"Launch out into DEEP waters

and let down your nets for a catch..."

"But MASTER, we have toiled all night and have come up EMPTY."

BUT when they did what the MASTER had commanded, they caught a GREAT quantity of fish and their nets began to break....
I am launching off into deeper waters this school year with several of my courageous colleagues. Our comfort zone in teaching all elementary subjects in French to our petits élèves

has been "reconfigured" to accommodate the English language arts needs of our student population. We have toiled in preparation, but my net is EMPTY.
Indeed, shallow waters

are more familiar and PLEASANT

than the UNcertainty of the deep.
However, we are not alone

because there is a friend that carries EACH ONE OF US on our trajectory towards the DEEP hidden treasures of hard work in the sea of FAITH.
When we discover our treasures through the toil and the tears, the victory will one day be RETOLD by saying

from which dreams are made and passed on

and fears are put to rest.

And I know that I will have a productive and unforgettable school year because of thoughtful and creative friends like you...Thank you Penny for my sweet award!

Photo Credits:
Google Images
Option 1
Illustration of Sea Faeriemaiden by MOI Castles Crowns and Cottages ©
Opening text: Luke 5:4, 5 Version unknown
What an utterly beautiful post!
You will do wonderfully at your endeavors. You will be equipped to the measure required. I'm sure. ;)
How very dear of sweet Penny to honor you Anita, and a well deserved award at that! I would imagine that having you as a teacher would be an experience not forgotten, a favorite teacher to remember for all of your life. You have taught me as well dear lady, of grace, excellence, beauty in mind and spirit. Have a wonderful year with your students, and save some memories for yourself along the path. Love, Christel
Remembering a teacher is truly a treasure...as I will always remember my favorites...as will your students.
My dearest Sister! We received our precious drawing today. You can imagine how we all flipped out when we saw it in person. Many squeals of delight could be heard!! You must continue sharing your amazing art with the world.
Your students are so very blessed to have you for a teacher. I pray that this year is a full and rewarding one.
Love you!
bonne rentrée Anita!tu es certainement une institutrice hors du commun,quelle chance ont tes élèves!
It's true, in the education as in all the things of the life, the effort, the work and the delivery many produce many more satisfactions. This is clearer in the areas of the education ,since all the efforts come to fruition in our pupils ..... our future,
I wish you a very nice weekend,
I hope that you understand my words,my english is not good
A beautifully poignant post, Anita.
I so agree with you...As much as we humans all yearn for comfortable places in life, it seems to be the *uncomfortable* that bring the most growth...along with the gems. Such as your lovely award from sweet Penny.
I am sure your teaching will be handled with the same diligent care
(and beauty) that is so reflective of you in this blog.
May the Master bring you a net full of fishes this year, my friend...
love, Rose
Oh dear sweet Anita, have Faith in those Deep Waters...sometimes the best work comes from venturing out!!! Congratulations on the Award!!! Cheers to a wonderful weekend for you...Dzintra♥x
I didnt know you are a teacher too!There must be lots of us who teach and love this blogworld. Congrats on your award!That must have been quite cool to receive. Awards in teaching are a bit of a rarity besides the personal joy that keeps us going.
How beautiful...And don't worry dearest..you are the most wonderful and creative teacher anyone could wish for..I would like to be a little student in your classroom..
Have faith my dear..and the force will be with you...
All is well on the Hilltop...waiting for the little fairy..I believe she will arive in the Fairy Dell..we are traveling through the forest of curiousity and hope to see her soon...xoxo
Bonjour ma belle! I'm certain this year will be a success. If anyone is up to the challenge, I know it's you dear friend. You will, without a doubt in my mind, make the transition with grace. Penny is right, you ARE teacher of the year!!
It only takes one teacher to shape a pupil's path.. A beautiful thing to know that you can impact one life in such a way! My children
frequently talk about their favourite teachers. My oldest son's favourite teacher in elementary school asked me to let him know that she switched classrooms, she was concerned he wouldn't find her when he came to visit. I am grateful for ALL the wonderful teachers out there!! I hope you know how appreciative parents are for all of your hard work and dedication!! Oh, and PATIENCE is not forgotten ;)
Wishing you a most beautiful weekend! xoxo, B
Bonjour ma belle!
