You made it! How wonderful...Vous êtes ravissantes, you look ravishing, all of you! Whether you have chosen to come in flamboyant colors or in basic black,

you are all gorgeous and appropriately dressed to see the first act of Goodnight Sweet Prince, a little pièce de théâtre that takes place in the fashion district of Paris! So look inside of your little satin bags and get out your lorgnettes and make sure the music is turned up

hang up your stoles in the foyer closet

and use the complimentary phone in the lobby to call your friends and remind them to come

and be princesses of the theatre for the night! Oh, is that who I think it is? Yes...I believe Miss Moussie, Mozes, Gustave and The Dutchess are pulling up in their magical carriage for the evening!

Well then, it looks like everyone is here! Let us begin Act 1 of Goodnight Sweet Prince; please see the sidebar to look up the French words and their pronunciation and meaning...

An old street in Paris, Rue de Sainte Honoré
remains the most famous street still to this day
for boasting the most elegant boutiques in town
to find the loveliest hat or silk gown.

And there a most famous couturier
has an unusual assistant I have to say
for he is a scrappy and shaggy monsieur
with button eyes and an uncanny allure
with floppy ears and a certain knack
for knowing who's buying
his name is Balzac.
He sings and he whistles and warns his patron
his master and keeper, Monsieur Bergeron
who comes and who goes and who browses and buys
nothing gets past his scrupulous brown eyes!
So if you desire a Bergeron brand
you better be serious to pay on demand
and upon leaving this famous salon
please say, "Merci Monsieur Bergeron!
And do not forget to say a "Merci"
to Monsieur Balzac or else you will see
his teeth sinking into your favorite shoes
"Give me attention, or this you shall lose!"
Add Glitter to Pictures
End act 1
You have been introduced to one of our characters in this short four act, interactive play. For those of you who are new to Castles Crowns and Cottages, I am inviting you, the readers to follow the story line and when the fourth act approaches, you are all invited to submit an ending to this play. We have started out in rhyme but by no means does the ending have to be a poem!
We hope that you have enjoyed the theatre tonight; it is a lovely evening outside and you are invited out on the terrace for music, more calorie-free refreshments and delicacies!

Have a safe trip home and see you next Saturday for act 2!
À votre santé!

