as we were lovingly escorted
into a minuscule
but mesmerizing little boutique
of unusual
and provocative objets d'art.
Of course, I just had to purchase some special glitter that I just can't find at our local craft store.
So after my purchase, I tucked away my bottle of this precious glitter in my travel bag and kept it safe and sound until future use on a really special project at home.
In the meantime, lush vineyards, rolling green countryside
and pink champagne

or rather, Brut Rosé

set the atmosphere for an exuberant and enchanting get-away where we were treated like royalty. From luxury

to the quaint
we entered into surroundings that glowed with the warmth of family and the exquisite taste of a master decorator who really knows how to make her guests feel appreciated.

Downy-soft sheets and pure white bedding

enveloped two weary travelers in the rare and sumptuous grasp of relaxed elegance

and indulgent pampering.

The magic continued down south as we prepared to meet with more family, friends and blogger pals. The flora
and the fauna of the city, however,

reeked havoc on my sinuses to colossal proportions
but I lived with it because I knew that I was in for a rare encounter that would put a smile on my face.
One sunny afternoon during our week-long stay, in the city of Old Orange, I finally met her. After a year of correspondence, laughter and sharing our illustrations on our team blog NOWHERE, I saw her and looked into her bright blue eyes for the first time.
My husband spotted her first as she approached our rental car, then as I looked up, I knew that it was Penny from Angelsdoor.
Lunch was too short. However, we exchanged sentiments of a surreal joy as well as gifts from the heart
as we ambled into some of the local antique shops in town before saying goodbye.
WE MAKE the magic happen. And there was much more to be made at a family reunion that weekend, where we reunited with not only my darling cousin Marie from Dancing in Tattered Shoes, but with the hysterically funny Debbie from the blog, From Venting to Viggo and the wry-humored Bunny from I'm Just Sayin'.
We laughed from 10:00am until almost 10:00pm and it was hard to leave. You see, I hadn't seen my aunt, my cousins and their children for 14 years.
It was heaven on earth. The moments we create today will be the memories we cherish tomorrow, and as I visited old haunts from our past in lovely Whittier, California
and life-time friends
we set off early in the morning to return back to our beloved Rabbit Hill, but not without a few thrills to make our exit yet another memorable event.
For reasons beyond our control, we were given the "special treatment" by the security staff at the airport at 6:00am and as my nifty black travel bag chugged through the inspection device, the guard seemed a bit concerned as he peered into his monitor. Calling over his supervisor while detaining me, they both closely scrutinized the contents of my bag and were puzzled about a small bottle of a suspicious, powdery, crystalline substance.
For only a few moments, my one and only treasure from The Tale of The Yak

came close to being confiscated, analyzed and discarded, but the memories of a visit well over-due can never be taken away.
Photo Credits:
Castles Crowns and Cottages
Google Images of beds
So glad you are back! Missed you! And what "[A] Tale of the Tail of The Yak." Wishing you well! Cathy
What a glorious time it looks like you had ~
Such precious and special memories ~
Dear Anita, what a wonderful trip! Beautiful images, as always, and so very happy to see you, and Penny! I always thought you two would look as sweet as you shine through here. xoxo Christel
So happy to have found your blog - I'm lovin' it!!!
I believe I saw 'The Tale of The Yak' featured in a magazine years ago - little teacups made from wax paper & other amazing delights. How wonderful that you were able to visit in person!
In fact, how wonderful your entire trip was!
Hi doll,
Welcome back! Sounds like you had a wonderful and memorable trip. Haha! about the mica powder. I'm glad to hear all ended well and that you were able to carry it with you.
I ended up loosing a vial of glitter I purchased out of the country. *sigh* Well, Martha Stewart made up for it with an suitable substitute.
Where is the book you've been making? I would love to have a peek.
Hi Anita..thankyou for sharing such a super-fabulous adventure full of beuaty, magic and wonderment...a feast for the eyes and all the senses..I am dazzled..thankyou!!You have such a shine to your heart and spirit and it shows through always! hugs!
