"A good teacher is like a candle---it consumes itself to light the way for others." - Author unknown
Teaching is like THE DANCE; it requires intense training from the masters

under whose scrutinizing observations

the precision of the science
is demanded and expected

in order to give birth to the wonder of the art.

Flexibility in all circumstances

prepares you to be ready and fit

to withstand the pain of having to eventually say

Au Revoir Les Enfants

To do it effectively, the dance leaves one spent

Mais ça vaut la peine, YES, it's worth it all, because the reward of seeing your students take flight in the colors of their uniqueness

is richer

and sweeter

and more beautiful

than the glory of the dance itself.
Another school year awaits in the wings

but before our little charges come back to school

with a friend

with the one you love

or toute seule

and rejoice in a job well-done.

To all educators and parents everywhere.
Photo Credits:
Autographed Point Shoes from the blog BALLET NEWS
Photos of Desserts from the book Paris Patisseries, Flammarion
Black and White Paris Images from the book, Parisiennes: A Celebration of French Women, Flammarion
Dear Anita, what a beautiful post!!! I wish my children could have you as a teacher, because you have a real teachers heart! This post brought back sweet memories to me also as I used to dance ballet! Ballet images are always so beautiful! Thanks for the inspiration and have a lovely weekend!!
Kristin xx
Ahhh Anita...such beauty once again...and a bit bitter sweet as you are excited for the respite but sad to say "au revoir"...well I say "Hallelujah Sister" congratulations on a job VERY well done.
I on the other hand must appologize for not being as attentive as I should be. Life just seems to be speeding up...and I can't seem to catch up. So if, perhaps you don't hear from me know that I am with you in spirit. Went Vancouver way today to pick up a few treasurers for the store and managed to find a lovely wire urn that I shall moss and plant up for the garden. Soon I shall share a snappy or two...just waiting for a few finishing touches.
Well sweet one , will wish you a peace filled weekend, with much time with your dearest...once again your writing and images are so inspiring, I shall dream of those pretty tutus and wonderful slippers. Thank you dearest, until tomorrow...sweet dreams Rosie
Well done dearest friend..well done..your students will treasure you forever...and now..ENJOY you summer time..BIG BIG HUG...:)))))
Words of a true teacher! ;-)
Great post!
Kristin has right: "you have a real teacher's hart".
And now: Summer is almost here!!!
Bonjoue dear Anita,
Marvelous! You have captured all the joy and pain of a teachers's heart as Kristin said. Your sweet charges are so blessed to have teach them. Your images are gorgeous. The last one is so full of joy - enjoy your summer with your love!
Chez toi choux à la crème et danse vont trop bien ensemble !
Mais je pense que c'est chez toi seulement et pas ailleurs !
Bisous rieurs pour un très beau week-end ma chère Anita.
"Au revoir les enfants" est un film magnifique de Louis Malle ...
Hi dear Anita...how well rewarded you must feel at the end of a school year...I bet you are a magnificent teacher...I feel that you are!!! Thank you for visiting my part of the world...and here's cheers to a wonderful weekend for you...Dzintra♥x
Dear Anita,
I know well this sensation, but it's beautiful to help our boys to grow and mature and to guide them in the way of his future.
I hope that you could rest and to fill again with ideas and force to initiate a new year.
Happy weekend,you deserve it
The sentiment is brilliant and generous. I remember hearing when I was young that love is letting the beloved fly free... the same can be said for teachers...prepare them to fly and encourage them to soar. A great life, I would say Anita!
Bonjour ma belle!
Congratulations on getting through a challenging year mon professeur! You deserve a wonderful break of relaxation and reflection. I know what an intense year this was for you and I salute you for handling it with such grace. You are an incredible person Anita and I'm so happy to be able to call you my friend, mon amie.
I'm looking out my front window as I type watching the male swan, I call him King Henry, after my Grandpa Henry, as he wakes up and preens himself to get ready for the day. I love it here and am so happy that God led us here.
Have a splendid week sweet one.
Lots of love to you & Ruben!!
Bisous, Sherry
Oh Anita.. What a beautiful post!
Your children are very lucky indeed to have a Teacher such as you.
Enjoy dear friend!
Bisous, Penny
Beautiful! The end results are gorgeous. But I can still remember ten-year-old me, being stretched out like a slinky by my sadistic ballet instructor. YOW!
Anita, your words are so lovely and heartfelt. I've always wondered how it must be to "grow" students for a year and then release them into the hands of another teacher. I get misty-eyed at year-end when the teachers say good-bye!! What a glorious marriage of words and images, sweet friend. I hope that your upcoming holiday renews you in body and spirit, so you'll come back to the dance more dedicated than ever!!! xx Suzanne
