to hang CHanDelierS

hunting down the perfect settee JUST for YOU

building you the perfect playHOuse in the backyard

or compromising their strong backs to install heavy fireplace mantels

the MEN in our lives whose hardworking and scarred hands

reach out to us everyday in love

deserve a hand
right back from us

for WhAt they DO for LOVE.


to serve you your favorite BREAKFAST IN BED

making us feel like the magic princesses we WISH to be

these HEROES
and all-around mentsches
are one of the many reasons why I am GRATEFUL as the season for THANKSGIVING has started for our dear friends in CANADA and will soon envelope us in family gatherings here in America.
What has your



or life-long companion done for you?


Photo Credits: Dining room with chandelier - Belgian Pearls
Tumblr photos
Anita at the harp - Castles Crowns and Cottages
Vintage photos of my grandparents circa 1921 and my parents 1956
Anita at Homecoming escorted by a wonderful young man from El Rancho High School Pico Rivera, California 1976
Playhouses - Howard Mesta's Blog Page
i was hoping those were photos of you.
just lovely, as are your sweet thoughts,
crystal chandeliers, grizzly bears!
Hello dear Anita,
Your photos are amazing! I love the pics of your parents and grandparents, and your hair was so long in your high school picture! Were you the homecoming queen? That photo of you playing the harp is SO BEAUTIFUL! Would you consider recording yourself playing and posting it to your blog?...Please???
Last year I had the priviledge of hearing a family of musicians called the Annie Moses Band. One of the girls plays the harp. They are AMAZING!
How long have you been playing? It is the music of HEAVEN!
Kudos to our husbands for all they do! And to you! You are high on the list when I count my blessings!
Hope you enjoyed the Columbus Day holiday!
((HUGS))and Blessings!
What a wonderfully thoughtful post! Beautiful pictures to insight beautiful, heartfelt thoughts. My husband is my rock and my true North, I am blessed to have him as my own, and I tell him that, too. But, to have a reminder in 'bloggyland' never hurts.
Have a wonderful week!
Dear Anita, your post has once again inspired positive thinking in me. The men in my life have contributed in so many ways, and made me part of who I am. The photos are intriguing, and so unique in all your posts! You are a princess in that white gown sitting beside the harp, and I am queen of my little rural home..just as it should be! warm hugs my friend, xoxox Christel
A wonderful post. I believe that first photo is the construction crew building the Waldorf Astoria in NY. My father a builder had that print in his office.
Yes, lets be thankful for what we have been given. Anita, that photo of you is stunning! You are so BEAUTIFUL!!
Dear Anita,
This is a beautiful post. Some of the projects have definitely not been easy for me. But I know that you love them, and when I look at them all -- from silly drawings to wholly renovated bathrooms -- they are part of the adventures of our lives. And I wouldn't give them up for the world. I am so glad they make you happy.
Love you,
Oh Anita, could you look anymore beautiful! I love the photos of your parents and grandparents. Such a lovely post, and the music wonderful..
You have done it again my dear friend.
How very beautiful dear Friend...this brought tears to my eyes and remind me of what our Loved Ones do for us...You look gorgeous!!! Dzintra♥x
oh dearest you are quite lovely, in both evening dress and sun hat. Thank you for those gorgeous snappies you emailed me...I tried to open them, but it just refused to cooperate...ahhh but dearest you have shared them on this beautiful post. Thank you dear girl.
We are so very blessed to have men in our lives that love and adore us. They show us daily by the little things they do, the hug and sweet kisses and of coarse the way their face lights up when they return home after a long day. Oh dearest they work so hard...this post is a perfect tribute to our charming men.
Off to Vancouver tomorrow to pick up a few treasures, looking forward to some wonderful peaceful travel time...I love to spend the drive into this beautiful city in quiet contemplation and prayer. My life is so busy, I really cherish these few tender moments with my Father.