Kiki~ Heart of a Wizardess
WELCOME BACK!!! Looks like a very memorable trip, overflowing with special memories to unpack and cradle in your mind! I think that I may have seen that cute shop featured in a magazine, sometime....it's so familiar, somehow! Maybe because it's so YOU : ) Thank you for already coming to call on me at P&H despite the fact that you must have so much to do to catch up and to also prepare for your new home addition. All exciting stuff! The photos that you took on your trip are just gorgeous....thank you for taking us all along on what looks like a lovely lovely time! xx Suzanne
Anita! You're back, you're back!! Hugs!!
Your trip looks like it went well. That store is to die for! I could totally spend hours in there....
Glad you're back...missed you!
Oh...how I've missed you...I thought I was going to keel over going through Anita withdrawls...Somewhere along the way, I must have fallen in love with my friend. How did that happen so fast? God only knows...
Penny...what a bright spot on the planet...so happy to finally see this magical dear hearted artist and blog pal. She is faithful as a fairy for sure!
I'm so happy you had fun and by the way, you look gorgeous doing it! And that gent with you. I hear he is a Gentle Ben type of guy...Penny spilled the beans to me...
Come and sign up my dear and meet Aunt Hattie who has just bought a Hut on Funkyjunk Lane! I suppose she is the gypsy girl in me...who loves old carpet bags with tricks!
Oh Anita what a treasured and memorable trip you have had...all to be cherished and re-visited time and time again!!! Sounds just like the best of times had by all...Here's a glass of pink bubbly for you to welcome you back...Dzintra♥x
You are glowing! ;-)) What a beautiful post! ;-)
Mille Bisous, Anita ;-)
Thank you for sharing the Joys of your trip...all looks so magical! I can not believe that lovely shop! So much fun! Mica powder is the Best treasure ever..oh to sprinkle it onto your world..pure joy!
So sorry you can not leave a comment on our sweet Rosies blog...I left one for you telling her that you are unable to get on.
Hugs for a happy day...xoxoox
Anita, that looks like you've had the most special trip - so fun you met some of your blogland friends. And that powder makes me curious - do you eat it?
Have a wonderful summer weekend back home!
Dear Anita, It sounds like you had such a wonderful time. I have never tried pink champane but I do love Korbel. I am excited to try it and serve it to my guests. Thank you. All of your images are lovely as usual and especially the ones of you and your dear hubby. The little misadventure at the airport made me giggle. I'm so glad you got to see freinds and family. Sigh.... Now you have some new memories to last a life time. Happy Fourth of July!
Love, Carol and Charli
Oh Anita! What fun to get a glimpse into your vacation and see photos of you with blogging pals etc!!! And you know, that shop is calling my name : ) I'm thinking it's a good thing the airport security weren't into glitter or yours would be gone! Yikes! ~ Your one and only treasure from Tail of the Yak... well, except for those you treasure in your heart of course, but mica glitter, well, that would have been such a waste.
Welcome back! I missed you so much!!!
~ Violet
Well dearest, your home!!!!
OH, I AVE MISSED YOU SO VERY MUCH...looks like you had a "fabulous" time...
I don't know why you can't leave me a message...but get the kettle on and I shall make a quick 911...411 call to my wise friend and see if I can figure this out...I'll be back shortly to chat...love you a ton...rosie
Anita we had so much fun and laughter...you've really come outta your shell my dear. Loved swapin' kid stories too! Hey...I go to the Orange circle all the time..pretty cool huh? So happy we got to connect again after all these years and finally meet the person behind ruben's thought provoking blog. Next time you guys can stay at my house as I have a guest room with your names all over it.
love to you both,
What a wonderful trip, full of emotions and meetings, it's magic to be able to know your friends blogger , I think so.
Have a wonderful and rested weend.I think you have a celebration for 4th of july....
Hugs from your spanish friend,
I am a little late , as usual, but I am here.
I waited, and waited for yoru return ... I missed you SO MUCH Nita!! Thank you for *treating* us with your wonderful post and pictures. I just love that I know can put a face to that angel....Penny of course. I can see you guys had a marvelous time!!!
Love you,T.
Welcome back, sweet Anita! I missed you! Looks like your vacation was special and FUN and memorable...Perfection! (I said that in my head with a French accent!) :) Lovely pics, happy, smiling friends & family!
