While my dining room is becoming a catch-all for our furniture as we WAIT for our builder to start our two-room addition
and as my creative tendencies impatiently churn, chipping off white paint from a vintage mirror we bought in Boston
the ARTIST WANNABE in me asks
If Marie Antoinette

lived and walked

in today's world, what would she wear?

With colored pencils in hand I say, "Maybe a strapless TURQUOISE velvet gown, pooling to the floor

dripping over matching blue boots?

Or, how about

wearing pink tulle and a tan

with glittered silver pumps finished off with a velvet bow

to make her midnight run
through the enchanted streets of PARIS

back to her hUmBle cottage

more fitting for today's PRINCESS on the RUN.
Now in this frock, Snow White would appear a bit garish

But a more subtle TEXTURE like BLACK VELVET and RAVEN LOCKS would highlight that alabaster skin.

So my friends, as I bide my time in THE WAITING ROOM OF LIFE, I am discovering my childhood pass-time of illustrating once again, while I look forward to a new white settee

to grace my studio where reflections of white

beckon me to rest

Rediscover your childhood dreams while YOU wait for that special something. And to see how my HERO Ruben, is going back in time as well, visit his blog, RATTUS SCRIBUS. We are having to go out and buy more sketch pads....
White rooms from the September 2010 issue of Romantic Homes
Google Images
Original illustrations my Anita from Castles Crowns and Cottages ©
oh do I know those romantic homes rooms well ...
I'm replicating a clients' guestroom to the tee ... like these!
missn u girlie girl
Your fashion illustrations are simply BREATHTAKING!!! lOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT!
You never cease to amaze me... What a beautiful post dear friend.. You two are such a pair. I have seen Ruben's new post this evening, and you could have knocked me over with a feather.
Wishing you both a relaxing and creative weekend.
How could I forget your beautiful smile.. You look simply gorgeous!!!
Hello dear waiting Bug.
Love this post and the drawings. I too am waiting patiently: you for your studio, me for my office, both of us for our family room. Meanwhile let us continue down this road to magnificent madness together.
Bonjour Anita,
Your illustrations are wonderful! Your white studio will be the perfect place to create. Will head over to Ruben's place now!
Bon week-end,
Anita dear
I don't think you could possibly improve them. They are professional looking to me... Perfect!
Yes, you look as cute as a button... ahhhh, that water looked so good, I just wanted to jump in.. It's 9:30 in the evening and 79 out.. Come on Fall!
Yes, Ruben needs to keep that pencil handy.. His work is great!
Hello Anita,
Sorry to have been away for so long. I have been back East with my mother at the family cottage at the lake-with only a dial-up connection-real slow going!
Back now, and seeing some of your drawings for the first time. They're terrific! I'm impressed.
Hi Anita,
What an enchanting post, and I looooooove the music. Your watercolor paintings are beautiful. I especially love the turquoise dress. Now I must travel over to see Rueben's new post.
Darling Anita, what am i waiting for indeed. Great question.
Your illustrations are beautiful, you talented soul you. Do you frame these? Would make a gorgeous sight.
You are very pretty in that adorable picture, Anita!
Weekend is here again, have a sweet Saturday and a bonne Dimanche. xxxx
Je suppose que si Marie-Antoinette venait nous rendre une petite visite, elle opterait pour un style de vie à la Madonna, ou Britney Spears. Elle serait folle de Paris Hilton, elle se droguerait et ferait des sextapes qui passeraient en boucle sur Internet. Ce que tu nous montres c'est ta vision fantasmée de Marie Antoinette, revue et corrigée par Sofia Coppola et le protocole.
En France, maintenant, avec notre président bling-bling, la vie de nos dirigeants est très olé-olé... même un peu trop débridée. En France c'est fun d'avoir une vie dissolue. Ce qui ne veut pas dire que ce soit bien.
Je ne suis pas pour l'étalage excessif des humeurs de nos dirigeants, mais il faut se rendre à l'évidence nous n'avons plus d'aristocratie...
Dearest Anita ... as M.A. the 2nd I would absolutely adore to wear that turquoise blue velvet gown that you have created. Your designs and illustrations are stunning! So, so beautiful .... you should have a gallery of your artwork. May I also say how gorgeous you look in that photo ... definitely Audrey Hepburn! I agree with Penny you never cease to amaze me! Have a lovely week-end and my best wishes always ..
