Bonjour Les Spectateurs!
Le Petit Théâtre de Chimères is back for a short play and you guessed will be an interactive play which means that the last act will be up to one of you to complete! If you were following us back in the beginning of the year, you know that we had great success with La Diva, a black glove and champagne affair that ushered in the tale of a magnificent blue bird turned opera star.

Miss Bonnie from Diamonds and Daisies was the winner of the illustrious author's award and contributed to the final act of our play, but it was a tight race between her and three other wonderful and courageous writers: Cathy from A Bit of Blarney, The Dutchess from the Garden of the Dutchess and the marvelous Sherry from Edie Marie's Attic.
We will be back with the first act of "Good Night Sweet Prince" and until then, dust off your gowns, gloves and polish those tiaras; off to the theatre we go!
Hi Anita, I am so excited I can barely sit still. I anxiously await the start of your new play. Nice pic by the way!
Happy Sunday, Bonnie
C'est formidable, c'est magnifique! This sounds so good! I love the theater. I'm almost set and ready, I'll have to read what this was all about first. But the surroundings make me feel so excited already! Pull up that curtain and let's play!
Hi Anita....I will be waiting to read your play....I can't guarantee that I could write a final act but I will certainly consider it! Have a great week ahead!
~Hugs, Patti
I do love Summer Stock! :) Cathy
Hi Anita! Thank you so much for your sweet words, I appreciate them! It's hard being stuck here with no family in TX. But things could be worse right! Your blog is always filled with such beauty, it totally cheered me up today! Maybe our precious grandmothers are hanging out together up there! They must be if I was lucky enough to find you!!!!!!!!Take care, xOxO deb
Anita....I like the champagne and hor d ourves(not sure I spelled that right!) part! I can be a good audience too! lol.....
My husband has agreed to the island redo and we are discussing the trim ideas right now! We need to dress it up with some trim I think. I probably won't start painting till sometime next month. I want the weather to cool down a little so I can open the windows when we paint. Thank you for the encouragement!
Get ready, get set...go Anita, GO! I can hardly wait, I'm so excited to see what is going to bubble out of all of us!
such a wonderful idea!
How marvelous....can't wait dearest..(your blog looks ever so lovely today)..Formidable!
Hugs from all of us...
Bonjour ma chere!
I have my evening gown ready and my diamonds out of the vault... waiting for the play to open.
My pen is full of ink and paper at hand. Let the play begin!
Bisous, Sherry
Sounds like fun!!! I'll find my opera glasses and velvet cape:).
Good morning Anita, Your play sounds intreging. How lovely ♥ A play right here in blogland. I am looking forward to attending. Thank you so much for the invitation.
What is going on here? What's all the excitement about? I guess I'll have to come back and see. What time is the curtain call?
I cannot remember a time when you didn't have a creative side. I remember the beautiful drawings you did, especially the models that looked like Barbie herself. Do you still draw? Please tell me you do. I have zero talent in that area but I should think you could do your own illustrations.
Your Cousin
Hi Anita,
I'll be there in gown, tiara, and gloves. Wouldn't miss it for the world. I might be late, but I'll be there.
Your tribute to your Grandma was beautiful. Made me a little weepy.
Take good care.
hugs to you,
Hi Anita,
Been so busy, trying to catch up with you. So pretty! Can't wait to read the new play!!
Hi: I don't have any idea what you are talking about, but your blog is beautiful. I plan to find out. So, I will be back over and over again! Martha
Hello dear one! Love the fun sides! I hope you are well! I hope to write soon and here how you are doing! Thinking of you and sending you wishes. Blessings.
ohh , how much fun..i just can't wait to attend the show. i love you little theatre. I am so glad you have one because I know it means so much for you and we all can enjoy it as well. Exciting!
Hi Anita, Looking forward to the new play. Also like your new additions to the blog. Hope your summer's been great!
Your Blog looks Gorgeous! I can't wait for the festivities to begin.
I have created a little place of retreat for the fevered brow of les artists over at my blog:
Our heads are so tempest tossed with ideas and imagination that a little Hi-Fi and lemonade on the veranda among friends is just the thing for a spot of relief.
Come visit!
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