Well dear one, it is time to tuck under the duvet and enter dreamland for but a few short hours...so farewell my dear friend until tomorrow...xoxoxo...Rosie
You took some wonderful pictures, Anita. Loved each and every shot! Do have a happy, sunshine-filled Tuesday. xxxx Now off you go, get your running shoes on and GO xxxx
Oh Anita,
what a wonderful post.....i loooooooove it - thank you so much for all the inspiration!!!! And so lovely pictures from your family......you look sooooo beautiful!!!! I`ll enjoy the pictures again and again!!!!! Have a wonderful week, my dear friend,
Hugs Jade
Ydou look maaavelous daaling!! Love the pic of you with your harp!! Ruben is one lucky guy. What has my hubby done for me??? he does EVERYTHING for me!! And I love it! Since I'm working he takes care of everything including cooking healthy meals for me to keep me in check for my "diet" or shall we say "liveit". I'm one lucky blessed gal and I know it.
Feeling very blessed! Sherry
PS I'll make sure my pumpkin teapot is sparkling and ready for your party!!
Oh Anita..such lovliness!!
I agree..quite the tribute to our husbands!
Your photos are lovely as always...you are beautiful my friend..oh how Id love to hear you play the harp!!!
Love you sweet friend!
Have a happy week!
With much love,
Deborah xoxoxo
Anita, you are a princess playing the harp! Please, record yourself playing it!!! I will love to listen you!
I love ancient family photos! Thanks for sharing yours with us! You are very geneureuse!! ;-)
Got up with my
love at 4:30 to
send him on his
early flight....
Thank you for the
wonderful reminder
to never take their
hard work and the
contributions that
they make to our
lives for granted.
Loved the fifth pic ~
such a cozy room ~
and of course all of
the personal photos
are so sweet! Hope
your day is off to
a beautiful start,
xx Suzanne
You are so right! And ahhh what a princess you are in your gown with your harp! I find you a shiny star, a light for the world, friend. Blessings.
Oh I just love all your pictures on your side bar they make me dream pretty dreams. I love pretty chandeliers & dresses . Marie Antinonette can't be beat for beautiful dreamy dresses. Well maybe there is a lot of beauty out here in this world.
A Beautiful Tribute!!! I am so thankful for my dear husband ~ even if going to the mall with him makes me crazy (I've learned to go back by myself later...) LOL!!!
Now he has given me an entire room.
I am so excited to take over his former home office for my working studio so I can have the one with glass french doors be the decorative one where I can dispay beautiful things, items I'm making, and a room in which to dream... maybe I'll get my own settee now!
So ~ this has created more work for him, in that, now that he has by himself taken out his very long desk and bookcases, hauled them down the stairs and into his new space (now a home office/guest house that was his dads) across the patio ~ Now I need him to carry the heavy stuff from my studio upstairs... the work never ends for him!
I will post another comment about YOU in a moment : )
xoxo~ Violet
Such beautiful photos Ruben took of you with your harp. You are totally fabulous and I just wish you lived next door to me so we could have photo shoots and make art together!!!!
And little miss Homecoming Queen, was that the beginning of your love for and collection of crowns?!?!?! Do you still have that lovely one from 1976???
Oh the love of your dear husband, of my dear husband, what a blessing they have been!
You are an excellent writer and weaver of thoughts. Artist, and gatherer of beauty!!!
~ Violet
Hi Anita, what a lovely post here - god, so many gorgeous pictures, chandeliers, fireplaces, beautiful you - and those 2 bears are the cutest things ever!!!!! What would we do without our men? Let's celebrate and raise our glasses tonight! I hope your day was a good one!
HUSBANDS....tee hee!
Mark...gave me three beautiful babies but also taught me that drugs were more important than his babies.
Len...teaches me daily to LAUGH, very loud, very strong!
Dad...taught me how to love through sickness and hard times...his humble ways live in me and through me.
Larry...living the life of a hippy was not my thing.
Mike...I didn't want a cop for a husband.
Michael...his money, was not everything.
Bill...I learned what boring was.