You absolutely deserve such an honor as was bestowed upon you!!! You have so many divine qualities and teaching is one of them mon amie!
I will be praying for your success this school year... it certainly has to be better than what you dealt with last year. Your new challenge with the changes will be a breeze for you. I have so much confidence in you ma chere.
I'm going now to look at the sight on your next post and see what I missed... looks pretty interesting and exciting.
Much love to you mon amie, Sherry
wow qué bello blog tenés... me encantan esas fotografías!!!... muy inspirador...besos
Let's echo all the kind and true words of the ladies before me: of course you're going to make next year even a bigger success than last year Anita!! We are all sure of that, please will you be too? You didn't get that award for nothing! Just be yourself and I am absolutely positive that everything will turn out fine or even better!
Now I'm here I will finally answer you about the winged rabbit. Sorry I just didn't have time to come over earlier. I purchased the rabbit over there, it is new and it is cast iron (very heavy) but they don't have it on stock anymore. They have those kind of whimsical articles, but never a lot and never for a long time so you keep on amazing yourself in their store. I will be on the look for such a rabbit for you Anita, but apart from there I never have seen them.
Have a great & creative weekend, don't be too nervous, bisous LiLi
Wishing you a wonderful year, with the best class you could hope for!
Hello Anita,
I am always blown away every time I come here.
Your post is magnificent, which makes me assured that this year, and every year, will be amazing for your students. You are one of those teachers that will always be treasured and remembered. I wish I had a teacher like you to inspire me. I'm just lucky I can call you a friend!!!! Here's to a wonderful year for you and your students!!! lots of love...xoxo
Hi again,yes i have the priviledge of teaching primary school to 10 year olds and I love it.They are such a good age to teach and they give me a lot of joy. Decorating and living french style is my second passion and I am having such a good time in this amazing blogworld. I feel quite honoured that such talented people as yourself visit me and I get such a thrill. To find out that many of us are teachers I find quite intriguing.I do wonder tho what french immersion means. It has me intriged.Look forward to finding out, Fiona
Wishing you JOY and lots of precious moments in the first semester, Anita. Pour tout l'anee biensure!
I have such a deep deep respect for teachers, for good teachers. They are few, too bad. I know for sure the ladies here in blog land, sweet Koralee, Maria and you are golden teachers. The ones we should lift up a statue. I really really mean this. Luckily my oldest daughter and youngest daughter are blessed with a golden teacher too, they teach because they feel they were born to do so and not just because they need to earn money. Oh oh oh what am I saying? It's true though!
Sending you lots and lots of sunshine for a wonderful start of the first week of S*C*H*O*O*L !!!
I would love a print of this drawing dear friend. It is like everything I wish I could give you right now when you are feeling the struggle of the deep. I would hug you and float you on the waves and show you the light and the path to the sun. I will always be there friend when you feel that teacher angst, for I know it can be soo scary, taxing, and hard. A buoy I am and you can write me anytime, as I know I can, you! I am blessed in you and knowing your gifts. Set your head on your husband's shoulder during the tired days, know you have your creative other side of you when you step on to your property, refresh in that. Know you have friends that believe in you dear heart. It is harder, but, you are touching lives in a great way at your school. Chin-up and all that. But, know I completely empathisize. Love to you and ease with grace I send to you! Blessings and such congrats on that amazing drawing! you have a unique gift and it is wondrous to behold.
Good Morning Anita My Sweet...
What a scrumptous share this morning. I have been taken to the shore, and shown the shallow and the deep of it all. I thank you sweetie. I have so enjoyed myself.
I love your sea maiden, she is so exquisite as she is given comfort by a friend. Friends love us, hold us, wipe away the tears, give us support at the very moment that we need them, and never give up on us.
I wish that I were your neighbor because I would be knocking on your door to take French with the kids. You are so beautiful, and I know that your love shines through in all that you do, and you will have a very successful year sweetie.
