and taking my bags-

To Paris for some serious power shopping on the Champs Elysées?

Mais non...
To a little cottage up on the Maine coast?

Not this year...
To Lake Como, Italy and its surroundings?

In my dreams.
But where I'm going in reality is much better.
Because, I'm going

To see my family

old friends

and new.

I will however, miss each and everyone of you, especially because I will not, unfortunately, have access to the internet. So please

and as I turn to look back on all the kindness and JOY I have found with you

and squeeze through the old, creaky door to my beloved past

through the garden of my youth

know that I will be back in full swing for some summer dreamin' on the shores of our imaginations

and on the paths leading to our pleasures.

Speaking of which ma chère amie française, Sacha created a GORGEOUS garden tour of my absolute favorite garden in the world. You can visit her tour HERE and even though you may not speak French fluently, the photos speak for themselves and will tell volumes of my dream garden, whatever your idiom.

Now for another source of inspiration from my SOUL SISTA The Dutchess, I leave you with this hip-swingin' mood-altering, inspiring bit of music, dance and fun. Come on y'all and dance with me....
Image of blue garden door from the MUST SEE GORGEOUS BLOG: Casa Bella
Google Images
Parisian Women from the book: Les Parisiennes, Flammarion
Dear Anita,
Good trip and have a happy rest and a few wonderful hollidays with those that more you love.
We will miss and wait impatient for your return,
Big hugs
Hello my dear,
Well congratulations on a trip home. I am just thrilled for you. Going home is a way of rejuvenating the spirit.
I can't tell you how much I have appreciated your comments and support over the last week. It has meant more than you know. If I were with you in person I would give you a big weepy hug. ;)
Have a ball while you are away and I'll look forward to hearing all about your adventures when you return.
have a wonderful visit home. Everyone will be waiting impatiently for you to arrive as we wait impatiently for UK daughter to visit home in a few months!
How wonderful for yu, to get to go home!
You will be missed here in Blog Land - but know I will be keeping an open seat and warm tea cup - waiting for your return visit.
Safe travels my friend! HHL
Have a wonderful trip and enjoy your time with your family and friends! We'll be here when you get back.
Anita.....Have a wonderful time with your family! We will see you when you return! ~Hugs, Patti
Dear Anita,
You will be missed but certainly not forgotten! I wish you a glorious vacation trip home filled with happy reunions, shared meals from old family recipes, special desserts and just plain FUN!
Bon Voyage!
Have a wonderful tie with your family, dear Anita~ I'll be awaiting all of the glorious details!
Dearest Anita...Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy going back home...Home Sweet Home!!! We will wait patiently for you to come back to Blogland...Peter and friends all safe here and waiting to come over and greet you Welcome Home.Enjoy your Summer...and who can believe that next week the Sun will slowly turn and make its way to the Land Down Under...Have a safe and happy trip...Dzintra♥x
I am going to miss you so much!! have a wonderful and safe, time my dear!!*grin*
Let me not forget to mention how much I love this post... so said it so beautifully...like always!
Love you~
Have fun Anita!! (I want that hair in the first photo...she's too cute)
Shall I wave toodle-do or hug you back to your happy home? I shall miss you for sure but I'm sitting right in your heart and it was nice to travel with you. Tee hee...or maybe I was the gnome in your pocket. So HAPPY you were able to go on such a grand adventure. I want to hear all about it!
Dear Anita, have a wonderful time, safe travel to and back - and enjoy the Summer ! kind regards and wishes for much joy,
Have a wonderful time!
Loved the pictures...
Oh my, have a most wonderful time! You deserve it! And say hello to The City for me! Enjoy!
Hugs, Kirsten
Have a nice trip to your family home and enjoy your hollidays.
Have fun and take care, kss
There is no place like a home. Have a very good time catching up with family, friends and news.. Your dream vacation sounded wonderful too
