and dashing about to meet friends

at your favorite Parisian patisserie.

These boots are made to IGNITE the dance floor
to melt away those calories

in style.

and KICK them off at night by the fire.

Whether they're short



or your grandmother's vintage treasures


or casual BOOTS


no matter what your age

or size.

So put on your coat

and your boots

and start walkin' with me; it's bEautIFul outside!

Photo Credits: Pastry photos: Scanned from the book, PARIS PATISSERIES, Flammarion
Google Images
Vintage Image of Women on Swing - My grandmother and aunts circa 1920
Sketches: Anita Castles Crowns and Cottages ©
Bruggs: Pixdaus
Oh how wonderful!!! I hope you don't mind,for I could not resist linking this post to my "Adventure Tour Express." You do so take us on such wonderful adventures! Good day my friend!!! Cathy
YEEEEEE,lets go girl...today we've got the power to do ANYTING..I just flew out of my window with my boots on...
I made a change in my post..directing everyone to your place...;))happy day dear..
Great post, Anita with perfect accompanying pictures (and drawings by you). Perfect song, with Tea Rat on your side bar, wearing his boots and tripping the light fantastic. Now, where did I put those darn boots?
Have a lovely day,
Bonjour Chere Anita,
I live in my boots. This is why I love this season. I still can wear high hells boots ... until snow starts falling down... then I switch to my Hunter "boots"!
LOVE LOVE this post! As always!
ps love the song!
Good Morning Anita! What a fun way to start the day! Very entertaining and delicious pastries to look at and wonder what they taste like! Hey lady, you are a very talented artist! The music made me think of the 7th grade when that song came out...took me back to Hullaballoo and Shindig! Have a wonderful day!~Hugs, Patti
Bonjour ma belle!!
How ironic! I just ordered a new pair of riding boots for fall & winter yesterday and here you are with a "boot" post!!
I will be with you on that walk in spirit ma chere... hope I can keep up!!
Bisous, Sherry
I just ordered new boots last night! I will be ready to stroll around when they get here. All I need now is a trench coat with some ruffles!
I should be working right now but had to stop by and say hi! I am getting ready for a huge show next weekend so I will be back around to visit after then :)
J'ai chaussé mes bottes d'une fois, tu sais les rétro, j'avais les mêmes sans la couleur et je t'ai suivie sur les chemins enchantés ...
Je t'embrasse ma chère Anita et te souhaite une douce journée.
Toujours beaucoup de retard dans l'annonce de ton billet ...
I love those classic boots and the brown coat!! Beautiful. xo
I'm a boot person too! This year very high boots (over the knees) will be fashion over here, mmm I'm not sure about that. Perhaps I'm too small for those boots, and I will look like a dork wearing them.
But I do know that I love love love your sketches, especially the girl with the red balloon. When do you illustrate a famous (it will be famous if you do it) childrens' book?
Have a lovely day Anita dear, mille bisous, LiLi
Some great photos! Since she is the same model who used to shave off her eyebrows in the 90's, I guess I shouldn't be surprised she went natural. But it was surprising to me that she went so gray so young. I think she is only 40 or so. Brave, anyway, in our youth oriented culture.
These images are BEAUTIFUL...definitely want to put on my boots and go walking!!
Eating this post
up with a spoon,
from beginning to
end, my lovely friend!!!
I'm the classic boot
girl : ) and I'm also
loving that trench coat;
wonder where it is from
and hope it's not made
in China!!! The picture
of your family is a real
gem, as is your drawing
of the little girl. Loved
it all!!
xx Suzanne
Good morning dear friend! What another great post! I thoroughly enjoyed the tour this morning, and have been inspired once again by you. I actually went to my closet, and dug out my favorite boots, and was headed out the door...till I realized I might need a bra,.. haha and a jacket. Have a great week Anita, thanks for always taking us along on these beautiful trips of wonder. xoxox Christel
Hi Anita...it is just after midnight and I am back from our final dress rehearsal...I wore my boots for the last time last week, it's starting to get a bit warm here now!!!
I feel like I've just had a midnight snack while visiting...just what I need!!! Thank you for a wonderful post my dear friend...Dzintra♥x
Yes Anita, I have my boots and I will go with you to enjoy this wonderful autumn,
Big hugs,
dear anita,
i love boots so much and just purchased
the prettiest purple/grey raincoat. the
most comfortable boots in the world,
though, are cowboy boots!
sorry my comment was unclear yesterday.