hugs M.A, the 2nd
ps I think we are all waiting for something .... that makes the journey of life! I can't wait to see your renovations and of course your gorgeous white room! So glad you have started illustrating again ... you have an amazing talent!
Dear Anita
It has been a surprise to me as I didn't know your new look!
Visiting you is always a pleasure finding your lovely images and histories
Oh Anita...I want those turquoise boots!!! Have fun in your 'Waiting Room'...and look what this is bringing for you...Beautiful Illustrations!!! Life is a Cabaret...that's where I will be all weekend...and having soooo much fun...my first venture into theatre, and I'm hooked...Keep Illustrating...Dzintra♥x Oops, and Cheers to the weekend♥
I love this post!!!!
Your creativity and your style for the drawing are SIMPLY BRILLIANT!!!
I hope that you are better and that in the weekend you could rest very much and recover the health,
Big hugs,
I'm speechless!! You are so talent!!! The first is my favourite!!
Your photo!!!So beautiful smile!!
We can see a very happy woman!! Thank's Ruben to make our Anita a very happy woman!
Have a great weekend, dear ones!
Yes,we are in summertime....still today.
Bisous Anita
Oh, what an inspired post! You are so creative and talented - your illustrations are simply gorgeous!
You missed your calling Anita.
You should have been a fashion designer. I think the streets of Paris look like Venice.LOL..yvonne
Looooove your blog, its full of beauty and romance!!!!! Have a wonderful weekend,
Hugs Jade
I love your sketches Anita! Your blog is so creative and full of romance.
Im your follower (purehunnybee) and looking forward to getting aquainted with you!
Love your Audrey Hepburn photos (my daughter is a fan of her!)
Come and visit!!
Deborah :)
Really!??? BIG THANK YOU!! They are all so pretty!! Dear, dear Anita, Mille Bisous!!!
you are so clever...and I think she would wear the most couture gowns - that was just "her"
hope you are well! enjoying the fall? I sure am...it's so much cooler here now...praise the Lord.
Anita, this is totally enchanting! Your fashion illustrations are stellar. I visited Ruben's post last night. The two of you definitely need to keep on sketching. Marvelous work from both of you!
I know the waiting game all too well. Waiting on construction projects requires much patience. ;-)
Hope you are feeling better now and that the weekend brings you something fun. ~ Sarah
You are a really good artist!! :D
I have dining room chairs similar to yours (the wrought iron scrolly ones) I love mine!!!!
Can't wait to see the "after" pics!
You are the cutest couple! I love how you share the same interests, it's wonderful. Hmmm.... I don't know if I even remember my childhood dreams.... is that sad? I will have to give it some thought. xo
Thank you so much for your sweet comment.......found you at Laughing Angels (i love Junes blog).....and i come from Bavaria ;))!
Big Hugs Jade & Sheila ;))
Love this my friend...your posts always are filled with such magic! I would love to live in your world.
Your illustrations are amazing! Wow what talent you have.
Sending you weekend hugs...I am off to do NOTHING this weekend...what fun! I really need a weekend just like this.
WOW! What fabulous illustrations!! You are such an artist! I love your style ma belle!! Such creativity...
For once I'm not really "waiting" for anything. I'm just enjoying for now. Thanks be to God!!
Love to you mon amie, Sherry
I must ask, are those your feet in those pretty silver shoes and skinny jeans?? I think so, because they are soooooo you Anita.
I LOVE all your pretty drawings. I'm so glad you are showing us more of them. Just gorgeous. And that smile of yours just lit up my screen : )
I hope you don't have to wait too long for your construction to start. Leave it to you to make your dinning room look fabulous when in a shambles.
I hope your having a great weekend. It's cool today, but the sun is shining and Randy feels good, not much else could be better... well it could be hot out, and I could be swimming in the pool lol
Love you dear French friend of mine. You have made my morning very special. Like I said, I LOVED SEEING YOUR SMILE.
Love You
Love Me
Oh my gosh my talented friend! WOW! You are just amazing. All that talent rolled up into ONE girlie??? I LOVED seeing your beautiful artwork. You are FAB.U.LOUS!
One of my daughter's best friend's wedding dress looked just like the pink girlie with the tan. She's an itty bitty thing and she looked like a bell with all that tulle... She was one of the prettiest brides I've ever seen.