I loved your suggestion to Karen of the birds on the French paper. It was just the right touch. You are so talented.
Many hugs and so much love sweetie, Sherry
You will do wonderfully, you know why? I can just tell from your comments and posts, Anita, that you are full of love and compassion, and the joy of living (do you say joie de vivre?) that will transmit through everything that you endeavor! XX!
Oh sweet one you can do it!!! If anyone can... you can!
How boring life would be if it stayed the same year to year...
Congratulations on your well deserved award. I just know you are such an encourager to your lucky students.
Blessings and love for the Tuesday...xoxo
My dear Anita
Such a beautiful post! Excellence.. that is you my friend.. Hold on to that thought and keep your faith.
You are the teacher that will make the difference and be remembered always by your students.
You are so sweet. I am so happy you like your award. You deserve so much more.
Enjoy your weekend.
Bisous, Penny
Good morning dear friend......"To do nothing is failure. To try, and in the trying you make some mistakes and them you make some positive changes as a result of those mistakes, is to learn and to grow and to blossom."
~Darlene Larson Jenks~
Nuff' said.
Very beautiful post Anita,
Thank you for stopping by girl and sharing my joy, indeed it was a real surprise to have been asked if they could feature my peaceful place :)
Anita that iron bed is so inspiring sweet dreams :)
Just love your posts. Now lets get to you and school, how is it going? has things yet settled in?
You are going to do great, they have a great teacher :)
keep inspiring all that cross your path.
Good morning sweet one...
Off to start my day...just popped by to give you a hug...have a restful day my darling, and have a much needed nap...see you later for a longer cuppa...xoxo...R
C'est le prix de l'Excellence ma chère Anita, le prix de l'Amitié et du bonheur de partager ton merveilleux blog.
Je suis heureuse de te retrouver après ces quelques jours parfaits en Italie.
Bisous doux
Dear Anita, thank you so much for your nice comments on my painting! Oh, at the moment i miss time to paint, it makes me itchy! But you yourself didi this adorable mermaid - so perfectly sweet and delicate!
Wanted to comment yesterday, but my computer had a hickup!
I know how hard it is to get back to work and routine after a nice long holiday - but then - these kids are so lucky to have you as a teacher and i'm sure autumn will have nice things in store - at work and at home!
Love this post - and - the blue of that ocean makes me fly towards it in my dreams! xox
Hi Anita, lovely post, and congrats on your award.
I do work in an academic environment but don't teach, I can sympathise with how you are feeling. I'm sure it will ease over the weeks, the fear of the unknown. Which all teachers seam to go though at the start of a new academic year.
This is one of my favorite quotes, it doesn't quite fit this post, but does to your new writing adventure.
"You can never discover new horizons until you have courage to lose sight of the shore".
Give Balzac a big kiss from me
Best wishes Jan and of course George xxx
Your students are so blessed to have a you as their Teacher, faith will certainly be your strength and provide you all that will be needed to guide these young pupils.
Wishing you a wonderful return to school. I know my brother has almost completed his PHD in English and is strating teaching at a College this year .. we are so happy for him. Like you ... Teachers are truly the Masters of the world .. without you how would one learn.
Hugs .. HHL
Ma belle Anita,
Another touching and beautiful post. I wish you were my children's teacher. You are so thoughtful, caring and creative that I feel your students are so lucky to have you. I am sure it will be a fantastic year.
My best wishes to you for another great year!
Dearest Antia,
Breathaking as always, your post is. I have been away once again but am trying my hardest to stay afloat. I know the chaleneges of the deep, but somehow they make us swim that much harder and in the end,a wonderful place we will be.
I will be thinking of you as you embark on a new school year and hope that it is a glorious adventure for you. Congratualtions on your award!
Ma fille Anita, heureux d'entendre que tout va bien avec vous. Je avoir ce merveilleux livre français à domicile. J'aime ce beau livre, rempli d'inspiration et de passion pour tous ce qui est français. Merci de visiter mon ami inspirant.
J'apprécie la vie française, comme vous l'êtes aussi.
