous! I can't wait to see it Anita!!!!!!! Lots of luck to you again on your thesis! xOxO
You know how much I will miss you here on your blog ma chere! But you must work hard this summer to finish your great work, the thesis! I know it will be better executed than any other in history. Because that's the way you do things mon amie! Happy researching & writing.
Bisous, Sherry
I am off to visit nocturne!
Sweet Anita! You WILL be missed, for sure. I've never written a thesis....doesn't sound like something I'd be good at..... :-) Unless I could do something with crayons and color?
Hope all is well with you. Eagerly awaiting your return.
Best Wishes,
Bonne chance!!!
Thanks for your lovely comments, they are highly appreciated always. Bisous, LiLi
Congratulations Anita on your 30 pages 6 hours before deadline...that is awesome!!! Enjoy your beautiful harp and those wonderful lakes that you have...Blessings to you, Dzintra♥x
hey Anita- aren't ya supposed be be studying! lol
Your comments are so sweet, thank you SO much!Now go and rock that thesis! xOxO
Hows the thesis going dear? Just checking up on you...XXOO Marie Antionette
Bonjour ma chèrie!
Oh, la tendresse de langue française c`est quelque chose...;)
Merci pour ton commentaire.
J`aime bien la generosité de tes mots :)
J`ai pensée à toi cette semaine.
Comment va ta thésis? The théme is Assertivité?
Je sens beaucoup des afinités avec toi et la Dutchess :)
Je crois dans la beauté de l`universe :) Il y a des liaisons que le temps, l`espace et les aspects externes n`explique pas. Je crois à ma intuition :) et je la suivre :)
Ton blog c`est magique et cette magique c`est important pour être heureuse :)
À bientôt :) Até já!
All the best to you on your thesis!
Thank you so much for visiting
my blog and taking the time to
leave your sweet thoughts with me.
Hope you can sneek a little update
with us now and then. No pressure:)
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