Dear Anita
You have given me treasured memories to remember always.. What a grand time we had.. I love my book you made me... What a heartfelt gift.. Your post is just beautiful dear friend. I am so happy you were able to connect with family and so many others.. You and Ruben are a match made in heaven.
Bisous, Penny
My dearest sister,
We will treasure our days with you forever!! Mom told me about the whole airport fiasco. I'm glad they didn't confiscate your glitter.
Tail of the yak??? A great name for what looks like a great store. Looks like a great trip meeting so many lovely people... wonderful post with so many of your wonderful pictures... you make a story come to life!
I am so happy that you had such a wonderful trip. It will be remembered by your for a long time. It was so nice sharing it with you.
Hello darling Anita!
yes, I loved seeing your journey, you photos are stunning...and well, well done I might add!
you sound happy, refreshed and ready to tell some tales!
thanks for stopping in to see me!
ciao bella
enjoy your Friday evening!
creative carmelina
Bonjour Anita,
Welcome back my friend! What a fabulous time you had, meeting up with new friends and reconnecting with family - a blessing indeed!
You look beautiful, especially so in that pretty blue!
Whew, that was a close one with the glitter...hmmm, seems like alot of wasted time... Cannot wait to see the special creations you have in mind!
Wishing you a wonderful 4th of July celebration!
What a lovely trip, and of course beautiful pictures.
Dear Cousin, What a wonderful blog...and not just because I'm in it, although that may have something to do with it! I had such a wondeful time seeing you I didn't want the day to end. Can you believe we spent 12 hours together that Saturday! And I'm sure we could have gone on. Karina absolutely fell in love with you two and says now she understands why I love you so much. I hope we don't have to wait another 14 years to do it again.
Much love,
Anita, you look so happy. That was a splendid time, and is a charming shop. I am so happy for you.
I MUST try that pink champagne! I invited a life-long friend to lunch for her birthday. I think that sounds like an occasion for pink champagne! :)
Bonjour Anita! Welcome home my friend! I missed you! LOL @ the security deal over the mica glitter ! HAAAAAAAAA! What a PITA, but at least you had a wonderful time! Mon Dieu, your photos- you look beautiful girl, and I can tell you were having a wonderful time in CA!!! I'm so glad you shared some pics! I have so much to tell you, but I'll wait till things calm down for you! Just know I love you!!!! Talk to you soon! xoxo deb
Hello Dear One,
Well I wasn't able to get in touch with "the Wise One", as he is out of town...so for now, I shall jot you a note here and if you don't mind, maybe you could just use my email...so sorry for the inconvenience.
oh, it looks like you had such a wonderful time. Now you can relax in your garden with pencil in hand creating wonderful stories for us all to enjoy...I have so missed our visits...so glad your home safe and sound
Well,Bill and I had such a relaxing few days...was hard to come home, as I wasn't quite ready. Have cleaned my little house from top to bottom as my sweet sister is coming for a really quick visit...can't wait. May not be able to stop over tomorrow, but will be back asap...will share some snappies as soon as I have time to do a post...soon I hope...hmmmm...back to my busy life...at the shop tomorrow, so if perhaps I have time will try and pop over. Time for bed my dear, wishing you the sweetest of dreams...bonne nuit mon cher ami ... l'amour Rosie
This was a glorious time and I was so glad to enjoy it with you, my Anita.
Your Ruben
Sweet Anita...
Oh my.. What a glorious trip...and what a beauty you are! ;-) You radiate joy, so nice to see. Loved the little yellow cottage beyond the gate... Oh how I could call that home. So sweet. Can't wait to see what you're up to with the addition. You'll have to post progress. I NEED to see.
Huge huggies,
A great weekend to you too, Dear one! ;-)
Yesterday, the Netherlanders were so happy with the soccer game ;-) They won to Brasil!
One day you and your husband will come and visit us and we will have a nice BBQ together! ;-)
Bonjour Mon Ami! and a big welcome back hug...
What lovely pictures that captured the moments with family, friends and new friends. Looks like you time with them were filled with wonderous, joyful moments that will warm your heart, when you are missing them and them you.