I am so please to have stumbled across your lovely post and to find another kindred spirit who loves and is dedicated to teaching french.
I havent the slightest doubt that you will survive, strive and make an incredible impact on your students. HE made you for great things and I believe He knew exactly what he was doing.
Forward Ho!
Anita dear you shall have no fears. With your clever wit and talents your students will not only learn from you they will enjoy the process. This is a beautiful post and gives thought to many areas of our lives. Thank you. Happy and Safe Labor Day Holiday...
Hi Anita, I have two teachers I remember well, Sister David Marie who talke 7th grade and Mrs. Fox who taught sophomore English and was also my homeroom teacher.
I have no doubt you will do well. So stay calm and carry on! Props to Penny for the award!
Love, Bonnie :)
I can imagine that
all of those kiddos
love you, immensely,
Anita! I hope that
despite the challenges,
this will be one of
your best teaching
years, ever!
xx Suzanne
Dear Anita,
I would have love to have had a teacher like you. Nover fear, you will find a way, and have the most wonderful year ever! Your students don't know all the joy and wonder ahead of them.
I know that must be your 'Mermaid', so delicate.
Rest up this weekend, so you'll be ready for all those sweet little dickens.
Good Morning Sweet Friend...
Well...my bags are packed, each of my "To Do" lists are covered in check marks...and there is no more white paint to be "painted"...I am off tomorrow morning early. I think I am ready__:)__
I picked up the white clawfoot bed today...Oh, she is quite pretty...It went into the shop this afternoon and she is already on hold...I should be happy,but I am not ready to let her go yet...I didn't even get a chance to take her picture...I will try to do it tomorrow before I leave.
Thank you for the delicious Orange Scone and fine cuppa this afternoon...I shall miss our wonderful chit chats...I am home on Sunday and will scoot over asap. Have the best week, knowing that you are in my prayers daily...All will go well with your little flock...and even if there are a few things that are not on the script, His "Perfect Will" SHALL be done...and you my dear, are the beneficiary of each and every one of His precious promises.
So, here's a hug and off I go...
...xoxo...love Rosie
Hi Bug,
You have one of the challenging jobs of the world. But I know that you have done so much for children over the years both in equipping them with academic skills as well as social skills of decency, kindness and respect. I have no doubt that Penny's award is well deserved.
Hi Anita...I hope you were able to get the quiet you needed to prepare for the week...Have a great one, and all the very best for it all...Dzintra♥x
Dear Anita,that sounds so typical of todays tecniques to save money.Lets just expect more of the same people with less support!I think I now understand exactly the pressure you are under.You can only do so much and that is all there is to it.I have learnt to just keep doing what I believe is my best, but to be strong and honest and take on no more than I can really do becos when I pretend everything is fine(if it isnt)it only gets worse. When you are as passionate and genuine as we are, the kids will thrive and hopefully we touch their lives in a positive way that they can take away and use to reach whatever goals they have. I feel quite certain your kids are blessed to have you and will reach the stars becos of the magic you share with them. I look forward to sharing more of the magic we experience by being lucky enough to work with these gorgeous kids!I hope your week brings you much joy as you meet your new students.Much love, Fiona
Chère Fiona,
I am at my computer frantically tying up some lose ends for the first day of school. I am surfing my school webpage in search of some things that I need to feel that I have a hold on the basics of first day prep. However, I am feeling the stress. I just happened to go to my blog to see if I got anymore comments and there you were....not an accident. Your UNDERSTANDING of the reason I am so stressed is a comfort to me...I left out the HARD FACTS of why I feel like I am sinking in the deep waters because I didn't want to disturb the flow of my writing; I wanted to keep it light and poetic. People like you understand because we share the same profession, ethics and frustrations. All I can say is THANK YOU for sending me this timely comment, for you have reminded me that I can only do ONE THING AT A TIME with 50 children whose grades I have to manage, behavior I need to guide and model and instruction I need to create. MERCI MILLE FOIS MON AMIE!!!! Anita
Yes, my stress is over the fact that budget cuts have forced the dismissal of two English teachers and now each one of us in our grade level have at least 50 students!