you wrote "rejoice!" under one of the
gorgeous graphics and it reminded me
of the song i am working on.
one of my worst tendencies is to be unclear.
I love boots Anita! Need a new pair.. What a wonderful post. Your drawings are fantastic and the images are just beautiful! What a great way to start the day.
Thank you dear friend!
Lovely photos as always..love those boots!
mmmmm that whipped cream drink looks so yummy! love the fringe dress, too!
My boots are black with pink polka dots. People will look at us on our walk Anita...and they will talk. How does a gal who loves Paris stroll hand in hand with a little girl with polka-dot boots? Happy we are, turn left and left and left and back right to left. This castle, that hut, look at the storybook home. Pass by the French Chateau and onward over to Cinderella's castle.
Now up the hill to Nowhere we walk, our boots meant for walking.
Lunch at the Mad Hatters table and on to castles beyond...
Anita!!! You must have written this post in the middle of the night, where do you find the time?!?!?! Oh YES!!!! I wore my brown suede boots and skinny jeans yesterday AND bought some black 'wellies' with bright pink trim for $12 on sale, for when the rains begin. AND YOUR PRECIOUS DRAWING!!!! Love it!!!! I am dancing about and this song will stay with me all day : )
Love you!!! ~ Violet
PS Just did a post with glittery birds on my blog, n e s t i n g!
Oh, I love this!!!! When go go boots were in style, my girlfriends Mary Lou and Geri went into NYC to watch the Ed Sullivan Show live, while Nancy performed this song. My dad was a cameraman on that show.
Your post is gorgeous, and what did I see flashing by, but those beautiful sketches by Anita.
Happy day.
Did you know that Brugge is one of our most treasured places to go? We were there on our first honeymoon in 1988, then again in 1995. I think it is the most romantic city in the world, not that I've been around the world yet lol
We were also there in the fall, so your pictures captured me with much interest.
Now for the boots.. it's raining cats and dogs here today, so your song is perfect and your post. Yesterday I was grooming dogs outside in the beautiful sunshine, today I'm dogging puddles. Today I will wear my short red rain-boots and think of you when I happen to splash in a puddle. I'll think of you in a good way with a smile on my face.
Tea Rat sure is shakin' his booty : )
Love You and I hope your having a good week.
Love Claudie
Ahh .. I'll meet you at Laduree's ,,, and we'll walk along the s.river and watch the children playng with the leaves .. then go back to warm our insides at Angelina's with more cocoa and pasteries ... Oh to be in Paris ... XO HHL
Oh no, I know that song to well, dads always playing dum dum dum dum dum dum!!!!! its in me head now!!!. I think you know mom likes her boots!!!, but at the moment its wellie boots, of course us dogs don't have that problem do we Balzac my mate.
Hugs and kisses to you both
See Yea George
"Whats that mom" oh she sends her best wishes to you also.xxx
All those boots Anita!!!!
It makes me wanna go out and buy myself a pair! lol
And that music sure puts you in the mood...to get walkin' somewhere..anywhere ! :)
Love your photos...the yummy desserts, the lovely sketches...you are so gifted!
Fun post Anita!!!
Love the photos by the water too!! Gorgeous!!
Sending lots of love your way...
Deborah xoxo
Hi dear Anita,
here I am again after another blog break.
What an entertaining post we have got here. Great pics and wonderful drawings. oh boy, you can really do magic.
plus your post matches just fine with our weather as we had so much rain yesterday that a pair of wellies would have come in very handy.
and you are also reminding me that I desperately need a pair of boots for the cold season to come.
Love your post Anita!!
I got new sparkly rain boots, does that count?
Have a great day!!!
I'm visiting from Cathy's...you have such an interesting blog! If only I could be slim gain like the models you showed...but then I wouldn't be able to enjoy all those wonderful pastries!
Such interesting boots... they do take us to such interesting places... like pastry shops! My favorites are tall over the knee boots that cost the farm many years ago but worth every dime!
hey anita,
this is NOT a silly post, it's beautiful.
and yes, i'm a singer. thanks for asking.
sweet dreams,
Uh Oh. I bought more boots today.
See, you've inspired me : )
so many boots, too little time.
xoxo ~ Violet
Wait for me, dear Anita!!!! Please, let me go with you on this terrific journey!!!
Claps and more claps for YOU!!! Sweet friend, I simply ADORE reading your poetic words and looking at the images you carefully chose, one each time, patiently...MERCI BEAUCOUP!!!
Always dreamy my visits here!