Viggo...I learned how to be a farmer but did not want to be the farmers wife.
Dan...some heart throbs break your heart.
Donny...he taught me about teen puppy love.
Anita...Goodness, you are beautiful. In play duds or in fancy...or as the Queen...you are beautiful.
I liked the fact you asked us a question. That was fun! Meet you on the playground of life...
Hey! I am mailing your box this week...PROMISE! Fuddy duddy me...14 steps behind.
Your posts always makes me smile! Everything...the music the pictures, your words, all so happy!
Loving my sweet new friend.
The photos of you (I mean yourself) are the best! I love that homecoming and 'Anita and the harp', sounds like a book, don't you think? Do you play the harp (fairy music, just too beautiful!).
Thanks for giving us such positive inspiration. We actually don't celebrate thanksgiving over here, but we can be thankful all the time, especially to our loved ones, but I might put a small celebration up, just for my family. Thanks to you Anita! Bisous, LiLi
Anita!!! Oh my goodness, it is so awesome to be back online. I sure missed you & your beautiful posts! Wow girl, your photos are incredible- and may I just say you are a true beauty, inside and out!!!! That homecoming picture is amazing! Look at you!! Stunning!
YES, we are blessed to have great husbands, that's for sure! Hope youare doing well! Lots of love to you......xoxoxo
What a lovely post! That is a very beautiful picture of you with the harp! The photos of your family...amazing too, how wonderful that you have them to cherish...:)
Yes, I am applauding my dear hubby too. I am truly blessed to have him!
Sweet blessings to you,
Gloria @}~`}~~~
Bonjour Anita,
another wonderful post!
The harp is a magical instrument!
I'm curious,what type of music do you play on your harp?
Oh dearest, I just had the most glorious stroll through dreamy rooms, overflowing with glimmer, sparkle and whimsy...and as I wandered, awestruck, through the halls of grandeur, heavenly music caressed my ears, gently kissing with each perfect note. So I followed these delicate notes, being drawn in, closer and closer, minute by minute until finally I see her, the queen of her court, the mistress of the manor, the fair lady herself...yes dearest, it was you, in all your splendor, looking so very elegant in your finest gown and sparkly jewelry...oh my sweet friend, such pretty snappies...showing such beauty inside and out...off to my bed
sweet dreams oh fair one...xoxo Rosie
What a lovely post, Anita. It's such a pleasure to come to your blog and read your beautiful poetry. The images are beautiful! Is that you in the pic by the harp? Lovely!
First of all I love the chandeliers and the fireplaces!!! Secondly that is so important, to not just expect from our nearest, but to be thankful for all that they are and give back!!! Thirdly, you look stunning in that dress! Have an enchanting day, Anita!
xoxo's Kristin
Well, I loved every single thing btu OH MY GOODNESS - that darling little house. It looks as though the roof is coming down to hug you ! LOVE IT. ANd really need it...
Wow Anita, How magnificently lovely you are beside your harp!
Oh I do love my sweet, sometimes grumpy grizzly bear. He does everything in the world for me.Sometimes I take it for granted, shame on me. I must quit typing and go give him a huge hug!
P.S> That harp is outta this world, mine is just a simple little lap harp... to match my simple little playing.
You and Audrey Hepburn look like kin.
Oh my friend...I love this today...I do love all the wondeful men in my life..what a blessing they are!
Thank you for your sweet and caring heart today ...I can tell so much love has gone into this post. I am off to give my husband a kiss right now!
Hi Anita,
I would have to have 10 kids to justify owning one of these pricy cribs to make it even worth one for myself :)
A shoe box is good enough for me!
Thank you for your visit :)
PS. Another great post from you
Hi Anita
What a delightful post! Adorable and the pics of your grandparents are lovely too.
You play the harp too? How neat.
Yes a good post for our male counterparts whoever they may be!