What a delightful post. I love the dog character, he reminds me of Astor from the Thin Man. Oh, and that terrace, I could sit there for hours. Let the play begin.
You make me smile and give me joy! I am so glad to have had this "night on the town!" Blessings.
Gorgeous..wonderful..marvelous.. magical..witty and bubbling..we made it on time thanks to TOMTOM..and we are going to stay for a while..enjoying the lovely evening on the terrace.
We loved this first act...we simply adored all the elegant dresses...and we where amazed by this singing scrappy shaggy character...BRAVO
Oh Anita!!!! Your new Blog look is beautiful!! I love the posting my dear and can't wait to read the next one!
I have been so busy this week that I am trying ti catch up on all my favorite Blogs this morning :)
Love to you Dear One,
Ahh dear friend, who is not a writer? You listen to you soul, you speak with your heart, every living spirit writes their own story and you my dear are an honored holder of the plume...
Blessings and love, Amy
Oh Anita!
That was FABULOUS! Isn't Audrey Hepburn the cutest little gal ever? She was simply adorable!
Loved the scenery....I've never been to Europe, but maybe someday! I loved the black square flower pots on the street. I always dream of living in a place that opens right onto the street. I don't know why I've always been fascinated with it, but I sure have.
I'm a lousy writer, but I'll be back to see the other acts and the big ending! :-)
Have a wonderful weekend!
Huggies and lovies,
PS......your new header is wonderful, but I MISS the old one!
What a witty and delightful post! I am so glad I came to visit, can't wait for act II.
xo Lidy
I don't know what kind of man Monsieur Bergeron is, but his assistant Monsiur balzac is a puppy dog. I'm intriqued!
oh, I had a FABULOUS time!! You are so beautifully talented! J'adore le chien Balzac. (I botched that BIG TIME didn't I!) You make me want to study French again. You are so gifted! SO happy I met you in this wonderful land of blogville!!!! au revoir, deb
Wonderful and magical post.
Happy weekend!
Bonsoir Mme. Anita! I am loving my night on the town! I so very seldom have a chance to dress up and attend the theatre that I am beside myself with delight.
What a lovely and lighthearted play. I j'adore M. Balzac! I wait anxiously for Act II. I believe I will wear my little plum red frock that night!
Have the loveliest of weekends!
PS - am loving the new look of your blog.
You Won! Yes, if you send me an email with your address, I can send you your treasure!! Thanks for being a dear one! Blessings.
You`ve got talent, Anita :) Next Saturday, I will come again to the second act ;)
But for now, after this delicious first act, I will stay in the terrace enjoying the evening and trying to guess how it will be nest saturday...;)
A little glass of champagne to celebrate this beautiful play? Do you join me? :)
Cheers, my dear :)
Congrats, Anita! Isn't Amy wonderful??!!
Oh Anita you just keep putting a smile on my face.... how delightful ... I love how you combine your illustrations so well but one day I thing I want to see the work of YOUR hands!!!!LOve
Oh man! I cannot believe that YOU wore the same gown!!!
What are the chances?
so sorry that I was "fashionably" late -
I had to let the dog out.
Extra, Extra, hear all about it...What an evening to behold! Jacqueline From Once Upon a Fairyland came dressed in purple velvet with an evening purse filled with pink hankies and puppy treats for Sadie Mae and Misha Mae in the shape of hearts.
Sadie Mae was dressed in her zebra shawl and her bling heart necklace and she howled and sang acapella for 20 minutes with glee. Misha Mae had diamonds in her chihuahua ears and her jacket was full of red sequins with a gold bow...The puppies were so content when they found the milk waiting on the patio. Thank you dear Anita for giving us a night to remember. The puppies are sleeping...you simply wore them out.
I love it but I must run. As charming as our dear Monsiur Balzac is, I believe he may have fleas. Odd, he looks so perfectly groomed!
Hugs and kisses.
Your Cousin,
Marie Elizabeth
Oh Anita what a delightful post! I could stay here all week! I was away yesterday and today, as I told you, and now I am too overwhelmed with all eye candy over here to read well. So I cuddle up in this beautiful theatre, yes in that red velvet chair just behind the column. And when I wake up I am going to read everything you wrote, so I will be back, but I just wanted you to know that I love what I see here. Well done!
What a fun post AGAIN! I just love Audrey Hepburn! :)
Speaking of being "fashionably late"...I was out of town yesterday, but I am here now and dressed in my basic black. Oh good...a sweet little puppy in the first act. Anita, excitement is mounting!! ~Hugs, Patti
Anita, a wonderful post!Just waht i needed. Balzac is just my favourite x
brava! brava! brava!
I adore Balzac!
Beautiful and wonderful! I am so happy to have found your blog! Have a beautiful day!
Hooray for a new play! I do hope you are well!
Hi Anita,
I'm a little late for the play!!
Love it!!
I wasn't even home Saturday night!! My weekend was crazy!!
Glad I got to visit now though.
All is quiet this morning.
You are so creative, by the way. You know me, it's my favorite trait.
Have a wonderful day!!
Hello my Dear!
This is a wonderful start to a glorious story. Mr Balzac is a cutiepie! Just a reminder that many people are going back to school or their children are going back to school. It is a busy season. Don't worry about the dwindling. Those whom you really love will always be here.
How fun, lively and entertaining! And creative! You have a gift for making things lovely wherever you go. Can't wait for the next part.