Comment-allez vous?
Good night, dear, it is too late around here and I am feeling so tired!!! Love! Bela.
Oh Sweet Anita...
lovin' those cute, cute boots!
This whole post is just delightful!
You my dear, are soooo creative! Thank you for sharing this plethora of goodness with us all.
Dearest...it is POURING into the shop! We are eating, sleeping and breathing Christmas wonderment. The girls are working soooo hard...we had two of the prettiest little elves working their fingers to the bone pricing and putting out decor items today. Everything from rose pillows, to little crown candle holders, to the most beautiful soap I have ever seen...oh it just makes me smile!!! I can't wipe this goofy grin off my face...come over and see...and we will have the best cuppa ever. Oh dearest I have missed you.
We will throw on our boots and arm in arm we will go... having the most amazing adventure two girls ever had...but before we do, I might have to have a wee little nap, so I might give this my all!
Until tomorrow, my little puddle jumping friend...xoxox...Rosie
Hey girl you are playing my theme song!! I use to play Nancy Sanatra's boot's are made for walking over and over in the late 60's when I would put on my GO-GO!! boots and do some walking :)
My aunt would doll me up for her little house parties...
This was a great! bring back feelings kind of post for me.
See you soon dear one...Anita, do you ever run out of idea's to post, or do they pop out of your pretty little head daily!
love your little sketch drawing of the little one in her rubber boots, holding her balloon :)
Bonjour Anita ~ I would simply love those long-long boots but my only worry would be how to get them off ~ especaially after a late night oh my gosh!! might just sleep with them on.
Oh...I would love to walk around and go everywhere in all these boots!!
I just love how you put together your photos...it is a real adventure!!
Thanks so much for following along with me at my history blog!! It means so much to me to have you along!
Have a great day at school!
I love boots they are so elegant. I'm just back from Italy and they have the most beautiful boots and shoes you can find. But those hells are to high for me to wear, the most womon there are shorter than I'm. That coat is on my list to have :).
Gotta get me a new pair of boots!:)
well how much fun was this!! I came over from Lea's page and just LOVE your boots!! I am a true boot lover... also love the coat! Your pictures, along with N.S. singing, kind of gears me up for Fall..:)
Hi Anita, my niece came by to visit me yesterday and she wore the most fantastic pair of boots and a dress that had a 60s vibe going on. She looked FAB!
Enjoyed all your images especially your grandmother and her friends.
So beautiful Anita! And so brave of you to compose this with so much care, given the pressure in school and all. That's what makes blogland people special - they make an extra effort to strengthen the bright side, no matter what! I LOVE boots - so this is for me! And your drawings are gorgeous.
Yay, weekend is getting closer!
Refering to your sweet comment: Yes, Yoga can do you so much good! I work out to - but the combination is great. The yogis say, you're as young as your spine - so keep it flexible ;)
I remember that song when I was little, I had my first pair of "Go-go" boots...remember them! I thought I was hot stuff in my boots!
Side note sweety*
I cannot tell you enough how your kind comments were the sweetest medicine for what my aching heart was going through. I treasure your prayers and friendship…bunches!
I have shaken off the dust and I am dancing again….even if it’s a slow dance, I’m dancing!
Thank you again, and again.
Love you,
I want some boots now! Love it, Anita!!
I love boots, and I love wearing them over pants, jeans, etc...so chic! I loved your tour. I could look at all those scrumptious desserts, but wouldn't dare eat them. You always make me smile. You are Audrey Hepburn reincarnated.
Hi Balzac,and Antia thanks for your comment,you were quick off the mark with that one, I'd only just put the post up, if you look on the right hand side, on me blog you will see moms email its near the top
Thanks George xxx
Are those last village shots of Bruges? They are dreamy and gorgeous and vibrant. Fantastique!
:) This post made me smile! So thankful for the chilly days ahead ~ so many things to look forward to!
Thank you for the lovely comment on my blog! Much appreciated!
Love the boots and the tunes! :D
Oh yes Anita, it is time to get the boots out! I'm so short, and don't feel like I look great in dressy boots, but I have several pair of cowboy boots. My husband and I used to teach western swing dancing, and there is a barn dance on the 16th, so I will definitely be dancing in my boots next week.