You glowed with happiness is those pictures. Happy week-end (and 4th of July) my friend...HHL
Wonderful...so good to see you so happy..so good to see Ruben so happy,so good to see Penny so happy..and so good to see the smiles on the faces of you family.
Memories where made my dear friend..yet another pearl on you necklace of life's treasures.
Loved the picture with the hat;)
What a beautifull blog..!! I have just discovered you thanks to "Desde mi ventana".
Marvellous pictures..!! and a marvellous holiday..!! the shop is just fantastic..!! thanks for sharing.!!! best wishes and nice week-end.!!
Sounds like the most wonderful time Anita!!!!! And you are the cutest little thing. I did not know you were so petite! YoU aRe dArLiNg ox And your hairstyle reminds me of my mom, except hers is a bit spikey and bleached blonde on the tips. She's very fashionable...like you. I'm such a hippy/boho with lace trim!
I loved all the images in this post...that bed with white linens dripping over the edge..O, take my breath away.
You are a beauty. Happy fourth!!! ox~ fairmaiden
Dear Anita, this is such a wonderful, heartwarming and joy bringing post, it had me sitting here and looking into your lovely face and dreaming of my own upcoming reunion with my sons and parents, siblings and cousins....overseas! And I love your photography and all!
It's the tale of tales! Here is to true friendship around the corner and around the world!
Much love! Victoria
Sounds like a marvelous trip! Welcome home!
Anita, I feel like I have just been to the most special place and back. You write so well, that I felt as though your experiences were my experiences. What a lovely time WE had!'
Sigh... heavenly. Love your outfits beautiful friend! I am so glad you had a memorable time and shared it with all of us. Have a lovely weekend home. Blessings.
Yikes! That was a close call on losing the vial of Magic Glitter Dust!
What a jolly and wonderful trip you had and how fun to meet your blogger friends and find that they are just as wonderful in person as they are online.
Enjoy your baby Robins, they won't be around long!
Dearest Anita
Such a truly beautiful post and so glad you had a wonderful time on your trip. You look so happy and so beautiful ..... it must have been so special to meet your blogging friends and share that time together. How lucky the glitter didn't get confiscated... God must have been watching! I love the images of the pink bubbles and the white beds ... so exquisite! Thank-you as always for dropping by and for your truly lovely comments!
Hugs M.A. the 2nd
P.S. I can't wait to see your marble fireplace that you found in the antique store... I was so excited when I read that a couple of posts ago as I adore marble and marble fireplaces! Would love to see some pics!
hey there sweet girl...
yes, I did get your message, but alas, I have a HOUSE FULL OF COMPANY...so regretfully no time to chat with my dearest friend...It shall have to wait, I'm really sorry. I just picked my niece at the Vancouver airport...so am excited to have a good visit with her and of course my dear sister. Joni spent the day at the store today so had a fun day with her...A wee bit crazy at the shop, as we had "the berry festival" happening in our little town. Very cute,with a small town feel.
Can't keep my eyes open any more so will chat as soon as I can...I really need a cuppa with you...but will have to wait until I can get things back in order...love you and miss you lots...sweet dreams... ...Rosie
Oh I almost forgot to ask you..."Are there any "reno's" scheduled in the near future...did you get it???" Oh, I hope it came through...
Please let me know...xoxo
thank you Anita,happy day
Bonjour my dear Anita!
What an incredible journey you had indeed!! I'm so happy for you to have seen your family, friends, and blog friends... such a heartwarming experience! And a well deserved vacation after the grueling summer you had.
Is your cousin, Marie, standing to the left of you in the photo? She looks so much like Wes' sister, Donna, that passed 12 yrs ago, I called him to look at her. He confirmed she looks so much like her, what a special moment for us. She was an angel on earth and we miss her so.
Loved your tale of the Mica! How funny!! I took a vintage traincase on a trip to Florida once and they did everything but strip search me... it became comical then irritating. I'll never fly with the traincase again!
I can hardly wait to see what you create with the precious Mica, and yes it's so hard to find.
We are finally getting settled On Golden Pond and soon I can get my French Books out again... one of my future goals, delayed but not forgotten at all. Boy will I need your help, I'll practically have to start over!