Congratulations! Let's hear it for great teachers. There are so many careless ones!
Oh, darling Anita,
Your creativity staggers me. You create such beauty. I'm sure your students will treasure memories of you throughout their lives.
Every time I see your smiling face, I'm happy.
Wonderful post Anita. I have no doubt that you will do amazingly well, no matter the "deep waters".
Your lucky students!
Mavis sends her best regards, she is at her happiest right now, raising two little foster babies. She will post about it very soon.
Dear Anita,
May I write you a 7 page letter on here? I should sit myself down upon my sit upon and write and write and write to you. One day soon, I'm going to do it!
I have read every single one of your comments and love poured out to me and questions. Being at home has brought me such peace. I've found peace in the garden, in my cupboards, in my oven and even in the laundry room. I've hardly left home much since the day I left The Willows.
I'm in the deep right now, and it's peaceful there. My net is filling up, one little fish at a time. I'm looking for the star fish to arrive.
The award from Bebe is such a treasure. What a dedicated, kind friend we have found in Penny.
I can feel your energy for the new school year. I love your heart, because everything you do, will be for the education of those precious young ones. What greater investment to make. Take the MASTERS hand and he will not only rescue you from deep waters this year but he will fill your net with all you need.
Great is our God and greatly to be praised.
Such perfectly beautiful thoughts for this Sunday morning...thank-you for sharing them.
I wish you the best of luck as you work so hard to help the sweet children under your care...and I know--as you do--that you'll receive all the help you need from the Lord because of your good efforts.
Wishing you a lovely, peaceful Sunday...
Hello Anita!
tu as bien raison d'aimer ces vieilles illustrations elles sont pleines de charme.L'illustrateur est A.Pécoud,je l'ai trouvé sur google car sa signature est illisible sur ces dessins.il a aussi réalisé des illustrations pour "la semaine de Suzette".
à bientot
I'm sure your efforts will be appreciated in time. Have faith and continue honoring your true self. I know you are touching the hearts of many.
There is no doubt in my mind, Anita - it will be a wonderful year. Your joy and ENTHUSIASM brightens minds and hearts - no matter what age!
Did you paint that beautiful mermaid Anita? She is stunning. Not only are you a writer,teacher, artist, friend and wife, you are a gift from up above. I know if I had a teacher like you, my world would be different. I've only really had 2 special teachers in my life. One being Randy, the other my father. Even though you are overwhelmed with many students, I know you will be the very best teacher you can be to them. They will come into this school year with problems, fears, insecurities, but I know they will leave with a better understanding of life, love, friendship, and a dream to capture what they are truly capable of... with you as their teacher.
Chin up, and wear those new shoes you told me about on your first day. Look down at them and smile : )
Love You dear Anita.
Love Me
P.S. You can take any pic you want. I have a better one of my pearls if you wish to have it. I can email to you.
Dear Anita, I'm back and feeling so much better! Thank you so much for your getting better wishes! Your post is so lovely and so true! This is what makes life exciting! How wonderful to have faith and just step out and do it...and he will carry us through it! I know you'll succeed! Congratulations on your well deserved award! And have a beautiful new week!!! xoxo Kristin
Nita, I am wishing you a terrifc year ahead of you. What a blessed children to have one as a teacher. For those that have *talked* over the phone with you , like I have, will also testify how SWEET you are and your voice is calm and encouraging ...PERFECT fit for a teacher. I love you NITA!!!*grin*
Penny did just right and you deserve that certificate!!!
Love teh post as always and the sweet mermaid (you)!*smiles*
Have a wonderful laborday weekend!!!
You will be a bright light in some childs future. Imagine how years later at 73 I still remember the teachers that made a difference.
You have got the right stuff Anita. Best wishes for a great school year.
Love this post! Good luck with the kiddies this year and your break outside the box. I trust your net will fill. xox
if we have the faith to go deep, then we must carry that faith even further ... letting god sustain us in those deep waters ...
very well said and very much earned ... teacher of the year!!
you're my kind of woman!