Have a wonderful day dear one!
Puisque je ne comprends pas les paroles, ne me reste que la délicieuse musique de tes images ...
Alors, j'imagine, j'imagine ... des histoires enchantées et celà m'enchante ...
Tout sur ta page me fait rêver
Bisous doux ma belle Anita.
(je t'ai reconnue derrière tes lunettes de star ! (sourire))
Dear Anita, your talent just made me roll your blog up and down many times to check all over again and again!!!!!!! Sweet, fairy hands you have!!!! Your illustrations are unique! Charming ladies wearing the most elegant dresses and shoes!!!
Anita, this is one of the two names my husband and I had in mind while I was pregnant!!! Anita Mei or Aila Ayumi...we picked the second and maybe our little Anita comes one day!!! Peut être!!!
Dear charming lady, I wish you have the best moments ever! May your weekend be heaven!
Beijos!! Baci!! Bisous!! Besos!! Bela.
Dearest Anita, i see you're making the best out of being at home and it looks like something in you just craved time to draw. So sweet these princesses in their gowns, just right for a book of fairytales! Nevertheless i hope your cough gets better - i'm coughing as well and - it's hard to rest when a lot of work is waiting. But then, it feels like autumn here, and it's nice to spend time reading and "cocooning", adjusting to this time of year. Your post is lovely - i love these white room ideas! I'm enjoying some peace and quiet in the house right now, for all my boys, including hubby, are gone for the day. Sometimes i need a day like this! Knock on wood that both of us will be OK on monday, ready to catch up again! Keep creating and have a wonderful time! xx
my youngest daughter and i love
kirsten at marie antoinette almost
as much as we adore audrey in
"breakfast at tiffany's."
the costumes were so breathtaking!
thanks for the memories and, yet
again, a stunning post!
Hi dear Anita! The princess gowns are taking me to fairytale land today. How enchanting!!! And those white rooms are so beautiful! Thanks for your faithful visits to my blog and have a continued lovely weekend!
Kristin xx
Hello Anita....Beautiful sketches! I always admire someone who can put down on paper with their hand what they see in their mind! It is truly a gift! I hope you don't have to wait much longer...I am so anxious to see the result of your add-ons to your home!~Hugs, Patti
Your illustrations are wonderful!
I love this post!!!!
What a lovely post I find here today- so very fun and whisical. You are very artistic and creative :-)
What a romantic
life the two of
you lead! It will
be well worth the
wait for your lovely
addition. I hope
the rest of your
week went better than
the beginning : )!
Loved seeing your
smiling face in this
magical post!
xx Suzanne
What a magical post! I love to draw too, and I really enjoyed your illustrations. You remind me so much of Audrey Hepburn, and you are as beautiful inside and out.
It is always so much fun visiting you!
Bonjour! Comment ça va? un post très joli, toutes en quelques moments on devient princesses ou c'est ce qu'on voudrais, n'est-ce pas?? princeses pour un jour...à bientôt, Esther
Hi Anita!
Just a quick note from me this time as I have strolled through the interior decorating fair today and travelled more than 2,5 hrs. back, had an awfull meal and then started a blog post (to be short I'm exhausted!).
You are such a talented lady. Your drawings are miracles. Sheer beauty! You should make the ultimate book for girls! Girls of all ages that is.
And now I'm off to bed! Have a great week!
Thanks so much for visiting today Anita! Your comments were kind and so happy we've connected here...looking forward to chatting and getting to know you! :)
Happy weekend!
Deborah xoxo
hello dear Anita.....We are traveling so am unable to download all of your marvelous photos....but those drawing of yours I could see....OH MY!!!.. It is so wonderful that you are spending your down time being creative....I can never seem to sit still enough to allow myself to be calm enough to BE creative....I fear it is a slight character flaw...that I must work on!!
Hugs to you,
Wow! An illustrator, French teacher, harp player, and etc. You are so talented Anita ♥ Your drawings are just beautiful! Your home is going to look so lovely with the new additions. I hope you have a wonderful week.
Anita your illustrations are so charming as well as your creativity in writing. You are so talented my friend. Such a joy to read. Wishing you a truly lovely Sunday. xo Deb
Oh...I am again quite breathless.