Hey Sweet One I have to be fast...my dearest has the cable guy doin' setting something up and it will be a long time until they are finished...hubby is smiling from ear to ear...give me a good book and I'm set :)...so will wish you a fabulous day with all your baby birds and say farewell.
Oh did Bob the Builder show?
love you...Rosie
Dear Anita
I see you came by to see me today.
Wanted to stop in and thank you for being such a constant source of encouragement.. It means so much to me.
Sweet dreams my dear friend
I SO love how your pictures tell a story! It's like stepping into a lovely parallel universe.
Thanks, also, for the very sweet comments on my blog!
Hi Dearheart....
Oh my goooodness.... What an awesome post. :-) Loved those boots, but reallllly loved seeing your art. You are one heck of a talented chickie!
I gasped when I read your comment about your pumpkin... That's the CUTEST idea ever! I'm going to be on a crown quest now, that's for sure.... You have my little wheels spinning.
Have a great weekend!
Love your post Anita!!!
I especially love the girl with the red balloon, how sweet and charming!
It will time for all of us to get out the boots, wouldn't it be fun if we could have them all!
Margaret B
So, so gorgeous! I cannot WAIT for boots weather, it's still not quite cool enough here. But I will adopt your wonderful attitude towards life today, boots or no! XX!
Hi Anita, how could I have missed on this post, another beautiful one. Anyway, I made some space in my shoe closed, send that pair of boots, the classic style svp over, will you please ;D
Enjoy your weekend, dear friend. xxxx
Anita, I adore your post! You make me wanna go to an parisian patisserie, dance the night away and take a long walk in my new boots enjoying the beautiful autumn scenery!!
Have a lovely weekend!!! xx
Wowzers! I need me a pair of boots if that's all it takes to be able to enjoy those desserts! :)
FUN post, Anita!
Have a glorious weekend,
Wow-the boots look stylish, the desserts yummy, and the homes dreamy! I also love the new banner:)!
Dearest Anita .... gorgeous post and I love your sketches! The one of the little girl with the balloon is so sweet and you are so talented! I love boots but my favourites have to be my Ralph Lauren equestrian boots. They are black high polish with the traditional equestrian silver side bridle straps and I actually do wear them riding! One day I would love to own a pair of Hermes riding boots! Georgiana also loves boots and she has short and long riding ones as well. She looks adorable when she is in her jodphurs boots and riding outfit. I hope you have a gorgeous week-end and will talk soon..
hugs Frances
Just meandering through, Anita! Love the song selection and the photos are delicious!
Cheers! Leslie
Fantastic post and i can't wait to don my boots and go strutting with baby Z. I hope you'll have a great weekend, a nice respite from all that is related to "teacher stuff". However, i know all to well how we love to bring our work home...Do relax this weekend though:-). XX
Greetings Dear One...
Sweet, sweet Anita...I can see the light at the end of the tunnel...and I think...yes, I'm pretty sure...It is...it is...IT"S BOB!!!!....holding the flash light.....YIPPEE!!!!
Let me know when it's time and I will bring my old, trusty, paint brush over.
For now, I am in "Christmas mode". We had a beautiful, French "home decor" order arrive. Swarms of beautiful BUMBLE BEES...embossed on cream dishes, stenciled on linen pillows, and little cast iron bumble bee coat hooks...ahhhhh.
Am off to the airport to pick up my daughter in a few moments...another YIPPEE!!!! She is coming for a little turkey dinner and pumpkin pie. Yup, you guessed it, Canadian Thanksgiving! My son will arrive tomorrow, and the BIG MEAL will be on Sunday. I did nothing but bake today...cream cheese cinnamon buns, gingerbread cake for the pumpkin cream trifle and a little cranberry chutney. Do you have a traditional recipe that you just can't live without?
Well must scoot dearest. Have the best weekend, and I'll be back for another of your wonderful cuppas very soon. Love Rosie
Hi Anita, great post. love all the photos and your great drawings.... this just reminds me of when i was a kid, in the 60's begging my mom to take me shopping to buy some white "go-go" boots.. good times... Edie
Oh how nice it really would be to walk with you and see the magic in your world. Hows it going at school? We only have 1 term left but i wondered if our students could be email pals. Let me know what you think. Fiona xx
Need I even say how much I love the photo of your aunts and grandmother? What a photo to treasure, Anita!