Dearest Anita
Congratulations on your award! I think you must be an incredible teacher not only imparting the French language and knowledge but giving your students a dimension of belief in their ability and to strive for the best they can be! Anything is possible and if these students think you believe in them then they will believe in themselves! Well done and an absolutely gorgeous post my friend! Have a beautiful week.
hugs M.A. the 2nd
Just came to say HI..and wish you the best of luck today....
Big hug from all of us..
Oh, Anita...September is one of my favourite months. It's almost like a new beginning for me, a time to set new goals. I love it!! I'm looking forward to follow your posts and your life also!! Have a great week! xo Kristin
Oh my darling.... you are one of the kindness person I know. I love you for that.
Once I learned from a pastor that the meaning of the word "kind" is : To give what a person needs NOT what a person deserves". I learned then that been kind is something very special and sometimes difficult.
Thank you my dear , for your visits and notes to me. I know you can do all things because it is Christ that is center in your heart and mind. Your school year will be challanged but you will do it just fine. Just think about all the souls that you will be touching... I understand that not everyone appreciates but some will ALWAYS remember of you and your "kindness",grin.
Okay,Now, RELAX and enjoy TODAY!!!!
I have a busy time righht now.... 120.000,00 baby chicken will be coming from the hatcher in less than half hours... I must run to the barns. Believe me or not this is the fun part to see the mass of *yellow balls* running towards me "thinking" that I amthe chicken,LOL.
I will be busy only for couple hours then I be cooking a meal. Later the day will be all dedicate to drawing and painting. I love my life- God is good!*grin*
Love you~T.
Oh my sweet one...enjoy your last day..I will be thinking of you all week long. Sending you lots of prayers and hugs.
Looks like I am going to be one busy women when I get to the CCevent...once I know my schedule for sure I will let you know...looks like I will not have a lot of free time. Hugs. xoxoxo
I am so disturbed at this... poor children today!! To teach them with less and less, they arrive at adulthood with fewer and fewer colors in their coloring box ... soon it will be all black and white if not for teachers like you who still try to add savor and spice to learning.
I hope they and your administrators realize the treasure they have in you. The future will be very sad indeed if future generations can only pass tests and not learn anything at all... without languages there will be more and more xenophobia and bias as the world contacts rather than expands. Expand your spirit and your talents to meet the challenge. NOw more than ever, your students need your gifts!!
Je ne sais pas si j'ai bien compris le sens de ton post! En France on dit "aux innocents les mains pleines".
Je suis sûre que tu vas trouver dans ton imagination de quoi remplir ces chères têtes blondes...
Fantastic post. Thansk for the kinds words on Deana's blog. Look forward to following you here.
Wonderful to meet you. I look forward to getting to know interesting, positive people like you. I see we both married Ricans...not bad. Also you play the harp. Cool!
I though I'd sent you over something you said you enjoy. A simple Ratatouille.
Have a fantastic week!
I really love this.
I've definitely been swimming in the choppy waters of the sea of FAITH. I've definitely gotten tired and wanted to stop paddling, but things are getting better nowadays. Those deep waters are getting calmer. And I'm just so greatful to be alive!
Thanks for posting. I really appreciate all the hard work you put into your blog. And everytime I visit, I leave feeling a whole lot better!
How exciting and maybe a little unnerving. The students will love it. My neice went to a little french school in Hawaii, La Pietra. It's a beautiful school. The best wishes this school year.
Beautiful and profound post. As a teacher(currently on hiatus so that i can take care of my baby), i understand the uncertainty that comes with such a change in the curriculum. I was a high school Spanish teacher for some years and then i moved to a new place and decided to become an elementary school teacher(to 5th graders). This was very new to me and i had to teach subjects that i had never taught before. The first year, i was almost always the last one to leave work because i was there planning and prepping. It was a lot of hard work that first year, but very rewarding. The second year was a breeze. Therefore, it may be hard in the beginning, but it does get easier and i know you'll be just fine:-)
Anita, Wishing you much courage and calm! You will do fine! Breathe and remember what good you are doing. Big hugs, Kirsten
You wrote this so beautifully, expresing your heart in words that
paint pictures quite elegantly...