Enjoy..be safe
Have a wonderful trip dear Sista...go and find some happiness.:))))
Hugs from all of us..xoxo
Oh my, for a minute there I thought I had to travel to Paris to see you! heeeeee.. Have a wonderful time with your family and hope to see you soon my friend. Beautiful post!
Love, Penny
Have a wonderful summer, Anita! Tell everyone we said hello.
Loved this post and that video was a kick...cha cha ha, y'all.
Bonnie and the furry ones
Dear Anita,
have a wonderful and safe holiday! We will miss you while you're away but I'm thrilled that you and your love are going home to be with family and friends.
xoxo, B
Have a wonderful time Anita, so good to go home from time to time - and sometimes not so bad to not have access to the internet ... You'll have tons of inspirations, as you get back! Nevertheless i'm going to miss you, you really feel like a friend by now! xox, M.
Dear Anita, Have a wonderful trip home. You will be missed! xxxVicki
Have fun, I hear it's just lovely there!
Funny you are showing the "cha-cha" today. I took Sister Lolotte to my home town, on the river yesterday. She was fascinated with the tranquil water, birds, boats and peacefulness of it all. It was like taking a child to the sea for the first time in her life. We had lunch on the dock with my mom and Sister's other cousin my Aunty Jeanine. My sister was the hostess. After our Indian dinner that I made, Sister wanted my mom and I to dance the "cha-cha". Now mom is 91, so it wasn't as easy as she remembers : )
I had Sister home by 10:00 pm, exhausted, but blessed to know she was re-united with her beloved cousins, for what may be the last time : (
Take advantage of your precious family Anita. Have fun, laugh, hug, embrace. That's what it's all about.
Bon Voyage mon amie.
Love You
Love Me
Have such a wonderful time and we will be waiting for you when you get back!!
Que vous ayez un bon voyage! Amusez-vous et nous vous attendrons patiemment votre retour.
Dear Anita, I will certainly miss your beautiful inspiring posts! Perhaps the garden photos will hold me over till you return. Have a wonderful time with your family and friends. Life is but a second, drink them all in! xoxo Christel
ENJOY!! ENJOY!!!! ENJOY!!!!!! Wishing you well!! Cathy
Have a good time ...
Have fun! Always great to go home :)
Safe travels my dear and enjoy all of your time with family and friends. We must cherish all that we have. We will be here when you return to hear your wonderful stories.
you can go home again... and it is a good thing... have a great break from the blogosphere... we will miss your beautiful photos!
Have a wonderful vacation......we will be here when you return sweet friend.
What a lovely 'fare-thee-well' post. I just know you will have a fabulous time! And since my wonderful treasure arrived from you today, I will have this delightful creation to keep me company while missing your blog posts, and especially your emails!!! I wish you sunshine and laughter and friendship and leisure, and wonderful summery moments! And for sure you will bring home some inspiration and ideas ... Will miss you Anita,
~ Violet
P.S. Do you own that Parisianne Women book? I saw it at a shop last year and put it on my list of books I'd love to own! Great photographs.
Oh happy travels my sweet friend. I'll pretend I'm with you, as I am soooo homesick!!! I wish you the best vacation and I'll miss you! Can't wait to hear all about it when you come back! Have a wonderful, magical time!!!!!
love you!!! xoxoxoxo
bon voyage et bon séjour parmi les tiens,je suis persuadée que tu vas nous revenir débordante d'enthousiasme et de nouvelles idées..
à bientot
Ahhh...this is "bitter sweet" my dear friend, as I am excited to know you will be having an exhilarating,much needed rest, selfishly oh, I shall SO miss you...what ever will I do when I wander out, sleepy eyed,early in the morning, and not find your encouraging, sweet words to greet me. I shall really miss you...thankfully, some of the time, I too, shall be relaxing...I am soooo excited...as I have not left the store for more than a few days for a VERY long time {she is my baby, you see} I do have the best ladies who work so hard in the store and are more than able to keep the ship afloat...but I still worry{needlessly}
