while I'm trying to retain my composure.

BUT our students are due back from music and we need to aller les chercher

down corridors
that seem to be endless roads

especially when you only have about 30 seconds to gather your 50 ENTHUSIASTIC little charges.

BUT there's just one problem. Molly needs to trek to the basement on the OTHER side of our building to find some envelopes for her next lesson. I am illuminated with a lucid moment of camaraderie.

"I'll go to the basement and get your envelopes", I chirp, sporting my signature talons.

SHE IS BEAMING with an astonished air of gratitude.

YEP, Madame Rivera is on a mission. As I rhythmically click-clack my way to our dusty, unorganized basement in the opposite direction of where I NEED to go to find my students, I say to myself, "I'm going to look in that DARK and DIRTY MESS of a basement for..... ENVELOPES?

to find
"DEAR GOD, HELP ME FIND MOLLY SOME ENVELOPES" I cry, like a frightened child

confronted by fear


In my tracks I STOP. To my right, a light appears shrouded in the beauty of a MIRACLE. MY FLEETING TIME SCHEDULE collides with ETERNITY in the rare moment of THE UNEXPECTED.

I emerge from the deep to the light and height of hope

and with tangible proof, no matter how small, that if you come to HIM with the FAITH, WONDER and HUMILITY of a child

YOU will see heaven.
You may not believe in miracles.
You may not believe in heaven.
But by seeing my beautiful colleague's face shine with wonderment in the HERE AND NOW as she saw that box of envelopes in my arms

I snatched a twinkle of the hereafter from her eyes.