Your beautiful blog always does this to me. Only, your Castles Crown and Cottages always seems so much more than just a 'blog'. In fact the word doesn't seem to fit at all.
You are indeed so very talented, in so many ways.
As for the waiting...I am again reminded of my favourite quote:
"The greatest joy is the expectation thereof."
May God continue to richly bless you, sweet one.
Ahhhh...Dearest you truly are a child at heart...and although you have SO MANY traits that are precious, this one is your most adorable. Between customers today, I had just enough time to take a really quick peek at my site...you brought a smile to my face, and a giggle to my lips...I would have LOVED to come out to play today...and to have a good cuppa to boot....heaven.
Oh sweet one, these sketches are truly amazing...so wonderfully whimsical...completely breathtaking...I see the love applied, layer by layer, stroke by stroke...the fact that this makes your heart sing, is so very evident..what a gorgeous world your mind calls home. As if this were not enough, your dear Ruben shares both this love and talent...you my dear are so blessed...and I, for knowing you...sweet dreams my kindred spirit...xoxo...Rosie
Anita your sketches are just as beautiful as I knew they would be. They are definitely as lovely and full of grace as the artist. Oh I could so wear that gorgeous blue frock that Marie is sporting!
I hope you find the perfect settee for you to recline on in the lovely pink tulle number that Cinderella's wearing.
hugs to you...
Anita Cher,
Vos visites réchauffer mon cœur autant que la poésie dans le chant d'un oiseau.
Enchère vous une semaine de joie à venir.
Dear Anita,
Your visits warm my heart as much as poetry in the song of a bird.
Bidding you a joyous week to come.
Ps. by George I think you've got it...the art has never left your hand or heart, you are amazing. Those sketches could be framed and hung in the most artistic way, I know I would.
Keep on inspiring us girl! with those photo's we drooled over once before.
love your picture, so carefree and beautifully euro chic.
Love your fashion illustrations...your so talented!..HPS!
Dear Anita, how are you today? Just thought about what you said about seeing another image coming up in your blogroll referring to my post - it could be that they show something from a post that i saved but not published yet. I started something for my monday post - hmmm, could that be?
Also, i found out that thyme is of very good help against coughing. Just brewed me a cup. If you have it in your garden, give it a try!
Have a relaxed day! xx
And what a talented drawer you are dear Anita, especially of those boots!!! I'm having trouble drawing round eyebrows and cupids mouth for the show LOL!!! Dzintra♥x
Oh no Anita I don't draw as such...this is just eyebrows and lips for my face!!!
By the way, you look so happy in the pic in this post...Dzintra♥x
Dear Anita,
I hpoe that you are better, enjoy your Sunday
Oh Nita, I just love, love LOVE your fairytale illustrations... they remind me when I was a child in Brazil when my gramma used to buy fabric at the store and the designer would draw the clothes that she described. it was wonderful, just like yours!!! It is good to be back.grin, wishing you a lovely Sunday afternoon, Love, T.
Hi Anita and Balzac, I'm back from my weekend away, what am I waiting for, to go on the next one! thank you for your kind words, as always I look forward to you comments, but please you don't have to comment, I know you have read my tips on Bloggers Disease :)
It looks like you and mom have had a busy week at the same time!!
Your drawing are lovely, and I am sure your new room will be worth the wait.
Balzac, there was a lovely female, WFT that came with us on the walk she was called Jasmine. I'm working on mom a the moment, I would love a sister.
Got to got now, I have a long post to get together!!
See Yea George xxx Mom says hi to you as well.
Nita, you have a *way* to make all of us to feel very special!!!What a friend you are!!!!!
My name is Denise. I am your latest blog follower. My sister Deborah (With all my heart) has told me how nice you are and your blog also. Look forward to getting to know you.
Hi Anita,
I has been way too long since I visited. Your illustrations are incredible. I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your article in Belle Inspiration. It was very inspiring. To tell you the truth, I am very slowly making my way through the mag. I had no idea it would be so huge.
Lots going on here. Jeff has been deployed, Dorothy had the baby, the usual health stuff..... But God is good.