Had a lovely time, today out and about...picked up "THE COOLEST ISLAND" for the creek. I had never seen anything like it...planted like a hanging basket, this little treasure trove of beautiful trailing and huge upright plants floats aimlessly at the pond end, ...the silver lining to this already fine story is that, I went around selecting all the wonderful, narrelly, crazy tangled lovely plants, and the nice lady planted it up in front of us so we could see the immediate beauty. So much fun...
So MUST clean my little house tomorrow{you know I do acctually enjoy this quite a lot...no, thinking this is not normal, but LOVE the results...you and I are on the same page here...thank you kindred sweet one.
Whatever will be "Cinderella's" reward, you may ask? Well, I have a pretty cute white "French settee" that is going in for a new dress. Thinking, a little bit edgier, maybe...white vinyl...we'll see...oh dearest already it is time to wish you "SWEET DREAMS"...well have the best day tomorrow, and I shall have a hot cuppa waiting for my dearest friend, when you awake...sending a sweet little kiss and hug your way...go forth and smile...Rosie
Bonjour Anita,
Wishing you a wonderful stay at home, you know that there is no place like that! You will be missed Anita and of course we will not forget you, but wait patiently for you to come home and share your wonderful stories with us. Relax, enjoy and be inspired, au revoir et à bientôt!
xoxo LiLi
Tous ces endroits dont vous parlez chère Anita, sont des endroits de rêve, ill y en a beaucoup sur la planète et on n'en parle pas assez. Heureusement, il y a des blogs comme le votre pour les montrer, pour montrer que la Terre n'est pas un endroit à pourrir par les marchands du temple.
Je pense souvent à vos belles cotes de Louisiane détruites, nous avons eu la même chose en France, il y a des années, ils ne se sont pas calmés pour autant. Heureusement quelques endroits restent préservés, mais jusqu'à quand ?
merci de me faire rêver chère Anita et à très bientôt.
Amitiés de Fine.
I know that you are off having a lovely lovely time. Didn't even expect a post this week, clever girl! It's a beautiful one ~ full of life. A lot like YOU, I suspect! Soak up all of that CA sunshine and the love of your family and friends and bring it all back with you!
xx Suzanne
Oh WOW ! Such a wonderful story - you really have made a perfect post here !
Dear Anita! Some of these images are just so breathtaking! I love them! I wish you the most wonderful holiday! I will be leaving in about a week, too, so we won't be talking for a while! Of course, I will not forget you! Take care!! And have a blessed holiday!
xoxo Kristin :)
Bon voyage mon cher ... nous aurons la meilleure tasse de thé à votre retour. Vous allez nous manquer beaucoup ... xoxo ... Rosie
Oh have a sweet trip....I love going home! Nothing is better. Will miss you but I know you will be having fun. xoxoox Sending you some extra hugs today to take with you. xox
Hello Anita,
I hope you have the most fab time.Being with famil is very important these days. Take lots of pics.See you when you get back.Sorry I have not posted much,but I'm going to try and do better,
XXOO Marie Antionette
Beau retour chez toi ma très chère Anita.
Je te souhaite un inoubliable séjour rempli d'émotion, de joie et d'émerveillements ...
Qu'il te soit doux au coeur.
Je t'embrasse très tendrement.
Have a wonderful time with family and friends. Safe travels to you.
have a wonderful time dear... a well deserved vacation. hope to see you soon! verbena cottage
...guess where I'll be....
in the kitchen...hopefully eating a tamale ~
Have a wonderful trip Anita. How lovely that you get to spend time with your family.
Enjoy your trip.
Hi Anita...have a magnificent trip and a super magical time..i know you will with that big shining heart you carry wherever you go! Enjoy!
Blessings and magic!
Oh sweet girlie...
I hope you're having the most wonderful time! What joy....getting to go visit the family you love. WHOOOPPPEEE!
Can't wait to hear the tales of your trip when you get back.
You will be sooo missed.
Have a wonderful time visiting your family!!! It's always nice to go home......
Margaret B
there's nothing like a group hug ...
kisses to your sweet family