Hello Anita! What a wonderful post. The boots are so fun and fashionable. Wish I could go on a walk to see places like in your pictures! Its been a while since I've stopped by and I'm glad to see you are still here. Going to catch up on your other posts too! Have a great weekend! Bonnie :)
Well I live in Uggs all winter...but I did see a pair of low boots by Candies that I want to get for Autumn.
Hello Anita!!
I love boots ♥
Lovely weekend!!!
Bonjour dearest! Such a lovely post. Your drawings, photos and music are exquisite! The weather was a bit chilly earlier in the week and I brought out my fall boots.
How are you? I'm sorry for not visiting much... how I miss keeping in touch with my favourite blogger girls!
Wishing you a beautiful Sunday!
xoxo, B
Oh, my dearest Anita,
I've now had my "hit" of creativity. You never fail to enchant me.
I thought of you this morning. My-Reason-For-Living-In-France likes to give me chaussons aux pommes for Sunday breakfast. He called la patisserie only to discover all were sold. But, Clarisse, whose husband once worked at Lenotre in Paris, said to him, "Pass in a half-hour and you'll have four, fresh hot chaussons."
Viva la France. Because they were steaming hot she made a little "chimney" with the package so they would cool down.
Have a wonderful week darling, now I'm off to visit Ruben.
Anitaaaaaa...how are yOu dearest?!!! I've been collecting new photos of Bella Notte bed linens for my Sunday Rest posts and always think of you. I think you need some bella notte in your Rabbit Hill Cottage!!! And when do we get to see your white transformation???? can hardly wait...even for just a glimpse. Loveliness to you this Sunday. ox
Hello Anita,I'm coming to wish you a very happy new week,
Hugs from Spain,
Anita, beautiful post!! I could defintely see myself lingering in that Parisian patisserie for quite awhile. I like buildings with sort of an intellectual style about them. :D
I see you posted pictures of you at your harp~ Awesome!!
Oh dear I am BACK!!!! And it feels so GOOD!!!!
Nita, I ADORE high boots!!! They are fantastic and feminine!!! Come see pictures from my trip to Equador when you have a chance. I miss you Nita!!!!smiling...
Oh my friend...how lovely..I now want a pair of new boots...off to shop with my daughter tomorrow so that may be what we buy.
Hope all is well and school is flying by...think of you often even though I have not visited lately...life has been very busy
Hugs my sweet friend. xoxoxoox
Hey there girlfriend...
Hope you had a restful weekend, dreaming of the the beauty that will soon come to live at your home.
Dearest, am so sorry I did not have the kettle on this morning...just not enough time. For now I will sit and savor a very quick cuppa before bed.
Cooked the BIG dinner today...Oh what fun...but I am SOOO tired. The kids are out, enjoying old friendships.
It has been so wonderful to have them home.Will send them home tomorrow, after we enjoy a few turkey sandwiches.
Time now for a last cup of tea and then it's off to bed...sweet dreams my dear, dear friend...love Rosie
Hi Anita!
THanks for coming by, and the kind words.
Tridtan is on FaceBook, if you want to search him out there--the last I spoke with him he was knee deep in projects. After the shingles, he was *behind*. He cranked out eight quilts, had a whole collection of CDs he decided to put on eBAy, individually I believe... <:O .....and I know he had a couple of classes lined up for Fall, PLUS was working with the theater on either one or two plays.
I am not sure he ever sleeps. It wore me out reading!
I too miss him, both his blog and the comments! He is amazing!
Hi Anita,
LOVE my boots (when I'm not in sandals).
Wonderful post with marvelous photo's.
Big hugs,
Ahhhh.... Aren't you the sweetest? That would be why I call you SWEET Anita?!!! :-) Thanks for the compliment and the good wishes... We've been celebrating since Friday and will be until next Friday....
Huggies to you dear one..
Hi, my sister Sonja (Bits and Pieces) sent me this blog and I just had to say it's simply the darlingest thing I ever saw! I want to go to that Parisian pastry shop for tea with my boots on right this minute, walk in a garden, sit in that corner chair and write a poem....so uplifting and fun.... thanks for such a beautiful post!
Carol Joy
Thanks Anita!
I have to redo that jazz player all the time--lost tracks--some of the old ones are my favorites and cannot find them now.(Coltrane, Dizzy, Miles, etc...)
Yep, Tristan is a man on the move!
I need to write him and ask if he remembers who the heck I am....hahaha!!!
Beautiful selection of photos and words here....very nice!
This blog is very nice.Lovely blogs.Thanks for sharing this information.
Cast Iron Cowboy Boot Double Hook
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