Glitter Graphics
What is the color of angelic garb? I think it is the sweet color of pink! And there is no one better equipped to color in this favored tint other than the wonderful Karen Harvey Cox from Inspirational Scrapbook at If you don't know Karen, you must visit her not only to witness her master Photoshop skills of her beloved New England, but to get a sense of her love of painting, friends and nature. If you already know Karen, join me in congratulating her for being the recipient of the Angel of the Month award for both June and July.
Kindness is surely something that can be practiced anytime, anywhere and in any medium. Though we may never meet face to face in this life, we can influence and recognize each other with colorful words from the heart. Though amateur in nature, I dedicate this Pink Saturday post poem a day early to a real lady and a true angel in every sense of the written word.
Roses fair and sunset bright
clothed in colors of The Light
vintage shades of glories past
oh! how sweet the memories last
from a time when friendships strong
built a bond both brief and long
now remembered in art and prose
the beauty of pink in the heart of a rose. Anita
Karen's blog archives store some of the most superb photos of her rose garden and other pink lovelies. Please pay her a visit, pick her a bouquet of special flowers and sip a cup of your favorite soothing beverage and sit and smell the roses; you just might feel the brush of angels' wings…
Dearest Karen, perhaps you would like a basketful of dew-kissed flowers from my garden
Add Glitter to Pictures
or a bunch of vintage velvet buds.
Myspace Glitter Graphics
Whatever you may choose, know that it comes from a grateful heart!
Happy Pink Saturday everyone and stop on by NOCTURNE for a bit of fantasy and to say good-bye to the Tea Rat and his friends...
Hello, such a lovely post indeed!
Good morning Anita! I loved your poem....such peaceful words! I will certainly check out her website. Have a wonderful weekend!
~Hugs, Patti
Hi dearest one!! What a lovely post! I am so glad to see you! Hope you have the sparkliest day! Blessings.
Lovely poem, Anita. My aging eyes are not able to find a link to your friend...**weeps** Deborah
Good morning Anita, What a uplifting and beautiful post! All of us here in blogland that know Karen just love her ♥ The poem you wrote is just lovely. You are such a special person Anita. Your goodness abounds ♥ I'm so glad I found your blog. I hope you have a wonderful and blessed weekend.
I adore Karen, and your tribute is just perfect.
What a great post! I love Karen Harvey Cox's blog and her work! She's an amazing artist, I agree! I also LOVE angels AND PINK and bling, LOL!
That was a lovely poem.
Oh, what a beautiful thing you have done. I love everything, and your words have touched my heart. You know Anita, I love when you leave a comment or send me and e-mail. You continue to encourage me and inspire me with your beautiful words. I am just putting the finishing touches on your little painting of the South of France Lavender fields. I just stopped to take a break, and here you are once again filling my heart with inspiration.
Thank you.
Blessings, Karen
P.S. Anita, this is the very song played at my garden wedding twenty-two years ago this September. Then when my husband and I took the Ferry from Maine to Nova Scotia for our honeymoon, we listened to this music as we toured Nova Scotia.
Really loved the pictures! Have a grand weekend! Cathy
Lovely post...especially those pink graphics!
Loved the poem!
The graphics were so pretty :)
Thanks for popping by and seeing my new creations for the Mad Tea Party today!
Hi Sweet Anita!
Bless your heart! I have heard of Karen, but others may not of. How dear of you to pass the word!
Happy Pink Saturday and have a wonderful Sunday....I'm a bit late today....I've been gone all day. :-)
what a gorgeous post! I love coming to your blog!xoxo
Beautiful posts, I've enjoyed myself very much popping in. Keep up the great and wonderful work. Love your thoughts on kindness.
Best to you, Colette
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