Now that's worth the journey.
Peace to all, and GO MAKE A MIRACLE HAPPEN.
AND if you want to share in a miracle moment, go and visit my husband's blog, Rattus Scribus to see his well-written and thought provoking work. I had no idea what he was writing about, but our messages seem to go in tandem.
Photo Credits:
Google Images of Audrey Hepburn
Magical Images from Lissy Elle Photography via Google
Hello dear Anita...Yes I do believe in Miracles!!!
Thank you for calling in and seeing the beautiful quilts...it will be so wonderful when you finally get your sewing machine!!! I am still learning my way around my one!!!
All is well here...thank you for asking...all day at rehearsals today...more tomorrow...then Monday but I am loving it!!! All this for some small walk on parts throughout the production but it's a lovely way to be part of the theatre!!!
Of course I couldn't go without having a cheers for you on this weekend...Dzintra♥x
Hallo ;-)
Oh...I love Audrey Hepburn ;-)
Yes, we can miracles happen and you do it so well ;-)
You will do a drawing for me?? You have so much talent! Do it as you wish, hearts, flowers, castles, a mix of this 3 will be wonderful, or one with just the sea...
You are very talented, I have seen the beautiful cahiers that you have done in Hot of the Press...anwesome!
Today the sun is shinning. So nice!!!
Many, many kisses,
Dearest Anita,
When I read you post here, my jaw dropped. We had written our posts separately and had not read the other, and yet a coincidence seemed to conspire to relay messages of similar spirit. We even used some similar terminology. Beautiful post. I do believe that miracles need not be so rare if we care enough to do for other as we would wish done for us.
What a fabulous post! Was so great to visit. Grace
I do believe in miracles because I met YOU...
This weekend..when all is well on the Hilltop and little Elynn fast asleep I will write..A Bientot xoxo
Beautiful message :)
good morning, anita!
i'm so happy for your miracle and
would have loved to see the face
of your colleague when you returned
with the envelopes.
thank you for sending us to your
husband's thought provoking blog.
fear stirred in my heart, but the Lord
reminded me that each generation
has its own demons.
i will fight ours with some peace and
serenity like your wise husband!
A miracle was us becoming friends across the miles. How I love you.
A beautiful post. HOPE is the miracle God pours into our hearts.
Oh dearest you were right...miracles DO happen!!! and this is the proof...you are so dear to risk life and limb for your colleague...
and dear one...have the very BEST Saturday..."Happy Turquoise Wonderment" my sweet, sweet friend...love Rosie
Oh My! I was right there with you step for step searching for the envelopes and worrying about the children being safe. Enchanting story my dear and yes, I do believe in miracles and they happen every day in some form or another. Happy miracles...
Lovely post!! Have a wonderful day!
Hello sweet Anita.....yes I do believe in miracles "milagros" . Each and every one of us on this planet are one of God's miracles!!
Your post was so aptly said!!
Lovely post!! Faith is one the strongest tools we have at our very disposal ... yet sometimes we look for control instead of the Faith.
Wonderful reminder... XO HHL
Bonjour *neighborg*
it appears that we share a residence
on page 66 on *Belle Inspiration*
your castle is *BEAUTIFUL*..
and so are *you*
merci for sharing..
I do love how you write! and yes, I DO believe in miracles. I believe that angels listen and God hears our prayers. Have a wonderful weekend!
Hi Anita,
Your posts make me think so deep, maybe I might not have picked up what you were portarying, but my take on it is as follows-
I read your post with a smile on my face, how close to my job that is.
My storeroom, no not my storeroom, the collage storeroom is tidier than that! Hopefully so staff can ask me, or find want they are looking for. Yes the gratitude in tutor’s faces I have seen many a time. When I turn up with things they didn't think we had got! You put it in a different context, as a miracle moment, I think you have just summed up the job satisfaction I get. In other words the buzz you can get just my helping others.
Jan xx
Hi Anita, Love your post, and great pictures to go with it. Its just wonderful!!!!!! Hope you are doing well............Love Edie
Hi Anita - so good to be reminded, that miracles do happen - that we can make them happen, if we choose to trust. Well done Dear! Such a great post - and all this after these strenuous first school weeks. I wantd to come earlier, but something's wrong with my Mac here at home. It's sooooooo slow - like a snail. and it takes AGES to leave a comment. Hope it will be fixed tom. Have a peaceful and fun sunday!
Audrey Hepburn, she is SUCH an icon. Loving her style!