Hope this is a wonderful day for you
Oh Anita! I LOVED that post! I will have to be sure my husband sees this one! He does have a severe fear of heights so he may have to pass over the first one(men on beam)...Very, very cute post! Btw, you look gorgeous at your harp!!! Truly elegant!~Hugs, Patti
Lovely post. Truly heartfelt. As the Man in a special Lawyer's life I thank her everyday for allowing me to shine in her majestic presence. Thank you for such a nice post. The man in your life is lucky indeed.
Be well
Hi Anita,
Thanks for stopping by my blog, and for the very kind words. That was really very thoughtful of you!
To answer your question about the banner and photos on my blog, Yes, they are all photos I have taken. Thanks again! I hope viewing them brought a little bit of joy to your day.
Sweet blessings for a beautiful day!
xoxo Gloria..@}~`}~~~
p.s. I hope you are able to find your vintage hanger...:)
I could not miss this marvelous post!! YOU - one word- Gorgeous!*grin* and your gift to others including the men of your life is just beautiful! Yes, my dear, the men in my life is just the same and I know that I am *very blessed for that!
I thrilled to be back and to be working.... I will so some new posts this weekend, for now... back to my little shop! Wishing you a good day at school and a war sweet hug from your friend here that also hope one day we can sit and laugh at one-a-one! Love you Nita, thank you for reminding me how important it is to tell my husband how wonderful he is too me!
Bonjour Anita,
You find the most amazing images to weave throught your fascinating words. And who is that oh la la lovely lady sitting byt the harp?
Yes, how blessed we are to be with our special honey! I thank God for mine everyday!
Bon journée my friend,
Dear Anita,
What a beautiful and enchanting post! The men in my life were all amazing! From my father to my husband to my brothers and now my 6 year old son ... they all have given me so much love. Thank you for making me think of them today and cherish the memories.
and you look so beautiful... a true princess. your beauty inside and out is amazing!
I am hosting my first giveaway! hope you'll join in!
Pheww...I wanted to leave a comment and could't. Blogger wasn;t very nice today...and I began to worry..BUT..here I am!!
And so happy to be able to tell you that this post brought tears in my eyes..tears of joy!! Aren't we a pair of lucky girls...we are married to the most amazing man on this planet xoxo :)
Thanks Anita....I'll be sure and tell my "beefcake"!~xo,Patti
Dear Anita, thanks for coming today - am in the last days before finishing another issue, which is always lots of work - and stress. so good to have a little rest wth you and hear you play some harp - such a peaceful instrument! I love how you dressesd up in your gorgeous dress - aw, such fun to do things like that and - we do need opportunities to wear pretty ballgowns, why not be creative with that? Have a lovely evening! xx
Oh, so sweet! Love this! You are right, I need to go give Mr. Deer a big hug, he is SO patient with me and all of my demands! Hope your week is wonderful, Anita, and once again, your sweet, sweet comments are so appreciated!
Oh beautiful Anita....what a beautiful post.....sounds like you have that one special person in your life who lifts you up higher that you could ever do on your own....aren't we so lucky to have them...I know my soul mate gives breath to my body so very often....and I am so very grateful to have him.
Am just peaking my head out from all the dust bunnies....so I hope I'll finally be able to catch up with everyone.
Sweet hugs,
A post full of tenderness and gratefulness with great and beautiful images that to take us to a magic world.
I love your photos ... you are guapísima!!!!
I've been here about 4 times since this post. I get all caught up in reading the comments. Today Jacqueline's comment had me laughing so hard. If I was to list my boyfriends, well, let's say we would be here for an hour or so, and BTW I did marry a cop first time around YUCKY lol
You know about the "men" in my life don't you? My father, my hubby, my boys, and my brother in law. Well maybe you don't know about my BIL, but I have THE BEST ONE FOR SURE.
Those green shoes OMG. So many pretty pics. Where oh where do you find the time?
As always, very touching.
Love You
Love Me
Hi sweet Anita!!!
Sorry for my absence!! My computer failed and I just now the problem was soved!!!
You post is adorable and I love each image you patiently chose and each word you wisely wrote! The breakfast part is lovely and that is what I wish you have, my friend!!! Bed breakfast full of special treats and a beautiful bouquet of pretty flowers!!!