Hi Anita,
Lovely! The girls are out of school and enjoying time with mom. Enjoy your time off. I know you love your students but now is the time for you.
Years ago, Jeff's favorite teacher was his french teacher at the Lycee. She was a tough one!
At the time, she was his least favorite teacher but now he thinks she was his favorite. Time has a way of changing things.
big hugs,
Ahhhhh I can so relate to this my friend...teaching is the BEST job in the world! Only those that LOVE it should be in it.
Are you finished right now?
We still have 2 weeks..
B E A U T I F U L ... and heart-felt. What delightful images you have found that speak volumes, and your wonderful text ... so touching! I am sure this past school year you have sparked the imaginations of your students, imparted wisdom, and touched their lives with love.
Happy Summer Vacation!!!
~ Violet
Great post!
Words of a true teacher!
The end results are gorgeous.
Happy Vacation!!!
ces images merveilleuses choisies par tes soins nous révèlent,soutenues par tes mots ,toute la passion que tu voues à ta vocation,comme j'aurais aimé avoir une prof comme toi!
Oh Anita, i wish there would be more teachers like you - people who treasure the beauty of life and see the best in others, so important for kids! But i know how strenuous it can be to deal with so much teenage energy from day to day. Have a wonderful vacation back in California and really take time to relax - a change of scenerie and people feels so good from time to time!
Bonjour Anita!
Have your students read this Anita? As this is not only about yo,u it is about how you feel a real good teacher should feel about them too. I just love everything about that and I feel you must be a magnificent teacher. You explain the beauty of the profession and what it is all about perfect to us, thank you. This blogpost could well be in the first chapter of books for every education that trains people to teach!
Your pupils were lucky to have you as their teacher. Now the time to enjoy a lovely break starts! Load up your battery Anita and relax and enjoy, bisous LiLi
Ah, summer! It's finally here. Thank you Anita for the wonderful job you do educating young minds. I know Anja Beth thinks so! Have a fun and adventerous summer!
Dear Nita... I am late but i am here.... oh my see Micha made my heart stop for a moment.... He was was and is one of the very best dancer EVER... I loved Nuriev too but nothing like Micha ( short for Michael,grin)
Your post is just like you Nita... Beautiful! You now go and enjoy your summer vacation .... give a warm hug to those that we share friendship and enjoy the rest of teh summer... Love you....Tita
Oh, wonderful! It is so clear that you are one of those teachers who truly cares, that is a beautiful thing! Enjoy your well-deserved break!!
That sentence is so real...teachers and parents,both lose part of our light and give it to our pupils and children...I'm teacher and mother of two teenagers so I'm really consumed...
I 'm waiting ansious for my summer holidays,so I hope my candle will grow again.
If only my little ones could have you for a teacher- I know it must be sad to see one group go and then before you know it, a whole new bunch of faces are there and ready, depending on you to shape and mold their fascination for learning. They are so lucky to have you! You possess so many wonderful gifts! I wish you a fabulous trip to my homestate - I wish I could go back too! Relax and enjoy your friends! You deserve a magical magnificent journey, just like the ones you allow us to escape to every week here!!!!!! love deb
Oh Anita!
The children that call you teacher are very fortunate! I am sure every class is an adventure and a job well done.
Thank you to all the wonderful educators that love their jobs and our children. One person can make a difference.
Happy Weekend!
Yea! You're done!!!! We are counting the days!!
i love the elegance of old world and this classical piece just swifts me away! thanks for dropping by, am your new follower. lovely blog, indeed! hope you are enjoying your weekend! verbena cottage
"To do it effectively, the dance leaves one spent..." If that's the case I've been VERY effective!hehe :)
I have 2 days of meetings,etc. left, then I will be doing a "heureux de danse" with you!
Well greeting dearest,
How was the fist day of your summer vacation??? MARVELOUS, I bet...I am so happy for your well deserved respite. You give so much of your self for others, it is now time for you to enjoy a little pampering. I should love to take you to a wee cafe, for a scrumptious treat, a hot cuppa and a long bout of girl~talk.
well, today was so BUSY...lots of wonderful ladies, who just want to have a little girl time. They are generally happy, and enjoying life. I really enjoy the occupation God had laid out for me. OK, having said that, we have three HUGE pieces leaving the shop on Monday...{translation?...One huge dance floor to fill...MUCH creamy white paint on my paint brush tomorrow...cest la vie...ah dearest time for a little sleep...sweet dreams dear friend...love Rosie