I noticed your post just now in my side bar, else I would have come to your lovely little corner in the blogging world much sooner. I love this post, the pictures of the road and the corridor are perfectly pretty.
Now about the weekend, make sure you put your legs up, a good read in the hand and a nice cup of hot tea right next to you being covered with some cozy and fluffy blankets. Will you! ;)
Have a happy weekend, Anita xxx
btw thank you for entering my giveaway, I threw the Anita-notes in the big bowl, fingers crossed for YOU xxxx
Dearest Anita,
You are AMAZING!As always I have goosebumps and am speechless! I haven't been blogging, seemed to be painting up a storm! Your posts are truly an inspiration! I missed visiting.I do believe in miracles, I could certainly use one!
Wishing you a wonderful weekend!
Bonsoir (ici) chère Anita!
You and Ruben are such a romantic couple. We have a proverb: twee (2) zielen (souls) één (1) gedachte (thought). Mmm I hope that you can read what I mean; 2 souls one thought; that is you and Ruben, I have the evidence over here!
Today we had a lovely day of autumn weather, we needed that after all that rain. And yes I do believe in miracles, when you visit the right blogs, they happen all the time ;-)!
Have a great weekend, love et bisous LiLi
Salut, chère Anita!
Vous êtes toujours la meillure ecrivain! J'éspère que vous ayez un bon week-end!
I'm right down the same alley way as the two of you. I just posted a couple of days ago on Mission Possible! Tell me, do we wink and blink alike also?
Anita...here is some good medicine...go and rent Mama Mia...Abba and Meryl and Pierce have your heart jumping and dancing to Dancing Queen and SOS...you'd love it. Have you seen it?
Now...miracles. I need one. Money is tight and the banks are pressing in...about ready to either let off steam or hunker down in the basement. Life is feeling a bit like a tornado right now. Len away camping for a Weekend in the Woods mens retreat. I have shut out the world for awhile.
This post was captivating and I wanted the story to go on and on. Who would ever dream you could be worried in a story line about envelopes?
Over at the Fairyland blog you can turn up the music and dance all night!
Hi Anita Sweetie...
Oh you are SO clever and I so enjoyed this post. I can just hear you going clickety clack down the hall in your fashionable heels. Oh yes I can. I think I can even hear your heart going beat-beat-beat.
You remind me of Audrey Hepburn so how ironic you used her photos. That is how I see you sweet friend. Right down to the smile and twinkle in her eye. Yep that's you.
I too believe in miracles. I am still praying for one, but not holding my breath on anything at this point. It has been rough this year, but I am still around and that in itself is a miracle. No complaints from me, I am just moving on down the hall to class.
Hope you have a beautiful weekend my friend. I think of you SO very often, if you only knew what your friendship means to my heart.
Many thanks and SO much love, Sherry
This was such a great story,
Basements scare me, Mice..
Audrey is just beautiful.
Yes, Thank God for the smallest
You write so well.
Sweet Anita...
What a good sport you were to make the decision to go to the dungeon..... EWWW..... And, wonderful that you were able to fulfill that simple need for a friend... you brave soul.
I soooo agree. Sometimes it seems hard to trust God, but there He is.... Waiting for us to lean on Him... Glorious, isn't it?
Huggies dear one..
Have a wonderful weekend.
Oh, Anita, I love this! I do believe in miracles, I believe if you ask God for help, He will help you (though not always in the way you think He should, but always in the best way!). You were so kind to your friend, and your students are so lucky to have such an amazing and enthusiastic teacher! XX!
Beautiful pictures
and thoughts, as
always, my sweet
friend. I hope that
you have been enjoying
a peaceful weekend.
I have been racing
through my life the
last two weeks, including
today, but it has also
been wonderful. I
missed you, today! I
took my daughter to
the Handmade Market
and we both left so
inspired : ) This
post also inspires
me; you continue to
draw from the well
even as you find your
energy depleted...
Thinking of you!
xx Suzanne
I loved reading this post especially too because you write facilitates such effortless imagery. I could picture every action. I definitely believe in miracles:-). Happy weekend to you and i'll have to check out your hubby's post to see what he wrote. xx
Hi Anita,
I love your post!!!!I like how you write it, the history inside and the wonderful collection of images of the adorable Audry Hepburn,I hope that you are spending an nive weekend,
Big Hugs y muchos besos,
Anita, only you could have the power to hold me spellbound while you tell the tale of your journey into the unknown (and yes, very scary)to retrieve the envelopes.
You are such a joy and a bright star here in blogland.
Let's see...what can I do to make someone's day today???