I will be praying for you this year as you teach these dear children. There are so many challenges but your example and sweet spirit will inspire and be remembered long after the studying is over.
Your fairy art is so beautiful. The tags you sent me with that image with glitter added is absolutely gorgeous! ~ thank you again!!!!
Not only are there deep waters to ride with FAITH, but remember that Peter walked on the water as long as he kept his eyes on Jesus, and I know you look to Him each day for strength and inspiration.
We are riding the waves of grief over my father-in-law's passing this weekend ~ and also expecting a granddaughter any day now... I am reminded of the words from a worship song... "Beginning and the end" ... We are experiencing both at the moment and so aware of LIFE
and how precious it is.
Thank you for your kind and compassionate words and for your prayers this past week. You are a precious and dear friend even though we have never met. I cherish you!!!
Goodmorning enseignant de l'année !
You are in my thoughts.. I know this day will be exciting for the children. How wonderful to have a teacher such as you. Bebe wants to come to class.. tee heee
Bisous, Penny
Hi Anita, i've been thinking of you today - and hope you've had a good start into the new school term! I know how kids can be fun, but also exhausting sometimes. But then - what would the world be without them! ;)
Dear Anita,
I wanted to send you a little email and realized I don't have the address! Just want to say thank you so much for your lovely comment on my blog. Creating is such an amazing adventure, isn't it? And these blog relationships area a beautiful part of this journey.
I'm not sure if these friendships are easier for not actually meeting. It is such an interesting space, and I'm so happy and thankful to be a part of it! Reading everybody's lovely journeys and all the love we collectively generate makes me a better person I think.
I'm sure you'll get into the swing of teaching English with your 50! I'm sure they are so lucky to have you!
I love this post, Anita!
We DO have to reach beyond ourselves to grow and to help others grow. What a marvelous teacher you must be!
Hi Anita
A french emersion teacher how fun...its good to venture and have something new. I truly wish all the best for you in this new school..and I'm sure it will come your way.
have a wonderful week..
I'm having a Giveaway tomorrow...come by...
Hi Anita,
I'm sure your school year will be great!!
I can just tell you are a wonderful teacher!!
Good luck!!
Thinking of you,
Deep waters is the best place to be. Be excited, it's going to be grand.
The sea faeriemaiden you sent me is hanging on my inspirational wire line in my studio above where my computer sits so I see it everyday!
You are beautiful my friend!!!!! I am cheering for you. ox
My sweet Anita...
I just know that your students are the luckiest kids ever... To have such a kind, caring and engaged teacher. What a blessing.
I adored the post... I think all of us find ourselves in deep water from time to time. Isn't it wonderful to know we're never alone.
Hugs to you dear one....
Thank you for the well wishes of the day ....it was a great day for me too. I love doing what I do...seeing old students and meeting new ones..they all seem to miss you so much over the Summer..bless their sweet souls.
Heels my friend...wow..I so wish I could wear them..you must be one elegant teacher..your students must so admire you.
My little students notice everything...they are so cute..and they will tell you EVERYTHING..things you really do not want to hear..tee hee.
Hugs for day 2. xoxoxoo
Now go soak in a nice hot bubble bath...xo
Hello Anita,
I hope that you are spending a good week and a good beginning to the year school,
I know your going to have a fantastic school year. What a wonderful teacher you are. I would have loved to have had the opportunity to take one of your classes. Your students are blessed because of your inspiration and creativity. Best wishes as you begin another school year.
Thanks for visiting me and i now get the magnitude of your situation. As you said, one can only take it one day at a time. For now, you have anxious new faces to meet and ground rules to set:-). Hopefully, you have a supportive administrative system that will provide the resources needed to aid in this "dramatic change." I also am now following:-). xx
Dearest Anita, so good to hear you had a great start into high-heeled work life! I love high-heels but can only wear them when i don't have much walking to do. Otherwise i'm quite a squaw and walked in mocassins and flip-flops all summer!