Big hugs,
Wish you, talented soul and dear friend, the best week ever! May your days be filled with love and sunshine and lots of sweet tea and delicious cookies!!!!!!
Love! Bela.
Oh my dear, that is the prettiest "waiting room" I have ever seen...so very clever of you.
Today was taken up with A LOT of computer time...there is a very special young lady who is being married this Saturday, who I said I would tweek a few snappies for...fun, but now I am looking forward to my fluffy little nest.
Will try to tie up a few loose ends tomorrow, as this little shindig is out of town.
Hope you had a relaxing weekend with your sweet fella, and are ready for a brand spankin' new week.
Happy Monday dearest...love ~R~
Ruben and Anita,dueling pencils! The drawings are very nice Anita and you have a great smile!
You are very brave to consider a white couch... that would last 2 seconds in this house... but we ARE farm folk and can't help but getting things a bit muddy.
wow i love all the rococo inspiration! one of my favorite fashion and interior design periods =)
You look so beautiful! I am with you on the waiting, we are moving and it is a nightmare of boxes and not knowing where anything is! I like everything in order and everything in its place, I really appreciated this! Hope you are having the most lovely week! XX!
Anita- Your talent is enviable. The drawings are beautiful and inspiring.
Have a wonderful week.
My dear waiting Anita. What a lovely post! And your patience will be rewarded with the perfect additions!
I do love your modernized idea for Snow White's gown! Quite elegant.
Anita dear,
again I must repeat myself: you are an artist and never cease to amaze me for the grace, charm, creativity and artistry of each of your posts. love your fashion illustrations and I've so much enjoyed your post, from beginning to the very end.
I shoud really try and find the time to pop over more often...
First, i want to thank you for your comments on my blog. Unfortunately, i am a bit late o this post because life is simply put hectic right now.
Second, while teaching bureaucracy was the worst opponent/barrier; not unruly students. I know exactly what you mean and the irony of it is some of these "bureaucrats" have never set foot in the classroom before(really, i could go on and on about my disdain...)
Lastly, it's great that you're illustrating again. It so relaxing to channel one's creativity and i'm sure your work is beautiful. Have a great and productive week! xx
hello my sweet...
Ahhhhh...I have once again taken a stroll through this glorious gallery you have created. Oh dearest it is overflowing with childhood wonderment. I am infatuated with those beautiful heels...so lovely.
Today more Christmas treasures arrived...this was a crystal order. This really made the magpie in me come out. Sparkle here...sparkle there...delicious. I love all the little goodies that are trickling in...can't wait to "deck the halls"...you should come and help me...we would have so much fun. Well who knows, maybe someday...
Tomorrow I MUST get this house in order once again. You know how joyful my heart is, when everything is in it's place.
Hoping today is a low stress day for you...and that you are able to enjoy it to it's fullest xoxoxo happy day dearest...love ~R~
It is worth the wait darling. I'm not suprised at the other gems you are discovered during the wait. Waiting is always a good thing. You are so creative...and your drawings are gorgeous!!!!!
Thank you for always checking in on me. I am doing better. Time and Jesus' tender love always heals. I've been drawing near to Him in the quiet and receiving His comforting embrace. He makes my heart sing. I've been riding my bike to Mass and that has been peacefully satisfying as well. I love how He has lead me on a path that I never knew I would travel, but as I follow it seems as if I knew I always would go this way.(in reference to attending the Catholic church. I have been very involved in the nondenominational Christian church for over 20yrs...so this is different, but in a new and refreshing way).
I LOVE LOVE LOVE your illustrations dearest...where did my first comment go I wonder..couldn't trace it..?
Strange creaature this Blogger..it eats words! Are you feeling better..are the bunnies nice to you..?
I'm better and just made plans to visit my daughters and granddaughter next week. We missed eachother very much..
And...did the buildesr arrive...?
This was a marvellous post..so good to see your smiling face:)
What an adorable and fun post!