hugs to you...
Je m'arrête sur tes images qui sont comme une petite mélodie à remonter le temps ...
Ainsi Audrey H. lumineuse, malicieuse, Jackie K., mutine, coquine ...
Et cete route qui mène vers où ?
Le Maine, le Vermont, j'en rêve !!!
Ta page est comme un sourire, elle fait du bien ...
Bisous doux ma belle Anita
Cette route, j'ai perdu une lettre sur la route enchantée de ton blog (sourire)...
Dear Anita, you're so right - it feels horrible to be disconected from blogland, so i switched to my office comp to quickly spread some love for sunday! Will have coffee and cake now with one of my best girlfriends ;) Anita, you're a magic teacher - wouldn't that be a fun story? The magic teacher, who's different then the other teachers and who makes miracles happen in school ... am dreaming away! Have a great sunday!
Wow...how beautiful!!!
Je ne comprends que quelques bribes d'anglais, je laisse donc vagabonder mon imagination ...
Tu dois parfois te demander ce que je raconte !!!
Mais tu sais je suis une rêveuse.
Rebisous ma belle.
Bon courage avec tes élèves ...
Bonjour Anita!
I need a miracle today...the first realtor we are interview is coming tomorrow night at 7 and there is sooooooo much to do today. I need about 5 extra people to help!! YIKES!! I guess I better quit wasting in on the computer and get to work!!
Wonderful ANita - how do you do it ??
Anita, sweet, Anita, j'adore lire vos mots, de belles images, while reading and looking and reading and looking...ma tête tourne...and I figure all single words!!! So nice the frames beautifully set in my mind!!! Thank you, sweet Anita, for this great universe you open to me! Une autre belle histoire d'Anita!!!
Wish your week is sugar and chocolate and much LOVE!!!!
Kisses!!! Bisous!!! Beijos!!! Bela.
Good Morning Sweet One!
So sorry I missed having the coffee pot on for you this morning, my dear son SURPRISED us with a wonderful visit. Short and VERY sweet...I just put him on the bus...OH, I MISS THAT BOY!!!
How exciting to hear of your turquoise extravaganza...YIPPEEEEEE!
It will be so very fine.
I am at the shop right now, just about to finish the paperwork that I could not get done yesterday...It was so busy. I am only in the shop on Saturday and so consequently have to CrAm a whole lot into one short day...so as much as I enjoy many hours in my workshop, I don't get as much done at the store...
Well my dear, it is time to start on the books...Happy to hear you will be putting your feet up and enjoying a much needed rest...see you tomorrow my dear, dear friend
.....love Rosie....
Dearest Ania
Miracles happen every day.. We need only to open our hearts. Only you could could write a story about envelopes that would touch the soul.. Beautiful post dear friend!
Hi Anita,
I so enjoyed your post. And yes, miracles big and small make everyday a blessing, don't they? I can't imagine not having my child like wonder and faith with at all times!♥
Have a wonderful day,
Stephanie ♥
Hello Anita!
I love Audrey Hepburn-
A beautiful post.wonderful collection of images
Happy weekend!
Bonjour ma belle!
What a great story of miracles! He is so good to us isn't he? That's when I find what I'm looking for... it's when I as Him to help me. He will lighten our stress when we ask Him, even if it's finding our carkeys or a box of envelopes. I can't imagine all the bureaucratic stress you are under right now. but I will pray that God will keep you strong and get you through one day @ a time mon amie.
Much love & many many hugs! Sherry
Well my darling, how was your Sunday?
Are you rested and rejuvenated ready to take on this "brand spankin'" new week that is being unrolled before us? I hope this day was made up of at least a cup of cheer, a pinch of delight, a smidgen of bliss, a bit of a giggle, a collection of kisses...and a whole lot of love. For there is no one more deserving than you my dear.
Tomorrow will bring another trip in search of precious little girly treasures for the shop...and maybe, if I'm lucky, a wee bit of white whimsy, in this little sanctuary I call a workshop.
we shall see how this all plays out.
Soooooo.....was your paint brush DrIpPiNg in turquoise wonderment?
Oh, please do tell...I shall await your grand story of how an ordinary shelving unit became an exquisite piece of art.
I am so sad your builder is taking his own sweet time. Does he not know how excited you are to add on to your castle?...soon dearest...soon.
Well, have a blissful day my sweet friend...and we shall chat soon...love Rosie
Hi Bug,
I was just looking at your post again, and was reminded that as I start a new week, to be on the look out for the miraculous in the everyday and mundane, which of course elevates the day high above the mundane.
God grant you a rewarding week.
Oh yes, I believe in miracles! Little ones and big ones. What an exciting life! Wishing you a beautiful, divine week! Hugs, Kristin