school's out..and you're one your way home! yeah! have a great time!
come back refreshed my dear...
it is so much fun visiting you!
ciao bella
creative carmelina
Hope your having a wonderful time...soaking up that FAMILY GOODNESS...having a cuppa in your honor...but the party's not quite the same without you...miss you lots...love Rosie
Thinking of you on your bon voyage! Blessings.
My dearest Anita,
so glad you have had a chance to go home and visit your family and friends - new and old.
I'll surely be counting the days until you come back with so much to share and some marvelous magic journeys to take us along on.
I will miss you greatly but your break is something you highly deserve so I'll be thinking of you and picture you doing fantastic adventures surrounded by your beloved ones, which you'll then share.
take good care
Well my dear girl...hope you are having a splendid time with your dear Rubin...I have left a little welcome home present on my June 21st post especially for you...sweet dreams...Rosie
Dear Anita, I hope you have an absolutely fabulous trip. What fun! There is really no place like home♥
Have the best of times with your loved ones, I am sure you will! How nice for you. Makes me a bit homesick for my own family.
Fairies invite you to a party in this magic nigth
missing you lots...one more sleep... we leave tomorrow...oh, Anita I just can't wait...back to packing love...Rosie...
"I will never forget you"...words from Titanic. Have a fabulous time you...going home. Home is always a good place to go...good for the heart and soul. Come back refreshed love...you will surely be missed. ox~Fairmaiden
There is NO place like HOME!!!!
Have a great trip and have fun with family and friends!!!!
Eat somewhere new, try a fun adventure in your home town!!!!
I will not forget you
I hope you will have a wonderful trip home, can't wait to hear about it when you get back!!! hugs~~~Daphne
Je suis très contente de votre voyage, c'est toujours agréable de retrouver la famille!! Bon Voyage et bonnes vacances! Les photos du post très jolies!!! Un baiser, Esther
Good Morning Anita Sweetie...
I so wanted to pop over and say hello. I see that you have gone home to visit family and I am so thrilled over the top for you sweetie. What a wonderful way to start the Summer. Can't wait to see the postings that come from your trip.
Your posting is exquisite as always. What a beautiful place to visit. I love the new header too.
I go back to the doc on the 9th of July and he will decide then when I may go back outside to play. I hope it is soon, I am tired of watching the world go by through the glass windows and doors of the house. I want to swim with the family and have fun. I can hear the laughter and it makes me sad not to be out there too. Brie has kept me good company. Who would have thought that such a small little mouse would have so many stories to share and such a sweet voice to listen to. She has kept me company for many weeks now. She is never far from my side. I am going to add her into my post soon.
I will talk to you soon my friend. Country hugs and so much love, Sherry
Bonjour Anita,
Don worry you will never be forgotten!! Enjoy your fmalily and friend, there's no place like home (Dorothy was right)!
Is that you dear Anita in the royal blue gown?? Tell me I am correct! Beautiful!!
Safe travels and may this summer bring you much happiness in all your creative endeavors.
What a blast your blog is. I hope you have a splendid time with your dear ones. In the meantime I Will fantasize of all the other places you mentioned early on....... :) Visit me when you get back!
how could we ever forget our
i pray you have a lovely time
Dear Anita - it is 8:48 pm and I'm just finishing up my day. I left Ruben a message earlier and I wanted to stop by and tell you how much I loved our vist. Can you believe we talked for a whole 10 hours! It was the best, best get together ever. You are so beautiful still ... You and Ruben are an amazing couple. Maybe we really can come to visit Minnesota and get together with Denise and Sal ... you'd love them and I know they'd love you. I have to put you two in touch with them. Anyway Anita, glad your home safe and sound. Bless you always my friend.
(and the hubby too!)
girl, you'd better check in soon, before I have withdrawal