Many many hugs & love to you, Sherry
Bonjour Anita
Thank you for visiting this morning. I will pass your thoughts to Miss B. Have a wonderful day dear friend.
Bisous, Penny
Bonjour ma belle! How I missed you!!
I am thrilled that you had such a lovely holiday, meeting friends and spending time with family.
The shop that you purchased your beloved mica glitter is absolutely charming. I could spend all day there!
I love all of your photos. You are beaming with happiness! You are absolutely STUNNING! You and Reuben are no doubt a match made in heaven.
Pink champagne is my favourite =)
I look forward to hearing of your upcoming renovations!
Bisous, B
Oh Anita...Penny just poked her head in my door and told me of her recent adventure! I had to come straight away and see more...it is beyond wonderful to see more pictures of you and Ruben in your *real* travels. And Penny! Thank you for your generous hearts of giving, your open hands, palms upwards to embrace precious ones in friendship. It is a pure delight to know you!!! love, Rose
WElcome back Anita! I almost missed your post because I have been gone for a few days in Pittsburgh. Oh my goodness...I can't believe what they did with your mica! Well, I guess nothing surprises me when it comes to flying. Besides that, it sounds like you had a wonderful visit with your family and friends!~Hugs, Patti
Hello Ms. Anita! Thank you so very much for your post on my blog! I so enjoy perusing your posts and reading your beautiful writing. What a lovely time you must have had! Thank you for sharing so many pictures with us all:)
Hey Sweet One...how could anything but the pink be your favourite...Here's Cheers to a wonderful week ahead...Dzintra♥x
Ahhh...this is such a beautiful post.
Such a verrry looooong day...a wonderful morning of church{great message}...decadent lunch with a little sisterly chit chat...and then a full day at the store immersed in book keeping, back room organization/cleaning and taking stock of everything we are sold out of...will pop into Vancouver tomorrow and fill up my little Bug with "girly goodness"...come with me, and we'll giggle and chat all the way there and back ...this would be so very BLISSFULL...
dearest I am so tired...will sleep well tonight...wishing you the same...until tomorrow...xoxo...love Rosie
Oh, I almost forgot...you can use either email...I will always check rosesandrutabagas@gmail.com first but the other, is one I use at the shop...soon, I hope to be able to fix this...until then, I am grateful to be able to chat this way...xoxo
Oh my goodness Dearest Anita...Pink Bubbly in the Midnight Garden...how sparkly and magical is that!!! Thank you so very very much for visiting and having a look at my Faerie Quilt...it is just a pleasure to work on even though it is taking me a long time...but you know, I never tire of it...
Wow, Salmon poached in those Pink Bubbles...awesome, I must try that!!! Have a magical week...and I hope the Faeries are around with you in your very own magical garden...Dzintra♥x
can you wipe away my tears please ... tears of sorrow that we haven't chatted for weeks.
you've been away and I was knee deep in fifiphoto shoots ... sniff sniff
Chère Anita, je suis très en retard dans mes réponses. La chaleur m'accable. Je tente de travailler à mon roman mais c'est difficile d’avoir l’esprit clair avec une telle température !
Vos post m’enchantent. J’adore le champagne rosé, c’est mon préféré et les photos de ces lieux enchanteurs magnifiques. Je vous trouve aussi très photogénique, votre sourire est un ravissement. Votre joie de vivre fait plaisir à voir.
Je vous souhaite beaucoup de bonnes choses.
J’ai d’autres choses à vous dire que je vous enverrai directement sur votre mail.
A très bientôt. Je vous embrasse. Fine.
Good Morning Anita Sweetie...
Oh what beautiful shares you have this morning. A trip to be remembered for many years to come.
I was so thrilled to see the photo of sweet Penny. A face behind all the beautiful creations. I am so tickled pink.
The Tale of the Yak looks like such a wonderful place to visit. I am afraid I too would have had to purchase some of the beautiful, sparkly Mica powder inside the little bottle. (Oh and I know just how you feel about security. I get the third degree everytime I travel because of my insulin.)
Your photos are so beautiful, I feel as though I traveled right along with the two of you. You both look so relaxed and happy. I love it. What fun you had. Thank you so much for sharing with me.