Your illustrations are fabulous! Love them all... Your post has so inspired me, that I thought of starting to paint again, something I have not done in a few years, even though I am an artist....sometimes life throws you a ball, when you catch it, you suddenly find you in a different ball game! But I feel it's time to come back to the old playing field!
Thank you so very much for this adorable post! And may the time of waiting pass with delightful times of doing what you are doing
Anita, this post is beautiful! Your shoe drawing and lady drawings are fantastic!! I can't wait to see the finished rooms and your beautiful settee.
Good morning dear Anita!!
Thanks for your sweet words to me this morning!
You are such a kind and thoughtful person!
I have given you an award this morning which can be received through my blog post.
This is my first time..I was given an award and asked to semd some others an award too..
You are such an outstanding lady,
caring, joyful, thoughtful..and much more!
So glad we've met..we both know its our Lords doing :) )
Anyway, have a great day Anita..talk soon!!!
With all my heart...Deborah xoxo
Ohhh yay!!!!! Please keep drawing dear please! These are heavenly! I love them so and they are so uniquely you!!!! Can you imagine them as stamps? I sure can!!!! YAY! Love to you friend. Thanks for being so patient while I am pulled all directions of late. It is sweet pulling but I am a bit thin and feel like the taffy puller has been a bit industrious with my energy. Feeling stretched and tired. Sorry. Know you revive and I appreciate you sooooooo! Blessings.
Dearest Anita, thanks for coming! I thought you would like that first pic because of Marie-Antoinette ;)
I'm a little better today - still coughing a bit and feeling a little weak and tired, but better! And i must be, because the deadline for the new mag is approaching and so much still to do. I CRAVE time to paint - and blog and visit all my sweet friends. Hope you're getting better fast as well - must be difficult to teach, when your voice is not well - but the kids will understand. Hope you have a relaxing evening! xx
Hi Anita!! Thanks for visiting me! Tomorrow I'm off to Toscana. Hope I have time to post about it before I go!! Happy Tuesday!
Anita, darling your art work is stunning!!! As is your smile! what a wonderful and gorgeous post!!! I love every image, so beautiful!!! Thank you for stopping in and checking on me, I am doing so much better.
Now I need to go and check out Ruben's blog, what a talented pair you are!!!
Margaret B
there are FANTASTIC!!!!! I so enjoyed reading this post :) loved the colours you used too!
great blog!
loving the posts
stop by some time xx
Oh My Gosh Anita Sweetie...
You should have redecorated a LONG time ago, my gosh your illustrations are absolutely exquisite. I so love the turquoise color. How delightful it is.
I especially love your photo smiling. You are SO beautiful sweet friend,and I am so thrilled that you allow me to call you friend. Your heart is SO big and your shares delight me each time I come to visit. I thank you from the very bottom of my heart.
I will pop over and see what that Ruben is up to as well.
I have hardly any voice today. Monday I was home with muscle spasms so bad that it put me in bed. It has gotten much worse, so I create to take me to a happy place and allow me to speak. It is not going to get better sweet friend. It does not look good for me. I have faith, but I also have to be realistic about the situation.
At work today they talked to me about purchasing me a talking apparatus that will allow me to communicate with them. Right now I am writing on a wipe board, nobody can really understand what I am saying, so we shall see. I don't hold my breath for anything.
Thank you for your love, your prayers and your kindness through this all. You take me to so many happy places Anita, and for that my precious friend I am SO grateful. Thank you, thank you. I hope you and Ruben have a wonderful evening. Please know that you are so loved. Many hugs and much love, Sherry
I hope you won't have to wait too much longer, enjoy your drawing dear Anita!! Beautiful photos in this post! I do wonder what Marie would wear today... hmmm... and I wonder who her favorite designer would be?
xoxo Heather
*vous êtes adorable*
un petit besito for
both of you:)
Hey there girlfriend...
Such a very LONNNNGGGG day...I am so exhausted. Much time spent with Mr. Clean...the top floor is ready for guests. A few sugar cookies magically appeared and my kitchen smells heavenly. Tomorrow...will bring more baking, and more cleaning...
Hope you had a lovely day with those wee cherubs.