Things around here have been hectic. I have been tired and no chance to stop and rest and think of nothing...
Much love, dear Anita!! Bela.
Dearest Antita,
One thing I know I can count on when I visit your blog, is to be swept away! Your images are amazing and my dear, you play the harp? I would love to hear! You are a talent beyond words. I so enjoyed looking at all your wonderful photos. It was once again a touching, amazingly creative and exquisite post! You are such a talent! I haven't posted in awhile. Too much going on...or not going on.
Thank you for a wonderful treat!
I promise to be back soon!
Hello my Darling,
How was your day dear one? Did you enjoy this glorious day? There was nothin' but SUN here in pretty little Abbotsford. It was so warm, I needed a little warmth. The to do list has been a bit crazy these days...and it will only get CrAzIeR as the months progress...Our invitations to our Christmas open house arrived from the printers today. I am quite happy with them. :)
All I need is you in that gorgeous ice blue gown stroking the strings of that pretty little harp...
I NEED MORE SPACE! I have 1000 sq ft and at this season, with all the trees we trim, we could easily use another 500-1000 sq ft. I have toyed with the idea of moving in the past, but have been in this location for 5 years and the ladies know where I am...Oh well...we will make it work.
Tomorrow will be sooooo busy as I am piping a settee and two chairs, must do a bit of book work in the shop,and clean the house as I have company coming for the weekend...oh dearest I am on survival mode. I may not be able to stop by tomorrow, but know I am thinking of you my dear...for now I must serve out the supper and then it is off to start cleaning the top floor.
....Have a H*A*P*P*Y day tomorrow...thinking of you...xoxo...Rosie
What a lovely post! It is the season to be be especially grateful for what we do have!
You are so correct and put into words in pictures exactly those quick little thoughts that speed through my head so many times each and every day; whether he is next to me or at his work... But your first photo! Hanging the chandelier...so so perfect! I often do feel like he is sitting so high up on a building under construction and hold my breath all the time he is seemingly teetering on a chair or ladder (the only time I know him to stand on tip toes - when I really wish he would not!)
Thanks for this!
Many blessings,
Cette fête que vous celebrer en Amerique en Espagne on la célebre pas, mais votre post ma fait penser, et je vous en remercie, parceque par tout le monde on peut remercier a tous ceux qui nous entourent chaque jour pour être a notre coté et nous aider au long de la vie...happy thanksgiving! Je celebre cette fête chez bonfrère qui est de NY. Un abrazo, Esther
Anita, same to you - love and light for the day! I'm having so much stress it's almost ridiculous and somehow i can't even be stressed anymore, just take whatever comes. Sometimes, the world is crazy - let's still enjoy it the best we can!
Lucky me, sweet Anita, lucky me! Always bringing poetry to my life, that is YOU! Un tour de magie incroyable!!!!!!!
Have a perfect day, dear friend!!! Beijos!! Bela.
Hi Anita...thank you for popping over...always enjoy your visits!!! Yes my birthday was back in April...very belated!!! The Cabaret is still going...there are 18 performances and I am in 9!!! And it is all sooooo much fun...am loving it...enjoy your day....Dzintra♥x
Dearest Anita ... oh my I have just called Vogue for their next cover shot! You, Harp and Stunning strapless gown equals perfection. Anita you look exquisite and the imagery with the harp is so beautiful! Gorgeous ... I want to hear you play. Will write soon as I have to read with Gerogiana ... and yes I agree and concur let us thank our beautiful men!
best wishes and hugs
Lovely, loving post, Anita.
I'm divorced and my father is long gone, but I do appreciate all the nice things Dad did for me. AND I wouldn't have my three lovely children if I hadn't married. So there is always much to be thankful for. :)
Gorgeous, wonder-filled and so very loving. How you inspire us all, Anita!
Our guys are the best. And it is so sweet of you to remind us to take the time to appreciate each and every one of them!