Have a beautiful day. I think of you so often. Country hugs sweet friend and so much love, Sherry
Welcome back Anita! You know I have heard of The Tail of the Yak and wonderful shop it is. I enjoyed viewing the photos and think the one of you with the hat is so precious! I also viewed the pics at Ruben's blog. I am so happy you were able to get together with your friends and family. It looks like you had a very wonderful and magical time.
Love, Bonnie
Great snaps! Loved going on the journey with you!
Bonjour ma belle! I am doing well, thank you for asking.
I would have loved to see your sister-in-law's beautiful home and the antique shops! How I love to treasure hunt!!
Speaking of beautiful homes, how is the renovation plan coming along? I hope your dreams will be coming true very soon.
It is hot and humid here as well.
We, too, stayed put for the Fourth and visited with neighbors. Crowds and 90+ temperatures are not appealing to us. Fortunately, we can view a few fabulous firework displays from our patio.
Wishing you a lovely week, dearest!
xoxo, B
Hello sweet one...missed you on my big city trip..It was a great success picked up some wonderful treasures, and delivered them to the shop...quite a long day...but, tomorrow is another day, and Koralee is popping over for tea, so that will be fun. Come and join us. We'll wait...
I know this isn't much, but I'm just to tired...soon things shall be back to normal. Thank you for your wonderful cuppa each morning. It is so nice to start my day with a little chit chat from my dearest...Have a lovely day...love Rosie
Hi Anita,
Missed you!!
Glad you had a great time!!!
Looks like you had such fun.
Hope we can visit next time you come out here.
Chat soon,
Hi Anita, thanks for stopping by! Every time i see sth. new in your post - this time the pink champagne looks especially delicious to me. In my dreams, i share a glass with you know, while admiring the sunset, all red, pink and golden!
Merveilleux voyage, beaux magasins, des paysages et des lieux, mais surtout la bonne compagnie.
Un toast à Rosso Brut,
That is amazing! That store is simply unbelieveable, and I am so glad you got to meet up with some fellow bloggers! I love the idea of blog meetups, that's one of my favorite things about blogging, the friends I've made! XO!
You had a marvelous & exciting trip, so glad you enjoyed yourself.
Welcome home! w/memories to treasure forever.
TTFN ~ Marydon
i have to agree. you DO make magic happen:)
So glad your back from viviting "A Tale of the Yak". (O:(O:
All kidding aside, sound like you had one fabulous reunion.
Welcome home.
Hi Anita,
What adventures you two had. I know you will hold them close forever.
Beautiful photo's too!
big hugs,
P.S. still happy dancing-hehe.
Hiya doll,
Thank you for voting on my logo design. The one you chose is my favorite too. You are such a sweetheart for giving me so much encouragement and support. I appreciate every word.
How was your 4th of July holiday? Mine was great, spent it quietly but creatively. ;)
Toodles for now. =)
sheesh...so close!! I was just there in Orange with my BFF Karen on Saturday! It's a fun place, isn't it? But the Tail of the Yak is on my list of MUST SEES.
Please join me to meet Connie {a fabulous artist} and enter the GIVEAWAY! xoxo Lidy
... Thanks for the travel story!...my heart stopped beating when I saw your image of a bed!...so glad you could see your family !
Dear Anita,
Back from what looks like a heavenly time with friends and family. :)))
Thank you for the absolutely lovely posts, a wonderful mix of pictures! And what a relieve your little bottle was not confiscated!!!
And I know exactly what a joy you had meeting Penny. It is fantastic to finally see the face of a dear friend and the person behind a blog you love and treasure.
I spent 5 days in Paris in June, besides being a tourist, I visited the SIMP miniature fair and met as much as 6 blog-friends!!!! It was fantastic, we had so much to talk about and it was SO nice to meet them in person!!! Two of them I only met at the fair, but two girls from Holland and two from Italy, me and my friend Christel and our travel companions met for dinner saturday evening. Non of us knew what we had for dinner, it was hours of talking and laughter.....o boy so much fun!!!