Dearest Anita ... I do believe in miracles! In fact I think they happen every day even when we are not aware of it. Simple things that can change a person's life..... such a wonderful post! How gorgeous of you to go down to the basement for your colleague and see her look of delight when you found the envelopes! I know how you feel when you are under pressure of time ... I do feel like that frequently as well. Then sometimes just to take a step back and breathe is exhilarating .... I wish you a wonderful week!
hugs and best wishes always
M.A. the 2nd
ps thank-you for your sweet comments about my family ... you truly are a very special person.
Amazing post! Indeed, often miracles are found in the smallest of places, in the darkest recesses until like you said, a light beams forth to show us the way!
Hey magic teacher, hope your day was fun and not too stressful - maybe some bunting right across the blackboard would cheer up everyone - birthdays are too rare! Can't wait for the story and so wish i had time to write myself. Awww, must work on a plan for more me-time! And now relay and have something good to eat. xx
Oh, I've finally come out to see where everyone has trotted out their precious hearts. I loved your beautiful images and music born from what might be an irritable task. I had an irritable problem. My telephone number is off one digit from both Social Security and a low rent realty company. I decided not to be annoyed, or change my precious phone number, so I chose a random act of kindness. When people call my house and launch into their issue, I simply tell them they've misdialed, and give them the correct number. It no longer annoys me, and I perform a random act. Lovely inpiration!
Yes , yes, I do beleive in miracles too! Nita, This wonderful and I promise to write shortly. Love you~T.
Yes, the bells are ringing! And you are correct. . . . My life has become such a whirlwind that I have no time for anything these days, especially being crafty and making stuff. My creativity has all but dried up due to lifes extenuating circumstances....sigh.
I hope that within the next year, yes year, that I will get back to normal, whatever that is. :D
P.s. That cottage is settled across the pond in good ol' England.
Hi Anita, I DO believe in Miracles! What a beautiful post this is. Very sweet! :)
Blessings to you,
Gloria @}~`}~~~
Hi dear Anita! Thank you so much for your sweet comment on my post today, just wanted to let you know that is NOT my home (mine has far more color!) but hopefully sometime soon I will do a feature on the Savannah Boho Flat! XX!
You are beautiful...thank you so much!!! And how did your sewing machine trip go...any luck? Just think you and I both with new machines and ready to go...but I sit here and sing Cabaret LOL!!! Have a lovely day dear Anita...Dzintra♥x
Greetings Sweet Anita...
Today was so very busy...It was "fashion week" at my wholesalers so this means MANY more wholesale companies gather for 5 days...and the feeding frenzy begins. Actually, although it is crazy busy, it is quite fun. I found a few new companies that are really quite spectacular...picked up some beautiful pieces for fall.
Tomorrow is another day of blissful painting. I love these kind of days.
How was Monday my friend...did you have time for a giggle and a smile...Oh dearest I hope the day was a pleasant one...I know the stress is so difficult. Have you ever considered tutoring on a one on one basis. It would be a different way of teaching...you could still inspire without a lot of the stress...just a thought.
Well dearest it is time for bed...enjoy your Tuesday to the fullest...xoxox Rosie
Hi Anita,
Yes, miracles have followed me all my days, and they began watching my mother gather them throughout her life.
I wish you were here, this month The Museum of Fine Arts in Boston is having a celebration of fashion, and Audrey is everywhere in the exhibit. Including a showing of one of her films.
Your fabric is on the way. I'm hoping your package will arrive on Thursday.
Lovely post, Anita. And yes, I do believe in miracles...
Oh, darling, Anita,
I just don't know how you do it -- such imagination, such talent, such creativity, such artistry.
Redundant as it may be, you are extraordinarily talented, gifted actually.
What lucky students you have.
I wrote a new post this morning....with "you" in mind. :D
Stop by when you get the chance.
Good Morning Anita....I have been a little AWOL from blogging and commenting of late. You know how it is..life gets in the way! I have read your posts but got distracted or called away from my computer but I want you to know how much I always enjoy the subjects of your posts and your vivid imagination that gives me so much food for thought! Have a wonderful day and may you have a beautiful fall!~Hugs, Patti
You go, Anita! You are a miracle maker, what a joyous post to read and a wonderful reminder that even the something as small as an envelope contains a miracle!