Big hugs,
Hi Anita, thank Balzac for coming to see me, his comments always makes me smile, and yours of course, you look so beautiful at the harp, I am very touched you let Balzac take the time to come and see a scruffy mutt like me, I take it he is one two!
Every time I look at me cook book and I see the WFT I will think of it as Balzac.
I loved looking at the photos, I feel I know you a little better.
See Yea George xxx
You are gorgeous inside and out. I loved your post. My husband gave me so many things, but most of all besides his love, he gave me an appreciation of walking and appreciating what each walk brings. We both love to hike through the hills here, and always the ocean is within view.
My dearest friends,
once again you have outdone youself. your post is just the perfect post for thanksgiving. love each every pic you have chosen to inspire us and your tender loving words for the rocks in our lives have deeply touched me and have made me even more thankful for my DH who patiently and lovingly puts up with me.
your pics of you playing the harp are stunning. you look absolutely fabulous ... you never cease to amaze me.
Hi Sweetness,This has been a most lovely post.But seeing those men on the high beams...I still have the chills...LOL.
Love this post though.Yes indeed,we need to celabrate the men in our lives.
May God bless you Dear.XXOO Marie Antionette
You look amazing!
Your photos are wonderful as are you.
Great post as always,
What a wonderful tribute to the men in our lives and they are the best aren't they :>) Your pictures are all so beautiful! You are such a beautiful person inside and out. I love the picture of you with your harp. I hope your week has been going well.
Once again another amazing post with exquisite photos! Fiona xx
Dearest Anita
This is such a beautiful tribute to the men in our lives. Thank you for that. My beloved will walk with me through our roses and have conversations in my dreams. I will carry him in my heart always. I suppose the greatest thing he showed me was to cherish every moment.
Sweet dreams my dear friend
Happy Friday Friend! Love and blessings the whole weekend through for you!
Anita, I am fasinated by your post. It must be you at the Harp. You
have a great husband and he is one lucky guy to have you. loved the post.
anita, this is so beautiful! you little tear-jerker, you! happy thanksgiving season to you and your loves!
wow!!! gorgeous! beautiful! breathtaking!
thank you.
Darling Anita,
I read your wonderful inclusion earlier in the week, but didn't leave a message -- a very, very sick dog has taken every second of my time.
You are such a lovely, wonderful friend. I am so flattered and can't thank you enough.
You have such a following -- I saw my hits leap when you included me.
Now, I have a proposition for you and Ruben for tomorrow. If we could go private now, I would like to explain. I would like to use one of your collaborations which strikes a chord with me for a number of reasons. You did the fab-u-lous drawings and Ruben wrote the fable.
Let me know. It would be a perfect "Weekend In the Country."
Lots of love,
You always pull me into a beautiful fantasy world as I visit your blog. My Hubby is the best. He drove me 1145 miles to spend some time with my Daddy who lost his three decade battle with leukemia last Wednesday evening. This post has flooded me with memories of my dad and how wonderful my husband is. I couldn't of pulled through this without him.
God bless and have a magnificent weekend sweetie!!!
Oh My dear.... just want to send you my loving *hello* and to tell you thank you for your visit and kind words about my bear. You know that it means the world to me! AND you TOO!!! Love you, your friend -Tita
Hello to you Anita..hope your day was a sweet one!
Deborah xoxo
Do you really play the harp? You look like Audrey Hepburn behind the strings! Beautiful pictures. Through your eyes, the world is a wonderful place!
I'm runnijng out of superlatives to describe your posts...I keep falling back on the tried-and-true standbys like "beautiful," "lovely," and "amazing."
I absolutely adore that picture of you with the harp. I'm assuming you do play the harp? My daughter-in-law is a harpist. and I so love listening to her play...it really is angelic.
Blessings, dear lady!
Just found this beautiful, beautiful blog of yours. The images are exquisite... love it! :) Paris in Pink
You are such a dear Anita. Thank you for your visit. You have blessed me with your kindness and friendship.