Now I am enjoying the rest of the summer with my daughter (13 years) We have a lot of sun, but quite a cold wind has ruined a bit of the real summer feeling. Anyway life is great at the moment... and the sun I am watching; I hope it shines softly on the both of you, dear Anita :))))
Good Morning my Dear,
So sorry there was no hot coffee this morning...I am not a very good blogging friend. Please forgive...
I have sent a message to "the wise one as I think he is now home...Bear with me dearest, we shall get this annoying problem fixed.
Oh, I can't wait to hear of your wonderful renos. Such an exciting time!!!When will you know for sure of the new quote...tell me a little more of what your plans are.
I love that you are enjoying your summer. The warm weather has JUST come... I am not exaggerating...we normally enjoy a wonderful May, with June being beautiful. i must say I am feeling quite sad that our calendar says, that summer is half over...but really, is just beginning...I shall hope for a wonderful fall.
My visit with Koralee was lovely, how ever, my baking skills fell quite a bit short of the mark. Pop over to my humble little world to read of this fiasco...
Well off to town to get a few groceries...Mother Hubbard's cupboard is VERY bare...Oh dearest, no time to even grocery shop...
I LOVE your messages...it transports me to your beautiful garden, where you place a warm cuppa in my hands, and tell me to sit, put my weary feet up, and relax for a few moment...ahhh...
Thank you my dear, dear friend.
And Yes some day you and I will most assuredly have this cuppa in person...for now, this is my oasis, in this crazy busy life style, that is mine today...sending you a "x"and a "O"...until we chat again...love Rosie
Guess what dearest..."the wise one"...really is WISE...all is well on the comment front...PLEASE come for a fabulous cuppa.....YIPPEE!!!
...Rosie is S*M*I*L*I*N' BIG
Guess what dearest..."the wise one"...really is WISE...all is well on the comment front...PLEASE come for a fabulous cuppa.....YIPPEE!!!
...Rosie is S*M*I*L*I*N' BIG
Bonjour Anita
Thank you so much for visiting Bebe's Adventures! Your encouragement means alot..Your kind words are music to my heart!
Bisous, Penny
Hello dearest Anita, what a fun post. Thanks for sharing your lovely vacation pictures. You look so sweet. Isn't nice to see family and meet new friends??!! That's what we're doing tomorrow. Driving down South to see some longtime friends. How important that is for us all to have special people in our lives.....
Bonjour dearest,
I'm delighted to hear that your renovations are coming along! How exciting!! I'm thrilled for you!
I would love to see a photo of your new FRENCH settee! The colours you've chosen are dreamy... perfect for a studio to create and dream while lounging on your new settee!!
Bonne nuit sweet friend ~
xoxo, B
Hello Anita,
I hope that you are enjoying of a good week and that the works in your house are giving very good results,
What a gorgeous post filled with so many wonderful places and people. What a glorious trip to have met with so many family and friends and to have been in such beautiful places.
The Tale of The Yak looks like a shop to squeal over, and I am so glad that your glitter arrived home safely.
You are such an inspiration, I am sure everyone you met with was delighted by you and your husband.
Hi sweet Anita...what a wonderful post!!!!! I have always heard of Tail of the Yak from my Victoria magazines and books ~ it looks like Heaven to me!!!! I would have cried if they confiscated the beautiful glitter! Such a beautiful time with friends you had dear heart...thank you always for your precious comments to me, they are treasured!! hugs and love, Dawn
Good morning Dearest,
I finally got a hold of "the wise one" and he has FIXED the problem...YIPPEE...and welcome BACK to my world. Although I am most grateful for our email conversations, Oh I look so forward to seeing your sweet words on my site...
So how did the quote go...is it going forward? Oh my dear it is going to be quite GRAND I'm sure.
Please tell me of your plans.
My blinds in the bedroom have finally "BIT IT"...they were just cotton roman blinds...but they were quite charming, and I can't get them again because they have been discontinued...:(....
So...I am off to the Big city on a blind quest...literally...as I haven't the foggiest as to where to get something similar. I shall keep you update...
Have the very BEST of DAYS...love Rosie
Dearest Anita, thank you for visiting! The greek yoghurt with cherries like you described it sounds divine! I LOVE vanilla - and almonds - and creamy yoghurtm Aww,such simple things are the best! We had the pesto with Spaghetti and some marinated chicken-filet, just like you imagined. Enjoy your Basil-burgers, i'm sure they're a real treat, xx, M.