Hope you are off to a beautiful week, full of moments + miracles like these!
What a beautiful post! As much as I Love me some Audrey Hepburn... I Love witnessing miracles even more...
Thank you for sharing this!
Well my dear what was highlight to your day? Did you have time for a wee bit of fun?...oh, I so hope you did.
Today my "to~do" list was soooo long...but I got it all done...and more...It makes my heart sing and my body cry...I am a bit sore...so I am afraid I will have to make this a short cuppa. Just wanted to say good morning and that I adore you...happy day dearest...love Rosie
Hello Anita
That was a very interesting read and your pictures were chosen just perfectly as if you had taken them all yourself...instead you ventured deep within google and there you go..*s*.
I am so glad that in the end you found your envelopes...that was a bit of a scarey type of story...
Hope things at work are going well and you have a good class of francais speaking children..
have a lovely evening
Oh, this is lovely! I was smiling while reading each word. Yes, miracles do happen if we believe and let God take charge of our life.
YOU were quite brave, and very kind, to venture into that dark basement alone for Molly. The photos of Audrey are beautiful!
Thank you for such a wonderful post! The perfect way to begin my day.
I do hope things aren't quite as hectic for you this week as they have been. I have so much to get done before Friday that I don't see enough hours in the day to accomplish it all but I WILL find a way.
Wishing you a beautiful day!
xoxo, B
Well,when we must be sick then better do it together....I am now on an ice diet..ice cubes, ice popcicles, ice tea with ice cubes..Hope you will feel better soon dearest...Snuggle up and watch Lucy..xoxo
i absolutley adore audrey hepburn-such a quintessinally stylish lady!
G'morn, Anita ~ Miracles do happen, you just have to believe.
Have a great week ~
TTFN ~Hugs, Marydon
Hi sweet one...sorry I missed you last week. I was so wanting to say hi and hug you in person!!!
It was a busy time for all but I had such fun and did meet such wonderful people.
The sad thing is I did not get out of the Hotel to visit the sights that the Twin Cities have to offer...did get to the Junk Bonaza for a few hours.
Love your post today...as always you keep your reader engaged!
love to you and so sad about last weeks missed opportunity. xoxoox
Oh Anita a new sewing machine for Christmas sounds perfect, and what fun you will have over the holidays!!! Wishing you lots of fun planning it all...Dzintra♥x
Good morning Anita, Yes, I do believe in miracles. Wonderful post ♥ I hope you feel better soon. Fifty children is such a big class to teach. I know your a wonderful teacher and all of your children are blessed to have you as well as your co-workers.
Oh Anita, I am so sorry to hear you are under the weather...here is a wee check list of things that might help:
~grab a good book,
~light a fire in the fireplace,
~a cuppa of lemon tea,
...and of coarse
~ those good ol' "Bunny Slippers"
get well my dear...I shall be praying for you xoxoxo Rosie
WONDERFUL story, Anita...miracles are for those who have the eyes to see and the heart to believe...thank you for being that for us!!
LOVE Audrey!!!
Hi sweet one...my life is busy...I do teach .65 so that works out to a little less than 3 full days...I have 2 full days and 2 half days..I love it. I was lucky to get a week off...my school is great but I am back at it!
Once again I am sorry to have missed you my friend. hugs.
Dear Anita
Thank you for the visit! What are you doing up? You need your rest. Bebe says you need to eat your chicken soup.. It sounds like Ruben has enjoyed his birthday and you were right by his side with love and laughter.
hello there sweet one...How are you feeling? Glad to hear you were off to lay down and relax. THANK YOU FOR the wonderful emails and FABULOUS snappies!!!Your dining room is just EXCEPTIONAL...love the pieces you have painted against that great graphic floor...you my dear are sooo talented dearest. I can totally see your vision.
Ahhhh...more painting today...A Celtic inspired, dark, oak wardrobe got white underwear...painted the inside Flat white...left the outside in its original state...a great look...tomorrow I will give her shelves, and I think she would make a beautiful linen closet.
Time to cook a bit of supper...have a love day... hoping you are feeling better soon...sending you a big hug!
.......smile on Rosie.....
Hi Anita, I am stopping back by again to your lovely blog to wish you get well wishes. I read on Martina's blog that you were not feeling well. Saying a prayer for you to feel better.
Sweet blessings to you on this first day of Autumn!
Anita, I just came from your husband's blog. Both fabulous posts! You two set the bar to new heights.
I always enjoy my visits to both blogs and leave feeling enlightened and thinking! Thanks! ~ sarah