Oh I know you must be so tired. But! tomorrow is Saturday.. I hope you will have some quite time to create.
I am pooped, to say the least. I hope I can get this finished soon.
Bebe is hunting for her halloween suit. I hope she can make it in time for halloween.
By the way, I brought Jasper and Zoe over to see all the beauty here. Well, he took off in one direction, she in another.. I saw Jasper dashing towards that beautiful white Settee, I think he is in need of a nap after his grooming today... and I believe Zoe is curled up in those beautiful green heels.. She thinks she is a princess! If you see them, send them home to mum will you?
Love and blessings,
Hello Sweet One,
Thank you dearest for stopping by this morning...I am so sorry I just couldn't come for tea. I am between company at this very moment...since thanksgiving I have had three DIFFERENT sets of company and the next set arrives tomorrow. Although I LOVE to entertain, I am a bit tired.
Skipped into the BIG city today and picked up a few goodies for the shop...wallets, scarfs,and a few purses. But what I am quite excited about, is some new packaging for the Christmas season. Our regular gift wrap is a white craft bag, pink and chocolate brown polka dot tissue all tied up with pink tulle ribbon. Soooo, for this season we will go ALL white with a turquoise tulle bow, as turquoise is our signature color this season.
Has that pretty little settee arrived yet...she will be so very perfect!
What is "Bob the builder's" ETA...Oh dearest, this will be a masterpiece...with you as the artist.
Well tomorrow is going to be another crazy day, as I am in the shop all day and then come home to another set of company, so will miss our tea time tomorrow. You will be in my heart {as usual} while you enjoy your weekend. Rest and relax my dear, and we will have another fabulous cuppa very soon...xoxox...love Rosie
Dear Anita, as always so many breathtaking photos and so much inspiration on your blog. I am always itched to just hurry and start sketching a new design or a new idea when I come from here - thank you ! kind regards, Martina
Thank you Anita,I hope that you are well and in the mood for a rested,and happy new weekend,
Muchos besos desde España,
Beauty, magic shines no light off but the hard reality, under the trim, the strength of constant love.
Always a pleasure visit to you.
Hi Anita,
Well, I am back from New Hope Pennsylvania, where I attended my best friend's wedding. I love this post, especially the gorgeous one of you with your harp. You are blessed to have such a sweetie for a husband.
Have a glorious week, there is a chill in the air and the fall leaves are brilliant and blowing everywhere.
I love this post and I love the juxtaposition of the two photos of you, one glam and one farm girl. The photos were all amazing. I could only dream of wearing gold satin high heels!
You took some wonderful pictures
what a lovely post !!
awwww happy anivsary, girl!!! =) i love the pictures of the chandeliers, the little stone cottages, the "princesses" and especially the old wedding and homecoming pictures. =) many years of happiness with your man to you in the future!
Miss Peach leaves a most humble thank you for this lovely post...you capture what we all need to do! Remember and serve those who serve us...lots of love and magic to you and Sir Rattie from the cozy cottage this blustry sunny autumn day...
Anita you are just gorgeous playing the harp. I can't believe I know such an elegant lady as yourself. What a beauty you are amore. ox~ fairmaiden
Quelle page magnifique, émouvante ...
Les tendres photos personnelles que tu partages avec nous, les lumières du cristal, tout est bonheur.
Je t'embrasse chère Anita et te souhaite une belle journée.
You are going to lOVE Emma...please do tell me how you like it?
I am listening to Theresa Griffith a Christian flutist and I wonder if you have heard her? She plays the harp and mandolin too. Her music is so peaceful. I have seen her perform in person and she is so enchanting. She dresses in layers of vintage velvet and lace. I think you would appreciate her talent.
You always make me feel better dearest...you are a faithful friend. ox~ fairmaiden of the sea
Thanks for the visit!
Your post is really great!
Happy Halloween!
xo, Rosemary
Ahh a wonderful tribute to the wonderful men in our lives. I hope all is well in your world. Now I need to go give my husband a hug thanks to you!
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