What a wonderful trip, Anita! I enjoyed going on this journey with you. I'm so happy that you got to see friends old and new as well as family. AND I'm delighted that they didn't confiscate your glitter! Whew!
Sheila :-)
Hey Gorgeous...thank you so much for those ingredients for the Salmon...now I will have to try it out...and also have some pink bubbles with it!!! (I am just a home cook!!!)...Take Care dear Anita and have a wonderful weekend, Dzintra♥x
Hi sweet one....just came over to tell you how sad I am you can not leave a comment on Rosies blog...I soooo wonder why?
You must miss her and I am sure she misses you. You should email her.
Hope your Summer is going well...hugs and love Koralee
What a wonderful trip with so many great memories!!! So glad they didn't confiscate you glitter... thanks for sharing all the lovely pictures! Blessings~~~Daphne
Oh dearest...I really hope so...do you have time to try it one more time?...If not we shall have the BEST cuppa tomorrow...bonne nuit mon cher ami ...de beaux rêves ... l'amour Rosie
Hi Anita, hope you enjoyed your yoghurt with cherries - will buy ingredients and have that tom. for breakfast! Very hot here, salad and yooghurt feels just right. Have a lovely weekend over at rabbit hill - time to dream, spin stories and rest in the shade of nowhere! xx, M.
Oh Anita....how wonderful!! I'm so glad you got to enjoy such precious moments. Memories, yes, that's what it is all about. It's about making the good ones and imprinting them in our hearts. It sounds like you did just that. Thanks for sharing your amazing experience! Take care, sweets.
Looks like a good visit!
Just coming by to say hi my friend...have a great evening and may your weekend be filled with many many blessings!
that my dear was one fine cuppa...ahhh... so good to have my girl back. I'm sooo sorry it took so long to get it fixed...The wise one was on holidays. Oh,but you are back down. Thanks so much for our email visits...Such loyalty.
Oh dearest, I managed to get so many things checked of the old to do list.
...i managed to get blinds for all windows in need. The living room looks so good, I think the dining room would be jealous, if she too, did not get a new frock. Will see if they have + size tomorrow...
Are you ready for the sale of the century? I bet you have the BEST stuff. Oh I would love to be there to help you with your garage sale...I could do coffee and a treat or two or be your "bag lady" ...Well onto the store tomorrow...it is really hot here...put a few lawn chairs in our little creek just to cool down...quite pleasing, I should say that it was a huge success...I have another chair, come on over...get a good nights sleep and I shall be praying that all goes well tomorrow...xoxo...love Rosie
And here I am dear Anita...the 100th commenter!!! Wonderful Wonderful that Peter has arrived in all his softness...I am so happy and look forward to hearing what you are going to do with him...I still have mine sitting here as well!! Have a lovely Saturday dearest...Love to you, Dzintra♥x
My dear friend,
You have not registered for the giveaway, please leave your comment in the post in which I announced the drawing, you must do it there in order that it could include you,PLEASE!!.
Have a lovely saturday,no post for today???
Muchos besos
I am shamefully late for a visit but love that you had such a lovely trip.
There is nothing like good, true friends in the blogosphere!
Have a lovely weekend, cheers!
Hi Anita!
Thought I'd stop by ...
et dis Bonjour!
I'm glad I didn't miss your lovely trip... and I agree with June, it felt as though you took us along with you!
My daughter, Amanda, had two cans of specialty soups taken away from her while at the airport in CA last summer. She wished she had not put them in her carry-on...
They were the specialty of the restaurant and were sold in the gift shop...
She cried.
...and told them to have a nice lunch!
So glad you got to keep your treasure! C'était un miracle!
Bon week-end!
First off, Anita, you are a doll! I am so happy you were able to keep your mica glitter. Once when returning from Spain, my hubby was detained for a moment at JFK Airport but he did not have glitter like you. You photos are beautiful, so wonderful you had such a perfect time visiting with family & friends.
Anita, you have such an eye for the beautiful. I can't help but browse page after page of your wonderful blog! :) Paris in Pink
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