Sound interesting, your creative convention - and fun to meet blogger friends in person, especially Koralee. You must write about the event - and take some photos! Thats the good think about blogging - one is so alert to things.
Have a cozy evening and sweet dreams!
Dear Anita,
what a marvelous post. I so regret I do not stop by more often as your posts are so uplifting and encouraging. you have such a wonderful gift of putting feelings down into words in a way that goes straight to the heart.
congrats on your award. It is so much deserved!
Hi Anita,
You have a very beautiful blog! I am so glad I found you, and just became a new follower...:)
Blessings to you as you prepare to teach this year!
@}~`}~~~ Gloria
Oh, my friend, I am sure that you are an amazing and inspiring teacher! I will pray that the MASTER continues to fill your nets, but also that He will meet you on the shore and prepare your breakfast, engage you in conversation and carry you through your day!
His grace is sufficient, dear friend!
Many blessings!
Hi sweet Anita, just read your comment on a blog. Was wondering, do not you need to be sleeping right now? You should be in dreamland if I'm not mistaken ;)
Hope your first days in school are lovely days.
EnJOY the rest of the week! xxooxxooxx
Off you go, sweet Antia. Have lots of fun today! xoxoxo
Anita I know that the unknown can be daunting, but you already know that it is just the very thing needed to stretch us to become our better selves. I have no doubt that you will be wonderful, and have the best year ever. As I have said before...you must be a gift to your students. I know that you put your heart and soul into everything you do and you cannot help to not only succeed, but to flourish.
I loved your illustration in this post...how very gifted you are as an artist.
hugs to you...
Your students are blessed to call you teacher. I'm sure that your net will be filled soon and very soon. As a retired educator I know these things....just that kinda chick!!!
I pray you and your beautiful students have the best school year ever.
God bless and enjoy your day sweetie!!!
I have just arrived, dear Anita, and I am already in love with this wonder world you have here! Thanks for the pleasant words and I can tell you I read all your lovely post in just one breath!
May all your wants as a teacher come true!
Lucky are the pupils you guide!
Kisses!! Bela.
Dear Anita, I found your enchanted world through sweet Saskia! I hadn't visited you before and that is something I feel sorry for!
I am really happy to know you have a Brazilian friend! She might be a special lady and so do you!!
Be sure, kind Anita, I will be back! You are already in my sidebar!!!
May your Friday be the best ever!!!
Kisses! Bela (oh, my name is Claudia but people call me Bela and that is the way you can call me!)
I can't believe I missed your darling rat dancing!!!! Only YOU Nita to come up with such!!!
Oh dear I am tired ans sleepy after almost 5 hours way ( soccer practices) but I must add... I won't not trade for anything in this world.... I LOVE to see my sunshine ( Becca) play ball... she is the best!
Good night my dear...have a good day at school tomorrow!!! Love you, T.
I just LOVE the illustration! Gorgeous!
Hi Anita, i bet you need some rest now, after these first eventful days surrounded by people, adjusting to teaching again. You even wrote, you get up at 3.30 in the morning - WOW! How can you do that and be still alive in the evenings, considered you're not a Yogi who was born and raised in India - or are you? I would so like to have that ability, but i need quite a lot of sleep to function properly - maybe because i take in so many impressions and am multi-tasking most of the time. I always wish to have more time, but yet, in the early hours i feel like a half-boiled egg! Have a fantastic weekend! xx
Here's to stepping out in Faith and finding ourselves in the palm of His hand.
Despite the *riptides*you might
encounter jumping inside deep waters,just think of this honourable chance to shape and inspire young minds to dream big..just one teacher like you can make a whole world of difference..
Wish you a sweet w'end:))
Oh Anita I know how you feel about missing your Summer...I often feel the same way at Summer's end...but do enjoy your Autumn, my second favourite Season...Here's Cheers to a happy weekend for you...I'm off to rehearsals later on today...Dzintra♥x
Oh dear one, I want to let you know that I am thnking of you this morning. Cheer up, it is Friday!!*grin*Love you~
this is stunning, so meaningful ..
I just stopped by to say hello and brighten my heart:)
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