hope u had a blast
Dear Anita,
Sorry I miss this blog entry with al my exams. But I never stopped to think of you, wondering how you are, very well I thought, with family and friends. :-)
I'm very glad with your coming back to us, as usual full of energy and joy ;-)
You will show us some fotos of your California? your special places, etc...
Muchas recordaciones? Creio que sim ;-) from your family and friends.
Have a wonderful week, always with joy in your hart,
Your friend who is always with you in her toughts and hart,
Oh, how amazing! I hope you have a wonderful trip, sometimes it is better to go home than somewhere really fancy and exotic!
Welcome back home my dear...I have missed you so.
I hope your visit was filled with Joy in everyway.
Our sweet Rosie has been on holidays as well..as you probably know..so not only did I have you to miss ..I had her as well.
I have not tried to leave her a message..hope she is home soon and things get worked out with the comments...I know on some blogs I too have trouble leaving comments..so frustrating. Hugs and love. xoxo
Parcouru votre blog avec un réel plaisir.
J´ai aimé la selection de vos photos.
J´ai voulu inclure votre blog dans ma liste de blogs à visiter, impossible, le blog ne figure pas.
Have a nice day.
I will come back to have a look again
Dear Anita,
Refine Anita, your eloquent words are never topped. You just know how to say just the right words to fill someones heart with endearing return thouhts!
Your blogs are always refine, classy and inspiring. I just love it over here, I know I need to drop by more often and I will :)
I hope your trip went well, and the lasting memories stay fresh as you never left.
I will go back to check out the listed blog of great interest. I am sooooo! sure I will love it.
Merci pour votre belle visite à ma place.
Dear Anita, hope that you have rested very much and be so well.
Big,big hugs ,
Hi Anita, good to have you back in blogland, and good to hear your holidays were great! The good thing about being creative is - you can travel in your fantasy too, and sometimes these are the best trips. I often feel i need time to get away from everyone to explore my "inner space" and make use of what i find there. I'm sure you do the same in your wonderful home. Look forward to a fun summer, xox, M.
Anita, Je vous remercie une fois de plus.
Votre visites répétées signifie tellement pour moi, vos paroles sont sincères gracefull belle.
Burlap Luxe
Good trip, dear Anita, and have a wonderful holidays with your family.
I'm going to stroll through our garden favorite, this year I can not be in the night of the candles, but I'll remember.
We'll wait you.
Bonjour ma belle! I hope you had a fabulous holiday!!
We are thrilled with our new family member. He is absolutely wonderful.
I look forward to your next post and hearing each detail of your trip.
xoxo, B
Oh Anita! I'm so honored that you mentioned my blog! (blush, blush). I hope you have a wonderful time visiting your family. Thanks again and have a safe trip. Hugs!
Dear sweet Anita...welcome back to Blogland and thank you so much for your visit!!! So much fun you must've had catching up with your Dear Ones...Peter and friends are on their way to you...they left on Tuesday so hopefully will arrive next week...Have a wonderful weekend...Dzintra♥x
Bonjour ma belle!
WOW! I'm the 87th comment?? What a popular gal you are mon amie!! I'm so excited you got to go home and visit family & friends - an incredible way to spend part of your well-deserved time off. Hope it was an incredible journey for you. I have not been blogging very much of late - too much to do and working regularly - on a regimen to lose weight and walk walk walk. We are still getting settled in our condo. We have been working on the sweetie girls room and it is turning out nicely. Pink & green and girly! I hope to start posting about our new place soon. We are so happy here Anita. God has led us to a good place in our lives and I am so thankful for that!!
I just got my sewing machine out to work on some window treatments and it feels so good to see it and use it again.
I must go visit the garden tour when I get back from work today.
Much much love to you ma chere!!!
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