What luck to have stumbled upon such an enchanted space as this! I am bowled over by all of it. I wish to stay forever.
Merci, mon ami!
Good evening Anita, Charli and I really enjoyed act one of your play. It was marvelous. Charli thought it was a musical and howled right along with Mosiur Balzac. What a fine and charming little dog he is. Charli is in love ♥ We hope you are having a wonderful week. We can't wait for Act II
audrey hepburn is one of my favorite old school actresses. she was so pretty! thanks for posting this!
Looking forward to Saturday evening...You know,we can't stop singing 'Je Chante'...its been in our head all week..It sounds a bit funny when Gustave is singing it so now he plays it on the banjo...Hug from all of us:)
oh what a delight to be greeted by Mr Charles Trénet on opening your blog!
Your delightful blog has exactly the same tone of joie de vivre and gaiety!
and yes, ces robes sont très élégantes...
i'll certainly be back !
and thank you for your visit too...i enjoyed reading about your connection to Spain and that you danced flamenco...bravo!
Hi Anita,
I told you I would be there, just a little late-hehe.
Absolutely wonderful. You are so imaginative. Your students must adore you.
Thank you for entering my little giveaway.
Oh I so enjoyed myself this evening - thank you for such a delightful time. I look forward to more enchanting fun!!
Bonjour Anita, I came back here for some calorie free refreshments and to savour your post once more. I love it up here! There must be a lot of excitement behind the scenes to put everything in order for the première of the second act tomorrow. Once again I will be joining you for that a tad late. We are invited by my cousin to spend the weekend with her, so I will not be able to be here on Saturday night. I don't want you to think that I am not coming or staying away for whatever reason. I just will be late, but I am looking forward to the second act already. Have a nice weekend and enjoy the play. Break a leg! (I do hope you are familiar with this custom that actors here and in Germany, wish each other braking a leg before playing, I thought this wish is international, but I'm not sure, hence my explanation)
Dearest.. there are troubles with the music..I hope the band will be able to play tomorrow..if not Gustave can take his banjo with him .?
My playlist isn't working..Luckely I have another one for emergencies. Hope it will work out oke...on the list there are 180 songs I gathered in the last year..
We will all be there tomorrow...and this time I believe by automobile..Gustave's driving this time..
Hello Anita,This was most magificent!!! The music... fantasic.Loved it all, encluding the cutie dogs. Another fabulous post.That gown was truely wonderous.I would love to have something like that to wear,But alas, There would be nowhere to wear it around here.LOL...I best come down from out of the clouds and go feed my peacocks in my old glad rags. XXOO Marie Antionette glad rags
Oh Anita,
How charming! Thank you for making my afternoon a little more light. I did have to turn Balzac off just a wee bit early due to my big french oaf here (Zeke)... he did object just a bit.
I apologize for arriving so late, but am so pleased I made it before Act II.
Happy weekend!
Yes, Anita come a couple weeks into September, we'll all be sitting at our computers visiting once again. It's like this each year and so good everyone's out having a lovely Summertime. I know I've had a hard time wanting to do regular work things and it's been so nice to take some time to breath and relax! I believe you've got a couple weeks left, right? Enjoy them sweetie. I'll see you for Act II - can't wait and yes, Zeke's recovered from the Balzac incident ;)
Hi Anita! No, we didn't buy the set. I think we're going to stick with the bed set we have now until it falls apart. Tom nicknamed it The Velvet Fog years ago, and it's soooo super comfy! :D
Bonsoir Madame!
Oh I did not miss Act I, you only thought I did! I arrived late because of a unfortunate couture probleme. The zipper would not go up on my sparkling gold & silver gown, oh I was so upset Madame!
So I searched through my closet of evening attire and chose my favorite black gown only to find it had not been cleaned after the last play I had worn it to. Oh the deception! I finally settled on the lovely puce with seed pearls on the bodice.
As I entered the theater the play had already begun. I did not want to draw attention to myself and go to my reserved seat in the front row so I found an empty seat in the back row and quietly settled in for the remainder of Act I.
It was a splendid Act of poetry! Oh how I enjoy the art of poetry. I am so impressed by your writing Madame! It is magnifique!! I am ready for Act II... oh it's already starting... I must go!!
Bisous, Sherry
Hello my dear friend...I hope you don't have to go out in this rain storm!!...Thank you for your sweet comment on my today post..I forgot to mention who wrote this lovely poem..it wasn't me( I wish)..its..Rose Amy Fyleman(1877-1957)I think you will love her sweet poetry..
Anita and you speak spanish, that is fantastic.
Love Renee xoxo
Anita!! What a delicious post and the images are incredible! I love this idea! Your creativity boundless!!! Just fantastic my friend!!!
Vous êtes si douée! Quel début charmant! Sorry that I have missed the opening act and all of the other acts of your play. What bad timing for me miss visiting your blog! I have not spent much time on the computer in the last few weeks, so I am so sorry for being late. If I were still teaching, this would be such a fun little supplemental story to read to my French students. I could just imagine their contributions!
I am off to read the Act Two!
You find some truly FABULOUS photos!
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