oh my...please forgive my spelling and punctuation...this is why you preview...yawn..."bonne nuit mon amour"
Anita, That all teachers would grab a hold and never let go of your example. Thank you for being the teacher you are...I know you're underpaid.
Thanks for your nice comment, Anita! I use alt print screen and then enter paint. I copy the image into paint. Then I cut the picture out and save it as an jpeg file. My husband is a data expert. It took me some time to learn this. It's kind of hard to explain too, because I am operating with Norwegian terms. Hope it helps you though! Have a great Sunday!
Kristin xx
Oui Anita, vous avez raison être professeur c'est être acrobate de haut niveau.
Donc l’année est finie, vous voilà en vacances ?
Venez-vous en France ?
Allez-vous voyager pour nourrir votre imaginaire ?
Et vous détendre !
J’espère qu’on aura de vos nouvelles ?
Et que vous nous rapporterez des merveilles.
Je vous embrasse.
Well put upon the paper...your words and pictures flow with deep meaning and appreciation.
You are teaching and mothering and shaping and correcting and inspiring and planting seeds of greatness in our future generation. God will surely say, Well done, good and faithful servant.
Have a beautiful and relaxing time in California...that's where they say the girls have FUN, FUN, FUN...in their T-Birds!
tres magnifique lettre!
I want to go back girl, I want to start over, try on shoes and fall in love the first teacher, the ethereal twist the foot of the teacher, the dream of becoming them.
Dance like a nymph or dream about it.
There is a photo od a dancer with long dark hair, is it YOU?
I love the quote at the begining.
This is such a beautiful post. Teachers after retirement, still can volenteer. Like one class a day.
Your candle won't go out. Love Yvonne
Oh to have the body and the grace of a dancer! What lovely photos and thoughts.
Hopefully, we all have a special teacher in our past or present. Mine was dear Mr. Hiemgardner from 2nd grade. That was a very long time ago, but I have never forgotten him.
Beautifully written, Dearest. You are a true teacher at heart and that truly is a gift. As a parent, I am hopeful each year, with fingers crossed, that my children will have a wonderful teacher as you. I am grateful beyond words for them.
Now it's time for YOU have a fabulous, well deserved summer! Before you know it, your students will be running into your arms, excited for a new school year.
Wishing you a beautiful week of painting, drawing and the many other talents you have. I sent you the photos I promised, I do hope you received them.
xoxo, B
Oh dearest,
I always have the volume turned down on my lap top, so as not to disturb my "boyfriend". Today decided I would sit outside in my comfiest chair, by the rippling water of my dearest's masterpiece. Then, a thought struck me, when it was time to chat with my "Minneapolis" girl ...I should listen to your musical selections so as to feel you were here in person. Your first song was my "lazy post" from the sound of music...we are definitely kindred sisters.
Ahhh, there was a lot of blissful painting today...and now a very pretty sideboard has a brand new outfit to wear. She is quite lovely. Still need to line the drawers, but that is after I get home from the big city tomorrow...
So very, very pleased to hear of your luxurious nap...you work soo hard...this is going to be such a fabulous summer for us...I have given up one more day of being in the shop...which really just means one more day of blissful painting at home...ahh, yes a very good summer in deed.
Well my dear, it's off to bed for me...hoping tomorrow is a truly blissful day, in your charming little world...doux rêves ami le plus cher .... amour Rosie
Lovely and sweet, Anita! You can tell so much about a person by reading her blog or looking at a creative endeavor that that person has put out for the world to see. How wonderful it would have been to have had you for a teacher for my children because I can tell you would have been a wonderful asset to their lives! I can only hope that there are more like you to go around! ~Hugs, Patti
Chère Anita c'est une très belle définition de notre profession que parfois n'est pas trop valorée, c'est une très jolie forme d'en parler, et vous n'avez rien oublier, très complète. Merci. Bisous. Esther
Anita! Anita!
I love your sendoff...your fare thee well to school and all it's glory!
you must take the time to rest up a bit....recharge your mental powers and gear up for yet another year soon to be upon us....
of teaching, sharing, nurturing your new set of students!
in the meantime....create, my dear! your studio awaits you!
ciao bella
I'm back, by the way...with my'truckload' of creativity, as you said I would be ! hehee
come by and see me!
ciao bella
creative carmelina
Dear Anita.....You have new charges waiting in the wings for next year. I'm sure you will begin to prepare the play for next year so they will excel once again!!
Blessings to you dear teacher.
Très juste et belle citation pour commencer ton billet