Oh what fun Anita to spend the holidays together at our new machines!!! I know what you mean about being in a new area, as we are...and meeting such wonderful people in blogland is truly a blessing...Being able to meet new people around the world is such fun!!! You have a beautiful weekend Dear One...Dzintra♥x
Dear Anita,
Everyday miracles I call them! I cannot count the number of times I have asked the Lord to help me saying, "I know You know where it is...please show me!"
Yes, the Lord cares about all of the details in our busy lives!
Thank you for your kind words to me today.
Bless you, my friend!
Hey there sweet girl, how are you feeling? I know that it is difficult in the beginning of the school year to be absent, but are you able to take at least one more day? I hope you are looking after yourself my dear.
Today started with a lovely cuppa with a dear blogger friend. Went to a little tea house in town for a strawberry scone and some wonderful girl time. Then it was time to put shelves in that pretty little Celtic wardrobe...it turned out quite nice. Am missing one board so will pick that up tomorrow. As well, I have an order from a new company that I will go and get.Crackled white bunnies and pots of stone tulips...thinking they will look perfect in our winter wonderland.
Am glad to have accomplished all that I did, but am so ready for bed.
So my sweet girl, get lots of sleep and don't over do it {if possible}...know that you are in my prayers...love Rosie
Anita! You're kidding... congratulations on your masters!! And to your husband as well. Sometimes I worry that I will be the same... I just have dissertation and internship left so I'm trying to push through it!
Hope you're having a wonderful week Love! Great meeting you :)
Bonjour sweet Anita, popping by to wish you a most wonderful weekend. I hope there will be beaucoup de soleil in your part of the world too. Do enjoy the first weekend of Fall.
A bientot, xxxxx
Hi Anita, i hope you're feeling better today and get enough rest over the weekend to fully recover. I'm still wobbly - such a bad time to be sick, so much work awaits me! But then, the body shows us it wants some rest, and we've got to obey! At least you've been creative, which is great, and Ruben can cook something nice for you! Send you good and healing vibes! xx
Sending you le petit bouquet de sweet souhaits for your prompt
Hello dearest,
I'm sorry to hear you are under the weather! I do hope you are feeling better. You have been working very hard the past few weeks and your body needs to rest. Grab a cup a tea, a comfortable spot and dream of all the beautiful things in life.
Take care of yourself and have a relaxing weekend.
As for me, I finished with my architecture project today. I must spend 25-30 hours per week on projects in that ONE class. As much as I enjoy it, I will be happy when it's over! I am exhausted.
Wishing you a lovely weekend of relaxation and good health.
xoxo, B
Good evening dear Anita
Thank you so much for coming over to meet TINK!
Oh what a day you had.. Being stressed out before your day begins is no way to start out. Glad you are home, get some rest.
I am so happy you are enjoying your pair. Make sure Tea Rat shares that pie with Bebe!
I am pleased to know Tink gave you a smile..
See, just goes to show you, glitter does not photograph it's true color.. The little wings are purple saphire.. tee hee.
Enjoy your evening.
Greetings dear heart...
Your chocolate gingerbread cookies and fine Paris tea was quite perfect!
How goes the game of "Catch Up"...are you winning. Oh Anita I feel your pain. It is so discouraging to come back to a pile of work sitting, waiting to be looked after...you are so devoted. The school system is so very fortunate to have you.
I LOVE that you have rediscovered, the pure joy of drawing, and putting to paper all those wonderfully, creative thoughts that are dancing around in that pretty head of yours. GOOD FOR YOU!!!!
My pencils have been put back in the drawer for another little while...and will be pulled out again when time permits.
The day was filled with painting joy...my fingers are stiff, but my heart is singing...I do adore the transformation.
Well dearest time for a late dinner and then bed...have a fabulous weekend full of laughter and smiles...love Rosie
Hello Lovely!!!
I wanted to stop by and catch up on my inspirational reading..I'm so grateful I found your blog.
I love this post...I really want to go out and make something wonderful happen...I will do that today..I promise! Dont know what yet...but I will!
Oh yes..I did not answer you before...I am Hispanic:)
and you! you are a shining star! Twinkling and bright...really you do so look like a movie star my dear!
Pan de huevo! oh I love it, it reminds me of the holidays, it's so good with coffee.
ok, enough tonight...I must recharge for miracle making tomorrow..thank you Anita, have a wonderful magical sugar sweet night!!!!
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