I look forward to a longer cuppa tomorrow...when my eyes will co~operate and stay open long enough for me to see that pretty smile you so generously shine my way...happy day dear one...love Rosie
Hi Anita,
Great drawings! And I love the humble cottage! How is school going? Always so nice to come be a part of your storytelling with photos. You do it so well. Have a great week, miss!
Oh, Anita,
You simply must publish your work so that we can have our own copies of your amazing illustrations! I think a new version of Cinderella would be a great idea as well, as I am a collector of Cinderella books! Maybe...in your spare time! OH, what spare time???!!! I am missing the days of sleeping in and staying up late, ah, but a new school day beckons...must go!
Cinderella does not hold a lantern to Anita's beauty. Do the shoes make the girl? Only when she is walking right into my heart.
Beautiful you, color to paper...pushing the pencil into all of our dreams. You make them come alive my friend.
Loving you...as always!
Your girl, with too many curls! Len is starting to call me cute instead of beautiful...yikes!
51 and cute? Tee, hee!
Thank you Anita...I am having sooooo much fun!!! You have a fun Thursday...Dzintra♥x
Bonjour mon cher,
oh what a gloriously sunny day...Full of the glitter and sparkle that we little magpies love.
My "brand spankin' new" soap order arrived....oh, dearest it is fabulous. So S*M*E*L*L*Y {in a good way ;D}...thinkin' this might be a top seller for the Christmas season.
So...tell me the newest on the home front...what does "Bob the builder" have to say...when is he comin'...for more than just tea and girl talk...oh Anita you must be SOOOO ANXIOUS!!! I am there for you sweet one...and it will happen...and be SPECTACULAR.
Tomorrow is a day for the bottom floor clean and of coarse a bit of baking too. Overall a good day!
so dear one...you too have a fine day my dear, dear friend...thank you for our daily girl talk...you are such a faithful friend...no wonder you are the recipient of so many hugs. They are well deserved.
xoxoxoxo Rosie xoxoxoxoxo
Je suis très bien, merci!! Et toi, ma chérie?
Spring arrived full of rain and good hope, dear friend! It is a pitty our garden is not done yet as we moved to this new house short ago. As soon as I can I will fix that!!!!rsrsrsrs...(laughs)
Little Aila is talking a lot and my hubbie says that is because she is a baby GIRL!!!!rsrsrsr...
Sewing a lot!!! Yesterday I had some meeting with this client, she is pregnat and I am sewing her baby's nursery! We had some tea and nice chat!!
Today I plan to sew and take care of little pea and have some tea!! Join me, sweet Anita!!!!!
Lots and lots of love!!! Bela.
Bonjour Anita,
What a merveille of post! your illustrations are breathtaking and this post is just ..... AMAZING! Good luck with the renovation.... I'm sure it will be fabulous!
Thank you, my dear, for all your sweet, sincere and caring comments! You are just amazing! THANK YOU!
Oh Anita thank you so much for popping in and seeing my new projects...and new table of course...Haven't had much of a chance to try the new Nina...have signed up for classes later in the month and sooo looking forward to them...till then it's rehearsals all the way...I too will be enjoying this weekend...they are painting the stage floor...but, will be back there again on Monday...after that it's showtime in 5 days YIpes...don't know if I should be nervous or not...it's my first time!!! But I'm loving it all...have a wonderful Friday...Dzintra♥x
Adore the illustrations - anxiously awaiting the white settee and the big "reveal"!!
Good Morning Sweet Anita...
Oh honey thank you SO much for stopping by for tea. I so enjoyed your visit.
I am so tickled that you loved my post today. Yes I did write the poem, it isn't anything special, just some thoughts from this head of mine. Sometimes she works and sometimes she doesn't. Maybe if I paid her more money she would work a little harder?
Have a gorgeous day sweetie, and please know that you SO loved. Many hugs and much love, Sherry
Oh MOn Ami .. how did I miss this post? This is fabulous ... Yor drawings are beautiful.
I wish for you that your renovations are soon complete. Ours have been going on way to long ... I hope that yours will be finished much sooner!!! Wishing you a magical week! HHL
Your illustrations are totally fabulous and I love them!!!!! Your hand has danced across the pages of your sketchbook in such a beautiful delightful flowing way.
I am captivated. WOW!
~ Violet
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