Je te souhaite de très agréables et merveilleuses vacances ...
This is a beautiful post. I love all the charming photos... after looking at a few of them, I feel I should go do some yoga stretching.
Hello dear friend. I give you my standing ovations. To be sure this post is vrai. For, I have likened teaching to performing for purpose often and it is such a hard job and big joy. It is like no other for each mind is what you touch with all your work. I am proud of you friend. Enjoy the summer. You deserve it. Glad to know your place here for such wonderful posts and your kindnesses.
Beautifully said and the delivery was impectable. Thank You.
Beautiful, simple and elegant. Enjoy your summer and refresh for the next year of students. Happy relaxing...
What beautiful pics of an art I so love and admire, I tried and tried and my toes just were not meant to be on it's tips, maybe I started far to late, I was 15 when I took my first dance class, so needless to say after 2 years I gave it up!!!!But my 2 daughters began dancing at the age of 3, and one danced til she was 16, the other gave it up at age 9 or so, but now my little grand daughter at the very young age of 2 is taking a mommy and me ballet class and seems to Love it!!!!!
SO our days will and years will once again be centered around dance and recitals!!!!!Which makes me smile!!!!!
Eh bien bonjour madame de loisirs, comment cette suite la vie de détente style vous avez envie ... Eh bien, je l'espère ... Wish I a été en sirotant un verre de champagne rosé, tout en se promenant à travers vos magnifiques jardins ... Au lieu de cela, ma peinture brosse à faire. La barre latérale a une belle mousseux à miroir ... Elle est très glamour ... Effectué un voyage dans la grande ville ... ramassé quelques friandises pour mes dames délicieux. Demain ... je vais aller faire des emplettes pour un tout petit peu de tissu pour ma .... hmmmm ... Canapé français la pensée de vinyle blanc crémeux ... lui donner un petit avantage. Eh bien, il est temps pour un repos bien mérité ... dors bien mon cher, et je vous ferai une gaufre croustillante avec des baies fraîches agrémenté d'un "baiser" de crème Devonshire, pour des rêves doux petit-déjeuner ... ... l'amour Rosie (mon ami le "traducteur" m'a aidé avec cette sorte espérons qu'il fait sens, que mon français est assez limité .... vous envoie un sourire ... xoxo ... Rosie
The end of school for me as well-it feels great to have time to regroup!
Mon Ami Anita!
What a beautiful post!!! I just returned from a week-end in Bermuda with a girlfriend and what lovely pictures to start my day! HHL
Another year of accomplishing the task of teaching your class, and inspiring each child. It is just like a dance, and those like yourself who find joy in teaching are the star of ballerinas.
Such a lovely post filled with beautiful images. It is summer and now you can fill your days with creating.
Oh Anita, how I love coming to your blog. The images are outstanding (I LOVE ballet!) and the words so inspiring. Keep on making us dream. Well done.
Fabulous post...
Bravo to teachers everywhere!!!
Especially to the ones who enlightened my way...
xoxo~Kathy @
Sweet Up-North Mornings...
Loved my visit here.
hello dearest, what did you enjoy today? ahhh...to have the entire summer spread out before you...just waiting for you to plan your itinerary...such excitement!Are you all packed and ready to go? I too am planning a little get~away. A few months back, My dearest booked a little cabin on a remote little lake. We take our boat and the pup and away we go. Bill is an avid fly fisherman and I am happy with a good book, fuzzy blanket, and a treat or two. Our pup is just thrilled to come as she snuggles up and shares the blanket with me
Todays post shows snippets of my home...hoping to show a bit more throughout the summer...
Well sweet one...still have a bit of my post to finish so will bid you farewell until tomorrow. Hoping you have a charming day fill with many pleasant surprises...sending a big smile ...love Rosie...xoxo
Thank You for your sweet visit and your lovely comments...
Yes blogging has left us both with a wonderful year of memories..
I never thought I would have met so many inspiring women...truly a delicious experience...to say nothing of enriching!
I noticed I had followed you a while back...where have I been?
Well ...our life has been a bit crazy I guess...
But I surely will be stopping in from now on!
Have a wonderful time away...
will be looking forward to your return.
xoxo~Kathy @
Sweet Up-North Mornings...
You are a divine soul, Ms. Anita. This is such a beautiful post. I can feel your passion in your writing and of course the photos are incredible visual representations of that.
Sending you little butterfly wing kisses as you prepare to spend your summer taking some much deserved and needed time for you. :)
What a wonderful post and reminder of what the art of teaching is really all about!
My daughter was a french major, and hopes to one day be able to teach the language she loves to children!
Kat :)
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